Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #97 1-13-16 HOT ZIGGETY DAWG! Some real action, Muchacha Peeps!

Ciao a todos, I mean a tutti.  Heck, how y'all are?  This is my first summary.  Let's see how well I do summarizing versus writing a novelette!

Right off the bat, my beloved Patio Peeps, one of you have a chance to make a contribution to tonight's summary because silly me started the recording late and I don't know what happened in the first segment!  I was able to figure part of it out but I don't know how Fifi explained that yummy huggin' she was giving Pedro so feel free to fill in, Peeps!

(This is what I was able to figure out.)  Freddie takes Eloisa to the bank and withdraws bribe money to pay off Vargas, ACorp accountant, who had demanded two years salary in exchange for the information about to whom monthly deposits were being made by ACorp.  He takes a suitcase full of money and gives her the address, not the name, of the recipient.  The address is of a mental hospital!  More on that later.

Eloisa wakes up face down on the pavement in a, shall we say, humble part of town.  She tries over and over without success to get people to tell her where she is.  Mostly people ignore her but she manages to get enough change from a couple of passersby to call the Rancho.  Pedro answers.  The family marvels that Eloisa was able to call what with her dementia.  Pedro confesses that Eloisa faked dementia to expose someone in the family whom she thought was trying to kill her.   Sergio takes off with Fidel.  Assvaldo mocks Pedro's desire to go with them.

Dante calls Freddie and asks what did she do to Eloisa?  Freddie answers she took her to the bank to make a withdrawal.  Dante yells at her for falling in Eloisa's trap:  Now she is in BIG trouble.  Freddie is unconcerned, once she finds out who the monthly stipend is going to, Eloisa will be the least of her troubles.

Julieta and Fiorella have a heart to heart about Julieta's missing daughter and Fiorella's recently finding out she was adopted.  (Don't know if this realization was in the first part I missed or edited out.)   Julieta wishes her daughter could be like Fiorella, so kind, so pure, just an angel on earth!  Julieta tells her of the failed efforts to have her daughter raised by a wealthy Roman family and her fear and rejection of the poor as being the seedbed of criminality.  Fiorella assures her she is wrong as she was raised by a poor family.  Julieta thanks her for dislodging this prejudice.  Fiorella also reassures her she will find her daughter, they cry and hug.

Pedro has a tantrum after Ass mocks his attempt to go look for Eloisa.  Fiorella's calm and loving tone, hugs and kisses settle him down and for a moment Pedro has a blurry, shaky vision of Fiorella which just as suddenly fades to black.   Pedro doubts his eyes and thinks he imagined seeing her, Fiorella defends this brief recovery of sight and vows to tell Dr. Elizalde.

Gael confesses to Pedro that he is NOT Assvaldo Sr.'s son.  Pedro makes him promise not to tell anybody in the family.  Gael agrees.  Pedro assures him that Gael is and will always be his "primo hermano" his cousin/brother.  Big man hug!

Sonia talks to Fabio to check how he's coming with finding the proofs they need.  He's close.  She wants to meet with him.  Ass catches her on the phone and demands to know who she was talking to.  She distracts him with nookie.  I tell you what, this man downloads more whoopie than anybody I've seen in a tn in a long time!

Eloisa is forced to nearly strong arm a lady to get her cell phone.  She calls the Rancho with better location information.  She returns the lady her phone and tells her, "You should learn to treat people better; people are not always what they seem.  Don't be deceived by appearances.  This is a lesson you should really take to heart."  Yes, folks, Eloisa said that and how many of you bet this has now been emblazoned on her gray, shriveled little heart?   Anywho, Sergio takes off again with this better information and brings Eloisa back to the house where Julieta, Sonia, Ass, and Pedro are waiting.  Eloisa is showered with welcome and attention.  She confirms that Freddie did this to her and declares she never wants to see Federica again!  She goes off with Quina for a hot bath and later she'll get something to eat.

Back with Pedro and Fiorella, Fiorella wonders why there are no pictures of his Mother, Pilar, in the house.  Pedro brings out a thick album and shares pictures of his loving, beautiful Mother with Fifi.  Pedro's voice goes soft as he remembers how sweet his Mother was and how much she loved him.

Freddie is now at the mental hospital and is shown the room of a patient.  She opens the door, a woman faces the window, holding a rag doll.  Freddie's face goes even more stony than usual as she raggedly proclaims, "It's you, Pilar?"


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Believe it or not, this is a summary. I'll get better. As I said, feel free to fill in the first part of what happened. I started to wait until in the morning when I could watch it on demand or online and then put it in but the ending of the show was so explosive I wanted to go ahead and get it up tonight!

Has Eloisa really had a change of heart about tired, poor, wretched refuse of life?

More importantly, does Eloisa know that Pilar, Mother of her beloved Pedro, has been locked up in a mental institution all this time?

Who else knew? Is this the secret Eloisa was always telling Dante they have to keep?

Wow! Have at it!

Good night Lila, thank you for your recap. This was an editing episode of episodes 135 and 136. The excuse that Fiorella gave Helloisa for hugging Pietro was that she got excited because Dr. Elizalde told Pietro that there are probabilities of him regaining his sight.

Fabulous, Lila! Indeed, this was quite the episode!

The only other things you missed were:

-Fi tells Eloisa she was hugging Pedro because they just found out his good medical news.

-Freddie chloroformed Eloisa after Eloisa (while acting senile) withdrew all that money from the bank, and then left her in the Yo No Creo en los Hombres vecinidad, wearing humble clothes.

-Sonia met with Fabio and got some of the info needed to bring down Os and Aitana's family, and turned down nookie with him. Fabio is worried that the two of them will be taken down too, but Sonia isn't worried.

-Gi tells Fi about going to see Vitto to see if he knew anything about her being adopted. Fi tells her never to speak to that evil old liar again. Fi's friend calls from Italy. She spoke to the town priest and he says Fi's parents moved to Maratea when she was one. She was not born there. Fi becomes more convinced she adopted.

Eloisa was stupid to first go off alone with someone she suspects wants to kill her, and to then hand over a large stack of cash to that person. What the heck was she thinking? The irony of her scolding people for their lack of empathy and prejudice. I'm not counting on this brief encounter with poverty changing her snooty attitude.

Max keeping Pilar locked up all these years is just yet one more crime to add to his assholery. But the big question is did Eloisa know? For sure this revelation will shatter Pedro's sainted image of Grandpa Max.

Thank you Vivi for the information. As I said this was an edited episode so I will help telling the missed scenes.

Diana was looking for Anibals laptop and she found a gun hided under the coach which she touched and then put back. Then she found the laptop and was about to leave the apartment with her mom and son to report Anibal with the police when he came.
Diana confessed to Vittorio that she helped Anibal empty his bank accounts and she asked him to help her in preventing Julieta because Anibal wants to kill her.
A scene of Ass wanting to approach his grandmothers kidnapping to contest her will and declare that she has senile dementia and still wanting to kill Pietro. Also telling Sonia to give him a son that doesnt die.


LILA, very nice summary!
Always much appreciated out here on the West Coast to be able to read recap the same night as the show! Did you see Eloisa wandering around like a bag lady begging for spare change? That was the highlight!

So my question: Federica has been trying to kill off Eloisa for weeks. Why chloroform her and then leave her alive in some random neighborhood?

Also, I think when Pedro first told Fio about his mama, it seemed like she had problems, big problems with drugs and depression, and he was told his mom was "gone", as in dead. I had the impression Eloisa may have just made her daughter in law disappear, which I'm still betting is the case.

Ooh,things are getting good PLUS another ep without the Mop!

J in Oregon


Oopsie LILA, my apols, I just realized you described the part about Eloisa begging to make a phone call! (*insert cheesey smiley-face here)

J in O

Another edited scenes

Another scene of Gael with Agustin now watching pictures of her mom especially one in which she was pregnant. Gael calls Agustin for first time Papa, in english dad.
Some scenes of Roxana with Joaquina getting a bit close. In someone she screams at Maximos picture and ends up crying in Joaquinas arms.
A scene of Helloisa giving some money to some old woman and a little girl to buy food because they were looking for it in the trash.
A scene of Julieta talking with Santino and begging him to try to contact the person with whom she was gonna talk in the cell phone. Fiorella entering with a tea and listening to the call. Fiorella tells Julieta that some day she listened that she had a baby.
A scene of Fiorella telling Julieta that she thinks she was adopted and another with Pietro telling the same and also telling him of Helloisa being disappeared.

Hey,this was great Lila. And thanks for the info to all on the dice and slice scenes left on the floor all others. Good lord, I don't understand the editors sometimes on what they decide to cut. (though I thank them for unnecessary Diana/Vitto scenes.)

Cool closing scene. Didn't we all suspect something was rotten way back because of the way Petey was just told Mom died? I remember speculating that we may just have had this happen, we're so good at these plots!! Anyhoo, wow. So definitely whether it's Elo or Max (again), Petey is in for more than shattered sight. He had this almost pedestal approach to his grandparents, and always wants to emulate Max. Yeah, he may want to rethink that.

As elitist as they have shown Elo, my guess is this may be another Max thing. The supreme chauvinist, he seems to have set his sights on demeaning and destroying the lives of the women he interacted with. We know Pilar was driven to excessive drinking, something had to drive her to that. Gael's mother was driven to an early grave over her abuse and unhappiness, again orchestrated by Max. Quina had to become a servant to be near her daughter, and more than likely had Max aiding the attitude Rox had toward her "nanny" as being beneath her. Too bad the old coot is dead....that is one anvil I would like to have seen. On this, I waver on Elo. I'm sure declaring Pilar legally dead opened up Sergio being able to move on to someone else, but that's just beyond the pale for a mother to do. I don't see her THAT evil. Sergio is going to freak, not just Petey.

I actually enjoyed watching Elo wander through town trying to get help and being ignored. Now, how much of that will stick to her in her treatment of staff and others? For all Fi's winning her over, Freddie's screw up may have been the magic bullet to get her to change. Dante has to be having brain explosion right now. Good.

Sonia is really working the plan. Gotta say, she is fast on the uptick with figuring how to get out of things, even if it means seducing the cretin you caught making our with hairball the day before. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

And honestly, maybe Petey should have one, grand rock star room trash. Seems that may jog back his eye sight permanently.

And dear Gael---if only for the cash and stopping possible abuse from Asshat and Elo throwing him out, I see Petey's point on keeping things quiet. And the fact they are such "bro's". Man-hug!!! But I still want more Papa scenes with Gael!! No reveal and then sideline the character.


Dang girl this was more than a summary, I call it an Executive Summary. Thank you Lila

"this man downloads more whoopie than anybody I've seen in a tn in a long time!"

I don't have children but always wondered how mothers of children that throw fits in public must feel. Every time Petey throws a fit, I'm nearer knowing.

Absent Eloisa's acceptance because of pedigree, I fail to see the upside of Julieta being Fifi's mom. She is wealthy and spoiled never raising a finger, even to accept the responsibility of her own child. The most god awful fear of her's is the child ate bologna sandwiches and cleaned the dogdo off their own shoes. Woe is me, how does she ever explain that to the girls at the salon?

What these girls see in Osvaldo I know not unless he's packing a concealed weapon.

Surely Freddie can't weasel her way back into the house now.

Hope we find out if Pilar and Max had something going on.


Buongiorno e Grazie tanto, Marla! Okay, just like Sneaky said, Fiorella smoothly lied her way out of the hug! Thank you for that and for the Mexican episode numbers!

Ah, buongiorno e grazie tantissimo, Vivi! Thank you as well for that comprehensive fill in!

You know what? When I saw Eloisa laying on the pavement in raggedy clothes I thought, "Oh my Gosh, Eloisa has a good twin who doesn't know about all the evil Maximo and her evil twin have wreacked on the family!" I swear I wondered for a second!

So Eloisa went along with the withdrawal to be convinced that Freddie was crooked? Man, the Angeles must be rolling in it that withdrawing two years salary for an administrative employee was like me going to the ATM to get fifty bucks! Sheesh!

Okay, so Sonia's phone call with Fabio was a follow-up to her having met with him. Okay, that makes sense, too. You know, Sonia does get riled up but she is really kind of playing this cool. I hope she is instrumental in bringing Ass down but I think she may end up sacrificing herself as well.

I now I understand how Fiorella seemed so sure she was adopted!

Okay, Vivi votes no on an Elo change of heart:

I'm not counting on this brief encounter with poverty changing her snooty attitude.

Assholery! Yes ma'am, coin that phrase! Pilar's being held prisoner in a mental institution is a BIG TIME game changer: Yes, you echo my question, did Elo know? What will Freddie do with this information? Pedro IS in for a shock!

Again, Marla thank you for fill ins. I know a lot of you don't care about the Vitto/Diana story, but for those who do this is huge:

Diana confessed to Vittorio that she helped Anibal empty his bank accounts and she asked him to help her in preventing Julieta because Anibal wants to kill her.

So Marla, you're saying that Ass wanted to take advantage of Eloisa's being missing to contest her will? So her being missing lasted over two episodes I guess.

I know we're helpless against editing, but WHY do we have to see everytime Ass boy gets it on and miss some scenes we would've enjoyed that you describe in your 12:46 comment! Thank you!

Buongiorno e mille grazie, J in O! Yep, Freddie so could have killed Eloisa. What is Pedro going to do to Freddie when she comes back home? Will Freddie tell about Pedro's Mother being in a mental institution? What in the hell can Eloisa say about this? Does she know? Maybe she truly doesn't know!

I see you vote for Eloisa knowing! And amen to this, sorellina!

Ooh,things are getting good PLUS another ep without the Mop!

No need for apology, J! :D

Daisynjay! Buongiorno e mille, mille grazie! Yes, Daisy, we did think the description of Pilar's death was fishy. If you called it, girl, kudos to you! And yep, Petey IS in for more than shattered sight! Fiorella is going to have to be doing a whole lotta huggin' and lovin'!

Daisy, your whole third paragraph is a masterpiece of analysis! It starts with. . .

As elitist as they have shown Elo, my guess is this may be another Max thing. The supreme chauvinist, he seems to have set his sights on demeaning and destroying the lives of the women he interacted with.

Go back and read it, Peeps and thank you for pointing out that Sergio is ALSO going to freak out!!! Yes, he was supposedly so in love with Pilar (despite his drinking and whoring around). It's going to be a tremendous shock!

Here's a vote for Eloisa having a change of heart:

For all Fi's winning her over, Freddie's screw up may have been the magic bullet to get her to change.

Daisy, I was thinking that Pedro would fall down the stairs the night of the Freddie-caused blackout and ironically begin to see the light. Nope.

Speculation only! He'll get his sight back in time to see his beloved Mother again! Just the news that she's alive may bring his sight back!

Yes, more Papi Chulo! Let's hear his story!

Tofita!!! Buongiorno e grazie tantissimo!

Ouch! for your assessment of Julieta! I guess Fifi has been shown to change the hearts of those whose lives she touches. She brought a smile to long-faced Pedro, she has begun to thaw out Eloisa and with Julieta proclaiming the error of her prejudice against the poor, I guess this is the beginning of her effect on Julieta. Juli has already gone from hating her at first sight and thinking her a gold digger to declaring her an earth angel. Julieta already was not a major bitch like Freddie, Sonia and Aitana, so Fifi will bring her all the way into the light. Work with me, Tofie! :D

What these girls see in Osvaldo I know not unless he's packing a concealed weapon.

You know, they fall for him even before they've seen the "concealed weapon." Must be -- ahem -- the size of his hands.

Yah! Gloves or not, how can freaky Freddie get out of this one!

Hope we find out if Pilar and Max had something going on.

Yah, me too!!

Lila - Thank you for the recap!

Wow, this WAS an action-packed episode with yet another Big Reveal with Pilar in the mental hospital. Wowzers.

Why Fedeloca didn't just bump off granny, unless Fed thought nobody would believe Elo? Well, Fed is not the brightest bulb on the string...

Granny's experience in the 'hood looked more like a PSA about homelessness and being kind to the under-served. She cracked me up when she told her family --- 'there's a whole 'nuther world out there' or somesuch. Yeah, how about that, Elo?!

WHY didn't Elo just ask someone which part of town this was, or what street was this, or why didn't she look for a church to find help (there's usually someone in the offices), or a store? That part made no sense to me. She is lucky that woman didn't scream for the police when Elo "borrowed" her phone. Gah! Beanie hat was slipping off my head, so, never mind...


Lila, your summary was fantastic and enjoyable from start to finish.

"rejection of the poor as being the seedbed of criminality" and "Yes, folks, Eloisa said that and how many of you bet this has now been emblazoned on her gray, shriveled little heart?" were among my many favorites.

I so enjoy seeing Gael and his handsome father. I am glad that he will have someone to care for him the way that he deserves (in terms of parental love).

Thank you Vivi and Marla for your added details. I couldn't figure out why Eloisa was distracted from dressing down Fi for snuggling with Pedro. No wonder the news Pedro might regain his sight changed her attitude in a second.

J in Oregon, you already asked what I was wondering too...why was Eloisa chloroformed (which is temporary) and dropped off away from home but could/would surely return? And doris, I too couldn't fathom why Eloisa didn't just ask someone where she was? In terms of why this happened, I don't understand Freddie's reasoning and planning strategy.

Vitto took up so much story and screen time previously, although the character irks me, it makes sense to finish up his plotline. I don't care for he or Diana but wonder if they can sort through their respective messes and will end up together.

Lila, thank you for all that you are doing to keep this TN recapping going. It is really appreciated.


Buongiorno e grazie tantissimo, Doris! Yah, a whole nuther world, indeed! I guess we had to have Eloisa experience what it's like to be marginalized and deemed invisible and worthless because she was homeless, even if only for a few hours. You know what? Before we can pass a verdict on whether this has changed Eloisa, I know we're all burning to know if she knows about Pilar! That pretty much flushes any learned benevolence and fellow-feeling toward the poor right down the toil-lay!

Diana! Amica mia! Mille grazie! I join you and everybody else at the Gael/Gigi/Augustin family table. What a beautiful family! I hope they didn't just drop him in for the reveal and then he disappears like they did Sonia's mother, (though I didn't mind about that!)

Doris and Diana, Eloisa WAS asking people where she was. As a matter of fact she was asking that when somebody assumed she was begging for money and dropped some change in her hand.

As for Freddie, I guess people back home knew that Eloisa left with her so it would be suicide to kill her but if she came back after being chloroformed and left in the barrio, any story she had to tell about what Freddie did would be chalked up to dementia. Now that Freddie has discovered Pilar, I just can't imagine what she is going to do with that news. That she will try to use it somehow to her advantage I think is a given, but how do you keep that quiet and what would she have to gain from it? Is Pilar sane? Will Freddie grill her for information with on a false promise that she'll let her out but then renege? You know Freddie does not want another Angeles sharing the paltry pie left after (so she thinks) Fifi gets half of it!

Diana, hon, thank you. This is a small but devoted Patio and I am having fun with you all. This story is getting interesting after a long period of driving us crazy. Going forward I'm going to try not to complain so much and just see where they're taking us!

LIla - thanks! I thought Elo asked the taxi driver but I didn't remember her asking anyone else about her location. You did a great job with this recap, as you do with all your recaps.

I ♥ ♥ ♥ our recappers here on Caray! ♥ ♥ ♥

Yah, she was asking everyone she passed and they were ignoring her.

Thanks for the appreciation. Where do you get the hearts and symbols from? I've seen other people use them? Do you get them from Word?

Lila - I have a PC and to make the heart I hold down the Alt key and touch 3 on the numeric keyboard to the right of the QWERTY keyboard - it looks like a calculator layout.

Wow! So its a keyboard shortcut?

♥♥Thank you!!!♥♥


"Hope we find out if Pilar and Max had something going on."

Oh my stars tofie, hadn't thought of that. And could Petey actually be Max's spawn and not Sergio's? Oh that would be too cruel since Sergio, lord love the screw up he can sometimes be, does love his son. But parental musical chairs seems to be the game of the month on this TN.

Seems Max tried to keep hidden a lot of his dalliances from Eloisa, so honestly, I wouldn't put it past him to have known about Petey and nopt recognized him as direct heir. But he and Grammie did their best to push him into the role, so maybe there is something there on why Petey became the "chosen one" for Max as business successor. That happens, they will need to hire someone to redo the family tree and figure all this out.

Good point on Freddie--whether she finds Pilar or not, how does she worm her way back to STAY at the mansion. I just don't see how you make an excuse for chloroforming anyone and dumping them. She didn't know what she would find with that info. Hey, let's put her with Vitto. She can move in there. Talk about a pair.



LILA, its heatin up girl, its heatin up. What makes the recaps so good is ya'll have good
Stories to work with. Good recaping and good stories support each other. And what the Story miss ya'll pull it out. Now that's good recapin. And baby, you recapin people
Are gifted. THANK YOU!!!!!!

Freddy has flipped her multi colored wig. I
Guess we can chaulk it to her childhood shock, Of loosing her dad. NOT!!!
This woman Is crazy, just like her auntee Elo.
And do ya'll remember that neighborhood where she woke up? Thats espy and MD and
Clara and Hojosefa and julian and honoria's
Neighborhood. Minus the flowers on the out
Side balcany. I guess they moved on up and
Out. Ok back on point: when elo took that old
Lady's phone I thought she would have had
Her arrested, and that way she'd get back
Home. But no. We'll see tonight what will

"She thanks Fiorella for dislodging her prejudices". Really? Is she serious? some of the biggest crooks on the planet is wealthy people. And the only reason why they don't get caught is because they've got all this money that they can buy the expensive lawyers and buy off crooked judges. And have other people to take the rap for them to do their dirty work. Now I'm not saying all rich people are like this because there are some good rich people in the world, but there are some nasty rich people and a bunch of them are In the Angeles family. which is why auntie Eloisa is on her unplanned adventure in the city.

And what was the reason for pilar being in a
Mental facility? she was one of the few in laws that could stand up to maximo and defy his word. There's some dirty hankerin going
On here. Deception, hidden truths, all out lies.
Theres way to many tragic deaths in that the Angeles Family.

Thanks again Lila!!!

I thought the secret that Eloisa was talking about was when she helped Maximo die by smothering him with a pillow while Dante stood there and watched. But there are so many secrets in this family and they're coming out like gangbusters. Did Eloisa even know about this one?and if they had a funeral what was in the coffin? That probably didn't even open it. It sure as hell wasn't Pilar. O if Pedro is his son instead of his grandson. Oboy what a mess. I'm just guessing but it wouldn't be a surprise.

Nina - your post @ 3:55 makes me wonder if Pilar knew, or found out, that Max killed his brother.
If they had a funeral, the coffin could have been filled with rocks. It happened in Amores Verdaderos.

Must see TV!!! (finally! LOL)


Lila I do my comments on my phone. I push a button and the numbers come up with some other symbles, and I push another key
And theres♡♥♡♥♡ and ☆★☆★ and ○●□■♧♣▲▼▶◀€£¥₩¤ and all kinds of weird
Stuff. besides the hearts and the stars and the triangles and circles, I don't know what the heck that other stuff is. I'll stick with what
I know ♡♥♡♥, ☆★☆★. ;-)

I'm confused about who killed who in this TN I think one things happening and turn around and something else. Oh well at least some secrets are coming out. Onward!!!!

Nina - the hearts and stars on your phone....are they emoji on the phone? My keyboard doesn't do the stars, etc.
Not sure they come thru on my i-Devices.

Testing emoji hearts ..l if nothing shows up then it's a fail--- ❤️❤️❤️


Well, I see my hearts. Does everyone else see them?


yes Doris I see them on your test

Good afternoon dear friends. I don't want to be pessimistic but everybody knew that Assvaldo shooted Pietro (well accidentally) in the hunting and he continues living in the ranch planning how to kill him and he never set a foot in prison. So why would things be different for Federica? Especially now that he has found Pilar, Pietro's dear mom. If she brings her to the ranch, surely everybody is gonna forgive Federica for kidnapping grandma.

Nina! I know that's you, girl! Yep, it's heating up all right and I just set the DVR so I should have the whole show tonight! WHOO HOOO!

Mille grazie for your appreciation, Nina! :D

Freddy has flipped her multi colored wig. YEPPERS!

there are some nasty rich people and a bunch of them are In the Angeles family. which is why auntie Eloisa is on her unplanned adventure in the city.

Yah, Nina, you would think Julieta would have run across a few rich bad apples in her time!

And yes, here's the question of the hour:

And what was the reason for pilar being in a
Mental facility? she was one of the few in laws that could stand up to maximo and defy his word. There's some dirty hankerin going On here. Deception, hidden truths, all out lies.

You're welcome, Nina! And thanks for the tip on the symbols!

On your next comment, Nina, yes, I also thought the secret was that she helped Maximo die but I always felt that was only part of it.

Doris@4:36, I can't wait to see how this is going to play out. As Nina reminded us, Pilar would stand up to Max for the workers as was coma guy! So perhaps Pilar knew Max killed his own brother, Gabriel, and also attempted and failed to kill coma guy. I hope Max is not Pedro's father but I wouldn't put it past the old dog to have also been angry at Pilar because he wanted her and she rejected him.

Must see TV!!! (finally! LOL)

Doris, I see hearts @5:52 and Cool sunglass guys at 5:53. Neat!

If she brings her to the ranch, surely everybody is gonna forgive Federica for kidnapping grandma.

Good point, Marla, but Granny is the Patriarch and even if she breaks the news of Pilar (which I doubt) she's got some 'splainin' to do!

I just see her trying to work this for herself somehow. I have no idea how but Freddie is all about getting the biggest piece of pie, or the whole pie, for herself! One thing is for sure, we do have something to look forward to, finally!

Well,,, we have to thank Nina for showing us that these cute symbols are possible! 💕💕💕

Oh and my money is on Elo ~not~ knowing Pilar is still alive.

I agree, Doris. Elo would have to be EVIL, PSYCHOTIC, SADISTIC and they're just not showing us that. I can't wait to hear what Pilar is going to say, what her state of mind is and what Freddie is going to do with this explosive information!

Yes doris, I see your hearts. I think it might be Easier to put these up on the phone than the Computer. For me anyway. The key has the symbol on It so you Just touch the key and theres your symbol.

You're welcome guys.♡♡♡

Doris what is emoji? I'm computer jargon illiterate. :'(

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