Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Pasión y Poder Martes 3/8/16 #101

Chapter 101: Reflections in a Dark Adapted Eye

Pierre Choderlos de Laclos would probably love to trade places with me right now. The absence of powdered wigs, folding fans, and canopied beds would make no difference to him. There are still as many lies, deceptions, and false promises to have gotten the book banned in France in his time. As for now, nothing really gets banned in Boston anymore and I think people like to be shocked. This particular set doesn't shock me anymore; after the Bradleys and the Grenvilles nothing does. – D.D.

El Callao went inside Caridad's home to get his boss. Julia, who had followed Eladio there, came around the side and watched.
Damn. I am still an idiot. To think I was going to forgive Caridad.” She was angry, but grit her teeth and set her jaw, as she had learned to do long before this. She took out her cell phone and called Arturo. “Arturo, when can we see each other?”

That evening David dined with Daniela at the usual trendy restaurant. Dashiell was enjoying a seafood meal nearby as he spied on them.
All I want right now is for us to enjoy each other's company,” she said to David. “Since both are families are total disasters, we should try to escape from them.”
It's only fair, as you day. to escape from the, forget all the problems. You have no idea –”
So we should do it.”
Look, Dani, before anything else, tell me what happened in Cancun. Why did you make fun of me?”
She took a deep breath and concealed an eye roll before answering.
I'm going to be honest with you, David.”
I hope so.”
The truth is that it started out as a whim. After we got there things went really well, didn't they?”
Yes, they did, Dani, but –”
It's that I was used to guys doing for me whatever I wanted from them. When I thought you wouldn't, the spell was broken.” Something distracted him during this explanation and she noticed. “David, understand I was capricious and immature, but eventually I changed and now I value you more. Honesty, and friendship.”
I'm pleased at that,” he said.
Therefore I'd like us to see each other. I really hope to show you that things can be different this time.”
She smiled at him. It was a practiced smile she had learned through her work. The poor fellow's return smile showed he was as naïve as Chevalier Danceny.

David's half-brother, Franco, was in their father's office talking about his own delicate situation. His past mistress, Marintia, had given birth to a son he didn't want his wife to know about.
The only thing she's interested in is getting money out of me.”
That is nothing unusual. This is your fault for not taking charge of this situation and handling it well from the beginning,” Eladio told him. “I had been thinking of helping her, but now I won't. This is your responsibility. You had better handle it well or you will lose Gabriela.”
You better than anyone else knows that.”
Good, good,” he said, coming out from behind the desk. “You are learning well from my mistakes. Therefore you will know how to fix this. You must give her a very large sum every month in exchange for her signature on a document never to say anything to anyone. Be careful, Franco. I don't want Gabriela to end up hurt.” He returned to his desk. “I also imagine you don't want anything to do with the baby's care.”
The truth? The truth is I don't know. Now that I've seen him it's different. I don't want to do with this baby what you did with me.”
Eladio looked at him stone-faced, like a statue of a general of history. Or Kirk Douglas in a gangster movie. He applauded, mockingly.
What feeling. Bravo, bravo. But what do you think? You're not going to manipulate me. The truth. Are you going to handle this well?” He grabbed him by the shoulders. “Are you going to leave Gabriela? Marry Marintia? Because that is the correct thing.”
No, no, not that. I didn't say that well. What I mean is that I don't want to hurt Gaby.”
Of course, of course,” Eladio said. “But I don't believe you. You better do this because you love Gabriela. And not just so you don't lose everything you have in this family.”
He gently slapped Franco's cheek.
No, no, of course not. I don't want that,” said Franco. “Until now I've always thought that emotions are things that get in the way of what we have to do. It's not like that.”
Good. I'm pleased you're being smart,” he said in a tone of voice that would accept no deviance from his wishes. He grabbed Franco's lapel with his right hand while taking the back of his neck with his left. “I see that you've only learned my worst. Now get out of here.” He shoved him away from behind the desk. “After you reflect on this I hope you do the right thing.” They stared at each other for a moment. “I don't want to see you.” He put on his dark glasses, picked up his cell phone, and strode out of the office.

At the same moment, Arturo opened the door to a hotel suite and let Julia in.
Come in. Here we can talk calmly. Nobody will bother us unless we need room service,” he said. “You look very nervous.”
Yes,” she said as she sat on the leather loveseat. “I'm sorry, Arturo, but I can't stop thinking about Eladio. I'm referring to everything he's done. Therefore, the lies and what came from them.”
Don't think about such things. Why not try to forget it all? Let's talk for a while.”
Just relax for a little while.”
You're right. You're right. I'd like to forget all of this.””
There was a large vase of red roses on a table that also held champagne flutes and a chilled bottle in an ice bucket. Arturo got up and opened the bottle as carefully as a sommelier in a five-star restaurant. Or as the playboy he once had been. Julia was still nervous as she watched him pour the two glasses, return the bottle to the ice bucket, and hand one of the glasses to her.
We will drink to your tranquility,” he said. “To your peace. Your happiness.”
He sipped his drink while she downed hers almost in one gulp. She looked at him, then took his glass and drained it. He looked a little concerned at first, then laughed.
You always loved champagne,” he said. “That was your favorite.”
Yes,” she said. She laughed for a second, then began to cry. She embraced him and he held her as she cried against his shoulder. He stroked her hair gently, with a worried expression she did not see.
I've hurt you so much. You don't know how much that has hurt me,” he finally said.
He kissed her forehead gently, then her cheeks as she clutched the shoulder of his jacket. She caressed his face and looked at him as he helped her remove her wrap.
You will be fine,” he said as she leaned on him.
She looked at him with momentary uncertainty, but did not push him away as he kissed her again.

David drove Daniela home and they stopped near the Montenegro mansion.
Thanks for driving me home,” she said.
You're welcome. I had a good time.”
I had more,” she said. He had no idea what she really meant. “I hope we do this again soon.”
I hope so, too, Dani,” he said. “This was good, seriously.” She grinned at him and he hesitate a second. “Well, have a good night.”
Thanks.” He kissed her cheek and she laughed slightly. He moved in to kiss her lips but she pulled back. “No, David; wait.”
I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” he said as he pulled away. “I didn't know what I was doing.”
No, David; not that I wouldn't want that but I don't want you to confuse this with what happened in Cancun. This time I want something real and that will take a long time. For that I'd rather leave calmly. Don't take that the wrong way.”
David laughed slightly. “No, see me the wrong way,” he said. “Don't think that.”
Don't worry. We'll see each other at the office tomorrow.”
As he watched her get out of the car and go inside he took a deep breath and relaxed against the headrest. He looked uncertain that he had done the right thing.

Arturo leaned in to kiss Julia's lips, but she held him back.
What's wrong?”
I can't.” She embraced him as before. “I can't. I'm sorry. I can't. I don't want to make love with you just because I'm so angry with Eladio. I want that when that day comes I will do it for love. Remember when we were much younger? Like that.”
I understand,” he said. He kissed her hand. “I understand.”
When I'm near you, that's more than sufficient.”
He kissed her forehead and they embraced again. Julia smiled as she relaxed against his shoulder.

Callao entered Eladio's office to find his boss writing a check.
Although I don't approve of Marintia, I want you to bring her this,” he said, handing him the check. “It's to buy things for the baby because the child is not guilty of anything.”
If anyone knows your goodness and generosity, it's me,” said his henchman.
Don't talk about this anymore, Callao,” he said, with a shushing sound. “Go, and when you've taken care of this, come back here.”
Callao bowed and left his boss sitting at his desk.

Erick was sitting in the patio room when Daniela walked in. He was drinking something dark on the rocks.
Erick, you're drinking alone. What's up?”
I feel bad, Dani,” he said. “I can't deal with Consuelo rejecting me. Since this happened... you know before that she annoyed me. Now I can't take that this thing with Miguel bothers me.”
I understand you perfectly because the same thing happened to me with David.”
Yes. And now with so many gutters and steps of divorce I swear I hate her. You understand I wish she were how she used to be.”
Think about it, Erick. It's not good for a child to be raised by parents who hate each other.”
He laughed.
He's so small, what does it matter? Besides, I swear I don't care what Consuelo thinks. All I know is that the only punishment I can do is take the baby away from her because he's the only thing that would make her happy.”
Daniela looked at him, but didn't react. It wasn't as though she had never seen his evil side before, but in his comparative calm it seemed more sinister than before.

Franco returned home to find Gabriela staring out the glass window to the garden.
What's wrong, beautiful?”
I'm worried about my aunt,” she said. “She was going to see Caridad about the interview to clarify things.”
At her place?”
What happened?”
I don't know. She doesn't answer her cell and it's been a long while.”
I don't understand why she did this. My mother has nothing to talk about.”
Calm down; you shouldn't be talking like this. You have to know that this is very difficult because of everything that's been happening to my aunt.”
Yes, I imagine so. I understand, but I don't get why she wants to stir things up. She should just forget this now.”
Gabriela was shocked at his lack of empathy.
I really admire her, and I'm surprised at your reaction after everything that's happened. I wouldn't be able to take it if you deceived me. And less so if you had a child with someone else.”
Franco reacted with a stone face similar to his father's.

Humberto was breakfasting alone the following morning as Simona came in with a pitcher of jugo verde. No matter what the time of day he was feeling entitled to royal treatment.
Am I being left to eat breakfast alone?”
I don't know, sir.”
Why doesn't my daughter come down? Hey?”
I don't know, sir.”
I'm going to wake her up.”
I tried, but she didn't answer me. She was very tired last night.”
It's very rude for her to leave me like this,” he said. “This entire family... they know I don't like to eat alone. I shouldn't have to. Now go leave me alone,” he said.
Simona left him alone at the table.

The hotel bed had not been slept in all night. Arturo and Julia had fallen asleep on the couch. He woke first to feel Julia leaning against him. Her hand was gently holding his necktie. He stroked her face gently and she woke.
I always dreamed that we'd wake up together,” he said as he rubbed his eyes and looked at her. She stretched a moment, then smiled slightly.
This can't happen again,” she said. But not seriously. She leaned against him a moment longer and smiled, then sat up. “I have to return home.” She took her wrap and got up from the couch. She stopped and turned around before reaching the door. “What am I going to say? If anyone asks where will I say I slept?”
Whom are you worried about, your father or Eladio?”
Julia didn't answer. She wasn't sure.

David entered the mansion unannounced.
Good morning, Grandpa.”
I don't get what's going on,” he said.
What's the matter?”
I don't understand why it seems nobody wants to be here to eat breakfast with me,” he said.
Where's my mother? Where is she?”
Asleep? I don't know; I have no idea why she didn't come down to accompany me. What's going on?”
Calm down; don't worry. I'll go up and look for her. That's the solution. I'll be right back.”
He got up and headed for the stairs. Simona was waiting next to the doorjamb, telephone in hand. When David was out of earshot she called her mistress, like a latter-day version of a loyal servant accomplice in an 18th-Century novel.
Madame, I'm calling to tell you they're looking for you at home. Young David and your father.”

Julia told Arturo after she had ended the call.
Something tells me my father told my son I didn't come home to sleep last night. I have to figure out what to say to my son.”
Thanks for spending the night here. You know it was a dream to hold you asleep in my arms. I would not have missed it for anything.” He caressed her hairline as he looked into her eyes. She touched his hand and kissed it before smiling back at him.
Ay, Arturo. I always felt good with you. I don't believe we fell asleep and nothing happened. Even though –”
I know. I know. Forget all the hurt. Just rest. Don't say that it means nothing.”
He wiped away the lone tear that fell as she smiled slightly.

David went up to Julia's room and paused outside the closed doors. He raised his fist to knock, but changed his mind and returned downstairs.
Listen, Grandpa, the last few days have been very difficult for my mother. I thought it would be best not to bother her. Why don't we go out for a while?”
Of course. I'm treating. I came over so we could play cards as we wanted to before, but let's do whatever you want.”
That certainly changed Humberto's mood. They agreed on a destination and left.

At the Montenegro mansion Nina had decided to breakfast al fresco. She was at the table with Erick, Regina, and Fanny when Daniela came out to join them. After she sat down Nina announced she wanted to share the final plans for the baby's baptism. Fanny handed the tablet to Daniela.
Mother, it looks like you have almost everything done,” she said.
Almost everything. The only thing now is for your brother to get a really beautiful gift for his son.”
What I want to give him is for him to be safe in this house with us,” he said as he embraced Daniela from the side.
Erick, you know that the safest place for any baby is with his mother,” Regina said.
You saw that isn't true. Because of Consuelo's stupidity he was kidnapped.”
Hey, let's not talk about that right now,” Nina said. “Why don't we finish breakfast in peace?” She smiled at Regina, knowing that this is what Regina would have wanted her to say.
Petra came out with a plate for Fanny, telling Nina that she would be leaving for the market to make sure everything was purchased in time.
Good, but after you serve the master's breakfast,” Nina said.
I can't. The master is not here.”
What? He left so early?”
No.” She hesitated, looking for a reaction. “He never came home to sleep.”
She paused then, realizing that this might not have been a wise thing to say.
How nice. Imagine that,” said Erick. “Really, what a morality class.”

Franco was at his mother's home, writing a check for Marintia. He handed it to Caridad, who pointed toward a closed door.
Why don't you give it to her? She's just changing the baby.”
I told you I don't want to see the brat,” he said.
He's your son. Franco, please. Take the opportunity to be near him, to feel –”
No; I'm leaving.”
I won't be able to deposit the check until I get to the office. Eladio has asked me back to work.”
Really?” He couldn't have sounded more disappointed.
You don't sound very pleased.”
Yes, I am pleased for you. But I'm asking you not to insist I have anything to do with Marintia's baby.”
Your son –”
What? Again?”
Franco, you have to help take care of the baby –”
Incredible, incredible,” he said as he left.

Julia called Simona from the hall outside her psychiatrist's office. She was relieved to hear from her and to tell her that David and Humberto had gone out for some fresh air. Julia asked her to keep this conversation between the two of them as she headed for her shrink's office.

Franco was not gone long before Gabriela knocked on Caridad's door.
Hi, Caridad. Can I come in?”
No,” she started to say, then realized she might not get away with that. “Of course, come in.”
I was worried about you since finding out that my uncle fired you.”
It's better; I'm going back to my job,” she said, looking toward the closed door.
Really? I'm so happy for you.” She noticed that Caridad looked preoccupied. “Are you alright? Is everything okay?”
Before Caridad could say anything Marintia came out of the other room with the baby.
Caridad, would you give me the baby bottle please?” She turned around and saw Gabriela.
Marintia, what are you doing here?”
Marintia hesitated as Caridad studied Gabriela's reaction.
Is that your baby?” Gabriela asked.
Ah, yes. We just arrived from Buenos Aires.”
What are you doing here with Caridad?”
She's here so I can help her with the baby because she's out of work.”
I don't understand,” said Gabriela. She then looked closer. “Who is your baby's father? Can I look?” She looked over Marintia's shoulder. “He's beautiful!”
Very well,” said Marintia. “I'm going to tell the truth.”
Caridad looked afraid. Gabriela looked at Marintia.
I got pregnant here in Mexico. And because the baby's father didn't want to take responsibility, I went back to my family in Argentina.”
Excuse me, Marintia, but your baby's father has to –”
I'm sorry, Gabriela,” she said, sitting down. “I don't want to talk any more about him. A fool is a fool. I just want to get a job. In the beginning I came back to give him a chance to know him but it doesn't matter to him.”
We're going through some difficult things right now, Gabriela,” said Caridad.
Caridad, why are you helping Marintia?”
I don't have many friends in Mexico and she and I get along very well,” said Marintia. “Does that bother you?”
Eh.. I'm sorry, no. It's a little strange. It's lovely on your part that she's helping you and good that you're getting help, Marintia.”
The truth is I was worried about us being alone with me being without work.”
Marintia,” she said as she sat. “I know we've not gotten on in the past, but if you need anything, I really want to help you.” She extended her hand.
Thank you. I'm grateful for your help.”
Can I hold him?”
Marintia leaned forward, away from Caridad. She then handed the baby to Gabriela, which prompted Caridad to panic. She took the baby and handed him back to Marintia.
You know what? We need to talk about work,” she said, leading Gabriela toward the door.
Congratulations and much happiness, Marintia. Your baby is adorable.”
Marintia smiled back as Gabriela left. Caridad shot her a look of pure contempt before following her daughter-in-law out. Marintia shook her head and looked at her son.
You know what? Your father's wife is a fool.”

Julia sat in her therapist's office.
And how did you get along with your sister?”
Well, although she was always my mother's favorite. Well, my father never appreciated us because we were women. He always dreamed of having a male child. You know, I think because of that he was pleased when I was with Arturo and afterwards with Eladio.”
And how did that make you feel?”
I don't know. Because of this I always thought that my value as a woman was nothing unless I had a man, but now no. I don't think that anymore; I understand now that it's not that. But that idea made me hate things like what happened yesterday.”
Ah, explain it to me.”
After I followed Eladio to Caridad's house I saw him there and got angry so I called Arturo to see him.”
And how did you feel with him?”
The truth? I felt calm. I felt good. Arturo was a perfect gentleman.” She paused and smiled a moment. “He reminded me of how he was when we were younger.”
Her therapist smiled, almost paternally.
And then?”
When I woke up I felt bad at first because the same thing happened with Eladio. Falling asleep completely dressed in his arms. It felt good then and it was so confusing. Do you understand?”
Are you sure that the good you felt with Arturo isn't a reaction to what happened with Eladio? What did you feel seeing him in Caridad's house?”
I felt very angry. I was very annoyed with myself because I felt like a fool because I wanted to forgive Caridad. That's why I went to her house. Then I saw Eladio coming out of her house.”
And how do you know what happened there?”
How do I know –”
Do you know they were seeing each other as lovers?”
Did you act on an impulse without wanting to ask where he went? Would this be an excuse to end things with Eladio? And to feel less bad over going with Arturo?”
Instead of feeling more sure of herself, Julia looked as though she felt less so. No wonder Woody Allen never was able to get off the couch.

Erick was in his father's office, looking at him from across the desk. Augustin was behind him, listening to the conversation.
Papa, did you like the plans for the hotels in the Mayan Riviera?”
Erick, this is not a decision I can make just like that,” Arturo said. “A project of this magnitude as presented needs to be well-analyzed.”
This sounds attractive, but there are many things to be considered,” said Augustin. “We can't decide it right here.” He waved a folder so Arturo could notice it.
I really don't understand,” said Erick, without looking at him. “You want me to take the initiative and when I bring you a proposal for a big deal you say you have to think about it.”
That's how it is. Don't tell me that bothers you.”
No. I'm not bothered by that. But whenever I talk to you it's personal.”
What are you referring to?” asked Augustin.
My dad wants a divorce so he can be with his mistress.”
Arturo slammed the desk and got into his son's face.
Erick, be very careful. I've made it very clear to your mother how things are. Neither she nor I owe you any explanation about anything.”
Erick stared back with a smug expression.
Mother already said that clearly. Yes.” He got up and walked out, closing the door behind him. Arturo and Augustin exchanged looks.

Regina was confiding to Jorge her frustration and anger at her parents' differences. I will spare you repetition of the details.
All I hope now is that my nephew's baptism won't be a nightmare.”
No. You'll see it won't be.”
I haven't picked up my new dress yet and I'm still feeling too lazy to deal with her.” She sat at her desk with an expression of distaste. “This morning she was happy and I like seeing her that way but now she's not like that.”
Look, you spend so much time worrying about everyone else. It would be better if you concentrate now on being the baby's most beautiful godmother.”
Yes, you're right but since the beginning Daniela's always been annoying me by trying hard to outdo me. I don't know if I can do that.”
Don't worry.”
He knelt at her feet and touched her arms with his hands. She smiled at him, but looked a little ill at ease.

Franco was in his father's office. Things were not going well.
Why did you allow Caridad to come back to work here?”
Because I wanted to. Those are decisions I don't have to consult you about.” He noticed Franco's near-pout. “Don't make that face. She won't be working near you or the partners. It won't be a problem. Now sit down.” He pointed to the chair. “What did you find out?”
That GM is starting a project on the Mayan Riviera.”
Are you sure?”
Yes. And I have the right plan for interfering with this project.”
What are you talking about?”
The land they want to build on has mangrove swamps. Something that should be preserved.”
Obviously. I don't understand what's going on with Arturo. If he does this he will be killing things. But you know what? Who cares?”
Excuse me?”
No excuse me. I don't want to fight with Arturo.”
I don't understand. You've been fighting him forever.”
That's it exactly. Now it's over. It's over now. I'm not screwing up my own projects. I don't want to know anything else about Arturo. It's his conscience. He can do what he wants.”
Franco was confused at first. He would be disappointed later because this would take away an avenue for his ambition.

Arturo told Augustin about his latest encounter with Julia.
I hope you're not mistaken because it's costing you your relationship with your whole family.”
Yes, I know.” He sat down. “Augustin, it's much stronger than I am. I can't control it.”
Arturo, I think you should see a therapist. Your attitude isn't normal. You're not like this. Don't you know what you could be losing for an illusion? Because you can't be sure that what you have with Julia has a future.”
It will work. It will work because we feel the same things for each other.”
The only thing that worries me is that you might regret it. And I'm not referring to Nina. It's the love and respect of your children.”

Clara entered Regina's office with the fruits of her retail therapy. Four pairs of shoes. Two pairs of shoes looked like candidates for an old magazine an ad for Coty's Exclamation. Nina would love that if she thought it came from a better store. The two talked about moving on from love relationships.

Nina sashayed into Eladio's office without warning. She wore a dress with black panels framing off-black ones in a somewhat shiny fabric. The center front zipper was open to the top of whatever foundation garment she wore under it. Eladio did not expect her and was busy studying a business document.
Excuse me, Nina, you didn't tell me you were coming. What's wrong?”
Well, excuse me for coming in like this,” she said with a ghost of sarcasm. “But I came to tell you that Arturo wants to throw me out of the house.”
That's a pity, but I have nothing to do with that.”
What is most certain is that he spent the night with Julia. You have to watch out for your wife. It's really not my business.”
Really? You know? Leave me alone.”
Nina looked at him with some contempt and wordlessly sashayed out of the office. Eladio clenched his jaw and stood there for a moment, cell phone in hand.

Peter Ashmore was outside the building when Daniela was leaving for the day.
What are you doing here?”
I've been looking for you,” he said. “I don't know why you haven't called or come to see me.”
Peter, what's happening is that at the moment is I don't have time for you.”
It's that I want to talk to you about some details of the baptism.”
It's better that we talk about this somewhere else,” she said. “Somewhere we can talk quietly.”
She took his arm and they walked away from the building. Neither knew that David was near the steps and saw them.

At the courthouse, Erick and Consuelo were sitting before the judge whom Nina was hanging her hopes on. Augustin stood behind Consuelo while Ruedas stood behind Erick.
I just came here to declare that my wife does not take good care of our son.”
This is not true. He is the most important thing in my life.”
Erick began laughing while grinning like a chimpanzee.
Are you forgetting that he was kidnapped when you took him to the park? And who knows what you were doing before you knew he was lost.”
A man was attacking a woman. It happened very fast and we were in the middle of the chaos. Someone deliberately took my baby.”
How would this be possible if you weren't distracted? You abandoned our baby. Your duty as a mother is to protect your baby in your arms. Tell me.”
It was inevitable. It happened very fast. It was planned. We had no way to prevent it. We –”
Don't worry. I will show proof that I'm in a better financial position than you to take care of him.”
That doesn't matter.”
Alright. Then I will destroy you through Miguel.”
Consuelo became agitated. Augustin touched her shoulder to remind her to stay calm. She stayed in her seat and looked at her worthless husband.
You are a wretch.”
Don't forget that I had my accident because Miguel said he loved her,” Erick said while turning to the judge. “And she accepted. Remember? I have everything I need to get custody of my son.”
The judge looked from one to the other, then to each lawyer throughout this, but said nothing.

Eladio paced in his office, flipping his lighter on and off.
No. What she said isn't true. She couldn't do anything like that. It isn't true.”
Julia entered the office.
Eladio, it's good you're here because I have to talk to you very seriously.”
About what?”
I have to know what you were doing yesterday at Caridad's house.”
And how would you know that?”
Because I went to see her.”
Why? So she could tell me the truth. I wanted to listen to her, to forgive her, and to put my feelings in order but I saw you leaving her house. I want to know what you were doing there. I'm waiting for you to answer me. I want your answer. What were you doing at Caridad's house?”
We had something important to talk about.”
What? What because I don't want her back in your office. Why were you at her house? I have to know. Do you think I will believe this lie? You're right. Just like the others. Nothing you say will make me change my mind. I'm an idiot because you are still with Caridad.”
Of course not.”
Of course you are. And I still gave you the benefit of the doubt.”
Very well. Do you want me to tell you the truth?”
Very well. I will tell you the truth. But before that, where were you last night? I called the house many times last night and you didn't answer. If we're going to talk truthfully, answer me, Julia. Where were you? With Arturo?”


Official Secrets List:

Consuelo's (from most people): Prostitute mother/raised in a brothel before being in the orphanage Revealed That she left the house after coming home the night of the murder and was MIA during the rest of the party. Status quo
Arturo's (from his family): That he had a great love before Nina plus his secret meetings with Julia (First now known but not the second... yet) Details of the second not known yet; bribing of witness to not identify Erick the night that Orkin came to call Erick now knows but not the details; that Humberto told him that Franco was Eladio's bastard. Status quo; that Franco tried to sell out GLA to him (possibly known by Augustin, but no one else); that he will give worthless shares to Humberto (still known only to Augustin)
Julia (from Eladio): Secret meetings with Arturo Details probably not known yet; that Arturo told her about Franco Status quo
Humberto: That he told Arturo about Franco. Status quo
Eladio/Gisela (from everyone): That Franco is Eladio's illegitimate son Revealed; now known to general public.
Gisela (from Caridad): That she sold Franco to Eladio for a monthly allowance Revealed
Monserrat (from Eladio): That she was cheating on him with Chimp Boy. This is probably what got her offed. Revealed
Eladio (from Julia): All his affairs and crooked deals (she now knows about the first but not the second) Some secrets still pending; his entire past
Erick (from Consuelo): His affair with the Rat Revealed; his hiring of thugs to beat up Franco Status quo: (from everyone) what really happened the night that Orkin came to call Status quo
New (known only to Pedro, but the nurse could ID him): That he is behind the kidnapping scheme
Miguel: His love for Consuelo Revealed
Gabriela (this is a maybe): That she's boinking Franco Revealed and resolved; (from Julia): That she knew six months before the wedding that Franco is Eladio's son Status quo
Franco: That he was cheating on Gaby with Marintia and now the baby is born Currently known only to Caridad and Eladio ; (from Julia): That he knew six months before the wedding that he is Eladio's son; his hiring of thugs to cut the brakes of Erick's car (same thug as the one who beat him); tried selling GLA out to Arturo (but got caught); bribing Angeles for inside info on GM (possibly known to Eladio but no one else)
Maribel: That she was dying (known only to Clara) Resolved
Clara (unknown to everyone, including her): Origin Status quo
Daniela (from everyone except Nina and Erick):: That she is boinking Assmore but both Augustin and David are suspicious
– New (from everyone): That she knows about Marintia and Franco and the baby
Nina: Details of her past beyond her brief acting career. Status quo
Marintia: Pregnancy and birth of son; (now known only to Caridad, Eladio, Franco, and Daniela); Paternity of child currently known only to Eladio, Caridad, and now Franco
Angeles (known only to Franco, but possibly suspected by Eladio): That she is selling out GM to Franco

Revised 3/7/16 following episode 101

Oops; need to add this one to Nina:

New (known only to Fanny): that she has been meeting with Eladio

I'm rather breathless after reading your amazing recap Urban. It was superbly crafted and the detail was extraordinary.

There were so many interesting conversations and revelations (some misunderstood, some partial) but the most fascinating to me was "All I know is that the only punishment I can do is take the baby away from her because he's the only thing that would make her happy. Daniela looked at him, but didn't react. It wasn't as though she had never seen his evil side before, but in his comparative calm it seemed more sinister than before". If we needed any further proof of Erick's callousness and cruelty, this was the missing piece. Dani has a revelation (long overdue) but it appeared she shook it off as she greeted Erick at the table not long after. Will Erick continue to keep his family's staunch support in the face of such disquieting statements?

I have never felt Regina overreacted regarding David. And his attempt to kiss Dani was unbelievable. She played her part to the hilt and he fell for it - hook, line and sinker. If I didn't dislike Jorge (really, there IS nothing to like), I would wish Regina and he sail off into the sunset. David, you are no longer of any consequence to me. At all.

"Would this be an excuse to end things with Eladio? And to feel less bad over going with Arturo?” I think the doctor might be on to something. I don't know if Julia does love Arturo, but I do think she misses the calm, loving relationship they had. I thought Susanna and Jorge's chemistry last night was excellent. They conveyed yearning so realistically. But, Julia has had no such relationship with Eladio. A marriage that began and continues to be on shaky ground at best.

I was surprised Gaby saw the baby so quickly. Things are uhraveling at a rapid pace. While sad for Gaby, I couldn't be happier for Franco. Let's see if his scheming and conniving can save him. I hope that is not possible.

Thank you again UA!


Enjoyed your recap from beginning to end as always, UA. The picture (wonderful image) the link to Liasons dangereuses (and boy, are they!) and even jugo verde, which I got to experience at...yes...drumroll...the Riviera Maya region, site of Erick's nefarious plans, and could kill myself for not trying it until the very last day. Dang.

Favorite line: No wonder Woody Allen could never get off the couch.

Just perfect. Will look forward to watching this later today, but thanks as always for a superb recap, done with loving care.

Gracias, Diana and JudyB.

I think the sense of calm Julia had felt with Arturo in the past was that he was a refuge from her very toxic family of origin. We now also know that Julia's mother favored Amanda, which could also have added to Julia's need to be rescued at the time.

Her current situation isn't getting any better because although Eladio is trying to become more ethical and understanding, seeing his own demons in Franco is now sending him back over the edge. He wants nothing to do with his grandson, for example. This may be the next topic of discussion with his shrink because it is the next secret he will keep from Julia. He has fulfilled my prophecy that he would decide to pay Marintia off to return permanently to Argentina, but we all know that will not happen. Marintia will not go away.

I'll have to go back and read Ruth Rendell's crime novel, now that your title has reminded me of it, UA. Hmmm...maybe I should see if it has been translated to Spanish, that way I can feel I'm doing my "homework".

Thank you so much, Urban. Wonderful, as always. This time you sent me off to google M. Choderlos de Laclos (Dangerous Liaisons) and gave me a giggle with allusions to Dashiell and Woody. (But maybe if Woody's shrink were as directive as these guys, he'd have been able to leave the couch long ago.)

"There was a large vase of red roses on a table that also held champagne flutes and a chilled bottle in an ice bucket. Arturo got up and opened the bottle as carefully as a sommelier in a five-star restaurant. Or as the playboy he once had been." UA, as I have always said, you have a delightful talent for setting a scene. Thanks for all the time an effort you put into your well crafted recaps.

Diana, ", I would wish Regina and he (Jorge) sail off into the sunset," I do too and take most of the rest of the PyP characters with them!

I'm always amazed by how you can turn these recaps into stories that conjure another era and capture that noir feel.

I will say that just as Nina is unfairly judged because viewers were led to believe she was the villain, so is Daniela here. She's no angel, and she was playing him a little in the car scene, but she was absolutely genuine when he asked what happened in Cancun. She does like him, and she does have an interest in him that she didn't have back then. I saw no eyeroll.
I do wish she would just tell Ashmore to beat it. He specifically told her he wanted no commitments, just as she didn't, so she's perfectly within her rights to say, hey, it was fun, but I'm no longer interested. Avoiding him and lying just makes things worse.

I pretty much lost any patience I had with Julia this episode and just sighed because here was Eladio deciding to finally put an end to his feud with Arturo and thanks to her, that went out the window. I did appreciate that she admitted to the therapist that because she grew up thinking she needed a man to value her, to make her feel worthy, she went to Arturo. She said she no longer thought that way but that she still struggles with it as evidenced by her calling Arturo right after seeing Eladio at Caridad's.


Really admire your craft UA. Thanks

"Or Kirk Douglas in a gangster movie"

I totally misjudged David, allowing those girls to lead him around by his nose. Is he that desperate or is he a glutton for punishment.

I really like the new Daniela. She learns from her missteps and has thrived with a little tough love from Eladio.

Too bad Eladio didn't take a more active role in raising David cause David is definitely his mothers boy. An emotional scab begging someone to knock it off.


I don't think the Wood man wanted to get off the couch. It's too much a part of his schtick.

I did see the Christopher Hampton play based on Les Liasons Dangereuses the other night and it is fabulous. If you can catch the National Theatre Live film of it in your area I completely recommend it. While I think the gestures are a little too modern, Dominic West and Janet McTeer are brilliant as the two toxic protagonists.

The whole callousness of both Erick and Franco to their own sons is frightening. Note that Franco tries to play Eladio by making him think there is even a ghost of a chance he cares about his when he doesn't even want to look at him. Would he feel any differently if Gabriela were his mother?

Erick just showed himself to be just as bad and he slipped in front of a younger sister. Daniela isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but she caught this. However, I don't think this was enough for her to rat him out to anyone. By tonight's episode she might just be telling herself he was drunk (although he didn't appear so to me).

Daniela -- whether she is changing or not -- is likely waiting for the baptism to be over before dropping Assmore on his, well, you know. Whether she is truly into David or not (and I still think this is about gaslighting Regina) she is in an awkward position with Assmore. I agree that he is not quite in the same mental place as he was when he said "No commitments" and this will create a bigger problem than Daniela ever would have expected. She is probably going to go crying to Nina when it all blows up in her face and judging from last night's episode that will be very shortly.

Eladio was never in any position to be an effective father when his sons were children. His abusive father and emotionally absent mother was a kiss of death on that. Even had he gotten the damned DNA test when David was 5 it wouldn't have been enough: He would have still raised David to be a callous jerk while Julia would have been fighting that. The outcome could have been worse for David than where he is now.

Just kidding about Woody, Urban. Actually I've always felt that we choose our advisers precisely because we know what advice they are going to give us.

Sandy in TN...late seeing your Outlander comment, but YES!!! I love Outlander! I've never wanted Julia with Arturo, I just wanted her to leave Eladio. When the therapist asked her that question about her assuming Eladio was having an affair instead of confronting him, I was like...they do exist! (Novela therapist with common sense) Arturo is obsessed and I know that many aren't Nina fans here, but I know she absolutely still loves this man and he is hurting her to no end. I know I've read comments about her seducing Artie...but what wife doesn't to get what she wants or just out of pure wanting him? I don't see it as sinister (it's her man) I do it to my husband - I guess that's why I have a soft spot for her marriage (not her and that son of hers though she is absolutely blinded by his misdeeds, but it happens with a lot of mothers and sons)

Julia loves Eladio and her confessions to her therapist confirmed to me that Arturo is just a rebound. Stay by yourself and find happiness in that until you decide.

UA..Thanks for another clever reporting of this crazy.

NIni seemed to be living the dream ..mansion, clothes, jewelry, social position, Art. Plus, she seemed to enjoy the bunnyhopping as much as Art evidently did. It did not seem to be a job to her. If it was, NIni appears to have been one of those lucky folks who love their jobs ;) Then, Art spies his puppy love? Onetruelove? Across a crowded room , and....bubbles are bursting all over the place. Then, we have Julia who cannot make a decision Art?, Eladio? Art? Eladio? Geez. At !east Eladio is consistent ..."I am crazy in love with Juliaaaa." I . am. Tired. Of. It. Let's move along, folks.

Kendra..yay..another Outlander fan. Let's count...I think we have about six fans here. I have just been reading up on the young lieutenant who meets Claire during the rent collecting excursion . His name is Tom Brittney, and I am so bummed that they did not save him for a BIGGER role if the show continues for more seasons . I can think of a great part for him.

Thanks, Urban. Fabulous recap. Appreciate the link to the jugo verde.

Though Julia feels her mom favored Amanda, I have my doubts about the truth of that. Julia’s poor mom was battered and whipped emotionally by her husband, putting up with the misery of him in another era. Amanda had an independent spirit, so I can see the mom enjoying living vicariously through Amanda. But my guess is she loved both daughters equally.

When Regina whined to Jorge that she didn’t have a dress to wear to the baptism and feared Daniela would outshine her, I imagined Jorge thinking to himself, “Damn mujer, don’t you have some girl friends to tell this stuff to?”

David proved last night he doesn’t deserve either sister. What a yo-yo.

When Eladio said he’d tell Julia the truth, I wondered whether he’d finally treat her like an equal partner by confessing about Franco’s kid and asking her advice on how to handle it. I know, dream on.

Urban: Erick is going to keep getting away with heinous & extreme scheming until he crosses the line like killing both Connie & Miguel just to make a point!

Plus, I wouldn't be shocked if Purple Lips tells him to kill Clara too!

The Body Count will increase again with Callao back in town!

Tofie: Daniela's going to get major anvils heading her way & I have to believe her drug problems are going to get exposed too sooner or later.

Regina is getting more STUPID with her decision-making lately. I'm NOT going to feel sorry for her when it blows up in her face!


This comment has been removed by the author.

Thanks for the wonderful recap Urban!!

Eladio may be trying to end his feud with Art and be a better person but once Julia finds out that he knew about Mari and the baby, all trust will be lost again. That is, if she comes back to him. He seems to think his happiness is tied to Franco and Gaby being a success because Julia will be devastated for Gaby. I differ. He should throw Franco under the bus now, and reveal the truth to Gaby and Julia. That way it shows he is on their side and honest. Of course, that would mean he feels nothing for Franco. And though he is pretty rough on him, I think he does care more than he wants to admit to himself.

Niecie, Carvivlie has stated Eladio's dilemma very well. That he knew about Marintia for at least six months before the discovery (or the reveal by Daniela, since she is the latest to know) and that he shared this secret with Caridad will hurt Julia like nothing else.

When Arturo finds out about the kidnapping scheme and remembers that Erick was trying to frame Regina he will have to fully face the sort of person Erick has become. He will feel a level of guilt for parental neglect that will match Eladio's horror at seeing what he has been because Franco has now become that man.

I'm not prepared to predict whether Eladio would throw Franco under the bus, but I will predict that Arturo will likely leave Erick to the law and tell him to take his punishment like a man.

Ay, I meant that Erick tried to frame Regina for selling out confidential information in the beginning. Reading back that sentence made me realize that it looked like he was framing her for the kidnapping.

Eladio could throw Caridad under the bus too. He could say he was told Mari was pregnant but just thought he was being blackmailed for money because Franco told him it wasn't true (lie). He only found out the truth when Mari came back to Mexico and Caridad showed him the baby. Could work?

Art will have no problem letting Erick go to jail at this point once the kidnapping hoax comes out. Gosh, at least I hope so!

Thank you Urban. Excellent recap. And thank you Cynderella for your wonderful recap from yesterday. Both were better than the episode.

Disappointed in David. Date one sister, date the other, then date the first one all over again. He should move on (like Regina) but not with Daniela. Now it just looks like Arturo was right and he is playing with both sisters.

Can't take anymore of Erick. The same goes with Franco. Both are so hateful. They do not deserve to be fathers. The poor kids.

Too bad that just when Eladio was about give up the battle he has with Arturo, he is told that Arturo and Julia spent the night together.

Was surprised Gaby met the baby already also. I bet she'll understand Julia better once she finds out that Franco is doing the same thing to her that Eladio did to Julia.

Urban--Great recap, great list. It's a lot of stuff to have to go through and digest--fortunately the stuff goes right through me, but your recap lives on!

Steve--You never said who you want to be alive at the end of this show. Do you really think Connie and Miguel will die, or are you just saying that? And why does Nina need Clara out of the way? Are you watching the same novela we are?

Callao may be a loyal watch guard who will do anything for his boss, but we haven't actually seen him kill anyone. He was supposed to rough up Gisela. It was unfortunate she had a heart attack on his watch, but that's not the same.

True, we don't know what he did, on Eladio's instructions the night The Ratt Died, but I don't think the body count will go up just because Callao is back in town. Up from what? Who does Eladio want to see dead? I can't think of anyone.


Thanks for your detailed recap UA. And thanks to Cynderella for your hilarious one.

Diana, thanks for summing up my feelings about David and Regina. And Sandy your addition was perfect (take them all). Good grief the writers seem to have outdone themselves with people you would never want to meet or watch. And the two minor villains (Erick and Franco) don't even give us the fun that real villains do.

Julia will be devastated when she learns about Franco's spawn and that Eladio knew as UA noted. Carvivlie, you make an excellent point about Eladio's humanity and actually caring for Franco.

With the craziness of both of the men in her life, I really have to advocate strongly for Julia being alone at the end of this tn. Even if Nina dies (based on her saying that's the only way she'd leave the house), Art needs to resolve this obsession. If he were to marry Julia, the crazy would still be there.

Niecie, sadly I thought David was better than this but now, as you said, he deserves neither sister.

Callao looks so much like a Mafia hit man it is easy to imagine him killing someone. However, that he has a daughter somewhere whom he cares about separates him from Luca Brasi in The Godfather. He was a total sociopath without feelings. The actor who played him was also once a bodyguard for the Colombo family. The actor playing Callao -- Gerardo Albarrán -- is definitely using his limited presence and dialogue to the character's advantage.

The brown pay envelopes also puzzle me a bit. I can certainly see them being used to pay cash to criminals like Pedro, but why would Eladio use them to pay his household staff? Shouldn't they be getting checks with the normal deductions recorded or is that strictly a US thing?

The judge hearing the divorce bugs me, too. He looks shifty. Since Nina has talked in the past about money being power I am wondering whether she paid him off.

Since David saw Daniela with Assmore at the end of the episode I hope he realizes he's being played again.

Even though Augustín looks like he has a dead skunk on his head (Carlos!), after his well placed warning to Arturo about losing the respect of his family, I whole heartedly want him to swoop in and pick up the pieces of Gaby’s broken heart. I thought our Gaby was so kind and nurturing toward (smug) Marintia and the baby, she wants to see the goodness in people, therefore, she has difficulty seeing the evil. I do want her to have another try at a wedding dress after the unfortunate choice she made with Franco. ¡Que barbaridad!

Did anyone else notice Jorge, while on his knees comforting Regina at her office, was peeking at her decolletage? Unfortunate positioning of the actors!

Kendra and Karen, I too think Julia loves Eladio, but she seems too needy to “stay by herself" or be "alone." It is going to take some serious overtime, with time and a half billing, for her therapist to help her to have the confidence to live alone with just her (rotten) Hummy. It was mortifying to see David knocking on his mother’s door, with us knowing that she was with Arturo. It is so sad to think that a son might think of his mother as a bunnyhopping cualquiera.

Anita, loved you last comment of the day yesterday!

Gringo too, on your shopping comment yesterday.... I hate to reveal this, I have actually been to NYC and returned to my hotel room with several shopping bags! Can we still be friends?

Such a superb recap Urban---Many great lines that stood out as I read them.

It was a practiced smile she (Daniela) had learned through her work.--Of course it was.

Franco to Eladio---I don't want to do with this baby what you did with me. Ouch!

But in the comparative calm it seemed more sinister than before.---Julia hasn't had much calm with Eladio has she? Wait till she finds out that Eladio knew about the baby.

No wonder Woody Allen never was able to get off the couch.

Nina looked at him with some contempt and wordlessly sashayed out of the office.

Question---Nina just walks in on Eladio, not just once but several times. Isn't there anyone at the front desk to stop intrusions?

I don't believe that Daniela really cares or is beginning to care about David. She Just wants to have one up on Regina. See, you had him and couldn't keep him and I can have him any time that I want. Take that sis!

Anita---Good points at 1:30PM

Annie---Viewers were led to believe that she, Nina was the villain.-- No one has to be led to believe. All that they have to do is watch how she supports the wrong side, Erick and Daniela every time against the good side Regina and Consuelo. Also one only has to see the look of contempt, condescension. superiority and the how dare you question me look that appears so often to realize that this is a bruja. She even stands up for her son when he is caught selling out his own family. That seems like villain activity to me. Now she is trying her best to have her DARLING Erick take the baby away from Consuelo after she, Consuelo left him after he told her that he was in love with a Ratt. That seems like villain activity to me plain and simple. I wasn't led to believe it, I can see it night after night.

Looks like a good one is in store for us tonight.
must see tv
the gringo


I shop when on vacation, too. I'm a flea market queen. I once got an antique German silver chain mail purse for 10 pounds sterling; now it's worth at least 10x that.

Nina is practical in the sense that she has never really spent money like water; this is the one advantage to her having grown up poor. However, she also is someone who looks at jewelry, cars, and other luxuries (I'm glad not to see fur coats) as things to seduce out of a man as evidence of her own value to him. We've never seen her wear expensive, tasteful jewelry like Julia's because it's not to her taste; anything she owns like that are mere trophies.

Gabriela is becoming another Julia, but she will not have to endure 20+ years of the deception before finding out that little Mateo is Franco's. She will find out in probably a half dozen episodes; last night's close call says that.

Gringo, thanks for that. A villain isn't necessarily someone who breaks the civil law and does something they can be sent to prison for. All they need to do is inflict psychological pain on a victim, especially on an ongoing basis with occasional flashes of something affectionate or supportive that cause the victim to have hope. That is what binds them to their abusers.

BTW, tonight this and Hotel are pre-empted for political debates.

Sandy in TN---Well I guess that a trip to NYC would cause one to want to go shopping
and Nina would be no exception, but as I said in my comment, I didn't see any bags from Macy's. All the bags that Nina had were from very high end stores.

Of course we can still be friends. Some thought that I am not friends with Carlos but I am.

the gringo



Thanks for another of your lushly detailed recaps. Well done.

Humberto had the funniest line of the episode though I doubt that he was going for humor. This cracked me up:

"Am I being left to eat breakfast alone?... This entire family... they know I don't like to eat alone. I shouldn't have to. Now go leave me alone..."

I'm really gonna miss this delightful old bastard.

One minor detail in the translation... as Eladio was scolding Franco you quote him as saying:

"You better not do this because you love Gabriela."

I think that might be a typo because what I heard him say was:

"You better be doing this because you love Gabriela."

("Y más te vale que lo estés haciendo porque quieres a Gabriela.")

and it seems to fit better with his rant.

I'm one who thinks that we are seeing Daniela growing up. I'm anxious to see her dump that creep Ashmore.

Arturo having the Champagne and roses handy in a hotel room made him look like a predator taking advantage of a vulnerable Julia. Nothing particularly spontaneous about the whole setup.

I wonder which would bother Julia more, Eladio getting frisky with Caridad again or the actual truth of Franco's infidelity and subsequent child with Marentia?



Yes, of course I consider you a friend.

"I didn't see any bags from Macy's. All the bags that Nina had were from very high end stores."

Dang, and here I am thinking that Macy's is a high end store.


UA, finally a REAL point of agreement between us, no furs (yes!) and "flea market queen." My best find was free, a service for 12, five piece, of Languiole Inox Red flatware, sitting on the ground in a box at a dump. My guess was that someone going through the effects or things of a incapacitated relative couldn't be bothered with the effort selling the set.

Glad we are still friends Gringo.

Carlos..yikes ....your description of Humbug as a "delightful old bastard". You so often say what I am thinking. ..but editing.

Speaking only for myself, I would definitely be more bothered if my significant other was " getting frisky " with another wonan. Well.."bothered" is a little mild..."ballistic" would be much more accurate. I have a monopoly on the frisky.

Well Carlos maybe in Texas it is. LOL Oh! did I say that? Sorry Carlos I guess I did but I don't want the patio mad at me again even if you do wear glasses and a hearing aid You would be welcome at my house anytime. Really!

the gringo

UA and Sandy, I, too, enjoy flea markets, auctions, and garage sales ..but I have declared a moratorium on them as I have inherited "old stuff" from my mother, mother in-law, two grandmas, and a childless auntie over the years and have enough old stuff...aka antiques, including the Royal Doulton ceramic dolls and Limoges demitasse cups from my auntie. I went through a phase of collecting children's chairs...so I have several of those scattered around the house. Why?..They are adorable.It all started with an old Sunday school chair from Hubba's grandma.....

Hi guys! I love All your recaps & I Read All your coments...I've been a fan of this blog since the telenovela Pasión! You're doing such an excelent Job here! ¡Enhorabuena!

Missevelyn24, thank you for the compliment. We always appreciate our readers.

However, you need to know that the first rule of this blog is never to post spoilers. Not even hints of them. Spoilers are deleted upon discovery.


Carlos, she might be bothered more by Eladio doing the mattress mambo with Caridad again in view of all his recent promises. However, the idea of Franco pulling the same deception on Gabriela about the baby will set her off big time because this extends the deception into the next generation and someone she loves like a daughter will be hurt big time.

The whole of these two will be worse than the sum of the parts.

If Daniela seriously thinks she has a shot at David she will dump Assmore the day after the baptism. He just might retaliate if that happens.

I just caught up w/this recap..wonderful as always UA, gracias!

Julia is really starting to snap my nerves w/her conflicted feelings. I don't believe for one moment she is in love w/Arturo..I think he is just a man she feels comfortable with. They have a history and he understands her. I think the real passionate love she has is with Eladio but it is full of conflict. What she has to decide is if she wants to fight for this love. Arturo needs to realize that part of Julia he had was that of a young woman. Eladio has the woman that is emerging. Good for the therapist holding Julia's feet to the fire about what her real intentions and motivations are for running to Arturo? I also can't wait for Eladio to force her to face that she's the one running to another man. Sh*t or get off the pot Julia. I am still rooting for my couple. I only hope that they can weather the storm of Marintia's baby. Gaby is going to be destroyed and when Julia discover that Eladio knew it will upset her.

I hate Caridad for dragging Eladio into this mess she created with Franco. If Caridad had kept her nosy ass out of Franco's business and let him deal w/Marintia, Eladio would not have been dragged into it. Caridad is digging herself further and further into a hole playing both sides of the fence. She can't be a loyal mother in law to Gaby and support that marriage as she says she does, when the whole time she was encouraging Marintia to have that baby and giving her money and now a roof over her head. Sure she can be an abuela to the baby, but Marintia and Franco need to be the one's working this out. Caridad is a metiche and she deserves whatever ill befalls her in the way of losing her son, grandson and a daughter in law who has supported her.

I have always understood why Regina broke things off w/David in regards to Daniela and I'm not so sure I could have been with a man who had once slept with my sister; but that said Regina did forgive David. I have lost patience w/Regina now because she does not find David worth fighting for..she would rather let the issues between her parents and Julia dictate her happiness and to some extent Davids. I don't excuse David spending time w/Dani, but I understand that he feels low right now and anyone..even Dani provides some comfort. I don't see David and Dani becoming an item. I think that was a one off date. Still Regina has no problem moving on w/turtle boy. What does that say about her grand love for David? Jorge is a dullard. Good luck Regina.


Delilah63, I disagree with you about Julia. I completely fail to understand how she could be willing to stay with a man who abused her for 25 years. She should have taken David's original offer and gotten out of there.

However, I agree about Caridad. What she is doing now shows she has very little understanding of human nature and relationships. Of all the people in this story who aren't seeing shrinks at this point she is the one who needs one the most. She has never had a chance to really vent out her anger at her mother for her actions and she needs either to back off Franco and his life now or see him for who he really is. I don't see redemption in his future and she will lose everything in the end.

Since I am the daughter of a Nina and lucky enough not to have a sister, looking at this made me think about Regina's situation. I don't know that I would have dated David in the first place upon knowing that he had been with her. I did once date a guy who joked once about boinking my mother, which cause me to give him the patented Glare of Death while telling him that was not even remotely amusing. Just the thought of any possibility of being compared to a sister no matter what the guy would say is enough to make my flesh crawl.

UA I see what you are saying about Eladio.and if this weren't a TN I would say Julia needs to move on from both men. That said, I doubt that is the outcome we will get. So since Julia must be with one, I vote for Eladio who I see trying to be a better man. He is far from perfect, broken since childhood, but his desire to better and seek out therapy; allowing Julia to be her own woman has advanced him in my book. On the other hand I simply see Arturo as an arrogant egotistical man who does not care whom he destroys including his own family bit by bit to get what he sees as a woman he is simply entitled to. For better or worse Julia and Eladio are married and Arturo fails to respect that, crossing all boundaries at every turn.

We agree on Regina and I said this early on in the TN that I would have never been with David after knowing he'd been with my sister, but again TN rules and all. We know Regina and David are destined so they will most likely find their way to each other.

It's all sooooo messy.

Oh, I didn't know that...I'm sorry...Thank you for telling me.Enjoy the telenovela &... more to come...

Delilah63---Arturo sees a woman he is simply entitled to.
I'm not sure that entitled is the correct word. I see him as just a man remembering the spark from an early romance and wanting desperately to rekindle that old flame. But entitled, I just don't get that. What would make him feel entitled? Money? After Nina and Chimp Boy get through with him, he isn't going to have much of that left. Ego? I don't think so. He's going to loose his whole family over this. I think it is just an old love that has come back to haunt and possibly destroy him.

As you do, I would Like to see Julia stay with Eladio--as you said, he is trying hard to improve his life and his mirage although he has a long way to go with both. Even though I am in no way a fan of Nina, I think that it's terrible what Arturo is doing to her and his children just to rekindle an old flame.

Having said all that, I don't think that Eladio is going to make it out alive. He has temper control problems. Ok he's working on that with the shrink but then there's that lighter. That can't bode well.

must see tv
the gringo


Gringo, I see him as entitled because I don't believe Arturo loves Julia. I don't believe he ever truly did or why cheat on her right before their wedding? She is simply a possession..something to own and win. As he said to Augustin, she has always been mine. The words made me sick. I see him as thinking because he had her first..she should be his again. There is an entitlement to him in not just Julia but in how he carries himself. He simply rubs me wrong.

I've been warning people about that cigarette lighter for ages. It's ominous.

Arturo does love Julia. He cheated on her back in the day because he was immature at the time and didn't know what he had or think about the consequences of his actions. I think this why he believes Erick and Consuelo married too young. (FWIW, I agree. Nobody should get married before the age of 28 or so).

He has managed to be a faithful husband to Nina for 24 delusional years since. This was only possible because he didn't see Julia during that entire time. He might have had great sex with Nina but there does comes a point where the physical sensation isn't enough. There was a deeper connexion with Julia that he never had with Nina and it took seeing Julia at the charity event for him to realize this.

Arturo's children have to get over the divorce. I know their feelings about it are nothing unusual but it's rather childish on their part. My college buddy was so ridiculous about this that he would never have accepted his mother marrying again after his father died (She outlived him by 10 years). I thought that this was very selfish of him (We were about Miguel's age at the time).

Well we'll have to agree to disagree as to what we perceive in these characters, I for one do not see Arturo as in love with Julia. I find it odd that he could be faithful to Nina, but not Julia the woman he claims was his great love. How did he managed to be faithful to Nina, a woman he found to be completely out of touch with who he is? If it was just about the sex, then Arturo is even more shallow than I originally thought.

Interesting view on the right age to marry, my In Laws felt the same way and they had the worst marriage. Their two daughters both followed that advice and are now divorced. Both were married to their spouses less than 3 years. Their son (my husband) married at 26 and we are going on 30 years. My parents married even younger, age 16/17. They had a wonderful faithful marriage. Good laughs, friendship and even though I shouldn't know this..even a great sex life.

I will be so sad if Eladio dies or is killed off. I detest Arturo and will throw a show at my screen if he ends up w/Julia after bargaining with her father like she was some piece of property. I find him simply vulgar.

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I think Eladio is doomed because he was doomed by his own words in the opening episode and some subsequent ones. There is the possibility that he won't be because the writers have broken other rules in this series (although not as many rules as YNCELH). However, we still have a way to go.

Workaholism can permit anyone to avoid thinking about any problem they can't face. That is a classic way that men deal with depression or the absence of true love. It's even considered admirable in some cultures. It's just as much an addiction as substances and at least it earns rather than costs money (We're pointing the finger at Humberto here). Arturo worked his ass off, kept Nina in luxury, and sex was available when he needed it. Since she is sufficiently shallow to want the luxury and to hide every important thing from and about herself this was enough for her for all that time. Now that Empty Nest Syndrome is staring them in the face, it all comes to the surface. Seeing Julia for the first time in all those years triggered it for him. The wedding that didn't happen (and Regina's inevitable departure) would have triggered it for Nina, but instead it was Regina's departure from the mansion for work, followed by Miguel's departure over Consuelo.

BTW, I removed a very nasty and gross comment that most of you probably missed. Another reminder that gross and disgusting remarks are also not allowed here.



"Arturo's children have to get over the divorce. I know their feelings about it are nothing unusual but it's rather childish on their part."

I suppose there's nothing childish about Arturo's selfishness in what he has been doing?


It is not childish to want to correct wrongs of the past, including wrongs one did to oneself. Children don't get to dictate their parents' marital situations no matter how old they are or what their opinions are about future partners. It is also not good for people to stay married if there is no love.

Nina has already gotten what she wanted out of this marriage. She does not truly love Arturo; he is a possession to her as well as a meal ticket and a pass into a world she couldn't enter on her own. If she didn't feel that way she wouldn't have displayed such jealous behavior in public throughout their marriage (which must have irritated him). She admits to her jealousy, but doesn't admit that it's about her own insecurity. That is the biggest thing that narcissists miss about themselves.

All Nina could possibly stand to lose now is her social standing, which she isn't helping with her own declasse public behavior lately. If she had learned appropriate discretion she would be fine. Most people tolerate her now because she is Arturo's wife, but once that's over she will have money but no position. Can you imagine her at the opera?

Physical beauty doesn't trump inner ugliness.

Good morning, my fellow PyP addicts--
I've re-read all the comments. WoWzee. We are definitely getting into the weeds. Loving it.

I earnestly want to believe ALL of YOU. The viewpoints are well thought out, erudite, sincere and many based on personal or professional experience. Kudos to all of you. I'm am silent in awe of the intellect reflected here.

Nina is no saint by a long shot, but I do believe she loves Arturo. I think Petra is the expert on the Montenegros, and she (like I) felt sad for Nina when Art (understandably) lost his temper with Nina and hurled off some words at her that Univision bleeped. Nina looked so hurt and small to see just how much Art is fed up with her. All narcissists are not the same, and this one is hurting cause Art doesn't love her anymore. She'll miss the status that came with Art, but she'll miss Art too.

Urban, thanks for deleting the foul email. I'm grateful to you and all Caray recappers that do so much behind the scenes to keep this blog a fun place to be.

WOW! Strong and well thought out comments today---P y P is really bringing them.

Delilah63 and Urban A---You both make some very good points.
Delilah63---You said that Arturo didn't love her or else why would he cheat on her before the wedding? How many times has either one side or the other (mostly but not always men) had one last wild fling before the wedding day when they will have to settle down and get serious with life? Another possibility is the great power that beautiful goddesses have over us mere mortal men. A wink and a smile and ??? often
with long lasting regrets later on--Arturo. Urban said it well, young and immature.

Arturo's words---She has always been mine. I don't know what he meant by that. Does it mean entitled? Did he or is he buying her? Yes money and promises are involved but buy? I would say that Art is using everything that he can to help him end up with Julia.

Urban you said a few things that stood out to me. Arturo was young and immature. Yes and mistakes are often made under those conditions. He probably spent many days and hours being sorry for that one mistake and trying to move on with his life. Maybe that is one reason why he buried himself in work--trying to forget the past.

About Nina. This stood out to me---And Arturo has always been a possession, a meal
ticket to Nina, a pass into a world that she couldn't enter on her own. If Art didn't really love Julia as Delilah believes, then I ask was there ever any real love for Nina or was she nothing more than just a pretty catch on the rebound for Arturo?
Urban---You also said that after the divorce, Nina will have money but no position.
I agree.

Shoes ready to fly? I suppose that there will be several pairs of shoes flying at the close of Pasion y Poder. Which ever way this one ends, I suspect that there will be some very unhappy campers.

Carlos---It would be great if we could sit down to a nice Mexican dinner with a tasty margarita in hand and discuss all the happenings that transpired during P y P.

must see tv
the gringo

It's supposed to be 75 degrees in NYC as I type this. A frozen margarita sounds like a great idea.

Now that Turtle Boy is in Luuuurrrvee with Regina, I am surprised that Daniela hasn't gone after him too.

Regina would be in therapy until after menopause if she could catch Jorge and David and Dani Rotisserie style.

Hello Patio Pals and fellow PyP addicts (cheers for that, Anita! We ARE addicts!). Loved the masterful recap (thank you, UA!) and the comments are so profound and perceptive, it makes me appreciate this show even more. PyP has many flaws but its best feature, other than the superb protagonist foursome and Luis Bayardo, is the way it brought out such passionate debates!

I'm afraid I can't comment on the action yet because I stopped watching at Episode 104, but I am able to tell you the spoiler that made me watch ahead because it was revealed in this episode. About ten episodes ago, I received a message on WhatsApp saying: "OMG, I can't believe that (bleepable word for ho in Spanish) Julia spent the night with Arturo! Isn't she supposed to be in mourning?" Apparently, one of my friends had added me to this small group on WhatsApp to discuss PyP. It comprised 2 of my closest friends and an ex-roommate, the others were acquaintances or friends-in-law if you will. However, my friend failed to tell the others that I was watching the US broadcast, which was 11 episodes behind. So, I basically got a double spoiler in one sentence! I was shocked to find out Julia spent the night with Arturo then the "duelo" part hit me: "What do you mean by 'in mourning'? Who died?". I was terrified it would be Humberto (He's a dirty rat b*stard, but he entertains me!). Apparently, Episode 100 aired in Mexico on a Friday and the avance showed Julia and Arturo kissing in a hotel room with roses and champagne, then they showed Petra telling Nina that the Lord of the Mansion did not spend the night at home. Viewers went wild and the character Julia got an avalanche of verbal abuse on social media, according to my friends.

My foray into the impressions of the Mexican audience was revelatory and very surprising. For instance:

-- PyP is not doing as well as in the US in terms of ratings in Mexico. The latest Latoodle production "Un Camino Hacia El Destino" and the latest Osorio TN "Sueño de Amor" are getting higher ratings.

-- Eladio is the incontestable star of the show, he's way more popular and loved than in Caray Caray.

-- Julia is loathed and many people don't want her to end up with Eladio. She's been called a "bipolar" as well as the largest collection of Spanish words for "slut" that I heard in my life!

-- Regina is considered as a Julia Jr and they call her "hamster face" (she does look like a cute hamster and once that was pointed out to me, I couldn't un-see it!). Jorge The Teenage Foreman, a.k.a Turtle Boy, receives the same love he gets from us Carayites.

-- Nina has a lot more fans than I imagined and she's mainly faulted for her nastiness to Consuelo and her overindulgence of Erick and Dani.

-- Arturo is the most hated TN male protagonist in the history of TN male protagonists!

-- Caridad is a lot more hated than I thought, mainly for being a "metiche" (a nosy parker) and a " madre solapadora" (a mother that justifies the misdeeds of her children and covers for them). Nina can also be considered a "madre solapadora", so I didn't understand why she didn't get as much flack for it. I think it's because of Caridad's hypocrisy towards Gabi: she acts nice around her while stabbing her in the back.

-- Erick is loathed, no surprise there. The surprise is how much the actor playing him is hated and considered an awful actor. I guess Mexican audiences did not appreciate the simian expressions of our notorious Chimp Boy!

-- David gets a lot of flack for being as "bipolar" as his mom and JP Minor gets a pounding for his "horrible" acting skills. I don't consider him that good an actor but according to my Mexican friends, he stinks big time! His fresa accent, his terrible diction (I was told that "he talks like he has a hot potato in his mouth"!) and the intermittent flow of his lines are harshly criticized. A friend of mine reckons that JP hasn't mastered the art of using the "apuntador" (the prompter) or "chícharo" (pea) that the actors use to be fed lines and directions. Anyhoo, I was surprised to find out that JP Minor was considered such a bad actor.

-- Humberto is hated so much, viewers are plotting his death six ways from Sunday and want him out of the novela ASAP! Although Luis Bayardo's performance is highly praised, the humor in the Humberto character is not appreciated at all. My friends were surprised to find out that Humberto was funny to some of us here.

-- Consuelo and Miguel's icky romance has more fans than here. A small fringe thinks they are gross and finds that Miguel El Tonto has earned that nickname but there is a large proportion of female viewers that find Miguel sexy (yeah, you heard it right!) and they're rooting for him to get his love doormat!

-- Petra is a superstar! No surprise there!

(to be continued)


-- Clarita and Justino puzzle the Mexican audience as well, according to my friends. I know we are not supposed to discuss the actors' personal lives but this piece of information may be relevant to understand why Clarita is in so many scenes, she is almost a piece of the set. Why is she in the TN when she has no storyline? The actress is the producer's girlfriend, that's why! He gave her more airtime than her character deserves and he gave her the WTF Family so she can have some characters to interact with until they find her a storyline. We're almost in "Últimas Semanas" and Clarita still has no storyline but she is everywhere! In Consuelo's house, at Grupo Montenegro, with Caridad, at GLA, with Justino, etc...

-- Gabi is considered a hottie (Sorry, Cyn!). A dumb clueless hottie but a hottie nonetheless!

-- The producer and the writer are getting skewered for ruining all the main female characters, portraying them as brainless, flaky, insecure, indecise, promiscuous hoes. The only main female character that isn't whipped and who shows a little character is Nina and even she had to endure humiliation and rejection. When viewers start identifying with the villana and urging her to do more harm, that's not a good sign!

-- Last but not least, there are elements that we don't always pick up on due to cultural differences. For example, the enchiladas with red wine in the Montenegro household made my friends crack. Red wine to make enchiladas fancy? I didn't really get the joke but anyhoo. Also, that whole business of the daughter of a millionaire buying shoes from the Andrea catalogue was hilarious to them. And Nina's hair flowers and garish 1920's prostitute getup had a lot of viewers complaining, that's why PyP toned down Nina's wardrobe and make-up of late.


I loved the back-and-forth between Delilah and UA! You are both very eloquent and construct your arguments with such clarity and conviction. I find that my positions align almost perfectly with Carlos, Tofie, Mena and Delilah; they verbalize my sentiments in a more concise and impactful way than I could. However, like I said before, I appreciate every single viewpoint and learn so much from others that have opinions different to mine. Many times, they raise points that I find enlightening regardless of my degree of agreement.

Have a great weekend and see you on Monday (Episode 104). I've saved up stuff to rant about! Tee hee!

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Ay, Nandicta--what a rundown on Mexican audiences for PyP. So interesting to learn we are not so unlike under the skin. I never though JPM was an outstanding galan, but I thought he was adequate for this role.

As we laugh about Hummy and his hoverchair, do they laugh at Ashmore and his asinine gringo accent--which seems to have gone away?

I'm surprised none of OUR armchair critics mentioned Nina's new hairstyle. It must be ultimas etapas and this is her new "luke." Her hair has been straightened and given a slightly off-center part.

Slightly OT--Un Camino: I've added Monday's recap to Un Camino's 2nd Post ("below the fold" now), if anyone is interested. The first 10 episodes have been recapped in detail. It is charming and not too late to catch up. So far it has no spontaneous street dancing or musturd-colored outfits.

Thanks for the reminder about Nina's hair. It is not only straight but doesn't look as thick as it did before. It might be meant to make her look older.

Assmore's disappearing accent: This actor is from Argentina, but came to the US in 2013 where he did two Telemundo novelas before coming to PyP. He must be tired of doing a US accent or maybe by now he's learned the Mexican one. I have to say that I find this character infuriating because his US accent is unnecessary unless it is code for a gringo character we are meant not to like. I dearly hope he is not just another example of a gringo worthy of all the contempt I am afraid we get. The actor's performance, however, is excellent.

And aren't we all glad we have been spared the sight of Daniela boinking him?

Julia bi-polar? This is nothing new. Writers have been victimizing female protagonists with this for ages.

Glad to know that their concept of ramerawear is a lot like ours.

Nandicta thank you for your kind comment. I'm not near as articulate as others here but I hope that I'm able to articulate to some degree my pov. I, like you am always amazed by the different perceptions and I manage to learn a lot. One thing for certain..this tn is driving me crazy.

Interesting views from the mexican audience. I agree with much of their assessment, exception is Miguel. Mileage varies for sure on this guy because I dont find him sexy and I want Con with anyone but him. I Just dont see any strong passion.

Gringo, for me if anyone (man or woman) feels the need to have one last fling before the wedding, then the 'fling' confirms that the person does not love the person they're cheating on. I dont pardon Arturo because he was immature, as I see him now..hes still immature. He cant have something he feels should be his. Its an obsession. The more he is told no.. the more he stomps and pouts. He's a loathsome cad.

I loved Nina's hair. The softer look suits her.

Anita, I haven't said it but I so appreciate the UC recaps. I'm behind on eps but hope to catch up and discuss. I really am enjoying the TN.


One thing I wanted to mention in regards to Nina and Arturo. Is he a meal ticket to her? I think it goes without saying he is keeping her in the lap of luxury; and unlike Julia, Nina is fine being defined by Arturo's wealth and title. Still I believe she does love her husband.. their family; and life they've built together. Shes been loyal to him as well as an ego stroking, doting wife. She's also given him much pleasure in the bedroom with no complaints. I doubt a woman as sensual and beautiful as Nina wouldn't have had her opportunities to cheat if Arturo was just a step into social circles. I believe she has kept her vows out of sincere love. The callous disrespect and tossing aside of all the years shes given Arturo are evidenced by the pain displayed on her face.

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