Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 3 (Mar 7, 2016)

Anita is in the editorial chair, putting up the Discussion Page for this week (and maybe next week).

This is an invitation for those who have not yet checked out Un Camino Hacia el Destino. Put on your walking shoes and come along. You may actually enjoy it. It has nuns in white habits, a few schoolgirls, no annoying kids. It has a gardener who gets sweaty in undershirts, frizzy haired villanas, an old grandpa, a bitter disillusioned wife, sensible nannies, shyster lawyers and an earnest young guapo doctorcito.

It is not a teen novela (it's at 7:00 p.m.), although it may come close. It has a bouncy upbeat teenager on the verge of womanhood and her first serious romance.

It has a great cast and we're hoping the directors keep the producer in check. Earlier episodes are on Univision (at least I see 2,3,4 and 7,8,9--not sure what happened to 5 & 6), Hulu (I'm guessing) and OnDemand. Recaps for the first two weeks are on the first discussion page. New ones coming, as time permits. Please contribute to the discussions, though.

Note to Carlos: Every time I type Dr. Carlos (Horacio Pancheri), I think of you.
Note to Susanlynn: Your Sweet Baboo gives the sweetest kisses.


Well, here we go. I hope this generates a little more interest. I'm almost finished with Epi #9 (Friday's). It will be posted on the first discussion page, not this one.

Anita, I like this show, Ive been trying to get a
Comment out since last weekend, I hope this
Gets in. Testing testing 1 2 3.

Yaaaaaah it went through. Now, Ive had it
With amelia. Shes the one that believed the
Lies of hot luis (in his own mind hes hot). She blames her daughter for her problems. She Brougjt this on herself. If she'd stop the
Wallowing & singing that poor me song, she
Could see her blessings: a man that loves her unconditionally (thats wearing thin).
A beautiful daughter that shes missing out on, cause everytime she looks at her she see
That sorry sperm doner. The woman is a bit selfish. she's only been thinking about her onself in her "woe is me"position for 19 freakin years.
how much is a man supposed to take he's been sleeping on the floor for what 19 years?really? he's in love or he's just stupid. He
Deserves better.

Nina--I couldn't agree with you more!! You could have written the script.

Ok, folks, where are you? I could have done without the kayak race. I liked the two lovebirds swinging in the tire swing over the water. I just knew one of them, or both of them were going to fall in. Carlos and Fer, sittin in a tree...k.i.s.s.i.n.g.

At least we've been spared the mating call, so far.

You know it's doom in a novela to say you are the love of my life, I'll always love you, there's no one else but you....Poor Carlos, if the avances are true.

Cue the Kayak, William.

All I thought when they were in the tree was it took 20 minutes to get in the tree

That guy that mariana married, did her father
Make her marry him? He looks like a thug. Is
That the best she could do? She went from
Looser luis to a mob enforcer looking guy.And why does he want poppa fer's farm? I think hes got gambling debts. Just sayin.

Mariana is a train wreck. There is so much she Could have done with her life besides spending It being jealous of her sister, whose also a major trainwreck.
I want to see when fer1.0 meets fer2.0 for the first time. That should be heartwarming, only if The old mans heart is the one gettin warmed.

I really hope more folk get on board with this
Tn. Its really good yall.
Ok christian is on gotta go.
Now discuss discuss. :-)

Nina--Let's say Old Fer advised her strongly to marry him. He's now having some regrets because he knows Hernan is a good for nothing. He wants to live on easy street off--greedy and doesn't want to work for it. Or he's just a wheeler and dealer and by getting Old Fer to sell the place to developers, he gets a cut.

He can't be all bad. He loves his daughter (Camila, Fer's friend) and protects her from Mariana, who hates her and doesn't want her around.

After tonight's episode, Mariana is going to make sure Amelia, and by extension, Fernanda stay far away from Old Fer. I wonder what she's going to tell him. Of course, she can't control Nana Blanca and sooner or later, she's going to tell grandpa about his nieta.

P.S. I watched the whole first episode of "Cristian." He was AWOL. Colina is kind of cute, though. By the end, I wondered if they had gotten the producers mixed up and it's actually Sueno that is by Mme Latoodle.

What did you think of it? Do you think it'll get better?

tofie--There's another tree swing in tonight's episode. This one looks even harder to get into.

I think it will anita. Theres a lot of bombs to
Go off in this show. I think amelia might be in
For some surprises from hubby. And rightly
So. He can just take so much rejection.
Maybe if they 'make love she wouldn't be so stressed. But no, she'd need a jackhammer to get rid of 19 years of stress.
So mariana is wicked step mum, that poor kid.
So maybe dad just married up to support his
Kid. And he knows what hes married to and
Don't care, just wants the fat bank account.

I forgot luis' wifes name, the banker, carlos'
Mom. Misinformation is going to cause a
Lot of trouble for pedro with her. Since the
Hairy wonder is going to tell her the "school girl" is after carlos and their money.

I think its gettin better with each episode. Thats my take on it.

Anita...Life has been a little hectic lately, so I only saw one episode of this show. I will try to watch tonight. i niticed tge wikd hair girl..yuck. In addition to my regular work and life business, I have been rereading the Outlander series and reading old comments on Compuserve Outlander (which is a twenty year accumulation of revelations and a rabbit hole) in anticipation of season two starting on April 9. Carlos is a sweet baboo, Jamie......

how romantic eating fish on a stick laying in gravel on your belly. I have never, ever seen that depicted on screen

Anita, thank you for sticking with this!

Wow, what kind of a household produces two women who can't stand the next generation? Amelia despises Fernanda and Mariana hates her husband's offspring to the point that she has to stay at an all girl's school all the time.

I thought that Fernanda's kayak looked like it had been made from the remains of an orange crate that had fallen off a truck by the side of the road.

Last night's swing ride was odd, and Fernanda playing her violin over the water was odder still. What were she and Carlos eating, Catfish?

With all the destructive potential in their backgrounds, I wonder how Fernanda and Camila's friendship will fare?

Wow, the tangle haired leech just isn't going to give up, is she. I wonder what part of "NO" she is incapable of understanding?

Thanks again, Anita.


David ..hi. Nobody ever understands "no" in these novelas.

Hi, Susanlynn. You are correct, of course. NO is a concept that is so important in our real lives, but it loses all meaning in these stories, doesn't it?


Tofie..fish on a stick..no..just..no.

David--Whatever that fish was, it had plenty of unattractive spines. They had to pick the flesh off and eat with their fingers. Oh, well, there was plenty of water to wash their hands with.

Fer boasted that she caught them, cleaned them and cooked them. Another day of skipping school. No wonder she's been given an ultimatum by a minor nun. None of the other girls behave like that. Ok, so she's in lurvve. Dr. Carlos shouldn't let her play hooky when it is affecting her studies and her future. He should know what an education is worth and be especially respectful to someone from a poor (but upstanding) background. Ok, so he's in lurvve. (No excuse, buddy.)

What an interesting dilemma.
Amelia is longing for her lost love, Luis, who is Marissa's adored boy toy (who isn't playing very nice right now), who is boinking Andrea (who has recently come to work for Marissa), who is realizing how much fun she's been missing out on (when Pedro takes her to the nursery), and Pedro, who is the devoted husband to Amelia (but is seeing Marissa with different eyes). WHEW!

The other dilemma, of course, is Felipe (delusional), Camila (disillusioned but will carry on the campaign to win Carlos, Carlos (who only has eyes for Fernanda, and Fer (who only has eyes for Carlos) and neither are watching their backs against Isabela (the tangled hair leech for whom NO is not in her vocabulary), Luis (who is going to try to destroy Fer's family and Carlos in his wake), Felipe AND Camila. Wow! The two lovebirds don't have anyone on their side right now. Everyone is gunning for them. Mother Hen Marisa will probably protect Carlos, but will she accept Fernanda. Hmmmm.

Lastly, we have Old Fer, doddering on the verge of dementia and old age, Mariana who wants to be his sole heir and Hernan who wants everything Old Fer and Mariana have and wishes -- OUT LOUD -- that Old Fer should just die, why dontcha, and Nana Blanca who is on Amelia's side, for what it's worth right now (in danger of being dismissed).

Still working on Epi #9, real life got in the way. Just read Nandicta's recap of Sueno. Will Cristian's arrival make it any better? I guess I wanted CSI:Mexico with a nice long lost love thrown in the mix. The school kids already annoy me.

Oh, before my last WHEW! I should have added that Mariana is also longing for Luis. He certainly has a lot of women wanting him to be such a horrible person and a bad lawyer, too.

Ahoy, Caminantes...
The recap for Episode #9 for last Friday is up. Find it at the end of the 1st posting for Camino. You can discuss here, or not.


Anita thanks for the recap of friday nite.
The tangled haired one is scheming, I can see the crooked wheels spending under all
That corkscrew hair. I hope she don't stoop to murder, somebody already us thinkin in that direction.
I wish they'd do the count scene. Thats when all the skeleton get blasted out of the closet.

The court scene is what I meant, not "count".
And fish on stick, that sounds like it could be
Tasty. Well if she doesn't graduate, she can
Become a chef. It worked for Rachael Ray.
She didn't go to school to be a chef, and shes
Good at It. And amelia seems to know her way Around the pots and pans. Maybe the babygirl Has learned something from mom about food prep.

Nina--If you've been watching long enough, my reference to Chef Hawt was Jorge Aravena in Querida Enemiga, where he was a chef and the #2 galan that got the girl. So between Pedro and Amelia, Fernanda should be all set to win her hombre through his stomach--which is what Twisty Hair was trying to get Nana Rosario to do, pass off her cooking for Twisty Hair's. She refused.

CAMINO EPI #10 (Mon Mar 7, 2016) pt. 1
After their escapade with the nun and the sprinkler, the girls have a new (no name classmate) friend who loans them dry clothes. (I only mention this as we may see her again.) Cam walks Fer back to her cottage, lamenting she has a stepmother who hates her and Fer laments she has a mother who doesn’t love her.

Hernán is talking to Mariana at bedtime. He thinks it would be a good idea to get to know the Montero family, the lawyer and his rich wife. He wants them over for a nice dinner. When Hernán learns their son is the same doctor who treated Old Fer and is in the right age range for his daughter, Camila, he wants to invite him, too. Mariana cringes at the thought.

Next day is the kayak competition. (It’s an unnecessary diversion, but serves as an alternate purpose to show that 1) Fernanda is an all-around great athlete at football and kayaking, 2) Carolina is a poor loser and hold grudges, and 3) she has a different location to meet Carlos and spend the afternoon. Correct me if I’m wrong.) Between the second and final heat, “someone” destroyed her home made kayak. (It does look as though it was made out of orange crates, thank you, David.) Luckily, Camila loans Fer her kayak and all ends well for Fernanda, but not Carolina.

Carlos is meeting Felipe for a before-work coffee and conversation. Carlos is pithed and scolds Felipe for the story he made up that he was interested in Camila. Felipe shrugs it off. It was the only way to get Cam to come along so Felipe could see Fernanda. Carlos is not liking this explanation, since now Cam expects to go out with him on the weekend and he needs to get out of this fix. Felipe suggests he come up with an excuse at the last minute, like being on duty all weekend. But let it be clear to Carlos, Felipe still intends to go out with Fer this weekend. Carlos reminds him that she said she would be studying. Felipe doesn’t think that would be a big deterrence. (Felipe is certainly determined. I like that Carlos already has the inside track with Fernanda and knows about her feelings for him.) Felipe is certainly left pleased with himself. He’s going to beat Carlos for the fair Fer’s affections.

Old Fer leaves without breakfast for a morning meet with Luis Montero. Nana Blanca urges Mariana to look for Amelia. She’s sure Amelia is in trouble.

After the race, everybody heads in one direction, except Fernanda. She goes the other way and of course, is surprised to find Carlos waiting for her, having watched her race from afar. She has to get back for class, but Carlos begs for 5 minutes. He needs to talk to her. Well, ok, she’ll give him 10 min. if he will drive her back. We are treated to Carlos and Fer playing on the tire swing her dad built when she was little. There is more fun on the swing. He adores her. She loves (quiero, not amo yet) him mucho, mucho.

Pedro can’t do anything right for Amelia at the taco stand. He leaves snapping at her, that he hopes she has a good day. Her attitude of the day drives her customers away. They actually leave. Mariana has tracked her down to the stand. She has to wait for a flock of sheep to pass and approaches to stare at Amelia. She can’t believe her own eyes. Actually, the sight of Amelia arguing and looking so bedraggled pleases her. Life gave Amelia what she deserved. Amelia looks up and sees Mariana. She freezes. She unfreezes and runs to hug her. Mariana does not return the hug. Amelia is so happy to see her. (There is actually a smile on Amelia’s face.) Her happiness is short lived as her customers make fun of her high-faluting name, Amelia Altamirano del Alamo, when they know her has Doña Quecas.

CAMINO EPI #10 (Mon Mar 7, 2016) pt. 2
Carlos really likes the spot in the tree with the swing over the water. He and Fer are sitting facing each other in the crooks of the tree, talking animatedly, getting to know each other, liking each other more, and 20 minutes have passed now and neither seem to be in a hurry to leave. Carlos finally gets around to why he wanted to talk to her. It was the trick Felipe pulled on her yesterday. He knows she went through some unpleasant moments. He wants her to know he did buy into Felipe’s little game only because it was a chance to see her again. Fer wants to know if Carlos knew Cam was going to be there. Yes, he did, but he didn’t know Felipe was going to tell her he was in love with her. Fer believes him, but the problem is how to get out of the situation delicately, because now Cam is crazy about him.

He stops the conversation for going in that direction. He only wants this time to be theirs alone. He wants to know all about her. Well, she’s an open book. That’s one of the things he likes about her, she’s transparent, spontaneous, direct, responsible. She blushes. They exchange family stories. Fer says her mother only seems happy when there is a lot of drama in her life. She loves her father. He loves his mother. He’s going to love Fernanda all of his life. He leaves her at the gate and in answer to her question are they now novios, Carlos answers yes—Novios. (Ooops is this bigamy, or two-timing, when Novia #1 has not been decommissioned yet.)

Amelia has asked Mariana back to the cottage. Mariana thinks, unhappily, that Mariana seems happy with her lot. Amelia finds out Mariana is happily married, but childless. She sees a photo of Fernanda and notes how much she looks like her grandfather. Then she tells Amelia rather bluntly she doesn’t look good at all. Does Pedro mistreat her? No, they don’t have much and she has to work so hard. She feels old. She misses her family. Mariana tells her Old Fer hasn’t forgiven her. He still hates her. Why did she ever call the house after all these years. Because, says Amelia, she saw Luis again. Mariana has to struggle to maintain her composure. Amelia breaks down and tells her the whole Luis-courthouse-non-recognition story and the fact that Luis’ own child has filed a suit against him.

Old Fer gets to Luis’ office and is shown in. He wants Luis to help him find his other daughter, Amelia and his grandchild. He wants this kept in strictest confidence. Of course, the tale he tells is already very familiar to Luis, he was one of the participants. When Old Fer describes how he kicked his daughter out of the house after disgracing the family name by getting pregnant by some good-for nothing, Luis thinks he’s talking about Luis himself. He wants to leave his fortune to her. She will be a millionaire. (Poor Old Fer, he doesn’t realize he’s talking to the baby-daddy and he will try to get his hands on that fortune, one way or another, or my name isn’t La Virgen de la Paz.)

He tells Luis the name of the desgraciado that left with his pregnant daughter, one Pedro Perez, the gardener. After he leaves, we see Luis contemplating--he has a daughter (maybe he has a heart). Luis is sure Mariana knows where she is. He calls her to come see him right away. He is going to ask her why Mariana told him Amelia had terminated her pregnancy.

ANITA--Thank you, thank you! So glad to see this comment/recap page. I thought I was the only one watching. It's not bad so far, really better than I thought given all the bad press that La-Toodle-oo generates.
I'm late getting back to work so will read recap and all comments later but anyhoo--glad to find the Camino!

J in Oregon

Thanks for everything Anita. I said I wouldn't but have kept an eye on this one. Though for me it does reek of sloppy noodle La Toddle but I have a sick obsession to catch the actual moment it goes over a cliff. Weeeeeeeeeee

What is noodle La Tooble?

Anita thank you for promoting this TN, I find it charming and refreshing. Im hoping to get caught up this week as Im lagging behind in a few eps.

Latoodle, Nina, is a derogatory name for the producer, Nathalie Lartilleux, known for telenovelas that run of the rails, jump the shark, go down the tube, in short order. Recent examples are La Gata and Corazon Indomable.

Please, before you criticize me, I did not make it up. It has now become a term of endearment.

Here comes Episode #11.

CAMINO EPI #11 (Tue Mar 8) Pt. 1
A nun in white pins Fernanda down about her association with a young man. She doesn’t deny it. Nun says she’s been missing too much school. She’s being suspended. Fer panics. She can’t lose her scholarship and it means for her future and for her family. Exams start tomorrow. Nun said she should have considered that earlier. Fer begs for another chance. Nun says she can avoid suspension is she promises never to see that muchacho again. (It’s clear that nun has never been in love or has some boy-girl issues. That’s a terrible choice to foist on a studious young girl like Fer to make on the spot.)

Well, Nun must have given her a little time because Fer prays in the chapel. She needs her education, but she needs Carlos, too. She’s the only thing her parents have, but Carlos is the only thing she has. She doesn’t want to give up any of the three things.

Amelia doesn’t want Mariana to leave the cottage yet. Mariana looks as though she couldn’t get away fast enough. She tells her, “Don’t call me, I’ll call you.” Who knows what might happen to sick, old, hate-filled Papa if she calls and he answers. She’s got to go, she got a call from her husband and he’s waiting for her.

Marissa is contemplating life at the edge of her lake. Pedro shows up. They start to talk about their only children again. She can’t figure out what’s wrong with Carlos these days. The conduct with his father is getting worse. Pedro can say the same about his daughter not getting along with her mother. (Remember, Marissa knows the girl suing Luis is named Fernanda, whom Carlos knows, but she doesn’t know Pedro’s daughter is Fernanda and is the Fernanda who knows Carlos and is suing Luis. Luis doesn’t know that Fernanda’s father is the landscape gardener currently working for Marissa at the Gomez Ruiz estate. Got it?)

Pedro has to go to the flower market. Marissa has never been and invites herself along. (It actually looked more like a vivero=nursery to me.) She has a blast with Pedro. They even have a soda together. When they return home, he gives her a plant. She’s touched. They look at each other with a certain understanding passing between them.

With Old Fer’s earlier permission, Luis is quizzing Mariana about Amelia. He tells her Old Fer didn’t say anything about an abortion, but did say Amelia had a daughter. He had seen the baby, but wouldn’t let her in the house.

Mariana’s no spider but she spins a web of lies I hope she gets herself caught in. She tells Luis the baby was a prop, not Amelia’s child at all. It was to save Old Fer from the shame of knowing he had a daughter who had an abortion. He’s very traditional, very conservative. It would have killed him. They had to protect him. In any case, he ran her off. Luis isn’t sure who to believe. Mariana tries a little harder. Amelia would call the house once in awhile, but then she moved to San Antonio (TX) and they never heard from her again.

Carlos and Fer are together near the water where they were yesterday, so I guess she didn’t stop seeing him without an explanation. She’s sitting on a swing hanging over the water, he is sitting by the edge. She says she’s afraid of what she’s doing for him. Carlos says if it is for love, she shouldn’t be afraid when it is reciprocated. Fer wants to know if he was ever in love before. He answers yes, once he thought he was, until he met her. Does he trust her? He wades out to the swing to show he does—with his life. Then, she wants him to promise that wherever she is or whatever she does, he’ll always be with her. He promises. (Ay Carlos, you haven’t watched enough telenovelas.) So from today on, even though he can’t see her, she’ll always be with him, she’ll always be his. He will have to find her. (I didn’t understand that, but I think she means to stop seeing him until her exams are over. We’ll see. Fish comes first, no?)

Fer takes solace in her violin.

She and Carlos eat fish on a stick and get philosophical. He gets a fishy kiss.

CAMINO EPI #11 (Tue Mar 8) Pt. 2
Isabela complains to Marissa that Carlos is ignoring her. In the middle of her trying to put things right with him last night, that girl from the accident called him. (We know it was Camila trying too hard to catch Carlos.) Isy guesses she wanted to ask Carlos to testify in the lawsuit against Marissa’s husband. Could be. This lawsuit may be what provoked the most recent distress between them. This girl is to blame.

The plot thickens. As they walk down a corridor, Cam is telling Fer what she told that Mean Girl Carolina (Isy’s sister, no less) that her boyfriend is a doctor. Fer reminds Cam the doctorcito is not her boyfriend. Cam insists he will be, soon, because she loves him more than Fer does. Cam now wants Fer to help her out again. She wants to go to Carlos’ house to see how they live, meet his family. Fer refuses. Cam begs. Fer says she can’t, it’s her father’s birthday.

Pedro unloads the truck. The guys tease him about his little outing with the patrona. (These plants they are unloading look like the very same ones they moved around that morning. Sorry, I get distracted easily by unimportant details.)

Dr. Macias has Old Fer’s test results. He tells Carlos Old Fer will need by-pass surgery to correct a malfunctioning valve. Dr. Carlos wants to be present when Dr. Macias tells him. Mom calls Carlos and asks him to lunch. They need to talk. Isy wanted in, but Marissa tells her to hold off so she can talk family stuff with him in private, first. Then she can show up.

At lunch, Carlos has been telling his mother he’s in love with the girl (he met after the accident, I think he was indicating). Marissa can’t believe it. He should remember he’s still in a committed relationship with Isabel (who, she’s probably thinking, is socially much better suited for him and for herself). On cue, Isabel shows up and sits down. Marissa excuses herself so they can “talk.” Carlos insists it’s over. Isy insists it’s not. She’s sure they still have a chance and expects to see him later on when he can talk. He’d better see to his patient (Old Fer) since it is obvious he is more important than their future.

Pedro bounces into the house with some daisies for Amelia. She rejects Pedro by rejecting the daisies, dropping them on the floor. Fer sees Pedro slam the door and walk out. She finds Amelia in tears at the table. Fer knows she’s sad and cries all the time. Fer wants to help her. She’s not a child anymore. Amelia wants her to leave. Fer says she isn’t going to leave her alone. She finally takes her mother’s hands and holds them. Amelia says it’s loneliness. Fer doesn’t understand. Amelia has her; she has Pedro. They love her. Finally there’s a crack in Amelia’s wall and she’s ready to talk. She tells Fer about her “other” family, her mother who died at her birth, a nana who raised her, her sister who lives in another country and that her father “died” 19 years ago, when Fer was born. They hug each other.

Pedro is outside trying to busy himself with planting, but remembering how Amelia used to be when she was young. She was happy, fun. She’s unhappy because he can’t give her the life she was used to. But money alone can’t buy happiness, as he recalls Marissa leaning her head out the truck window to feel the air blowing through her hair shouting out how wonderful the world was. He doesn’t know her husband. He’s sure she loves him, but it’s obvious she’s sad about something.

Mariana finally arrives back at the Altamira mansion. Nana Blanca is waiting for her. She wants to know if she found Mariana. No, regrettably she moved to San Antonio (TX) 18 years ago. Then she gets ready to take Old Fer to his appointment with Dr. Macias and Dr. Carlos.

Hey! Here you guys are. I was wondering. I'm loving this novela so far. This is probably the first time, in a while, that I am up-to-date on watching anything (I'm usually doing a 4 or 5 episode binge watch), so I will check back. I will agree that I wasn't expecting to like it, but I do and a lot.

Thank you, Kendra. One more for our Camino! Since I'm the only one putting up any recaps, they will always be behind (like so much in my life).

Disclaimer: This episode and Friday’s are full of hard-driving conversations, thought bubbling, misunderstandings, invective and one awful scene. In the name of restraint, I’ll not be expanding all the aforementioned.

CAMINO EPI #12 (Wed Mar 9) Pt. 1
The episode begins with a PSA message for anorexia. Next! Camila gets a call from her pa, Hernán, asking her out to lunch, just the two of them. (Skinny PSA model is immediately forgotten.)

Pedro comes home for lunch. Fer is fixing it. She tells him about Amelia sharing information on her family. Pedro is a bit surprised since her story doesn’t fit the facts but keeps it to himself. (See recap for yesterday.) Then Fer asks permission to go out to lunch with Camila and her father. (This whopper will come back to bite her.)

Luis is upset when he sees Pedro’s plant in his and Marissa’s bedroom. She shouldn’t be accepting gifts from the help. He’s even more upset when he finds out she went to the plant nursery with him. He doesn’t want her to associate with the employees. It’s not dignified for a rich society lady to rub elbows with low-class rabble. (I only put this in because as I see it, Marissa and Pedro are going to have more than a “certain understanding” between them, and to point out Luis’ class prejudice.) Marissa thinks he’s jealous.

Carlos and Fernanda meet joyously by the lake. No fish roasting today, but plenty of juvenile hijinks. (Fortunately, Carlos isn’t too old to enjoy a good game of catch me if you can.) Fer finally whispers in Carlos’ ear what he’s been asking her to say, “I’m in love with you.” Apparently the violin isn’t the only thing Pedro can have fabricated in one day. Fer has a brand new wooden kayak. She gives him lessons, in between kisses. Carlos is probably used to streamlined, ultra-light, expensive kayaks, but, hey, if he can spend more time with Fer sitting in his lap, he’s not complaining.

Carlos wants her to meet his mother. He’s sure she will like Fer. He tries to dispel her anxiety. His mom only wants him to be happy. (I sure am glad his name isn’t Carlos Alegría.) Fer’s other worry is about all the lies she’s been compelled to tell her father. Carlos says she can stop the lies by letting him talk to Pedro and tell him they are officially novios. She still wants him to wait. She knows her father. He’ll wait, then.

Old Fer gets the double-barreled news about needing to repair his heart with by-pass surgery and his chances of survival. Dr. Carlos is sure he will live to enjoy more days.

Hernán greets his daughter at school. Before going for lunch they go to drop off a birthday present for Pedro. Pedro is confused. It’s not his birthday and he was given to understand Fer was going to be lunching with Cam and her father. Cam says Fer told her it was his birthday and quickly tries to cover for Fer’s absence by lying that she was going to have lunch with them.

All Amelia can say in 200 words or more to Pedro is, “I told you so. Your daughter is a liar and always has been and always will be. She’s pulled the wool over your eyes for years. You just didn’t see it. I did.” Pedro just isn’t processing this about his never-told-a-lie-princesa. Amelia wallows in her self-pity. Pedro brings her a rose. Amelia rejects it as she rejects Pedro. He would like to know why today, of all days she decided to tell Fer about her side of the family. Fer was pressuring her for answers to her bitterness. Oh, and she saw her sister Mariana today, too.

CAMINO EPI #12 (Wed Mar 9) Pt. 2
Amelia is now into 400 words or more and finally gets to the part where she saw Fer talking to some unknown tipajo by a car at the gate to the school the other day. Who knows what they’d been up to. She suspects they may have had relations. She’s going to take her to a gynecologist. Pedro stops her. He’s had enough. He says Fernanda isn’t like Amelia, giving herself to the first opportunist to come along. She is rightfully offended. She always knew he held that against her. Pedro is sorry. He only meant she can’t say those things about his daughter. “His” daughter? Amelia corrects him, her daughter, hers and Luis’ Yes, she lost her virginity to Luis because she loved him—loves him, she corrects herself—and he deceived her. Perhaps this guy is doing the same to Fer. She knows he’s been hanging around her for 19 years (with no sex) hoping she’d love him. That will never happen. He’s nothing but an ill-bred gardener. He’s stung by her words and leaves. She’s resigned to her bitterness and the crumbs Pedro gives her.

Isabela shows Carolina the design for her graduation dress. Isy’s not sure Carlos will be with her at the ceremony. Things are so rocky between them at this moment. She thinks Carlos is going to break up with her. Isy thinks there’s another woman—make that a schoolgirl named Camila. Carolina tells her she has a classmate named Camila who is boasting about having a boyfriend who is a doctor. Carolina doesn’t think her Cam is Carlo’s Cam because her Cam is a “naca” (no class) who hangs around with the gardener’s daughter, even though her dad is a millionaire. Isy wants Carolina to find out if it is her Carlos or not. If it is, she’s going to teach that schoolgirl a less she won’t forget not to mess with someone else’s guy (hombre ajeno). Carlos belongs to her.

Said Carlos is still frolicking in the sun with his beloved schoolgirl not named Camila. They float around in the water in a big inner tube and yes, they get their pants wet. They swear eternal love and seal it with kisses. After they dry off sufficiently by a nice bonfire Carlos lit, they head for some outdoor restaurant and are surprised to see Clarita (Marissa’s cute maid) and Cesarín (Fernanda’s buddy AND Pedro’s associate) together. They greet each other happily, announce that they are now novios and join them.

Luis learns from Marissa’s lunch talk with Carlos he’s actually in love with the girl who is suing him. Now he sees their game, for Carlos to sign papers against him. Carlos is out to get him, he’s convinced. Marissa doesn’t think Carlos would do that. Oh, and by the way, Carlos wouldn’t tell her what he and Luis were arguing about as it would be very displeasing to her. Luis doesn’t answer.

CAMINO EPI #12 (Wed Mar 9) Pt. 3
Luis has escaped from the Gomez Ruiz mansion and it’s uncomfortable conversation. He’s just spent some nookie time with Andrea. He asks her not to come to his house any more. Too bad. Phone rings. It’s Marissa. She needs to see Andrea at the house in the morning. Andrea looks smug. Luis is foiled.

Amelia looks over the contents of her mementos-in-a-box.

Hernán doesn’t like Camila’s friendship with Fernanda. She’s a devious little liar and he wants Cam to end it, ya! He then tells her about the upcoming dinner for some folks who have a son, a local doctor, who might be a good match for her. He’s really surprised to learn Cam not only knows him, but he’s in love with her. Fancy that!

Felipe is looking for Carlos at Isy’s spa. Not here. Isy says he has a private patient, one Fernando Altamirano he’s treating at the hospital. He’s Old Fer, his godmother Nana Blanca’s patrón.

Pedro spends the last ten minutes of the episode going on a binge and boring the bar tender.

The turtledoves bill and coo and smooch in front of Clarita and Cesarín. They are oblivious to everyone else in the world.

Old Fer is in bed, thinking of his chances of surviving either the operation or his weak heart. He’s glad Mariana is inviting the doctorcito and his parents to dinner. He didn’t know the doc’s father was his very own lawyer, Luis Montero. he's pleased. Mariana brings up the will he was talking about earlier. Old Fer cuts her off. He never said anything to anybody about his will and he’s not losing his mind, either. Mariana leaves and he thought bubbles that Luis is the one who is going to find his daughter.

Hi, I have been lurking on Caray Caray for awhile now. Thank you for these wonderful recaps. I started watching this last Monday so your recaps are very helpful. So far I really like this novela.


ANITA--I haven't read the Friday recap because it hasn't aired on the West Coast yet, but want to THANK YOU again for doing the heavy lifting and keeping all us...Camineers? Camionettes? Camionas?...for keeping us all up to date.
I have been surprised so far by how well done this is.

J in Oregon

Welcome Fran. Are you watching any other telenovelas at the same time?

J in Oregon. I apologize. My fingers got ahead of my brain. I should have said, "this episode and THURSDAY's are full of....."

Thursday's recap is almost done. I hope I have time to write up Friday's tomorrow, before I get a house full of company for a week. For that reason, I just don't think I can do recaps at all next week. When I start again the week after, I'll pick up on Monday the 21st, but not do the missing week.

Love your names for us travelers along the Camino. I don't think David would want to be known as a Camionette, though.

CAMINO EPI #13 (Thu Mar 10)
I swear I knew nothing about a new kayak in Epi #14 when I wrote about what Carlos probably was used to in Epi #12. Ok, on with it.

A very drunk Pedro staggers home after a drunken orgy (with himself). Amelia’s words still tormenting him. When he arrives home, he’s out of his senses, angry at Luis Montero for ruining Amelia’s life and his and frustrated after 19 years of a no-sex marriage. He sees Amelia. He slurs that they’re married and he has conjugal rights. He’s going to make her his. He forces her down on the bed (both fully dressed) with the intention of raping her, if need be, and begins to kiss her as she struggles to break free. Suddenly he hears the crescendo of a church choir and backs off of her and leaves the cottage. She wipes his kiss off her mouth. She hates him.

In another part of town, it is already dark and Carlos is driving Fernanda home. He’s teasing her about what lie she had to think up this time to be with him. Fer is serious. It hurts her to tell her dad lies so she can be with him. This time she told him she was going out to eat with Camila and her father. She also had to think up a reason not to go with Camila, because Cam wanted to go to Carlos’ house to snoop around. She told Cam it was Pedro’s birthday. Carlos wants to know why Cam wanted to come out to his house. Well, it was due to the lie Felipe told about Carlos being crazy about her.

A day that should have ended on a happy note turns into a nightmare. Carlos gets a flat tire and the spare is flat too, Felipe’s fault. She’s worried about getting home late. What can she say to her parents. Carlos proposes to tell them the truth. Sooner or later they’ll have to be told anyway. Carlos won’t let Fer stay in the car while he gets the flat fixed. With a twinkle in his eye, he says, if someone steals the car while they are gone, that’s one thing, if they steal her, what will he do. He’ll go crazy without her. They go together. Fer is certain this is her punishment for all her lies.

When they get back to the car with a working tire, a nice-looking couple stops to help them put the tire on then the man calmly pulls a gun on them and carjacks Carlos’ auto and takes his wallet. It’s all very scary, but Carlos kept his cell phone and will call a taxi to get Fer home. The car is insured and he still has Fernanda by his side.

Felipe and Isabela have gone to the hospital to check up on Carlos. They learn Sr. Altamirano is not registered at the hospital. This convinces Isy that Carlos is lying to her to cover up what he’s really doing—cheating on her. Felipe says Carlos wouldn’t do that, he adores her. Isy is positive Felipe knows what’s going on because they are BFF. In fact, she knows who it is, a schoolgirl by the name of Camila. (Cara de impactada de Felipe.)

Fernanda and Carlos have made it back to the school property and are crossing towards her place. She’s still very agitated by what happened to them. Carlos tries to talk her down, but she’s only half listening. He calls her back for a goodnight kiss. In mid kiss a banshee comes out of nowhere yelling to know what they are up to. It turns out to be Amelia, fresh from her own private trauma. She manhandles Fernanda and slaps her while Carlos moves in to protect her from more blows. He’s in a weird position, this is Fernanda’s mother calling her a whore, a slut, a cualquiera, a ramera, etc. She won’t let Carlos explain anything—where they have been, who he is, what they were doing. He can’t believe how Amelia is treating Fernanda and tries to tell her so. She tells Carlos to butt out. It’s her daughter and she’ll treat her anyway she feels like it. They are shouting over each other. Fer begs him to leave. Amelia has the ace in hand. If he doesn’t leave, she’s calling the police. With that she grabs Fernanda and marches her back to the cottage. Carlos gets a phone call. It’s the hospital. He’s needed for an emergency case. He kicks the ground in frustration as he leaves.

CAMINO EPI #13 (Thu Mar 10) Pt 2
Camila is in her dorm room, pleased everything went just super with her dad. He seemed glad she already knew Carlos. It’ll make things easier. She will ask Fer tomorrow why she made up the story of her dad’s birthday. Could she have been out with Carlos?

Luis is done with his nookie time with Andrea. They argue about her job with his wife. She complains that he won’t divorce his wife and won’t help with her expenses, especially the rent on this place. He’s tired of hearing her demands. He comes here for one thing and all he gets from her are problems. (She should think twice about using him as a baby maker.)

Marissa is thinking Luis is late. He’s gone a lot these days. She loves him so much. Has he lost interest in her? Could it be she’s aging and Luis is starting to see her as an old woman? She fears he may trade her in for a younger model. She’s convinced she needs to rejuvenate herself, plastic surgery, diet, exercise, whatever it takes. She would do it all for him, for his love. (Wrong, Marissa, do it for yourself.)

Felipe calls Camila to see if she knows Fernanda’s whereabouts. No. Nada. Felipe does learn that she and Fernanda both like Carlos and she fears Fer is ahead in the game (of catch Carlos). Felipe is bummed. He tells her to fight for him. He would have chatted longer, but Isy is making a stink out in the car. Felipe drops Isy off. She’s still spitting out ball bearings. He is able to correct her impression that the girl from the accident is not Camila, but does not say who it really was.

Pedro spends the night with his other associate, bearded, heavy-set José (I think that’s his name). He’ll talk to Amelia in the morning. He’s so ashamed of his behavior. He endured all those years without any love from Amelia because he had Fernanda, a gift from heaven.

Amelia gets Fer inside the house and really reams her out. She’s sure Fer went to a hotel with that man. Fer is scandalized her ma would think she would do something like that. Amelia is convinced she’s lying, as always. She reveals Fer’s other lie telling her that Camila and her dad came to the house so they all knew she wasn’t with them. Camila doesn’t deserve a friend like Fer. (Amelia knows how to hurt her.)

Amelia continues her barrage. Fer slept with him, didn’t she? When Fer denies it, she calls her a liar and a hypocrite. Fer asks her mother to stop trying to hurt her. She tells Amelia she lied because she wanted to see him. Amelia wants to know who he is. He is a doctor, Carlos Gomez Ruiz and he’s her novio. Amelia thinks he’s deceiving her about who he is. Fer says he is a doctor. They met at the clinic where Luis Montero took her after the accident. He’s the one who gave her the check-up. They’re in love.

CAMINO EPI #13 (Thu Mar 10) Pt 3
Pedro has a Sliding Doors version of him and Amelia. It’s his child and she’s happy with Pedro. The Sliding Doors fantasy ends, replaced by a memory of his trying to violate Amelia. That wakes him up.

Doctor Carlos saves his patient.

Carlos finally calls Felipe to tell him about the carjacking and losing his wallet. He couldn’t call him any earlier because he was at the hospital with an emergency. Felipe will take care of everything in the morning. Now Carlos can think about Fernanda again and wonder how things turned out for her.

Luis arrives home late and doesn’t want any (more) nookie that night. He apologizes to Marissa, who was in the mood. He’s tired. Oh, yeah, he also has a bad headache. It’s killing him.

Fer takes solace in her violin. She’s content she finally did it; told the truth. Now she does have to talk to her dad and straighten things out with Camila. It’ll be harder with Camila to learn she and Carlos love each other.

Early the next morning, Amelia is still acting rotten towards Fer. Pedro isn’t home, when Fer asks. Amelia blames Fer. Pedro probably found out what she did and didn’t want to be around her. Carlos phones and asks to speak to Fernanda. Amelia tells him not to call again and he’s never to see her daughter again. Amelia looks over at Fernanda with a smug smile on her face. She knows she’s hurting Fer. (If I were to guess, Amelia knows Fer is a good child. Amelia resents her youth, sunny disposition and her genuine love for Pedro. She’s also jealous of Fer’s musical talent, good grades and for being an all-around excellent athlete. She will do anything to bring her down to her level of worthlessness and lack of self-esteem.)

Fernanda wonders why her mother has a problem with her, that Fer can’t be happy because Amelia is not? She loves him. He loves her. Amelia says he doesn’t love her. Men don’t know how to love. Men only want one thing. To get a woman into bed and then abandon her. Fer, on the other hand does believe in love and no one can change her mind. She leaves. Amelia says to herself, ay, Fernanda, Pedro is the worst man in the world and she is the worst woman; she still loves Luis Montero.

Rosario and Clarita are in the Gomez Ruiz kitchen talking about Clarita seeing Carlos with a girl. Rosario is curious to know about the girl. Clarita was surprised at first to see them together because she knows about Isabela, but she kept her mouth closed. She tells Rosario that she’s cute, charming and they are clearly in love. Rosario scoffs, as if Clarita knows what it’s like to be in love.

Marissa knock on Carlos’ door and wants to talk about what he was saying about the schoolgirl yesterday. Nothing to talk about. They are novios. Marissa reminds him he already has a novia, Isabela. He couldn’t help falling in love with someone else. He tried to end it with Isy, but basically, she refused. He’ll have to end it for sure now. Marissa hopes that maybe this is just a passing fancy, but Carlos insists he’s very much in love.


Thanks again for the great reacap. I am now all caught up. I saw some of last nights episode on and off. Besides this novela, I am also watching on Telemundo Eva La Trailer & La Querida Del Centauro & Sueno De Amor. Lisette Morelos is doing a great job as Amelia. Last time I saw her was on Carita De Angel. My favorite characters so far besides Fernanda & Carlos, is also Pedro. Thanks again for the recap & welcome!


Good luck to Lartilleux on this TN. I hope it turns out to be a successful one

Emmacious--You, me and a whole lot of other folks hope the same. It's deliciously complicated with characters from different walks of life so interconnected. So far, it has fewer clichés and annoying scenes than Sueño and Sueño has only been on for 4 episodes.

Fran--I guess we can call you a dedicated watcher. Now, I hope you will become a dedicated commenter. We need more. Did you see Lisette in La Impostora? I guess that's where I alternately disliked or laughed at her portrayals. But maybe it was more the fault of the writers and the wardrobe department. I never saw Carita de Angel.

So far, all the characters are well drawn. Of course I like Fer and Carlos. They are refreshing.

I worry about Fer, though, with an "older" man and presumably more experienced in sex, having been in a relationship with Isabela for some years. Even though he's mindful of the age difference and SO IS SHE, how long will he wait to make love with her. How will he treat her?

This is her first real love affair, but she's very young. Now--I must admit I come from a different generation, but I fell in love with all my boyfriends between the age of 15 and 19. But I would never, ever have let them hit a home run. They could try to round the bases, but I did wait until I got married (or within a month or so--red faced as I admit this).

This mind set is no longer true 50 years later, but Amelia is certainly still living her "error" of the not so distant past, in a society that, by telenovela standards, is still back in the 50s and 60s before women's lib.

CAMINO EPI #14 (Fri Mar 11) Pt. 1
Fer has left for school with fresh wounds from her mother’s latest rounds. She’s remembering what she said about men and love and that man, who says he loves her, doesn’t and prohibiting Fer from seeing him again. A nun finds her crying and talks her back into a smile. Fer isn’t a bad person, she’s human and humans make mistakes.

Marissa calls Isabela early and leaves a message that indeed Carlos is quite taken with that schoolgirl and she should avoid talking to him at all cost because he plans to break up with her.

Over breakfast, Isabela reminds Carolina she is to find out if that novio of Camila’s is Carlos Gomez. She’s counting on her discretion. Carolina leaves for school and Isy picks up Marissa’s message.

Fer is sitting on a low wall contemplating what she must tell Camila, at the risk of their friendship. She doesn’t want to lose her. Cam sees her and comes up to ask what went down yesterday that got Cam into trouble with her father. Fer is going to tell Camila the truth. They are interrupted by Mean Girl Carolina who asks Cam straight out if that supposed boyfriend of hers is one Carlos Gomez. Cam and Fer want to know where she got that name. Well, it just so happens her sister….and a different Sister interrupts and takes Fer and Cam to see the head mistress. For some strange reason they are to teach a music class and later the students will be tested.

Miss Anorexia 2016 shows up at Isy’s spa to ask for a modeling job. Andrea greets her but tells her she needs professional head shots and her measurements. Does she know what size she is? Miss A.2016 isn’t sure, maybe a size 4? Andrea tells her to come back when she’s a size 2. (Sorry, neta cero, but I liked Nikki Brizz’ affliction with bulimia much better. She had Guzmancito to watch over her.)

Old Fer sees through Hernán’s B.S. at breakfast. Hernán leaves for the office. Old Fer drops “The Will” bomb on Mariana. He’s going to change it just because he feels like it. Of course, Mariana has to see Luis as soon as possible to find out what is going on. (Yes, I noticed Mariana wipe off Hernán’s goodbye kiss on her cheek.)

Andrea’s meeting with Marissa turns into a one-sided gab fest, with some gentle prodding from Marissa about Andrea’s boyfriend. Andrea admits to having an affair with a married man. She fell in love with him before she knew he was married, but by then it was too late. One cannot dictate to the heart. She begins to describe Luis, all his outstanding qualities and the state of his marital relations—without naming him. (I guess Andrea calls this fun.) Marissa asks Rosario if the gardeners have arrived. No, not yet. (I think Marissa would like to see one of the gardeners in particular.) Later she learns from José that Pedro was having some family difficulties he had to attend to and didn’t make it. She walks away disappointed.

CAMINO EPI #14 (Fri Mar 11) Pt. 2
Luis is in his office giving instruction to his private detective. (I don’t think I got his name, Orsano, right, but hey, it’s Alejandro Ruiz, he can use any name he wants to.) He’s to look for Pedro Perez and his wife, Amelia Perez, supposedly living in San Antonio (TX) for several years. It is imperative they be found quickly. Orsano takes the challenge and the money and he’s off. (Of course, Luis doesn’t want Mariana to find them first.) Orsano practically bumps into Mariana on her way in. Luis, in a major breach of attorney-client confidentiality casually tells Mariana that indeed, her father wants to change his will because he thinks he’s committed a great wrong with his grandchild. Mariana retorts that the granddaughter doesn’t even exist. Luis reminds her they are the ones that made him believe she existed.

Old Fer is not planning to leave Mariana anything. Double retort. He can’t do that. Well, yes, he can. She’s married to a rich husband, has no children and won’t lack for anything. Old Fer also doesn’t plan to leave anything to Amelia either so her s.o.b. husband can’t get his hands on it. He plans to leave his millions to his granddaughter.

Pedro finally returns to the cottage to face Amelia. He wants to apologize and ask forgiveness for his brutish behavior the night before. He’s not like that. They discuss Fernanda’s behavior ad nauseam. He can’t believe Amelia caught her with some unknowns guy as they were about to have sex right there in the garden. She told Fer she must never see that guy again. Pedro says he’ll support her decision, but he wants to talk to Fer first. If he really is her boyfriend, she would have told them about him instead of sneaking around. About that other matter… No, Amelia can’t forgive him. She doesn’t want to be with him any longer. She wants to be alone and get on with her life. She has to think of herself. She has a right to love and be loved. But, Pedro says, he’s loved her, her whole life. But, Amelia says, she doesn’t love him. She wants a divorce and she’s going to tell Luis that Luisa Fernanda is his daughter. That gets Pedro going on a top-notch rant about the difference between engendering and raising a child. Fernanda is his.

Carlos has come to Isy’s spa and surprises her there. He wants to end their relationship and he’s there to tell her why and what is happening with him. Isy is in another time zone. She forgives whatever little adventure he’s had and covers him with unwelcome kisses. She’s busy. Can’t talk. Gotta go. Carlos is to come to her apartment that night and they’ll have a wonderful night of passion. That’s not what he wants he says to her back as she leaves him standing there. Isy stops long enough to thought bubble that Carlos isn’t allowed to just toss her out like an old rag.

Fer comes home for lunch (or between classes, whatever) to find a sticky note on the door. Carlos wants to see her in the usual place. She’s to hurry. It is urgent. When she gets there, he takes her to see a surprise. It’s a lovely green kayak (the kind you would buy at Outdoor Recreation World, Ltd.). She’s a bit confused, when he says it’s a present. It’s a present for him. Now she has the one her father made her and he has this one. Now he’s ready for lessons. He wants the first lesson to be in the new kayak. Fer says, no, it has to be in hers and when she says, No, it means NO. They paddle away in the new green one. Cute, cute, cute. They spend some quality time drifting peacefully, talking, kissing, just being close. They talk about love and what it is she feels.

CAMINO EPI #14 (Fri Mar 11) Pt. 3
The afternoon music class doesn’t go very well at all. Carolina is disruptive and being a brat. She comes up to Camila and renews her question from that morning. Is Camila going out with Carlos Gomez Ruiz? Fer intercedes for her. Since Carolina seems to know so much about him already, why doesn’t she tell them who he is. Carolina says he’s her sister’s fiancé. (Pardon here, but I didn’t think there was a ring involved.) Even though Carolina is directing her remarks to Camila, they hit Fer like an arrow piercing her heart. She’s sure Carlos is not lying to her. She must believe him. Fer steps in to help Camila out. Carlos is nobody’s novio. Nun breaks things up before they get further out of hand. Fer and Camila declare the lesson is over.

Meanwhile, Carlos and Felipe are having coffee together. Felipe is so excited. He has a necklace he’s going to give Fernanda that night. She’s agreed to go out with him and he’s going to ask her to be his novia. He’s positive she’s as crazy about him as he is about her. Carlos stares at him. Then sets him straight. Carlos loves Fer and Fer loves Carlos. Felipe says, essentially, so what, these young girls change boyfriends as often as they change their clothes (ok, I said that). Carlos is offended by the insinuation. They are in love and tells Felipe to stay away from her. Fernanda is his and he stalks away. Felipe is more decided than ever to go for broke. This isn’t going to end here, for sure.

Fer takes solace in her violin. What if it’s true and he is Carolina's sister's novio. No, she believes in him and the look in his eyes when he tells her he loves her.

Old Fer is troubled by the road he’s taken. Mariana is also troubled. How could her father decide to leave his entire fortune to this bastard. If she’s discovered, Mariana may have to make her “disappear” maybe forever.

Fer is on her way back to school when Pedro sees her. They get a fortunate opportunity to talk calmly about why she’s been lying. She lied because she couldn’t risk not being allowed to go out and meet him. Yes, she’s in love with him and he with her. Yes, they were on their way home when Amelia caught them, but they weren’t doing anything wrong. It was only a goodnight kiss. Pedro is taking this pretty well. He finds out who the young man is, just as Carlos shows up at the gates of the school calling Fernanda’s name. He approaches them and says he has something important to ask her. Fer introduces him to Pedro. They shake hands. Pedro tells Fer to go back to school. He and this young man have a lot to talk about.

Amelia is at her quesadilla stand with Lupe helping out. She brings her up to date. She’s so much more animated now than she has been in a long time. She asked Pedro for a divorce. She knows for sure, after what happened last night, she will never love him. Then she reprises all her reasons.

Luis picks that moment to be driven by the stand and has Chicho stop the car. He saw that woman who is the girl’s mother and is going to confront her. She’s going to hear him. He picks his way over the railroad tracks as Amelia goes to wash up some plates. She’s kneeling with her back to Luis when she hears HIS voice, “Señora.”

(I wish I had the fortitude and the time to translate every word of dialog and describe all the nuances in detail, for my own benefit as much as for others, but I just can’t)

ANITA you are hitting a home run with every recap, thanks so much for the time and dedication.

I wonder how much more they can make us dislike Amelia? Wonder if she is going to get her wish and transform into a rich society lady who moves back into the Altamirano mansion?
Saw Lisette Morellos in La Impostora and she is certainly showing more range in this role, although the character is beaucoup annoying. I'm still enjoying, but waiting for TOFIE to identify the exact moment it heads over the cliff!

J in Oregon


Anita, you just keep cranking out these masterpieces, covering everything oh so well! Thank you for your dedication to this project.

Amelia is really starting to get on my nerves. In no way do I agree with a guy forcing himself on a woman, but the logistics and probabilities of lying next to each other for 19 years without anything at all ever happening seem very unlikely. I also didn't like Amelia jumping all over Fer for a simple good night kiss, and immediately accusing her of having gone to bed with the guy. I'll bet she goes into orbit if she ever finds out about the kayak.

Felipe is another jerk. His laser ray insistence on pursuing Fer regardless of what facts are presented to him display an ugly side of his personality. I agree with you that this will not end well. I think he will figure out a way to get Fer to take the necklace, then point this out to Carlos as proof that she is two timing him.

What kind of a household did Isabela and Carolina grow up in? Both turned out to be thoroughly unlikeable people. If I were dealing with someone like Isabela, I would state my intentions, then make it a point to not come within 500 feet of her.

Mariana wiped her husband's kiss off just like Amelia did. A couple of real problem women.

Luis thinks he is going to use his wealth and position to overwhelm Amelia, He is walking into a buzzsaw.

Thanks again, Anita.


J in Oregon--Amelia has a lot to learn if she does get to move back into the mansion.

First: she'd be moving in as a single person. She'll surely not let Pedro come with her, nor would Old Fer have him, whether or not he learns Pedro is not her bio-dad. I don't see Fernanda wanting to leave Pedro.

Second: she left when she was a wild child of 18, spending her time playing with Pedro. She probably met Luis somewhere near her prepa, since he was already a law student--or about to be, which means he was already finished college. She has no idea how to be a "society lady," let alone a high society lady.

Third: as Pedro told her, money doesn't guarantee happiness. Just take a look at Mariana's life. Dry as a bone. It will bring her more problems than she's had up to now.

Fourth: Luis is probably not going to look at her twice. He's got leggy, blonde, young Andrea to play with. If he does try to start things up again with Amelia, it will be to get as close as he can to that fortune that's hanging over Fer's head.

Fifth: She's just not in very good shape--and I don't mean just her figure, but she ought to work on that and a new hairstyle at the same time. May she and Marissa can sign up at Isy's spa-academy at the same time. She needs to work on her attitude. Having a father and a nanny who welcomes her back in the home won't be enough.

I could go on. Thanks for the encouragement. Remember, I won't be recapping all this coming week.

David--Thanks for checking in. Your comments are so valid. We've been left somewhat confused over Amelia and Pedro's sleeping arrangements since the beginning. One time we saw him sleep on the floor. Another time Amelia said she was tired of keeping his mattress under her bed so people would think they slept together. And the last time, he took his bedding and blanket and went to a different room. I thought their cottage only had two sleeping rooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen-dining. Pretty sad, but it's a lovely setting.

The one cliché I wish they would get rid of because it's so patently obviously obvious, is the cuts in Pedro's t-shirts, Fernanda's tops and Amelia's sweaters. In close-ups, they look like someone took scissors and snipped them--which they probably did. OK, we know they are "poor" but not THAT poor. All those white t-shirts Amelia took off the laundry line were in perfect condition.

How poor can they be? Fer has a scholarship. Pedro has his own business, which seems to be flourishing. Amelia contributes to the family income. Their house is furnished with the essentials. They have food. As our Dr. Carlos would say, Next!

Felipe is a jerk. I love how his mind works. I think you are right. He's going to get Fer to accept the necklace. But first, I'd like to know how he got her to accept going out with him...business? At night?

We left things where Carlos and Pedro are going to have a man-to-man talk and I have a feeling that will turn out in Fernanda's favor. She and Carlos just spent some quality time together. That doesn't say he won't doubt her. Still with some doubts over his bitchy girlfriend--is she or isn't she his official, #1 novia? I guess to balance things, the writers have to come up with something that makes him doubt her. Felipe is poised to provide it.

Then there's Camila. Can't paint her out of the picture yet. She's going to prove to be a schemer, but I can't call her a jerk or a bi*ch.

Under the topic, how poor can they be above, I left out that their cottage is free in exchange for keeping the school grounds landscaped.

Anita, all I can think of when I see Amelia cooking in that little corner is how much grease is on those wooden walls after 18 years of frying!

J in Oreogn

Hi Anita, Thank you so much for the recaps!

Was that a two-person canoe? It looked like Fer and Carlos were pretty close to the water. Good thing they didn't have waves in that lake.

Is the audience supposed to feel sympathetic toward Amelia? I can't feel sorry for her. Pedro is too handsome and sweet, and Fer is the perfect daughter.

Things were very different a generation ago. My mother was an unwed mother whose parents gave her a one-way ticket to Alaska. That didn't bring her down though. As soon as I was born, she went right to work and saved up enough money for an airline ticket back to the South. I was told that my father had died in a car crash, but my mom was never bitter. She was quite the opposite of Amelia, thank goodness!

Aleta--Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you and your mother had a loving relationship while you were growing up. We had a similar story in our family, but it was kept secret for decades. For the longest time I thought both my cousins (10 years apart) were children of my uncle. My uncle later said he married my aunt because he fell in love with her 2-year-old daughter. He was a wonderful father to both his children.

What Carlos and Fer were floating around in was a kayak. It certainly looked big enough for two. If, not, they were nestled very close together. Kayaks generally do sit lower in the water than canoes. That way it's a shorter reach to the water with the paddles. (I'm sneaking away from my company for 5 min.!)

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