Monday, October 19, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #20 Monday 10/19/15: Luciana continues her rise. Roberto goes over to the dark side.

Luciana gloats over her uncle's hospital bed. He owes her now, both for the blood transfusion and for her silence. He has to bribe a bunch of people to keep his accident quiet. He promises he will reward Luciana well for discretion.

Lichita admits to Brisa (the hippy chick) that she's in love with her boss though he'll never fall for her. Brisa says, "Give him a push. You'll win him over with your interior beauty." Lichita says, "What, is my exterior so hopeless?"

Whenever Gumaro and Roberto are together, they're just doing plot rehash. Gumaro, though, is thinking of going back to work. "Remember when they called me Lord?" "Yeah, Lord of the ATMs. We've gone straight we don't do that any more. Although my current life is based on a big lie."

After her trip to that hick town where Augusto is laid up, Luciana sneaks back into the mansion. Beatrice storms in asking where she's been: "I've been so worried." "I was on a brief spiritual retreat at the convent." Dafne asks if God instructed her to build an ark and fill it with animals and float it back to Patagonia, and suggests perhaps Luciana should go praying at a novena with Bea. "Auntie, God said I should keep working at Ikonika." Bea gets over whatever her grievance against Luciana was and embraces her adorable niece.

Dafne: "Ugh Mom, do you actually believe this terrible acting? If she were on stage people would be throwing tomatoes."

Rehash of the troubles of the Gutierrez family. Lichita is going to try to get permission for Elsa to sell food at Ikonika. Magos serves her dad some eggs but he spits them out, "These are cold! Don't you do anything right?"

Magos is spoiling for a fight: "You always loved perfect Lichita, I went out in the streets and fooled around to avoid you and your expectations, are you ashamed of me because I don't have a job or because I got pregnant?" "You could have stayed in school but you dropped out..."

Ding! Magos figures out that he, Nacho, dropped out because he got Elsa pregnant with Lichita. Elsa and Nacho are embarrassed.

Magos continues: "Mom hasn't even had the nerve to tell you she lost her job -- because she doesn't want to worry you. And Lichita had to go crawling back to Ikonika despite humiliation -- because she doesn't want to worry you either." These are good points. Nachos has a pity party for the rest of the episode.

Luciana waltzes into Ikonika and by direct order of the boss, she is now sole Creative Director on the Japanese cosmetics job (she can't even say the name of the company). Sandra is annoyed (especially after Luciana intimates that Sandra got her job by laying the boss) but tells Roberto he has to help Luciana, and Sandra will help too, because the account is too important to leave in the hands of an incompetent.

If you already didn't like Roberto now it's hard not to hate him, because due to Luciana's knowing his resume is fabricated, he has to do what she wants, and so he flirts hard with "Gauchita" - she always gets what she wants. He manages to save Lichita's promotion to editor somewhat: "She can be my editor assistant."

Lichita says she should get a raise for doing two jobs. She also asks Luciana to help her get permission for her mom to sell at Ikonika.

Brushing that off, Luciana says: "You have to cater to my every caprice. Get me an appointment with Marcelo the famous makeup/hair guy from Argentina and get me a table at the most exclusive restaurant - for tonight."

Luciana goes to Marcelo's salon and begs him to no avail, but when a guy with tons of boxes of Marcelo's makeup shows up and says "nobody wants these, boss," Lichita offers: "If you'll come primp my boss I'll help you sell your products, I'm a publicist."

Then she goes to the restaurant, there are of course no free tables. While she's standing by the door a couple comes and mistakes her for the maitre d' and so she looks for their reservation, finds it, crosses it out, says "no, there is no reservation," they leave, and when the real maitre d' shows up Lichita tells him "some people just cancelled so there's a table for my boss."

She waits at the restaurant and when Luciana shows up she's on Roberto's arm! Lichita's eyes widen. Roberto is embarrassed. Luciana gloats and tells Lichita to beat it. "That cow is dying for you," Luciana laughs. Roberto: "She's not my type, I like strong women with blue eyes." "Incredibly sexy women?" She reminds him he's under her thumb and that he can be her friend or her enemy. He moves in and after some hesitation, gives her big kisses. Ugh.

Tomorrow: more of the same, I'm afraid.

Previous: Episode 19
Next: Episode 21


Thanks Jane! I don't hate Roberto. He's doing what he's got to do to keep his job. Just like Lichita is fake kissing Luciana's butt in order to keep her job and get her mom a job. Seeing him try to save Lichita's job by playing Luci, and then his extreme hesitation to kiss Luci, keeps him in my good graces. His only other option is coming clean to Don Agusto about his fake resume, and it's not like Don A is the most understanding guy. I don't think he'd understand going through all of this to get your kid out of an orphanage, when he's dying to send both his away to boarding schools far, far away.

Hey, the famous hairdresser is Padre Mariano from Mentir Para Vivir! Haven't seen him since that. Hope he's a recurring character, especially since Lichita is going to try to publicize his shampoo.

The stuff with Nachito, Elsa, and Magos was just sad. Everyone was wrong and everyone was right. I'm sorry, I'm still not shedding a tear for Magos. Fine if she wants to point out the failings of everyone else. They're valid. But she's somehow using them as an excuse for her OWN failings. She needs to own up to being shiftless and irresponsible. That's no one's fault but her own.

Jane, thanks for your great recap.

Vivi, I so agree with you that Magos has managed to take the "failings" of everyone else and use them as a justification for her own laziness and lack of character. This is her usual MO. So, she is upset her father had "expectations" for her? That made her take to the streets? They loved Lichita more? She couldn't even heat up the eggs for Nacho? She needs a swift kick to wake her up.

I loved Alicia's perseverance and creativity in getting the makeup artist and the reservation for Luciana.

Now that she was feeling confident about her uncle's support, Luciana sure didn't miss a beat making sure that Sandra knew that she knew what Sandra's real relationship was with her uncle was.

Roberto and Luciana were so good with their BS when they were together. Roberto better watch himself, Luciana may call him on his empty offers.

I hope that Elsa is allowed at Ikónika to sell coffee, etc.

I cannot wait until we find out what Augusto was doing in that town.


Jarifa- Yeah, Roberto's lips might be making promises to Luci that his rocket can't deliver. Oops! Wrong tn. Rocket jokes belong over on La Vecina. :) Roberto did try to preemptively deal with this the last time he tried to do a snow job on Luci by basically saying he likes women who play hard to get. She fell for it. Let's hope for his sake that she continues to play hard to get.

Rocket jokes! Now that is funny!


Thank you, Jane! I don't know what was harder to watch, Rob literally kissing up to Luci or the teary family scenes. While I'm sure the honesty will be good for all of them...yikes!

Thank you Jane, there's always someone miss and you cleared up my confusions. I completely missed Alicia's line about the exterior.

Jarifa-Is it possible that Don A presented himself as to Bea and his family as something other than he was? Was he in that podunk town visiting someone?

I guess that's a crackpot theory.

Vivi- I can't help but like Roberto. He respects Alicia so much and is into her for her. Not her stunning beauty.

If I may take a page from Jarifa's Book of Comment Style and make a quick listing of things I liked (because I need to focus on them due to the painful scenes with Magos and her parents)

Marcelo-both the actor and the Argentine accent he was affecting

Alicia fooling the customer about the reservation (though I feel bad for the secretary when that guy gets to work tomorrow.)

Dafne. She steals every scene she's in.

Diego's beard.

I really hope Elsa starts working at Iconika. I can see her putting those secretaries in their places.

Yes, Diva! The family scenes were so painful but part of me was happy they were getting it all out in the open.

In the case of Nacho and Elsa at least, they started being honest with each other. I hope Magos starts getting honest with herself.

Her little quip about the high expectations annoyed me. I heard that as Nacho having high expectations for BOTH his girls, not just one. It's not like he was saying "Lichita is wonderful. You could never achieve what she has." He was comparing and saying "You need to study and work hard and be more like Lichita." OK, still a crappy delivery, but it implies she should do these things because she's capable.

Aaaand another thing... Magos is whining about her parents not caring enough about her and she ignores her own child? Huh?

Sara- Yeah. I think part of what bugs the heck out of me about Magos whining about how badly her parents treat her is her own treatment of her own daughter. She's a deadbeat mom! The only thing that keeps her in Ximena's life is the fact that she's too much of a moocher to move out and find her own place. Otherwise, she wouldn't be part of her daughter's life at all. I also hate how negative she is about everyone else's dreams and hopes, like how she was being negative this episode about Elsa setting up her food stand at Iconika. She does this with Ximena too. But as soon as she comes up with a half baked scheme like the tanda, she wants other people to not only get excited about it, but to also give her money for it. And if they don't, then it's the same old whine about how no one loves or believes in her.

I agree with all your comments! Very elegantly put. You are all more forgiving of Roberto than I am. Lichita is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her family squeezing her for money and something to boast about (My daughter the exec....) and the people at work kicking her like a dog. And she's fallen for Roberto and now he has to suck up to the Gauchita (I love that nickname). How long is Luciana going to be rising? I'm enjoying her evil acting but I wish Lichita could get a break.

"Gauchita" is cute. It's one of those things that makes me start to laugh and then I remember he's fraternizing with the enemy.

Thanks, Jane. Terrific recap.

I do think Nacho could’ve been kinder about the eggs. At least for once Magos was doing something constructive. But Magos seems to never have heard of siguiendo adelante. Long past due for her to move on from acting like a 15 year old. No idea where this is going, but it should be clear to Nacho and Elsa that they need to approach Magos differently (wish I knew how) or they’ll still have a surly Magos at home when Ximena graduates from high school.

Poor Roberto, it was tough for him to kiss Luciana. I feel a smidge sorry for Luciana. She digs Roberto and she thinks he digs her back. But of course she has blackmailed him about his fake resume, so never mind.

I hope the hairdresser stays too. Love seeing the Televisa players in different roles.

Does Luciana truly dig Roberto or did she think he was cute, but really got interested when he didn't immediately return the interest? Did that make sense? I can't remember how it all went about.

Thanks for the recap!

I actually don't want Elsa at Iconika. One, I can see Luciana treating her in a humiliating way (also Chuchette and Nestor). Second, I can see Luciana using their relationship as leverage against the other. And third, I don't want to see Alicia humiliated in front of her mom. It would be like when Ximena saw it and it makes it worse. Plus, Elsa wouldn't be able to do or say anything without losing her job. I was in a short play in college that my mom and family came to see. I was the victim in it. A mean woman was taking advantage of me, not paying me. Afterwards, my brother said my mom was steaming in the audience and this was a play! lol

If I'm remembering it correctly, Luciana starting hitting on Roberto as soon as she met him. I thought it was because she thought he was a big shot at Iconika with dough, but she still was interested even when she found out his resume was a fake.

Rambling comment...

Jane got me thinking and I'm going to be wishy washy. She said the family has Lichita between a rock and a hard place, depending on her money and wanted something to brag about.

I hate them doing that to Lichita, but I don't seem to mind it when it's directed at Magos.

More rambling...
I think that Nacho and Elsa have put so many hopes on their kids because they had to shelve so many of theirs. Also, people can sometimes be very critical of young parents. Two successful children could be a way for Nacho and Elsa to prove that they aren't failures.

Good points, Carvivlie! I'm getting wishy washy again! ;-)

Jane what a great retelling and thank you.

"Nachos has a pity party for the rest of the episode"

I give Magos a point, Nachos is pretty much worthless but bitches as if he is king of the world.

It broke my heart to see Alica's face when she realized all the finagling she did that day was for Luciana to impress Roberto. While I understand Roberto's priorities he knows Alicia cares for him and has done more for him to have and keep the job than Luciana ever will.

Sandra was correct to want Luciana out, she's gunning for her job.


Tofie- Well, as soon as Rob saw Alicia (he had no idea she was the one planning the date Luci asked him out on), he tried to turn and walk out of the restaurant. He knew it would be uncomfortable for her. He didn't turn on the fake charm with Luci until Lichita had left. I don't think he was being insensitive to her.

I guess I see Lichita and Magos from my immigrant kid point of view. My parents came to this country with me as poor immigrants. They put a lot of high expectations on me. I met them. As immigrants, they didn't/don't always get me or my American ways. It's ok. I know they love and respect me, and that's all that's important. As an adult, I helped them buy their first home. I deposit money into their account every month. None of these things make me feel bad. I feel proud. Proud that I had such hardworking parents. Proud that I had parents who supported my dreams (remember it is Lichita's dream to become an ad exec). Proud that I had parents who had high expectations of me (when most of the kids I grew up with had parents who expected nothing of their kids). And proud that now I am doing well enough to help take care of my parents. Has it been stressful sometimes over the years? Yes. But it has made me a better person, and has brought me immeasurable joy.

I guess I just can't understand Magos' point of view because at heart I'm a Lichita (minus the letting people humiliate me and strange haircut).

"At heart I'm a Lichita" Nice one, Vivi! *Lichita at heart solidarity fist bump*

*fist bump* right back at ya, Kat!

I will try a little harder to understand Magos. I find it difficult, but I know everyone's life experience and world view is valuable. My particular failing is that I have little patience for those who have that kind of victim/fatalistic outlook, especially when they have been blessed with so much (food, shelter, education, love).

I do not see Nacho as "worthless". I think he has done the best he could to provide for his family until his eye surgery and then Magos ruined any possibility of returning to his taxi business. At least he is out working doing maintenance (which is a respectable job) and trying to still provide for his family the best he can. Even if he were unable to work, I would not classify him as "useless". Magos just sits on her butt and consumes resources that he, Elsa and Alicia have provided. That is useless.

Vivi, I was raised in the household of parents who had survived the Depression. That is pronably one of the reasons Magos gets under my skin likes she does.

Vivi, awesome points. I am a first generation child of immigrants from southeast asia but my parents had settled before my birth. I empathize with the pressure of high expectations and though I don't know you personally marvel at your brilliance. I have no problem whatsoever in Alicia's commitment to her parents, both my older brother and I would be in chorus with you. Speaking only for myself, my issue is with allowing Magos to manipulate and take advantage of all their largess.

I can't understand Magos and have no sympathy for her. Nachos can't drive his taxi and immediately finds another job. Has Magos looked for a job? Have we seen her take care of her daughter? She lets everyone around her do everything for her. If she is unhappy with how she is treated then get off ur arse and get a job so you can get your own place for you and your daughter.

My mother divorced with two kids under 4 and became a single mother. She worked full time and then went to school at night to get her college degree. Yes, she had family to watch us kids. Magos does nothing. No amount of tears is going to get me to like her.

Tofie, I sure agree about Nacho and Elsa enabling Magos.

Jane, this was fantastic.

Sadly, I missed most of this but “Lichita says, "What, is my exterior so hopeless?" made me laugh out loud! All I saw was Elsa and Nacho sitting on the couch crying and your “Nachos has a pity party for the rest of the episode” described what I saw perfectly.

Like you Jarifa, I love Alicia’s reserve and resourcefulness. I want those qualities when I grow up.

"That cow is dying for you,". Have I said how much I loathe Luciana?! Ack.

And Roberto suffering in such “agony”. I know where sympathy lies in the dictionary. Suck it up boy. Errr, I mean your "pain". Not Luciana's face. Sigh.

Thanks Jane!


Thanks Jane for the awesome recap! I did not get a chance to watch the episode so this was great substitute.

I am not really mad at Roberto. I know his reasoning and he is still trying to help Lichita while getting on Luciana's good side. As long as he is not part of the crew trying to keep her down I am ok with his sudden switch of allegiances. I hope all these events will give Lichita the fuel she needs for her continued transformation in character and also a small tiny little payback.

As far as enabling goes it seems that Elsa is the worst offender. Nacho always lets her know his two cents but it seems that Elsa is always bailing Magos out or telling everyone to go easy on her.


Thanks so much for the recap, Jane! have to read it later, heading out the door.
but from last night i liked:
Augusto's face as Luciana was kissing up to him at hospital
Gumaro saying they could go 'milk ATMs' again (ordenador de cajeros automaticos)
Daphne saying that in theaters they would have already started throwing tomatoes at Luciana.
Nestor at meeting having a 'wanna get away' moment saying 'lets do a hip hip hooray!! everyone now!... ok, no... (and then getting left behind since Luciana prefers to have Braulio in her team)... with Chuchette not wasting time to mock him for it.
I liked Brisa's outfit of the paisley blouse n almond skirt.
Would someone wash Magos' mouth with soap>?? What business is it of hers if her parents ended up getting married young because she was pregnant? At least they worked their butts off to get their family their needs... unlike her... let me stop there... i could get on Magos' bandwagon for hours...


Thanks Jane---I loved your recap.

Wow! Strong words against Magos. I myself am not in the hate Magos camp although you guys do make some very good points. I'm holding out hope for a Magos happy ending and a mother and daughter/+family bonding.

Luciana makes me more sick than Magos does. Luciana with her lies and manipulation of people, and deliberately hurting them and laughing about it as if she has done something spectacular is almost more than I can take. And no, her pretty blue eyes won't change my mind. She's despicable---and dumb too. I can't wait for Dafne to knock her off her high horse but she is still on her way up and so, it might be awhile.

must see tv
the gringo


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