Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #56 Tue 11/10/15 (Mex 81-82) Oh would you just vacay already!

Osvaldo and Pedro's shouting match ends…if we can call it that…with Eloisa telling the boys to shut up already.  They'd better settle their differences without hurting the family or the company (and presumably somewhere she doesn't have to hear it).  Os is taking over for the weekend, Pedro's going on vacation, and that's that.  Pedro out-maneuvers Os by telling him that if everyone finds out "the truth" he'll be the loser who got cheated on and granny won't actually let him run the company anyway.  He also tells Os he'd better "see to" his wife if he doesn't want her cheating on him, which…seriously?  No, man, if she chooses to cheat, that's on her.  I love how he's all macho when he's telling other people how to live their lives, but when it comes to his own, he's such a spineless twerp.  Not.

Fi is in Pedro's room, sniffing his clothes, when she spills water on his papers.  That's not a euphemism.  Turn off the sound so you can pretend they're actually saying something meaningful when they're all up in each others' faces.

Class.  Rox answers a question incorrectly and is soundly mocked by the whole class, starting with Gi.  Gi also gives the wrong answer and Rox returns the favor.  The prof tells them NOW, while they're in school is the time to risk answering questions and being incorrect.

Fi is reinstated as Eloisa's personal assistant, but she's getting a pay cut since she's only working M-F 9-5 now.  And no, Pedro's not part of her compensation package.  "Don't take it the wrong way. I like you, and you do good hair, and you're funny, but you need to behave yourself now that Pedro's proposing to Aitana."  Oh, don't be all shocked, Fi.  What did you think was going to happen?

Benito is vaguely annoyed that Gi is back together with Gael.  But he's more annoyed that something seems to be going on between Rox and the Prof.  Gi suggests tattling to Eloisa.

Aitana sees Fi eating Pedro with his eyes and takes the opportunity to give her the obligatory "Stay away from my man, or else!" speech.  She threatens to send her back to Italy.  And then she threatens to get Vitto to reject her.  I'm thinking "Is that a threat or a promise?"

Fi whines to Gi about her crappy day at work.  Gi tells her not to go back, then, and Fi makes stupid excuses.  "I just want to be happy!" she pouts.  Riiiiiiight.  She talks about needing to stay away from Pedro.  And again, I say…Riiiiiiiiight.

Fed and her unadorned cervical collar have lunch at La Dolce Vita.  There's way too much drama involved in getting Vitto to sit down and chat with her.  She hears that the wedding prep isn't going so well.  Fed suggests Vitto take Fi on a trip.  To a place she will recommend.  So, of course the writers would want Pedro and Fi at the same vacation spot, but what am I missing here?  Why does FED want them to run into each other?  Is she no longer Team Pedro with Anyone But The Italian Girl?  Is she more threatened by Aitana than she was by Fi?  Is she just hopped up on pain pills and doesn't care what the results are, she just wants to cause trouble?  And is she planning to be on hand to witness it?

Vitto goes home and suggests the trip to Fi.

Eloisa gloats over how "excited" Pedro is, packing for his trip and whatnot.  She took the liberty of getting a new engagement ring for Aitana.  He tries to hide it in the car, saying he brought along some music,  but Aitana is nosy.  She gets all excited because Eloisa was "right."

Benito and Rox argue in the dining room about Rox maybe having a thing with the Prof.  Eloisa, attracted by the faint whiff of scandal, asks what they're talking about.  Benito covers, saying Rox never listens and he's supposed to be driving Pedro.  Rox goes to her room and Eloisa sends Benito out to the car, after a warning that if he ever talks smack about another family member again he's fired.

Osvaldo leaves Alina a gross voicemail message…in front of Sonia.  She's all "QTF?" and he's all "We both lose out if we divorce.  So, fine, our marriage will be fake, but that doesn't mean I can't have fun."

Gi goes over to Adela and Rey's for the night.  Awww, no fun party at Vitto's, breaking all the giant vases?  Does Adela even care WHO Benito ends up with or is she perfectly happy to have him end up with any of the girls?  Gael calls Gi.  Rey tells Adela that of course Gi would pick an Angeles.

Pedro and Aitana get to the resort/spa/whatever.  He just wants to sleep.  She talks him into having a drink.  He hopes there's no live music in the bar.  She teases him about the "music" he never put on in the car.

Vitto and Fi arrive at the same gorgeous outpost of hell.  Fi nervously confirms that she has her own room and says she'd like to go there.

Both couples avoid each other, for now.

Sergio calls Belinda.  He's worried about Sonia and thinks Belinda needs to come back to the ranch.  He agrees to meet her somewhere.  The whole time Simona is making some kind of drink in a blender.  When Sergio turns around, she's happily swigging straight from the carafe.  Sergio suggests she grab some glasses, but she just passes him the carafe.

Aline meets Os so he can smarm all over her.  She tries to break up with him.  Again.  What's this, the third time?  Fourth time?  And this time she's doing it in a public place so he can't retaliate.  She swears she'll report him to the cops if he comes near her again.

Drunk!Aitana wants to get it on.  Why is Benito still at the spa?  He brings the stupid ring to their room.  And babbles about the bachelor party.  Drunk!Aitana is all excited about being proposed to.  She backs Pedro  out onto the balcony and Mr. 5ft predicts someone will go over the side.  We should be so lucky.  From left to right the three balconies in a row are occupied by Drunk!Aitana and Pedro; Vitto and a cigar; Fi.  Pedro finally takes the ring out of the box and spies Fi two balconies over (though only from behind, so he probably doesn't realize it's her).  Drunk!Aitana is so drunk she doesn't notice that he never actually asked her to marry him.  She starts assaulting him and taking his clothes off, whining that "When we were engaged before…"  Seriously, Aitana?!  News flash: Just because someone said "yes" once before doesn't mean they can't say "NO" now.  Pedro says when they were engaged before, everything ended badly, so he's not anxious to repeat those mistakes again.  "We'll do things differently this time.  Good night."  And with that, he heads for the couch.

Benito is STILL at the spa/resort/hell the next morning.  He has a room.  With breakfast included.  He reports to Dante that Pedro proposed to Aitana.  And the food is awesome.  And tomorrow there will be a seafood buffet--score!  Fed is encouraging Dante to ask if maybe they ran into anyone else…?  Seriously, Fed, it would have been easier to go yourself.  Dante pretends he was asking for general security reasons.  Then HE suggests that Fed should go there herself, but she says it would be too suspicious and she's got work to do.

Benito abandons his breakfast to chase after some girl in a bikini.  Fi and Vitto just happen to miss him.  Vitto is showing Fi the brochure and all the things they could do while they're there.

Julieta leaves an angry voicemail for Sergio because she apparently found out that he went to meet Belinda.  Eloisa overhears and tells Julieta "I told you so," as she walks on by.  Julieta's still reeling when she gets a text message that [SUPER MAJOR IMPORTANT PLOT POINT ALERT!] her daughter is alive.  Yeah, ok, we pretty much already knew that.

Cut to a scene of Fi, just to be super-obvious about it.  She's on the phone complaining to Vitto that they made her take her clothes off for the massage and put on a robe instead. Someone comes to collect her just before Pedro walks in.  Show of hands…anybody want to complain that they made him take his clothes off and put on a robe for his spa services?  No?  I thought not.  Oh, wait, anybody want to complain he's still wearing a robe?  Aha!

Fi is led to a private little cabin where the masseuse utters the sacred mantra treasured by massage junkies everywhere (chant along if you know it): "Go ahead and remove your robe and lie face down on the table, between the sheets and I'll be with you in a moment."

Benito is embracing the robed lifestyle and checking out the…natural beauty.  He spies Pedro and looks for a place to hide.  He ends up hiding in the cabin that the attendant was pointing out to Pedro, where he gets an eyeful of a naked Aitana.

Pedro, assuming she pointed out the wrong cabin, instead walks into Fi's, where she didn't follow the de-robing instructions. (Aw, Fi, you don't know what you're missing!)  The masseuse walks in and is immediately confused…nobody told her this was a couple's massage!  Fi and Pedro look up from their respective tables and Pedro is delighted.  We'll find out Fi's reaction tomorrow.

Previous: Episode 55
Next: Episode 57


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

Benvenuti to the Muchacha Italiana patio! We're generally a friendly bunch, fond of lively discussion, and we welcome debate as long as the mood stays civil. Grab a limoncello and get comfy while we discuss the merits of fluffy cotton robes vs. waffled...or is the hybrid "fluffy on the inside, waffle on the outside" really the best of both worlds?

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Gracias, Kat. This is a chop job on episodes 81 and 82, the second of which I haven't seen.

Did Univision leave in the exterior shots of Vittorio's house? It looks like something out of Harry Potter.

I am so sick of Helloisa and Cousin Itt and their insistence that they are upper class. When you are upper class, you don't have to say so.

Gracias, Urban. Is this the first time we've seen Vitto's place? It looks way more friendly than I would have expected for being Dracula's lair.

LaDiva, good recap. This could be fun. Just
Keep benito & the haired wonder in the hut.
Somebody please lock them in there. Pedro
Looked so happy. He probably knows theres
Nothing under the robe but beautiful italian
Skin. What a gorgeous man when he smiles.
This should be fun and good tomorrow nite.
Ok, good yall, talk more tomorrow.

Gracias, Nina! Great idea :D Benito's so free with his affections, I'd love to see if Aitana would take him up on the offer, especially since Pedro's not in the mood.

What a fun recap. Oh, and Kat, tell Mr. 5 Foot I was right there with him on the "maybe that head of hair will go over the railing." The writers really let us down.

But the whole setup was stooped with a bunch of stooped people. I still can't understand why Fi went in the first place if she's trying to keep Vitto at arm's length or get out of the marriage. Fickle much? Or hanging out with Petey, she got the stooped bug?

Petey had a nerve railing at Os that way. What was that? Was he almost bragging he had Sonia now? Where's that 2x4--someone needs a "slap" up the head.

So are we supposed to surmise that Petey seems to get involved with women with a drinking problem or likes to get sloppy drunk too often? Does this harken back to his mom who had one too? Maybe why he can't just walk away? But man, he really needs to because Cousin It is just nasty any time,let alone drunk.

I'm sorry, Benito's chasing anything with or without clothes is getting tiresome, not to mention his self-righteous attitude with any female he thinks he has a claim to. Just stop it. Good actor-stoopid character.


Grazie, Capitana mia! Mille grazie! You got a funner episode and, as usual, turned out some gems:

Turn off the sound so you can pretend they're actually saying something meaningful when they're all up in each others' faces.

Benito is vaguely annoyed that Gi is back together with Gael.

And then she threatens to get Vitto to reject her. I'm thinking "Is that a threat or a promise?"

Fed and her unadorned cervical collar have lunch at La Dolce Vita.

Eloisa, attracted by the faint whiff of scandal,

Vitto and Fi arrive at the same gorgeous outpost of hell.

the masseuse utters the sacred mantra treasured by massage junkies everywhere. .

While the episode was as fun as an episode of MIVAC can get, there were some annoyances. Like Benito! What the hell is he doing at the spa? I guess since he said Eloisa charged him with not leaving anything important in the car (QTH?) he's been sent along to spy on and make sure Pedro proposes? Que the hell, again! I know some of y'all think he's cute but he annoys the hell out of me and has since the first show!

Also annoying because it makes no sense and seems to be a throw-in, what the hell do Dante and Freddie care about Fi and Vitto being at the "spa/resort/hell" and running into Pedro? Probably connected to something they cut out.

Another annoyance was dumb stuff left in like the little scene where Gigi is talking to Gael while she's at Benito's parent's house. What the heck was THAT for? And the drinking out of the blender carafe?

Oh. Wait a minute. That stuff was funny. Ok.

And THIS totally escaped me. Guess I was too busy scoffing: Julieta's still reeling when she gets a text message that [SUPER MAJOR IMPORTANT PLOT POINT ALERT!] her daughter is alive.

I'm kinda sorta interested in seeing what happens with Fifi and Petey in the massage room. Probably nothing, even if the masseuse got locked out.

Mille grazie, sorellina!


Ah, Nina, girl, I love your lively outbursts:

This could be fun. Just Keep benito & the haired wonder in the hut.

Hee hee! Now, THAT'S who needs to be locked in together! I wouldn't even be surprised if she jumped Benni, got knocked up by him and tried to pass it off as Petey's. And he would so fall for it!

Thanks for your comment yesterday, Nina.

Pedro's involvement with such women can definitely be related to his mother having a substance abuse issue. He should see a shrink about this.

Helloisa is getting on my last nerve with her classism and her insistence on interfering in Pedro's life. Demoting him should have been the last straw for him. He needs to get the hell out of there and take Fiorella with him. As for their future....

Since Fiorella likes to cook they should open a restaurant and compete with Vittorio.

Helloisa is greedy for wealth and power. She may well be the fuel behind the swindling of Gabriel. Not that Maximo was a saint but in her younger days she must have been able to bewitch him the way she wants her protégé to bewitch Pedro. Pedro is totally allowing the "interference." What a spineless wonder.

Gracias, Daisynjay! No fair that Tania had to die that way and Aitana gets to hang around and torture us some more! I don't think Pedro was bragging that he's got Sonia, but if it had later been revealed that that's exactly what he was thinking, the delivery of his rant to Os would have been perfect. Maybe that's what he wants Os to think..."Keep an eye on your wife or I just might make a 'mistake' again." Yuck! Bad galan! Bad!

Gracias, Lila! OK, I get that Benito had to drive them to hell because nobody in this family drives themselves anywhere, and, well, the last time Pedro got behind the wheel he nearly killed someone, so...ok. But why is he not staying at the Motel 6 down the road or going back to the ranch until it's time to pick them up at the end of the weekend? This place can't be that far or they wouldn't have driven in the first place!

Um, yeah, way to bury the important info in the middle of all this dreck. I was about to give up on figuring out what Julieta said because she was mumbling (and I still have no idea what the first part of the mumble was) and then she clearly said "My daughter is alive!"

Urban, Pedro can't see a licensed mental health professional. We're only allowed one per show and she's already treating a family member and has questionable ethics.

Diva, as usual, your recap was golden. I don't know how you keep things short, but give all the info while being hilarious. You have a gift, Captain!

Eloisa and Aitana make me feel suffocated, so I don't know how Pedro hasn't passed out or bailed on them yet. Aitana was super annoying when sober, but as a clingy drunk I thought she would go over the rail because Pedro shoved her just to escape those tentacles. Kudos to the show for not doing that though as another rail death would've been, admittedly, too close to Tania's death.

This show is making me tired. The tired tropes, the tired "mix ups." Funny haha the first few times, but between that and the main characters being so wishy washy, it's turning into a FF fest.

I can no longer give Pedro a pass. Maybe if they cut out a scene of definitively him leaving the ring in the car, I would feel more sympathetic, but even then I'd just be thinking that if that was his excuse to Eloisa - "I forgot it in the car and thought I'd left it at home." - then it was just was weak as he's turning out to be. Seriously, this farce has gone too far. Letting your grandmother talk you into a creating/maintaining a fake relationship is one thing (one completely idiotic thing), but a fake marriage?! WTH?! You're going to tie yourself to this woman forever because what? You don't want to go through the trouble of applying to a new job? You're going to miss sitting around a table of vultures and chocking down the cumulative two bites of food we've seen you eat on this show?

Simoneta drinking from the carafe was vaguely humorous, but mostly just pissed me off in the classist context of this show.

UA - ITA on Eloisa! Her saying she liked Fi pissed me off even more than her usual lines do. Oh you like talking to her, do you? Is that because since she's gotten back all she's said is "Si Señora Eloisa"? I hope once you've drained the life out of her and Pedro you turn you realize your the most loathsome B in your world. Maybe Eloisa can't see this herself because vampires don't have reflections?

I think Ben's still there because Eloisa assigned him to Pedro for the weekend, in case he and Aitana want to go somewhere outside of the resort.

Daisy - ooh, I love your insights into Pedro! Was his mom also a long-haired cry blonde, I wonder? Could that really be the beginning of his good-boy complex? That actually does make me feel a teeny bit more sympathetic towards him.

Not surprised Pedro played Os the way he did. The easiest and possibly only way to get Os to do something is to threaten his ego. We know that and we haven't been his cousin or wife for however many years. I hope Alina dumping Ass's ass will stick this time. I wonder if the fact that she threatened to call the cops/get a restraining order on him penetrated his mind and tickled up the idea that "Hmm, maybe I'm not the Casanova I think I am? Maybe she really doesn't want to throw away her entire life for my dubious sexual charms and definite caveman like behavior?"...nah.

No idea why Fred's so bent on Vi and Fi at the spa. Is this because she wants another "misunderstanding" so that Fi gets fired, yet again? Why doese care that Fi's in the house at all anymore as she's heard Fi say repeatedly that she didn't see Fred and Dante together?


Alina bothered me from the beginning because of her making a house call. There is a reason why people go to their shrinks' offices. Her conversation with Helloisa after that was truly inappropriate.

Roxana's parentage will probably come to light soon since in that conversation in the kitchen Helloisa said that Rox was not her granddaughter. This is going to blow her life apart as well as Rox's because I doubt that Helloisa would have tolerated having Maximo's "other woman" in her household for all this time.

I would not be surprised if that ol wooden heffa was behind taking gab"s money and
Then having him killed. She could be just like Ursula on "YNCLH". Evil ol goat. If anybody can bring her down its freddy. she has a tendency to hate with a passion.

typo: - cry blonde = curly blonde

I've said this show is classist a lot, but maybe I need to add ageist in equal measure. Between Fi's dad, Vitto and Eloisa, all we're getting is a bunch of children dancing to the beat of the older generation. The only ones representing "the middle-aged" are Sergio and Julieta, who both look like they've done quite a bit to um, stay young? And have only succeeded in remaining infantilized. Seriously Julieta? You have money, you're an adult, you're no longer under your husband's thumb (if you ever really were). Just go put this thing in Italy to rest. Wait, I guess I have to give her a pass if he thought her daughter had died, rather than having given her up for adoption...Bah.

In any case, no age group is coming off well. The young look like idiots and the elders look like tyrants. Call me when someone has a birthday.

Gracias, Hellashelle! I'm laughing at your "nah." Plus I don't think I believe her when she says she'll call the cops. Might as well do it now. I'm sure she's determined never to see him again, but he's just as determined to be an abusive ass, so why give him one more chance?

Home appointments are not unethical In and of themselves. In some areas, they're the standard for treatment. Alina has not behaved ethically, but the house call wasn't part of that.

Kat, this was fab, from start to finish.

"I love how he's all macho when he's telling other people how to live their lives, but when it comes to his own, he's such a spineless twerp. Not", "Fed and her unadorned cervical collar have lunch" and "Eloisa, attracted by the faint whiff of scandal" were among many favorites.

Low light was "Osvaldo leaves Alina a gross voicemail message…in front of Sonia". I mean, it's not that both Os and Sonia aren't cheaters, but at least Sonia didn't call and make dates in front of her legal husband. Os is so terrible, not even Sonia deserves him.

"Does Adela even care WHO Benito ends up with". Ummm, nopis. She just wants him with a "nice" girl. Whoever it is :)

Best moment for me was Simona gulping that delicious looking drink from the blender. I thought Sergio was going to do the same – wish we’d seen it. He is at his best when he’s not fussing over Julieta, and interacting with good folks of which Simona is certainly one.

"Benito is embracing the robed lifestyle and checking out the…natural beauty" - truly! I liked the massage hut mix-up and the fact the Benito was behind it all...

So does Heloisa know for a fact Roxi isn't her granddaughter? Roxi had no reaction to her statement, does she know? I'm confused on this point.

Kat, thanks so much for another great recap.

Remembering Madelaine and all those who serve and have served and their sacrifices on this Veterans Day.


Kat, I think it was in this case. Most of Gael's problems are with his relatives. He was emotionally abused by his father and Assvaldo Jr carries it into another generation. Federica is also a main offender and the others are accomplices for not standing up for him. He needs a neutral environment in which to vent.

Talking to Helloisa was the worst of her offenses until she got skanky with Assvaldo. I'm still laughing at the plunger/toilet bowl comment from last week or so.

Diana, agree with your comment on Assvaldo leaving that message for Alina in front of Sonia. While Sonia is a definite gold-digger she didn't deserve that. Assvaldo is getting nastier every episode in a series where nobody should be dying. But he is getting closer to deserving that with every scene he's in.

As to Federica's scheme with sending Fiorella to the spa, it's to foil the invasion of Cousin Itt and her greedy parents. Las cartas no mientan and this is how she spotted Aitana as bad news. If she succeeds in bleeding the family corporation there isn't much for Federica to claim at the end of the line, is there?

Although she hasn't said so, she probably knows that if Pedro does what he says he wants and elopes with Fiorella, Helloisa will disinherit him. This kills two birds of prey with one stone.

Diva - thank you for the snarky recrap. Since it looks like there actually was some "comedy" last night, I will watch this episode.

Julieta reacting so strongly to Sergio going to see Belinda seems a bit over the top. Ju and Ser are not officially a couple. Ju has no idea why Ser is seeing Belinda. Get over yourself, Ju.

Also, did Julieta think her baby died at birth? She must have been told that, or the "your daughter is alive" info would cause such a strong reaction. I thought she gave it up for adoption but maybe my brain made that up.

I don't think Viewerville has ever been enlightened as to what Roxi knows about her "parentage."

Diva's world, Diva's world, party time, excellent!

" I love how he's all macho when he's telling other people how to live their lives, but when it comes to his own, he's such a spineless twerp"

Last nail for me and the pretty boy Petey, he's crossed into Pablo of TSTSNBN'e spineless twerp land. I don't understand why these young galan characters are written this way. I,I,I, I'm without words.

I keep reminding myself that I watch this stuff to keep up/improve my Spanish. Oy!

Doris - lol snort "...recrap...hehehe"

Agreed that Julieta was a little extra on her reaction to Sergio meeting up with Belinda. Was a scene cut out in which Sergio explained that Belinda tried to come on to him with naked-on-his-bed level of obviousness?

We're not getting a lot of happy out of this TN. While I'd love for Pedro and Fi to bail on everyone (minus Gianna) from this resort, at this point, I would honestly settle for them both telling the masseuse that yes it is a couple's massage and spending the next hour smiling dumbly at each other from their massage tables without the screeching Aitana, bumbling Benito and rumbling Vittoria bursting in which wild accusations about their plot to be together (don't you all know by now they're not smart enough to have a plot?). If they could get through the massage and then just talk a walk around the resort's gardens alone, I'd feel less inclined to roll my eyes and hit FF.

Also, if one more freakin' person interrupts someone else and talks over them just so they can insult, belittle and annoy the other person, I'm gonna wrap Aitana's hair around his or her throat until they pass out.

I don't think Rox knows anything about her parentage. As far as I can remember someone said she was a foundling whom Maximo took in. A few days later Joaquina arrived to become her nanny.

A scene between Fidel and Joaquina was cut in which they talked about Joaquina's feelings for Rox. I doubt that Fidel knows the entire truth because he would be campaigning for someone to tell Rox. It is not normal today (at least here in the US) for an adopted person to never be told about their origins.

BTW I also got the vibe that Fidel and Joaquina are a future item.

I haven't watched in forever, but I couldn't resist stopping by and reading a recap. I'm glad I did. You are hilarious when peeved.

"And no, Pedro's not part of her compensation package"

I'm thinking "Is that a threat or a promise?"

Vitto and Fi arrive at the same gorgeous outpost of hell. 😂

And tomorrow there will be a seafood buffet--score!

Thanks for the giggles, Kat! I might actually watch the first few minutes tonight to see what happens. I doubt they will actually go with it and get that massage though.

Finally watched this episode while multi-tasking. The massage scene was the best part.

Gracias, Diana! I think I was more curious about what was in that blender than a lot of other things that have been happening on the show lately :D

Gracias, doris! I think Julieta has been very vague about what happened. I don't even think she's mentioned being pregnant out loud to anyone, much less what happened. I think we got all the info from her flashbacks. She's just barely started telling people about her old flame Santino.

Gracias, tofie! I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! :D I don't know where Pedro stacks up vs. Pablo. He's a little less whiny, at least? We need to rank these dudes and decide who is the most un-galan-like of them all.

doris, you're so right...this is about the language. And the pretty scenery. But the language! And I feel like I'm not bringing in enough vocab and I can't honestly say if that's because nobody's using interesting words, or because I just can't stand to listen for them!

Well, Hellashelle, until tonight's episode starts in 2 hours and 15 minutes (for me anyway) I can tell myself that there's still a chance they'll enjoy their couples' massage while Benito entertains Aitana, Vitto is blissfully unaware, and then they can drive away in the oh-so-conveniently-there SUV all before dinner time with no one the wiser.

Gracias, Sara! It's a good thing, too. There's too much about this show that peeves me and I'd be annoyed with myself if I couldn't at least make fun of it.

I know I keep calling it spa hell, but damn that place is gorgeous!

Fidel is the most decent guy in this telenovela and I might assign him galan status just for having a brain. And using it.

Tofie and Diva .... Time for some Bohemian Rhapsody.

I'm just a rich boy, nobody loves me....

skadda moosh skadda moosh. Can you do the fandango?

He's just a rich boy, from a crazed family!

I've gotta recap this monstrosity!

Galileo Galileo! Let her go!

So you think you can love me and leave me to...marry Vitto?!

Would it be any better to be stuck with Pietro? Oh-oh Fi-fi!

Good afternoon folks. I agre with you all that Assvaldo was so rude to Sonia in telling her without a single drop of shame that he was gonna see his lover and calling Alina in front of her. What does Sonia need to leave this animal, does she love him? Otherwise I don't undestand why she tolerates his humilliations. She is beautiful and intelligent so she could have a better life if she begins to believe in herself. Well at least Alina sent him to hell and calling the cops was the best idea that she has had in all this time, maybe that was she should have done when he began stalking her. The last thing that Assvaldo needs is to have problems with the law, he had enough with the hunting stuff where he shooted Pietro so maybe now he is gonna let her live in peace.

I feel a little bit of compassion for Aitana. Ok she is sticky like bubble gum but her parents are selling her like a merchandise and forcing her to marry with a guy that doesn't love her no more. They don't care about her feelings and only use her as a trophie. It's sad that she had to force Pietro to give her the engagement ring in order to receive it.


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