Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Antes muerta que Lichita 1/11/2016: while the D team is sinking the mother ship, Alicia and Roberto yell at each other in L.A. Also, a "meet cute."

The subtitles were almost useless tonight, so, viewers who understand rapid fire Spanish, please fill in the blanks!

Roberto shows up at Ikonika USA and most of the conversations he has with Alicia, at high volume and a mile a minute, are general insults, he accuses her of hanky panky with the boss, also, she doesn't want to share the luxury hotel suite with him but he insists it's his right as a Toledo y Mondragon family flunky.

Gumaro is spying at the mansion. He is very good at chatting up Valeria and even better at seducing Luciana over her pruning project in the greenhouse - he gets her to sit in his lap and he coos in her ear and since she (pobrecita) has not been "getting any" for quite a while, she is not indifferent to his charms. Also, Dafne loves Gumaro, they joke together.

Dafne skypes with Alex while sitting on her bed with her laptop, covered with a black lace mantilla. Alex says: "You need to help mom."

Bea sobs to Valeria: "I always knew of his adventures, but that it was that social climber Alicia, the one who almost married my son, this is the limit." She asks Valeria for the name of her therapist and goes to him. She kneels on the floor as if he were a priest and talks non stop for an hour about her marital woes. He says "time's up" and she pushes him down again because she is not finished. He complains she never let him say a single word.

Yes, Bea wants a divorce. We are reminded she owns at least half of everything. For this reason Don Augusto (who's back from the U.S.) is loathe to let go of her. He tries seducing her but she refuses him: her only true companion is Jesus. So he goes and puts the moves on Valeria in the hallway. I think maybe they went out to dinner later but not sure.

We enjoy a fiasco of a client meeting with Mr Gomez, who sells chiles (I think). He hates whatever presentation has been slapped together for him by the B team (actually they are more like the D or F team). Luciana rudely cuts Mr Gomez off while he's talking. When he says he'll go to another agency Chuchette hurriedly promises a new proposal. Gomez is astonished that Sandra is not there, nor Alicia, nor Don Augusto. "This is a scandal!"

Luciana bolts from the uncomfortable meeting saying she has more important things to do. Elias is too angry to help out, in fact he acts like a lunatic just to annoy everybody.

Between bouts of yelling at Alicia and making nice with the two employees of Ikonika USA, Roberto knocks on the door of his ex-wife's stepfather (I think) and begs for Sheila's location. The guy says he doesn't know where she is but later calls Sheila and reports: Roberto is looking for her.

My favorite part of this episode is Sandra lying on her couch, her hair a mess, eating ice cream. She goes out to get some booze and is spotted briefly by one of the Ikonika receptionists though she thought she avoided discovery. Sandra gets drunk at home with her ice cream and sings to herself, which she finds terrifyingly pathetic.

Fatima (the only one who knows where she really is) calls: there is a client disaster here. At first Sandra is ready to let the D team lose the client -- then she says: "set up a conference call for 15 minutes from now." She pulls herself together and poses at a desk in front of a Spanish flag and mollifies Mr. Gomez. When he says he wants Alicia Sandra says "she's busy."

Later the whole D team is wondering why Sandra hasn't posted any pictures of herself online (not even a sad selfie) in Spain. Perhaps realizing this is fishy, Sandra starts photoshopping a Spanish vista behind a photo of herself (increasing the size of her pompas [buttocks] while she's at it).

At the café Magos and her worthless buddies are celebrating a victory over the Peoples' café across the street, which seems to be shuttered. Inside it the manager is getting reamed out for his poor numbers. He defends himself: "We have such strong competition." "Peoples' café has no competition." The manager shows the HQ guy the magazine article with Alicia in front of Elsa's cafe and the HQ guy's first thought is: "She's so sexy, our boss will want to know about her."

Elsa says they are not going to be selling booze, it's not her style. "It's too soon to triumph, they'll be back."

Pre-Braulio shows up again. His driver's license falls on the floor and Braulio is astonished to see pre-Braulio looked like a regular guy in the picture. Pre-Braulio says his Braulio-esque makeover was Brisa's work: she just gets to a guy, first it's yoga, then it's veganism...

Alicia and Roberto yell all the time, louder and faster. He tells her Augusto is looking for new investors. He accuses her of hating him. She says she does hate him but not completely. He says he's just about to the point of feeling the same way about her. He's jealously convinced she is boinking the boss despite her denials.

Beatrice comes in to Dafne's room, sees her daughter under the mantilla, lifts it and peers in. "What are you doing here in my Gothic Cave?" "You and Alex and I need to have a talk."

There are endless scenes of the D team circulating gossip via chat, facebook, what, whatever - that Don Augusto and Alicia are lovers and that's why they went off to the U.S. The only work getting done is via cellphone (Alicia, Brisa and Braulio are actually trying to accomplish things). Alicia texts Chuchette asking for a business update -- by accident Chuchette sends the gossip text to her instead! Alicia is utterly furious, pounds away at her cellphone sending a denial. Then in a rage (shades of who was that guy who was always doing this?) she hurls her phone across the room - by accident knocking out the new much-awaited character who has just arrived. Meet cute.


I'm sorry I don't remember the name of the iconic phone-hurler - was it Sergio something? Also I don't remember the name of the actor who has just appeared.

Jane, thank you for your wonderful recap of a "so so " episode The new guy is Gabriel Soto.

So tired aif Brisas and Braulio and the DTeam.

My favorite part was Sandra on the couch with her ice cream on her "staycation" also.

Second favorite part was Beatriz kissing Augusto on the forehead and not letting her "lust" control her.

The Peoples' Café may need Alicia's services?

It will be interesting to see exactly who the new guy turns out to be, I think we all have our suspicions.

Oh my cc's were way off too, again!! It is getting annoying. So big thank you for catching me up!!

So it looks like Sheila may have a child, based on what we saw. It has been a few years so not necessarily Mateo. She could have had another child in that timespan.

Wow Gabriel Soto definitely wears a suit well.

My favorite part was Gumaro and Lucia. He may get her yet! She seems as uninterested in Rob now as Rob has always been for her.

Rob and Alicia fighting is great foreplay. They really just want to jump each other's bones but can't so they get out all of that sexual tension by screaming at each other.

No sympathy for Sandra.

Glad Bea is sticking to her guns. I want her to know that Alicia isn't sleeping with Augie but at the same time I don't want her to change her mind about the divorce.

Augie flirting with Val is just disgusting. Gosh I hope she doesn't fall for it. She is pretty vulnerable right now.

Perfect Jane!

"Toledo y Mondragon family flunky" and "Sandra starts photoshopping a Spanish vista behind a photo of herself (increasing the size of her pompas [buttocks] while she's at it)" were among many favorites!

The phone thrower is Sergio Sendel.

Lots of terrific scenes last night and Jarifa, I totally agree that Bea rejecting Augie with a "good boy" kiss on the forehead was great.

I just loved last night's Gumaro show. He is a bull in a china shop, creeping clumsily, falling all over himself yet never failing to exude his unique brand of charm. Who needs to watch Swayze and Moore in Ghost? We had Gumaro and Luci sexily intertwined, ready to make careful, delicate cuts in their gardening escapade.

Gumaro's excellent adventure started with chatting up Ms. V and then having himself scared silly by our dear Dafne and then going on to tempt and torment Luci. Heaven.

Did anyone else feel Bea was playing close attention to Luci's facial contortions and mannerisms?? She did quite well last night mimicking them in the scene with her doctor. She clearly attends the Ingrid Martz school of acting.

Gabe Soto! Be still my heart.

I know there was much more to comment on but Roberto and Alicia are simply taking a back seat to Gumaro.

Thanks again Jane!


Thanks so much, Jane!

My least favorite scene was the endless WhatsAp text message scenes. But I loved the resulting phone throw which landed on poor Gabriel Soto's forehead. This should be interesting.

My favorite scenes of the night were Gumaro in the TyM mansion. Going to love seeing what misadventures he gets up to there. Wonder how long Luci will be able to hold herself back from his strange animal magnetism? :)

You hit it, Vivi: "strange animal magnetism". They are so funny together.

I like that too. Certainly is strange! lol

Incredible Jane and thank you bunches

"insists it's his right as a Toledo y Mondragon family flunky"

Don't know what else to say. I hate Roberto, arrogant punk


tofie your vitriol towards Rob makes me laugh, even though I don't agree. Good stuff

Thank you so much Jane---Last night's show was fun in many ways and you helped us a lot.

I loved the Gumaro/Lucy scenes last night. What a hoot. Is snooty Luciana going to fall for a peon? I hope so, they're so cute together.

Bea stood her ground. A quick kiss on the forehead is all the brute could come up with. Can't talk his way out of it this time.

Diana---the Ingrid Martz school of acting. Loved it.

Ice cream and wine? Well whatever works I guess.

LOL---The D/F team. No wonder the customer was asking for Alicia.

I think that it won't be long before the Peoples Café will be trying to hire Alicia for an advertising campaign. Seems like everyone is in need of the "social climber"
For someone that everyone thinks is just climbing---she really gets the job done.

must see tv
the gringo


Let's see, a small time con man that ferociously attacks and shames me, a snarling yapper dog that bites the hand that fed it and a skunk that married my nemesis v Gabriel Soto. That ain't hard

Funny as it is to watch the two it is so uncool of Gumaro to make moves on his bros wife.

Loved Dafne using her black lace shawl as "shelter."

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