Thursday, September 17, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #17 Wed 9/16/15 (Mex 22)

Princess Juju asked for a sub for last night's episode. I volunteered to get some highlights out to the clamoring crowd. This is in no particular order, with combined scenes, from memory (and a quick FF review) and very, very bare bones. I'm sure I'll miss something significant.

Frederica makes her way to Eloisa's bedroom, but her attempt to open the safe is unsuccessful. She is interrupted by Sergio and his *ahem* special guests. Frederica claims she was in Eloisa's room trying to get some rest. It is the only quiet room it seems. She and Sergio get into it about her borrachera (drunkness...more like drunken fit) at the mass. He doesn't want Frederica badmouthing Maximo.

Fiorella grouses to Simoneta about Gianna. Her little sister is getting an attitude. Simoneta wonders if Gianna is jealous of Fiorella's relationship with Pedro. Fiorealla has no observation skills. It takes her forever to notice that Simoneta is drunk.

Gianna does her version of "The Night they Invented Champagne". Roxana (Roxi) is not amused. She and Gigi get into it...over Benito. Sergio want to know what Benito has to get the ladies fighting over him.

Eloisa and Julieta arrive at the retreat. Julieta hopes all will be well. Eloisa doesn't think she'll ever forget Frederica's fit. Eloisa blames Frederica's dad, Gabriel, for spoiling her. Julieta agrees. Ever since Frederica's mom died, her father spoiled her and over-protected her. In the end, it hasn't served Frederica well. Julieta hopes Frederica is regretting the fit today. Eloisa doesn't think so. Frederica is probably still sleeping off her borrachera

The rest of the Ángeles clan arrives at the dark and creepy hunting lodge. Dante shows them a gun and reminds them that the hunt is in memory of Maximo. Pedro doesn't like hunting. He doesn't need to kill animals to honor his grandfather. Osvaldo tells him it's a sacred tradition. "Well," Pedro quips "years ago not bathing and using a bacinica (chamber pot) was tradition. Are you going to do that to honor Maximo?"

Fiorella calls Adela and tells her how weird the family is. But not Pedro. Gianna is being a little hellion, too. Vittorio comes up in the conversation. The Vito dream has become a nightmare. Adela gets nervous. Is Benito helping? Fiorella admits that he is being helpful. After they hang up, Adela worries about Vito finding out about Fio(?) Rey doesn't want to say "I told you so", but all this lying was not a good idea. Adela reminds him that the lying was his idea (he admits it was...eventually, but his first idea was to be honest.) Adela is worried about Fiorella working in that house with those encopetados (posh/haughty folks.) Adela can't tell Fi or Vito the truth.

Diana busts moves on Vito.

Eloisa reminisces about Maximo. She met him when she was very young. He was her "alma gemelo". She's just remembering the past that eats at her every year. Julieta wonders if Eloisa has anything she wants to say. Eloisa says no. Talking won't unbury the dead or change anything.

Despite the "entertainments" of his "special guests", Sergio can't stop thinking about Julieta. She's always been "the one." He calls her, but she rebuffs his advances.

Roxi is still pitching a fit about Gi being at the party. She pours a glass of red wine all over the carpet. Ha! Now Fi will have to spend all day cleaning the stain. Gi wants to go after Rox. Benito stops her...which leads to the longest near kiss I've ever scene. Fi wanders in at this point and breaks it up, much to Gi's dismay. Cue the temper tantrum and flouncy exit. Benito tries to distract Fi with the stain. Fi tells him to stay away from her and her sister.

Everyone gets ready for the hunt. Pedro is still complaining about hating hunting. (Dude, I'm with you.) Sonia is coming along (in heels and a yeti vest.) Pedro forgets his cantimplora. Sonia has one as well. She gets handsy and personal space invadey while insisting that Pedro has hers. Osvaldo's driver, Ramiro, sees it all.

Frederica is finally able to get into the safe. She finds papers.

The next day at La Dolce Vita...Diana arrives and Vito missed her. She was barely home! hmmm, late night? They talk business for a while. Vito is spending too much money importing things. Diana is overwhelmed by Vito's passion...for Italian cooking. He is a little taken aback. Mom calls her. Beto has been crying for hours. Diana can't leave. She's trying to get Beto a daddy!

I don't know much about hunting, but I'm pretty sure you don't usually wander around the forest. And you certainly don't keep the guns in their cases until the prey arrives. Meh. What do I know, I'm not a fan of hunting either.

Back to the recap--Pedro talks to Gael about plants? Dante gives them a hard time. All that loud talking will scare away the animals. Dante's cell phone goes off. I agree with Gael, technology is scarier. It's Frederica. She's found some papers that might help her prove Maximo stole from her father. Gael hears something and leaves Pedro alone.

Sonia would have rather stayed in the cabin and watched TV or played cards. Osvaldo tells her she's free to go back. Sonia tells him he can't even find his shaving cream, how is he going to find something to hunt? She walks away. Ramiro takes advantage of the moment and tells Osvaldo that he saw Sonia leaving the hotel with Pedro.

Eloisa and Julieta discover that Aitana....*that* Aitana....the one that was engaged to also at the retreat. She's been in Paris, but is originally from Spain. ¡Ay! She still has it bad for Pedro and Eloisa really likes her. Elosia thinks it's a sign that they ran into each other.

Fi confronts Gi about her pissy attitude. Gi wants to know if Fi likes Benito. Fi admits she loves Pedro. Gi is super happy about that! Fi is still tortured. She's engaged to Vito. Fi asks her sister not to say a word about Pedro. Gi tells Fi to forget about Vito and be happy with Pedro. Suddenly, Fi as a bad feeling! Did Gi hear anything?

Osvaldo shoots Pedro. Wow. Looks pretty close to his heart, too. Gael runs up. Osvaldo claims it was an accident (Maybe? It did seem like he was hallucinating that deer...hmm, but Pedro was seeing Fi. Did they eat wild mushrooms?) Then everyone starts to arrive. I think Ramiro offers to get the first aid kit. Gael got far enough in his medical studies to know that Pedro needs more than some alcohol and some bandages. Dante calls an ambulance.

Fi and Gi have to go to Gi's doctor's appointment. At the hospital, Gi asks Fi about her kiss with Pedro. While there was some debate on the patio, Fi declared that the kiss was "magical." Unfortunately, she has a commitment to Vito. Gi can't believe Fi is going to give up Pedro. Fi asks Gi about Benito. Gi is just about to start her starry eyed gushing when Pedro is wheeled in. Gael tells the girls it was a gunshot. The girls and Sonia wonder how it happened. Osvaldo again insists it was a stupid accident. Ramiro looks like he smells a lying liar who lies.

Previous: Episode 16
Next: Episode 18


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Wow sara, this looks way more than bare bones. Thanks so much. Working late and only got snippets of the show as I was making dinner for me and the furballs, saw the meeting of the ex-fiance and the whole shooting incident while settling in.

So now we can officially put Osvalde in the evil-dude category now that he has attempted murder. He's suppose to be inept, but he came pretty darn close from that distance. The minute they went off hunting, I figured someone would get it. I'm with Pedro though--who respects an ancestor in this day and age by going out and killing an innocent animal.(Can you tell I don't like hunting?) This whole family needs a slap up the head.

Speaking of the fiance, she seems nice so that will be a story to hear. of course we know Pedro is meant for the spunky, sometimes annoying, heroine, but I'm curious on the back story. Didn't he imply she left him once? Might be remembering that wrong. Sonia doesn't seem to be in the running anymore as a triangle member, though I'm guessing those were real tears as she looked at Pedro on the ground.

So I guess we have the requisite all parties descend on the hospital scenes tonight. Check that off the list.


Love how you guys back each other up, pinch hit Sara, thanks.

"She gets handsy and personal space invadey"

Yea, that Aitana, and don't want to hear one peep outta Fifi.

Nothing personal against Diana or Vittorio, but yuckity, yuck, yuck.

Ha! Sara, this was such a fun recap. I loved every word, down to your last funny sentence.

I think Os clearly saw that it was Pedro when he shot. It was the sight of a (imagined?) deer that finally got hmm to take the rifle out of the case, but it was the sight of Pedro that prompted him to shoot. This was attempted murder.

Speaking of hallucinogenic herbs, Pedro was implying to Gael that he must like plants, since he hears he's smoking "herbs" and investing other substances. Gael denied it, unconvincingly.

Aitana certainly seems nice, and Eloisa loves her. Real competition for Fiorella. Now, can we get some real competition for Pedro? Benito and Vitto don't count.

Well, Sara, your "bare bones" recaps are never anything of the sort, but rather full recounts of the evening's goings on. This was great; thank you.

I have conflicted views on hunting. I did it a lot as a boy with my dad, but haven't since then. I think it would be more "sportsman-like" if the animals were armed. I have no problem killing destructive animals on our property, and I would not even hesitate to kill a human who was threatening me or a member of my family.

Sergio cracked me up last night. Those two women that he brought into Eloisa's bedroom seemed to be either totally wasted or ready for anything. After he threw Freddy out he said something like "Okay, where were we?" as he unloosened his tie.

Dante was talking about an escopeta (I think shotgun), but they were using rifles. Osvaldo put his rifle to his right shoulder, but aimed with his left eye. The guy is even a screw-up as a murderer.

I like the sound of the name Aitana. Her reentry into the situation is going to muddy the waters, of course.

So, quite a bit going on last night, and you did it with your usual insight and snark. Thank you again.


Grazie tanto for this! It looks like the complete #22.

Vittorio mentioned the names of the kitchen staff at one point and they were not Italian. There probably is a difference between imported Italian products and domestic, though: When a friend of mine went to Italy a few years ago she saw Barilla pasta on sale and just had to buy some... to fill half the suitcase. Her husband thought that was nuts. However, she said it tasted better than the one we get here (which is already the best pasta available). So I guess the tomato products and the spices would also be different. Not to mention the proschiutto.

No way was the shooting an accident. Sonia will see through that in a nanosecond. And what the hell does Ramiro get out of lying to Osvaldo?

Something about Aitana bothers me but I'm not sure what.

Diana's baby is "Beto", which makes me wonder whether Benito is his sperm donor.

Vitto is conveniently taken already and I never bought Benito for Fiorella anyway. The biggest obstacle for Pedro is Fiorella, she can't get out of her own way.

I liked Aitana immediately (there must be some big flaw like a hump or something hidden) and thought, no contest.

Eloisa blames Frederica's dad, Gabriel, for spoiling her. Wow, that one is the pot calling the kettle black. Despite all her complaining, I don't see her turning off the flow of cash, enabling the whole family to waller in luxury.

Grazie, Sara, amica mia! Man! This was the meatiest "bare bones" I've ever seen. Among so much more, love this:

onia is coming along (in heels and a yeti vest.) Pedro forgets his cantimplora. Sonia has one as well. She gets handsy and personal space invadey . . .

Hope I can check in more today. . .so much to talk about!

If Ramiro smells a lying liar, shouldn't he sniff his own pits: Didn't he see Sonia leave the hotel with FABIO, NOT Pedro? Why is he lying?

Gotta go! Later! Thanks, hon!

I don't have a problem with the Diana-Vito hook-up. Unlike Fi, Diana knows exactly what she is pursuing. I have a problem with her foisting her baby off on her mother.


I think Ramiro believes he's telling the truth. He never saw the man in the car clearly, and for some reason assumed it was Pedro. He became even more sure when Pedro and Sonia arrived late to the memorial at the same time.

Eloisa won't stop because of Keeping Up Appearances. However, she is also learning that social media can blow the lid off these efforts because of what's been posted online... and that's just since the curtain went up on this tale.

I foresee an argument in the future between Ramiro and Fidel.

And what's with chauffeurs for two grown men who are perfectly capable of driving themselves?

Sara, thank you for stepping in and providing us with this fantastic recap.

"Cue the temper tantrum and flouncy exit", "She gets handsy and personal space invadey", "(Maybe? It did seem like he was hallucinating that deer...hmm, but Pedro was seeing Fi. Did they eat wild mushrooms?" were wonderful and "Ramiro looks like he smells a lying liar who lies" was my hands down favorite.

Was Ramiro in La Verdad Occulta? Hope he gets his act together which includes getting his facts straight. One can't and shouldn't assume. Of course that applies to the characters. Not the patio!

tofie, your "(there must be some big flaw like a hump or something hidden)" made me smile. Aitana seems fantastic and as you pointed out Vivi "Eloisa loves her". Sometimes if someone seems too good to be true...

UA, interesting comment on the possibility of Beto being Benito's. I do not see he and Di together at all but...

Osvaldo shot and had self recriminations after. A very angry young man. And an attempted murderer to boot. He and Sonia deserve each other.

Wonder how long Diana plans to keep her child a secret from Vito.

I liked the scene with Pedro imagining Fi through the trees. The teasing kiss that didn't happen between Benito and Gi was sweet.

Thanks Sara! This was great.


Think so, Vivi? Okay. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

Don't think Benito is the father of Beto. . .it's some unknown babydaddy (the "word" I love to hate).

Hmmm, I get mala espina (bad vibes) from Aitana. She may be cool with Granny, she'd be a fool not to be but she is definitely going to try to revive her relationship with Pedro and will know immediately when she sees Fifi, especially if she sees her with Pedro, that Fifi is competition. Claws will be deployed and I can see her getting reeeeeeal nasty. Didn't Aitana put some kind of nice/nasty comment or question to Julieta? Can't wait to see what Sonia and Freddie think of her.

Nasty or not, Aitana's entry should spice things up. Fiorella told Pedro to forget about anything with her and doesn't own him. If she already got tweaked by Aitana's mention in Pedro's past, just wait till she sees her. Yippee

Oh yah, Tofie! Fun times ahead. Fifi's got a temper and despite her words, she's going to be very possessive. Now that she sees her premonition was real, maybe she'll throw Vitto out of her mind and be open to accepting Pedro's love. I hope Pedro doesn't take Aitana back out of, what. . .lonliness. . .old times. . .deceived by her "I was lost without you" act or, gawd no, not to make Fifi jealous. We shall see!

Ya think we'll have any cat fights or is that not Fifi's style?

Sara – Thank you for the recap!!! And the snark!!!

Sonia wears white into the forest? and for hunting? (Sara – LOVE your “Yeti vest” comment!) Ever heard of camo? Girl, get a clue.

LOVED Pedro’s comeback to Assvaldo about old family tradition of bathing every three days and using the chamber pot. Maybe that’s why Assvaldo tried to kill Pedro. (We knew that was coming, anyway.. The cameras spent too much time on those rifles.)

Was Osvaldo such a loser that he missed?
Or did he miss on purpose due to a microscopic shred of conscience?

Diana + Vito = Eww. Just eeeew. And she’s only been on the job, what, a day or two?

Sergio is disgusting enough, but to bring those two skanky girls to Eloisa’s bed is a blatant lack of respect toward his mother on top of his self-centeredness.

Aitana is interesting. Her hair is too much, her eyeliner is too much, her outfit is too much. Telenovela wardrobe departments ALWAYS know what they’re doing. I’m with tofie and Lila. Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

About Fiorella and her personality/temperament/whatever.... I wonder if Italians in general are like the way this character is being played. Stereotype for sure, but the here's a thought: Hubby and I were in Italy a few years ago. While in Assisi (many of the towns we visited were not large cities), our American ex-pat tour director told us that Italians didn't always have any type of phone service in these rural areas. They LOVE having cell phones because they now can call other people up and have someone else to argue with.. LOL

I'm sort of starting to feel for Pedro being odd man out. He may have the company to head up, but he also has to put up with Grammie throwing the losers at him to find work and play baby sitter instead of getting work done. He seems to be someone who has a huge sense of loss. I had a friend who went through something similar and when his relationship went south, fiancee ran off with the biggest loser I ever met, he basically said "It's me. I don't deserve to have happiness or people in my life" which was very much not true, but it's what the mind kicks in. When I see Pedro being reflective or reacting to people, the tears he showed when Fi was doing her hands-flying rejection, I start to feel bad for the guy. In a way, Eloisa has set up as a target too. Wonder how much of his running things and being there for Grammie is more feeling he has too and it's is job in life than the fact he is enjoying what it brings him.

And I like your point tofie on Eloisa complaining about everyone but she doesn't take the purse strings and say, go earn your living and find a place to live. I she's too worried about what society thinks or the back lash, then she's a snob too and stop complaining. I want to like her, and she has her moments.But other times, I see where she is the a large part of the problems in that household. Heck that dinner table is her holding court and playing the queen in her sniping and putting people down as they try to impress her...surprised the whole family doesn't have stomach issues eating while stressed.


Daisynjay - I like your take on Eloisa. And yes, often the Enabler enjoys all the drama that goes with it while still enjoying that false sense of being in control. Perhaps she pays the bills to keep those people unemployed and in her house, so she can know what they're doing and keep them dependent on her! All sorts of psychological stuff going on there with her.

Great points on Eloisa. I mentioned on another cary blog a trust fund baby gf I had at university and she felt no love at all from her family though she had everything imaginable (she had never been in a grocery store and it was comical the first time I took her into Krogers, a mixture of the wonder of choice, so many bottles, cans and boxes and the fear/revulsion of being seen pushing a cart and standing in line to pay). It was clear the maintenance of the social position was more for the parents themselves and not their child. Eloisa is doing this for Eloisa

Gracias Sara

Telenovela World has good character descriptions, with no spoilers.

good morning, all. Thanks, Sara, for subbing for Juju.I thought that your recap was detailed.

Yes, Sonia likes to get right up there into Pedro's facade.

Aitana is verra young and pretty . I wonder why she and Pedro broke up, but we know that she will be back in the game again. Poor Sonia will now have two rivals for Pedro.

I grew up with hunters. My dad , my cousins David and Skip , and many of my friends hunted. I had a devout hunter as a beau . He took his rifle on every walk we took in case we saw a grundsaw (groundhog). He taught me to shoot a rifle from his front porch. In the fall,everybody showed up early morning on weekends at our farm because my dad grew corn , and the pheasant hunting was good. My mother would make pheasant for dinner and tell me that it was chicken. Then, one day ,I got buckshot in my piece of "chicken" and got wise to that trick.

Wow..Diana is going full throttle after Vitto. She's not being verra subtle. What a job..eating pasta and drinking wine .

Roxy Raccoon looks good with her hair up ..but what a little witch. She and Gi bring back memories of mean girls in detention hall.

Why did Sergio think that it was a good idea to use his mother's bedroom for his romp with his two special guests? Ugh..just

Gracias, Sara! Thank you for the recap and for subbing for our dear Principessa!

"Sergio want to know what Benito has to get the ladies fighting over him." No kidding. Pardon me for stating the obvious, but it's not like Roxana even cares. I just don't think she likes anyone saying "no" to her, ever. Of course, later this will turn into "I like you, I just didn't realize it before." *sigh*

"Diana busts moves on Vito." Yes, and thank you for not making me relive that with the details, 'cause she was working WAY too hard on that. Vito = obtuse

"It did seem like he was hallucinating that deer...hmm, but Pedro was seeing Fi. Did they eat wild mushrooms?" It's as good an explanation as any. I vote Osvaldo did it on purpose. But he's a lousy shot.

I have nothing to say about Aitana. I just threw my hands up in the direction of the TV.

Fiorella fits a lot of popular movie cliches about Italians. She's impulsive, emotional, and has a quick and noticeable temper. However, she cools down quickly after something is resolved.

Unlike people like me whose slow burn is very dangerous.

Prediction: She is not going to like Aitana. Neither will Sonia and I think Sonia will pull the same tricks that Maleny of YNCELH does with the Morales girls. She'll do something nasty to Aitana and frame Fiorella

Sounds about right, Urban!

Daisynjay: I agree...I feel like Pedro implied that Aitana left him. And I volunteer to slap the lot of them up side the head.

Vivi: Thanks for the added info on the Pedro/Gael conversation!

David-: Correct. Dante said escopeta. I wouldn’t know a rifle from a shotgun. Love your eye for detail during Osvaldo’s shooting scene. It didn’t even register to me!

Urban: I didn’t catch the names, but one of the cooks was from the Yucatan and I think the other was from Puebla. I thought it was funny since Diana was trying to convince Vito that the food would be authentic since it was prepared by an Italian.

tofie: Right? Maybe if Eloisa would shut off the flow of funds, these people would get a clue!

Lila: “If Ramiro smells a lying liar, shouldn't he sniff his own pits” While I agree with Vivi that Ramiro didn’t really see who Sonia was with and it looked sketchy when she and Pedro arrived together at the mass, this line is hilarious!

Diana: I didn’t watch La Verdad Oculta, but Ramiro still looks familiar to me. I wish I could figure out where I’ve seen him. I also really liked the almost kiss between Benito and Gi. Now I don’t know if I want Gi and Benito or Gi and Gael together!

Doris: O.M.G. Assvaldo is awesome!

Variopinta: Thanks for the link!

Susanlynn: Your story about “chicken” reminds me of the Carol Burnett sketch where Eunice finds out what really happened to her rabbit Fluffy. I love your job description for Diana-eating pasta and drinking wine...and gold-digging.

5ft: I’m glad you liked the recap. I kind of threw my hands up at the TV, too.

I have no idea what to think of Aitana. Time will tell.

Sara maybe we can form a Slap Line on the patio and we can take turns. I think we may need to hit up pretty much everyone at some point or another. Compared to our previous TN, and considering some of the characters we have in this one, we actually have a sorry lack of slaps or punches in this one. Much to much pent up frustration.


Sara, you gave us SO MUCH in this "bare bones" recap. First of all,that delightful link to the old Gigi movie. What a treat that was. Used to have a major crush on Louis Jordan.

Thanks for including vocabulary, especially cantimplora. I don't have much call to discuss either encopetados (all the folks I know are in no way snobs, and not much call to talk about bacinicas either (although we had to use them when I visited my grandparents as a child. But cantimplora, yea baby. All my students have some kind of flask or water bottle for class so I can "use it...the word... before I lose it."

So, we're introducing new characters and new sources of tension. Here we go! Like David, I have no problem with this single mom going after Vittorio as long as she treats him right. There is often glorification of single moms in these telenovelas, no problem they trill when they're 3 months pregnant, I'm going to live for my child...but single moms often have a tough time providing for their children without help from family. And working full-time and mothering full=time is arduous indeed. If our lady can make Vittorio happy and provide some steady income to raise that baby, I'm all for it.

Sara, you teach teemagers (my own personal nightmare), you recap a gazillion telenovelas, and you pinch-hit beautifully. Bless you and thank you...

sara...Like Judyb, I appreciated the clip from Gigi, one of my favorite movies. My younger daughter and I went to an Impressionist exhibit at an art museum last weekend, and one of Renoir's famous paintings depicting a couple dancing always reminds me of Gigi.

Sara, thanks for this eventful recap. I hope
That ossy didn't shoot cuzzin pedro on purpose accidentally intentionally. they both were hallucinating.
Pedro was seeing Fiorella and he was seeing a deer. And he looks really scared, Of course this would be a way for him to get Pedro out of the way because he's really jealous of his cousin too.
And now there is competition. Aitana, and
Shes beautiful, but then so is fiorella, but the
Heart is more important, ok looks are good too. I hope she doesn't take advantage of the
Situation, but this is a soap, they thrive on
Stuff like that. Two gorgous ladys fighting
Over a hot hunky guy. Freddy found papers,
So what? And the drama continues.........

Hi all! Sara, that was grade A, primo recapping!

Fiorealla has no observation skills. It takes her forever to notice that Simoneta is drunk. I know, right! Sim was totally slurring and Fi's just prattling on. I know it was meant for comic relief, but it makes Fi look so self-absorbed and oblivious.

Lord save me from little sisters! I know Gi's only 18 and Fi's being overprotective and having a mom-type yank you away from a guy you like, pre-kiss, is embarrassing, but jeez louise! "I hate you! You only exist to ruin my life! Where do I sign up to stop being your sister!" Harsh. Gi's lucky someone looking out for her, finding her a place to live and funding her life. At the very least, she could muster an apology, especially after the "wah, I don't want to get up and go to the doctor routine." Eye rolls for days for that one.

It's a little ridiculous, but I liked the sixth sense connection moments. I don't know why, they're pretty cheesy to think about, but I dug 'em.

I don't remember Aitana saying anything mean, but when Julieta said something derogatory about men or relationships or something, Aitana mentioned her husband. I wasn't paying very close attention, so it may have been a subtle hit, I'm not sure. She seems nice enough. She may be in the mix to prove that Pedro and Fi are "true love i.e. while Aitana's intelligent, well educated, welcome in the family, beautiful, well traveled and obvious can have a lovely relationship with Pedro, she's just not Fiorella.

Eloisa's bank rolling everyone is exactly why I'm so annoyed that the rest of the Angeles rallied to Roxi's defense. Eloisa finally lost her temper and was about to cut off purse strings and everyone starts crying about how Roxi's a poor, defenseless thing that doesn't deserve it and will die in the street. Maybe this is self-preservation because they think they could've been next? I definitely see Eloisa as a villain, but not as much an enabler. She is, in deed, but I think she sees it as her having lots of money and being willing to pay off cards rather than having them whining at her all day like piglets at a teat, especially since before that meant that she didn't have to actually see them at all.


JudyB: You are too kind. Teaching teenagers just means I’m a stubborn old bird (maybe a big turkey?) It is annoying that the words that seem to jump out at me are the ones that are the least useful in my everyday dealings. I’m glad you can at least get some use out of cantimplora.

Susanlynn: I’ve only been to Paris twice and I’ve never made it to the D’Orsay. *sigh* One day. I love the impressionists. I texted my daughter this morning and asked her if I had ever made her watch Gigi. Whew. Luckily I did. (She and I love musicals.)

Nina: I’m afraid you may be right and we are going to have Fi and Aitana going at it. I do think Aitana is pretty, though.

hellashelle: Yes to your whole comment! But should I confess that I’m the little sister of my family? LOL. I love “eye rolls for days” and I hope I can incorporate it into a recap (if I may.) I really don’t know how I feel about Eloisa. Honestly, if it kept them out of my hair, I would probably pay the lot of them off too. But I don’t see her as a villain in the traditional sense. She is pretty cranky...


SARA that recap was great--and thank you for pulling the extra shift! I had company and missed all but the last 20 mins., so your recap was doubly appreciated.

I didn't get a negative vibe from Aitana, in re: her makeup, hair etc., but someone (Doris?) made the very astute comment that TN wardrobe departments never lie. So her appearance may be telegraphing her future actions. But she is very attractive and does not resemble any woodland creatures ('racoon').

J in O


They replayed "the kiss" last night...anyone rethinking the fish mouth thing? It still looked pretty good to me!

I have to wonder whether Federica has been doing her Mean Girl number on Rox since the latter was a child or did she wait until Maximo died? Does she know that this brat is her aunt?

J...I still was not impressed with Pedro's technique. He has to learn to melt into the kiss.JMHO re : proper kissing.

Sara..I have never been to Paris, but it has been my dream to go there ever since I studied French in high school (where my teacher Miss Moore called me Suzette). However, my older daughter got engaged there. Tres romantique, n'est-ce pas, Mon Ami?. Her Canadian fiance (now hubby) speaks French. I took a lot of art electives in college and love art. The Impressionists are some of my favorite artists.

J., still looked like largemouth bass to me.

Hopefully Gi's suddenly rebellious behavior is the result of learning her heart is a ticking time bomb, and nothing more.

It wasn't a horrible horrible kiss but he did seem to open his mouth super wide like he was thinking of swallowing her whole. Still needs Jaime Camil tutoring.

He did have a moment where he appeared to want to suck on her entire chin, but other than that, it seemed ok.

Thank you J in O! I didn't pick up negative vibes from Aitana either, but doris is probably on to something. I think I'm more worried about Eloisa turning on Fi.

Susanlynn - one day I would like to visit Paris without a group of teenagers. ;-)

Doris- I hope you are right and that Gi is just living like she was dying. Which she kind of is....

Judyb..Fernando Colunga could also teach a class on kissing. His miss is on my list.

Sara...You brave soul..tatoos...and chaperoning students in Europe...yikes. I used to do a field trip locally with about 60 teens...It. Was. Awful.And. Stressful. And. Tiring . You did it on another continent and another language. Kudos, my friend .

His kiss

..Hmm...Gi living like she was dying..I hope that we don't have to watch her picking out a bull naned Fu Manchu to ride.

I'm here to tell you that the best way to visit Paris is not to visit...go live there for a while. And be in your 20's. And single. Barring that, avoid going with teenagers. The liability if one of them gets into trouble (and they will) is too great.

Now for a glass of wine and some juicy memories!

Geez, to your advice on how to see Paris...three strikes and and I am out, but I would still love to go..the art, the food, LA Tour d'Eiffel. The closest I have gotten is Florence.....and culturewise Quebec. Maybe some day.

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