Thursday, December 17, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #81 Thu 12/17/15 (Mex 112-113) Honeymoon Interruptus

Diana breaks it to her mom that they've got a new roomie.  And there he is at the door, right on cue.

Aitana and Os wander over to the love cabin, defiling it with their presence.

To the accompaniment of the overenthusiastic synth player, the singer belts out the theme song.  I object to the excess of bass.  Fi and Pedro are already snogging before the JP can even finish pronouncing them man and wife.  Lol, one of her flowers even came partly dislodged in their enthusiasm.

The caretaker's wife has to field questions from A&O while an incriminating shirt lurks, draped over a chair.

Back at the wedding, Fi's floral adornments are back in place.  Gianna's rocking a rather revealing dress and explaining that their secret hideway was also, unfortunately, revealed.  She was hiding in the back of the SUV and knows that Os got a look at the GPS.  Fidel pops some champagne and pours everyone a glass.  Pedro finishes swigging his and then giddily declares "Andiamo!" (Let's go!) and off go the bride and groom on a jet ski, presumably bound for anywhere but the cabin!  Fi tosses her bouquet back to Gianna and the JP continues enjoying his champers.

Heriberto finally gets back to the house.  He's a WAY better liar than his wife, saying Fidel was there earlier, also looking for Pedro.  Is he missing or something?  After all these years, suddenly the family all think he's there!  Heriberto's wife hurriedly offers them coffee, which they turn down.  Heriberto begs them to please let them know when Pedro turns up.  Aitana and Mrs. H both notice that shirt draped over the chair and Mrs. H stashes it in a cabinet when Aitana's not looking.

Pedro, Fi, Fidel, and Gi are all now back at the cabin hearing the story.  Mrs. H is really worried, but Heriberto thinks they bought it.  They're just going to continue their honeymoon-interrupted-by-a-wedding there at the cabin.  Pedro doesn't know when he'll be back.  Gi keeps up her story that everything's fine, people keep asking where Fi is, and she keeps saying she's with Luca.  Once everyone departs, Fi and Pedro are alone at last…again.

Julieta is getting packed for her trip.  She's chattering a little too much to Sergio about what a great guy Santino is…he really gets things done.  There was a couple who witnessed the car accident and took their daughter to the hospital, and later adopted her.  Sergio doesn't really want her to go with Santino, but she insists.  She invites Sergio along, but he doesn't want to leave his poor ailing mother.  Julieta reassures him that nothing's going to happen between her and Santino.  Sergio's her guy and she needs his support.  I think I'm glad she's leaving just now that Anibal's out of jail.

Gianna and Gael hang out in the kitchen.  She tells him she felt a little sick today, so she didn't go to school.  They hear someone coming, but it's just Benito.  Gianna wants him to keep watch while she snogs Gael.  She even says the stress of worrying about being caught is really bad for her poor heart!  Finally they get to have some relaxed lovey time.  Gael would love to run away with her and Gi says she'd love to.  Benito hears this and says someone's coming.  The line to kick Benito in the shins starts HERE.  Seriously, WTF is his problem with anyone other than him getting a little action?  "Oh…oops, I guess I was wrong.  Too bad Gael had to leave.  So, anyway, where were you all day?"  Gi says she was out walking.  Where else would she be?

Os and Aitana report their frustrating search for Pedro to a distracted Benigno.  He appears to be having a frustrating search of his own.  Hahahahahahaha!  Uh, I mean, oh, you lost your USB drive, gosh, that's just terrible.  *snicker*  Aitana chews him out for saving such a sensitive, incriminating email on a USB.  Os backs her up.  Finally, Benigno sees it on a random shelf and tells the kids that it's all good.  And even if someone HAD found it, it's password protected, 'cause he's no dummy.  And indeed it was protected by a password.  Well, one would have to enter a password to access the information, but I don't know if I'd call it "protected" because his password is "aitana."  Seriously, people, don't be a Benigno.  If your password is your name, or your SO's name, or the name of one of your children, or your pet's name, please do yourself a favor and change it to something less obvious!  And for the love of secure data, do NOT say anything in the comments about it!  This has been a PSA from People Against Incredibly Obvious Passwords.

Pedro is reviewing the email he found on Benigno's USB drive.  In bed.  He explains to Fi that he just made a copy, so they won't even suspect he knows.

Aitana suggests erasing the email.

Pedro is sure someone else had to be helping them from inside the company.  And he won't rest until he finds out who the traitor is.  Fi gently takes the tablet away from him and snogs him into a non-worrying state.  And then they get to the "nookie" part of the wedding night.

At breakfast, Fi's the one who is worried about Os and Aitana's visit.  She's appalled that Aitana offered Heriberto and Mrs. H money to rat them out.  She was willing to pass confidential info on to her dad to help screw over Acorp, so she'd be capable of anything!  Pedro reassures her that she's got him now and he won't let anyone hurt her.  And then he scolds her for talking instead of eating and feeds her a bite of waffle.

AY, VIRGEN!  Aitana is eating grapes in the employees' kitchen, waiting for Gianna.  "What now?  Are you going to stick my head in the oven?!"  "I hadn't considered it, but it's not a bad idea."  She asks Gi where she was all day and then LITERALLY pounds on the table as she screams "I don't believe you!"  She gets up to menace Gi up close and gets busted by Fidel.  Put your drinks down before I tell you what her excuse was.  "Oh, I was just looking at her hair.  It's very pretty."  Dude.  LEVELS!  Gi scrams and Aitana tries to interrogate Fidel.  He admits he did try to find Pedro, but couldn't find him and couldn't get him to answer his phone.  He's sorry for what Aitana's going through, but thinks maybe she should forget Pedro.  Now why would she want to do that when haunting his house and terrifying everyone is so much more fun?  She even terrifies people from afar….

Pedro's phone starts ringing and he has every intention of ignoring it, but Fi begs him to answer and stick to his story.  But Pedro doesn't think he can keep from insulting her and confronting her with the info he found.  He caves and answers.  Aitana claims to be worried about him and glad that he's ok.  Pedro says he's not ready to see her or talk.  "Tell me one thing…are you alone?"  Pedro just says he's gotta go.

Aitana really loses her shit now and sends half the fruit flying out of the bowl on the table!  She ruffles the tablecloth and grunts.  I want to call it an angry toddler tantrum, but I've spent time with actual toddlers and I respect them too much to insult them like that.

Pedro tells Fi that Aitana wants to see him, but he really can't do that right now.  He smooches her forehead, waves it all away, and they get back to their breakfast.

Gael is working on something for school when some insistent messages from "Guardian Angel" start coming in.  He tries to ignore them, but finally caves…"You don't know me, but I want to help you. I don't want anything in return, just give me a chance.  I really want to help you.  I know you need me."  The music is ambivalent.  Gael sends "Leave me alone!  I don't need help, much less from a stranger.  I'm going to block you."  He immediately gets a message that says "I want to help you with your addiction problem."  It's Papi Chulo!  And he's desperate to help his baby boy.  Aw…has he been there, done that, got the t-shirt?  How did he know?

Benito comes to Rox's room with a rose and a "Good Morning."  She's being bitchy with him again.  She's tired of his jealousy.  Benito's all "That was days ago."  Well, to her it's not "over" and she's not going to forget it.  Also, he's in her ROOM and they could get busted.  Benito tosses the rose down and leaves, angry.  Cave Aitana wanders in.  She says she's staying until Pedro comes back, because she doesn't believe for a minute that he's not with Fi.  Rox makes a good suggestion--talk to Vitto. He must know where his nephew is.

It's time for Breakfast With the Angeles Family.   Sergio brushes off Fed's insinuations about Julieta.  Dante arrives, sans Eloisa, who asked him for a few more minutes.  Fed asks if he administered The Drops.  Simona complains to Joaquina about the drops and how they nearly did her in.  Joaquina shushes her, and then…

OK, now, drinks down, don't eat anything, and if you have a heart condition or tend to have nightmares after watching horror movies, you may want to read this next bit with your hand over your eyes…

Eloisa walks into the dining room in a wedding dress and veil with her hair teased good and proper.  She asks what they're all doing there, since she's got to get to the church to marry Maximo!  Everyone freezes in confusion and horror.  Fed actually isn't gloating, but Os sure seems to be.

Now, important question, make sure you give this lots of thought…which unexpected visitor is more terrifying?  Cave Aitana or the Bride of Maximo?

And now, for a palate cleanser, Pedro and Fi wander the grounds at the Villa del Amor.  He's still fussing about the Aitana situation and calls himself stupid.  Fi says he'd better quit talking about her husband that way!  Her husband is the best, most noble, honest, handsome, romantic, intelligent, perfect guy in the whole world.  So don't insult him again!  Yes, she absolutely believes all those things about him and she's totally in love with Mr. Pietro Angeles.  Pedro laughs in a way that makes his eyes crinkle quite charmingly and they smooch.  Now THIS!  THIS is the kind of relationship we were promised back at the "meet cute" in Italy!

Back at the Rancho del Horror, Sergio approaches his mother and tries to get her to go rest…but she's going to be late for the wedding!  And the guests are all there!  And her family!  Everyone!  She insists she's Señorita Eloisa!  Os is  all "What's up with granny?"  Fed says she's gone nuts finally.  He just continues on eating his breakfast, like this isn't the most bizarre of all the bizarre things that has EVER happened in the Angeles Family Dining Room and Dinner Theater.  Fed blames it on Pedro…ha!  Shades of early episodes!  Señorita Eloisa begs Joaquina to run to the church and tell Maximo that these people have kidnapped her and are trying to stop the wedding.  Sergio calls her "mama" but she doesn't recognize him and besides, she doesn't have any kids!  She's not even married yet!  Sergio recovers admirably and apologizes, saying he must have been mistaken, but the important thing is that Señor Maximo sent him to escort Señorita Eloisa back to her room because that's where he's going to come visit her.  Señorita Eloisa agrees and he leads her out of the dining room.  Dante tells Joaquina to call Doctor Elizalde!

Pedro gets a call from Fidel who explains Eloisa's break with reality.  Pedro says he's headed home, but he wants to leave Fi behind.  She insists she should be there for him.

So they go to Rey and Adela's place first and explain the situation, starting with Vitto's big lie, and the fact that they actually did run off together, and Eloisa's not doing well, but it's not a good idea for Fi to go back yet.  Rey and Adela would be happy to have Fi as their guest.  Pedro asks them to keep this from everyone, including Benito.  Adela agrees, and she's sure Benito won't even come to visit.  I would like to note that Adela and Rey's apartment now appears to be a braid-free zone.  They go to get Beni's room ready for Fi, amid many delays, and then finally leave Pedro to bid farewell to Fi.  Fidel arrives to drop off a present for Fi…it's a new cell phone, so they can stay in touch.  Pedro reassures her that everything is going to be fine and he'll see her again soon.

Aitana has apparently gone to question Vitto, and she was there when he got the info that Fi and Luca did not go back to Italy together.  She rants to a largely impassive Os and nearly brains him with the globe on the desk.  He calms her tantrum with soothing words and praise and promises that Pedro will be in big, big trouble, and I am REALLY having a hard time looking directly at the screen, because I know what's coming next when he says she's so beautiful and he doesn't know how Pedro could have left her.  They snog and I couldn't help screaming "EW!" so loud that I freaked out the cats.

Pedro makes it home with Fidel, who points out the OPEN office door, where said snogging I cannot bear to witness is taking place.

And, Lila, I'm sorry, but you get to pick it up from there tomorrow!  The horror!  The horror!

Previous: Episode 80
Next: Episode 82


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

Benvenuti to the Muchacha Italiana patio! We're generally a friendly bunch, fond of lively discussion, and we welcome debate as long as the mood stays civil. I'll be pouring tequila at the "Sweet Virgen, what did I just witness?!" table for anyone who needs it.

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Kat - Thank you for this recap ! Funny, snarky, and funny!!! I can't wait to watch this one.

So the writers have ramped up the crazy. What on earth can be going on with Elo? And OS just sitting there continuing to eat his breakkie.... This episode sounds like a completo circo.. Vaya!

Well, at least Fi and Pedro are married, by a civil service, but married, and Ositana (gag) did not interrupt it. Whew! Dodged that bullet.

The honeymoon has officially ended. And now Pedro has hidden his bride at the "braid free zone". (snort) because he is not ready to face the music and .. (drink!/chocolate!) FFOL.

How many weeks will he keep her hidden and their marriage a secret? Do we want to start a betting pool on The Patio of Lowered Expectations?

Gracias, doris! Maybe we'll get lucky and the next phase is Crazy El welcoming Fi with open arms? Or Fi and Pedro shacking up in a little love nest somewhere in town and investigating just how deep the A Corp betrayal goes? I do not like that he's all "soon" but there's no concrete plan.

Part of me also hopes that Eloisa figured out what Fed is trying to do and is having them all on. But, in any case...pop some popcorn!

Thank you, Diva. Long day. I want to really get into this when I can savor it without fatigue. I am just sooo glad they got married!!

Gracias, Lila! Get some good rest!

Grazie, Kat. Hilarious stuff and an edit of eps 112 & 113.

Two boxes of Ferrero Rocher says the old girl is faking it until Pedro appears. I swear my first thought, though, was the scene in La Casa de Bernarda Alba where Bernarda's mother completely loses it. However, I don't think the writers of this series are going that way.

When Fiorella put the tablet on the bed I was afraid it would fall to the floor and break. Fortunately, that seems not to have happened. Julieta is out of harm's way for the moment and I'm rooting for Santino to get her in the end. He's hot, he's got a title, lots of dinero, and no substance abuse issues.

Aitana is a real monster now. Gianna should have slapped her flat: She is not a servant and should not stand for being treated like one.

Missing scenes in next post.

Gracias, Urban! Yeah, the editing was fairly obvious. I'm not too worried about it, though. It feels like they're rushing to get us to a more entertaining portion of the show. Which, come on now, crazy granny in a wedding dress? Whether she's faking or not that was pretty damn entertaining!

Missing Scenes:

Heriberto and his wife are carrying firewood when Assvaldo and the Sea Witch catch them. Pedro and Fiorella are in the upstairs suite and go away from the window just in time to avoid being seen. This is where Assvaldo hands over his business card and cash.

Two scenes with Anibal and Diana where he tells her he doesn't care what she wants, she is going to seduce Vittorio so they can steal him blind or he will rat her out to him as having lied about having children. She refuses but he chooses not to listen. In the later scene he is trying to feed the baby some fruit but little Beto has a good BS detector and isn't falling for the daddy act. Neither is Diana. She does get him to leave.

The doctor comes and goes after the bridal gown incident. He says he gave Helloisa a sedative so she would sleep and I think there were a few comments about stress. Federica and Dante go up to Helloisa's room and have an incriminating conversation about getting her to make out a new will. Helloisa appears to be asleep but it looks like her eyes open slightly at some comment or other. Dante looked a little ill at ease during the conversation but neither of them noticed the eyelid movement.

Oh, one more at Rey and Adele's place:

Fiorella has no appetite because she's worried. Adele reminds her about Vittorio's deception, etc., and it ultimately leads to a comic argument between her and Rey. Fiorella stops them by hugging them, one on each side, and tricks them into kissing so they make up. No plot advance, but it was like a scene from a 1960s Italian movie, which is one of the charms of this series.

Kat- Thanks for anoter great recap, amiga! Whew! So glad the wedding happened and Ostana/Aitaldo didn't find Fi and Pedro. Whatever happens, no one can dispute Fi is Pedro's legal wife, with all the rights that come with it.

I also don't like that Pedro still doesn't have a plan. And really, he can't figure out that Os is the inside traitor, when he's traipsing around the country with Aitana trying to find him and Fi?

Eloisa in crazy mode was hilarious. I will gain a new respect for her if she's faking it. Points deducted if she's faking just to manipulate Pedro into coming back. Points added if she's doing it to see who's trying to betray/kill her.

Urban- Thanks so much for the missing scenes.

Looks like non-virgin, married Fiorella has better hair and has been deflowered (meaning, her new solid colored dresses).

Gracias, Vivi! Good point--Os' involvement should be obvious. He's running around with Aitana, he had Benigno going to bat for him, insisting he be the head of the merged companies, he hates Pedro's guts. Realistically, who the hell else does Pedro think it could possibly be?

Oh Diva it seems that Pietro doesnt know very well his evil cousin. He thinks that Assvaldo is just a stupid and impulsive boy but ignores that he is a real monster that now is seducing ratana to destroy him.

I agree that the scene of Helloisa with a bride dress was wonderfully hillarious. I think she is faking and the reasons could be a little bit of the two things, to make pietro return to the rancho which seems she already succeeded on it and the second thing to investigate who wants to kill her. Curiously she apparently is going crazy after simonas fainting.

Gracias, Marla! Hmmm, Simona's accidental poisoning should have bought El some more time, so, yeah, her sudden deterioration is suspicious.

Hey 5ft, so cool! You just did this up with your usual wit and garnished it with your snark.

I'm glad that Aitana is beginning to show her controlling duplicitous personality. It's like, who could even consider marrying this offal pile of dog excrement - and that isn't even considering anything about her hair. Also, her snit in the worker's kitchen commiting fruiticide was funny.

I am so happy that Pedro and Fi legally tied the knot, but, since there is so much time to fill, I think that there will be lots of denial and chicanery, which the bitch Aitana lurking and twisting along the way.

I still wish Vitto would drink some of Feddy's drops.

I think that Eloisa is faking it.

Thanks again, 5ft. So well done!


Marla, "Ratana" is right on target here. Good stuff!

I have misgivings about Fiorella hiding with Benito's parents. Vittorio has a habit of showing up unannounced so there is a huge risk he will find her. His Keebler Elves Crack House has a tower, so I can see him grabbing her and taking her there when she's alone in the apartment.

Sure we're all betting that Fiorella is already embarazada.

Kat, sensational recap. What a wonderful way to begin Friday. Inspired title.

"while an incriminating shirt lurks, draped over a chair" and "PSA from People Against Incredibly Obvious Passwords" were among my favorites.

I was only able to catch a few scenes but (with apologies), I'm still raving and smiling over Pedro's enthusiastic love for Fiorella. He has such charisma.

Loved Os and Aitana's being so close to finding the truth yet being led astray. I guess all the sour grapes she ate contributed to her melt down after Pedro's call.

Kat, it never occurred to me that Eloisa's Bride of Frankenstein was anything but real!! But, you have me reconsidering. If so, what a sly old bird!

I want something wonderful to happen to Fidel before this is over. Whether it's a promotion, a romance, something! Another unsung galan in the shadows.

Mike Biagio is doing an excellent job of making us detest him, isn't he?? I can't wait for his downfall. His continuing to eat his breakfast despite the chaos was so in character...

Thanks so much Kat!


Always, always entertaining Kat, thank you.

"Bride of Maximo"

Now I thought they couldn't top the Aitana and Gianna scene the other night but they did with grandma. Whomever came up with this needs a raise, horror stricken yet hilarious is hard to get right. Kudos

If Petey had his own spending money, a personal bank account where he stashed 30 years of allowance for being born, Fifi could be safe as a bug in a rug in their first apartment, feathering her nest and putting Ikea furniture together.

What these women see in Os

Loved the recap...written with your usual amazing and energy and flair. You must have the same metabolism as tofie and only need 5 hours sleep a night. Can I be you in my next life?

Enjoyed the rant about obvious passwords and the warning to cover my eyes before reading about Eloisa in full Miss Haversham mode. Haven't watched this yet, but if she's faking, oh my, what a clever gal. She's figured out a way to get wandering Pedro back in line. Given his general obtuseness, not too hard a task. But still...done with pizzazz.

Will look forward to watching this later...your recap makes it sound fascinating!

Oh and thanks, UA, for the info on the missing scenes.

Hey Kat, your cats should meet up with my two and form a therapy group. Boy, would they have a lot to talk about!

Love the reca--braid free zone! Ha! Finally.

What a hoot with Eloisa doing her best Miss Havesham impression. I mean c'mon people, she had to do some scrounging to find the dress and do the hair, etc. But she's not meeting with the brightest bulbs in the world. At least her own son took pity on her though.

I swear, I can't help but still think Petey is the biggest chicken in the world. You're married. Period. Why can't you walk in the door with your spouse and she let the fur fly. Is he more worried about grammy at this point? So don't take her to see the old witch, but hiding her...yeah, that's all kinds of whatever to me.

Speaking of fur flying, she of the stupid password name, is going to have a stroke with these tantrums of hers. And right there with you on the EWWW with Os. Hey, maybe they will go all horizontal and then she gets preggers. Now that would be fun watching them both try to use their scarce brain cells on how to wiggle out of that.

Pretty Guardian, those eyes are killers. Put him and Chris Pine in a room and I'd be a puddle on the floor. Odd way to get to your son though, he just has to be the daddy. But I really want these two to at least get to talking.

What the hell is wrong with Benny? I wanted to do more than kick him in the shins.


I tell you what's wrong with Benny, he wants every doughnut in the box

Gracias, David! "fruiticide" HA! That poor, innocent banana.

Gracias, Diana! When Pedro and Fi are on, they are SO on! And his crinkly-eyed smile is the best!

Gracias, tofie! Ooh, bad on Pedro...he bought that apartment upstairs for Tania and kept it quiet for years. Surely his WIFE deserves at least that much.

Gracias, JudyB! Oh, no, I'm running on fumes right now and I still have to get through a weekend of truffle-making and a trip to see the new Star Wars movie, which I agreed to BEFORE I got booked for the acting job this week, which is when I *thought* I would be chocolate-ing, and so a movie on Saturday would be no big deal, and now I'm thinking it sounds more like a chore than a fun outing. So, where was I? No, no, don't be me, be you...or be a cat and catch up on sleep!

Gracias, Daisynjay! Mr. 5ft agrees with you that Pedro should have marched right in there with Fi and said "We're legally married. Deal with it!" I know there are reasons, or whatever, but it's so annoying!

Good recap LiDiva, good comic snark. I missed that bride of maximo scene. She probably looked freaky huh? Well think out of the 2 granny is the creepiest. Now for a
Real freak show, asstana with bride of frankinstien hair as her maid of honor, scarey
Freaky that is.

Benigno: dumb!
Assvaldo & asstana: dumb & dumber.
Dumb cockiness, makes you delutional about how smart you're not.
Im going to have to go back and watch that
Old lady in a wedding gown scene. I don't think I'll have a nitemare.
and no pedro willl not catch them in their snooging. Maybe.

Gracias, Nina! You be careful now...and don't say I didn't warn you....

You know, the more I think about it, the more that has to be a fakeout. I went online again and looked at that Miss Havesham dress and have to say, it fit Eloisa's old witch matronly figure just a little too well. I don't think she would have just whipped the old dress out of the box. And if the writers want us to believe that, they should have done a better job making it looked wrinkled and old and ill fitting.
Methinks the old hag is up to something.

Kat, can't tell you how much it makes me smile to know Mr. 5 Foot agreed with me on Pedro. I always admire his opinion on our shows. Makes me feel I wasn't missing something. Spine Petey...grow one that you actually show in front of grammie.


Oh Urban, I used Ratana because I remeber that is how people called Aitana in twitter when the novela aired on mexico. They also called her Hartana and pelotes de elote (corn hair) And Federica was Fedeloca(crazy) and Fedetoxica(toxic), Vittorio was called El Reliquias(relic).

Ratana and Fedeloca are great!

You may have a point Anon 12:19. My brother says Shes fakin it too. Just to get petey back there.
I hate the way asstana attacked that fruit, it
Did not deserve that attack. Makes you wonder what that over haired nutjob will do when she finds out pedro married the love of
His life. Not her. Hah!!!! They should really get gi out of harms way.

Well I finally got to watch!

Eloisa Haversham was greeeeeat! I loved Sergio pausing with fork mid-air and food on the side of his wide open mouth!

I wonder if the cast had any idea about this scene before it happened.

Joaquina looked like she was cracking up with laughter when she put her head down and hand over her face.

Loved that Os went back to eating breakfast before it got cold.

UrbanA Thank you for filling in the rest of what was cut from this episode. That scene later, in El's bedroom with Fed & Dante talking about her will seems like it would be crucial for Viewerville to see. Darn that Looneyvision at it again with the tijeras!

tofie - Spot on about Bennie wanting every doughnut in the box. That's been my impression, too.

Why, oh, why do I think Benito will drop in, unexpectedly, on his parents and discover Fi holed up there at some point in the future??? Have I watched way too many telenovelas???

I just finished looking at that scene where the
Ol girl comes out in wedding gown garb, and
Freddy do not look convinced that she has flown over the coco's nest. Neither am I. But
We'll see tonite, in about an hour and ten minutes. Caio!!!

Diva! This is Da Bomb! OMG! Cave Aitana and The Bride of Maximo! You were on fire, firl! Your description of the bizarre "Granny's finally cracked" is perfect! Lord, have Mercy! I haven't read the comments yet but I certainly plan to even though it's almost show time for me. Oh well, Diva, I knew I'd have to face some ugly sooner or later, that's why I enjoyed the "cart before the horse" honeymoon/wedding!

Thanks, girl!

Gracias, Lila! Yes, it was nice to have that time in the bubble. I hope we get some more of that, even if it's not for entire episodes.

Nina, I agree, Fed did not look convinced. I thought she would be the one with the big grin on her face instead of Os.

lol, doris, yes, I forgot to mention that whatever-it-was on the side of Sergio's mouth as he just gaped at his crazy mama!

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