Friday, September 25, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres, Capitulo 53 Thu 9-24-15: Fun House Mirrors Reflect Twisted Souls...

A detailed version of those first few minutes, plus the rest of the recap.
Long story short(er):

  • Dan is tormented about raping MD...until Ursula reveals that Maleny killed their dad. Dan's horror is mitigated by the idea that she's worse than he is. But Mal has suddenly remembered walking in on her parents fighting, her mother demanding that her father kill himself. Ursula maintains Hector didn't have the guts, but later, when Mal confronts Arango, he remembers someone else shooting Hector, we just don't get to see who. Mal overhears that Ivana's last doctor forged the suicide call on her dad's death certificate. 
  • Claudio has Alma take a sleeping pill so he can Isela can hang out without her. Isela accuses him of having Orlando beat up; he denies it, but he has gotten the restraining order put in place now.
  • Max finds out from Baldomero that Dan has the deed to MD's house.
  • With help from Doris and Julian, MD successfully avoids her mom and Max. She goes to the police station to make a statement, but both of the men that deal with her are dismissive and disrespectful. She winds up at a sexual abuse organization and is about to do what needs to be done when Dan calls to tell her he sent a sexy text from her phone to his so that no one will believe her.

Casa Morales
Julian enters the Morales house to find it trashed, MD’s dress laying on the ground in the living room. He hurries into the bedroom, knowing something’s wrong. MD’s lying in bed, eyes open and staring, but not seeing or hearing anything until Julian appears in the doorway. She jumps, pulling the sheet up further over her naked body as Julian lurches forward to help her.

“Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me!” she exclaims. Enter Josefa, just in time to hear this. Lord, knows what pretext she had for coming over, but whatever her excuse, her reason for being there now is to jump to conclusions and drag the rest of the neighborhood with her. “What did you do?” she whispers to Julian, incredulously. Honoria has come in just behind her and immediately starts toward MD to comfort her while Josefa begins accusing Julian of the crime, screaming "Rapist!” She hurries out the door, yelling for all of the neighbors to come out! They have a rapist in their midst!

Julian catches up with her and holds her  against a railing with his hand at her throat, telling her he’s not a rapist. She shoves him off, but when she begins accusing him again, Honoria counters by calling out that Josefa is not Isela’s mother. That shuts Josefa up immediately. She hurries back into the Morales house leaving flabbergasted neighbors outside. She apologizes to MD, saying she didn’t realize it was consentual. At this, Honoria slaps her and they begin to tussle, while MD stares ahead, catatonic again.

Finally, Doris the Magnificent appears. She hauls Josefa out and sends Hon and Julian out after her before turning to MD. She knows right away: “That miserable scum Daniel did this to you, didn’t he.” It’s not a question, so MD doesn’t bother to answer. Instead, she asks Doris to help her; her mother and sister will be home soon and they can’t see her like this. Julian reenters the room in time to hear her and adds that Max is also around the neighborhood, so they should go to his house. Doris agrees: MD should go with him, while Doris cleans the house.

Casa Diablo
Daniel is crying and rocking back and forth, hunched against a couch, his mother protectively holding him. Maleny keeps up a stream of nervous and idiotic drivel:”Well…you have good material. I’m sure where you aimed, you hit!...Right?...Right…”

Daniel furiously advances on her, pinning her to the other couch, his hand fisted in her hair. It is a disturbingly similar scene to the one we lived through yesterday with MD. Ursula yanks him off of his sister, also by the hair, but he whirls on her too. He presses her against the wall, growling over her protests that this is her fault. She made him rape the only woman who ever loved him…and the only woman he ever loved. He presses one hand tight on her throat, a mirror of Josefa and Julian, just moments ago. But she is not the sturdy Josefa, and he is not a weakened Julian.


As Ursula chokes, Maleny screams hysterically for Daniel to let go. She struggles with him uselessly, then races into the study. She comes back with the gun, pressing it to his head and demanding he let Ursula go. Even so, it takes him a second before he releases their mother. He turns robotically to his sister.

“Do it,” he says quietly. “Do it. It’s what I most want in this moment.”

Though she holds the gun, it’s Maleny that’s backing away now, horrified as the nightmare scenario that’s haunted her for so long suddenly springs to life, with her brother now in her father’s role.

Loan Shark’s Lair
The loan shark admits to Max that he sold the Morales deed to Baldomero and his lawyer because they told him Espy couldn’t pay him back and would likely end up in jail for burning down the tailor shop. Max points out the legal reasons why that was wrong, but loan shark doesn’t care at all.

At Julian’s, Honoria assures MD, now dressed in a track suit, that everything will be ok. Doris comes in to reassure her that everything in the house has been straightened up and her mom’s not back yet. MD is worried Espy will find out; what if Josefa says something? Julian assures her that she won’t, reaching out to take her hand…only to have MD flinch and pull back. Everyone freezes, knowing why. She’s immediately apologetic, but Hon just urges her to rest, before leaving the room. MD wants to bathe, but Doris, again the voice of reason in this mad world, reminds her that she can’t; she’ll destroy all evidence of the rape if she does.

Casa de Diablo
“Do it!” Daniel insists again. Maleny stares at him, but she doesn’t see him at all…Instead, the trauma shakes free a flashback!

Ursula is urging Hector to shoot himself, almost exactly as she did with Maleny a few weeks ago. With the gun on the desk between them, she responds to Hector’s protests that his children need him by snarling that he’s worth more dead than alive. Hector brings the gun up to his head…just as Maleny creeps through the door. “No!” she cries out. Ursula and Hector turn to stare at her.

“No!” Ursula cries in the present. “She could kill you like she killed your father!” Astoninshed, Daniel turns from the statue Maleny has become to stare at his mother. He looks back at Mal, who is now frantically starting to thaw, her eyes darting around like those of a trapped animal.


MD isn’t planning to press charges because her mom would find out. Doris (God bless this woman) insists; she and Julian can help her get past her mom, but she has to do this. Julian agrees. He can’t begin to understand how she feels, but if she doesn’t do this, it will bother her for life.

Casa Diablo
“That’s not true,” Daniel whispers. He and his sister stare at each other.

“It is,” Ursula insists. “She was little; it was a silly thing…”

“A silly thing…” Daniel whispers, brokenly, still staring at Maleny. “My father’s death…” His words sputter off as he sits on the couch. “Then what I did to Maria Dolores wasn’t anything.”

Maleny’s face crumples as she looks at Daniel. Ursula frantically. “No, it’s nothing! Nothing compared to what I’ve lived since Hector died. I couldn’t even mourn him because there were a lot of things to fix…to make it look like a suicide…so there wouldn’t be a scandal.”

“That’s the only thing that’s ever mattered to you, Mama.” Daniel says, eyes still locked with Mal’s. Ursula is finally sinking slowly to the ground, watching neither child as she tells them not to judge her and insists she did it so Mal wouldn’t be labeled a murderer. Even so, everyone started to pity them and everything started to be ruined. “Because I let you two do what you wanted…and you spent all the money…and you squandered it…So that way, you’d forget…”
Daniel again advances on his sister, eyes murderous, and she begins to scream. He storms past her and her scream becomes a kind of tormented keen as she sinks to the floor on the other end of the wall from her mother, two twisted pillars of a crumbling and disturbed ruin.

Honoria tells Fermin she doesn’t know what she’d do if she was in MD’s place, poor thing. And she can’t even worry about herself because she’s so worried about her mom! They’re distracted by Ho-sefa (and I’m finally using her patio nicknames because somehow she is THE WORST and I want to strangle her.) Heffa is in the outdoor walkway, calling far and wide to anyone that will listen, but specifically to Espy and Clara, who are just getting home, that Espy and her daughters are the worst people in the neighborhood. Thank goodness her precious Isela got saved by the wonderful Bustamantes - the ones Clara tried to rob! This is why Papa Morales died! And it’s a good thing too, so he never has to know what kind of…ahem, women, he has in his family. That’s it! Espy’s at her limit and rushes back down intending to knock Heffa into the next TN, but she collapses before she can. MD, watching from Hon’s almost rushes out to help, but everyone points out that if she does, everyone will know what happened. MD doesn’t want her mom or Max to know, though Doris and Julian point out that he should, as her boyfriend and a lawyer. Fermin tells them not to pressure her (shut up, Fermin!) and Hon escorts her away to rest. Outside, Clara and Max help Espy home, Max assuring them that he knows the truth as he shoots Heffa a look that says “why I outghta…”

Maleny and Ursula slump exhausted where each collapsed earlier. “I didn’t kill my father,” Mal states flatly. “You made him shoot himself.”
         “No,” Ursula returns wearily. “You killed him.” She continues, saying he didn’t have the guts to kill himself; he was always a coward. But Mal did it. And because of it, they could get the insurance and live…well, ”live”…as they have been – in luxury. (I’m confused: 1) I thought they made it look like a suicide 2) I thought life insurance policies don’t pay out to suicides.)

At some point, Isela accuses Clauidio of having Orly beatn up. (Also,Alma’s taken a sleeping pill.

Espy assures everyone she’s fine, she just wants to explain things to Max. No need, he answers. He knows the truth. Doris comes rushing in and stammers through a story about MD being out, dealing with microcredit/new company stuff. Max looks suspicious. (Yes Max! Let that lawyer instinct lead you to the truth!)

Ivy thanks Gerry for the streamside picnic and release ceremony. He says it’s just the beginning; he knows the time will come when she’s ready to receive all of the good things coming to her. Sadly, today is not that day. Instead, she gets Susana, entering as Gerry leaves after kissing Ivy on the forehead. Susana’s been fielding calls from a lawyer; she thinks Daniel’s camp wants to negotiate divorce terms. Ivana wishes Susy would turn into a wall or a piece of furniture so she could ignore her, but she listens as Susy points out that it’s suspicious Dan and Ursula aren’t there, begging for her forgiveness. Ivy says it’s because they know Susy has no influence over her. As for the lawyer, it’s probably the one Max recommends. She doesn’t need one though; the lawyers from her company handle her personal affairs. Susy’s confused; then why’d she ask for Max’s help? To be close to him, Ivy answers…(Lord have mercy, is Ivy now going after Max in vengeance against MD?!)

Doris keeps Max off with more of the same excuse. He wants to talk to MD about the deed to the house and he’s willing to wait for her to get back. Doris swears she’ll pass along the message, so he heads off to deal with Baldomero. Doris almost stops him, but doesn’t (Darn it!). Clara calls for her.

Ivana visits the nursery. She smiles down into the empty cradle and tells her lost child that she’s given up Daniel, and him or her too…but she’s not giving up on having the family she wants.

Clara has found MD’s phone, which was just sitting on the bed, so she doesn’t believe Doris’s story. Plus Dan was going to come, so she wants to know where MD is. Doris is practically in tears. She says she’s not the right person to explain; Clara should talk to MD when she comes home. “Please tell me she’s okay,” Clara begs. “She will be,” Doris answers. She flees before Clara can ask anything else.

Dan sits curled in his room, asking why this is all happening to him. He tells Ursula that she should’ve made Mal marry. Ursula sits next to him and lays her head on his shoulder. She didn’t know Mal would screw things up with Max. Besides, he doesn’t have the money Ivy does and men are tougher to manipulate (um…clearly she’s watching a different TN). Ivy always had a crush on him and has no one who loved her to look out for her: she was the perfect target. Dan points out that Ursula’s wrong: Gerry loves Ivana. Ursula says they’ll get rid of him at some point (WHAT?!! Red alert! Gerry is in the crosshairs of the Witch! I repeat, Gerry is in the crosshairs of the Witch!) Besides, he’s taken a huge step in their project today! He can’t turn back now! At this, tears begin to flow down Dan’s face again. His mother cradles and rocks him as he wishes he could turn back time. No, she insists. MD is pregnant and soon he’ll be able to do whatever he wants with both women…because they’ll do anything for that baby. Yes, your recapper thinks, watching in horror, mothers will do anything for their spawn…

Max chews Baldomero out about the deed, but Baldomero just wants to get paid. Max offers to pay, and Baldomero sees dollar signs. Unfortunately, he no longer has the deed: the lawyer sold them and he won’t tell Max to whom.

MD worries that Max will find out that Dan has the deed…and that he took pictures of her after the rape. She calls Max. He tells her he knows about the Clara-robbed-stuff situation and wants to talk about that and the deed. She puts off talking until tomorrow and asks him to let her handle it. Max gets back to Baldomero and pushes him up against a wall. He won’t hit him, because it would just get him (and therefore Espy and the girls) in trouble, but, before he leaves, he tells Baldy that just because he’s not corrupt, doesn’t mean he can’t play this game.

Mal confronts Arango with her question: Did Ursula force Hector to kill himself? AND WE FINALLY GET THE TRUTH! (well…kind of)

Ursula screams at Hector to kill himself. Hector returns that maybe they won’t have luxuries, but it’ll only be for a little while, while he gets back on his feet. She grabs the gun and holds it to her own head. If he doesn’t kill himself, she’ll kill herself, but she WON’T go back to poverty! He wrestles it from her and she buries her head in her arms on the mantle of the fireplace. “Do it, please! Do it!” Hector closes his eyes as he cries. The gun appears, pressed against his temple, shooter unseen. Hector opens his eyes and-

BANG! The shot echoes in the present as Arango snaps back to the present. The only truth is that her father did NOT kill himself…she killed him. Mal slaps him and starts beating on him, asking why he’s defending Ursula. “WHAT DO YOU OWE HER?! WHAT DO YOU OWE HER?!” Well, she knows what happened. She’ll find the truth. She storms out, Arango following, only to run into her mom.

At the police station, the cops ask MD if she’s sure it was rape. (WTF?!!) He basically insinuates that her rape was really a lover’s spat. MD looks like she might be growing some backbone: she calmly, quietly says he’d better take her statement and treat her with respect or he’ll regret it. Doris and Julian who’ve been asking questions and getting shitty answers, get pissed at the cop, so he kicks them out. He leads MD away to the med exam.

Ursula and Arango discuss their plots in the office. Fortunately, they forget that it’s not soundproof…and Mal is listening. She learns that the doctor they called for Ivana forged her dad’s death certificate to say suicide; only Ursula and Arango know what really happened. She also hears that Ursula repeat that she needs MD’s baby so that she can promise it to Ivana; she needs Ivana to beg to want them back (I assume so she’ll sign away her fortune). Smiling broadly, Mal falls to her knees and appears to thank God. Guess she has big plans for this info…

Josefa calls Isela to crow that MD’s a slut and slept with Julian. Isela thinks that’s the load of crap that it is. “I saw them! She was in a sheet!” (Funny that she forgets Julian was fully clothed and not even a bit disheveled. And MD was catatonic.) Isela worries MD will tell about Claudio but Josefa doesn’t think she’ll dare.

The cop takes MD to a back room of the station. The doctor is male and rude. MD asks if there’s a female doctor or nurse. Nope. Oh, and the cop’s going to be there for the whole thing. He’s going to take pics with his phone. You know, for evidence. She might have bruises and whatnot. Neither guy is leering at her, but they’re straight up horrid nonetheless. MD bails.Thankfully a sweet lady who works with an organization for the sexually abused is at the police station. Doris and Julian explained what was up and she tells MD that it’s not cool and she can have her examination done in a clean, comfortable with people, rather than soulless jerks.

As Baldomero walks home, Max shows up with cops. He tells Baldy they’ve arrested the lender guy and they’re going to arrest him too! Baldy balks and he gives up the info: Dan has the deed. Baldy then checks the cop car – no lender! Yeah, Max tricked him. “If you have a problem, press charges,” he says with a smile.

Alma’s still knocked out, so Isela and Claudio are having dinner. She mistakenly uses the informal “tu” with him in front of the servant, Beatrice. She corrects herself, but now the situation is definitely on Beatrice’s radar. Claudio tells her the cops only told Orlando to stay away from her and the restraining order goes into effect today. If Orly breaks it, he’ll be in big trouble.

Max goes to Santibanez House to talk to Dan. Mal tries to waylay him, but he’s insistent: “Call Daniel. Now.”

MD, looking exhausted, is finally at the helpful Rape Victim Center. The psychologist tells her she’ll have her exam, then bathe and then do a psych session. It’ll take a few hours. MD’s phone’s ringing the whole time. The psychologist leaves and MD answers. It’s Dan. She tells him she’s pressing charges. He threatens her with the deed. She doesn’t care, she won’t stay quiet. He asks how she’ll press charges when she wanted it; she even sent him a sexy text inviting him over. MD checks her phone. In her sent box, there’s a text message that reads “I’m waiting for you, my love!” with a picture of her in bed, eyes open, underneath.


Great start, Hellashelle. I'm posting at this hour because I couldn't sleep.

I had problems understanding the dialogue in places; the actors seemed to mumble or talk too fast or not loudly enough here and there. But I knew there would be a shitstorm when Danny-Boy finally heard about his father's death. He was nowhere near the scene, but it is obvious now that Hector was murdered. The only question is by whom. We didn't see Ursula fire the gun so it's still an open question. I wonder whether the writers had made up their minds at this point or were still deciding.

The later scenes at the police station were horrific. I wonder what really happens in Mexico when a rape victim comes forward.

Golly. Hellashelle this is great.

"Everyone freezes, knowing why"

"Instead, the trauma shakes free a flashback"

Claudio told the maid to give Alma the sleeping pills, how convenient for he and Isela.

Max knows everything leads back to Dan and will not stop despite MD telling him to. He will find out so why cannot she tell him? If not as an ex, as her attorney.

Wondered when they would go after Gerry, please don't let anything happen to Gerry.

Wow this show, so much suspense in reporting her rape

Well Dan thought of everything. Dan was playing with a toy car while speaking to MD calmly about the rape that didn't happen.


Thank you Hellashele, I am looking forward to the full recap . This episode was very disgusting after the last hideous one but at the same time many crucial things were revealed . I suppose Arango was the one who pulled the trigger on Hector . Dan is a psychopath, his backstory did not make me feel bad for him. He is a hideous monster that was spoiled too much by Ursula.

I cringed when MD went to report her case only to find someone trying to take advantage of the situation. They were obviously crooked . Now Dan has all the weapons to make MD look like a slut to everyone else. Max will most likely fall for the trap even when he has braincells.
I screamed when MD had her phone unlocked, she should have locked it knowing what the reptiles she is surrounded with are capable of.

Maly may be BSC but I am rooting for her to uncover the full truth and take revenge on all of the involved.

Hellashelle- Brilliant writing! I'm not just speaking about the writers of this show, but your account of the first minutes of this episode. I haven't see it yet, but I felt like I was in the middle of it all, taking it all in. Wow! Can't wait for the rest of the recap.

From the sound of the other comments, MD does go to the police. Glad to hear it.

Count, if Max hasn't believed any lies about MD by now, I don't see him suddenly believing any slander about her. He has not shown himself to be that kind of person.

Vivi, I hope Max does not believe Dan at all but as you know Josefa and every other reptile has spread lies about MD and Clara for the longest time . The more you hear it the more beliavable it is even if it is a dirty lie. That is what true propaganda is .

Agree Vivi, Max has a great bullshit detector but more importantly he loves MD unconditionally.

It very much looks like the den of vipers known as the Santibanez family will implode before all this is over. I can easily imagine them killing each other in some way in which case anything they have should go to charity after the Morales family is compensated twice over for what was taken from them.

Which could eat up all their assets considering the reign of terror Danny-Boy just started with phone calls and those damning but fake pictures and texts. That was obviously pre-meditated. They'll drag Alma into this, too, by showing her those pictures. She could end up in the nut farm after that plus the knowledge that Claudio is fouling his own nest.

As to the life insurance and suicide issue, I just read that it is possible to collect after the policy is in effect for two or three years. However, proof of mental illness would invalidate that. This likely means an investigation which will delay the payoff by at least a few months. This is US law, but who knows what happens in Mexico.


There is one other thing that is bothering me: What was Arango's motive for concealing the true state of the Santibanez' finances? I suspect it is something a little more complex than simply looking at the bank balance and predicting when it was likely to hit Zero.

It's easy to understand Ursula's motive for continuing with this charade: It gives her a weapon she can use in an attempt to control her children. This won't last long, though. Maleny in particular is an expert eavesdropper and I can see her finding out and blackmailing Arango out of cash for her indulgences. Not that she's likely to tell Danny-Boy because I think she would enjoy having an edge over him.

Urban- Arango works for Ursula, so he's going to go along with her wishes. Ursula seems to be the only person he is beholden to, or who holds any importance for him. Other than their roll on the desk, what could Maleny blackmail him with? He's an accountant, but it's not a crime for him to back up his client by confirming her lie to her adult children that she's broke and can't bankroll them anymore.

Maleny coming unraveled at this point, though a bottomless stash of cash would be great, needs to be freed of the guilt of murdering her father.

No, the lie isn't a crime although it is likely to be an ethical violation of some kind. Unless there was a fourth adult in the room, either he or Ursula killed Hector. As far as I'm concerned they're equally guilty on that. They also share the guilt for putting the crime on Maleny.

I think she is probably close to remembering who did it but after all this time and all the psychological damage she has taken I don't think it will help. I think she's beyond repair. She's a loose cannon and will do whatever she thinks will benefit herself. Since she called it on Arango having a thing for Ursula she could disclose their roll on the desk. Ursula might not believe her the first time, but there is always the open door and the screaming matches to count on for Ursula finding out. And she might just as easily kill Maleny over this.

A lot of these events have been triggered by Ivana's desire to have a child. I know she had an operation that removed some or all of her reproductive system. But, does she still have an intact ovary, so that possibly she might be able to have her own child via a surrogate mother?

Wow, great job Hellashelle. You nailed it.

True, so much came out this episode. I thought it looked like Ursela pulled the trigger, and when Maleny was listening at the door, I believe Ursela said that Arango and she knew what happened, but also that the doctor did too? I think Mal will go to the doctor with her questions now.

I was so disheartened when she went to the police and how they acted, I was glad she left, but also very disappointed, until she went to the center to get help. I hope she follows through even after Daniel's threats and pictures. And please tell Max.


Hellashelle--Is a mere thank you really appropriate? It goes way beyond. This is a stellar recap, with all the emotion of the whole episode laid bare before us. Your skill with words goes right to the heart. I'm speechless! I need some time and space to process all of what happened.

I came away believing Ursula killed Hector and though Arango suspected she did was trying to get Ursula to admit to him after Maleny questioned. So many twist and conversations I'm usually exhausted by the end, usually wishing for a commercial so I can process what happened.

Wonder how far Claudio will go to be with his little doll, sedating Alma already. Disgusting man.

Isn't this wild, I squeal for joy just as much when Doris comes busting in as I do for Max. Girl got a good head on her shoulders along with a take no prisoners attack button.

Hellashelle- I'll repeat my wow from before. OMG! What an episode. What a recap! I can't wait to finally watch it.

Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t! That was a smart and diabolical move by Dan to send that pic and text message. It makes me want to scream. Still, I'm so glad MD got some help at the rape clinic, and didn't have to continue dealing with those idiots at the police station.

Just to put this into context of some of the issues around sexual violence in Mexico, here's an article about a case from last year, in which the victim/survivor has been jailed for successfully turning the knife on one of her rapists. Here's a quote from the article that stood out for me: "46 percent of women over the age of 15 in Mexico said they suffered from emotional, physical or sexual violence in their romantic and intimate relationships. However, less than 20 percent of women report the violence they suffer to the authorities because a lack of confidence in the police and judicial system."

Here's the link to the article:

Thank you Vivi and makes me wonder why rape is used in almost every TN yet rarely reported and often times totally ignores anything but a bruise for a day or two. Here instead of using the can't let mother and Max know excuse, the angst in making the decision to report and the difficultly she faces is laid bare. They are dealing with it head on. I screamed when the police so nonchalantly said he would use his phone to take photographs.

Thanks, Hellashelle. Great recap. You certainly have a way with words.

Sure hope MD continues with pressing charges. There should be ways to disregard what's on her phone. There's no history of her texting lovey notes or photos to Dan, and surely his fingerprints are on her phone.

Ursula is the worst. To me she brought up Maleny "killing" her father only to make Dan feel better about raping MD. Son, whatever you are, you're not as bad as that one. Grrrrr!

I remember when the first rape and domestic violence centers opened in the 1970s and 1980s in the United States. That's when police departments started a protocol of having women officers or counselors be the first line of help for rape victims.

Niece--thanks for your comment on the centers. All this goes to show how far we *haven't* come regarding abuse, domestic violence and rape against women in all these eons. And just to think that at one time, here and in European countries, and in some parts of the world today, a husband can do whatever he wants with a woman who is his wife, including killing her.

However brutal and headline-grabbing these stories are, they sell on the news and on tv. Is this really the way to bring these criminal acts to public attention? Yes and No. The yes is if it raises the conscience of the population and there is a consensus to organize to combat it, even on a small-scale, like these centers and clinics, and police who are more sympathetic to the victim.

Gerry at risk? Por Dios, NO! He and Doris are the ONLY sane people in this whole telenovela.

I loved Max' turn about is fair play on Baldomero. He got skunked.

So we don't really have to speculate on who actually killed Hector. Maleny was in the wrong place at the wrong time. If Ursula could have turned her murder into a suicide without a witness, she would have been ok. Unfortunately Maleny was a witness. Ursula made it her business to turn Maleny into a psychological basket case, just to save her butt. What I heard was that the primary reason to create the suicide scene was to avoid a scandal. She thought society would not turn against her, but sympathize with her. She sadly said it turned out not to be so, one by one, they gradually alienated themselves.

Even though Maleny is twisted, I'm glad she overheard the conversation between her mother and Arango.

Hithank you, everyone ant anyone that was too disgusted to watch to miss out. The Santibanez clan is vile, but the actors are fabulous!

I still think Ursula pulled the trigger, but last night, for the first time, I wondered if maybe Arango did.

When Dan started to absolve himself after hearing that Mal killed Hector, and Ursula followed up with a line about how hard her life has been since, I almost turned off the TV. These people are actually nauseating me now.

Vivi, that article made me sick on behalf of all women. It's 2015 and this hatred of women needs to stop. WTH keeps it going?

The scenes at the police station made me want to hurl. MD would have been raped all over again. Taking evidence pictures with a cell phone? Not on your life!

I agree, Ursula mentioning over and over that Mal killed their father was to make Dan feel better about the disgusting act that he did, and it worked. I'm actually not hating on Maleny so much as I did before, she's such a victim of cruel parenting, it's amazing that she's not worse than she is. But I am hating on Isela a lot more than before.

Whew! Ok, back with a computer that works!

What was the deal with Ivana wanting "to spend time with Max"? Has her desire for revenge now turned solely against MD?

I found it twlling that Maleny screamed "What do you owe her?" It's an interesting to see that she thinks of people being with her mother solely in terms of blackmail.

Props to MD. At least twice I thought she'd give up: I thought she'd try to bathe at home and I thought she bailed on the police station and would go home. Glad to see she's perservering. That being said, I"m cringing at a lot of her reactions because they might bury her later. When she spoke to Max, she didn't sound any more strained that usual, she left the police station without actually making a statement so they're going to say she bailed because she "knew the exam wouldn't reveal rape", and she took that call from Daniel without witnesses or recording.

I also agree that Ursula blurted Mal's secret to help her calm her baby boy down. And Dan will take ridiculous pleasure in using it to torture Mal.

Also, it was SO disturbing when Ursula cradled Dan and 1) described why she chose Ivana 2) mentioned taking Gerry out 3) told him he could do whatever he wanted with them both after getting MD's baby.

Given the way this TN is going, Ifully believe she will be, but I SO wish she wasn't pregnant.

Hellashelle, she could still bail on it. They didn't do the exam by the end of the episode.

My guess about MD and pregnancy. I think she got pregnant having sex with Max, but Dan's family will think that she's pregnant by Dan. And no one will know before she has it who the father is. So they will still try to take the baby from her to give to Ivana.

cathyx - 100% agree. Question is will Max buy into that story?

Hellashelle, what a wonderful recap on such an emotional episode, thanks.

This tn always has so much going on and on so many different levels, so I'll just say that I enjoy reading all of ya'll insights.

"What was the deal with Ivana wanting "to spend time with Max"?" IDK but at this point I'm feeling more sympathetic towards Maleny than Ivana.


I am hoping that Ivana wants to spend time with Max because his honesty and truthfulness is a breath of fresh air. She knows how he feels about MD, so I don't think she want to make a move on him. Or maybe she still thinks MD is carrying Dan's child, so she's going to talk to him about that and Dan's plan?

CountX - I'm also wondering if Maleny is the sleeper hero. She knows all that Dan and Ursula have done and has motives to reveal it. I was hoping it would be Dan at some point, drunkenly revealing it to someone like Claudio.

Also thanks to everyone for reading, even before I got the short recap up!

Ooh! Jilk and cathyx, my bad; I missed those last comments.

She def still thinks MD's carrying Dan's baby and is willing to essentially sell it. I hope she does tell Max since he was with MD when she got the proof she wasn't pregnant, but now the rape will, of course, complicate things.

If she'd leave MD alone, I would feel worse for her, but she keeps venting all of this on MD in a poker came where she holds all the power cards.

I'm kind of liking the idea of Maleny as the sleeper hero. Don't know how likely that is to happen though. Maybe she'll redeem herself a bit as she takes her family (herself included) down in flames.

The way the actress is playing this character is so fascinating, I'm always waiting to see what'll she do next.


Thank you Hellashell it was wonderful recap. The Santibanez home scenes and rape made me feel yucky after watching, but I couldnt resist reading yoyr recap.
I have noticed Max wearing a white mesh looking thing on his hand? Is that a fashion thing? Its bugging me what it is does anyone know? Thanks in advance.

Thank you for the excellent recap Hellashelle! Wow, you captured the moments with the Santibañez so perfectly.

The way those officers treated MD was horrible but unfortunately not too far from reality. Men tend to think women invent these kind of charges to get revenge on their exes if they are told by the victims that they had a previous relationship with the aggresor. I'm glad that the nice lady from the organizarion was there to help MD. That's a good thing about Mexico City, there are many organizations for many causes that constantly keep an eye on this kinds of injustice, that's why the case Vivi brought made so much resonance. Women who live in other parts of the country, especially in poor rural areas aren't that lucky. Ñ

Ivanna and Maleny have both endured terrible upbringings woth women who tore apart their self image. Ursula is much more horrible than Susana so I guess is natural that Maleny's behavior is worse. Except, I do think Ivana is able to tell right from wrong, she just lets her emotions get the better of her, while I'm no sure Maleny knows the difference.


Anon 3:46- Both Max and Orly are sporting those mess covers over bandages for the burns they suffered in the fire of Espie and MD's business.

Jarocha--Thank you for enlightening us to an unwinnable situation for women in Mexico or anywhere, for that matter. I had considered that for a few seconds, about false accusations, but since we saw what had happened to our tn lead, it just wasn't appropriate.

And thank you, Vivi, for the article. Apparently is ok for a gated community person to kill an unarmed teenager, but not alright for a woman to kill one of her two sexual attackers. At what point did the judge think she should have stopped, I wonder.


Thanks so much Vivi. I am so releved to know because I noticed it on Orly too

Hellashell, this was sickeningly good. I wouldn't mind one bit if someone killed the
Rapest, and the woman that gave birth to "it".
These people give disfunction a whole new
Meaning. Espy is sick anyway go ahead and
Press charges and deal with the fallout, she
Will survive, with heartbrake but she will come through it. But, yall it may get worst
Before it gets better.

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