Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #111 Tue 10/20/15 The one where the whole Patio gets together and recaps

I'm not sure what's happening with our recap today, but just in case, here's a quick and dirty overview from memory.  Please feel free to add details or correct any errors.  Thanks!

Virginia calls Aarón's bluff.  She says he can't possibly have any proof of what he's saying.  Besides, who would believe an ex-con anyway?

Aaron laughs.  Then he pulls Vero's phone from his breast pocket and plays the damning video.  Yes, he has no proof that Virginia murdered Verónica, but here is the evidence of what she did to this Matilde person.  She'd better cough up the money.  Or else.

As soon as Aarón is gone, Virginia calls Daniel and tells him what just happened.  He says it's HER problem – he had nothing to do with Mati's murder.  He refuses to give her any money to pay off Aarón because he needs it all to remodel the house.  Besides, he has his hands full right now with the "vieja" who survived.  Maybe he should just get rid of her...

We see a form bundled up in a blanket.  Who?

In Mina Escondida, Martín clears everyone out of the mine.  He is prepared to die there alone.  He won't listen to Joaquín or Emiliano.  It is only when Aldo appears with the results of his latest investigation, that Martín perks up.  He reads the report: Manny's fingerprints have been identified on the ingot mold thus linking him to the gold robbery.

Marty takes his evidence to the police station in Pueblo Verde.

Manny takes the bus to Mexico where he plans to meet up with Virginia.  But when he arrives, he is met by uniformed police officers, handcuffed and arrested.

Jorge buys Mina Perdida from its owner though he intends to continue buying gold from La Morenita.

Pablo's mother Luciana stops by the Prado Castelo offices to offer her condolences to Jorge.  The two seem to hit it off...

Ana Perla goes to Pablo's apartment to deliver her silly letter.  Pablo himself answers the door.  He tries to tell her everything that has been happening, but she won't listen.  She read in the paper that he and Mariana are married and she is done with him.  The letter goes unread.

Julio catches up with her and offers to be her faithful, platonic companion.   She accepts the offer.

Meanwhile, Pablo is determined to turn the tables on Mariana.  He goes to her place and says that if Ana Perla rejects him, he will go to New York with her.  

Mariana gloats over her apparent victory.  She visits a forger and orders a gringo wedding certificate and some photo-shopped wedding photos.  She doesn't mind waiting.

Aarón shows up on Magdalena's doorstep and forces himself inside.  Unfortunately she is alone because Botel has stepped out to buy some food.  He drags her to the bedroom...

Botel returns home and discovers Aarón assaulting his wife.  Aarón pulls out his gun and shoots his way out.  We see Botel and Magdalena sprawled on the floor.

Later we see Magdalena in the hospital, apparently unharmed.  But Botel has been shot and is in serious condition.  The doctor comes out and gives them the devastating news: although Botel has survived, the bullet injured his spine and he will be left an invalid. 

And thanks to Mauricio, we have:

Other little things that happened: 

Raymunda visited Manny and stood up to him demanding to see her father's will and telling him that she does not believe that her dad left everything to him and that she's not about to let him take what his dad could have left her kids. She told him that she would seek help from Marty and Botel.

Padre Juan confronted Manny and told him off for his behavior the previous night at Veronica's burial. He told Manny that while he can't flat out tell on him for killing Crescencio what he can do is give out clues that would point to Manny as being the murderer. Later, Manny was thinking of shutting him up. 

Not important but Blanquita was accepted in nursing school. Good for her but hopefully we won't waste too much time on that.

Plus, an anonymous commenter adds:

At the very end Virginia has found Jorge's checkbook and is considering forging a check to pay off Aaron. She smirks to the patio that she could easily do his signature, as she has seen it her whole life, as she fondles the checkbook he has left on his desk.

And last but not least, Anon207 reminds us that:

Virginia went to Jorge's office and asked him who inherits Veronica's estate. Jorge rolled his eyes and said Martin would inherit Veronica's estate. She then wondered, since Veronica was dead and Salma was gone, if Jorge was going to revise the will to divide equally between Emiliano and herself. 


Better late than never, right? Things are really started to pop now...

Stay tuned!

Thank you NovelaMaven. This was wonderful.

Wow. There was certainly a lot happening last night.

The Aaron and Magdalena scene was terrible. Hated it. Poor Botel. I can only hope that a miracle will happen and he'll walk again.

The best part of the episode: Manny's arrest. Yes, finally! But will this last - have we really seen the last of him?

It was nice seeing Marty up and ready to continue what Veronica had started - cleaning her name.

So Virginia is trapped. Aaron has her in his hands.

Yes - who could that "vieja" be? Can't wait until we find out.

Other little things that happened:

Raymunda visited Manny and stood up to him demanding to see her father's will and telling him that she does not believe that her dad left everything to him and that she's not about to let him take what his dad could have left her kids. She told him that she would seek help from Marty and Botel.

Padre Juan confronted Manny and told him off for his behavior the previous night at Veronica's burial. He told Manny that while he can't flat out tell on him for killing Crescencio what he can do is give out clues that would point to Manny as being the murderer. Later, Manny was thinking of shutting him up.

Not important but Blanquita was accepted in nursing school. Good for her but hopefully we won't waste too much time on that.

Oh, yes, excellent, Mauricio. I'll add those things to the recap. Thanks!

Thanks for the recap NovelaMaven.

A lot did happen yesterday. I didn't like how Rebecca is still hanging around Martin.

So sad with Botel.

Hope we find out who was on the floor at Daniels place.

Thank You Novela and Mauricio. One last little detail, at the very end Virginia has found Jorge's checkbook and is considering forging a check to pay off Aaron. She smirks to the patio that she could easily do his signature, as she has seen it her whole life, as she fondles the checkbook he has left on his desk.

Thanks Anon! I'll add that too!

Thank you, Novela Maven, for a great recap of an exciting episode; and thank you, Mauricio, for your additions. What would we do without you both? I don't want to know....

Just want to say I loved, loved the scene between Emiliano and Martín in the mine. I was done with Emiliano since the time Martín was arrested, but he has sure redeemed himself for me. I thought it was really moving how Emi let Marty know he was going to remain there as long as Marty did, and how he dug deep to express where he thought he'd gone wrong. Beautiful scene.

As for the "vieja," I have a feeling -- not a spoiler -- that even Ginny doesn't know who that is. Well, I don't know if it's a feeling. I still hope Dr. Dan is pulling a fast one on our dear snake.

Loved how Martín sprung into action after receiving the proof about Manny. He is a definite force to be reckoned with when he's in this mode. Fabulous Manny got arrested, but somehow I doubt it's the last we see of the havoc he can render.

As for AP and Julio, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm actually glad that he's going to be around her. That girl can get herself into heaps of trouble on her own, and if she's not able to trust Pablo yet, I'm glad she has a protector.

I'm looking forward to seeing Pablo's plan in action re: Mariana. Could be very entertaining.

Finally, finally Virginia is looking nervous. Of course, she's going to go for broke now so just about everybody is up for grabs if they get in her way.


Thanks so much for this, NovelaMaven, you're a lifesaver.

So it sure didn't take a lot to distract Martín from his apparently terminal grief. And he just abandoned that poor little bedraggled white dove? So will he be charged with bird neglect?


Novala & Mauricio, thank you for your little snippets and shots, everything you put out pretty much happened the way you put it out

"We see a form bundled up in a blanket. Who?"
That's veronica. Wont we be surprised if it isn't?
We can just blame it on the monkey writers.
Besides this is the end, anything can happen at this point. Look what's happened so far: the island bumpkin manny has come to the big city, and Raymunda finally got some guts and stood up to her evil nephew, and ana p got some guts and took off that horrible uniform she was wearing. she had a backbone when she was talking to Pablo. I wish she had gotten one and talk like that to her old grandpa and her nasty greedy brother
Why didn't botel keep wackin the hell out of
Aaron with that stick? He could have easily rendered him helpless. If he had knocked him out he wouldn't be In an operating room getting ready to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Maybe!!!! Well like I said this is the end, he could get a miracle. Yaaah!!!
Marty recovered quickly with evidence of manny stealing his gold. Rebecca seems nice but she should go away, she can't have martin, he belongs to Veronica.

Don't forget, Virginia went to Jorge's office and asked him who inherits Veronica's estate. Jorge rolled his eyes and said Martin would inherit Veronica's estate. She then wondered, since Veronica was dead and Salma was gone, if Jorge was going to revise the will to divide equally between Emiliano and herself,

Thank you Anon 7:25 and Anon207 for the additions.

So now we can add forgery to Virginia's list of crimes.


That was a good scene with Emi and Marty. I liked it as well.


About Rebeca, wasn't it funny when she was told she was not allowed in the mine? :)

NovelaMaven, Mauricio, Anon,
Thanks for posting the recap. Better late than never is always good.

The thing I liked the best was Manny getting arrested.

The thing I most disliked was Aaron assaulting Maggie while she is passed out, then Botel getting shot and ending up paralyzed.

I also did not like the hug that Rebeca gave Marty when he came out of the mine. WTH? Hands OFF!!! Like Nina said, he belongs to Veronica. And even though she thinks Vero is dead, it would still be way too soon to be trying to get close to Marty. But still, HANDS OFF!!!

Hasta Pronto!

Thanks, Anon207, for reminding us that Virginia was sniffing around asking Jorge about the will. He was pretty irritated by her behavior too! I added your part to our group recap.

Thanks Mauricio, Duchess, Mari, AuntyAnn, Nina and Carlos for your great comments.

Carlos, I have to admit that I was bothered by the sight of "that poor little bedraggled white dove" left all alone in the mine. On the other hand, magical doves do seem pretty good at fending for themselves.


"As for the "vieja," I have a feeling -- not a spoiler -- that even Ginny doesn't know who that is. Well, I don't know if it's a feeling. I still hope Dr. Dan is pulling a fast one on our dear snake."

oooh, I love that idea. I hope you're right!

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