Thursday, September 17, 2015

Yo no Creo En Los Hombres Capitulo 47 Wed 9/15/15 Highlights- Shaving only brings bad luck!

Hello all, from now on I will be only posting highlights in order to focus more on my life. To be honest I have gotten quite addicted to computers in general and for that reason I stopped using my tablet for a while. It is difficult for people to admit the simple fact that old habits die hard. I hope you understand me. Now on to the roll in no particular order

  • Clara tosses all the missing jewels on the family table at the Bustamante's. She at first begins yelling at Alma that she did not do anything and that all was just a little trap but later admits the crime of fear ( But she really did not do anything at all). Maleny attempts to call the police but Alma is not so sure. Mal advises to Alma that this is their golden shot in order to get rid of these poor gold digging witches but Alma fears the reaction of her sons. 
  • MD and Doris go out on a boring meeting for their new website but what would be an otherwise boring scene was made different because Ivana got to be the judge! Fortunately everything went on well because MD and Doris won. Ivana wondered why does MD need all of this when MD will get all the goods for giving Ivana Daniel's baby. MD breaks Ivana's heart of steel by informing her that she is not preggers at all. Gerry accompanies Ivana out of this very humiliating contest. Much later Ivana as usual rants like no tomorrow but Gerry is not impressed with her mission to make her life a miserable hell. Ivana tells him that this is not about vengeance at all, she just wants to have maternal feelings even if the baby is from someone else. 
  • Orlando hooks up with Isela and tries to make things better again as if nothing has happened. He does it because he knows Isela is doing the worst mistake in her life by being a rich man's lover. He kisses her but Isela breaks it away saying that it was no mistake at all. She begs Orlando to not tell anything about the affair. He starts feeling despair but his bad day has just started as Ho-sefa enters metaphorically spitting in his face " I've told you so things were bad!" . Orlando teases Ho-sefa on being hypocritical about MD while having a daughter sleeping around with rich men. Ho-sefa threatens to take even more drastic measures if Orlando does not keep his mouth shut like a good mummy. ( Azela is a wonderful actor and woman but her roles make you want to drive out your nerves with a screwdriver!) 
  • MD and Doris enter the house just to see Clara sobbing and admitting in front of everyone that she stole the jewels. Mal informs MD that she has already called the police and that Claudio is coming too. More sobbing and guilt tripping ensues until Doris freaks out as she attacks Mal without mercy. Mal acts like a wounded teddybear as Alma sends them all out but not before MD spills the beans about Mal's hunky punky with Ari. They also make a deal in which Alma&C.o would not charge Clara if she and MD abandon their good guy lovers. Alma and Mal later inform Claudio about everything. He of course is not pleased because they should have called a detective to investigate but what is done is done, now face the consequences. Mal makes herself look innocent yet again as she tells them that all of it is for naught because Max is already lost in the pit. 
  • Ursula, Arango and Medina ( The old doc that had Ivana on meds not long ago) hook up to create fake pregnancy results. Medina does not want to help but in the end he is somehow coerced. He is to also make Ivana look pregnant visually to avoid rumors. Later Mal comes back home victorious bragging about her intelligence. She informs Ursula and Dan about everything until something slips because now after Doris's freak-out MD will surely tell Max about Mal's affair. Ursula calls her stupid and Mal better hope that someone will manage to like her after their stocks are refilled. The sick Dan thinks that it would be brilliant for Mal telling Max about the affair just because it has worked well for him with Ivana. 
  • Meanwhile Dan and the newly shaved Victor plan to blame MD for causing the arson in a way that it will appear as if MD burned her own workshop to collect insurance. Victor reminds him that what he is doing is a crime but Dan cannot be detained on his revenge because he cannot forgive MD for sleeping with Max. Victor accepts but not without wanting even more money. Victor later meets up with Baldomero ( He is not bald in the slightest) . He reminds Baldo that if he does everything what Slime.Jr orders then everything will be just fine! 
  • Max, Leo and Espie has made a surprise toast party for MD,Clara and Doris. Of course they all come sad and twisted like Barbie dolls but they pretend that everything is slim. Before the toast MD went to get eye fuel but this was just an excuse for Isela to rant at MD for trying to dump Max. Doris convinces MD to not do that because the Bustamante's have no evidence of theft anyway if the jewels were just returned. They all later do their short term honor toast before everything transforms into sheep turd . Clara is still crying much to Leo's distaste. 
  • Ivana, Gerry and Ursula meet up. Ivana immediately marks Ursula as a twisted, lying biatch for lying about the pregnancy test but Ursula says that MD lied instead to protect her affair with Max because why should Max take care of someone else's baby anyway?! Ursula shows Ivana the fake papers while revealing that none of her lands are under mortage because her fortune is safe and sound! 


This is perfect Count, thank you!

Some nerve, Isela asking for Orlando's silence if he loves her.

Usurla continues to impress. Confronted with what could have derailed her fake document she twisted things such that Ivana was worried Usurla was gonna leave and withdraw the baby deal.

Doris for president.

Good work, Count. You got all the important stuff.

Ho-sefa is one of the sickest bitches I've ever seen in these stories. She will go down big at the end for what she is doing to everyone in the nabe. Orlando has had her number from Day One, but he needs to get more cautious in his dealings with her. She loves the sight of blood.

Alma will have to almost become a nun to get off my shit list now. She still fails to see that Maleny is a sick bitch who would not make a positive contribution to her family. She refuses to believe that her sons are good judges of character. Claudio is still keeping that major secret about Hector's death from her and this isn't helping anything.

And once Max knows about Ari he will never believe a word out of Maleny's lying mouth again.

Clara is probably tired of all the nonsense and is ready to walk away from Leo rather than endure any more torture from his parents or anyone else. What she and MD don't realize now is that this won't make it stop.

The only question I have today is what Ivana will do now that she knows that the Santibanez aren't broke.

Thanks Countx. Glad to know you are going to start focusing on some other things, including, hopefully, your studies.

Ursula really has an answer for everything. Now she's using the fact that she ISN'T broke to convince Ivana that she isn't a gold-digger. Hmmm.... I know Ivana has smarts, but she lets herself be manipulated like a stupid person way too much.

Loved seeing Clara, MD, and Doris go after Maleny, but she is an expert at playing the helpless victim. And Clara cracked under the pressure of causing her mother more problems and heartache. Mal and Alma should be ashamed of themselves for going after a young teen like that.

Gracias all. I am more addicted to that nasty Apple Tablet than the computer but I just want to make a good impression and have more control over my time.

As for Ho-sefa and Ursula they are one of the sickest bunch out there. Even our male villians are not that clever but they are still sick. All of our villians in this novela have turned out to be sick bastards to the point you don't know who is worse.

I don't know how does Isela last with mommy dearest. She is clever and charming enough to move somewhere else. Don't our heroes have Facebook or Instagram?

"Which is worse"

Everyone in the neighborhood knows what to expect of Josefa. I'm more concerned about Isela sitting in on conversations, as a trusted friend, and what she purposefully or inadvertently tells Claudio. Isela can cause more harm, Claudio is her sugar daddy.

Countx, thanks. Hope you’re enjoying school and your other pursuits. My favorite line: Much later Ivana as usual rants like no tomorrow but Gerry is not impressed with her mission to make her life a miserable hell.

Sorry to see Clara crack, but at her age it’s understandable. MD showed her quiet strength and fight in dealing with this. Doris is always a pleasure. Loved the look on poor Alma's face when Doris slapped Maleny

Love Alma's wardrobe.

Seems like there's got to be something illegal about the harassment and pressure Alma and Mal laid on UNDERAGE Clara. Like when the cops pressure a kid to confess, without their parent present. I wish somehow MD and Espie could turn it around on them and bring criminal charges against Mal and Alma for harassment of a minor.

Vivi, that's an excellent point. That never could have happened in front of Claudio because he is just honest enough to realize what that shady illegal path that leads to and he seems to be observant enough to see what we saw in that scene.

The problem with them bringing charges is the fear that they would not be believed.

Yes, you could see a little knee knock from Maleny when Claudio mentioned investigation.

Countx, thank you for the highlights of another twisted episode. That heffa ursula
Don't even care about the truth being known.
Which is what I don't get. There are better and more legal ways of getting your chilren
Married. You don't have to lie, manipulate and steal, and destroy. what is wrong with this woman. I have never seen such sick, insane, twisted unbalanced craziness ever, Im sure if I think back I'll probably remember
Seeing something, maybe, on a soap.
Its like a crazy puzzle that the writers came up with to entertain us with. And I am, when Im not disgusted. I loved the slap. And Max and Leo will ptobably hate their mother and for good reason, cause Im thinkin whatever happens to these evil people, They deserve it. they just blindly go along with the deception like it's the right thing to do. How
Sick is that?!?!

I don't like anything about alma, wardrobe jewelry and nothing I thought she was better than this, but she's proven to be just as sick and twisted as these people. call it a weakness or whatever. shes suppose to know better. But she is no better than her cheating husband, who's an even bigger hypocrites than she is. I'm sorry for their sons cuz their parents are useless. You could see on almas face when clara was confessing out of fear, she knew that child was innocent. whatever comes her way she's got coming.

And Alma's look when MD mentioned Maleny's tryst with Ari while in a relationship with Max. Despite that knowing look she will continue an alliance with Maleny. Wonder if Alma sleeps well at night?

Considering Claudio's recent episode of ED I don't think Alma sleeps much.

Thanks Countx. I thought near the end that MD broke up with Max and Clara with Leo. Unless that was in the previews, but the previews lately have been without sound. Please don't let this show go that way. Then this one won't be very different from the average TN and so far this one has been unique.

Doris!!! You are the best! She's the only one who knows everything. I hope she tells Max and Leo why the women broke up with them. She knows that Isela and Claudio are getting it on, and she knows that Maleny and Ari were getting it on. She has all the power and I love it.

Orlando, don't do this with Isela. Let her go with your head held high. Don't beg for her to come back. And Upstanding Doris is right there for you too.

Thanks a lot for your highlights, Count. You hit all the spots I couldn't understand. What a bunch they are!! I felt so bad for Clara. That Maleny is a bitch!! I,too, hope Doris ends up with Orlando. He's a good guy.


Just caught up (crazy couple of days) and can I just say WOW WOW WOW!!!

Clara totally won Tuesday night for me, ending with that slap. I'm so sorry she broke, because she totally would've won that game of chicken since she had the situation pegged from the beginning. If she had just stormed out after slapping Mal, the points would've been in her favor as Alma wondered WTH had happened. I was surprised that she broke down because she spoke to Leo beforehand and didn't seem like she was planning to break up with him because of all of the pressure, but I guess it was the threat of jail that did it. I only wish there was a security camera or a maid that could corroborate the truth! Ooh, I could strangle Maleny! Doris (who looks awesome in her glasses, though it was so random that she put them on. Wonder if the actress lost her contacts or something) was totally channeling my desires, but she did make them all look like a bunch of wild savages. Alma now thinks MD is a gold digging floozy, Clara's a thief and Doris is una salvaje.

I am SO wondering what she's going to do if/when Mal takes Dan's advice and tells Max about the affair with Ari.

Erg! I wish MD would just keep Max in the loop, por Dios! The more she keep from him - to keep the stress down, to keep him from flying off the handle, to not make the rift between his parents worse - the more it's going to bite her in the butt later. Speaking of which, SO GLAD Max went to the clinic with MD! At least that lie's dead in the water (though if anyone can breathe life back into a lie, it's The Santibanez Eels).

But between the jewels, the arson and the initial charges against MD, our good guy family is one step away from total ruin and the baddies have all the cards, including enough blackmail money to chock an elephant.

BTW, the scene with Gerry and Ivana at work: soooo adorable. They are my favorite couple, they get the most sincere cute scenes.

My bad, Countx, I didn't thank you! It was an especially awesome recap. I don't know how you did it, but you kept it short and tight without leaving anything out. That's pretty much magic in my book.

Thank you for thr great recap Countx. I felt like aI was watching the episode again, para especially Doris' slap and MD telling Alma about Maleny and Ari. Wake up Alma! You are siding with a snake and a very poisonous one.



What was it that Gerry was telling Ivana when he found out Ivana was going to get MD's baby from her? That it was a crazy scheme???



Ann- Yes. He told he it was crazy and that he couldn't believe she would do something like that.

Thanks for the answer Vivi. I thought so, but wasn't sure.



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