Saturday, September 12, 2015
Lo Imperdonable #84 Fri 9/11/15 The Video Resurfaces & The Doc Has The Viper In His Hands
You can't be serious?! Emi tells Mommie Dearest. Oh, she is. She does love Jorge but if he insists on kicking Ginny to the curb then she'll have to ask him for a divorce. Oh, and Jorge will have to sell the house and give her part of the business. Jorge doesn't want to go there but if she's determined to divorce him then he'll give her enough money so she won't ever need anything. But Mommie Dearest wants the whole enchilada, which in this case is the house, and she's determined to fight for it despite knowing that Jorge doesn't want to sell the house. I say: What a bitch!
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"Do you wanna dance?" - Joaquin |
In Mina Escondida, Joaquin walks Onix and accidentally bumps into Gaby knocking her down but he catches her in his arms and prevents her from falling down. Little do they know, that the town busybodies are near and catch them in what looks like a very compromising situation. I say: This can't be good!
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"Ugh. He could have at least brought me some IHOP." |
Marty brings Vero a lame breakfast on a tray and Vero refuses to eat it despite him trying to convince her to eat something. He leaves and tells her that he'll be outside if she needs him. She heads over to the table and picks up the sandwich. She musters up a small smile but then she leaves the tray on the table and heads back to Mati's bedside.
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"Wanna give my granddaddy a lap dance?" - Manny |
Manny takes Grandpa Goat for drinks to a sleazy bar/cabaret named La Sirena. Manny brings Grandpa Goat to the sleazy bar/cabaret so Grandpa Goat can relax, have fun, and enjoy the dancing show. Manny orders a drink from the umm shall we say sexy waitress. I say: Manny should have taken Grandpa Goat to hooters.
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"Peace and love, yo!" |
Raymunda continues her search for Blanquita. When she crosses the street without looking both ways she's almost hit by a car.
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"Ah, I love the sound of her voice on video" - Danny Boy |
Back at the cafeteria, Ginny's cellphone rings. Caller ID says it's Dr. Daniel. Ginny takes the call and she calls Danny boy a coward for having fled the scene earlier. Danny boy tells Ginny that he was fired. Ginny tells him that she's glad to hear that he was fired. Well, he's not glad about that, and he slams his hand on his desk. He demands money from her and she tells him to get it elsewhere. They are over. Don't call me again! she tells him. He then gets into blackmail mode and puts on the incriminating video where Ginny shows her true colors. He has Ginny hear herself on video.
Botel and Lorenzo talk on the phone. Lorenzo lets Botel know about finding the new veta de oro (gold vein) and that he's sure that they'll get a lot of gold from there. Botel will let Marty know.
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"Sugar lips" - Arturo |
Blanquita and Arturo chat some more. She tells him of her village. He's happy to hear that she's not rich because the rich and poor don't mix. Umm.. ok. The two get to talking about their relationship status - they're both single. He lets her know that he sells vegetables at the market for a living. He tells her that it's good that she doesn't have a boyfriend because he's never met such a beautiful girl like her. He wipes a bit of cotton candy from her lips and she smiles at him.
Pablo can't believe that his own mother will be an obstacle between him and AP. Lucia tries to make him understand that she's doing it for him; she doesn't want to lose him. She tells him that if he sees AP again then to forget all about her (Lucia).
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"Where's my nanny?" - Vero |
Magda and Vero enter Mati's room. Upon seeing the bed empty, Vero thinks the worst.
Labels: imperdonable
Marteeeen. This guy is totally disgusting. After what he did to Vero he now should admit he is unforgivable and just go away. His mistakes are life changing. It is not like he forgot and left the toilet seat up where a sincere "I'm sorry." would suffice. But instead he is now in stalker / manhandler / "I bought her and she is mine" mode. Ugh. Go away pervert.
Looks like the cute little new school marm is a MAN STEALER. Yikes. Do we need another story to follow?
I like Arturo already! He and Blanquita are so cute together. Anybody know the title/singer of their theme song?
- J
Mongoose, I removed the first discussion post myself. I ran into some problems with it and since there were no comments yet decided to start a new post.
J, I'm liking Arturo already as well. I'm glad he came to her rescue. I loved the revelation that the gun he used to scare off the creeps was fake. I liked their theme song. It was my first time listening to it. I'll do some research to find out what the title is and who the singer is and let you know.
The snails have spoken! Will Marty go crazy for real, not just crazy jealous? Will there be a straight jacket in his future? Can't wait until we find out.
Where oh where could Mati have gone? I hope she's ok.
Raymunda .. SHUT UP!
What's up with Gaby? Is she really flirting with Joaquin? It seems like it to me.
Has Claudia turned over a new leaf? Are her golddigging days over?
Nanciyaga saw a lot of blood, that will either be Dr. F or manny, or disgusting aaron and slightly Disgusting clemente. Or the snake. I say, all of them would be just find with me.
How many eps in this tn? It'll get really bloody before its over.
So the mansion they live in belongs to Emi's
Bio mom, so was gorge married to her, when
She died? This family has so many puzzle
Pieces. It will probably be an ugly picture when it comes together. All of these families
Are disfunctional, in a bad way.
I don't see magda as betraying veronica. That was a lie salma has been repeating to
Whoever would listen.
I don't think theres any hope for snake, she'll
Probably be dead by the end. She's on the same path that sev was on. These people
Are very depressing. On to something better.
Polo, a breath of fresh air in a dark smelly
Place. Blanquita and arturo, she better have
Fun while she can, ye ol goat will put a stop
To that. Ok yall, good nite.
I think Mati is in surgery. If she had died they would have let the family know, wouldn't they? Why is it, that when there's an emergency in these TNs everyone stands around flailing their arms instead of immediately calling for emergency help??
I am looking forward to seeing Manny get his. He's just born cruel. He needs someone to give him a taste of his own medicine. And while I'm on the subject, would Julio or Pablo please grab OGs stick and break it in two. The expression on his face would be priceless, I'm sure.
Will Salma leave? Poor Jorge...his familia has blown up in his face. What to do, what to do? I hope he sticks to keeping Virginia out of the house and on the curb.
Emiliano is being a little too cloying and needs to step a few feet back from Vero and give her a chance to digest and reflect on all the things that have hurt her so that she can get some perspective and get her balance back.
If AP can't find the fortitude to leave and be with Pablo then she will have to suffer at the hands of OG and Manny like she always has. But that's all she knows so I guess she's become habituated by it. I can't get over how OG and Manny try to exert their will over her all of the time. Why do they think they have that right? I guess in their minds (really?) they think they own her.
That was really wonderful about Vero coming upon Magda talking to the Virgin. Better than if she had told Vero directly.
Don't think we'll see Virginia's demise until she's had a chance to pass her revenge around. I hope that she doesn't kill Vero. I think she will try to kill Daniel, Jorge, Mariana and who am I missing?
Now that Pierre and Claudia have broken up, Claudia fantasising about Martin, Emi declaring his love for Vero and Vero wanting to divorce looks like Martin might get back with Claudia and Vero dating Emi (not a spoiler...i really hope this doesnt happen at all. I would be so dissapointed with Martin if he gets back with Claudia!
I must say I am still suprised that Vero, Emi and Jorge have not forced Martin to leave the hospital and he is still there. I am happy that he is still there trying to support Vero. He does love Vero and trying to win her back. He just needs to be patient and give her some space.
I feel sorry for Jorge and what he is going through with his marriage. If he does divorce Salma, hopefully Vero and Emi will be there to keep him strong. This just came to me, the writers didnt give Jorge a friend he can confide in. The rest of family have a friend or a close family relative. It would have been nice if Jorge had a close friend.
It was so funny seeing Manual and Crescencio at the bar. Lol
Thanks again Mauricio fantastic recap as always!!!
Nanciyaga saw a lot of blood.
That was interesting. The snails haven't lied before so it must be true. I wonder if it means that maybe Virginia will snap and go on a killing spree.
"So the mansion they live in belongs to Emi's Bio mom, so was gorge married to her, when She died?"
Good question. The house belongs to Jorge. He just promised the bio mom that he would never sell it and that he would leave it to Emi and his family. At first, I thought that he had made that promise to Salma, but it wouldn't make sense that he would feel bad about breaking his promise to her if she was the one causing it. Then I realized that it had to be that he had made that promise to Emi's bio mom that he would never sell the house because that would make more sense and would explain why he would feel bad about breaking his promise to her especially since she had passed away.
Polo, a breath of fresh air in a dark smelly Place.
I agree. He may be young but he's the voice of reason and is a lot smarter than some of the adults.
I think Mati is in surgery. If she had died they would have let the family know, wouldn't they? Why is it, that when there's an emergency in these TNs everyone stands around flailing their arms instead of immediately calling for emergency help??
Yes, you're right, if anything bad had happened they would have let the family know. I do hope that Mati is ok and that we find out where she is first thing on Monday. I agree they always waste time instead of calling for help immediately.
About Manuel, I hope he gets his as well. He's a psychopath and needs to be stopped.
And while I'm on the subject, would Julio or Pablo please grab OGs stick and break it in two.
I'd love to see that happen. His facial expression would be priceless.
That was really wonderful about Vero coming upon Magda talking to the Virgin. Better than if she had told Vero directly.
That was a good scene with Magda and Vero. I'm glad they are getting closer.
Yikes RUN Blanquita Christian is a Psycho. Before long he will be putting secret pictures of you in his fruit stand and stealing your undies. :-) Hasta de Fin del Mundo...
Jorge and Emi need to PAY Nicholas to get with Salma and bring along Dr D's pen/camera then kick both snakes to the curb. Nick would probably do it for a nickel.
Mati has to get well. I love her. She is the essence of sweetness and nurturing.
Magda needs to get over Vero and the Mommy thing. If it is that important buy yourself one of those talking dolls, name it Veronica, and program it to say "Mommy". Her irrational almost jealousy with Mati looks mentally unstable. But then she was with Aaron for a while.
Security needs to bounce Marteeeen out of the Hospital Ce ter. He is probably beginning to smell by now. Same blood, same clothes same MO. I disagree that he loves Vero. He is there in the mode of "I want my car/boat/motorcycle/dog/woman back and I aint leavin till I get it." Cross out the ones which do not apply. What do you have Marteeen, a Marriage License or a Bill of Sale/Title? Go away.
Nanci and the Crustaceans see black clouds on the horizon, and lots of blood.. Blackmail, scheming, lies, videos, serpentine behavior I like, blood I do not like.
Ayy Yie Yie,
Ya thunk Gaby might be after Joaquinn? The oldest trick in the book, the hurt foot. I'd say she might have an education if she is the schoolteacher. And she is cute, and already cooking for him. Take Polo and Blanquita and go with the school marm. Stop being married to the Old Goat with boobs.
It will be truly interesting to see what our favorite little viper can come up with now. To the non-herpetologist she appears to be almost out of venom, her only ally being the other snake Salma. But the last we saw her those little gears upstairs were whirring.
My fave (among so many): "Peace and love, yo!"
You were right about Salma. Maybe Virginia is her biological daughter, but as soon as the words were out of her mouth, she started taking them back. But Jorge is suspicious now.
I believe the snails and Nanciyaga, so I fully expect that we are in for a bloody few weeks. The heads that roll are unlikely to be the ones we'd pick. The Mala Mujer, as Carlos playfully suggested the other day, has a little list...
What's the deal with Paris?
-Maybe Pierre will retreat there seeking solace for his broken heart and stumble into Mariana.
-And will we ever see Teo again? Have we completely dropped the thread of his mysterious (French?) parentage?
-Will Emi or Jorge go to Paris to meet with the new French client? I hope so.
I'm anxious to see them all in berets, sitting in the shade of the Eiffel Tower.
And don't count out the Disgusting Brothers. Unfortunately (not a spoiler – just a guess), I suspect we haven't seen the last of Aaron and Clemente. Blech.
On the positive side, I do like Blanquita's new friend.
And Gaby absolutely was flirting with Joaquín. She's been doing so for the last few episodes. How funny that they had to bring in some old biddies to catch Joaquín and Gaby together, what with the Old Goat busy taking in the seedy dives in Mexico.
Thanks again, amigo!
I'm with those who hope that Mati will survive, even if she has to be in a coma. (We need one, right? We had Vero unconscious for a little while, but that hardly counts.)
If Jorge or Salma must go, please, telenovela gods, let it be Salma! And let Virginia discover after the fact that Salma really was her mother!
I'm with you when you say: "Take the divorce, Jorge."
Loved that Polo ratted out Manny to AP re: something he's planning on doing to her. Now, if AP ignores this or continues to cry incessantly, I think I'll cry myself. Of course, in that household, it hasn't been easy for her with OG and Raymunda living in the last century, but she needs to find Pablo, tell him what's going on, and get out of town.
I too loved the scene with Vero overhearing what Magda was saying to La Virgencita, and I also loved what Magda said to Vero that "we women don't realize how much harm we cause our kids by allowing someone to mistreat us." That is probably the wisest statement I've heard on this TN to date.
As for Virginia, La Mala Mujer, I'm with the snails and Nanciyaga. Bloodshed is in the mind of the snake, and I'm thinking Mati is first on her list because she's alive to tell what really happened. Although Dr. Dan is high on that list after that phone call with the video. Loved that scene.
Mongoose, I notice you adopted my name for you in your earlier post...jajaja.
"The fool known as Salma" is well put. However, I'm going to cut her some slack because I'm convinced Virginia IS her biological daughter and Salma is probably blinded both by mother-love and guilt...guilt that she farmed her illegitimate baby out to relatives before shagging and snagging Jorge and arranging her adoption.
Tangled webs indeed. Sorry our native prophetess Nanciyaga is predicting a bloodbath but if the snails have spoken, who am I to kvetch.
Thanks again, Mauricio. Very detailed and amusing recap.
The song they played during the Blanquita and Arturo is called "En Todo Estaré" and it is by Chayanne. You can listen to it here.
I have added the song info and a link to it on the recap.
I forgot to answer the second part of your question about Jorge and Emi's bio mom. What I remember is that Jorge and Bio Mom were separated when she died. Emi lived with her and when she died he came to live with Jorge.
It will be interesting to see what Claudia does now that it's all over with Pierre. Will she put her claws on Marty again? I hope not. But it would not surprise me since she's still in love with him.
You're right. Jorge doesn't really have any friends. He does need one. At least now Emi and him will be closer. I liked their scene together.
I enjoyed the scene with OG and Manny at the sleazy bar/cabaret as well. I was actually surprised that OG didn't make a big fuss about what kind of a bar it was.
So nice to see a mature couple who have a marriage built on love and trust, and give and take, and "If you don't do as I say I will divorce you and take all your stuff !" Okaaaay..Jorge call your attorneyS yesterday.
WOW, if we think Pablo has it bad for AP now, he will come uncorked when he finds out little Pablito is on the way and that Manual and Old Goat are planning infanticide. I'm sure Master Polo would be the first to tell Pablo if he gets a chance.
Dr. Numbskull knows Vsnake better than anyone and knows what she is capable of. He was an important ally, and it seemed, very very useful to the viper. Because of this he would seem an unlikely and dangerous enemy. As is said in espionage circles, "Forewarned is forearmed." I can not remember if he knew about her attempt on Jorge's life via the poison tea. The video he has can only do so much damage, confirming what everyone already knows, except Salma. (And one has to wonder if she really does not see it, or just refuses to admit it.) He does not have anything, I don't think, which would send her to jail.
Oh My, so many to kill, so little time, right V?
"However, I'm going to cut her some slack because I'm convinced Virginia IS her biological daughter and Salma is probably blinded both by mother-love and guilt."
As always, you are so right to take the high road regarding "the fool known as Salma." It's just that in telenovelas, as in life, it's easier to be forgiving when the person in question has been "nice." But when that person has been a selfish snob, it's hard not to take a certain delight in her downfall. Sigh.
I'm rather annoyed by the Gaby/Joaquin storyline. And the implied "if you leave your husband alone for even a day or two, some other woman will snatch him up...and serves you right!"
Yes, the implicit argument is unfortunate. It certainly makes Gaby seem selfish, even somewhat predatory. Besides, Mina Escondida appears to be packed with Lonely (but not Norwegian) Bachelor Miners howling at the moon. Why not fix on one of them?
Stick and brake It while ye ol goat watches.
Even better brake it over manny's head.
It'd be nice if gorge and botel could be friends. And then after the devorce gorge and
Pablos mom could be friends. I know, bad
Match making. But hey it could happen. At this rate anythings possible in this tn. Wooo here Comes monday. Wouldn't the docs have told The family if mati needed surgery? Where O Where could she be? The answer in about 35 Hours.
Thanks for the link to "En Todo Estaré." Great song, and the link is complete with lyrics. Gracias!
Mongoose---Moon Goose---love your comments.
I know that others are bored with secondary characters but as I have stated, I love them as they add a touch of community--an expanded community that is. So I must say
that I liked the Blanquita and her new boyfriend scene as well as the Ireni and Upsin scenes Friday night. That is before Ireni found her dead father.
So Nanci has tossed the snails and what they are telling us isn't good. La Mala Mujer and a lot of blood. Yes, with her lies revealed and her wedding stopped, V-snake will be out for blood now. Dr. Carlos---more patients for you.
A possible divorce for Jorge? I'm staying tuned.
Mati has to be in surgery.
must see tv
the gringo
""Peace and love, yo!"
I hate to admit it, but I'm inclined to agree with those of you predicting an extended trip to the dark side by Virginia. Up till now she's just dabbled in naughty but now she's not only miffed but cornered as well. I wonder if the revelation that Salma is actually her mom will pique her interest in discovering her dad? I do so hope it turns out to be Aarón. That of course would make her and Verónica sisters adding another juicy dimension to the story.
Unlike most of you here, I'd like to see Verónica give serious consideration to Emiliano's advances and have a fling with him complete with candles, rose petals, chocolate-dipped strwaberries, and Champagne. I get a perverse pleasure watching Martín seethe with jealousy plus I think it's just about time for another sword fight between Martín and Emiliano, this time more serious than the first time around, maybe with Verónica as the prize.
Manuel and Crescencio at that bar was just downright weird. Who could have guessed that the Grampa that we've come to know would have ever agreed to such?
Not exactly highbrow, right? And a terrible attempt on my part to allude to Garrison Keillor's Norwegian bachelor farmers in Lake Wobegon. Keillor's imaginary Minnesota backwoods community is so engrained in my consciousness that I assume it echoes it everyone else's.
Lo siento, amiga.
I loved the screenshot of Vero looking at the crappy little cafeteria meal Crazy Marty brought her. IHOP sounds good. Didn’t like Vero giving a little smile at the end though as if she appreciated Marty’s “thoughtfulness”. It certainly made it seem as if it won’t be too long before she’ll forgive him AGAIN.
I was angry that Vero is constantly being pushed and pushed by people with their own agenda for her—Marty, Emi and Magda. Back off everyone! Everyone’s desire to get what they want from Vero is pretty darn selfish!
But I was annoyed with Veronica constantly screaming and crying to the Drs. while they were trying to do their job (such as they do it in a telenovela). Back off Vero! Let them concentrate on Mati without all that wailing right in their face!
This may not be a very popular opinion, but I actually felt bad for Raymunda while she was running around the streets of DF looking for Blanquita. She seemed like a desperate, terrified little mouse.
Onix was totally out of control with Joaquin. Oh well, his craziness fit in with the storyline of Gaby hurting her foot. Yes Mongoose, she does appear to be a MAN STEALER! Like JudyB, i am aggravated by it. I think she might not be going after other guys because there is probably not that many educated men in Mina Escondida. Or she’s just an incessant flirt. It’s OK though because I am confident in my belief that Joaquin will not be enticed. And, if he gets a little ego boost from Gaby, I say he deserves it.
I don’t think it’s been mentioned, but what a coincidence that Old Goat’s living room in DF and in Pueblo Nuevo has exactly the same dimensions and set-up except for the staircase being on the right of the screen in DF vs. the left back home.
NovelaMaven, interesting thought that we may all end up in Paris soon.
That's interesting about Paris. It has been mentioned a lot lately.
"Maybe Pierre will retreat there seeking solace for his broken heart and stumble into Mariana."
I wouldn't mind this. I have always secretly wanted them to become a couple. I liked their scenes together earlier on in the novela when Mariana and Pablo first arrived in town and she stayed at the hotel and bonded with Pierre.
"I'm anxious to see them all in berets, sitting in the shade of the Eiffel Tower."
I would love to see that as well. A trip to Paris would be fun.
"I suspect we haven't seen the last of Aaron and Clemente. Blech."
I also think we haven't seen the last of them. For sure they'll be back. UGH.
And Gaby absolutely was flirting with Joaquín. She's been doing so for the last few episodes. How funny that they had to bring in some old biddies to catch Joaquín and Gaby together, what with the Old Goat busy taking in the seedy dives in Mexico.
I wonder what the deal is with her. She KNOWS he's a married man and needs to quit it. I can see the busybodies spreading rumors all over town about Joaquin having an affair while Raymunda and his kids are in the city. UGH.. I hope I'm wrong about that.
Loved that Polo ratted out Manny to AP re: something he's planning on doing to her. Now, if AP ignores this or continues to cry incessantly, I think I'll cry myself. Of course, in that household, it hasn't been easy for her with OG and Raymunda living in the last century, but she needs to find Pablo, tell him what's going on, and get out of town.
I'm glad Polo told her about Manny wanting to harm her baby. But she didn't have much of a reaction it, IMHO. I'd love to see her tell Pablo the truth and run off with him already. If her family doesn't approve then oh well for them.
"As for Virginia, La Mala Mujer, I'm with the snails and Nanciyaga. Bloodshed is in the mind of the snake, and I'm thinking Mati is first on her list because she's alive to tell what really happened. Although Dr. Dan is high on that list after that phone call with the video. Loved that scene."
I hope she focuses on Daniel and leaves Mati alone. Out of the two, Daniel is the one who I wouldn't mind getting bumped off.
I'm rather annoyed by the Gaby/Joaquin storyline. And the implied "if you leave your husband alone for even a day or two, some other woman will snatch him up...and serves you right!" Raymunda is supremely annoying but I wouldn't wish that kind of heartbreak on anybody.
I'm annoyed by it as well. I don't know what Gaby's deal is. She knows he's a married man and she should respect that.
I agree that there are other men in town who she could be romancing. It does make Gaby look bad that she is going after a married man.
"I would love to see pablo take the dang green Stick and brake It while ye ol goat watches. Even better brake it over manny's head."
LOL Nina. Breaking it on Manny's head would be priceless. I'm bummed that OG hasn't whacked Manny with it yet. If he had to whack anyone with it then it should have been Manny and not poor Pablo.
You're Welcome! I'm glad I was able to help with info about the song. It really is a great song and I know that I will be adding it to my Ipod.
I'm glad you enjoyed the recap.
The scene with Ireri arriving home and finding that her dad had passed away was very sad. It's a good thing that she has Uspin for support to help her through this sad time.
Carlos and Mari,
It would an awesome twist if Aaron turned out to be Virginia's dad.
I don’t think it’s been mentioned, but what a coincidence that Old Goat’s living room in DF and in Pueblo Nuevo has exactly the same dimensions and set-up except for the staircase being on the right of the screen in DF vs. the left back home.
I hadn't noticed but now that I think about it you are right. It does have almost the exact same set up. That's very funny!
Crazy manny with that green snake stick? If
He'd done that a few times when he was growing up he might not be such a pain in the ass now. Not abuse him, but good discipline.
He didn't mind knockin around ana p. But he
Wont touch that whack job he's leaving every
Thing to.
What I find funny in all of this is that in most TN's if the girl falls pregnant the guy is forced into marrying the girl. In this one it is the exact opposite. But if the OG "makes" Pablo marry AP now, in the city, no one back home will be surprised when she gets pregnant and gives birth early. Solution seems clear to me.
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