Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Amores con trampa: a message for the patio

This is a message for my fellow viewers on the patio. Your fellow viewer Jarifa is going to try her hand tonight as a "regular" (as compared to itinerant?) recapper, so to speak, by posting her own recap. After three years on the patio, I have decided to take the plunge. Sara has been instrumental in this decision by giving me the opportunity to try out recapping with this telenovela for which I am grateful. She has been a wonderful mentor. At this time I do not know when the recap will be up since it will be posted in its entirety. It could be tomorrow morning. I am not tech savvy at all so much of this posting "stuff" is new to me. I look forward to to seeing you all on the patio for tonight's episode.

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Woohooo!!! Yay, Jarifa! You've already been recapping for a while, so you and we know you're fabulous at it. But now you get to post your very own recaps with your signature.

Woo hoo!!! I can't wait! It's a special night for AcT! Jarifa's post as "official recapper with posting privileges"

(you've always been official though)

Congratulations Jarifa!

I'll be chomping at the bit to read your recap.

Totally agree with Sara, though, that you've been part of the recapping team for quite some time.


Jarifa: already a great recapper. Just moving to a different "home".

Yay! Congratulations!

Sounds great Jarifa!

Congrats, Jarifa!

Thanks, everyone!

Congrats Jarifa!
I already consider you a regular recapper since you have been doing it for a while now. I am happy for you. I always look forward to your recaps; you never disappoint.

You weren't a regular ???????? Who knew ?????

Congrats and muchas gracias por todo throughout this fun adventure!!


Thanks, Lola and AuntyAnn!

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