Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Antes muerta que Lichita #115 3/7/16 "El gran final" Part 2

Everybody thought this would be a two-hour episode and I was doing the last hour -- so I'm glad I got home and turned on my dvr halfway through the show. This was without a doubt the worst "grand finale" of any novela I've ever watched. It was so disrespectful to the viewers and also to the crew and actors of the show to chop it up into such a mess. Shame, Univision!

My tape starts after the credits. Two lawyers come to take Mateo away from the Guttierez home - Alicia's custody had been temporary and now it has elapsed. They've come to take him back to an orphanage (? a "governor's house). Sadness and tears. Yet again Mateo is told, "I'll come for you and we'll never be separated." If that kid doesn't spend years in therapy my name is not Sigmund Freud.

Fatima tells Augusto, through the bars of his cell: "You were never grabbed out of your mother's arms, she gave you up voluntarily, she practically sold you. I never cried again as much as I did then." "No, I remember she was embracing me and I was torn away." "Maybe your dad didn't want to hurt you so he encouraged your false memory. I'm telling you this now, not to hurt you, but so you can change your attitude toward your father, who saved you from somebody who never loved you. Forget your arrogance, forget the hate you feel for your father. Forget a woman who never sought you out, even in her old age. He did right by you even though he wasn't sure you carried his blood." "Never again suggest there's doubt I'm a Toledo y Mondragon!" He furiously slams down the receiver.


We see Roberto limping, heavily walking on a cane, into a columbarium where he meets Carmona in front of a niche that says "Roberto Duarte, 1982-2016" (he looks way older than that to me). Carmona says "you had to 'die' for your own good." If Augusto's shot had been any nearer the spine he would have broken it. Roberto says "during all this time the criminals have disappeared." Carmona says, look for your son, find your love. Augusto isn't behaving well in prison, every day they pile on more years. Roberto says, "he is cruel, perverse, and has delusions of grandeur." He thanks Carmona.

Augusto hisses to his lawyer but due to intense cutting it doesn't make much sense so moving on...

I guess Ximena and Magos are visiting from Guadalajara (or just leaving to go back) and Nacho, who speaks more clearly than almost anybody in the cast but never has anything worth saying, tells Elsa they have an empty nest but can make a life to their own taste now.

Roberto comes to their door, they're astonished, they tell him they don't know where Alicia is, she went off "to find herself," he thanks them for making him feel like family and for keeping Mateo when he was gone.

Chuchette and her Papa Tun Tun, some handsome younger guy who she has mostly just been chatting with on her phone, meet in person, she says she's missed him, he asks about her book, she says forget about that but I've written a PR manual and it's called 'Antes muerta que Lichita.' Really? They kiss.

Roberto visits Gumi, Luci, and the baby. It's a very happy warm little family and a nice reunion. Roberto holds a plastic doll baby and asks where Alicia is. They say they don't know and that they hadn't had enough time to adopt Mateo.

He goes back to Carmona and yells about his son. Carmona says: "You've proved you have a detective's nose, so I have one job for you to do and then I'll tell you all about your son. Go to this [far away] address on the first flight tomorrow and my contact will meet you."

So at this [far away resort near the ocean] he hobbles up heavily on his cane and there's Alicia all beautiful in the swimming pool. They hug and embrace, he says he loves her, she says, "But I've given myself to another, I love him with all my heart." Before Beto has a chance to fall on his sword, there's Mateo on the other side of the swimming pool. Beto drops his cane and, miraculously cured, runs around the swimming pool, grabs Mateo and swings him in the air and then they all embrace and bla bla bla.

Beto: "NOBODY told me about this." "When I was so desperate with sadness after they took Mateo I went to Carmona and he told me everything." I don't think anybody explained how Alicia got Beto back. She says she's quit publicity and now writes a blog and articles for newspapers.

At jail, Augusto escapes through a hole he dug in the floor! Yes, that is truly what happened.

We find out by cell phone, surely the cheapest way ever, that Brisa and Braulio are now married, and Gumi and Luci too. And then all the cast good guys arrive at Elsa's table for approximately 3 seconds and that scene is over.

Alicia's last speech is worthless. "Love and family are good. Tolerance is good. Bullying is bad. People's sexual preferences are their own business. Don't let yourself be disrespected."

FIN. Shame, Univision!!!


As has been the case in recent weeks the subtitles were way out of sync and frequently missing so let me know what I missed. Thanks everybody!

Ah Jane I feel just like you do! We were robbed!!! You would think they would show the full finale for the viewers. I can' say this is the worst I've seen, CI holds that, but certainly disappointing when it could have been so great. And I can't believe they let Augie get away at the end! And I wanted to see the API guys reaction when they found out about all of his lying.

But thank you for the excellent recap and all of your hard work!!

Thank you, Jane. The recap was great!

Yes, Roberto looked older to me, too.

Funny how quickly Roberto lost the cane after finding Alicia in the pool.

I wonder what the original ending was for Augusto since it appears they decided to just piggy back on "El Chapo Guzmán's" escape. That was my favorite part of the episode. It was totally unexpected and anvil-less much to my surprise. I guess Augusto gets to live in his own "motherless" hell inside his head.

I missed having at least one wedding and a slower paced ending episode.

All in all, I enjoyed the novela, not so much the overly stuffed gran final.

More later.

Thanks so much, Jane! Great job on this and so many other recaps. I hear you about Uni. What in the world possessed them to chop the finale? Finales are already pretty choppy and disjointed to start with.

I'm not going to lie. I laughed, hard, when Augusto disappeared like El Chapo Guzman, and I'm sure the Mexican audience got an even bigger kick. But I can't believe the writers just let him go and let him off the hook like that. I would have preferred it had his henchmen on the other side forgotten to remove the manhole cover, and he died in the sewers like a giant rat.

If Alicia can afford to live in a palatial beach house, while just living off her writing, blogs, and socially conscious work, more power to her! That's fabulous. She and Rob can be happy frolicking on the beach with Mateo (when he's not in therapy).



Vivi, I love the sewer rat idea! That would have been fantastic.

How are our families supposed to live in peace knowing that Augie is out there? He tosses out one line about moving to another country and that's suppose to calm the waters? I can totally see him coming back for revenge once on his feet. Antes Muerta Que Augusto, This Time It's Personal!

Jane thank you. Lots of untied strings here. I would bet that Fatima is Augie's mother. She always seemed so sad and alone. Was also hoping that Daphne would get a last minute make over, buy Licita. The little actress who played Daphne is so cute. I too was so disappointed that we didn't get a two hour finale, but happy we got what we did. I loved the ending on the sound stage, not expected at all.

Again to all the peeps on the patio, what a fun time this has been. Hope to see all of you again.

The Gran Final SUCKED!!!

Why do I get a feeling that there's going to be a Part 2 on this ?

Emeraldrose- Dafne DID get a makeover. If you blinked you missed seeing her in that short final scene where everyone was at Elsa and Nacho's house-- her hair was out of the braids, no pink streaks, she wasn't wearing black, she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and looking like a regular kid at her age. Fatima also had a family. A daughter that she mentioned, and her little grandson with Autism that we met. She wasn't alone, and made a point to Sandra a few times that the reason she never climbed the ladder higher at work was because she exchanged that for being a wife and raising her kids. It was part of the debate about whether women could have it "all".

A last Que Lichita thank you Jane. I checked numerous online tv guides and they all said that Lichita would be one hour with Pasion y Poder airing in it's regular time slot and so I was ready for the editing and chopping.

My take---I have read many angry comments on the endings of other novelas and have always analyzed them for what they were worth and then moved on. I don't know, maybe I'm just easy to please or maybe my expectations are not as high as others but I never seem to get as angry as some, and so was the case this time. Yes I agree that a lot was cut that shouldn't have been and a several loose ends should have been tied that weren't but it is what it is or was what it was.

I thought that the Agusto/Fatima scene was a little long---I would have wanted to see the API guys when they learned the truth about Roberto and Agusto. I didn't understand Magos leaving the family home. Was it permanent? What happened to Iconika? Did it go out of business? And what was the construction in the back half of Iconika? Agusto a sewer rat would have been nice but the writers let him slip away--DAMN!!! Oh well, we did get a beautiful look at Maite/Alicia in the pool besides her beautiful new home. last, it appeared that Roberto was completely healed after seeing Mateo. So we are led to believe that Alicia y Roberto -- Luciana y Gummi and the rest of the crew will be happy ever after. I'm ok with that. I'm also ok with Alicia's career change. She had her dream of marketing, lived it and made her way to the top and now she is off living a new dream. I say, you go girl!

A couple of final questions---What was Luciana's apology to Alicia and did Alicia ever become part owner in Iconika? Did Bea give her a percentage of company shares?

All in all the gringo is relatively happy. Could have been better but as I said, I'm easy to please.

No more must see tv, it's over and it's been fun.
the gringo

Gringo- Many of your questions will be answered in Part 1 of the final. Jarifa recapped it here: http://caraycaray.blogspot.com/2016/03/antes-muerta-que-lichita-115-3716-el.html

Vivi, I had forgotten about Fatima's grandson. And will check out the ending again, so much going on in an hour!! Miss a lot by not being fluent in Spanish.

Definitely choppy and rushed but at least it wasn't as bad as the crapfest that was the finale of Lo Imperdonable!

There was some good stuff in the finale but everything was so cut and rushed that I couldn't enjoy or luxuriate in it.

I'll miss you patio peeps. I think I need a break so I'll keep up with PyP but may pass on Sueno tonight.

Jane, this salty, sweet and superb recap was peppered with witty comments. "If that kid doesn't spend years in therapy my name is not Sigmund Freud" and "Nacho, who speaks more clearly than almost anybody in the cast but never has anything worth saying" were among many favorites.

You and Ezra never failed to make me smile.

Congratulations and since thanks to you Jane, Ezra, Jarifa, CeCe and Marta who comprised a great and glorious recapping team.

I timidly say that all in all, I really liked the finale. Yes, there was too little of it and of course, I am upset it was chopped to bits.

But, everyone had a relatively happy ending and in the end, isn't that really what we all wished for them?

emeraldrose, I also wondered if Fatima could possibly be Augusto's mother (?) I suppose it is fortunate, that for her sake, he is not.

And while I'm disconcerted like you Carvivlie for the safety of Alicia, Roberto et al, after some thought, think the finale was fitting. "I guess Augusto gets to live in his own "motherless" hell inside his head". Agree Jarifa, that seems a fate (almost) as bad as prison.

That said, I could have lived with your idea Vivi of Augusto dying like the sewer rat that he is!

Everyone, it's been a pleasure....


Thank you bunches Jane and a big thanks to Ezra, Jarifa, CeCe and Marta every word appreciated.

"and Nacho, who speaks more clearly than almost anybody in the cast but never has anything worth saying"

As endings go it wasn't too bad and no problem Augusto escaped through the hole. Clever.

Not once during this show did I turn it off or swear to myself I'll stop watching and it's a plus it made me laugh where I believe the writers wanted me to. Unlike PyP, which is hilarious it's so stupid, but I don't think it's intended.

I loved the budding romance between Alicia and Roberto early but became so repulsed by his behavior (and slut shaming) he never won me back and that's a shame. Alicia lost me a bit when she became the vamp.

When Roberto died, I thought, they didn't have to do that he wasn't that bad, but quickly became excited appreciating the twist. What a tease.

See all ya'll around I'm sure

Interesting: Mexican version of Lichita had 131 episodes. We had 115.

Hope to see some of you on the "Sueño de amor" patio!

Ah Jarifa, I feel so robbed! 16 more episodes might have contained a lot of filler but I'm sure there was plenty of good stuff too!

I am super disappointed with the way Univision handled this novela in it's "ultimos capitulos." It's like they just couldn't stand to finish the exciting and important story lines of Augusto, Alicia and Roberto but bored us to tears in the previous weeks with Brisas and Braulio's so very uninteresting relationship problems. So it's a slap-dash ending with everybody happy and scenes that made no sense because there was no lead up to them. I was introduced to telenovelas by my granny and aunt way way back when I stayed with them overnight as a child. They NEVER disrespected a story by hurrying it off in this manner back then. What happened? Whatever it is, it's not good. Why would I want to invest my time and interest in another one if this is what might occur? Alas, there isn't another novela on at the moment that captures my attention the way this one did. Maybe that's OK but I wish it wasn't. Telenovelas can be delicious and indulgent in a way American TV is not. Que pena.

That guy and his little boy came and shut her down. WOW!!!!! What was the purpose for that speech at the end?

Thanks for the recap Jane, even though you didn't have a whole lot to work with. Thank you anyway. Wow!!!

Thank you, Jane.

Wow ... this "gran" final was sooo disappointing! But most of them are, que no?

Does anyone remember any tns with truly awesome endings?


Anon 4:18-- Awesome/satisfying finales-- Amorcito Corazon and Cuando Me Enamoro come to mind quickly. Hasta que el Dinero...also come to mind. There are others, but those stand out for me for a few different reason. And most recently, as of last week, daytime La Vecina had a very satisfying and good final.

There wasn't a dry eye in my house when little Mateo called out "Paw" from across the pool. Hell, even my dog was crying.!

Goodby everyone and thanks

Kirby- That kid is adorable and I never ffwrd through his Cheerios commercials.

Thanks, Jane. Fabulous recap. Loved all your commentary.

This was the most rushed/chopped finale I've seen. A slo-mo of Roberto and Mateo running to each other would've been great. But a shot of Augusto stuck in the sewer like a rat [thanks, Viva!] would've been fantastic.

I wished they'd let us in on what Gumaro does for a living. I'm glad how most things were resolved, but it was just too cutup.

Jane, thanks for this snappy wrap-up of the finale. Also, thanks to the entire team: you, Ezra, Jarifa, CeCe, and Marta. Great recaps all the way along! I didn't comment much, but enjoyed most of this TN and its strong cast.

Maite hasn't been my favorite, but I thought she did excellent work here. Also enjoyed Bea and her eventual willingness to change. Dafne was another interesting character. Ingrid M. was the best ever, just hiliarious as Luci. Gumi was also consistently entertaining, both with Beto and with Luci. Glad to see their happy ending.

Alicia and Beto did have a happy conclusion with Mateo, but no wedding? Nacho was cheated out of walking his daughter down the aisle. Oh well, I guess we were supposed to be happy with the messed-up double wedding earlier.

Augusto's escape? I wasn't even sure what happened there. I prefer Vivi's trapped sewer rat image. Don't like to think of him wandering around or having a sequel. I do give Eduardo Santamarina credit for excellent acting and character portrayal. BUT, we never saw what he carried in that blue leather clutch he held so tightly, DID WE??

Maybe the Iconica crew calls on Alicia for help in special situations, as she works from home.


I assume Augusto's escape just HAD to be a take-off on the recent notoriaty of El Chapo.

Kirby: Luciana & Alicia becoming friends was shocking, considering that Luciana treated her like crap from the beginning of the TN!

I watched this show off and on. I enjoyed it and reading your different recaps. Had many laughs and tears. I liked the ending. Enjoyed Maite Perroni and the others. Thanks for all your hard work recappers. Keep up the good work.

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