Thursday, September 17, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #87 Wed 9/16/15

From Last Night...
Pablo's mom consoles him as he finally realizes that he has lost AP. She tells him that she too lost a love once and understands his pain.

At the Prado/Castelo offices Ginny tells herself that she's going to take advantage that she's now working at the offices to get revenge on everyone. They will see that she's capable of anything. She calls Dr. Dan and tells him she is going through a bad time and he can't desert her when she needs him the most. He says that he's sorry but she can no longer count on him; she's on her own. She realizes that Dr. Dan is out to get her and that she can't let that happen. The assistant then comes in and tells her that they need her in the conference room and to make sure to take pen and paper because she will need to take notes, after all she is Vero's assistant.

Arturo trades some tomatoes for some flowers to give to Blanquita. And we see Blanquita climbing out the window to go meet her new friend.

In the conference room Botel announces to Jorge, Emi, Vero and Marty (and Ginny) that they have discovered more gold in the mine to help them fill the order from the Vero collection wanted by the European client. Vero wants to know why she wasn't told about the new find, because she is part owner of the mine too. Botel tells her that Marty wanted to surprise her. Marty congratulates Vero on the designs, but before signing the contract has one condition. That he (Marty) be a part of the work team with Vero and Emi and make all the decisions together.

Lo Nuevo
Vero and Emi do not accept Marty's condition. Marty informs them that they will not have his part of the gold that is needed for production  and he will not sign the contract. He storms out and  Vero follows him out into the hallway. Vero wants to know why Marty is doing this when he knows how important this business deal is. He knows and loves her creativity, but wants to know why he can't be a part of the team. Because you only want to do that to be close to me says Vero, and I need to be away from you. Marty wants the opposite, plus this is business and they both stand to gain from it. Marty can't stand the fact that Emi will be near Vero all the time. Vero realizes that old crazy jealous Marty is back! Of course Marty is jealous, he loves her like crazy. Vero thought he was more mature and didn't mix his personal life with business. Marty thought she would have accepted his apology and given him a second chance, but things don't always go the way you want them to. How dare you say that to me says Vero. I got married; expecting to be happy with my husband. A husband that made my life a living hell. That made my life impossible. I told you I was sorry says Marty. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. I regret all of my mistakes. Vero interrupts him with No, No, No! You can't break my heart and then try to piece it back together with a simple apology. Marty wants to know what she needs in order to forgive him. Nothing she says. Nothing because she doesn't plan on forgiving him. Perfect he says, then I won't sign the contract. Vero tells him to do whatever he wants, she doesn't care. She is so hurt that she doesn't care what he does. Marty says he knows how to cure her pain and forces a kiss on Vero. She tells him to let her go, but then gives in and kisses him back. And just in time for the show Emi and the gang walk up the hallway and see them kissing.

At the local produce market we see Arturo selling some squash to Reymunda! At a distance we see that Blanquita has arrived at the market too.

Back at the office, Vero pulls away from Marty and gives him a good slap. She's tired of his jealousy and impulsiveness. No matter how much he kisses her, things aren't going to change between them. She is at her limit and tells him he will never see her again. Marty starts to tell her that that means she wasn't sure of, but then gets interrupted by Emi who calls Marty a coward because they had agreed to play fair in regards to Vero. Emi accuses Marty of setting a trap. Jorge tries to break up the argument by standing between Marty and Emi. Marty's not going to let Emi romance (get close to) Vero because she is his wife. There is your jealousy again says Vero. All because you refuse to accept that it's over. Of course I refuse to accept says Marty, what, do you want me to go crazy. I am telling you that you lost me says Vero. I don't want to have anything to do with you because I am starting to hate you. And we see Ginny at a distance with a smirk on her face.

Back at the produce market Polo tells his mother that he's going to another stand for some candy. As he turns the corner he runs into Blanquita. He warns her that if their mother catches her, not even San Lorenzo will save her. He wonders why his sister and AP do crazy things for their "Principe Azules". If Manny finds out he will wring her neck. Blanquita is not afraid and would rather confront Manny than loose her prince. Arturo is trying to sell more to Reymunda, while Blanquita  and Polo talk about fighting for and defending love. Polo hopes she beats Manny. He hates that Manny always gets his way.

AP stands in the balcony of her apartment and hopes that Blanquita doesn't take long. She's afraid of what Manny will do. He's capable of anything. She hears a noise and goes back inside.

At the market Polo sneaks Blanquita past Reymunda and into Arturo's stand. She hides behind some crates of fruit.

At the P/C offices Marty says he doesn't believe Vero because if it were true (that it's over between them and she does not want to see him) then she wouldn't have covered him with a blanket while he slept. Vero says that she did it out of appreciation because he was there all night and that's all. I'm sure you also appreciate the rose and the kiss I gave you while you slept says Marty. Ginny chimes in and says that she thinks Marty's actions are justified because Vero is sending mixed messages. Vero tells Ginny to shut up. Emi's upset and says that Marty took advantage of Mati being in the hospital to kiss Vero. Marty says that Vero is his wife and he loves her. I love her too says Emi, and you heard her. Leave her alone. Vero wants both of them to stop; she's tired of their fighting because it's making things worse. She asks Marty to leave. If he's not going to sign the contract then he has no business being there. Jorge thinks they are both acting like adolescents. Vero says not to worry, they will buy the gold from Gramps. Botel reminds them they won't get anywhere with Gramps, especially since they are foreigners. Jorge tells Vero and Emi that they have to accept Marty's condition and sign with him, but they still don't want to. Marty says he will sign the contract, but he also wants to hire the best publicist so that Vero and her collection will be known as soon as possible. Emi argues that the collection is already sold in Europe and they no longer own the rights. Marty says that Emi is mistaken. The contract says it was sold in Europe and Asia, but not America. Marty proposes to Jorge that the second collection be sold in all of the Americas.

AP is in her room as Manny strolls in. She makes believe that Blanquita is asleep and she gets Manny to let her leave the room saying she needs to talk to him. Meanwhile Pablo is painfully drawing a sketch of AP.

In Mina Escondida Ireri buries her beloved father.

Back in Mexico City in an outdoor café Salma pours out her heart to Nicolas. She's on the verge of a divorce. Even Emi is against her. Nic says she does right in following her heart. If her husband is backing Vero, it's only right that she back Ginny. Sooner or later everyone will understand and everything will be ok. Salma doesn't think anything can be fixed. She feels humiliated . Nic doesn't think a woman as beautiful as her should be treated like that. And even though I love Emi like a brother he shouldn't turn his back on you. Salma feels so alone. She needs a friend that will understand her. Nic offers to be her confidant; that friend that she can lean on. She accepts.

Back at the office Jorge wants to know what Marty will gain from all this. The only thing that Marty wants is for Vero's name to be known worldwide. It's the only thing that's important to him. That Vero be happy and triumphant. He doesn't care about money. He just wants to demonstrate his love for Vero. Emi won't tolerate Marty sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. Vero stops Emi in his tracks and tells him that's enough. Marty continues telling Jorge that he has the gold they need. If they want to negotiate the price that's fine as long as he is part of the project; that's the deal. Vero wants to know why Marty is doing this. For love he says. Can't you feel it? Emi (not letting Vero answer) insists, NO. Marty tells Jorge they will all come out winning. Besides they already know how Marty works. Ginny thinks they should take Marty's deal, but Vero tells her to stay out. Emi insists on looking for gold elsewhere, plus Marty doesn't know the jewelry business. He's an engineer. He should go back to his mine.

In Mina Escondida, Gaby runs into Joaquin. He's sad that his wife listens more to her father. And to top it off he ended up looking like an fool in front of his father-in-law, and Gramps fired him.

In Produce Row Arturo realizes that Blanquita and Polo are hiding in his stand. Blanquita tells Arturo that the lady at the stand is her mother and if she gets caught she's dead meat. He gives her the flowers and tells her she is his princess. It goes back and forth between Arturo helping out Reymunda and squatting down to talk to Blanquita. Reymunda finally gets frustrated and goes to the back of the stand. Thankfully Blanquita is able to hide, but Reymunda does find Polo back there.  He tries to make up some excuses for being back there but she doesn't believe him. She gets him out of there and asks for the bill.

In AP's bedroom she tells Manny that she will do everything he says as long as he leaves Blanquita alone. He asks if she's really serious? AP is as long as he doesn't ask her to give up her child. Manny just wants respect and accepts AP's proposal. He offers to make her a cup of tea. Yes, you heard right. Manny is going to make AP some tea and she doesn't think that is strange.

Marty tells Emi that being a business man he should know that he won't get a better opportunity anywhere else. Jorge says that for everyone's benefit they should come to an agreement. Emi can't believe that Jorge is going to let Marty get involved in their business. Jorge says yes, if that's what it takes to fulfill our obligation with our clients. Plus, the campaign is an excellent idea. Marty is offering us a great opportunity. Jorge can't say no to it. Vero and Emi should accept too.  Vero and Marty stay behind as Jorge, Botel and Emi go back to the conference room. You got what you wanted says Vero to Marty. No, you're wrong, I still don't have what I want the most. I swear you will never get rid of me because I love you, and will love you every day of my life. And if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than to be here arguing. Marty walks off as Vero sheds some tears along with a look of doubt on her face. In the meantime, Ginny (watching from a corner) wonders if she chose the wrong brother.

At the Mina Escondida bar Ramon starts to eat all the profits away as he talks to Medel about Claudia. FF>>

At the hotel Pierre talks to Romeo about how much he misses Claudia.  FF>>

At the bar, Claudia complains about the heat. FF>>

Pablo finishes the sketch of AP. He wonders if AP really doesn't love him and is going to marry Julio. He leaves the apartment and takes the sketch with him.

AP is in her room when Manny brings her a cup of tea. He makes sure that she drinks all of it.

Ireri and her boyfriend are talking to the Padresito before they leave town. Her father's final wish was to find his sister. They will be married over there, but they ask for the father's blessing.

At the P/C headquarters Vero tells Ginny to make copies of the designs. She whines that that's what the messenger is for. Vero says that the information is confidential. Vero thinks Ginny doesn't have a clue and hopes that she learns quick, or she won't last. Ginny thinks it makes Vero happy to humiliate her, but that it won't last long. Vero doesn't think it will last long either because Ginny won't last; she is not used to working. Vero reminds Ginny that working hours are 9-5 and to be punctual. Ginny laughs and says at that time I'm barely waking up. Well, that's your problem says Vero. And bring me a mineral water that is sealed. Knowing you, you'll put something in it. That's not a bad idea says Ginny. Vero tells her to hurry, she still has a lot of work to do. Yes mam says Ginny as she turns to leave. Vero with a satisfied smile on her face.

In ME Joaquin tells the Padresito about his troubles with Gramps. He wants to go to the city to get his family, but has no money. He's going to have to ask for work at La Morenita. He's not going to let Gramps take over his family. Apparently Gramps has been listening this whole time and asks a surprised Joaquin what he's going to do to stop him? The Padre and Joaquin tell Gramps that he stepped over the line and that it's not fair that he fired Joaquin from the mine. Gramps tells the Padre to stay out of his business. Joaquin would rather stop working for Gramps and be free of him. Joaquin to going to save his family from Gramps; he only causes them pain. Gramps was thinking of giving Joaquin another chance, but Joaquin says no, he's going to look for work at La Morenita. Gramps thinks he's ungrateful, but for his daughter he is willing to accept Joaquin back at the mine. Gaby comes around the corner and tells Joaquin that she made him some food to say thank you. She had a great time with him the day before. Gramps automatically thinks the worse. He's going to take away Reymunda and his kids. Joaquin tries to explain that there is nothing going on with Gaby, but those nosy town ladies put in their two cents and tell Gramps that Joaquin was carrying Gaby the way a groom does with his bride on their wedding day. SHUT UP nosey ladies! Gramps tells Joaquin that he's going to pay for his betrayal. Joaquin tells those ladies to butt out. It's not what they are thinking. The ladies say that all men are the same. The Padresito tells them to not cast stones... Joaquin swears that there is nothing between him and the teacher. The Padre tells him to not do good things that look bad. Now Reymunda is going to be suspicious all the time. Does Joaquin want to loose her?

In AP's bedroom, Julio gives her a present. It's yarn so she can knit cloths for her baby. He chose pink because he is sure she's having a girl.

At the bar in ME, Ramon & Claudia talk. She wants him to be her assistant. FF>>

In the city, at the hospital, Vero thanks Emi for supporting her, especially during this difficult time. She is really impressed with his change. Everything he does is out of love for her. He has so many dreams for them. He wants to make her happy. He wants to marry her to protect her. He would put her on a pedestal.

Ginny is making copies back at the office when we see Dr. Dan walk in. He's there to see Vero. She tells him that Vero is not there, but he doesn't believe her. She threatens to call security. He insists on getting Vero ASAP.

At Produce Row Arturo gives away free fruit and asks Blanquita to be his novia. She says yes and they have their first kiss.

At Pierre's hotel Gramps is using the phone to call Reymunda to tell her he needs Manny back. Gramps did not forgive Joaquin because he is involved with Gaby the teacher.

Ginny wants to know why Dr D treats her badly. She loves him and has demonstrated it. He says that she only used him and it will cost her dearly. He offered her love and all she did was step on him and humiliate him. Now it's his turn for revenge. She begs and asks for forgiveness. She swears will give him the money. He says he's out of time. He has no job, no license, and it's all her fault. She says it's not her fault. He needs to blame him (El). He says not to worry, he already knows what he's going to do with him (El), just as he knows what he's going to do with Ginny if she doesn't pay up.

At the hospital, Vero and Emi walk in on Mati having some tests done. It turns out that Marty brought in a specialist to see Mati. Vero doesn't understand why he did this. After the treatment Mati is able to move her hands better and Vero is so overjoyed that she goes and thanks Marty with a loving embrace.

While knitting in her room, AP hears a noise at the balcony and thinks it's Blanquita, but it's Pablo. He gives her the sketch. He wants her to swear on her mother that she no longer loves him. He misses and loves her so much. Smooches...

End of Capitulo

Avances: Are Vero and Marty done for good? Vero gets a clue about Mati's accident.


Crazy Marty acts like a caveman. He seems to think that his kisses will solve all problems and get Veronica back in his life. His actions are petty and juvenile and he is very unlikable.

This is the first telenovela I've seen where I truly do not like the main male protagonist.

The newest member of the A team strikes again with another A+ Recap for us. Thanks AuntyAnn.

You wrote that she gives in and kisses him back. And just in time for the show Emi and the gang walk up the hallway. I noticed your words--just in time. Yes, isn't that always the way it is in novelas?

You FF'd past Ramon but I was getting a kick out of him. I think that he was put in just for comic relief and it's working. He certainly is enjoying the Claw-dia. Will she be able to hold him back and keep him in line. I would like to see Ginny take him on. That would really be a hoot. Would Carlos approve?

I cringed when Ana Perla drank the tea---I hope that doesn't last.

So Old Goat is back in the Green Hell. Were some scenes cut? I was surprised when I saw him back in the little mountain pueblo last night.

Crazy Marty does have scary, crazy eyes and oh so possessive. A mental case? Both he and his brother?

As usual, I can't wait for tonight---LI is must see tv.
the gringo


Wonderful recap!

Marty is too much. He has basically threatened Vero by saying he will never leave her alone. I find him suffocating to say the least. If I was Vero I would be going crazy. I would leave the company and fly somewhere Marty couldn't find me. His love is toxic.

AuntyAnn, thank you for this excellent, detail-packed retelling of the episode.

While the recap was wonderful, the episode itself was frustrating, don't you think? To me it felt as if time moved backwards, not forwards. All that posturing before the deal is finally accepted, all that time in the market watching Raymunda kvetch about the quality of the produce – and meanwhile the Old Goat has taken the express boat back to Mina Escondida so he and Manny can cause misery in two places at once.

While Virginia is in many ways an exemplary villain, she is making a mistake by treating Berta like dirt. I do hope that comes back to bite her.

Gobluefan, I don't think the writers were very kind to Martin last night – or to Emi, for that matter. Oh well. Onward! At least Claudia has found some good help. :-)


The contraption the specialist put on Matilda's head looked like something he made at home with parts from the kitchen drawer. It worked pretty well though. She still had a terrible expression on her face but could really move her fingers well. I was glad to see that Veronica finally changed out of that red jumpsuit. After all that time, she looked great in the blue dress. The writers should let us vote on how we'd like to see Manuel meet his fate. I think I could come up with something horrible for him. What if he's the last one standing?

I think we should start bets on who is going to die first. For me it's a toss up between Dr. Dan and Mariana--as each have nothing tying them to the plot other than Ginny.

Mil Gracias, Aunty Ann...a thorough, and thoroughly entertaining recap. The episode...not so much. I agree with NovelaMaven that it was rather stagnant and regressive. Plus I'm even more annoyed by Pablo's whining and crying (Man up, fella!) than Ana Perla. If they ever get married, I hope someone gives them a lifetime supply of kleenex. Jeesh!

Like Gringo, I'm actually enjoying Claudia's flirtatious teasing of Mr. Chubbins as well. Got to give the fella props for self-esteem.

The maestra-pursuit of Joaquin still seems utterly preposterous and off-key. Raymunda is not at her most charming right now, but this gratuitous pain and misunderstanding that will result is painful to watch.

Okay...enough kvetching. I got to listen to Spanish, got to ogle some good-looking men, and read a fantastic recap. My cup runneth over!

Aunty Ann, thank you for another fabulous recap which was a lot better than the actual episode. A lot of time was spent on Raymunda at the market. Then there was the wasted time with Ramon and Claudia which could have been reduced to one scene.

Uspin and Ireri are leaving and getting married elsewhere. Does that mean they have been written out of the story or will they be back? Perhaps it is best that Ireri is leaving town now that Manny may be returning since Gramps needs him back.

Speaking about Gramps, ugh now he believes that Joaquin is having an affair with Gaby (and those nosy ladies made things worse by opening their mouth -- SHUT UP is right) and he has told Raymunda that Joaquin is involved with the teacher.

AP did think that Manny was up to something but she drank the tea anyways. I hate this storyline and hope the writers don't go there by having her miscarry.

Marty is behaving like a stalker telling Vero that she'll be rid of him. And it seemed to me that Vero gave in to the kiss even if she panic slapped Marty after it.

Mati looked silly with whatever that was on her head. Her facial expression while she wore made me chuckle. It was priceless.

*Marty is behaving like a stalker telling Vero that she'll NEVER be rid of him because she loves him. And it seemed to me that Vero gave in to the kiss even if she panic slapped Marty after it.


Thank you AuntyAnn for a recap that was better than the episode.

Here's one for Carlos: I never thought I'd agree with the Little Snake but she was on the money when she told Vero she was giving mixed signals to Marty.

I agree with Carvivlie on taking bets on who will die first. I think it will be Dr. Dan because he is still in DF and does not seem at all afraid of Little Snake. Mariana is safe in Paris for the time being. The question is, does Dr. Dan have more than one copy of the video? Ginny is surely to find the laptop and destroy it.

Is anyone wondering who might be Ireri's father's sister that he wanted to find? It seems they made a big deal out of him dying and then the funeral.... we don't yet know much of Salma's shady past, or did I miss too many early episodes? Or maybe as someone mentioned above they are just writing her out of the story.

Thank you for the >>FF>>s through Chubby, Claw-dia, and the french guy. I'm certainly over that story line.

Dear AuntyAnn, thanks for this juicey recap.
I don't know what all the racket is about, vero
Is being unforgiving and stubborn, lets see what happens if or when baby news comes
Up, theres almost always a baby. Its an old
cliched plot and its tired but they use it, and
They drag it on to exhaustion. Of course this
Could be interesting. Theres AP & pablo baby
Drama, and there could be claudia and pierre
Baby drama, and marty+Emi and veronica baby drama. Yall theres all kinds of potential
For Baby drama. Question is, do we really want to See it, is there time for it. I'd love to ser vero and Marty with twins, after all the fighting is over. Of course.

Hey everyone!
Sorry I have not had time to respond to comments today. Right now I only have access to a phone, which is where I am typing this. As soon as I have better access to the internet, I will send a better comment.

Hasta Pronto

This is a small detail but something that has been bugging me, has anyone else noticed how every time Pablo enters AP's room he comes from the other side of the room instead of the from the size where the window and balcony is at? It is makes no sense that he would make his entrance from that side. Just the other night, Blanquita made her escape from the right side of the room where the window and balcony are.


Thanks again for the fabulous recap. Looking forward to reading what you have say about the events from last night. I forgot to thank you for adding the FF --> moments. There were sure plenty of those last night.


I love the nickname Chubby for Ramon. Good one! I'll be calling him that from now on.

Polo hopes she beats Manny. He hates that Manny always gets his way.

Sassy Polo always saying it like it is. We all feel the same, Polo. We all feel the same. It's about time Manny gets his.


Thanks for another top-notch recap AuntyAnn. This is excellent and right on target.

Judy and gringo,

I also thought the scenes with Claudia and Ramón were a lot of fun and very cute. I loved watching him massage her feet, fetch her a drink, and fan her. They were so playful... much more fun than anything that Verónica and Martín offered up last night.


"...she was on the money when she told Vero she was giving mixed signals to Marty."

I too thought that she was dead-on with that observation. I also thought that Verónica was rather petty in the way she treated Virginia last night.

For an old guy with a bad heart, Grampa Goat sure manages to get around. Last night I was wondering if he has a magic carpet.

As for that contraption on Matilde's head... I have utterly no idea... must be a Mexican thing.

As for Gaby, she seems so sweet but she could give stalking lessons.


Thanks Aunty Ann for the detailed recap. I didn't understand half of what Martin and Vero were saying. Your recap helped a lot!!!

I think am the only one supporting Martin when he said he wouldn't sign the contract unless etc. I want Martin to do all he can to win back Vero. The look on Emi's face at the beginning of the episode and at the end when Vero was hugging Martin loool.

Martin should have asked Vero or Jorge permission before bringing that specialist to put that thing on Mati's head. Even though bringing the specialist was a good idea, he should have still asked.

Thanks again for the fantastic recap!!!

I am glad everyone enjoyed the recap.

Gobluefan from OH,
There are several viewers that agree with you about Marty. Thanks for commenting and hope to see you on the patio again.

You are so welcome and thanks for the kind words. Sorry I FF>> through some of your preferred scenes. I did try to at least summarize what generally happened in the scenes, I just didn't go into great detail. And I don't think Carlos would approve a Ginny/Ramon pairing. I also wondered how Gramps got back to ME so quickly. He came out of nowhere. And I too cringed watching AP drink that tainted tea. Manny needs a massive anvil.

You're welcome! So good to hear from you. The patio already thinks Marty is crazy, so maybe Vero will join him. And I think the writings on the wall for our Dr. He has too much evidence against Ginny to survive much longer.

Thanks for the compliment. I agree that the episode was a bit frustrating. It's like there was a lot of talking going on, but nothing really happened. The only significant thing was Reymunda finding out about Joaquin and Gaby, which of course has been misconstrued.

Yes, that was an odd looking thing on Mati's head. I too could come up with something horrible for Manny. Having the viewers decide his fate would be fabulous, no?

You are so welcome and thanks for your entertaining comment. Pablo does need to man up and come to grips with reality. IMO AnaPerla should have run off with Pablo. I hate the fact that she lets Manny and Gramps run her life. She is going to be a mother. She needs to stand up for herself. Sorry, rant over. And I agree that it will be painful to watch Reymunda wrongfully accuse Joaquin of being unfaithful. SHUT UP nosy ladies!

Thanks for the kind words. There was a lot of wasted time in last night's epi. I think we're coming to that point in the story. I just hope we don't get too many of those episodes. I had not thought about it, but you may be right. They might be getting rid of Ireri and Uspin (thanks for the name). They will be gone for a while at least. One thing that's good is that Manny won't be able to bother Ireri if she's out of town.

You're welcome. Thanks for commenting. I too think Vero is sending mixed signals. I think she's conflicted because she loves Marty, but can't forgive him. I also wondered about Dr. Dan's video. I hope he has several backups.

Thanks for stopping by today. I love your comment about the baby drama. You are so right that there could be a lot of baby news flying around. There's always the possibility that Ginny is pregnant too. Can't wait to find out.

Hasta Pronto!

Mauricio, I also wondered how Pablo entered the room from that side, since the balcony seems to be on the other side. Probably by the same magic carpet that the OG gets around on (thanks Carlos).

If Uspin and Ireri are gone gone, who's going to drive the boat?


I'm hoping it picks up tonight. We were doing so well last week. It will be interesting to see what they do with Ireri and Uspin. I hope they'll be back and that we are not done with them.

So great to hear from you today. Loved these observations:

"For an old guy with a bad heart, Grampa Goat sure manages to get around. Last night I was wondering if he has a magic carpet."

"As for Gaby, she seems so sweet but she could give stalking lessons."

I think Gramps needs to take that magic carpet and go down that waterfall in ME. Are the writers planning on redeeming him? I can't see that happening. Don't even get me started on Manny. He's already got both feet in the door. He is absolutely NOT redeemable. PUNTO!

I am glad the recap helped you better understand the episode. That's what it's all about at CarayCaray. I have to agree with you that I do want crazy Marty to win Vero back. But he has to do ALOT before that happens. I think we may be the only people at the Marty table on the patio. Hopefully Carlos can be pulled away from the Ginny table long enough to make us a drink or two. Heaven knows we need it.

ITA about vero with the mixed signals. Look
How she grabed him in the hospital, all happy. exactly like a hypocrite. Emi should go after snail girl, vero will be back with crazy marty.
Thanks again AuntyAnn ♡♡♡♡♡

Mauricio & LoriLoo,

I have no clue where that balcony is in AP's room. I think I remember Pablo coming up the balcony, but then he came in the door. Does anyone remember that. It was really confusing. That made me think the balcony was in the hallway. But lately the balcony entrances have been through the bedroom. Maybe next they'll start coming from underneath the bed.

I observed something last night. During Ginny and Dr Dan's convo she said that Dr Dan should blame HIM. And then the doctor said not to worry because he already knew what he was going to do with HIM. They emphasized HIM (EL). Was it my imagination or were they talking about a third person? Is there someone else involved in their plan to get all the P/C money?

Hasta Pronto

I want Ireri and Uspin to be back too. I just don't want Manny to get his hands on her, or anyone else for that matter.

Nina, you had me LOL with:
"Emi should go after snail girl, vero will be back with crazy marty."And I concur.


Thank you AuntyAnn for a great recap.

I don't know about everyone else but I can't get on board with Ginny working at the Company with Vero and Team. It's too gimmicky for me. I can see Tio Jorge not having the heart to kick her out of the house, but there's too much obvious opportunity for Ginny to have fun and revenge at their expense in the workplace. And as ridiculous as this story is, this particular storyline doesn't ring true for me.

Oh and Kudos to ALL the actors who managed to keep a pokerface with that contraption on Mati's head! I thought she was going to teleport right out of the room!

Muchas gracias, AuntyAnn, for a fabulous recap!

Haven't even watched the full episode from last night yet...crazy, busy day.

Ita regarding Verónica's mixed signals to Martín. Virginia nailed it, and I'm glad she called her out on it. Virginia may be devious and, yes, scary at times, but at least she's not pretending to be anything different to those that really know her, as in Dr. Dan and Mariana. Whatever happens to Dr. Dan, well, you can't say he wasn't forewarned.

Which brings me to Verónica. She's finally on my last nerve. Yes, Martín made a big mistake. How many times does he have to tell her he'll do anything to make it up to her?!! She always does return his kiss when he makes his advances, so what's up with that? She and Emi irritate the living h-ll out of me right now. They act like they are messengers from heaven, always right in their actions, and always admonishing others for their shortcomings. Have they always been perfect? I doubt it. Please excuse the rant. They're on my last nerve.

So glad to be part of this fascinating Patio. Thanks everyone for your entertaining comments. As the Gringo usually says, "must see TV."


I see your point about Ginny working at the family business. It doesn't make sense to me either. They don't want her at the house but they'll be ok with her at work? WTH? They are only setting themselves up. I'm sure Ginny has a few tricks up her sleeve, and she will take advantage of her presence at the company. Don't they realize that she can listen in on conversations. They are just asking for trouble.

Glad you had a chance to stop by today. I know about those crazy, busy days. Vero is totally confused, and totally sending mixed signals to Marty. I think she needs to go be by herself for a while to sort out her feelings. And Emi is annoying when he's acting all hurt by Marty's closeness to Vero. I can't wait to see what it will be like when the three of them are working together. With Ginny getting a front row seat to all the action and drama.

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