Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #11 Tue 9/8/15 (Mex 13) Mistaken Identity

Ah, Fiorella, stop dreaming.  No, wait, don't stop dreaming, we need more swoony stuff!

"Gianna!  Why are you telling everyone we came from Italy?!"  Uh, she's kidding, right?  Gianna's proud of herself for making up a great story on the fly, but Fiorella instructs her in the fine art of lying…keep it simple!  They're just the daughter's of an old employee of Pedro's, that's all.  Simona comes in with a stack of bed linens and even some sleepwear, since they lost their luggage.  And a cute uniform for Fi, and some extra clothes, since she knew they wouldn't have any.  As she offers Fi dinner and says she'll bring some fruit and tea by later, Gianna is curling up on the bare mattress and has conked right out.  Simona thinks she and Fi will get along just fine!  Sure, as long as you don't push her over too hard!  I'm disappointed we won't see the attempt to get the bed made around the sleeping Gianna.

Pedro tells Fidel about Tania and the pills and the balcony, but Fidel says it wasn't a suicide--he's seen the security tapes.  She was drunk and high and she lost her balance.  "It wasn't your fault.  It was an accident."  Pedro is relieved, but describes himself as being "without Tania."  And his child.  Yeah, about that…Fidel breaks it to him that she wasn't pregnant.

Rox is in the sauna with three of her friends.  I presume the bathing suits are for modesty's sake, since that's not really recommended in a sauna.  She gives Eloisa some major attitude and I'm thinking my money's on Granny!  Eloisa calls her a "renacuaja" (tadpole--usually it's renacuajo) and says this ain't over.  Then I think she exclaims "vientres!" Abdomens?  Like, how dare you be baring them in her sauna?  Rox, et al, laugh.  Oh, it's so on!

At dinner, Eloisa is grouching in the general direction of her dinner companions.  Pedro's not having dinner with them.  The news about "the Italian girls" spreads.  Federica snarks that he must want to adopt them, then turns her sharp tongue on Julieta, asking why she never adopted.  Julieta answers tensely, "Not all women want to, or can, have children.  And whatever we decide is fine."  And why is Sergio asking if Eloisa got her "toronja" (grapefruit) at dinner?  Just to expose that Sonia ate the last one?

At Rey and Adela's, they're arguing with Benito about whether Don Vittorio needs to know about the accident or not.  He claims that Vittorio is "no saint" and he did everything out of "love" for Fiorella.  He'll go investigate what happened.  They agree not to say anything to Vittorio in the meantime.

My wish is granted!  Fantasy!Fi and Fantasy!Pedro ride along on a horse while Fantasy!Pedro says a bunch of stuff about the geography of Rancho Los Angeles that nobody really cares about 'cause they're on a horse!  And Fantasy!Pedro is falling in love with Fantasy!Fiorella and the Fantasy!Horse is a little jumpy 'cause it's probably awkward to be hauling around two Fantasy!Humans who are maybe going to kiss and ahhhhhhh we have the briefest of Fantasy!Smoochies….

And it turns out to be Pedro's dream!  From which he is awakened by his dad.  He was sleeping on the library floor and Sergio wandered in late…er, early?...enough to wake Pedro up and tell him his grandma's waiting for him.  Sergio also informs him that everyone's buzzing about the two Italian girls he brought to the ranch.  Gosh he made that sound dirty!  He doesn't believe Pedro's not hiding something.

Zacharias, the PI is filling Vittorio in on the story about the "two foreign girls" who  were in a taxi accident.  He wants to rush out there and find out what happened.

Fiorella is tasked with, essentially, cleaning the entirety of the employee quarters.  By Dante.  Since when does the head of security tell the maids what to do?  He really scares her, saying that was YESTERDAY's work, so she'd better get to it!  Simona runs in, telling Fi that she HAS to go on an emergency grapefruit run NOW or there'll be hell to pay!

Gianna skips along, playing with a dog and enjoying the widely advertised fresh Rancho Los Angeles air.  When you don't know how your heart will go on…literally or figuratively...come enjoy the clean air at Rancho Los Angeles.  Visit the Rancho Los Angeles Tourism Board website at to request your free brochure. Rancho Los Angeles: It's good for what ails you!

Ew, it's a family board meeting.  Eloisa summoned them to watch a video about the company.  She tells them she hopes they paid attention, because they need to pick the areas they're most interested in.  Gael is like a hopeful puppy "Oh, so we're each going to inherit one of those areas?"  No, kid…starting tomorrow, you, Rox, and Sonia are going to work there.  SAY WHAAAAAAAT?!  And what about Federica?  Pedro looks like he's about to pass out, but Eloisa gives him a sly smile and shushes him.  (In a totally non-creepy way.)

Vittorio and Zacharias can't get any information about "the girls" from the authorities.  Fiorella walks behind them, completely unnoticed, with her giant sack of grapefruit.  She appears to hear the dulcet tones of Vittorio and turns.  Or maybe she's lost.  Whatever…she moves on.  Benito does not escape notice.  He says he's there looking for information about the girls.  His aunt is fine, by the way. He wanted to save his boss the trip.  None of them have found out anything, but the surviving girl was transferred to a different hospital.  Vittorio insists Benito now join them in their search.  Because Vittorio doesn't believe in splitting the party.  And because when you work for Vittorio that is apparently a 24/7 job with no vacation or overtime.  Vittorio's not letting him get away.

Fiorella thought the town was pretty.  Gianna wants to help Fi with the work around the house.  She teases Fi about being close to her new galan, Pietro.  Vittorio who?  Fiorella is more concerned that they never told Rey and Adela where they were going.  Sergio arrives on horseback and sets the girls to giggling by asking if they're guests of the Rancho.  He points out, quite rightly, that despite the fact that Fiorella is wearing a uniform, she's so beautiful anything she wears would look like a ball gown.  He asks where they're from in Italian, but it doesn't sound like any of the phrases I found online, so I'm guessing he didn't quite say it correctly.  Gianna is saved from answering anything beyond Maratea because one of Sergio's honeys calls on his cell phone.  He gives the girls a jaunty "ci vediamo!" (see ya!) before riding away.  Fi reminds Gianna they have to be ultra-super-mega careful.  She tells Gi to go get some more fresh air, but don't talk to anyone!

Fiorella trips over Julieta's basket of  flowers on her run back to the house.  She gripes about people leaving their stuff lying around and quickly apologizes when she sees Julieta.  She tries to introduce herself, but Juli is having none of it!  Hey, is she wearing the same dress from yesterday?  Isn't this a different day?  Uh, anyway.  Julieta just snaps at her not to ever step on her flowers again and Fiorella walks off muttering about rude people who act like they've never tripped in their lives.

Osvaldo didn't bother trying to talk his grandma out of her wacky idea.  He's been busy figuring out how to get rid of Pedro, and he tells Sonia the Italian girls are the key.

Vittorio calls Adela to tell her that he's come back to the DF but he left Benito and Zacharias searching.  Their call is interrupted by Fiorella calling Adela.  She apologizes for leaving so suddenly, but they had to, and she has a job, and she's going to pay them back for everything.  Simona was keeping lookout and signals Fiorella to hang up the phone quickly.  Osvaldo comes in asking for a jugo de zanahoria (carrot juice) with a little apio (celery).  Ew.  He figures out where the last call came from and puts it in his cell phone.  He calls someone and asks them to find an address.

Meanwhile, Vittorio calls Adela back.  He's upset that Fiorella left.  But he's also relieved that she's not dead.  Not that he wants her to be happy…when he finds her again, he's going to make her marry him!  Adela and I are both appalled.

Pedro visits his/Tania's old place and cries.

Zacharias gives Vito the news he already knew about the girls in the accident.  Vito can tell that Benito is happy they didn't find Fiorella and Gianna.  He tells him to wipe the smile off his face.

Osvaldo gives Ramiro, his chauffeur, the address and Ramiro confirms that it's the place he followed Pedro to (that day when Adela ran him off).

Pedro is going to sell off the apartment.  He can leave the furniture or Fidel can take it.  Fidel hoists the one box of personal belongings and goes downstairs to give Pedro another moment alone with his ghosts.  Pedro walks out of the apartment with a framed photo of him with Tania.  He takes an emergency call from Fiorella.  She's not breaking the rules because they're not "seeing" each other…she just wanted to call him to thank him for bringing them to this paradise.  It's been so good for Gianna!  He's, uh, glad Gianna is happy?  Oh, Fi's happy too.  If Gianna's happy, she's happy too.  Simona comes running in to tell her to hang up the phone already!

Ramiro drives Osvaldo to the apartment building.

Gianna dances around with the garden hose, watering the plants…and Roxi's shoes.  Gi gives Roxi some lip about how Roxi would probably prefer alcohol to water…oh, to clean her shoes, of course.  Roxi fires back that Gianna's supposed to have a heart problem, not a brain  deficiency.  Gianna amuses herself by squirting Roxana with the hose.  "Oops!  Must be my brain problem!"

Benito finds out about the call from Fiorella and decides to trace it by looking at caller ID, calling the number, and asking for the address.

Eloisa wanders over to the employee kitchen where Fiorella is humming and cleaning, while little birds fly around her head and the mice carry the crumbs away.  She stops when she notices Eloisa and runs over to introduce herself to…uh, well, with that severe face she must be…the head maid?...nope, nope, that's not the title Pedro told her…the "jefa de empleados" (boss of employees…manager?)…no, no , how do they say it in telenovelas…the "ama de llaves" (housekeeper, "mistress of the keys")…Eloisa just keeps staring at her, waiting for Fi to STOP DIGGING ALREADY!

Gianna continues having fun with the hose.  She has already made friends with the gardener.  She complains about the half-naked hairy spider she ran into, but it's all good…she sprayed it with the hose and it ran back to its web.  The gardener approves.

Fiorella brings Eloisa a tea and tells her that Gi is out on the grounds, but she knows she has to be discreet and not come near the house, like Pietro…er, Pedro ordered.  Eloisa sips her tea and Fi says Pedro's kind of grouchy…why is that?  "He must have his reasons."  Fi figured since Eloisa's been working here longer, she would know.  Eloisa asks how long Fiorella will be staying there.  "I don't know.  My father died and we were left alone, with nothing.  Pedro gave me a job and I'm not going to let him down.  I'm going to do everything I can so Gianna can stay here."  Fiorella begs the kindly Señora Housekeeper to please be the one to give her orders from now on!  Dante hates her!  Eloisa tells her to just, uh, keep cleaning like she's been doing.  Fiorella likes to sing while she works and, sure Eloisa likes to sing, too, but no one in this house has heard it.  She only sings in the shower.  I swear she's teasing Fi when she says she's not sure if she can let Fi sing while she works…what if she's horrible?  Eloisa wouldn't permit that.  Eloisa thanks Fiorella for the tea and heads back towards the main part of the house, but she stops in the doorway "Oh, you wouldn't happen to have a grapefruit around here, would you?"  For the Señora Eloisa?  "Oh yes," says the lady herself, "she's such a stubborn old lady."  I don't know what Fi's answer was, since they were talking over each other.

Osvaldo sees Fidel coming out of the apartment building with his box of stuff.  Osvaldo asks if this is one of Pedro's love nests.  Fidel says he has no idea what Osvaldo is talking about.

Benito is heading out, to the tune of Adela's motherly warnings about carrying an umbrella, just as Pedro is passing by.  She invites him in for tea or coffee.  She wanted the chance to tell him how sorry she was about Tania.  He gets a text from Fidel that says "don't leave" and takes Adela up on her offer.  I swear, Fidel must have that programmed into his phone so he can just reach in his pocket and touch a button, he's that smooth.

Osvaldo knows the call came from this apartment.  What a coincidence to find Fidel here.  Fidel says Fiorella and Gianna were staying with his niece, who is just moving out of her apartment today.  "What's weird about Fiorella calling my niece?"

Adela and Rey tell Pedro about the flowers someone just sent to Tania yesterday.  She was so alone.  Only Pedro ever came to visit her.  Pedro says Tania's loss has been hard for him, too.

Fiorella's feet are killing her.  Gianna has been helping the gardener all morning.  She brags about running off a big hairy spider.  Well, fine, some "molto insoportable señorita"…the one at the party.  Aw, come on, even if they're the lowest of the low around there, nobody's going to step on them!  Fi agrees, but tells Gianna to be more careful so they don't get thrown out.

Roxi plots revenge.  Her big plan?  To call Dante and scream at him to tell her grandmother to get rid of the new girls because one of them got her all wet and made her makeup run and ruined her hair and soaked her expensive dry-clean-only jeans.  Seriously?  OK, show of hands…who thinks Gianna's about to get hired by Eloisa to make sure Roxi gets a daily soaking?

Adela notices Pedro peeking out the window.  Rey offers to run someone off with a broom if they're getting too close to Pedro's car.  Pedro lies and says it's someone asking questions about Tania and invading her posthumous privacy.  I mentally kick Pedro in the shins.  Adela recognizes Ramiro and gets ready to deal with him herself.  Neither Rey nor Pedro can hold her back.  Get your popcorn ready!

Fidel is preparing to show Osvaldo into the building when Adela emerges with her broom and her attitude.  Osvaldo makes the mistake of saying he was just looking for some information on one of the tenants.  Ohhhh, and why would Adela give that to him?  "My tenants deserve respect and I'm not giving you any information!"  Osvaldo tries to ask about Pedro, but she's having none of it!  This is her turf!  And he's no one to be "permitting" her!  She's the one in charge here!  We go to commercial as she's telling him she doesn't know him….

Is there an Adela table on the patio?

Eloisa paints her nails.  Dante tries to get Fi and Gianna thrown out, describing this as an attitude problem that needs to be nipped in the bud.  Oh yeah, Eloisa looks, like, totally concerned.  Mhm.  I'm sure she'll get right on that.  Maybe after her polish dries.

Pedro explains to Rey and Adela that the girls are at his family's ranch and he's going to look after them.  Adela hugs him with gratitude and heaps praise on him.  Pedro thanks them again and takes his leave.

The ladies--Eloisa, Federica, Rox, Julieta, and Sonia--have coffee.  Yeah, nope, Eloisa's not firing nobody.  She doesn't think what Gianna did was so bad.  She even likes her already because of what she did, and she's sure Rox had it coming.  She asks Rox and Sonia if they've thought about what area they'd like to work in.  Ooh, on this show, they actually eat the desserts!  Since they haven't made a decision, Eloisa will pick for them--the department of "intendencia" (administration).  Rox is horrified, but Eloisa figures Sonia's having no reaction because she doesn't know what it means.  "Um, no.  But it sounds ugly."  A hatless Federica fairly howls with laughter and is soon joined by the others.

Benito is back at his parents' place and they don't tell him where Fiorella and Gianna are…until Adela lets something slip.  She finally says Fiorella got a job at Dos Rios.  She heard from a (woman) friend of the girls who came to tell her they're fine.  Rey says they won't know more until Fi calls them again.  Behind Benito's back, they gesticulate wildly.

Eloisa tells Pedro the story about her little tea date with Fi in the kitchen. Pedro is horrified.  Oh, but that's not all!  The little sister wet Roxana with the hose!  On purpose!  Eloisa's laughing and says she doesn't mind, and Rox probably deserved it.  Pedro falls all over himself apologizing, but no, Eloisa wants to see Fiorella.  She wants him to bring Fi to the "saloncito" (little salon) so Fiorella can apologize in person for having confused Eloisa for the housekeeper. Pedro apologizes on her behalf, but Eloisa wants Fi in the house.  She had fun!  "Don't make me tell you it's an order, Pedro!  I'll be waiting for you in the saloncito!"

Anibal is back from his amorous…uh, arduous…business trip.  He's in the big salon with everybody but Rox.  Pedro drags Fi by the hand past them all, to the "saloncito" which looks like a hallway, to introduce her to his GRANDMOTHER, Eloisa Angeles.  Awk-ward.  Fi nervously can't help slipping into Italian, but Eloisa understands a little.  At least enough for "Good afternoon" and "nice to meet you."  "We met earlier.  Don't tell me you don't remember now.  No one has ever confused me for the housekeeper.  The only thing I want you to know is that nothing happens in this house without my approval."  Fi says that she knows that, Pietro told her.  "Pedro!" he corrects, but Fiorella brushes him off and Eloisa laughs.  Something about a burro and two feet and I dunno 'cause Fi's upset at herself for looking stupid in front of Eloisa.  She swears she won't offend a single other member of the family…not that she knows any of them…but if she runs across someone else with Pedro's long face, it will be easy enough to recognize them.  Eloisa's just so frickin' delighted and Pedro is in shock.  The rest of the family is amazed to hear that noise…they've never heard it before.  It's been years!  Eloisa takes her leave now, and, no, Fi is not fired.  "I didn't hire you, my grandson Pedro-of-the-long-face did."  Pedro gives an exasperated roll of the eyes.  So she has no objection to Fi staying.  Fi thanks her profusely and then asks who's going to give her the cleaning orders and please let it not be Dante, because she understands Spanish, but not barking!  Another laugh from Eloisa and a wry smile from Pedro.  "Hey, but a perro que ladra no muerde!" (a dog that barks doesn't bite) Eloisa reminds her.  Someone will give her the cleaning orders, don't worry.  She bids Fi and "Cara Larga" (long face) goodbye and walks out laughing at the joke about Dante.  Fi plops down in a chair, declaring that the "nonna" (grandma) likes her.  Ooh, don't be calling her grandma, she's Pedro's grandma.  I dunno, Pedro, I think you might have just been replaced as the "favorite" around here.  Pedro tells her once again to stay in the servant quarters and out of the house.  Joaquina will give the orders, not Dante.  She's Fi's immediate superior after all.  Fi says she never would have known--it's not like she knows who anyone is around there.  "I mean, obviously, since I made the mistake with nonna…uh, the señora."  Pedro tells her not to screw up again or she might not be so lucky next time.  The he leaves her in the weird little hallway instead of escorting her past the sure-to-be-curious relatives.

Previous: Episode 10
Next: Episode 12


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Grazie! Grazie! I still haven't watched this episode, but it sounds like a lot was happening! Geez Louise!

I'll sit at the Adela table with you.

You've got me nervous about Vito. He's not going to let go of Fi easily.

Kat...Thanks so much.

Hey, we got a fantasy horse in our fantasy romance. Let's hope that this show provides a little more romance than Sombra which had a lot of horse but little romance.

I have to run off to teach verb tenses, but I will share a verra romantic quote that I just found.

"You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming ? That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting?"...... Peter Pan that's romance. Peter Pan was my favorite Disney movie . I had a big crush on Peter. Now, I know why. Peter was a poet.


Oh if we're doing true confessions, I had a crush on Peter too!

So it's all fantasy romance right now, but I'll take it!

For some reason I can't stop giggling about Eloisa's toronja. I may have to go in search of a new avatar.

"where Fiorella is humming and cleaning, while little birds fly around her head and the mice carry the crumbs away."

Oh this was grand Kat. Like a fairy tale itself!

I missed the Monday episode, but was so happy that didn't seem like I missed much and last night we got some actual progress in the story. Fifi is firmly planted as Grammie's favorite, we got a nice little fantasy ( from Pedro yet!!!) the beyotches are about to enter the Working Girls world and Adela was all kinds of awesome. And I think we were all sauntering over to her newly designated table.( But honestly...that hair is so distracting.) Anyone else think what a hoot it would be to get Adela and Grammie Eloisa together?


Little quibble, who sits in a sauna with clothes, makeup and the hair stays perfectly quaffed. That was just lame. More like a mean girl meeting than a sauna outing.

What were those call of the blood type looks going on with Fifi and Julietta? Camera lingered on that Juliette smile and interest a little too long.

as for Vittorio, I'm sorry, he's just coming off like a dirty old man now. His fixation on marrying Fifi is just blech! Of course, Benito swearing undying love is equally annoying too. I suppose that will be the big bang when all those two find her and by then Pedro will be in deep and let the tug of wars begin for her allegiance and affections. Again, blech.

Boy, the chick that plays Roxy is such a bad actress. Must know someone or has any of the patio seen her before. I can't place her.

Back to work. Early reports to get out today. Did I already say BLECH!

Hey , speaking of grapefruits, what kind of meds is El on ? Grapefruit can interfere with some types of medicine.

Peter 12, he was my ideal man..boy?...boy who never wants to grow up?...I later met some real life Peter Pans and found them not to be very attractive in the realz...bubble burst...on to Captain Hook. (Stream of consciousness while avoiding thinking about an hour and fifteen minutes explaining verb tenses.) Gotta motor.

Hour and fifteen minutes? My high school classes are an hour and 45 minutes.

Hell thy name is block schedule.

Daisynjay - I'm pleased that Fi has Pedro daydreaming too.

I'm worried about what kind of trouble the girl could create in the office.

Girls. Plural.

Ugh. My students are starting to arrive. And I didn't get around to interviewing cymbal players. I will have to pause dramatically in silence.

Thank you, Diva! What a delightful episode AND retelling! Mille grazie, amica! Yes! Nona Eloisa is positively enchanted with Fifi! YAAAY! The vultures killed me being shocked and confused by the sound of Eloisa's laughter. They should all realize something significant has happened. Like Federica's cards said of the girls arrival: it would harken something big that would illuminate and turn everything upside down! Topsy turvying has begun!

I'd like to gush more about the recap but shhhhhh (in a totally non creepy way!) I'm at work! See y'all later!

Thank you, Diva!


Hi, 5ft. Enjoyed the heck out of your description of last night's happenings.

Like you and Daisy, I am repulsed by Vitto's attitude. To have an old man lure a young woman from her homeland and culture into a completely foreign environment on false pretenses just stinks.

I think Roxy is making her own anvil. Such a flouncy disrespectful little twit. Don't know if it will be Gi or Granny who will nail her, but nailed she will be. Maybe she will be given the opportunity to reform and become a valued member of the family?

I really enjoyed the interaction between Eloisa and Fi. Agree that those two could become firm allies. Eloisa's laughter was infectious, and the fact that no one could remember hearing her laugh before should give them all warning that a new factor has been introduced into the family dynamics.

Osvaldo the aspiring power broker gets run off by a middle aged woman with a broom!!!

Sonia seemed to me to be self assured and capable. Then we heard her sing. Since that time she has seemed confused and out of her depth.

I still miss a lot of the details in these things, so really appreciate your work, 5ft, and especially the way you carry it off with such style and grace.



Thanks Diva. I am liking this telenovela so much right now (I get a big goofy grin on my face as soon as the sweet instrumental version of the theme song begins)....and your wonderful recap had me grinning goofily again remembering it. (Either that or I'm getting ga-ga. Possibly both.)

Anyway, loved your "get the popcorn ready" and Adela's "broom and attitude". Definitely reserve a place for me at the Adela table. In fact, I love her so much I'm even getting comfortable with her exasperating hairstyle.

Thanks also for translating "intendencia". Like Sonja, I didn't know that word.

I remember Jarocha saying her mom described this story as "muy bonito". I think it is too. I'm sure a time will come, towards the middle, when we'll all feel grouchy and tired of the bad guys winning, but during this set-up period, just absolutely loving it.

And if they want to put a romantic daydream in every dang episode, hooray!...bring on the popcorn.

Thank you, Sara! And Benito said Vittorio's not a good guy and I don't know if that's the obsession with Fiorella talking or if he knows more about Vito that we haven't been shown yet.

Thank you, Susanlynn! At this point, even if most of the romance is just fantasy sequences, I'd be happy.

Thank you, Daisynjay! Eloisa acts like she gets along best with anyone not related to her, so she'd probably love Adela, especially if Adela told off Rox! Good luck with your reports!

thank you, lila...i'm whispering...yeah, that was fun watching the vultures freak out. let the turning upside down commence....

Thank you, David! Sonia does seem to be the butt of the family jokes. OK, I get it, she isn't super educated? But it seems like she's trying. And they keep making fun of her for mispronouncing French and not knowing what words mean and not dressing "right." They're starting to make me feel sorry for her!

Thank you, JudyB! I admit I did not know what "intendencia" meant either. I had to look it up. From Rox's horrified gasp I thought Eloisa was sending them to scrub toilets! So good on Sonia for trying to gather the meaning from the context, she just didn't factor in that any kind of work is going to sound terrible to spoiled Roxi!

OK, I have to amend that...I do feel sorry for Sonia. I hope she gets some backbone and decides there's no amount of money worth putting up with these snobs! And I hope she actually does manage to show some competence at work.

I still don't understand why Federica wasn't included in any of that.

I'm starting to feel sorry for Sonia as well.

The last time I saw the Osvaldo guy he was kind of a goofy ineffectual bad guy who turned good. I'm having a hard time seeing him as a real bad guy.

As much as they make fun of Sonia, Osvaldo doesn't seem like the brightest bulb in the box. How many times has he nearly tanked the deal with the Italians? And Pedro was the one to step in and save it? But he thinks he can take everything from Pedro and run the business himself? Um, ok Osvaldo, whatever.

I think Mimi Morales is pulling off this Sonia role with a lot of finesse. She has shown a wide range of emotions and has carried off a number of scenes with an expertise that I appreciate.

As to whether I feel sorry for Sonia, I don't know yet. She has hitched her star to the bumbling Osvaldo for whatever reason and seems willing to do some unsavory things (like come on to Sergio) to further Osvaldo's inept (and doomed) rise to power. I hope that she begins to distance herself from her husband, and shows some competency at work, outshining the other members of the family.

Probably the acid test for Sonia will be whether she can form some kind of bond with Fi.


Yeah, big consolidated report done and no questions on the comments!! I may doing Gianna's happy dance.

Working on the reports made me think, I get these done quickly because the information I need from my directs comes in timely and they are awesome at what the do. Eloisa is going to insist the spoiled brats take admin jobs--I always feel so bad, especially in these TN's, when you have these type worthless or hardly-working people taking up space in companies and offices. More than likely, there is some poor slob having to pick up the pieces of their mistakes and being ineffectual, not to mention probably be treated like scum because said witches are related to the owner. The Admin's in our company are overworked and very smart individuals. Thinking she could just throw them into "Admin" type roles made me sort of pissed, like she doesn't think it takes much to do.

Personally, she should have started them in either the Mailroom, copy center or how about the company cafeteria?


Should add no insult to the folks working in those areas, but it would make the witches have to actually physically work...and not so glamorous.


I hear you, Daisynjay! In an admin type position they still get to dress pretty. I worry that if they aren't detail oriented they could really screw something up.

They need a dose of reality.

Way to go, Daisynjay!

Here is my case for why Administration would be the best department for Sonia and Rox. Give them zero network access, give them lots of work to do that somebody else has already done, and then hassle them about getting it done in time. Nothing will get messed up, nothing will have to be redone, and no one will accidentally get hurt or end up with food poisoning!

Giving them actual work to do in Admin? Oh, hell no! That would be a total disaster! That is not a job for people with zero skills. Unless what Granny means is gofering for the Admin department...and even then, I don't think I'd trust either of those two to do so much as bring me a bottled water.

Just got home and read the interesting comments.

Sara..I used to teach classes that were an hour and 45 minutes and then TPTB decided that we should have more classes for an hour and 15 minutes. To tell the truth, I get less accomplished because 15 minutes is shot just starting up class and taking attendance, and an hour goes by very quickly when you have to cover a lot of material. I still have not had a chance to price cymbals...perhaps a tambourine would work. No fanfare for me today, but someone was playing the piano as I walked down the stairs to the duplicating room, and I think I looked fairly regal as I descended.

I am sure you looked positively regal!

Loved the recap. Thank you, Diva.

Also loved the exchanges between La Nona and Fiorella! They have a very good chemistry. The fact that Eloisa didn't immediately shoot her down or correct her when Fio mistook her for the housekeeper shows (st least to me) that the old lady has a sense of humor. And I really enjoyed her enjoyment of the girl's sparkly explanations and conversation at the expense of her "long-faced" grandson. Livia shone in that part. When she referred to El Senor Pietro" and he corrected her brusquely "Pedro" her dismissal of him with a quick, lighthearted "same difference" and flick of her wrist was so perfect, so natural. There are many little things like that throughout this tn that are making it so enjoyable to me.

Of course, there are some definitely non-acting actors (girl-who-plays-Roxana, I'm looking at you), but for the most part, the acting and so far the writing (less the obligatory beanie moments) are good.

Diva – Thank you for the recap!

I was so happy to see the Fantasy dream was Pedro’s! And why on earth was Pedro sleeping on that floor?

Sounds to me like Fiorella is saying “Piedro”.

Eloisa smiling and laughing is a good sign for our Fiorella.

The sign on that building, where Adela and her hubby live, looks like EDIFICIO BASURIO to me. What on earth does that thing say? That cannot be right.

Yum … toronjas. Ever had grapefruit soda and vodka? or was it gin? I can’t remember….. guess why. LOL

Daisynjay – ITA about nepotism and the Admin. positions, and the underlings having to clean up the wreckage. Ugh….

Do we know yet if Eloisa and Vittorio know each other? I wonder if there is any chance for AARP love between the two…

LaDiva, this was an incredibly hilarious and
Fun eppy and recap.
I love grannys laugh, its contagious, her odd
Greedy family should catch it, including the
Good son.
Gigi is so cute wettin up roxy, those two will be friends somewhere down the line. When roxy realizes the world don't revolve around her. Gigi could help her with that reality.
I knew granny and fifi would hit it off, shes just what the doctor ordered, that laughter is
A wake up call for the rest of em.
Lovin the dream sequence. Pietro, pedro, long face, can't fight that lovin feelin.

I think vittorio is younger than Elo, of course
The granddam may not want to be a cougar.
I can see them being really good friends, nothing more. And fighting the rest of them to Stop interfearing with pedro and fiorella.

Doris, we have a local soda company called ATreat, and my mother-in-law introduced me to their very tasty grapefruit soda when I first strparted dating her son..minus the vodka! I do not drink soda anymore, but it was delicious. Maybe I will buy a bottle!

Thank you so much Kat. I'm trying to make sense of what's happening, perhaps in a few days once my brain fog clears.

Wished Pedro would shave that, that, whatever beard thingie. Makes his jaw look like a rock em sock em robot.

tofie - ITA. Pedro would be awesome hawt without the beard. Oh, with those eyes of his!

No drooling here, over "Anibal" (Gattorno) with that beard/thing on his face.

Efcharisto Diva! (Thank you in Greek.)

"Eloisa paints her nails.  Dante tries to get Fi and Gianna thrown out, describing this as an attitude problem that needs to be nipped in the bud.  Oh yeah, Eloisa looks, like, totally concerned.  Mhm.  I'm sure she'll get right on that.  Maybe after her polish dries."

Not to burst anyone's bubble or anything but since we were going to find out anyways, this show is being edited.

-Encaje Rojo

LOL, Encaje Rojo. I knew this one was going to be edited before it even started because it's already over in Mexico and because it's so long. The only time Univision doesn't edit is when the show is a ratings powerhouse.

I'm not surprised at all. Not bursting my bubble.

Whoops! The day got away from me!

Thank you, mystery reader at 4:29! I keep trying to tell myself it looks like bad acting for Roxi because the character herself is so's not working, but I'm trying. I agree that things like the whole Nonna-Fi dynamic make up for it!

Thank you, doris! I didn't understand the floor thing, either. Maybe he didn't want to leave the room crying and just fell asleep there? I think the building is "EDIFICIO BASURTO" like the last name Basurto.

Thank you, Nina! I think you're right about Gigi and Roxi. They seem close to the same age. Gigi just seems a lot more mature than Roxi a lot of the time. Which is really saying something when it comes to the garden hose incident.

Thank you, tofie! I'm glad you're back. We'll get you caught up soon enough ;)

Thank you, Encaje Rojo! Hmmm, I figured as much, when they keep coming into a scene with someone mid-word. Thanks for the confirmation, though!

I hate being late to a party but I've binge-watched up to tonight's ep to catch up. Your recaps are all great! Will comment when the next one is up.

Better late than never, Urban. Can't wait to read your comments.

Since this telenovela is being edited, that would explain why Pedro woke up from sleeping on the floor, and none of us knew why or how he ended up sleeping on the floor.

Diva - Edificio Basurto is much better than basurio.

There is the equivalent of an entire episode missing between #7 and tonight's. Where I usually go one of those is missing and it would take me too long to figure out where to look for missing scenes. One not mentioned here:

The first morning Dante pounds on the girls' door and has the gall to enter when they're not yet dressed, barking orders in a threatening voice. While he hasn't made an overt sexual threat against them I can't get past the casting of this actor as the rapist of Victoria Ruffo in TdA.

I know it's silly to get angry about the editing, but I do! Then I'm afraid I'll spoil myself if I look for missing episodes. Dang it! I wish they even cared a little bit what we think!


There is possibly an episode and a half missing because I see now it's more than just one. Some of the scenes are longer and there are things missing that don't move the plot forward.

One possibly important thing missing in this one (which is in Mex ep 13) is Pedro reading Tania's diary in the library. He reads a passage where she spoke of Fiorella and her love of life. There was also a line something like "If I weren't set on Pedro I'd want her for him". He just finishes that line and pauses to think about it when Eloisa calls him on the intercom. He puts the diary in the middle desk drawer and there is a close-up of him locking it. Then he meets her in the saloncita.

Thanks Urban. That sounds pretty important to me. I'm glad you told us this.

Thank you, Urban! Good to see you :D

I can live without seeing the harassment from Dante, but that bit where Tania says she'd want Pedro for Fi seems like it would be significant for easing his guilt when they're finally together-together. Maybe they'll come back to it then. I'm hoping this is well-planned, well-thought-out editing and not just a hack job.

From Fiorella's first encounter with Eloisa: Eloisa said she was very nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other. Fiorella talked about an aunt with that problem and teabag compresses that helped (home remedies; another lovely novela cliche). This led to her getting tea for Eloisa.

So I have confirmed that the total amount of editing so far amounts to two full episodes.

This is what frustrates me- the things Urban has found aren't really important to the plot, but they are the little kinds of scenes I do like to see.

Urban - thank you for filling in the holes. I don't like editing, unless a telenovela is going to be 200 episodes long. Pedro reading Tania's diary seems like a significant scene and should have been left in.

I don't like Dante, either, and maybe it goes back to TdA. Who on earth is he, to be ordering around Fiorella?

That eye thing and the tea bags might indicate a genetic family link.....

Oooo....good call doris! I hope I remember that.

Dante is a sadist. I doubt that he's read Milton, but probably thinks that it's better to rule in hell than to serve in Heaven.

Urban, thank you for those fill ins! Did you find out anything about why Pedro was lying on the floor asleep? That was very puzzling? Was it when he was on the floor asleep that he had a dream of Fifi? Those ARE important colorings on the story and things most of us would enjoy! ITA about the Dante abuse scenes! It really does not make sense for the so-called head of security to be bossing the girls around!

I didn't go back that far. One Mex episode is completely missing and while it could be from before that, I didn't want to spend more time going backward.

I can tell you now that there were scenes missing from last night's episode.

I checked the number of calendar days to the end of the year and this series -- cut or uncut -- will have to go past the end of the calendar year, so I don't know what the hell the people at Univision are thinking.

Thanks, Urban. I don't know what the hell they're thinking either. That bit about Pedro reading in the diary how impressed Tania was with Fifi's joy of life is such a sweet touch, helps make his growing affection for her believable and makes that instant bonding between Tania and Fifi less wacky. And Pedro's affection for her IS growing. This is a nice, slow build they have going here. I hope they don't do a hack job as either. Oh, well.

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