Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Muchacha Italiana viene a Casarse #121 2/16/16 This Little Heart of Mine

Mille grazie to our Wonderful and Marvelous Sneaky Two Shoes!  This is her last recap for our little romp through Dos Rios!  Please join me in thanking her in whatever language you choose for stepping up and helping to keep this Patio afloat!  We love you, Sneaky!

Gia has made it to the hospital but no heart donor yet, the doc will keep them posted and btw they could use some blood donors, so all Gia’s friends and fam will donate.  Gael stays w/Gia to try to convince her for the umpteenth time that all will be well and she won’t die.

At Adela & Rey’s breakfast table they discuss Gia’s plight. Beni gets a call from Gael and tells him they’ll all go to the hospital. Adela and Rey get all worried hearing that and make a loud fuss. Roxi fits right in to the family loudly screeching at everyone else to be quiet. They all yell about being quiet for a while then Beni tells about the need for blood, they’re  all eager to donate too.

Pietrell and the doc discuss using an artificial heart if a real one doesn’t turn up in time. Fi doesn’t like the idea and gets emotional, she shares her anguish w/her birth parents when they show up.

Gael cheers Gia up and makes sure she knows that all the others love her but he’s in love w/her. Pietro comes in w/flowery words to tell Gia that he’s her blood type, they share blue blood! Gael goes to donate and Pietro stays. Gia apologizes for being so much trouble, Pietro jokes they’re about fed up w/her, but reassures her that they lover her and just want her to get better. Gia asks if she doesn’t make it he’ll stay w/Fi and take care of her forever.

Fi, Juli, and Santino discuss introducing Gia and Mario’s half bro. The nurse comes in asking for the transplant documents, Fi forgot them, she’ll get them and Juli will get Mario’s bro.

Pietro and the dock discuss what makes a good heart donor, healthy and fer sure dead. (Not loving the direction we’re going here)

Sergio goes to tell Juli if she decides to get back w/Santino he won’t stand in her way.

Fi finds the documents and gets some love and comfort from Pietro, he packed a suitcase so she can stay in the hospital w/Gia – Fi is starting to lose hope in the miracle they need, Pietro looks desperate and helpless.

Beni and Rey can donate  blood despite not being Gia’s type, but Adela once had X (I listened 3 times and still have no idea what he said, Help!) so she can’t donate even though she swears it was a long time ago and she’s  all better now. Being Rey and Adela they have to argue loudly about it for a least a little minute. Roxi can’t donate b/c she’s anemic – everybody gets loudly worried about Roxi, Adela says its b/c she doesn’t eat right, the doc says they’ll do some more tests to make sure Rox isn’t sick.

Sonia practices singing, Os comes in and joins in (and sounds better) before kissing her and saying she looks prettier every day (notice he didn’t say she sounds better every day) They discuss his worries bout the business and then he asks her to sing again (it must be true love) Sonia tries but seems to have a frog in her throat- she coughs a lot. Os goes to get her water, and she’s crying and saying she’s losing her voice. He reassures and holds her.

Fidel gave blood too. Pietro tells him he’d do anything to help Gia and make Fi feel better. Like what Fidel asks. Pietro– w/an ominous look, says  anything. (No, No NO!)

Vitto came to the hospital to visit and apologize. He did everything wrong from the beginning. Fi says ‘no need, I’ll always be grateful to you for helping us and bringing me to MX where I would meet Pietro, and reuniting me w/my birth parents. Vitto feels bad for keeping that back for so long (and he should, that was maddening) blah blah blah, hand kiss blah blah. They apologize, thank, and forgive each other at length

Sonia has really lost her voice (and I can’t even be as happy about that as I want to b/c she’s so scared) and wants Os to call her doc, he thinks its just stress but calls anyway.

Fi and Santino intro Gia to Alvaro, Mario’s half bro. They have a sweet scene remembering Mario until Gia has a crisis and passes out. The doc comes in and checks her and tells them all they need a new heart soon, she could die in a few days w/o one. Gael and Pietrella stand over unconscious Gia and discuss: she deserves to be alive and Pietro w/a strange look says she will live, they’ll see that she will. Later, Pietro sits alone and remembers the doc saying Gia could die any day now and Fi saying she would never recover if something happened to Gia. Os Elo and Sergio come in and jolt him out of his thoughts – the fam gathers for breakfast – Pietro says he wants to talk to Sergio and Elo in the office about something important.

Gael airplanes magenta jello into Gia’s mouth, she doesn’t feel good, she knows there’s little chance of finding a heart for her and she could die soon. Fi says she would give her own heart to Gia to save her (I think that’s what he’s planning) she knows they will find a heart soon, Gia just has to stay strong. Gael reminds her they are going to be pediatricians together and she has to live for that.

Pietro tells his father and grandmother he can’t anymore, he’s pulled in too many directions. He wants to focus on one thing, supporting Fi through Gia’s transplant. He’ll step down from ACorp and Os can handle it. Elo isn’t so sure and neither is Os, but Pietro offers his support and Sergio’s too. Sergio says all we can do is accept your decision and help out. Os says I have always wanted to be in charge and I won’t disappoint you. Pietro reassures Elo that Os has grown a lot lately, and Pietro has faith he can do it, we should support him. Elo says she does, and she ‘s proud of his growth and you Sergio lets see if you can be useful for once in your life. (ok maybe it wasn’t quite that harsh but the meaning was basically there) Sergio says he’ll step up.

Santino and Juli cuddle and worry about Fi, they must give her their strength and support.

The doc says Rox has nothing more serious than anemia and she needs to eat better, Beni heartily agrees and she goes all Adela on him. The doc has to raise his voice a bit so she can hear him say she’s pregnant and has to eat healthy for her baby. That gets them to quiet down.

Vitto goes to visit Di. She’s innocent and free.

Gael goes to ACorp to talk w/Os who asks if he doesn’t think he’s putting too much importance on Gia. Of course not eye roll from Gael she’s his gf.  Os thinks he should be helping him, Os in ACorp since ACorp is paying for his med school and he can’t do anything for Gia anyway –

Os – ‘your fam is on the brink of bankruptcy and all you can think of is that Italian chick.

Gael  -  ‘Gia is the most important thing in my life’

Os  - ‘fine leave then,  I just wanted to offer you a chance to help out here since Pietro left all the responsibility on my shoulders.

G - ‘what? He quit?’ (worried look)

Os – ‘yup, but since you don’t’ want to help me either then go. After all we aren’t really brothers anyway.’

G – ‘ even if we don’t have the same father we’re still bros’

Os –‘That’s not how I see it now’

G –‘ dude I can’t even with you anymore’

Pilar talks w/Alina bout recent events athe rancho. Alina is impressed w/how much she has improved. Pilar wants to go see Gia. Alina says she has to get Elo’s permission.

Elo is at the hospital visiting Gia, she tells her that soon all this will be a bad memory, you’ll survive this and when your grandkids are complaining about their homework you’ll tell them ‘you don’t even know, compared to what I went through ..’ After kisses on the forehead and cheek for Gia and telling Gael to take care of her b/c she wants great-grandkids w/eyes like Gia’s, Elo leaves and Gia and Gael giggle about his grandma ungrandma. Gia wants to tell him something special, she would have loved to be his wife even for a day.

Roxi is scared and unprepared to have a baby, and she won’t be able to study. Beni says nobody is ready to have a baby ever, my parents have crazy stories, and Simona can help look after the baby, but Roxi knows babkies need lots of time and attention. Beni asks if that means she wants to end the pregnancy, Roxi says she doesn’t want to but she’s thought about it and she wants to give the baby up for adoption when its born (Adela and Rey would take that thing off your hands in a flash, just sayin)

Fi worries about not having a heart yet, she wants Pietro to promise to go with her to Maratea and give thanks to San Biagio if things go well and they get a heart but Pietro is reluctant, he uses the excuse he has other commitments w/the business and may not be able to. Fi insists, he avoids her eyes and hems and haws a bit and finally promises, but says he wants her to know that heart will show up no matter what it costs. She says she knows everthing will be fine, and hugs him and he stares into space past her shoulder w/a haunted look in his beautiful eyes.

(That’s it folks, my last recap. I might not get a chance to comment today, but I want to let you know I read and enjoyed all your comments and having the patio here has made this show about a million times more fun to watch. Thanks all)

Remember, Muchacha is due to come on at 8:00 p.m. (one hour later), tonight, Wednesday, February 17, 2016.    Please check your local listings!


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Grazie tantissimo, Sneaky! Reading the recap now. Adela had hepatitis!

Perfect sneaky and cannot thank you enough for stepping up to help us all.

"Gia wants to tell him something special, she would have loved to be his wife even for a day"

This is just horrible and cannot be. Of all the stinking rotten things to have sweet Gianna wasting away in front of our eyes. Ela Velden made this show watchable for me.

I've got stuff to say, Sneaky! Will be back a bit later. One thing I can't say enough is MILLE GRAZIE!!!! GRAZIE TANTISSIMO!!!! XXXX OOOO

Sneaky --- THANK YOU!!! for this recap and for all the recaps you have given us. You are so nice to have filled in the gap left by La Diva and I appreciate your time and labors.

So again, the first paragraph of this recap was not broadcast by my local affiliate. It started, here, with Beni on the phone saying he’ll be right over. Argh!!! All for the $ake of the almighty dollar from commercial$, bless their little black heart$! Gah!

So, maybe after the receiving/exit line, someone suggested that Fi go on to the hospital? Ni modo, she got there.

I think they said Adela could not donate blood because she once had hepatitis.

Wowzers! Give Osvaldo v.2.0 a bit of power at Acorp and he reverts to ass-hattery and douche-baggery of Assvaldo v.1.0 y pronto!

Vaya! Roxi is preggers and she wants to give the baby up for adoption? Eeek.
(Adela and Rey would take that thing off your hands in a flash, just sayin)”
EXACTLY what I was thinking, last night, too!

Oy, they keep dragging out the heart issue for Gia. The scenes in the hospital, esp. with her and Gael, were so sweet! DO NOT LET THIS GIRL DIE!!!


We owe you a debt of gratitude for jumping in the mire that is Muchacha for us and helping Lila keep us all from drowning. You have a great knack for this, so hope to see you again on another TN.

So what a hot mess last night. Let's see:

- Asshat deserves to die
- Sorry Fi, your sister's life depends on you getting your act together, but apparently it was more important to get runway ready than remember the papers. Didn't take long for her to get into Angeles mode (swear it's the water). Short little dress, skin tight bodice, high heel shoes and yes, there you go, she has become an official Angeles, a stupid, clunky necklace. Who are the costume people in this thing. Her sister is dying...jeans and a nice shirt maybe? I would have settled for one of those simple floral dresses she use to wear. And Livia keeps doing this thing with her hair and head where she doesn't want to mess it up. Drives me batty.
- Asshat needs to go belly up
- There are time Adela and Rey are treated so poorly by the writers. Why do they have to come off as boobs...and Adela is now wearing tight dresses??? Shoot me.
- Sergio won't stand in the way of Santino and Julietta? Excuse please, keep standing there so Julietta can run a truck over you.
- Asshat needs to meet his maker
- Ela Velden was just lovely and played Gia so fragile last night. She and Gael broke my heart.
- Why did they have to make Roxi pregnant? C'mon. We should have known since A & R wanted it so badly, but let the woman graduate. They short change that so she can give it all up, I'll cry fowl. She can do both. Period.
- Vitto and Diana--why? Does anyone care?
- And did I mention that Asshat needs to go play cards with the devil. That sorry excuse needs to justify his die and give Gia is heart.

I feel better now.



Thank you, Sneaky Two Shoes - excellent recap.

I know it's supposed to be comic relief, but it's not - all that screeching by Adela, Rey, and now Benito and Roxi is super mega annoying! I don't care if I miss any dialogue, as soon as they come on screen I mute the sound. Sheesh!

Sergio is pretty pathetic. What makes him think Julieta would be waiting around for HIM to approve her relationship (or not) with Santino? Get a clue, Dude. The moment she found out about your incredible stupidity of long ago you lost every right to even mention anything about anything to her. And now you are consuegros, but so what? You don't even deserve to be an in-law ... you're an out-law!

Oh, and NOW Sergio is going to step up at Acorp? What's he going to do, organize the office parties?

Not to be mean, but I'm glad Sonia lost her voice. They should have cast an actress who can sing for this part, and if she IS an actress who supposedly sings, ay, ay, ay!

The writers couldn't have been more obvious about what Pedro is doing, with his promises to Gia and Fiorella and handing over the reins to Osvaldo, but really, writers? It would make him the ultimate stupid idiot to sacrifice himself to save Gia. So what if they have the same type of blood? They should have done their research. It's not all about matching blood types - there has to be a tissue type and numerous other matching points that MUST exist before someone can be a donor. It would have made more sense to have had him, and maybe Fiorella as well to have been type-matched already, "just in case." So now he offs himself and there is no match ... oopsie, there is no "do-overs" in this scenario. Menso!

And now we know what the problem with Benito is! When he told Roxi that no one is really prepared for a baby, he used as an example that Adela had dropped him a couple of times as a baby ... I'm assuming it was on his head!

Sneaky- This was such a wonderful recap-- just one of many from you. Thank you for stepping in to make the load a little lighter for Lila.

Daisynjay- "Sergio won't stand in the way of Santino and Julietta? Excuse please, keep standing there so Julietta can run a truck over you." AMEN! This is basically what I thought when he said that.

Also not happy that they made Roxi pregnant. Her mother's death changed her. Does she really need to become a young mom to let the life lessons sink in? Just finish med school and start working with kids, y ya! And the adoption thing makes NO sense, when: 1) she's rich and could afford a full-time nanny, 2) there are grandparents who would give their eye teeth to take care of that baby every day, and 3) the daddy could quit his low-paying chauffeur job and become a stay at home dad. There just is no need.

Gianna was breaking my heart last night. Great work by the actress. I'm tired of the tears now. I want my happily ever after for Gi and Gael.

Yep, it's pretty obvious that Pedro is planning on offing himself to give Gi his heart since they have the same blood type. I'm guessing another Angeles has the same blood type too-- Assvaldo (who earned his old nickname back last night).

I had a lot to say but I'd rather say, "what s/he said" to Daisy, Anon, Doris and Vivi!

Gianna really does look sick. I have to give it to them. Betwen the makeup and the actor using her own craft, she WAS heartbreaking last night! OMG! I also am ready for my happily ever after!

Also totally agree that it wasn't necessary for Roxi to be pregnant.

Why did they have to make Roxi pregnant? C'mon. We should have known since A & R wanted it so badly, but let the woman graduate. They short change that so she can give it all up, I'll cry fowl. She can do both. Period. --Daisy

Just finish med school and start working with kids, y ya! And the adoption thing makes NO sense, when: 1) she's rich and could afford a full-time nanny, 2) there are grandparents who would give their eye teeth to take care of that baby every day, and 3) the daddy could quit his low-paying chauffeur job and become a stay at home dad. There just is no need.--Vivi

And then there's another possible plot point that is just too, too.. ..what? Stoopid, unbelieveable? I don't even want to address it. . .it's just too dumb. Not those of you who suggest it, but the writers if this is where it's going.

Sonia's "boice" was xhocking! Sounded like a squirrel having a cow! Lord, save us!

The ASS is back!

Urban? Are you the Anon up there?

Again, mille grazie, Sneaky! You da bomb


" . . . Adela had dropped him a couple of times as a baby ... I'm assuming it was on his head!"

LOL!!! And so true.

Seriously? I missed the inference that Pedro might do himself in to become human sacrifice #387 to give Gi a heart. Really? How stupid is that? Leave your wife alone with the vultures ... and her new 'rents? Was it ever decided that Fi is pregnant? (I don't care enough to pay attention) If so, reeeally stoopid Pedro.

I never post as Anon.

Grazie, Sneaky. I had to catch up to this because I got interrupted with writing up yesterday's PyP.

No, Fiorella isn't pregnant; it was a false alarm. But I agree with everyone that making Rox pregnant was unnecessary. She's only 19! This is not a good example for the young girls in the audiences of this program. Benito is right; nobody is ever ready for a baby but most people step up to it. Adele will love the idea but if she and Rey are the primary caregivers the poor infant will become deaf from the noise.

We've already had a sacrificial lamb so we don't need another. The idea is horrid. Gianna would not want any of them to sacrifice themselves and I could see her being unable to live with that.

Thank you Sneaky Shoes for this great recap.

Oh Assvaldo is officially back, he was damm cold with Gael. Well not a surprise, he has been it all life. Is he kind of punishing Gael for what his mother did with Agustin and for revealing the truth? Or does he feel jealous of Gianna because Gael prefers to pass more time with her than with him?

Oh the writers would be giving a bad message of what is love if they are considering that Pietro suicides to be Gianna's heart donor. That would be a very selfish decision of him just wanting to play the heroe and not considering how Fiorella would suffer if she is left widow and more important how Gianna would feel about this sacrilege. And besides, he is not caring in if his family is left unprotected with Ass in charge of the company and he is leaving all the load and responsibility of saving a drowned boat to him.


Honestly, both Petey and Fi deserve each other. The doctor has noted they could go with an artificial heart and then gain time for a heart donor. Who the **** is Fi to say she doesn't like it. Really??? let you sister die instead, ok then.

And Petey instead of convincing said clueless bride that there are options, thinks killing himself will let everyone live happily ever after. yeah, go ahead, stupid, lay that guilt on Gia for the rest of her natural born days. No wonder A-Corp is in the toilet...consider the CEO.



No offense intended, Urban. Sometimes Blogger eats the names.


The idea of Pedro self-sacrificing is so way out and for that to actually be written into the story is, I agree, HORRID and STUPID and not-befitting a fairy tale. That said, even if Pedro attempted it, he wouldn't be successful and the shadow that even an attempt would cast over this supposed comedy/fairy tale flick is just too dark to contemplate it being real. It's just disturbing.

Whatever happens tonight, we'll have tonight, all day Thursday and Friday until show time to chew on it!


My girl sneeeeeaky, bless your little recappin heart, you've made me laugh, get pissed off at these people, feel sorry for some, and even
Go, "what the hell"?. Girl you good at bringin the spanish speakin world to those of us who
Are not spanish speakin folk. THANK YOU MY DEAR
You sparkle and you Rock. This last recap had me laughin out loud. Ok here is my 2

I also don't like pietro's thinking. He should
Change his thought process. PRONTO!!!!!

ASSVALDO is rearing his ugly head. After being so sexy sweet to sonia. Hes acting like
He did when he told gia to" go away, there's
No heart here". I thought that was so cruel when he said that to her and she looked so hurt she just turned around and left the room and that was just really nasty of him to say something like that to her and he sounds just like that person again when he told his brother to leave and "why is he spending so much time with that italian chick". Well now I guess we knew the turn around wouldn't last.

"Sergio goes to tell julieta if she decided to get back w/santino he wont stand in her way."
Ok, really serg you wont stand in her way?
what the hell make him think he could stand in her way any way? And he was sincere too.
Ok move on.

Ok pedro need to stop droppin hints. The peeps of the patio don't like it. Just stop it
Didn't gael ask augustin to come to the hos-
Pital so he could tell him he'd take his name?
Did os find out about that? Maybe thats why
Hes actin like a pisshead again. O boy, they
Gonna throw us a fast one aren't they?

Roxi is gonna be a moma. If she think adel & Rey is gonna let her give their grandchild away......and why would she? Has she forgot
What she went through. Ok its her right but
Really girl? that is not going to happen cause they're going to do a timelapse thingy and she's going to have the baby and go to school and become a doctor and blah blah blah happy ending. Yall know the drill.

Granny did her sweetness for the day. Shes
Old she may not be around to see the great
Grankids. Ya never know this a tn...fantasy, it
Could happen.
Im glad for di. Now vitto gets his money back
And they get hitched. BAM!!! Happy Ending.
After we get through all the drama.

Thank you sneaky 2 shoes. Its been a blast!!!
Now don't cry :-D

I think that they got Roxi pregnant so she can understand better all the sacrifices that her mom had to do for her. Now she has the chance of maybe correcting with this baby the mistakes she commited with her mom. It's like if life now makes an exchange with her, takes away her mom but rewards her with a baby.

Oh hell, Petey won't kill himself for Gianna but he sure will drop hints so everyone will think he would. This is a spoiled grandmamma's boy and craves the attention. What I cannot fathom is how two kids with zeppelin sized egos can survive a marriage?

Nina, well Ass doesn't know that Gael already decided to change his last name but he is upset that Gael told grandma that he is not an Angeles. He feels like if Gael messed up his parents memory and he doesn't want people to talk bad of them. He has them in a kind of altar, maybe that is just a way of protecting himself of suffering.

"And besides, he is not caring in if his family is left unprotected with Ass in charge of the company and he is leaving all the load and responsibility of saving a drowned boat to him."

Nobody has ever accused Pedro of being intelligent. 😜 He is still a few doughnuts short of a dozen. Always haz been, always will be.

Thank you Sneaky. Excellent as always. I hope to see your recaps on another novela one of these days. You've got talent.

OK, question: Is the hospital in Dos Rios really a heart transplant center? Or is our faithful Dr. Elizaldo (is that his name? I don't want to go back and look.) planning to do the transplant all by himself? In addition to delivering babies, amputating toes, the odd brain surgery.... Somehow I would be most uncomfortable if my sister was having a heart transplant at Joe's Hospital and Grill. Tighten the beanie, tighten the beanie.


Somehow I would be most uncomfortable if my sister was having a heart transplant at Joe's Hospital and Grill.

HA HA HAH AHAHA HAHA!!! Oh, my gosh! Emilia, that's rich! Yah girl. Tighten the beanie and chin strap firmly in place!!!


That was hysterical Emilia!

I think the rats have been at the script, after all, there was no part for them in this one. It's a mess, the characters aren't even making sense anymore, and at this point, Uni figures everyone just wants to see a wedding at the end. (yeah--Gael and Gia!! Not the one they think).

So I think it's just time to lay in plenty of the Vino and just go with it so we protect our beanies. And TV's. And furry pets.


Amen, Daisy! By the way, that was a righteous rant you put above there and thou speakest truth! Girl! I will never forget this novela!

Sneaky, Sneaky - another great one from you - Thank you! My favorite was: "dude I can’t even with you anymore’" so funny.
If the donor HAS to be a character then I propose Diane or Alina or, if necessary, okay - take Osvaldo.
Ann C

So granny does know that gael is not a family member by blood. Did they show that, I must have missed that episode.

One doctor doing all the different pratices of
Medicine. They do that on american soaps too.
Doctors must spend 30 something odd years
In college in tn/soap aperaland. And they can
Only practice medicine at joes hospital and grills Around the world. I been watchin soaps scene The 60s. But now they're puttin more real to life stuff into them now. And some things just Don't change. Joe's hospital and grill is here To stay umfortuantely. HA HA HA HAHAH AH HAHA!
That is so funny. Batten down the beanmies
Is right.
I wish they could have kept ossy nice. But we
Knowed it wuuusa comin. Lila you're right, it
Will be memorable.

Yah, Nina, during the will reading Gael told Eloisa about Augustin. It was shown in Friday's episode and discussed extensively in the recap for that day.


Oh, Sneaky! I LOVE the title. I can't help but hear that joyous hymn sung by children in Sunday schools all over the country: "This Little Light of Mine." And Gianna's heart IS shining while she breaks our hearts!


Sneaky, thank you for your hard work and dedication. This was truly great!

ITA with Emilia in that I also hope you continue to recap. It's such a gift!

"Roxi fits right in to the family loudly screeching at everyone else to be quiet" made me smile.

"Sergio goes to tell Juli if she decides to get back w/Santino he won’t stand in her way". Ummm, really? Juli can't even stand the sight of you any longer so how magnanimous of you to bow out...Ego...

I was sorry to see Os and Gael fighting so bitterly. Os seems to have made peace with everyone except him.

Sneaky, your title was perfect. Thank you again!


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