Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #113 Tuesday 12/22/15: Bye-Bye Baby Or All The King’s Horses And All The King’s Men

It's late in coming but at least it is here!-edit.

Isela has another bout of guilty conscience.  After hearing Claudio’s confession that he screwed around with Marta’s sentencing to please his buddy, the other judge, Sr. Monterubio, hide his sins.  First, she visits Orlando in the his old apartment and says if only…..They share an if only hug. (Alarm bells should be going off about now for the Viewerville aficionados.)

Clod admits his guilt to Max who tells his papi he deserves to rot behind bars for knowingly using his influence to help the rich and powerful.  Clod says he hopes he’s opened Max’s eyes a bit so that he can properly defend Maria Dolores.

Speaking of MD, she’s telling off her guard and Marcia, the Women’s Warden, that she knows how Marcia and Grrrrsula have colluded in trying to take her baby away from her; she’s also threatened the guard with spilling the beans to UNOWHU about the horrible way common prisoners are treated in this prison; and, woe is they if anyone dares raise a hand against her again or puts her back into solitary AND if they don’t get Nayelli out of the punishment cell and fast!!

Clara and Leo start to make nice again while sharing photos of the new baby on their cell phones with Doris .  The bought-off nurse apologizes to Esperanza for letting those strangers in to see the baby instead of MD’s immediate family members.  (So how about donating that cash you got from Grrrrsula to some unwed mothers’ charity, hmmmm?)

Jenny and Fermin go together to the insemination appointment.  She thinks loving thoughts about Julian while getting her innards doused.

Alma has sent over the hideous funeral wreathe to Hosey with a note saying she knows it was Hosey who was so mean and tasteless as to have sent it first to her.  Hosey has a fit of temper and tears it to pieces, leaving it lay on the ground in the center court of the complex.

Ise leaves Orly’s place and pays a visit to Josefa.  She tells Hosey that she was right about Clod all along, that he just confessed to her.  And yeah, she made the mistake of falling in love with her mother’s abuser, but that’s all over now and she’s leaving to move her and her kid far away from both him and gritchy Great Grannie.  This results in a tremendous fight on the balcony along the tenement complex’s exterior.

Ivana’s guests have all arrived at her office for the wedding ceremony.  Suzanne calls to find out where she is.  Ivaca says she’s jilting Gerry and not getting married today after all.  She’s putting together a pink baby outfit in the nursery she was supposed to have dismantled a year earlier.

Honoria watches in horror as Hosey and Ise fight on the balcony.  She sees Ise slip and lose her balance and go flying backwards over the balcony where she lands on the trashed up funeral wreathe.  Honoria and Hosey race down and start yelling at each other. Ise regains consciousness long enough to get Honey Bear to promise that if the baby lives not to let it go to either Hosey or Clod.  Orly somehow manages to walk into the courtyard just then and he falls over Ise’s motionless body, sobbing.  He bends down to hug her belly and starts yelling to the others that the baby’s still alive.  They scream for an ambulance that just happens along at that moment.

Ivaca calls Ise and Clara picks up the phone off the pavement where it fell.  Clara informs Ivaca about the fall (and, we assume, the ambulance ride to the hospital.)  Ivaca arrives at the reception desk where Honey Bear and Hosey are waiting for word on Ise and her baby.  Ivaca asks who chose this particular hospital just as Clod races in and notices the two disheveled older women in tears staring accusatory daggers at him.  “—I am the father of her child!”  This seems to be in answer to Ivaca’s recent question as the tv novella gods would have it.  However, none of us have any idea as to Ise’s or the baby’s condition and we all must wait till the next episodio to know.


Thanks, Jardinera. This was an intense episode. Yeah, as soon as Orly and Isela had their tearful conversation, alarms bells went off that something bad was about to happen to one of them. Looks like Isela is a goner, but will the baby survive?

The ambulance was called by someone or Hon between the time Isela fell and Orly and Chelito and the crowd got there. And Ivana was in a baby store, not the nursery in her house. Since Isela didn't want Clod or Josefa to end up with the baby, will Ivana step in to take her? She has no legal right to her, and it's not like Isela left a will behind with her last wishes. Josefa and Clod will have to duke it out over the baby.

Now that she doesn't have to protect her baby in her stomach, MD isn't taking any more crap. She's feverish and can barely stand, so she won't be able to defend herself very well.

Thank you Jardinera great and greatly appreciated

"She thinks loving thoughts about Julian while getting her innards doused"

touche Alma

MD's threats of telling Max might buy her a few moments of peace but Max better start to rain down hell and brimstone because cornering MD one time might end it for her.

ok, Claudio said he was gonna help then dammit help.

Somebody should have smacked that nurse

If they aren't ready to resume the relationship I hope at least it delays Clara working for the wanna be pimp

Yep, Orlando lied, he still loved Isela but Doris wins runner up by default.


"cornering MD one time might end it for her" Tofie- That's exactly why she kept her mouth shut while she was pregnant.

Orly told Chelito that he is in love with Doris. But that doesn't mean he doesn't also still love Isela (not the same as being in love).

I know and give her a pass when she was pregnant it kept her alive, barely. My fear is despite her threats both the guards and Abuela want her dead and first opportunity either has, and can lay blame on the other, they will take it. MD doesn't have much time.

I don't think it counts for Orlando to tell Chelito he loves Doris on the heels of a good talking to by her. I think Orlando wants to be in love with Doris but his heart still belongs to Isela. Orlando lost me long ago.

Can't believe all the nasty things Isela did to MD may go with her to the grave.

Gracias, Jardinera. I can't believe there are only nine episodes left.

I suspected Hosefa about that wreath. Honoria would not have wasted money on such a thing and she has no beef with Alma, either. Hosefa has her ill-gotten gains from robberies and whatever else she might have scammed out of Claudio before so she would have spent that kind of money to be so vindictive.

Ivana's aunt continues to be as nasty as ever. While I'm sure they're going to keep us waiting longer than another episode or two to find out I hope Ivana comes to her senses and tosses her out on her butt.

I agree with Tofie; it wouldn't be right for Isela to die without repenting of her sins against MD. She is also the only one who knows that Hosefa was the one who tried to kill Leo and Hosefa has to answer for that. Unless Hosefa brags about that to someone else. What irony if she bragged to Honoria and that snaps her out of her own crazy.

Honoria was already giving Josefa side eye as she told everyone that Isela "just fell", and then when she told Clod that Isela tried to kill herself because of him. How far will Hon support her in her lies, when she saw what happened?

Thanks, Jardinera. Great storytelling. Loved this gem: She thinks loving thoughts about Julian while getting her innards doused.

After a lifetime of abuse and brainwashing by Josefa, Isela deserved a chance at a fresh start with her baby. So sad.

It was in keeping with his White Knight status I know, but Orlando picking up Isela in his arms was so the medically wrong thing to do.

Glad to see Honoria was horrified by Josefa's assault on Isela. I'm still thinking there is redemption in Josefa's future.

Oops! "Redemption in Honoria's future." For Josefa, I see nothing but hell.

I thought Orlando made it clear to Chelito that he loves Doris. Like LOVES-loves. I missed the details of that conversation at the beginning of the show but Chelito looked so happy that I have to assume it's all good. Now Chelito just has to tell him to back off the savior complex and focus on Doris. And also take some first aid so he doesn't pick up someone who might have a broken back.

Based on the look that Honoria gave Josefa, I think she might be done with the venganza thing. Or at least with her alliance with Josefa. She's been irrationally angry at MD and family, but she's not a bad person like Josefa is and this may be her limit. Hopefully.

Poor Isela. I hoped to see her apologize to everyone she hurt, and go get herself a good life after giving the baby to a nice family. But not Ivana. I'm on Susanna's side. Ivana can't do enough good to make up for her crazy and she deserves to live with Aunt Susie forever.


Jardinera--Good to the last drop. Always an excellent read. We certainly never expected Isela to go over the balcony. You, too, kept us in suspense. Everyone around her assumed she was deceased after her last words. It was certainly played that way. If she is, that baby has very little time to survive without placental nourishment. The ambulance took long enough to leave while Hosefa was grand-standing.

Vivi--I thought I heard Marcia say something to the guard to the effect that all bets are off on MD's life and something about if MD dies in a prison yard scuffle, Marcia et al, kill two birds with one stone, referring to Abue and/or Nayeli. OR, did I hear wrong? This was in the prison office right after MD left.

Niecie--I wish I could agree with you. Josefa has been an evil busybody in that vecindad for as long as she lived there. She gets off on fomenting antagonism, rivalry, hate and vengeance among the residents--especially those she was supposed to be friends with. This is the sort of Karmageddon that UA likes--Josefa spending the rest of her life alone, bitter and poor.

It's Honoria that will most probably be redeemed by turning on Josefa and the Santibanez and seeing how wrong she was about MD. But I wonder how she will *really* feel about Jenny and Fermin's little secret.

I can't wait to witness personally this (in)famous judicial proceeding coming up. Are we going to be treated to a last minute save, as in Quiero Amarte? Or will we get a professionally delivered defense of MD--with Ivana's testimony? As to the latter--picking out pink baby clothes at a store on the day she was to marry Gerry and left the cancellation up to Susana, makes me believe she still intends to take MD's baby. BUT--there's another baby (if she lives) up for grabs. She would very willingly toss her hat in the ring and fight off both Clod AND Hosefa for the right to adopt and raise the child--she's the right age, has money, stability, etc. This would not be ideal for the little girls, given Ivana's true mental stability, but stranger things happen in telenovelas.

Oh Niece--Thanks for clarifying your character deserving redemption. We get to stay on the same page, then!

Yep, Anita- That's is what Marcia said. She wants MD, Abuela, and Nayeli to finish each other off (or for it to appear that way) to take the problem and the heat off her.

Jar--Just a suggestion--put in a page break or take out the "Read More."

I don't think Isela should have redemption, I haven't forgotten the horrible lying mean spirited bitch she's been for most of the show. She apologized to Josefa, Alma and Orlando but what about the ongoing betrayal of her bff that contributed to Ursula and Dan having their way with MD. That's been the problem for all those around Isela, she can turn on pitiful waif and tears and people forget.

I think Ivana the last person that should have a child. She's nuts.

Until Orlando tells Doris he LOVES her I don't believe a word. He might now that Isela may travel to the great beyond but if she lives I can see Doris and Orlando at the dinner table helping their kids with homework 10 years from now, Isela calling she's out of toilet tissue, and Orlando jumping up and running to the store for her.


Tofie- I laughed (almost out loud while I'm at work) at Orlando running out for Isela's toilet paper. He'd totally do that. But I can also see Doris putting her foot down at that and insisting that he needs to stay with the kids because she has to go sign some papers at the office of her multi-million dollar fashion house. Ari probably works for her as an errand boy. She can send him to buy Isela's sundries.

Reverse karmageddon!


Tofie- That made me laugh too.

I have a soft spot for Orlando because he's like my dad. He even said something my dad says this episode- that he shows Doris that he loves her with his actions, not words. OMG! This drives my mom batty. My dad also mows the lawn of the widow neighbor and anything else she needs doing. He does the same for me and any woman in our family at the drop of a hat. He totally has white knight syndrome. He's an awesome dad and a hard working, loyal husband. But a romantic he ain't. And yes, he even helps his exes out- one is one of his closest friends, and the other (my older sister's mom) he would also help out with whatever she needed, including her husband's funeral last year. My mom, a jealous person by nature, had to learn to get over it years ago, and she is now good friends with both of these women. I guess that's why I don't see things in absolute with Orly. The way that he takes care of the other women in his life does not mean that he devalues Doris. But if she can't handle that, then for her own good, she should end it. And that's no judgement on her. Many women can't handle their men having close relationships with other women.

I promise I understand what you are saying Vivi (personal examples abound) but this is Isela and for me Orlando is a fool for her and I never see Isela and Doris getting along and for good reason. I do agree Doris either settles for what Orlando can give or she moves on. Orlando will not change or perhaps he will once he finally sleeps with Doris and she rocks his world.

I guess we're not going to meet Doris' parents after all. There's not enough time for that with only a handful of episodes left.

I wonder how bad MD's fever really is; it's like she's daring Marcia and the others to do her in. This is probably headed toward serious brinkmanship on the part of the writers.

Hosefa deserves to be in Hell. Few novelas have taken that option but this should be one of them. To send a funeral wreath to a terminal cancer patient is just the capper on this woman's addiction to inflicting pain.

I don't think Ivana would have to worry about fighting Josefa* legally for Isela's baby...there will be a Star Wars movie sized line of people to testify how horrible a mother Josefa was to Isela. The only parent Ivana would have to fight would be Claudio & I don't think Claudio is interested in raising another child at this point in his life. I think Max, Leo & maybe Alma would be able to convince Claudio to give up the rights to Baby Girl Bustamante to Ivana for a fresh start.

However, the only way Ivana could have a fresh start with Baby Girl Bustamante is by telling the truth about the plot by the Santibanez' to snatch Baby Girl Morales. If she doesn't & gets caught up in their mess, she will likely lose her chance to adopt ANY baby.

Realistically Ivana is too delusional to be a mother, starting with her refusal to seek medical care before and after her miscarriage. If she had, she'd likely be able to bear children today.

Even if Isela survives, she will not be able to take care of her baby. She will either be brain damaged or physically unable to take care of a child. If she survives, Doris might as well suggest to Orlando that Isela move in with them and she takes care of Isela because that's what HE will be suggesting.

Alma was the bomb for sending that wreath right on back to Josefa. LOL!

Josefa will probably be the one to reveal that Isela is a backstabber & Claudio fixing trials to the Morales Bunch... ashamed, Claudio will back off & Isela may be in no condition to fight for the baby.


Thank you Jardinera.

It's all a moot point about who Orlando loves, Isela or Doris, if Isela dies.

Niecie, I'm glad I wasn't the only one to cringe when Orlando picked Isela up to carry her to the ambulance. She just fell 20 ft onto a concrete floor, and we all know she had to suffer spinal damage, the last thing you do is pick them up. Yikes!!!

I don't see how she could keep Claudio from raising his own child, if he wants to. He would have final say if she dies.

I'm hoping that MD convinced Abuela that by the three of them; Abuela, MD, and Nayeli, all took each other out, that the only one who would win would be the warden.

Ivana would legally shut down Josefa, I think but Josefa would continue to be a thorn in Ivana's side otherwise. The only way Isela's baby will be safe from Josefa is if she is in jail for life or dead.

And one more thing, I hope that Honoria catching Josefa's lie about what happened to Isela will finally turn her attitude around and not want to end up angry and bitter like Josefa.

Tofie- I agree. The issue is that it's Isela- a woman who likes to, and often, puts on a show of being fragile and helpless in order to manipulate others, and Orly has never caught on to this.

I am still baffled that this entire neighborhood allowed Hosefa to get away with her gossip, venom, and hatred for so long. She was abusing Isela for that girl's entire life and making trouble in the nabe all the same time. That's one of the Head Scratchers of this series.

Head scratcher yes, bet it was Espy told everybody to shut up and mind their own business.

UA--Josefa was the bully on the playground and no one wanted to confront her. Most of the women in that complex looked the other way, avoided her if they could or treated her with some minimal respect. I can't remember too many in the vecindad actually being on her side except Honoria (lately), or if they did, it didn't last long.

Maybe they didn't they could do anything. They're supposed to be poor (even if those apartments are a lot nicer than anything I could hope to get), and police are never very helpful in poor novelahoods. And Josefa sure wouldn't have taken kindly to anyone butting in her business.


Jardinera654. Good and to the point. Ivana is s crooket baby crook. She thinks she gettin a baby. Well if isey dies, she can get hers, but she may have to fight clod. These poor little
Babys being born into all this hell. Does anyone know what hosey was saying to isela
When she was shaking her? I haven't read the comments yet but in case no one has said what she was saying while she was shaking her maybe fill in what that was. Thank you. Hey hosey send the wreath huh? I thought it was hon, shes was mean enough To have done it. O orlando, is he havin
Second thoughts or is he just genuinely sorry about Isela falling? I think the later.
I thought that was a different nurse that was
Telling them "nothing like this will happen on
My ward while Im in charge". Something to that effect. She ain't donatin nothin, unwed
Mommas on they're on. Should be good tonite. Ok dinners ready. Bye!!!!

Comment removed. We do not allow comments that are not supportive of our recappers. If you disagree, you need to do so in a respectful manner.

Innards:that's what I was trying to remember The last time I heard that expression it was talking about the insides of a chicken and it was kind of funny using it like this. Hahaha!!!! I gotta have something to laugh about in this show, its so dark. But there is light at the end
Of the tunnel. And a new year to boot.
You go MD. The girl got guts when theres no
Baby to protect. Now kick some prison arse.

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