Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #80 Mon 9/7/15 Virginia channels Lenny Bruce (Deny! Deny! Deny!)

Where we left off on Friday –
- Ana Perla has just shocked her family, though not the Patio, by falling in a dead faint. 
- Botel has called Virginia's bluff, offering an ambulance and a medical work-up for her latest attack of the vapors.
- All the extras have left the church.
- Unbeknownst to Salma, the priest has arranged for the food from the cancelled reception to be distributed to local soup kitchens. 

Now the new stuff – 
Salma worries that they may have made the wrong decision.  Is Botel sure that Virginia is going to be okay?  Botel is wearing his usual aggressively plaid shirt, so we know he's not a guy to mince words:  

Señora, si de verdad se sintiera muy mal, hubiera aceptado ir al hospital.
(Madam, if she really felt very ill, she would have agreed to go to the hospital.)

Virginia herself seems bored with that particular tragedy queen routine.  She already told them an ambulance wasn't necessary.  Sheesh!

Jorge is impatient to get back home and check out those letters and photos Matilde has described.  Salma turns and looks at him accusingly.  "Don't tell me you believe Verónica!"

He replies quietly but resolutely:  "Don't tell me you believe Virginia!  And what about this business of her kissing her doctor?"

"That's another one of your precious Verónica's lies!" spits out Salma.  She is so angry that she refuses to ride back with Jorge.  As luck would have it, Nicolas is available to see her safely home.  

Virginia manages to make a quick call to Dr. F.  "Even though you're mad at me, I hope you did what I asked," she says.  "If they find that box, we're both lost.

Ma, you're holding the directions sideways!

At the apartment in Mexico City, everyone gathers around Ana Perla.  Blanquita manages to revive her with a whiff of rubbing alcohol.  A trip to the doctor's office is in order, they all agree.  (Well, all except Ana Perla, who keeps insisting it's just something she ate.) Blanquita convinces the Old Goat to stay home.  She, Raymunda and Eleazar should be able to get Ana Perla to the clinic. [Where's Julio?  Someone must have given him a horse tranquilizer... though come to think of it, if they have horse tranquilizers, why aren't they feeding them to Manny?]

Back at the Prado Castelo home, Matilde leads the charge into Ginny's bedroom, followed closely by Jorge and Emiliano.  Ginny, Salma, Vero and Martín bring up the rear.  Matilde goes right to where she left the box.  But it's gone!  

Ginny and Salma begin to SCREAM at Mati and Vero.  It's all lies!
Mati is nearly weeping with frustration.  She  pulls out the photo of Demetrio and Virginia, the one she showed them in the church.  "If the box wasn't there, where did I get this, don Jorge?" she asks.

"I found this lining the bottom of the hamster cage in Virginia's room!"

Ginny thought-bubbles:  "Daniel did it!  He burned the letters and photos."  Cranking out another tear, she addresses the others:  "The box doesn't exist, and neither do the letters Matilde told you about.  And Verónica was lying when she said I was involved with Demetrio."  Salma puts a protective arm around her.  Emiliano narrows his eyes.  He seems unconvinced.

In the hallway, Nicolas tells Magdalena and Botel how surprised he is by what he has heard.  If it's true, then Virginia is completely different from the person everyone thought she was.  Botel says that there is probably a lot more to the story than they know. 

Nicolas finds it odd that Marty never told anyone that Demetrio was his brother. He wonders why he kept that fact a secret.

Inside the bedroom, poor Matilde hasn't given up the search.  She insists the letters and photos were there – and Salma knows she never lies!  "Well this time, you are lying!" Salma snaps.  "And all to help Verónica!"

Somebody moved my cheese!

To Marty and Vero, it's obvious that Ginny has somehow gotten rid of the box.  Salma, of course, is outraged that anyone would take the word of a servant over that of Virginia.  Jorge says Matilde has no reason to lie.

"You too, Jorge?" asks Salma.  "You can see there's no proof here."  She turns to Vero:  "You ruined the wedding for nothing!"  Then she stalks out of the room as fast as her stiletto heels will permit.  Jorge dashes after her.

"Congratulations, cousin," says Ginny bitterly.  "You also managed to make my aunt and uncle quarrel."

As for the flimsy "evidence," she can explain it.  The v-necklace?  Verónica stole it from Virginia's jewelry box.  The photo?  It was taken during a party right in the house.

But Marty puts the lie to what Ginny is saying.  He personally found the v-necklace in Mina Escondida when he went there to look for his brother.  And Nanciyaga told him that the mala mujer – the woman for whom he took his own life – had given him the necklace as a token of her love.

"Nanciyaga knew all that?" asks Emi, astonished.

[We get a brief flashback to Nanciyaga's reaction upon seeing Ginny for the first time:  Mujer rubia, ¡mala mujer!  ¡Mala mujer de otro patrón!  (Blond woman, bad woman!  Bad woman of other boss!)]

"That's all I needed," says Ginny.  "Now you're going to doubt my word because of what that Indian said."

But Ginny has miscalculated here.  Emi steps forward and reminds her that he knows Nanciyaga – rather well, as it happens – and he knows perfectly well that she always tells the truth.

Emiliano now understands why Ginny was so anxious to make him and his parents believe that Vero was Demetrio's lover.

"And you made me think the worst of Verónica," says Marty, getting right in Ginny's face, his voice full of quiet loathing.  "And like a fool, I believed it all!  Is that how you tried to deceive my brother?  Did you tell him you'd marry him after he made his fortune?  That you'd give him your love?"

Now Emi chimes in.  "I never thought money was so important to you that you would walk all over Verónica and over that guy too!"

Ginny's still not ready to concede defeat.  She throws the accusations back at Vero.  "Vero's the gold-digger!  She married Marty for his goldmine!"

"If that were true," counters Emi, "Vero would have accepted my marriage proposal when I got back from Spain.  But she turned me down because she loved Martín – and that was before he told her he owned a goldmine!"  He reminds her of the hovel in Mina Escondida where Vero preferred to live with Marty – for love!

Grrrrrr.  Salma is so mad! Unfortunately, it is Jorge who must listen to her rant: 

-Vero is not to set foot in their house again!  
-She doesn't want Jorge giving Vero a dime! 
-Jorge should cancel his contract with Marty! 

Jorge mops his brow.  He tells Salma that the person they have to distance themselves from is Virginia.  

Pablo sits at the table in his modest apartment; he slips the brace off his hand and arm and tries – but fails – to pick up a drawing pencil.  "I can't draw!" he wails.  "I can't even hold a pencil!"  In a Sergio Sendel moment, he sweeps everything off the table.  His coffee spills and the cup shatters on the floor.  His mother tries to calm him down, but his frustration has gotten the best of him.  "I feel useless!  I can't do anything!  I can't even paint!"  Lucía silently cleans up the mess.

Ana Perla has been taken to see Dr. F.  She tells him her stomach has been upset ever since she got to the city.  Dr. F asks Blanquita and Raymunda to leave so he can speak to Ana Perla privately.  Once they are alone, he asks her about her last period.  She tells him she skipped this month.  He asks her to pee in a cup.

"You have to believe me, Emiliano," says Ginny.  "Verónica set up this whole thing." (Verónica armó* todo eso.)

"Armar" is an interesting word whose meaning is quite context-driven.  Literally, it means "to arm (someone).  But you can also armar un rompecabezas (put together a puzzle); you can armar un escándalo (cause a scandal); you can armar un mueble (put together a piece of furniture) that you got at Ikea. 

She begs him not to do something he will later regret.  "Do it for the love of our child," she pleads.  They can forget the party and the guests – "Just make me your wife!  We can still get married by the judge!"

The baby card!  Will he fall for it?  No!!!! 

Emi smiles sadly and shakes his head.  Virginia, yo no voy a caer en el chantaje de nuestro hijo.
(I'm not going to let you use our baby as blackmail.)

Damn.  That last burrito keeps repeating on me.

"Whether it's true about you and Demetrio or you and Daniel or you and who knows who else, you lied to me.  You weren't a virgin and you're not decent."

She swears she always told him the truth.  It's Verónica who is the liar!

Sorry Ginny.  Emi isn't falling for it.  He's not going to marry you!  (He whips something on the floor.  His ring?)  Ginny bares her teeth.  She is clearly not thinking pretty thoughts.

Matilde goes to pack up her things, assuming (correctly) that Salma isn't going to want her around anymore.

Marty tells Vero that they have some things to clear up between them.  [Duh.]  Vero demurs.  This isn't the moment.  But he won't let her walk away.  "I'm sorry I hurt you and offended you.  Forgive me, I beg you!"

"Yes, you did offend me because you always assumed the worst of me!  And you hurt me by not having the courage to tell me the truth to my face.  You humiliated me with your sick jealousy and you treated me like a whore.  I can't forgive you!"

Well, yeah, okay ... but he still wants her to forgive him.  In spite of believing Virginia's lies, he fell crazy in love with Vero.  If that's not love, then what does he have to do to prove it to her?

Vero says he can't.  To win her forgiveness, he'd have to go all Cher on her and turn back time and treat her like a woman who gave up everything for him.

Pablo apologizes to his mother for his outburst.  She comforts him and encourages him to be patient with his recovery.

Dr. F smiles benevolently at the patient sitting across from him.  The test confirmed his suspicions – Ana Perla is pregnant!

[We are treated to a brief flashback of Ana Perla and Pablo in the days before her braid came undone.]  

She is so ecstatic that she hears the syrupy Ana Perla/Pablo theme song in her head.  She's going to have Pablo's baby!  She begs Dr. F to say nothing to the Old Goat.  He won't tell anyone, he assures her, but she needs to think about telling Pablo.  Then he gives her some basic advice and instructs her to see a gynecologist.

The mailman arrives at Pablo's apartment to deliver some paintings that Pierre has sent along to him from Mina Escondida. 

Salma is still yelling at Jorge.  "If Verónica dared to ruin Ginny's wedding, there's no telling what she might do as a partner in the corporation!"  

And Jorge is still sweating.  Some on the Patio are beginning to worry about him.  He's well enough, however, to tell Salma that Vero knows the business better than anyone.

Salma rants about the damage to their name and worries about how her poor Virginia will be able to face the world.  What Ginny has to do, says Jorge, is explain why she lied about Vero and tell the truth about Dr. F.  He adds that it's pretty odd that she has never let any other doctor treat her.

Uh oh.  Now Jorge is clutching at his gut.  He feels weird and he has a terrible pain in his stomach.  Salma hurries downstairs and calls to Botel, who, as luck would have it, is still there chewing the fat with Vero and the gang.

Just as Pablo and Lucía are happily removing the wrapping from the paintings, the landlord arrives demanding the month's rent Pablo owes.  He offers to take the Ana Perla portrait in payment (the one that scandalized Manny).  But Pablo doesn't want to part with that one.  He tries to persuade the man to choose another.  He won't.  Either Pablo hands over the one he wants, or he's out on the street!

In Mina Escondida, Gaby (the new school teacher) shows up on Joaquin's doorstep with a home-cooked meal.  It's a thank you for showing her around town the other day.  She offers to serve him dinner.  He invites her to eat with him.  Hmmm!

Now that Raymunda is back in Dr. F's office with her niece, it occurs to Ana Perla to start worrying.  She can't endanger Pablo with this baby (No puedo comprometer a Pablo con este bebé).  The Old Goat would kill him if he knew.

Pablo gamely parts with his favorite painting.  He has other sketches, he tells his mother.  When he recovers, he can paint another one from memory.

Botel checks out Jorge.  He thinks it's stomach troubles.  Meanwhile Salma blames Vero.  If Vero hadn't interrupted the wedding, Jorge would be happy as a clam.  But nooooooo!  Vero is well on her way to reaching her goal – destroying all of them!

Ginny tears at her hair and curses Verónica.  ¡Maldita! ¡Maldita!  ¡Maldita! All of my sacrifices were for nothing!

Her phone rings.  She glances at it and then answers:  "What the devil do want?" On the other end of the line, Dr. F smiles blandly.  He wants to know how she is.  "I feel so bad for you," he says, taking the cover off THE MISSING BOX!  "But if you want to start over from zero, you have to change tactics."

As Ginny listens, her face begins to assume the aspect of a cornered ferret.

"We have so many mementos – like your letters and your photos with Demetrio..."

"Did you burn them?"

"Of course, love.  You know you can always depend on me.  But I need money.   Think about how you're going to get it."

Now Ginny is cursing Dr. F:  ¡Maldito! ¡Maldito!  ¡Maldito!  [And you gotta love a highly gendered language.]

Dr. F licks his chops. 

Ginny vows to get even with Vero.  Then she'll deal with Danielito!  [But first, she needs to find out who switched out her waterproof mascara – that person is truly her enemy!]

And Salma is STILL pushing Vero around and accusing her of causing acid rain and global warming and the threat of Grexit...  Botel warns them to calm down or leave the room – Jorge is in delicate condition.

Apparently, Salma has chosen to leave because now she shows up at the door to Emi's room.  She tells him she's sure that Verónica is lying.  He screams at her:  "The only person who's lying is your precious Virginia!"  She has always put Virginia's needs above his while claiming to love him like a mother.  How can Salma say that Verónica is manipulating him?  Does she think he's just a puppet?

He's grateful to Vero for opening his eyes!  But even now, Salma continues to support Virginia!   Emi finally understands why Salma and Jorge are continually fighting.

"So everything's my fault?" retorts the aggrieved Salma.  "I suppose it's also my fault that your father is ill!"  This is the first Emi has heard of Jorge's problem.  Anxious to check on him, he flings open his door... and finds himself facing Virginia, who has washed her face and changed into sackcloth and ashes (well okay, a nondescript black pullover and slacks).  She begs him for five minutes of his time.  He BELLOWS that he doesn't have five minutes – he has to go to his father!  Not that she cares about that...

"You know what my aunt and uncle mean to me," snuffles humble Ginny.


"How can you say that?  I never did anything for money!"

"Please, Virginia, show a little dignity – and a little respect for me.  Doesn't your conscience bother you after what you did to Demetrio?  That a man died because of you?"

"I always thought that he took his life because he was a coward," she answers.  "It was no one else's fault... besides, I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH DEMETRIO!"

But Emi roars back:  "Shut up!  You're a liar!  I never want to see you again!  I WANT YOU OUT OF THIS HOUSE!"

Virginia's expression hardens.  She leans toward Emi and says softly: "I'm not going anywhere.  This house is as much mine as it is yours."

"You're finally showing your true face.  Now, more than ever, I despise you."

He rushes out of the room.  She follows him.  "You misunderstood me," she begins.  But he knows perfectly well what he heard.  

Hahaha!  She still hasn't given up!  "I'm not leaving this house because I have nothing to hide.  One day you'll realize how unfair you've been and that this is all Verónica's fault."

Emiliano treats this declaration with the scorn it deserves.

Left alone, Virginia again curses him and then seeks solace from tita Salma, who apparently is seeking solace from a bottle.  Ginny begs her tita not to let Emi kick her out of the house.  Salma vows to protect her and make everything better.  Ginny gets her smirk back.

When Emiliano finally reaches Jorge, Vero is serving him a cup of tea and he's beginning to feel a bit better.  Emiliano himself confesses that he feels as if a weight has been lifted off him.  He realizes that he never felt sure about his decision to marry Virginia.  He was going to do it because... well, the reason doesn't matter.

Jorge asks Vero to sit beside him.  He asks her forgiveness for believing Virginia's lies.  That's why he was so distant with her – he was hurt and disappointed in her.

"You don't know how much it hurt me when you and Emiliano were so cold and aloof," says Vero.  "You have always been the two people I loved most."  

Vero says she's ready to put it all behind her.   But Jorge feels very bad.  [As he should.]  He should never have doubted her.

Emiliano admits he was insanely jealous, and his anger didn't allow him to see the truth.  He is truly sorry.

Vero takes each man by the hand.  She doesn't want to talk about it anymore, she tells them.  She did what she did because she didn't want Emi to be unhappy with Virginia, and she wanted to clear her own name.  "And you did, hija," says Jorge.

Marty strolls the Prado Castelo grounds with Botel and Magdalena.  He doesn't want to lose Vero, he tells them.  He has to get her to forgive him.  Magdalena says Vero is strong-willed, but in the end, she always listens to her heart.  "Talk to her," she advises.  But Marty complains that Vero won't listen to him.  Verónica es muy noble, Botel assures him.  Once the storm is past, everything will be fine.

Botel and Magdalena leave Marty alone with his thoughts.  Virginia wanders by.  She doesn't notice him because she's looking down at her cell phone.  "You're a liar and a hypocrite," he says.  She looks up, the image of injured innocence.  Why would he say such a thing?  Marty reels off her offenses.

"I only told the truth.  Why doesn't anyone believe me?" she asks, her voice cracking unattractively.  He grabs her.  "I could kill you for what you did to my brother," he says.  She tells him to let her go – he's hurting her!

"Because of you, my brother took his own life!"

"Let go of me or I'll scream!"

"Scream! I don't care.  Let the whole world hear you.  I won't let you take away what I love most in the world!"

"What do I have to do with it?"

"You have everything to do with it!  You're responsible for that lie.  Since the day your cousin Emiliano returned home, I was suspicious of you!  With your airs of innocence...  

"You almost ruined the life of an innocent person.  I was going to exact vengeance for my brother's death on the wrong woman – that woman should have been you!"

Emiliano tells his father he asked Virginia to leave the house, but she refused.  She knows she can count on Salma's protection.  Emi wants to force the issue.

Jorge isn't sure about that.  He knows it would jeopardize his marriage.  Vero doesn't want him risking his happiness because of Virginia.  Jorge suspects it may be too late: "When something breaks up a relationship, as hard as you try, you can't put the pieces back together again."  Vero looks pensive.  Is she considering her own Humpty-Dumpty of a marriage?

"You're hurting me, Martín!" whimpers Virginia.  Marty loosens his grasp.  "Get out of here!  Go away!  I swear I could..."

"You could what?  Kill me?  Stop torturing yourself!  The only guilty one here is Verónica!"

"Shut up!"

"There's no proof, Martín!  You were right to get even with Verónica for your brother's death."

"Shut up!" 

"She stole Demetrio when he showed an interest in me!"

"Enough of your lies!  Enough!"

"I'm not lying!"

"I swear I can't see why my brother fell in love with you.  I don't know what kind of lies you told him to trap him.  But I swear to you that you'll pay for all the harm you're causing."

As Marty storms off, Ginny's plaintive por favor follows him across the lawn.  But as soon as he is out of earshot and out of view, Ginny's face clears.  She smiles a wicked smile.  "Ay Martín," she says, "the best wedding present they could give me was your head!"  Chuckling softly, she ambles over to her table for a fresh gin and tonic.

Avances:  Marty has inadvertently given Ginny just the ammunition she needs to destroy Vero's happiness (and his own) – or – the whole damn cat is finally out of the bag!


Sorry it's so long, guys. There was a lot of dialogue that seemed important last night.

P.S. I'll try to tweak this a bit and clean up the typos a little later. Enjoy!

Thank you, Novela Maven and thank you, Mauricio, for Friday's recap. Only now I got to watching and reading - you both did a splendid job covering the long awaited reveal episodes.

If Salma loves Virginia so much, she should just go with her, live together under a bridge or something. I think that not even resurrected Demetrio could convince Salma that her precious Virgy did anything bad, so people should stop bothering with her. Jorge needs to put his foot down with her, how long is he supposed to stand her delusions of grandeur?

So now that everything has been found out, what is there left to happen? Martin will grovel for a few episodes and Vero will take him back like she did so many times before. Maybe now would be the time for Vero to have another galan? This would actually make things interesting. Emi really doesn't count, since she sees him as a brother and he is "destined" to be with loca Nancy

So AP is pregnant? No surprise there - Pablo, the artist, might not even know that condoms exist and AP's favorite pass time before she met him was reading Alexandre Dumas literature. I wonder if Eleazar or Julio will end up playing baby daddy until Pablo finds out the truth.


Thanks soooo much Novela Maven. It wasnt long at all. Just great. I loved the recap. You filled in a LOT of things I didn't get when I was watching. For example I didn't get that Martin revealed the vengance plan at the end to Virginia. Thanks so much for the detailed recap. I loved it!!!

I loved this episode!


Carlos---From yesterday. A terrible invasion of privacy. This was a hard one from the weekend's discussion. Treat others the way that you want to be treated. Yes ok but then how can anyone in their right mind, besides you that is, feel sorry for the little viper? Another big row, fray, fracas with you? I decided to stay neutral at least on this one.There will be plenty of future times to face off again.
However---You knew that there probably would be a however didn't you? I was trying very hard to respect privacy and stay out of this big mess but then I read some late, very interesting comments in favor of Matilde. I think that Matilde would have never even looked in the box if she hadn't found the picture of V-snake and Dimi on the floor.
Sorry Carlos---as it was said, Matilde was Vero's nanny too. She had seen time and time Vero being lied about and suffering mental anguish because of the poison that was spit out by the viper Virginia, and now---now, it's payback time. I'm not sure that that was her, Matilde's total reason for doing what she did, I think that combined with that, she just wanted the truth to finally come out and boy, what a great time for a big reveal.

CorgiMom---You said that you would choose Ana Perla and Pablo to hang out with. I would too. They're nice people and a nice couple.

And now on to the recap.
the gringo

Thank you, Novela Maven, for a spectacular recap of a fabulous episode. I agree that it's not too long at all!

Love your description of Virginia's face while talking to Dr. Dan: her face assuming the aspect of a cornered ferret. Brilliant!

So now Martin is saying he was suspicious of Virginia since Emi came back? Really, Marty?!! I didn't notice.

Things are going to get ugly now. Ginny's got nothing more to lose.

Like the idea of horse tranquilizers for Manny...lol

Fantastic NovelaMaven. Thank you so much. It wasn't long at all. Enjoyed reading it.

So many great lines, and too many to mention, but some of my favorites were:

"Botel is wearing his usual aggressively plaid shirt, so we know he's not a guy to mince words"

"Where's Julio? Someone must have given him a horse tranquilizer... though come to think of it, if they have horse tranquilizers, why aren't they feeding them to Manny?"

Then she stalks out of the room as fast as her stiletto heels will permit.

"Grrrrrr. Salma is so mad! Unfortunately, it is Jorge who must listen to her rant"

"In a Sergio Sendel moment, he sweeps everything off the table."

I also loved the screen caps as well as the wonderful witty captions.

Thanks again.

This was a GREAT episode. I really enjoyed it. So much going on.

I'm glad that despite not having the actual evidence both Jorge and Emi sided with Vero and believed her word over Virginia's. About time.

Salma, as expected, took Virginia's side and believed her. Boy, will she regret it, when she discovers the true colors of her precious Virginia.

Virginia sure did make a slip when she told Emi that she was going nowhere (after he kicked her out) because the mansion was hers as much as it was his. I'm glad that Emi noticed it.

Now Daniel has the cajita de recuerdos and he's blackmailing Virginia. Wow! How long before Virginia offs him? (NOT a spoiler, just speculation)

Now on to the AP/Pablo story..

AP's preggres. Now she'll have to face both Manny and Grandpa Goat. What will they do when the find out? Oh, and AP better tell Pablo, or else it'll be UGH if she keeps it from him and passes the baby off as someone else's.

Thank you for the kind words, folks. I agree it was a great episode with a lot of complicated stuff going on, though we can be sure some hot buttons got pressed.

Adriana, it's nice to see you around here. I couldn't agree more about Mauricio's recap on Friday – it was amazing! I do think the reveal is still in progress, even if it wasn't all that obvious. The "marriage for vengeance" bomb hasn't yet exploded. (I tried to highlight the lead-in to the idea by putting the text in red.)

Duchess, how very nice of you! This was an extremely wordy episode and it wasn't always easy to follow. I'm happy to know that the recap helped fill in a few details for you.

Hey gringo, I hope you enjoy the recap!

Oh boy, a hot juicy episode and an equally hot juicy recap. Lovin' it.

especially your theory that the priest gave the banquet nosh to food kitchens. May it be so!

"aggressively plaid shirt". Indeed. Getting a bit sick of Botel's wardrobe. And that toothy grin.

The info on the verb armar was wonderful. I'm not a grammar nerd but I sure am a vocabulary nerd and just lapped up all those nuances. Thanks.

It's a battle for favorite line. Could be "go all Cher on her and turn back time" or "changed into sackcloth and ashes". Hard to decide. Both delicious. Think I'll have to choose "sackcloth and ashes". Love that line.

And your description of Virginia's face as a "cornered ferret". Perfect. Don't you agree, Carlos? C'mon, sure you do.

Thanks so much Novela..for the recap, the great pics and captions, the español lessons and the laughs. You are the gift that keeps on giving.

Mari, thank you! I'm glad you didn't think it was too long. I always end up pruning away as much as I can, but this time I ended up with a bit more than usual.

"So now Martin is saying he was suspicious of Virginia since Emi came back? Really, Marty?!! I didn't notice."

Yes! That was exactly my reaction!

"Things are going to get ugly now. Ginny's got nothing more to lose."

So true! By the end of the episode, she was running on pure fumes of malice!

Mauricio, I'm always delighted to hear you've enjoyed one of my recaps. As you know, some episodes are more fun to write about than others, even if they're a little trickier than usual. I feel as if I lucked out this time.

"'m glad that despite not having the actual evidence both Jorge and Emi sided with Vero and believed her word over Virginia's. About time."

Me too. At times, Virginia was so convincing that I felt sure Emi would crack. I was really cheering for him and Jorge all evening for standing strong, though I didn't necessarily love everything they said. Vero was VERY understanding and very quick to forgive.

I had the same thought about Daniel ("How long before Virginia offs him?"), but then thought his short-term chances improved when Ginny said he was her #2 target, the #1 being Verónica.

About the AP story – it finally occurred to me that Blanquita makes a fart face every time she's around Eleazar because she remembers how flirtatious he was with her in Mina Escondida. She knows he can turn it on and off like a faucet and that everything he says to Ana Perla about his attraction to her is a bunch of hooey. I suspect he would be willing to accept a pregnant bride because what he really wants is the Old Goat's money.

Poor Pablo, having to part with his favorite painting just to keep the wolves from the door. I guess he's lucky, though, that the landlord considered it to be worth a month's rent.

Dear JudyB,

Welcome back to the Patio! It's not the same around here without you!

More of a vocabulary nerd than a grammar nerd? Well, we aim to please. "Armar" first caught my attention when it was featured in a beer commercial a few years back: a bunch of people ready to party hearty had gotten hold of their favorite brewskis and were chanting "¡Ya se armó!" I'm not sure I have a great translation, but it was clear from the context that they meant something like "Let the good times roll!"

Yes, undoubtedly Carlos will enjoy my description of Virginia. (Although perhaps the final line of the recap will be more to his liking.)

Thanks so much, Judy. You are always so very generous.

While I appreciate all the recaps on this frustratingly good tn, I have to give mad props to Novela Maven for this standout recap that was equal parts rivetting and snarky. I haven't watched this cap yet but will watch this one.

I actually don't think OG will be that mad at AP being pregnant. When Polo spoke up and mentioned how much AP loved Pablo because of how excited she was about the ring he made from her shawl-and she did act as if it were a $8000 Harry Winston bauble-in contrast to how miserable she looked with Eleazar's formal engagement ring, the facial reactions, even Manuel, at the table pretty much said Polo was right; AP was truly in love with Pablo, and he with her, so Eleazar is the segundo plato. After Polo spoke up everyone pretty muched backed off and let AP and Eleazar decide. The fact that OG didn't give the martial obligations speech to Eleazar before Polo spoke up said volumes to me-he went all out for Pablo and finally liked and trusted Pablo.

I'm glad you highlighted that the venganza bomb still hasn't exploded, and that's what's gonna keep Mart and Vero apart until the end of the tn. So how Meija structured this makes sense. Marty lied about Dim, mistrusted Vero and was jealous, and married her with the intention of possibly mortally hurting her as revenge. You can forgive the first two readily, but the last one, not so much. Only the fact that Martin got stabbed for Vero and nearly took a bullet for Vero in the Aaron standoff mitigates that. And a possible bebe on the way for Vero seeing as they went on that luna de miel in Cancun.

WOW!!! What an episode and WOW!!! what a recap. I wouldn't miss this show for all the tea in China and Japan too for that matter.

NovelaMaven---I'm not just putting in a WOW!!! for special effects, it is really a WOW!!! recap. I was hanging onto every line.

Examples---The picture was found at the bottom of the hamster's cage.

As Ginny listens, her face begins to assume the aspect of a cornered ferret.

Ginny needs to get even with Vero but first she needs to find out who switched out her waterproof mascara.

Vero is the cause of the acid rain and global warming. NM---you were having fun with this one.

Virginia who has washed her face and changed into sackcloth and ashes. A gold star for that one NovelaMaven.

Last--But as soon as he's out of view, Ginny's face clears and she smiles a wicked smile.

So Ginny isn't sorry one little bit for her past actions and lies. Mongoose---it's full speed ahead with her rattlesnake mother Salma right by her side.

Carlos---Am I sorry that Ginny's privacy had been invaded? Did you see both of Virginia's evil smirks last night? The one right near the end of the episode after Martin walked away and a second one during the advances when Emi and Martin were fighting? The little snake is proud--very proud of herself.

I may have blinked last night. Did Dr. F really destroy the love letters or did he just tell Virginia that he had done so?

Can't wait for Ana Perla and Grandpa Goat tomorrow.

must see tv
the gringo


Armar: seems like a verb that means something set up purposefully to explode, figuratively, like a scandal or a party or literally like a piece of furniture.

I feel like I have to reluctantly give props to Meijia for also not revealing completely that Ginny has faked being sick. That's the bomb that may convince Salma that Ginny is evil.

I don't think Veronica will easily turn back to Martin this time because she has Jorge & Emi to fall back on now. Jorge & Emi had to repair their relationship with Veronica so she can move back into the house after her separation from Martin.

If the house is as much Virginia's as it is Emi's, it's also as much Veronica's.

Plus, if Veronica just goes back to Mina Escondida with Martin, how can Virginia come for her?


NovellaMaven, thank you for a captivating recap. Ginnygirl is a psychopathic lying
Compulsive liar twice.
She don't miss a beat, the lies keep coming.
Literally every word out of her mouth is a lie.
Martin, Martin, Marteen is in the doghouse!!!!!
According to selma so is gorge!!! Hahaha!!!
Poor marteen. That cat ain't only out of the
Bag, that bag has exploded. At least it will
Tonite says the advance.
Selma has got to have some doubt somewhere in the back of her mind, maybe?
"Ana and pablo sittin far apart
With a little baby under her heart".
Tonite is going to be intriguing.

J desde NYC,

I love your characterization of this novela as "frustratingly good." Exactly! Thank you so much for the 'flor' – I didn't even know you were watching this one! And thanks for adding to the 'armar' armario. I think it is one of the many words that we can only learn from specific contexts. (Maybe most interesting vocabulary is like this.) I appreciate your additions.

We haven't thought too much about Ginny's faking her illness – too much other stuff going on – but you're right: it's another unexploded bombshell. If, as many of us suspect, Salma turns out to be Ginny's bio mom, she may stand by her until the end, however disappointed she may be.

"I actually don't think OG will be that mad at AP being pregnant."

Really? Wow. I'm thinking it might be what finally does him in. Ah well, we'll find out soon enough!

Thanks again for stopping by and for the very kind words.


I'm delighted you liked the recap. Thanks for taking the time to let me know. I'm right there with you about enjoying this show, especially lately.

To answer your question:

"I may have blinked last night. Did Dr. F really destroy the love letters or did he just tell Virginia that he had done so?"

Dr. F has the box and presumably all its contents. Rather than burn the letters and photos, he decided to hold onto them and use them to extort money from Virginia. Most of us feel that by doing this, he has significantly shortened his life expectancy. Virginia is, after all, a bit of a sore loser.

"...if Veronica just goes back to Mina Escondida with Martin, how can Virginia come for her?"
Ha! Good point. We need Vero in the arena!


I just love this:

"Ana and pablo sittin far apart
With a little baby under her heart".

And who can possibly argue with this?

"Ginnygirl is a psychopathic lying
Compulsive liar twice.
She don't miss a beat, the lies keep coming.
Literally every word out of her mouth is a lie."

(Okay, maybe one person can. Hee hee)

Thanks for the kind words!

Just want to add, as others have said, love the grammar lessons! Keep 'em coming', por favor! Gracias.

Thanks NovelaMaven, this is simply fabulous. So many funny lines and I shamelessly admit that I especially loved this:

"As Ginny listens, her face begins to assume the aspect of a cornered ferret."

Yes it did. Brilliant.

and of course there was this which really made me smile:

"Chuckling softly, she ambles over to her table for a fresh gin and tonic."

Maybe not such a bad day for our Ginny after all. I'll bet that she'll be much better at this revenge thing than Martín was.


I don't think that the Golden Rule and the right to privacy ever need defending by me, and do, like it or not, apply to everyone, not just those we like. Next!


"So now Martin is saying he was suspicious of Virginia since Emi came back? Really, Marty?!! I didn't notice.

Nor did I and then this made me laugh ruefully:

""You almost ruined the life of an innocent person. I was going to exact vengeance for my brother's death on the wrong woman..."

Yes Martín, it was all Virginia's fault.


It's good to see you safely back. OSU looked very strong last night even without some key players.


I am completely with you on this one, Carlos:

""You almost ruined the life of an innocent person. I was going to exact vengeance for my brother's death on the wrong woman..." (Martin)

"Yes Martín, it was all Virginia's fault." (Carlos)

It's Virginia's fault that Martin jumped to the wrong conclusions and saw marriage as a solution to his need for venganza? No, no, Marty. I wouldn't let you off any easier than Vero is likely going to.

Looking forward to the escalated version of Virginia by the super talented Grettel Valdez.


"So now Martin is saying he was suspicious of Virginia since Emi came back? Really, Marty?!! I didn't notice."

I was confused by that too, but after thinking about it some more, I remembered that yes initially he did suspect Virginia (before finding out that Veronica was also a V) when he met Virginia at the club and found out that she was a Prado Castelo and her first name started with a V. Maybe that is what he meant?

I don't know, Mauricio, if that's what he meant. I missed a number of episodes early on. Now, he's saying that he became suspicious of Virginia when Emi came back. Does he mean around the time he met Virginia at the club? I was thinking that he was talking about sometime much more recent.


Mari wrote:

" love the grammar lessons! Keep 'em coming', por favor!"

I'm glad to hear that! I'll try to remember to include either a grammar or vocabulary note or both, especially now that I know there are at least a handful of us interested – enough to fill a table on the Patio, for example :-)


I'm impressed by your even-handed treatment of Virginia. Indeed, none of us can accuse you of being, like Salma, blind to Virginia's true nature.

In turn, I'll confess that I did not see last night as Marty's finest hour. In fact, the word that came to mind early on and became more firmly entrenched as the episode continued was jerk. I always TRY to see him as the hero. Sometimes, when I squint very hard, I manage to do so. Not so much last night. You are quite right to cite the "venganza" line as evidence of HIS blindness to his own culpability. Yes, Virginia behaved very badly. But so did he.

Thank you so much. I'm always so delighted when you tell me you enjoy something I've written.

I'm going to defend Virginia on this point: it was NOT her fault Dim-metrio killed himself. She could break up with him for any reason she liked: whether he didn't that've enough money, was stupid, had bad breath, couldn't stand his singing etc.

She was not obligated to stay with him for any reason. It's not Virginia's fault he killed himself after she dumped him.

IMO the only person with a legitimate 100% Grade A beef with Virginia is Veronica.

Emi and Jorge should've asked Veronica instead of saying "Hey we've known Veronica for 20 years and weve never seen Ho tendencies from Veronica but we're mad she won't do what we want her to do so we'll believe Virginia's stories about her instead of just asking her about it."

Martin really doesn't have a legit issue with Virginia at all. Virginia didn't force Dim to kill himself, she didn't force Martin to marry Veronica and lie to her.


I was remiss in not mentioning your exquisite screen caps and wickedly hilarious captions. They are precious and left me wanting more.

Leaving aside Maltilde's breach of ethics and trust by reading Dimitrio's letters to Virginia, what difference should Virginia's relationship with him make? She did not put the gun in his hand or pull the trigger. She told him her expectations and he didn't comply. Well, move on... don't kill yourself... and I strongly suspect that the general consensus here is that she wasn't worth it. And as Verónica recently pointed out to Martín, whom she dated or loved in the past is past and shouldn't concern him. I think that the same should apply to Emiliano. Now if Virginia's virginity was a requirement for him, I didn't hear him say it. If it was, I wonder if that also applies to Verónica? If so, well, that horse has left the barn.

Emiliano's outrage doesn't quite ring true. He is probably relieved with the way this all played out.


"Looking forward to the escalated version of Virginia..."

I suspect deep down, most of us are eagerly anticipating Virginia's stepping up her game... no more Miss Nice Girl.


Anon 207,

Thanks. A gin & tonic awaits you at the Virginia Table. I think we can find room.


A big thank you for your awesome recap. And do not worry. It was not at all too wordy. You are correct in saying that there was a lot of dialogue that needed to be included.

My favorite part about last night was Emi. Or should I say Sergio. I have been waiting all this time for him to erupt. I have to admit that I giggled when he was arguing with Ginny. I just knew that the actor wanted to throw something (a cellphone perhaps) across the room out of frustration. I would have loved seeing Emi crumble up that picture of Ginny and Demetrio and throw it back in Ginny's face, or at Salma for that matter. I guess I have anger issues.

The one thing I hated was that in telling Ginny off, Marty let the cat out of the bag to the wrong person. Grrr!!!

Thanks again NovelaMaven!

Hasta Pronto.

I wanted to thank you for Friday's recap. It was excellent. Sorry I did not have time this weekend to comment, but rest assured that I did read your recap last night. There is no way in Mina Escondida that I would miss a Mauricio recap! Thanks a million for your re-telling of a critical episode.

Hasta Pronto!

NovelaMaven, this super recap had it all--detailed summary, hilarious screen caps, and grammar notes. Loved the photo captions, snarky comments, and all the reaction to the exciting action.

Looking forward to Virginia's next level of attack tonight.

I'm at the table which believes that Virginia is not responsible for Demetrio's suicide. That's all on him, which is why I'm so frustrated with Martin. No one makes anyone else commit suicide. It is their choice alone.

So I'm expecting a gin and tonic waiting somewhere for me, and of course, I'll bring replenishments.


Novela Maven -

Thank you! Looking forward to your grammar notes and quips!


Marty, if he was suspicious of ginnygirl since
Emi came back, he kept it very well hid. With
All of that hatred for veronica on the surface
I Couldn't see all that suspicion. Could yall? Oooooo all That suspicion, yes marteen it was comin out of your pores.
Selma, is virginia your "DAUGHtER: or your cousin's daughter. If shes not careful gorge
Will hand her to the nickman.
The snake strikes tonite!!!!!!


Thank you, Carlos. Coming from the master of the genre, that means a lot.

You know, Emi did admit he was kind of relieved at the way things played out. A few episodes back, he also told Virginia that he didn't care so much that she had some kind of past involvement with Daniel; what bothered him was that she lied about it. I think the same thing is true about her virginity. She was the one who made a big deal of it – it was part of the fake persona she created to snare him. That's what he's so disgusted about: her phoniness. (I would be upset with her too, but I just love that she's the kind of villain who occasionally winks at the Patio as if to reassure us that she knows we're all in on the joke.)

Hi AuntyAnn,
It's always nice to see my fellow Imperdonables here. I'm so glad you enjoyed the recap. It WAS fun seeing Sergio erupt. Sometimes I think that he's one of those actors who can really only play himself. And sometimes I think that's good enough :)

La Paloma,
Thank you very much for stopping by. You're very kind. I can see you have been swept up in the excitement. [tee hee]. It is getting good, isn't it?

Mari, you (and Anon207 and Carlos and ... ) are right about Demetrio. Whether his death is framed as an untreated mental illness, an existential decision or a character flaw, Virginia isn't to blame for it. She was insensitive and cruel to Demetrio, but that doesn't make her his killer. Mejía is very fond of PSAs in his novelas. This might be a good place for one.

On an unrelated note –
We've had two scenes showing Joaquín and Gaby getting to know each other while Raymunda is in Mexico with the Goat Family. I do hope this isn't going anywhere icky.


"I do hope this isn't going anywhere icky."

Good luck with that. I think we can count on it.


I cannot get a coment on air, why? The network. I"ll try later.

Thank you, thank you NovelaMaven. You gave us everything. An amusing and artful recap filled with detail that was educational and fun! Kudos to you for all the hard work and attention to detail.

I think you may be right. Sergio Sendel is one of those actors that really only plays himself. And most of us seem to enjoy just that.

NovelaMaven and Carlos--

"I do hope this isn't going anywhere icky."

Good luck with that. I think we can count on it.

Uh no, I think not.



I'm also at the table with those who don't think Virginia is responsible for Dim's suicide. He did it because he wanted to. NO ONE is to blame but himself.

Aw, thanks, Barbara!

Mauricio, that table is really filling up fast. (Someone apparently spread a rumor that Carlos is pouring the G&T's). But do note: it's not the Virginia table, per se; it's the "Table for the Accurate Attribution of Responsibility." ¡Salud!

Fabulous Recaps NovelaMaven and Mauricio. It's an added treat along with the episode that I get to enjoy. Not sure I can watch a TN any longer without a recap from Caray!

I am too of the Virginia is AT LEAST not to blame for Dim's death Debate. A person that will contemplate and then carry out suicide already has plenty going on up here *points to head* and in here *points to heart* to have a regular every day occurrence (the breakup of a relationship which lets face it has happened to ALL of us) be the tipping point to peace out of this Earth. Heck it could have been someone cut him off in traffic or he got fired or his coffee wasn't hot enough. The point is that wasn't her fault. But boy is everything else her fault? a resounding heck yes! from my plastic Walgreens chair at the corner of the patio *sip of Franzia*

IRL I do think Grettel Valdez deserves the Villana of the Year Award whenever they air Premios Telenovela. Her performance is nuanced and insane how she can switch the evil on and off depending on who her audience is at that moment.

Did we talk about the wedding dress at all? It was pretty but not the kind of showstopper I would expect from a Prado Castelo. Then again I want to look like a disco ball whenever I get married.

My pleasure, JackieV. There's plenty of room for you and your preferred beverage on the Patio!

"Then again I want to look like a disco ball whenever I get married."

See. I knew you were my kind of people. :-)

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