Friday, December 18, 2015

Antes muerta que LIchita #62 Friday 12/18/15... Out with the old and in with the new Alicia!! And the reactions don't take long to surface!!

Not sure how much I missed or how we got here… haven’t been able to see much this week…
But here we go for Friday’s ep…
Alicia arrives in a high end sports car at Iconika’s curb… the press are all over her instantly… and so is Luciana who does not waste time to throw her venom and typical surnames of her for Lichita…
Augustus tells the press that the details of how she got fired and then reinstated (now saying she is indispensable for the company) with a better title are internal business of Iconika.  
The press want to know who’s mistake or mishap was it that caused Alicia to get fired… Augustus repeats that the details don’t matter but Iconika has one of its best assets back.
Roberto had not seen Alicia and he is smitten with her change (brows, long lighter color hair, good makeup, very sexy cleavage tight dress, etc).
Daphne is again on her blog… Bea comes in to innocently ask if she watched Alicia’s interview on tv.  Daphne says won’t give her opinion, better Bea watch it on her own and make her own assessment.  Bea asks her if she (by any chance) has it available.
Back to the curbside… Alicia tells the press she is very grateful to Augustus… Luciana still is grinding her teeth with Roberto and repeating her choice surnames for Alicia loudly so the press will hear.
Rafael and Bea are talking. He is admiring how Alicia did not fall for the pressure from the press (amarillismo)…  Bea asks him to try to get some help from Augustus.  She assures him Augustus won’t refuse to help him. (sorry, not sure what this one is about).
At office Augustus is telling Drago that Alicia looks spectacular and she deserved that change... and I did too! (is he suddenly interested in Alicia himself?)
At the office reception desk Alicia causes quite an impression with Nestor, Braulio, et al everyone else at the office.
In conference room Augustus is officially letting everyone know that Alicia is back and higher than ever.  Shushette and Nestor are of course kissing A___ again to the one in the lead (now Alicia) … Luciana again tries to talk trash about Alicia…  In comes Sandra and she is loudly insulted that Alicia is back. (I can’t believe such outrage [descaro]!!)
At café shop, Elsa is concerned about Alicia being back in Iconika… Nacho is not so concerned, he believes Alicia deserves the position.   Magos always with her own agenda, is glad Alicia is back in her job so she can take over the payments of the house and school again.
In Augustus office, Sandra rants at Augustus (you knew Alex was gay!!, the marriage with Gutierrez was arranged!)  she swings her fan fast and Augustus gets really fed up with her ranting AND with her fan, which ends up shredded on the floor…  Augustus tells Sandra that she herself had stated that Luciana was not qualified to be the Director.  So if Alicia is useful she will stay! And whoever is not…. (snap snap fingers) is gone!!
Alicia is meeting with all the staff… She is leading again… the only one who is not either honestly or fakedly supporting her is of course Luciana who continues to try to undermine Alicia.  Luciana won’t give up her office and that is FINAL!! Then Luciana tries to pull out the card of her last name… Alicia says last names here are not determining, hard work is…  She sends everyone to work… Brisa and Brau stay behind… they say they are not recognizing Alicia, she had never been that intense (or … ‘tan asi’ as Braulio states it)… Alicia says she has to get everyone to respect her, and is nothing against them… now the three of us are a team and that’s what matters.

Luciana in her office with Roberto. She is making a mess out of her desk. Roberto has to yell at her to control herself and asks her ‘are you really trying to learn to be in advertising or are you only trying to get at Alicia?’  Does the means you have to get your way with Augustus have anything to do with the pictures you took at that hospital? 
Alicia won’t give Braulio or Brisa details of how she got out and back in the company.  Brisa mentions SHushette and Brau won’t let her speak more so Alicia is not aware of the details of what has transpired in the office the last few days, but for now she is a bit busy, will catch up later.
Roberto wants Luciana to tell him all the details, and suggests to her to get used to having Alicia back in the office.   Roberto says now he won’t spend that much time at the office, he has other responsibilities.  Luciana is happy that she is married to someone that important. 
Elias is trying to get Sandra to avoid a stroke, she is fanning herself as if she were in a double menopause.  Elias is suggesting to Sandra to stop trying to block Alicia’s progress… then the subject that they never had kids comes up, he lets us know that Sandra put work ahead of that item on bucket list. Then Sandra leaves miffed while he imitates Sandra’s tone and voice speaking to the kids they didn’t have.  (that was cute, and good)
Alicia is talking to the security guard guy.  He has also been reinstated, he is grateful to her. Apparently now he will be in charge of Elsa’s cart at the office. … Roberto and another employee come out and the other guy is smitten at ‘Lichita’s change. Roberto asks him to now refer to her as Alicia.  
Roberto and Alicia exchange some resentment words about his marriage and her makeover.
Luciana and Augustus yell at each other, she is outraged that he brought Alicia back. He is outraged at her trying to talk and order over him.  Rafael comes in and is wondering if he walked in the middle of something. 
Roberto and Alicia continue their argument in the elevator. HE wants her to admit she was talking to the press about HIM as her first love, not Alex.  She does not like him questioning her.  He wants her to admit she still loves him.  She is yelling that he is a liar, traitor and womanizer… (he tells her she is imitating Sandra LOL!) She has pity of Luciana, her husband does not love her, the only woman he has ever loved is ‘SHeyla’.  Whoah!! That hurts him! (who is Sheyla?? I have to watch my recordings… seems I missed a lot! Sorry, have been working the Salvation Army Angel tree)

Fatima comes In Augustus office apologizing for not being able to stop or announce Rafael before he came in.  Augustus tells her she is slipping on her abilities…
Rafael and Augustus end up alone. Rafael asks how come Augustus and Luciana have such trust/intimacy.
Roberto is not willing to give Alicia any details. Alicia repeats the name SHeyla just as the elevator opens and Luciana hears the last part. Alicia leaves the  newlyweds alone to ‘talk’  and Luciana questions Roberto on ‘who is SHeyla?”
Rafael tells Augustus he came to ask him for help in the sale of the Buenos Aires house. Augustus reminds Rafael that when he needed help, Rafael did not help him. But he will help Rafa this time anyway. (however he has forced Rafael to sit on the floor during this conversation, a bit humiliating).
On his way out Rafael runs into Shushette… (did she have a relationship with him too??) Actually she considers him smart so she wants him to review the press releases she wrote… Rafael finds out Alicia did return to her role again.  Shushette and Nestor believe and tell Rafael that Luciana will return to the title she deserves very soon.
Roberto repeats to Luciana that he will tell her all about his past very soon.  He asks Luciana if anyone else other than her and the nurse come visit him at the hospital. She denies it (did Alicia go?)
Braulio is helping Alicia unpack.  Sandra comes in and Braulio runs out of the battlefield.  Sandra came to congratulate her on her ability to negotiate with Augustus.  She is sure that Alicia’s return has to do with her wedding to Alex.  Sandra is very sarcastic in her tone. Alicia stays polite and tells her she is looking forward to their working together harmoniously.
When they see Alicia, Elsa yells ‘Santa Chicharra!!”  They love her new look.   ‘Guau!! Guau!!’ is all Nacho can say.
At the big house, Valeria, Bea and Augustus briefly talk about Alicia’s return.  Roberto is also there, as well as Rafael and Luciana.  Rafael notices Bea seems ‘out of it’.  Bea says life recently has been a bit ‘accident-prone’.  Roberto uses the moment (‘speaking of accidents’) to question Augustus on his stay at a hospital in New York.  Augustus gives him the killer stare.  Bea and Rafael are instantly interested in hearing more.
Elsa is still concerned about what is to come with Alicia’s return to the company.   Alicia says she tried elsewhere but no other doors opened for her.  Elsa knows that even if Alicia tries to present a ‘cold/calculating’ attitude, they know she is a great heart inside. 
Augustus tells Roberto he is strong as an oak tree.  It was just a minor incident.  Bea remembers around the time Luciana had gone to an overnight spiritual retreat.  Roberto mentions he had understood that Luciana had gone to be with Augustus at the hospital.  Luciana mentions that she and Roberto have not ‘consumed’ their marriage yet. Roberto looks instantly sick.
Alicia asks Magos if the money Alicia had given her is enough for the therapies for Ximena.  Nacho rants at Magos to pay her credit card.  Magus whines that between the job at Iconika and here at the café, she has no time for anything.  Alicia assures them that now that she has got her job back things will get better.
Augustus and Sandra in her apartment, he wants to ease the friction between them.  He wants Sandra to help him reinstate Alicia at Iconika… even if not as Director, then lets find her a good alternate spot.  Then the subject that they never had children comes up.  She seems to be upset about the missed opportunity of having a family.   He wonders if she is going through menopause… she asks him to help her… he states that life is like this, people build their journey… it is the law of life.  (and he is thinking about Alicia and smiling)… the law of life…  (leaves her crying.)
In Daphne’s room, she is miffed that apologizing to those girls did not do anything for her.  Now Daphne does not admire Alicia that much anymore… she stinks like everyone else.  Daphne seems to think Augustus and Alicia have something going.  She says her mom Bea knows but fakes total craziness.
Seems Brisa changed the lock on the apartment Braulio shares with her.  They argue at opposite sides of the door… She is very sarcastic about him wanting to talk to her finally.  He does not think its funny.  He has rights!  She has brought his things out to the living room. She has taken over the bedroom.  She calls it now “HER” bedroom. 
Elias and Alicia are working together.  Alicia asks Elias for his opinion about her return.   He says that its not that he doesn’t care, but honestly its not his business. Anyone can make her life into a kite and send it flying.  He won’t judge her, he appreciates her and wants to support her in case she crashes.  She asks if he does not believe she deserves her title. HE says don’t waste time asking that. Better focus on doing your job.  (insecticide coffee?? YUK!!)  The only good about this coffee is that it is DIRT CHEAP.  Get ready before you try it.  (she spit it in conference room in front of the coffee client!! Elias laughs).  The client has heard her reputation as the most creative at Iconika… he is sure she can sell it.  She honestly says what he is looking for is not to sell the coffee but to improve the image/reputation of his company. 
At orphanage, Mateo’s friend is trying to cheer him up.  Mateo says everyone is telling him he will be there for a long time.  He says he will turn into an old guy right here.  The teacher comes to fetch Mateo, someone is here to see him.
Meanwhile, Ms Venus is harassed/ stalked by Roberto and GUmaro.  Roberto tells Venus that all the personnel in charge of Mateo were changed… Is she aware? Yes, she is! 
Meanwhile the teacher is introducing Mateo to his new family (he is being adopted!!)

Previews:  Roberto warns Luciana to better get used to Alicia being back.  Sandra warns Augustus that Alicia is already bragging/ordering around as THE BOSS. Roberto keeps stalking Alicia and Luciana rants at Alicia ‘who do you think you are stealing my husband’s time??’

Previous: Episode 61
Next: Episode 63


Thank you, Marta, for yet another quick and excellent recap. Alicia was the one that got Roberto to the hospital when he collapsed /passed out and stayed with him a while before she contacted Luciana. He was totally out of it. Nothing going on between Chuchette and Rafael. Chuchette wanted to but Rafael refused.

Loved: Alicia putting the employees in their place at Icónika.
Alicia telling Magos she will not paying off her credit card.
Brisas turning the tables and changing the lock on that ass Braulio.

Most cruel moment: Augusto telling menopausal Sandra that little by little other people will come to take "her" place, "our" place as he smirked and thought about Alicia replacing her.

Funniest moment: Luciana letting everyone know that she and Roberto have not had sex.

So, Mateo is going to get the family he deserves . . . What does that mean? The court has not told Roberto about a custody decision.
Guess we will have to wait until next week.

Great recap Marta, you got it all in and thanks

Shelya is Roberto's first wife and Mateo's mother. At bedside as he lay delirious at hospital Alicia listened and assumed he spoke of her with mumbling about love until he called out Shelya.

Wow, Augusto is quite smitten with Alicia

Roberto and his canned argument, you still love me, I know you do

Great job, Marta!

Augusto was extremely cruel as he basically told Sandra that it is time for a new, younger model, now that she's menopausal. I can't wait to see Alicia reject his arrogant ass at every turn. This is one woman who won't give him the time of day.

Rob spoke of Sheila is his delirium, but when he said I love you, he WAS speaking of Alicia. But she assumed he meant Sheila when he then blurted out her name while he was remembering when Mateo was taken away.

Looking forward to seeing more of Alicia's new attitude at work. But I hope we get to see more of her trademark smile and dimples, and not her new big boss scowl all the time.

Thank you for the wonderful recap Marta.

Fantastic Title!

I guess I forgot what a beautiful woman Maite is. But...I liked Alicia as the sweet, lovely version of Alicia. Did they really need to transform her into a femme fatale? I must say I smiled to see all the men staring at her. I am relieved that we have seen the last of that tortoise shell headband!

Augusto was beyond cruel in his dispassionate speech to Sandra. It was sad to see her already tiny, Grinch like heart disappear altogether.

I am pleased the security guard is back. Now, if they'd only have his stop his snorting...

Thanks again Marta!


Friends, I am celebrating today as it is 8 months that I have survived the ruptured brain aneurysm.

I am very thankful and grateful to be alive. I also so appreciate this blog and your companionship that has been instrumental in my recovery. Thank you.

Sara, I miss you and hope you are able to return to commenting soon.

It will be a Merry Christmas indeed.


Abrazos, Diana! So happy you continue to be well and healthy, and able to be here having fun with us. I wish you continued good health, and a fabulous 2016!

Thanks for your kind words Vivi!

I wish you the same along with much happiness in the coming year.


Diana, you do have a way with words: "tiny Grinch like heart" was perfect! I can ever picture it.

Thank you for sharing the good news about your recovery. Wishing you only the best in the new year! So happy to have you here to play with the rest of us on the blog! You sure add to the fun! :)

Diana, I didn't realize the severity of your challenge, though was aware of your absence and encouraged by your return. I for one, too often forget, the wonder and beauty of life and how in a moment it can cease. I celebrate yours and thank you for the reminder to celebrate mine. Om Amarani Jiwantiye Soha My mantra for your long life and health

Thank you Jarifa and tofie!

We are a small but loyal and supportive group here.

Wishing you both good health and much happiness...


Great recap!

Augie is disgusting. No way Alicia will be tempted to be his next Sandra or Shushette.

I loved Luci going off on Augie about Alcia being back. She sounded like she was going to explode.

Do you think the new managers of the case hogar are playing outside the rules?

Diana, had no idea about what you were going through but so happy to hear about the wonderful progress!


I am so happy with you for your health progress... i surround you with spiritual light and continuous health through many many years to come... THank you for blessing us all with your comments and nice words.
FOlks, i am halfway in watching this past week so i should be caught up by Monday. Thanks for the explanation about who Sheyla is... when i watched ROberto's dreams i kinda figured out who she was. poor Mateo.

Thank you for your kind, encouraging words Carvivlie and Marta.

The best to both of you for good health and happiness...


Thank you Marta---a short but thorough recap. You didn't miss a thing. That's good writing.

I was surprised and shocked at the big makeover and as a result, I guess that I went a little overboard in my last comment. The makeup and eyeliner wasn't as overdone as I thought. I guess that I probably had been thinking about Luciana's eyeliner when I posted that last comment. I'm getting used to the new look although I have to admit that I did like the simple makeover that brought Lichita to become Alicia. I did like the college girl, young executive tortoise shell headband look.

When will Sandra learn that she was/is just being used? All those wasted years with that jerk Agusto and for what? He is about to toss her out in favor of a younger model. Alicia? Whatever the threat, she won't fall for it. Big Boy, you have met your match.

WOW! I didn't know or realize. Merry Christmas and continued good health Diana.

Marta---I missed the advances. A new home for Mateo? Can't wait to see how this develops.

must see tv
the gringo


Marta - Thanks for a terrific recap.

Diana - What a joy it is to have you celebrating the restoration of your good health with us! I'm honored you shared your wonderful news here.

Wah, I miss the old Alicia, but we knew this makeover was coming. I like the flame tint in her hair, but I miss the slouch.

Thanks Marta for you recap. Awesome retelling of events. It was funny that it seemed that some people did not even notice Alicia's makeover (Luciana, Magos, Ximena).

Brisa and Braulio's storyline needs a makeover...its been a while since they have captivated my interest.

Diana: Glad to hear that you have progressed well and back in good health.

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