Monday, March 07, 2016

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, La Querida del Centauro, and Fatmagul: Week of March 7, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, now issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

The novelas currently being covered are the following (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

 noon   -   Fatmagul
 8 PM  - ¿Quién es Quién?
 9 PM  -  Eva la Trailera
10 PM -  La Querida del Centauro**

**La Querida del Centauro is approaching the end of its run.  On Monday, March 28, it will be replaced by El Señor de los Cielos ∞ (well, a slight's actually El Señor de los Cielos 4).

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since we all share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find their way around.
Telemundo is also re-broadcasting the hit telenovela La Reina del Sur on Saturdays and Sundays from 6-8 PM (EST & PST, 5-7 PM CST).  For the moment, all the capítulos are also available on Telemundo's web site.  Some discussion and occasional recaps from the original broadcast can be found here.

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Hmmm...I just took a look at the cover page for this "Thursday" edition, and I was a little disappointed to see that it's not clear that "El Señor de los Cielos ∞" is "El Señor de los Cielos {INFINITY}." The infinity sign looks like a smudge on the screen. Or perhaps two eyes. Or a tired 8.


Juanita thank you for posting the page. I see your OCD is getting the better of you.


:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

I've noticed that Sofia Lama is in "Eva la Trailera"!

Yes, Steve, according to the cast list, she plays Betty, the nasty fiscal who prosecuted Eva.

FATMAGUL: Turkish Episode #61/U.S. #64, Monday, 3/7/16

Part 1- Hoopla in the Hospital:
Fatmagul visits Kerim in intensive care. He can still barely speak, but he pleads with her not to go. The ICU nurses are strict about their rules, so Fatma goes to hold vigil outside the room, and stare through the glass at her husband. Fahrettin gets word that since there is a witness (Serdar) who places Mustafa somewhere else, and no prints, the police have let Mustafa go. Kerim can tell from their faces that something bad is happening, but Fatma mouths to him that all is well to calm him down.

At another hospital, Mustafa goes to see his mother’s body in the morgue, while Hacer and Sami wait. He has a vision/dream of speaking to his mother one last time, in a snowy forest. “Mama, I’m dirty/tainted. I stained my hands with blood…I gave my hand to Fatmagul’s enemies. Vural was an accident. But I wanted to kill Kerim for stealing the life that should have been mine. Forgive me for not being the son you deserved. Forgive me for not being there when you needed me.” He exits, and puts on a good show for Sami and Hacer. Sami will help with the process for transferring Halide’s body to Ildir. Mustafa almost appears to be a caring husband when he kisses Hacer on the forehead and tells her to go home and rest. He claims he wants to spend more time with his mother’s body, but as soon as Sami and Hacer leave, he asks a hospital admin how he can track down a hospitalized friend—Kerim Ilgaz.

At Kerim’s hospital, Meryem and Kadir have just left; Fahrettin is taking a nap in Kerim’s old room; Fatma is having lunch with one of the nurses in the staff kitchen; and Kerim is asleep in the ICU. Mustafa finds this perfect opportunity to slip into the ICU when the last nurse leaves Kerim alone. Kerim wakes up to see a menacing and deranged looking Mustafa, standing over him, in mid rant. “You took everything that was mine, Kerim. You took everything, and I’ll never forgive you! It’s your fault my mother died! It’s your fault I couldn’t be with her.”

Fahr is up and looking for Fatma when he sees the curtains have been drawn in the ICU. He alerts a nurse and they are both alarmed to find Mustafa hovering over Kerim. Fahr drags Mustafa away from his son, demanding to know what he’s doing there. Then he b*tch slaps Mustafa to the other side of the room. (LOL!) Fatma arrives and runs to Kerim’s side protectively. Unfortunately, neither the slap nor the two security guards trying to drag him away are enough to keep Mustafa from launching into the most self-serving, delusional, bullsh*t speech in history. He addresses both Kerim and Fahr.

“I couldn’t be with my father or my mother. I’ll never forgive you for that! I didn’t shoot your son. If I wanted to kill him, I would have done it while he was sleeping. I would have done it the first time, when he hurt Fatmagul. My only crime was going into his room without permission. You accused me of having shot him, while my mother was dying. My mother died thinking I, her son, was a killer! Kerim! I didn’t shoot you, you hear me! Keep protecting your son who ruined my life. He stole my life from my hands! He’s the one who snatched my future from me, and I’ll NEVER forgive him!”

Then he directs the rest of his verbal diarrhea at Fatma: “My mother begged your forgiveness before she died, but I didn’t get the chance to ask her forgiveness… Do you think you’re the only one who is suffering? I’VE SUFFERED MORE THAN ANYONE! You have Kerim. He has his mother and his father, and many others. But I have no one. Neither my mother nor my father.” And with that, and a bunch of self-pitying tears, he finally leaves.

FATMAGUL: Part 2- Kerfuffle in the Kitchen:
Later, at Casa Kadir, Fatma gets ready to go back to the hospital with homemade food for Kerim, and discusses the Mustafa incident with Kadir and Mukaddes. She, like Fahrettin, still thinks Mustafa shot Kerim. Kadir agrees. Mukaddes, however, is on Team Mustafa and is sure he didn’t do it. “That man loves you… He still living in the past… Your luck has been much better than his.” Fatma shoots daggers at her with her eyes, and Mukaddes wonders if she’s wrong. “Of course not!,” says Fatma, “At the end of the day, it’s all your fault.” We are then treated to the second most self-serving, delusional, bullsh*t speech in history, from Mukaddes this time.

“What an ingrate you are. You should be thanking me! If Mustafa hadn’t turned his back on you, you’d be married to him right now, living in a little house, looking out to the sea waiting for him. But now you live in Istanbul. And you live in a house you could have never even imagined. You have your own restaurant. What more could you want? How many women in the world have as much luck as you do?”

Fatma looks like she’s trying hard not to issue her own serving of b*tch slaps. “Are you saying that I should be happy about what happened? That I should be thanking God for everything we’ve been through? Is that it? I have nothing to say to you! You should be ashamed!”

Kadir jumps in to back Fatma up. “How could you think that way? Being a woman? Being a mother and a wife? I can’t believe it! How could you interpret in that way the suffering Fatmagul has been through? You disappoint me. It’s only thanks to her strength that Fatmagul is still standing. Thanks to her fight, she’s survived with her head held high. She didn’t let evil triumph, and the restaurant is a symbol of her brave efforts.”

Is Mukaddes shamed at all? Hell no! Instead, she tries to take shared credit for the success of the restaurant. Fatma graciously acknowledges her efforts, but points out that Mukaddes is always quick to disregard others’ efforts. Mukaddes isn’t fazed by this bit of truth. She continues on.

“You wouldn’t have married Kerim, if it weren’t for me! I convinced you. Thanks to me, you’re married. I stopped him when he wanted to leave. I convinced him to accept the Yasaran money. I told him that you needed it. We all fought in this battle! I also had to give up my life!”

Fatmagul responds, “But I never wanted to have a different life. I had never thought of living in a different place. It was never my dream to have a house in Istanbul. I could have waited all my life for Mustafa. All my life looking out at that sea. Listen to me. If there is still even a bit of love in me for Mustafa, may God separate me from my brother. This incident showed me the real face of Mustafa, the real face of everyone! I was able to meet Kerim. Yes, it was that incident that allowed me to meet him. Now we’re together, and it’s because I’ve gotten to know him. But in spite of all that, I would give up everything I have to be able to take back even one second of what I lived that night!”

Rahmi has come into the kitchen for the last part of this argument, and takes his sister in his arms. He tells her not to take anything Mukaddes says seriously, and that he loves her.

Over in Yasaran-land, Perihan notes that Resat has found what he needed to emerge from his depression, when she sees him flirting with the new neighbor and her dog. She’s right. Soon, he’s plotting with the rest of the Y-Men how to get one over on Ender with the hydroelectric project. At the office, the news of Mustafa being free has spread to the other Yasaran men and Munir, and they panic about Mustafa being on the loose and gunning for them. Ender and Meltem pick up on their panic and question if the Yasaran didn’t shoot Kerim themselves, and tried to frame Mustafa. They are warned once again by Selim and Erdogan to not be so trusting of Mustafa—he’s dangerous. Ender is more concerned by what she sees as Selim’s obsession with Meltem and tells her so. Meltem tells her not to worry.

Later that night in a club, the Yasaran boys once again show us why any woman should stay clear of them. They whine about being tired of living like sacred rats Then Erdogan sees Dr. Nil enter with a guy. He goes up to them and makes a scene, as if she’s his girlfriend and cheating on him. He even gets grabby with her. Nil’s date is very confused, and she is very shaken. The Yasaran boys laugh all the way out the door. Jerks!

In the hospital, Meryem is with Kerim. He’s in deep thought remembering the Whuppin’ in the Wildflowers, when Mustafa shot him and threatened to kill him. He remembers Fatma telling Mustafa that she had forgiven him (Mustafa), and that she no longer hated him. Kerim tells Meryem that Fatmagul hasn’t forgiven him yet.
M: Of course she has. Hasn’t she told you?
K: No. I’ve never asked.
M: But she told you that she loves you?
Kerim confirm this, but tells Meryem about the two Kerims thing. She loves one of them, but not the other one, and she hasn’t forgiven that one- the Kerim of the past. Meryem asks, “Have YOU been able to forgive the Kerim of the past?” Clearly Kerim has not.

Later that night, Fatma is once again holding vigil in Kerim’s room, as she tries to study for her exams the next day. Her eyes can barely stay open. Kerim asks if she’s ok, and encourages her to go home to sleep since she’s exhausted. She’s not going anywhere. She lets him know that his father left two bodyguards at the door so that no one unauthorized can get in. Kerim laments what happened with Mustafa’s mom. He understands the pain of not being with one’s mother in her last moments. Fatma points out that it isn’t their fault—they couldn’t have known. “This thing between me and Mustafa will never end. I’ll never forget that he was your first love, and he’ll never forget that he turned his back on you.”

Fatma is sure that they’ll all eventually forget and get on with their lives, but Kerim isn’t. “You both were never able to live out your dream. You’ll never know how things would have turned out if none of this had happened. You two will never be able to forget. It will always be someplace in your minds.” Fatma just wants to look forward.

Fatma packs up her books for the night, and urges Kerim to get some sleep (he’s just been staring at her and having fantasies about her sleeping at his side). They both tell each other how much they love the other. Then Kerim asks Fatma to lie down beside him—just for five minutes. She shyly hesitates, but does so. She’s trying to control her rapidly beating heart and breath, as Kerim looks over at her and inhales the scent of her hair. “I feel the ocean breeze from your hair. It’s your aroma, Fatmagul.” Later that night as she lies on the couch across the room, Fatma looks at Kerim and smiles, before drifting off to sleep.

Fahrettin has spent the day since Mustafa was freed in Ildir with Mumtaz, dragging the truth out of Serdar. They get Serdar to admit that Mustafa did not arrive in Ildir when he said. Sedar tells them and the police chief everything. The chief and Fahr are right there at the cemetery when Mustafa buries his mom. Mustafa is livid. “Could you stop being egotistical one moment and respect my pain?” After the burial, he makes his revised statement to the cops. This time he claims he was with his lover during those missing days, and of course didn’t want his wife to find out. In flashback, we see Hacer and Sami telling him that their prostitute friend Suna will back him up as his alibi and pretend to be his lover. They had suspected that Serdar would spill the beans. Fahr thinks this is all a bunch of lies, and is determined to prove it.

A few days later, Fatma is in a therapy session. She tells the therapist that she ended up failing her exam, but she knows she’ll be prepared next time. She mentions that Mustafa proved his innocence, although there were many inconsistencies in his story. “Maybe he did cheat on his wife. He’s changed a lot. Now nothing surprises me. Maybe he was always this way, and I just didn’t realize.”

“I think about his mother and what she told me. I ran to Mustafa that day. I needed his support, but he burned down my house. I even remember the smell. Something that belonged to me was destroyed. As if I myself were being burned. That smell seared my lungs. Desperation or disillusion doesn’t even begin to describe it. Fatmagul was burned there that day. And even so, I called out to Mustafa. I was devastated. I was in a void looking for something to cling to, and Halide stopped me. She told me, “Get out of my son’s life. You’ve turned to ashes.” But it looks like she couldn’t get me out of her mind. She asked for my forgiveness.”

The therapist asks if the wounds from Mustafa’s abandonment still hurt. “No. At times I wonder if Mustafa was always like this. A person who takes advantage of the misfortune I lived that night. Maybe he wouldn’t have changed if this hadn’t happened. Maybe we would have continued on with our lives.”

Fatma does not agree with Mustafa that Kerim stole their future. “The innocence of all of us was stolen that night.” In the past when she would read about rapes in the paper, or see it in the movies, it would terrify her. She never thought it could happen to her. But it did. It also caused her to cross paths with Kerim. “It was an accident that he was there with the others that night. Just like me. Or at least, that’s what I want to believe.”

Fatma describes the happiness of having Kerim back in the house. The therapist asks if they’ve had another intimate moment like the one they had that night in the hospital. Fatma gets nervous. She claims there wasn’t anything sexual about that encounter—that she lay down beside him out of compassion because he was injured. “Kerim asked you to lay beside him, and you were able to. It was a big step, don’t you think? And your body didn’t oppose it…What you experienced during the rape was savagery. But you need to separate the two things. There is no place for savagery in a healthy and normal relationship. You need to understand that in your sexual life with your husband, there won’t be anything that you don’t want. He can only touch your body when YOU want him to, and only with your consent.” Fatma shuts down the conversation, saying it’s too soon to speak about this.


Meryem is waiting for her in the reception area, and they make an appointment for Kerim’s 1-on-1 session for February 15th instead of February 14th, the day Meryem and Kadir are getting married—Valentine’s Day! Fatmagul overrules Meryem’s idea for wearing a black dress (as befitting a woman of her age, she thinks). They go shopping for a winter white wedding outfit. Meanwhile, Kerim and Kadir make the arrangements for the honeymoon, and firmly tell Mukaddes that no, she can’t go on honeymoon with them. (Good Lord!)

Fahr is still on the hunt for truth and justice. He tracks down Suna, pretends to be a john, then questions her if she has a boyfriend or a lover. She says she doesn’t. Then he asks about another working girl he used to hire- Asu. Turns out she’s Suna’s good friend. Fahr accuses Suna of being in cahoots with Asu/Hacer and Mustafa to create a false alibi. Suna gets out of there fast.

Things keep falling into place for Mustafa. A 52 year old vagrant, who rifled through the trash where Mustafa dumped the items from the cabin, the gun cartridges, and the gloves, has died of hypothermia with these items on him. He had also been in a mental institution prior. The police decide he was the shooter. Case closed. Fahr is the only one not convinced, and Kerim gets ticked off that he can’t just let it go. “Are you disappointed that it wasn’t one of your enemies?.. Let’s stop speaking about Mustafa!”

Mustafa gets downright cocky. He’s cleared of suspicion in Kerim’s shooting. Meltem and Ender have brought him on to work at the company—really, just to make the Yasaran nervous (they are). He plans on using M&E to free himself of the Yasaran, and make some big money. He brags to Hacer, “Knowing that I’m so important to people, makes me feel better. Soon we’ll be totally free.” Hacer isn’t fooled. She wants to know why he shot Kerim. “For Fatmagul? You still love her. You don’t want to accept that she’s Kerim’s wife.” Mustafa lies that he didn’t do it, but Hacer isn’t buying it. She tells him that she won’t tell anyone though. He gets a call from Munir, and goes running. Munir and Resat are wating in a van in the parking garage. They invite Mustafa to join them to talk business, then drive off. Fahr sees all.

In Casa Kadir, Meryem and Fatma show off what they bought to the family. A lovely two-piece, white suit for Meryem, with accessories. A dark suit for Kadir. And there’s something else that Fatma bought for herself. She pulls it out of the bag, and Kerim’s face lights up. “I bought fabric for my wedding dress. I’ll sew my own dress, and wear it when I’m ready.”

-End of episode.

EVA LA TRAILERA – LUNES – Parte 1 de 3

Lo de Viernes Pablo tells Pancho that Andrés is a criminal. We again see Evencio booted out of Carmen’s condo. We see Adriana running and hiding in Las Vegas, while Andy searches for her.

Pablo has arrived at the Las Vegas hotel room the same time as the police who were called about the blood in the room. He finds Adriana’s cell in the bathroom and says someone went out the window.

Federica and Martín talk some more in the prison visiting room. He finds out that her daughter-in-law is named Layla. [I’m not crazy about this actress. She’s very one-note. She played the same self-effacing martyr in Dama y Obrero.] Anyway, what counts is that Martín likes her! He kisses her hand before he leaves.

While they’re talking in the visiting room we see another as yet unknown prisoner finding out she’s lost custody of her children. She becomes hysterical after the social worker tells her this. First she tries to climb over a wire fence to escape. Then she climbs up to some high place and plans to throw herself off.

Why is there always a nasty, sadistic woman guard in telenovelas? Eva wants to go up and talk the woman (Emilia) out of jumping. This guard says she’s going to jump anyway and Eva doesn’t need to get in trouble again. However, the warden has come up behind them and gives Eva permission to try.

Adriana finds drugs in her backpack, but no money. She is in a little store putting some fruit in her pack when the storeowner catches her. He’s going to call the cops, but relents and lets her have the fruit.

Eva tells Emilia that her two daughters were also taken from her. But she says that Emilia’s children would bear the guilt all their lives if she jumped.

Martín and Jota Jota come to the fancy house where Federica’s nuera Layla lives. There’s a cute conversation where JJ says his job description keeps changing. Martín talks him into climbing over the fence, though. He has a camera with a long lens and sees said Layla go into the pool in the nude. She’s then joined by a guy we find out is the chauffeur. [I can’t remember why Federica cares that Layla has a lover.]

After Eva gets Emilia down the evil witch guard wants to take Emilia to solitary, but the warden is kind and sends her to the infirmary. He also thanks Eva.

Pablo and Bobby have been talking to a guy he calls the captain sometimes and sometimes Don Chava. When Pablo and Bobby are on their way out, this guy tells them he’ll have his guys on the lookout for Adriana. [Boy, his yard sure looks green and lush for Las Vegas! Miami, of course.]

EVA LA TRAILERA – LUNES – Parte 2 de 3

Cinthia calls Bobby and orders him to come home. He hangs up on her. Cinthia rants at Robert, who then – in a big non sequitur – says he’s going to fix Pancho but good.

Soraya and Fabiola have bonded. Bertha is amazed that Fabi lets Soraya touch her, as she usually doesn’t like that. Marlacula comes home and sees the three of them together. When Bertha and Fabi come inside, Marlene orders them to have nothing to do with that malnacida. [I was wondering about all the animus, but then I remembered that Soraya punched her!] Bertha tells her that slavery is over and any orders about Fabiola would have to come from Armando.

Eva visits Emilia in the prison infirmary and tells her that this was the second time she saved someone. [We see the sad day when Eva and Armando get Marlene down from her noose. If only they had known!]

Adriana’s big solution to her problem of wandering the street with no money is to swallow a lot of pills. Just then the captain calls Pablo and tells him Adriana was seen at a place stealing food.

Marlene gripes to Armando about Bertha and Fabi. She says that Fabi is in bad shape, a bit crazy. She recommends putting the kid in the booby hatch. Armando explodes. Then she suggests a psychologist. She just happens to know the best one in the country. [Probably went to the same university as her great lawyer Silva.]

Andy the Asqueroso calls his sister from the Guest House. She pretends it’s a wrong number. Before Marlene can ask Andy anything, Armando rushes in. ¿Que hace aquí este gusano sin mí hija? He grabs him by the lapels

Eva wakes up in her bunk and hears Adriana calling for her. Said Adriana is mostly passed out under a bridge and some creep starts touching her. Just in time Pablo shows up. [At last the Adriana ordeal is over for Viewerville!] She’s delirious and calls Pablo a traitor. He calls Bobby to come and take over.

Armando shakes AA like a rat asking him what he did with his daughter. Marlene separates them. AA says he doesn’t know where she is. He points to the “ouchy” on the back of his head and says that she did it. He goes on to tell Adriana’s father that she got aggressive, asking him for drugs. And, when he refused, she bashed him with something. Armando is not buying this story.

AA risks his skin by asking Armando this: “If you love your daughter so much, why’d you throw her out of the house?” He says that Adriana is a killer like her mother. He gets a half slap, half punch for this. Armando threatens him and tells Marlene he wants him out and right now.

EVA LA TRAILERA – LUNES – Parte 3 de 3

Adriana is in the hospital and will be staying overnight. Bobby stays with her. [Only in LA, I guess, do guests get to stay in the patient’s room.]

After Armando leaves AA tells Marlene what happened. That he thought she’d taken the pill but apparently not. And he also tells her that Adriana accused him of working with her, Marlene, to harm her mother.

Bobby calls Soraya and tells she and Pancho that they’re like parents to him.

Pablo tells his father over the phone that he’s going to take Adriana to see her mother. Hmmm. I got a feeling something will prevent that.

Marlene keeps trying her luck with Armando. She tells him she can’t believe her “sweet Adriana” is now an addict. Armando tells her to shut up. He tells her something isn’t adding up. “What’s AA been doing since he got out of jail, working, going to school, or do you support him with my money?”

The penny drops. “Of course! He’s using the money I gave my daughter! You know what I think? I think you and your brother are trying to take me for an idiot! Everything’s gone wrong for me since I started up with you. I’m going to find out what happened to my daughter, and if your brother had anything to do with it, you both are going to pay!”

Adriana wakes up and cries, first for her mother and then for her family.

Bobby calls Armando. Armando: “How can you be in Las Vegas with my daughter?” Bobby tells him he came to Las Vegas with Pablo Contreras to look for her. [I don’t think this is going to be a good thing to have said. As evidence, Marlene smirks.]


that was a great recap novelera!

it seems like, if Armando can focus all of his attention on Marlene he can almost keep up with her, (and his good guy comes out) but the moment he gets distracted, (like when Bobby called him and mentioned Pablo), wow, he just spins, and she's off to the races.



wow, this just keeps getting better, two love stories for the price of one, and the supporting actors... loving Connie, Basi, and whether Yesenia or a double did those wrestling moves, that was amazing.


Another great recap! Muchas gracias, novelera. I'm glad that they've finally found Adriana, but on the whole, I found myself unhappy with this capítulo. I don't want bad things to happen to Eva in prison (or anywhere else), but showing her as Saint Eva surrounded by her little group of worshippers is a bit much. And I almost screamed at the TV when Eva wakes up to hear Adriana calling for her, just as Adriana is indeed calling for her. Is there any more tired telenovela cliché? Yes, I know, there surely are, and I fear we may encounter a bunch more before the novela is over.

One thing I enjoyed about last night's episode was the light bulb going off over Armando's head. Alas, Bobby's mentioning Pablo short-circuited the light bulb, but fortunately not before Armando punched AA. I just wish he had hit him harder.



Just saw a typo. Should have been scared rats, not sacred.

My jaw dropped open and stayed that way for a good few seconds after Mustafa had the nerve to tell Fatma and Kerim that he's suffered more than anybody else. Excuse me! His parents died just a little while ago, when he was an adult. And he was estranged from them because of HIS choices to become a lying, murdering weasel. Kerim was abandoned by his father when he was six, and soon after found his mother hanging. Fatma lost both her parents when she was twelve, then spent the rest of her teens at the mercy of her emotionally abusive sister-in-law, got gang raped and basically run out of her town, was abandoned by her fiance, and continues to be harassed by her rapists and their families, in addition to the media. I just cannot fathom how he thinks his suffering is greater.

Eva. Yet another excellent recap, novelera! Eva certainly had some good--and very Hispanic--arguments to keep Emilia from killing herself--especially that Emilia's children would have to live with the shame and social ostracism of having a mother who committed suicide. Eva is a natural leader--it's no doubt one of the reasons she was able to build Mon-Sol into a major trucking company. When Berta stood up to Marlene, I could just see Marlene putting a target on Berta's back--and now she's going after Adriana too. Attempted murder? Or just causing her to run off again somehow? Bobby is such a good kid that I'm starting to think that he's too good for Adriana--but presumably, at some point within the next 90 or so episodes, she's going to undergo a character transformation.


You provided such detail in your recap...hats out to you for taking the time. This was an actioned packed epi and there was a lot to take in.

I had 2 WTF moments. One was MEstafa stating that no one has suffered more than him. It was one thing for him to lie thru his teeth and deny shooting Kerim...but to go on to say how much he's suffered. No way can you compare Fatma's rape and the subsequent events to what he just went thru. He was not physically violated in the worse way imaginable as a woman....and he had the loving care and (mis)guidance of his parents thru adulthood. They were sick and aging and disease took him...and he had time to wrap his mind around this and could at least stand on his two feet. When he lost his parents, he wasn't a vulnerable kid who was then tortured by an uncaring she-wolf pretending to be a caring sister in law.

Second...for that vile nasty Muka to tell Fatma that she was a lucky girl because now she lives in a mansion and has her own business....and a husband...because she got raped. I was in so much disbelief. Muke is so cold and callous. I can't imagine anyone trading being gang-raped for a nice house and a business...or any thing for that matter. Like Fatma said...she did dream of he material possessions that she now has...nor did she dream of a life without MEstafa. While fate and circumstances have given her a few pleasures....she will have to live with and deal with what she went thru for the rest of her life.

I can at least believe that MEstafa is delusional and now realizes what he lost when he turned is back on Fatma. He regrets his cowardly ways and see's Kerim as a road block to winning Fatma back.

But Muka....I don't know what to say about her. She is not human. I don't know what she is ....but she is not human. I wondered how she a woman, mother and relative...sell Fatma out....for a few pennies. But I know...she's just not human.


SpanProf, seeing how quickly Adriana was able to put together the puzzle after seeing the photo of Pablo and Eva on Andy the Asqueroso's phone, and how much she now cares about both her mother and her sister, I think you're right about the character transformation. In fact, in spite of her current drug-addled state, I think the transformation is already starting to occur. However, since Adriana knows so much that could damn AA and even his sister, obstacles to her transformation are likely to appear, at least for a while.


I see a few typos in my reply above...the most important ones being: I meant to say that Fatma did NOT dream of material possession. Also meant to say that aging and disease took THEM...not him ..regarding MEstaffa loosing his parents.



Nett- Both MEstafa and MEkaddes were at their best/worst this episode, that I just had to go into detail with what they both said. And poor Fatma had to listen to both of them spewing their b.s. I'm glad she didn't buy any of it.


Vivi...This is where I wish Rhami was a stronger person. I don't know how much of the kitchen conversation he heard...but he eventually hugs Fatma and tells her not to listen to Muka's nonsense. That's BS. Muka needs to be pimp slapped (I liked how you described this regarding MEstafa) and put in her everyone in that household. Fatma has suffered so much because Rhami is not a strong person. If he could sense that Fatma needed a hug because of Muka's nonsense...then he should sense that he needs to get rid of Muka....I know...I know...he has kids with her.

But so much of Fatma's suffering and lack of support is due to Muka's presence in her life. Like I said before...Forest Gump could have sensed that Muka was bad news.




Juanita, you hit on exactly what is bothering me about Adriana's rescue. Sure, AA is expendable and could be blamed for spending Adriana's money and actually beating her. But the fact that she connected the dots about Marlene have arranged for her mother to be seen kissing Pablo in the movie theater would cause the novela to be over a lot faster when Marlene's plotting is so well known. I have no idea where they're going with this.


Marlene having arranged... Duh!

Eva. Novelera: No te preocupes. I make typos all the time--even with proofreading. I think I may just not see the screen as clearly to proofread as I might.

Hi. I do not watch Telemundo novellas but while flipping through the channels, I noticed that the actresses that play Isabel and Violeta in EHDLS are both in La Querida Del Centauro which oddly enough airs the same time. How is that possible? El Hotel I am pretty sure is a current novela that they are still shooting and have been shooting for well over a couple months now. Is La Querida an older novella shot a while ago and then brought to Telemundo later? Any clarification would be great.


Anon- Yes, both actresses are in both shows, and they are both current, first-run shows. As Centauro is short (44 episodes) and ends soon, it was likely filmed just before filming on Hotel started.


I'll be doing a recap of tonight's episode and expect to have it posted sometime tomorrow morning.


Vivi, fantastic recap of an action packed epi. Tks. Muka needs to be evicted from the house, she is sick with reasoning and is senseless.. It is all about her. Mestafa is a born lire. This guy lies with such ease and speed that it is astonishing. He too is sick and delusional to think that Fatma would take him back. How many ways can she say I DON'T WANT YOU. Love Far.popa bear, don't touch my son.

Anyone know why Tele no longer post epi's of Fatma on Demand ?


Vivi, fantastic recap of an action packed epi. Tks. Muka needs to be evicted from the house, she is sick with reasoning and is senseless.. It is all about her. Mestafa is a born lire. This guy lies with such ease and speed that it is astonishing. He too is sick and delusional to think that Fatma would take him back. How many ways can she say I DON'T WANT YOU. Love Far.popa bear, don't touch my son.

Anyone know why Tele no longer post epi's of Fatma on Demand ?


Brenda- I love Fahr too. He's pushy, but he gets things done. I think I will have to go back to watch that slap again. They even showed the red finger marks across Mestafa's face. Heehee. :)

Not sure why this isn't On Demand, but Telemundo has treated this tns badly in that regard since th beginning.

Thanks Vivi for your clarification. 44episodes seems really really short.

This comment has been removed by the author.


LOL. I thought the slap prints on MEstafa's face was a nice touch by the writers. I laughed out loud at the slap and the prints. I like that this show is attentive to detail but I also know that telemundo is probably cutting some good stuff.

Would have been interesting 2 see how MEstafa explained the prints to Asu.

Brenda....Ive been waiting on Muka to get the boot from the beginning. What more can she do or say...what does it take to get rid of or no kids.



We begin where the previous episode left off, with Bobby calling Armando to let him know that Adriana has been found. Alas, Bobby inadvertently waves the red flag before the bull: he tells Armando that it was really Pablo Contreras who found her. Armando goes ballistic and tells Bobby not to let Pablo near Adriana. Bobby claims he can't hear Armando and hangs up.

Armando continues to fume. Marlene plays him well, fueling his fire by telling him that although Eva is a prisoner, her romance with Pablo obviously continues, and that it was la asesina who told Pablo that Adriana was in Las Vegas. Armando replies that both Marlene and he both know that Eva is not an assassin. At that moment, Marlene hears a noise. Bertha appears and tells her that she came to get a glass of water for Fabiola, but she heard them talking and didn't want to be imprudent. After Bertha goes upstairs, Marlene tells Armando that Bertha probably overheard what they said and that she's a dangerous spy and should leave the house. Armando replies that Fabiola feels comfortable with Bertha, and so she will stay.

Meanwhile, Soraya and Pancho are talking about Bobby. Soraya admits to being nervous about telling Bobby that he's their son. "What if he rejects us?" she asks. "What if he thinks we abandoned him?" She also says that she feels Cinthia's love for Bobby is real. Pancho tries to reassure Soraya that although Bobby will be shocked at first, afterwards he'll be happy that he's our son.

The scene shifts to Las Vegas. The doctor tells Pablo that Adriana has lots of drugs in her system and should really stay and get detoxed. Pablo thinks she'll be better off at home, and he's willing to sign papers saying he takes responsibility for taking her out of the hospital. He promises that as soon as she's back in the house, he'll send her to a rehab center. [I'm confused. As soon as she's home, he'll send her away? Or is the rehab center something she can attend while living at home?]

We now get more of Eva's magical maternal connection to Adriana. She tells Federica that when she was asleep, she dreamed that Adriana was in peril and was calling for her help, but when she woke up, she no longer felt that Adriana was in peril. She has the feeling, or at least the hope, that Adriana will appear. And sure that moment, Federica is called to the visitor's room to see Martin, who comes with news.

Martin arrives with a tiny wild flower for Federica and asks her to call him Martin. He reports the results of his [and JJ's] investigation: her ex-nuera has a lover, and it's someone Federica knows: the chauffeur. Federica says that this is wonderful news, that it proves that what happened to her son wasn't an accident, it was murder. Martin explains that things aren't so simple, and they shouldn't come to hasty conclusions. They should separate the crime for which she's in prison from the mysterious death of her son. However, the fact that her ex-nuera and the chauffeur are lovers should help Federica a lot. The chauffeur's testimony will be invalidated, and she will get out of prison a lot sooner than she imagines. As he is about to leave, Martin asks Federica to tell Eva that Pablo has found Adriana and is taking her back to her house. Federica is ecstatic and impulsively kisses Martin on the cheek. She then backs away and apologizes. The kiss was the only thing she had to thank him with. He replies su beso es moneda de muchos fondos, y me imagino que algunos deben tener muy alta denominación. Federica tells him that they're too old for these kinds of things. He says they're not viejos but rather maduros. Way to go, Martin!



Adriana, still in the hospital, is crying to Bobby that she desperately wants to get out of there. But when Pablo arrives to tell her she can leave with him, Adriana has one of her brain f-rts and tells him she wants nothing to do with him and will not go with him. She has apparently forgotten all the insight she had when she saw the photo of Pablo and her mother on Andy's cell phone. She goes on and on about how he destroyed her family, but finally Pablo points out to her that her father was sleeping with his niece Sofia long before anything happened between Pablo and Eva. Moreover, her father and Marlene are now living together. End of brain f-rt. She now realizes (again) that she and her mother have been used by Marlene and Andy. She shows Pablo the photo of her mother and Pablo on Andy's cell phone.

Federica gives Eva the good news about Adriana. They're both ecstatic.

Marlene has a visitor: Cinthia. Marlene asks what she wants, that Cinthia hasn't spoken with her since Marlene's family fell into ruin. Cinthia explains that she and Marlene are of the same high social class, the same lineage (estirpe), and she wants Marlene's help in purging the neighborhood of her (Cinthia's) disgusting enemy, that low-class choricera. She asks whether Marlene knows anything more about them. Marlene says she doesn't, but surely Soraya has a murky past. "The way that woman dresses and acts doesn't seem to me muy virginal." [Marlene should know] Marlene says that they should investigate, and she knows someone who can do this.

After coming (again) to her senses, thanks to Pablo, Adriana tells Bobby that she married Andy. Bobby is horrified. Married? Drugged? What else? "My parents were right about you!" he says. He says he's changing his plane ticket so he doesn't have to be with Pablo and Adriana, and he storms out of the hospital room.

JJ comes to some house (probably Leila's) with a bouquet of flowers. He claims they're for someone whose name he gives, then changes. The employee who comes to the gate tells him there's no one here by that name., but is he sure the flowers are for that person? Next thing we know, JJ has given her the flowers and has taken her out for pizza--and conversation. He asks her about her employer. "She's having an affair with the chauffeur, right?" No, she says. That was before Señor Sebastian died. He died a cuckold (el pobre murió con los cuernos puestos).

Adriana is upset that Bobby has left in a rage. "I've lost him forever, haven't I?" she says to Pablo. Pablo assures her that he doesn't think so. Adriana also says she feels dizzy and cold. Am I sick? she asks. No, says Pablo, those are a syndrome of abstinence. Adriana accuses him of scolding her. He says he's not scolding nor judging her. She's taken a lot of drugs that have created a dependency, and it will take time to overcome it. She tells him that Andy gave her a lot of pills and forced her to take them.

We next see Andy and Marlene in an apartment Marlene has found for him, since she doesn't want him in her house nor in Armando's. She asks him to offer Mon-Sol's transport services to his contacts. Mon-Sol needs money. Andy also asks her what will happen when Adriana talks with Armando. Marlene assures him that she will do whatever is necessary to prevent that from happening.

While perra Marlene is speaking with Andy, perra Cinthia is speaking with the private detective Marlene has recommended. Cinthia shows him photos of Soraya and Pancho and asks for all information about them, everything about their past. And it's very urgent, she tells him.


Martin meets Pablo and Adriana at the airport and agrees to take Adriana home while Pablo goes to see Eva.

Bobby goes to see Soraya and tells her how angry he is with Adriana. She offers some explanations of what may have led Adriana to do what she did, and then she says "If Jesus could pardon Mary Magdalen, you should be able to forgive Adriana." She goes on to say that all human beings do things they regret, things they are ashamed of. True love knows how to forgive, to understand, to be compassionate, not to punish and to judge.

Martin drives Adriana to her house, but she's reluctant to go in. They leave, and Martin takes her to see Eva.

Bobby arrives home, where Cinthia greets him warmly but Robert makes fun of "all this sentimentality" and tells Bobby he needs to sign some documents. Bobby says "Shouldn't Don Pancho see them first?" No, that's not necessary. Bobby says he doesn't want to sign without reading them, and he leaves the room. Robert laughs, and he claims that Bobby doesn't understand anything about numbers. Cinthia asks Robert why he makes fun of him, why not teach him and support him? (Is it possible that there's hope for Cinthia? Somehow, I doubt it, but stranger things have happened. Looks as if Soraya may have been right about Cinthia's mother love being genuine.)

In her office at Mon-Sol, Marlene is trying to contact Armando. Andy is in the office, and he tells her that his contacts want to talk with the boss of Mon-Sol. She asks him whether he's talking about the kind of deal she thinks he is. Yes, Andy replies, we're talking about bringing vegetable products from the border (I assume that traer productos vegetales de la frontera means transporting marijuana or some other illegal "vegetable product" across the border into the US from Mexico). He also shows her a device he has for tracking Armando through his cell phone. And right now, Armando the women's prison.

Indeed, at the women's prison, Pablo has given up his place on the visiting line to Adriana. Armando arrives and immediately picks a fight with Pablo. Martin tries to separate them, but Armando hits Pablo in the face with his fist. Of course, the guards come at once and take away not just Armando but also Pablo, who hasn't done anything. Only Martin's sucking up to the prison director, whom he has known for many years, gets Pablo released. However, the director refuses his request to see Eva, because of his bad behavior. (Are there no decent and reasonable law enforcement personnel in all of Los Angeles?)

Fortunately Adriana does get to see Eva. They have a loving and tearful reunion. Adriana expresses regret that she didn't listen to Eva when she told her not to have anything to do with Andy. Adriana tells her mother all the horrible things that Andy did to her. Eva is concerned about Adriana's health, and whether she needs drugs. Adriana at first isn't sure, but then she expresses her determination to get better and to do whatever is needed. She asks Eva whether it's true that Armando and Marlene are now lovers. Eva says it is.

Marlene calls Armando on the phone. He tells her he won't be at the office until he returns to the house with his daughter. Uh oh. I guess we'll have to wait until tonight's episode to find out how Marlene will prevent Adriana from telling Armando all that has happened.

Toward the end of their meeting at the prison, Eva tells Adriana that she has to act intelligently. Don't argue with Marlene, don't confront her. Agree with her. Adriana says she doesn't think she can do that. You have to do that, replies Eva. You have to be strong. You have to do this por ti, por mí, por tu hermana, por todas nosotras. Tienes que hacerlo. And thus ends the episode.

Eva. Excellent recap, Juanita. I especially liked your comments about Adriana in the hospital (and obviously Pablo should have left her there) and about the supposed lack of decent and reasonable law enforcement personnel in all of LA. (Oh well, if LA can only afford 1 police station and 1 hospital, maybe it can't afford to hire good personnel! Adriana not confront Marlene? As if! I was happy don Martín didn't drop Adriana off at her house, but it looks as if she'll be going back there anyway. I think that flower Martín brought Federica was Queen Anne's lace, but I'm not sure. Nicely rational explanation on Martín's part about why Leila's affair with the chauffeur might matter, and good evidence gathering by Jota Jota. No doubt he will uncover the whole murdr plot and framing of Federica for assault. I notice that in addition to her other talents Eva is becoming something of a jailhouse lawyer. Pablo and Adriana appear to be bonding, which is good. And speaking of good, Soraya is the most decent person you could possibly imagine! True Jesus-style christianity! Erasmus would be proud of her! Judge not! I hope Bobby turns out to be an ace at interpreting contracts--just to spite Robert Monteverde.



marvelous recap Juanita!
they just kept throwing stuff out there,
and you smoothed out all of the wrinkles, so cool.

so Bobby flips over Adriana's drugs and infidelities, this doesn't look good for when he hears about Soraya's past.

so why does Pablo have Andy's phone and not the L.V.P.D.?

ah, so Marlene's network (also known as the dark side) includes the best of everything like the detective she recommended.

I think Andy downloaded that tracking app onto Marlene's phone, and what's he doing at Mon-Sol, (I think all big trucking companies have a system for tracking all of their trucks).

I don't think Armando knew Adriana was at the prison, I sure hated to see Martin pass her off to him, she's of age, they should have brought her home and got her into rehab, Marlene will have her out of it in no time, and under the "best" care there is, but I can see Eva's thinking, she wants Adriana close to Fabiola.


Muchas gracias, SpanProf and deb, for your kind words about the recap and your excellent comments about the episode. SpanProf, I too would love to see Bobby turn out to be a whiz at business, and especially to recognize what a crock of mierde Robert has been throwing at him.

deb, I hadn't thought about the implications of Bobby's moralistic anger and hurt over Adriana. I fear you're right, his response doesn't bode well for The Revelation by Soraya and Pancho. But if he at first rejects Soraya and Pancho, thus bearing out their fears and predictions, let's hope he will eventually come round, as Pancho has predicted.

FATMAGUL: Turkish Episode #62/U.S. #65, Tuesday, 3/8/16
Part 1: Valentine’s Day and Love (or some twisted version of it) are our themes this episode. So, let’s see how most of our couples spent it, and the aftermath/results. We start this episode at 4:30 AM, February 13th, when Team Fatmagul wakes up to spend the day at the restaurant filling a gazillion orders for heart shaped cakes and cookies, to deliver to lovers all over Istanbul. Kadir and Murat somehow manage to escape restaurant duty, and instead Murat gives Kadir fashion advice for his wedding and honeymoon outfits. The restaurant will be closed the next day, Valentine’s Day, the day Meryem and Kadir get married. A true celebration of their love.

Meryem & Kadir:
The family stays up well past midnight after their long day at the restaurant, to celebrate the wedding with a modified henna night for Meryem, music, singing, dancing, dessert, gifts, and lots of love and happiness. Fatma gifts the couple an embroidered table runner. Rahmi and Mukaddes gift them a gold coin. And Fahrettin, on behalf of the Australian Ilgaz family, gifts them 10,000 Lira ($3,500 US). Everyone is blown away by the amount, but Fahr thinks it’s nothing compared to what he owes Meryem for raising his son. They accept it graciously. Midnight strikes. The couples decide to exchange their Valentine’s Day gifts. Kadir gives Meryem a diamond engagement ring. She gives him an elegant watch.

The next day, Meryem is a nervous wreck as she’s made up at the salon, along with Mukaddes and Fatma. She ends up looking fabulous in her winter white skirt suit, cream coat with white fur collar, and lovely bouquet made by Fatma. Kadir can’t take his eyes off her. But her nerves aren’t calmed until Kadir’s in-laws call them while M&K are on the way to the civil hall. They wish them well, lament that they can’t be there, and tell Meryem that Kadir is like a son to them, and so now she is like a daughter to them and can count on them. Meryem, like Kadir, is moved to tears. Their friends are already waiting in the civil hall when they arrive. Fatma, Kerim, and Omer are their witnesses, and all enthusiastically say “I do” and sign the registry. Meryem Aksoy is now Meryem Pakalın.

M&K immediately head off for their honeymoon. He carries his bride across the threshold, and all the way to their suite’s rose strewn bedroom. “Welcome to my life again, Meryem Aksoy Pakalin. My love, my beloved, my everything.” Things get warm quickly-- they spend the afternoon and evening dining, slow dancing, looking into each other’s eyes, and making love. The next morning, they stroll hand-in-hand, laugh and embrace, and Meryem gets Kadir to recite some of his love poetry. Not even a call from Mukaddes can break through their haze of love.
Valentine’s Day Grade: A++

Mukaddes & Rahmi:
During the gift exchange at midnight, Mukaddes gets excited because the box Rahmi presents her is bigger than all the others everyone else got. She opens it expectantly and finds…a stuffed green parrot toy. LOL! Rahmi turns it on, and has Mukaddes speak. It parrots back her words and voice to her. She, and Murat, love it. Of course Mukaddes would love to hear her own voice! She kisses Rahmi on the cheek and tells him that’s just the down payment on what she’ll give him later that night. Hint, hint. M&R spend the next evening alone in the house with their kids, having a rather happy and peaceful (save for the parrot) evening.
Valentine’s Day Grade: B

Erdogan & The Sexcretary:
Erdogan has been seducing Meltem and Ender’s stupid secretary. He spends the night with her at her place. They eat strawberries and drink champagne in bed. He convinces her that all he wants is for this business takeover (which should take 6 months) to be over, so that he can take his money, retire from business life, clear his name, and declare publicly and to his mama that SHE is the woman he loves. She eats up this b.s., and spills more secrets than he already found by searching through her laptop. Erdogan is able to learn about the hydroelectric deal set to close in March, which will actually accelerate the takeover. Ender and Meltem later learn that the Yasaran know about the hydroelectric deal, and wonder if Mustafa might be the mole, since Fahr warned them Mustafa is still working for the Yasaran. They decide to keep an eye on him, and even feed him false info. In the meantime, Erdogan sends their secretary a showy, but anonymous Valentine’s Day flower arrangement at the office.
Valentine’s Day Grade: C for Effort/ F for Intent

Perihan & Resat:
Resat has a new spring in his step this Valentine’s Day, but it has nothing to do with his wife, Perihan. He spends Valentine’s Day with Lale, his new blonde neighbor. Turns out she’s well connected and a tough businesswoman. He hires her to help him connect with various ministers and important people, to steal the hydroelectric deal out from under Ender. They head to Ankara to meet some of these people, and apparently it all goes well. He flirts with her and tells her what a wonderful coincidence it was for her to move next door. She keeps things strictly business, and tells him there are no coincidences, just opportunities. Perihan observes them, then invites Lale over to breakfast. Resat is NOT happy to see his wife and intended future conquest together, but he sucks it up and sits down with them for Valentine’s Day breakfast.
Valentine’s Day Grade: D

Hacer & Mustafa:
Mustafa spends his days in the office obsessing over Fatmagul, doing web searches of all the articles on her case, and looking at all the pictures of her, with and without Kerim. Hacer goes to visit him at the office, and he’s less than welcoming. He practically kicks her out. After work, he stalks Fatmagul. He stands outside of her house, in the cold, staring at the upstairs windows, where the sounds of the family’s pre-wedding/Valentine’s celebration can be heard. He starts to cry, but he doesn’t take his eyes from the window until a worried Hacer calls. He finally goes home, where he starts to drink and stare out into space. Hacer looks on forlornly. She finally decides to ask him why he changed his mind about them fleeing. Is it because he has some crazy fantasy about getting Fatma back? The alcohol has loosened Mustafa’s tongue, and he lets his crazy flag fly. He tells his WIFE, Hacer, that he knows Fatma still loves him and she hates Kerim. When Hacer points out that Fatma loves and has Kerim now, and he has her and baby Murat, he tells her that he will not let her name the baby Murat, because the was supposed to be the name of the child he had with Fatmagul. Hacer looks like she’s been kicked in the gut, and goes to cry in the bedroom.

The next morning, a sober Mustafa wakes Hacer with a bunch of roses, breakfast, and an apology for speaking “more than I should have.” Hacer remains stonily silent. She remains pensive the rest of the day, until she tries to call Fatma (she’s off enjoying the wedding and Valentine’s Day) on her cell phone and at the restaurant. At the office, when Meltem asks him what surprise he has for his wife for Valentine’s Day, Mustafa says he’s going home early—that’s the surprise. Then, when Meltem says she has no plans, he offers to do something with her. She has enough sense to turn married Mustafa down.
Valentine’s Day Grade: F-


Fatmagul & Kerim:
Fatma’s 4:30am alarm on Feb 13th wakes her from a wonderful dream. She dreams she and Kerim are in bed together, facing each other. Kerim is fast asleep as Fatma gazes at him. She reaches out, puts her hand to his heart, and then cuddles close to him, putting her head against his chest. She wakes with a smile on her face, and throughout the whole day can’t help but give her husband adoring looks, which he returns. During the celebration with the family, she gives him a Valentine’s Day gift—a new wedding band to replace the one cut off in the hospital. She had them engrave her name, as it was in his old band. But the real surprise it that she’s had HIS name engraved into her band too. He kisses her cheeks appreciatively, while whispering his thanks in her ear. He tells everyone, when they ask, that his gift for her will be ready tomorrow.

After the wedding, Kerim secretly confers with Mehmet. The surprise for Fatmagul will be in the restaurant later. But in the meantime, he’s taking her off for the day and they’ll be out late. F&K head to the city center, to the busiest avenue in Istanbul. Fatma remembers the first time she was on that street, when she and Kerim just arrived from Ildir. Kerim takes her hand, and she tells him how terrified she was the first time they walked that street—it’s like all of Istanbul is out at the same time. Kerim suggests that for the rest of the day, they pretend to be just like any other ordinary people their age. Fatma happily agrees.

They go to a café, where they pretend to be meeting each other for the first time, and flirt. They people watch, and make up stories about the people they see. Fatma teases Kerim that he likely took Kristen to the outdoor restaurant area they visit. He doesn’t deny it. They go to a dance club, something Fatma has likely never experienced before. She drinks it all in and smiles. A romantic song comes on, and as all the other young couples slow dance and kiss, Kerim puts his arm around Fatma and draws her close to him. She puts her hand and head to his chest, just as in her dream. They both close their eyes and sway to the music. The final stop is the restaurant, where Mehmet has lit colorful votive candles throughout, and then makes himself scarce. Fatma hears a whining sound coming from the corner, and Kerim turns around holding an adorable golden puppy. Fatma squeals with delight, then takes her fur baby into her arms. Kerim explains that his name is Lodos, his mother was killed in a car accident and he and his siblings were taken to the animal shelter. Fatma gives Kerim a heartfelt hug and thanks him.

F&K get home to a quiet house. As they remove their scarves and shoes, Fatma says she doesn’t want the day to end, and thanks Kerim again, saying what a special day it was. They look deep into each other’s eyes, and the romantic song from the club starts up again. Kerim leans down, Fatma closes her eyes and melts into a long and gentle kiss. Fatma is in a daze as she makes her way upstairs. Kerim can’t believe what just happened, but he’s darned happy about it.
Valentine’s Day Grade: A++

The Morning After:
Fatma can’t stop singing. Kerim can’t stop smiling. Mukaddes knows something’s up, and guesses correctly that they kissed. Fatma refuses to kiss and tell. Fatma, Kerim, Rahmi and Murat head to the restaurant so that Murat can meet Lodos (he’ll live in the restaurant with Mehmet until he’s older) before school. Fatma coos at her fur baby, and listens to her messages from her cell phone that she forgot in the diaper bag all the previous day. She hears a message from Hacer, asking to speak to her. She doesn’t return the call, but she doesn’t need to because Hacer is pulling up in Sami’s taxi. Sami asks if Hacer is sure this time about leaving Mustafa. She says she’s sure.

Fatma is not happy to see Hacer, and she doesn’t want to speak with her. But finally, she lets her sit and talk. Mehmet, meanwhile, texts Kerim as he drops Murat off at school, and tells him about Hacer’s arrival. Hacer drops a bombshell on Fatma. “Mustafa still loves you, and thinks you love him. He shot Kerim, and he killed Vural…The life of Mustafa is now in your hands, Fatmagul.”

-End of episode.



Nett- I don't think Mustafa feels the need to explain anything to Hacer. She might was well be a piece of furniture.


Vivi...appreciate another entertaining and thorough recap from you. I liked the grades you gave the couples for creative.

I wanted to shake Asu for laying all that heavy load on Fatma at the end of the epi. She's finally decided to stop playing the fool so she decides to tell Fatma the truth and leave the burden of what to do about him to Fatma. Asu should have gone to the police with this or kept her mouth shut...instead she wants to leave this moral dilemma to Fatma. I don't feel sorry for her...just irritated by her stupidity for long...even though the writing was on the wall early on...she staid with him. MEstafa found a doormat in Asu and he has used it her invitation. So now she decides to punish him and Fatma.



Nett- Glad you liked it. I too am mad at Hacer/Asu. She totally just wants to get even, since Mustafa loves (more like obsessed) Fatma, and not her. It's not like she hasn't known this since Day 1. It's not fair to Fatma. Hacer herself should have gone to the police if she wants to get Mustafa in trouble/get even. Fatma has nothing to do with it, hasn't encouraged his feelings for her, and shouldn't be saddled with this burden.


OMG...just finished watching today...can't believe what MEstafa did today! He took refuge in the home of the rapist and manipulators who caused all this. These are the people he should be taking his revenge on but instead he's letting them play him like puppet and continues to be focused on killing Kerim. Even worse, he just kidnapped Fatma. He has truly gone mad!


Fatma: Thanks Vivi. I couldn't get online until today, too busy at work. I was behaving like an addict. I missed your wonderful retelling of this story. Hacer knows exactly what she is doing. She wants Fatma to either detroy Musta or save him by not revealing what she was just told, smh. She is stupid, delusional and vindictive.
Valentine's day was awesome except for Mukka's gift, lol. So touching that Fatmagul had her ring inscribed with Kerim's name. To me, it is as big a step as the laying down next to Kerim in the hospital contrast this with her reaction when Kerim gave her the ring. But During the wedding and the day out, Fatmagul had several "déjà vus" that made her sad for a couple of seconds. And every time it happened, she looked to Kerim's face, or took his hand, and it made her come back to reality and forget about the bad memories. I liked it very much. Fatma is even flirting like her flirtatious stare in the restaurant when they taking the cakes away, how she looked at kerim when he came back for the boxes. And the firs real KISS I swooned. I love Lodos. And Meryem is a married woman now. All in all I love the episode.


Romy- So glad to see you back. I was missing your comments.

I too just loved this episode, if you couldn't tell. :) Yes, there were many times, like even during the marriage ceremony, when you could tell Fatma was having bad memories (likely remembering her own marriage ceremony). And each time she would look at Kerim's face, and it would bring back her smile and her joy. I also loved seeing her just being flirty and carefree with Kerim, and laughing with him. Definitely a glimpse of what their relationship could be, once the trials, tribulations, and healing have completed.


Vivi....Kerim's dad agreed to help sell Ebe's remaining land, correct? Kerim had an uneasy look on his face about this...and I wasn't sure what that was about. I can't quite come up with the right word for it but Muka had a funny look as well regarding this. But I'm sure her thoughts were about how to capitalize off of Fahrentin's generosity.



Nett- Yes, Fahrettin said he was sticking around an extra week, and Meryem said she had asked him to go to Ildir to check around about POSSIBLY selling their land-- just in case they might need the money.

Now, everyone knows how against selling her land Meryem was, so this was a very unusual thing. Her deciding to sell, could only mean she's very strapped for cash. This is what made everyone so uncomfortable. And we did see Meryem a few episodes ago taking credit out at the bank to pay off the rent on the restaurant.

This could also be a lie, and Meryem and Kadir were just covering up for the fact that Fahr will be continuing his investigations in Ildir/Izmir-- something Kerim does NOT want him to do.

If Meryem is indeed in the market to sell her land, then this would make Resat very happy. She had been one of the last holdouts, and had rallied her neighbors not to sell. This is the land he wants for his hydroelectric project.



Nett- And I'm more inclined to believe it's a cover story for Fahr going to Ildir, because we would have seen Meryem agonizing over that decision were she really thinking of selling her land. But if she is indeed selling, I bet Fahr would buy the land from her (for her and Kerim), rather than see it end up in Resat Yasaran's hands.


Some of the other scenes that I loved from the Valentine's Day episode were when either Fatma or Kerim were holding the baby, and how they looked at each other. They were both definitely having the feels about having a baby with each other some day.

Nett- I haven't watched today's episode yet, but once I do, I should be able to get a recap up tonight. The debates on Univision tonight mean I don't have Hotel to watch and recap.


Talk about a late comment! Major accounting work today getting stuff to our CPA, so 5:45 PM CA time is the first chance I had to read your terrific recap, Juanita.

Well, better a late comment and cyber bouquet of roses than none at all! Your recap was great!

I see you were just as frustrated with Adriana's jumping at Pablo's throat after all the work he did to find her, and seconds before she got raped in an alley! But He managed to penetrate her thick skull with a bit of logic.

Oh boy. I'm sure Marlene's shady private eye that Cinthia will use will uncover Soraya having been a prostitute and Pancho having been in jail. But didn't Pancho already confess a prison sentence to either Robert or Bobby? Not sure.


as I remember it, Pancho explained to Robert that he was naive, but that all changed after he went to prison, don't know if Bobby was there.

looks like I will be able to do the recap tonight,
it will probably go like this,

"Marlene es mala"


Thanks so much, novelera, for your wonderful comment and your bouquet of roses! I love them!!!

Yes, you're absolutely right--the shady PI did indeed uncover Soraya's having been a prostitute and Pancho's having done time in prison for murder, though the PI did point out that it was self defense. But Cinthia, like Cristóbal in Bajo el Mismo Cielo, doesn't care for extenuating circumstances: asesinato es asesinato.

And yes, as deb has pointed out, Pancho did tell Robert about his having been in prison when he was young for killing someone. I'm pretty sure that Bobby was not present when the discussion took place.

It looks as if Soraya is right to be worried. Of course, this being a telenovela, she and Pancho will almost surely triumph in the end, but not without the prerequisite angst.

deb, I like your proposed recap, and in fact "Marlene es mala" can probably serve as the recap for the entire novela. I guess that after you post it, you, novelera, and I can call it quits. :-)

FATMAGUL: Turkish Episode #63/U.S. #66, Wednesday, 3/9/16
Part 1: Hacer/Asu continues to shove the burden of her dirty conscience and jealousy onto Fatmagul, after telling her that Mustafa is both the killer of Vural and the shooter of Kerim. “I’m tired of fighting your ghost.” She tells Fatma about the baby name. “He was trying to live with me the life you planned together…Mustafa is in your hands now. That ought to be enough punishment.” She flees the restaurant to Sami’s cab, with Fatma running after her, insisting that they go to the police right now. Hacer refuses and drives off with Sami. Rahmi takes mental note of the license plate. Kerim arrives right after Sami pulls off and Fatma immediately tells him Mustafa killed Vural and shot him. They call Omer (not wanting to disturb Kadir and Meryem on honeymoon) and head straight for the D.A.’s office.

Mustafa is meeting with Resat in some rundown location. Resat’s new mission for Mustafa is for him to go to Izmir/Ildir, pretending he’s there to see about his inheritance from his mother. But while there, he is to be a spy among the local landowners, finding out just how low they are willing to go in price for their lands. Their plotting is interrupted when Mustafa gets a text from Hacer. “I told Fatmagul everything. Now she knows you’re a killer.” Mustafa calls her back and starts cursing her out on the phone, threatening to kill her. “Your destiny is now in the hands of your beloved. My baby will never be named Murat and I will keep him far away from you.”

In Ildir, Fahrettin is busy harassing Serdar to tell the whole truth of what he knows about Mustafa. “You know deep down Mustafa isn’t innocent. I’ll be here a few days. We’ll see each other again.”

Omer, Kerim and Fatma have given the D.A. their statement about Hacer’s visit and admission. But they need Hacer to back it up. Omer says they’ll find her eventually. Fatma looks over at Kerim, aware of the great danger he’s in and very worried. She remembers the first time Mustafa threatened to kill Kerim, before the Whuppin’ in the Wildflowers. She takes Kerim’s hand and tells him she’s never going to let him leave her side. Omer hammers the point home, that Kerim is going to have to be very careful from now on. Kerim is vindicated about his suspicions about Mustafa. “I told you. Mustafa will never leave us in peace. This will never end.” He points out that Hacer did this because she was jealous of Fatma and wanted to wound Mustafa. He asks about them having chosen their child’s name. Fatma has enough of this, and tells him he’s upsetting her. Kerim apologizes, but says it makes him sick to know that asshole is still dreaming of her, and he just wants to protect her. The therapist calls, and they realize that Kerim missed his appointment.

The Yasaran men panic about Mustafa being ratted out by Hacer, and now being on the loose. They realize that if the police trap him, he’ll have nothing to lose and will spill the beans about them. They have to find him before the police do! The police arrive at the offices, looking for Mustafa. Ender and Meltem are shocked by the news. Resat tries to place the blame on them for having Mustafa as an employee, but Ender says she knows Mustafa really still works for them.

Away from all this drama, Kadir and Meryem continue to enjoy their honeymoon. They observe a young honeymooning couple, and hope that Fatma and Kerim will be that happy someday. Meryem points out that as soon as F&K take one step forward, something happens to take them three steps back. She remembers the bad old first days, and how filled with hate Fatma was towards Kerim. “Any little thing could inflame things again. And Mustafa is the biggest instigator.” They decide things have been too quiet at home and call Kerim. He tells Kadir that he and Fatma are out at the market. Meryem immediately realizes that something is wrong, since Kerim should be headed to his therapy session. She calls the restaurant, and Rahmi has a different story about where F&K are. Mukaddes gets on the phone and spills the beans. Kadir and Meryem abandon their honeymoon to go home.

Fahrettin has been informed of the developments, and convinces Serdar to tell all. At the police station, Serdar finally confesses about the night of Vural’s murder, when Mustafa took out his boat. The police catch up with Hacer at the airport, trying to flee to her mother’s village. They take her in for questioning in Istanbul, but she refuses to speak.

Yasar finds Mustafa, and takes him to Casa Yasaran. Resat has given all the servants the night off, and invited Perihan and Hilmiye out to dinner. The next day, he even tries to convince the two of them to go off to Europe on vacation. While they are out, Yasar, Munir, Erdogan and Selim stash Mustafa in the basement. Mustafa wants Munir to go represent Hacer as her lawyer, and to make sure she keeps her mouth shut. “She also knows many things about you. If she speaks, we’re all in trouble.” Munir and Erdogan leave Selim alone in the house with Mustafa, and he nearly pees his pants when he catches Mustafa in the kitchen looking for booze. Selim tells him not to drink. “Why? You’re scared that I could lose control and go up to your room and kill you while you sleep? You could end up just like Vural.” Selim definitely pees his pants.

Meryem and Kadir are back home, and the whole family checks in about the developments. Fatma is tired of something always going wrong, just when things start going right. Kerim calls and checks in with Fahr, this time supportive of his father’s quest for truth. Fahr tells him about Serdar’s admission about the boat, and then tells Kerim he’s meeting with Ahmed, the reporter who wrote the original story about the case in Izmir. He won’t go back to Australia until everything is resolved. Kerim thanks him, but asks him to be careful. The reporter tells Fahr how Munir threatened to sue him for defamation, and to close down the paper, after his first article. But the most interesting info he shares is about the medical report that claimed no rape occurred. The main doctor who wrote the report and examined Fatma left town with his whole family shortly after. All the other hospital staff who were involved either asked to be transferred or took early retirement. Clearly, they were all bought off by the Yasaran. Ahmed says that the head doctor is key to unravelling the whole cover-up.

Munir manages to get in to see Hacer in the police station statement room. He tells her to keep playing mute. “If you say something, it won’t be good for you or Mustafa.” He makes not so subtle threats to contact her mother and tell her all about what Hacer used to do. He also threatens to call Hacer’s husband in Germany, where her mother still thinks she is. Munir knows that Hacer’s first husband lured her to Germany with the promise of a happy married life, but instead sold her into prostitution, and that she escaped from him and cut his face pretty badly in the process. “One call is all it takes for him to be here.”


It’s bedtime, and Fatma is in bed crying. Kerim comes in to her room.
K: You’re crying for Mustafa, right?
F: Yes, it’s true. It scares me how much a person could change. How they could lose their humanity that way. How they could convert into a monster. We all changed after that incident (the rape). But taking the life of someone, to harm them on purpose, to try to kill someone else…
K: Yes, he was capable of doing anything for you. Argg! I’m sorry! Mustafa would be so happy if he knew that his shadow haunts us.
F: Then, control yourself!
K: I can’t. I’m jealous! It’s the truth. I feel so primitive. I can’t even bear to hear his name. I can’t stand the fact that you’re crying for him.
F: I already told you why.
K: I know, but even so…you were in love for many years.
F: We were children.
K: You were engaged. Then when he betrayed you, you agreed to marry me so that he wouldn’t turn into a murderer. You only married me to protect him.
F: He almost killed you… Do you think I still love him?
K: You know what I want? To know that I’m the only man in your heart. I want to know that there’s nothing of him still in you.

Kerim goes back to his room, and they both lie on their beds thinking. Finally, Fatmagul goes to Kerim’s room. She tells him, “In my heart there’s no one other than you, Kerim.” Then she joins him in bed, and curls up facing him. They fall asleep, face to face and smiling.

Downstairs, Kadir and Meryem show us how a mature couple handles the ghosts of relationships past. Meryem finds that Kadir has removed the picture of him and his first wife and put it in a drawer. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. She thinks the picture deserves a place of honor. She places it prominently on the table in the main hallway of the house. The two lovebirds head to their now shared bed.

The next morning, both couples are up early and happy. Kerim and Fatma whisper about his poor hand that’s cramped from remaining in one place all night as they shared a bed. She apologizes and takes his hand to massage it, but it’s really just flirting. Mukaddes sees them, and has to throw a wet blanket on them. “Mustafa is still loose. I’d be terrified if I were you. But keep on smiling…”

Kadir thinks they have good news when the report about the cell phone signals from the night of the rape comes through. He, Fatma and Kerim head to the D.A.’s office. Unfortunately, it’s just a false alarm. They can’t prove anything because the cell phone tower in Ildir covers too wide of an area, even the Yasaran house, where the rapists claim to have been. Munir is smug about it, and Kerim gets up in his face telling him off. Fatma orders Kerim to control himself, then immediately loses her cool when she sees Hacer, starts telling her off for staying quiet, and has to be held back. LOL!

Meltem goes to the restaurant to exchange info with Meryem about the case. She tells Meryem that they examined Mustafa’s computer and all they found were the remnants of his stalking Fatma and obsession with the case. After she leaves, Rahmi just can’t shake a bad presentiment that he has. Meryem tries to get him to focus on the positive.

Resat tries to brainwash Mustafa to quit his Fatma obsession and his quest for vengeance. “Your life has escaped from your hands. All for that woman. It’s not worth it. None of them are worth it. She turned her back on you. And who’s shoulder is supporting her now? She turned you in without a second thought.” Mustafa seethes.

In Casa Kadir-Meryem, Fatma has decided to continue to look forward. She brings her wedding dress fabric out to the family and tells them she’s going to start making her dress. Meryem and Mukaddes immediately know what must be done. They have Murat run around the fabric, to ensure he will be quicker than all other children. Mukaddess rotates Elif three times over the fabric and then lays her on it. They tell Kerim that this is to ensure that he and Fatma have a baby soon. They smile at each other. The blessing for the new dress is complete.

In Casa Yasaran, Perihan notices Yasar’s car driving away, and asks Resat why he was there so late at night. Resat makes up a lie about work left behind at the office. The next morning, after Perihan and Hilmiye leave for their usual walk, the Yasaran men go to check on their pet killer in the basement. They open the door, and find a groggy and bloody Yasar. Mustafa clubbed him over the head the night before, took his phone, car key, car, and his gun! The Yasaran men panic and don’t realize that Perihan has returned and heard all. She looks at them in disbelief. “You hid a killer in our house!”

Kerim and Fatma go to the therapist. Kerim goes in for his solo session before they do their joint session. Fatma is in the waiting room, when Mustafa arrives. He tells the receptionist that he came with F&K, then quickly flashes his gun at Fatma. He tells her if she says anything, he will put a bullet in Kerim. He claims he just wants to speak to her outside for five minutes. As soon as they are out the door, he pulls the gun on her and forces her to the underground garage. Fatma tries to fight him off and screams for help. He slaps her hard, to the ground, but she keeps fighting. Finally, he pulls out a cloth soaked in chloroform and puts it over her mouth and nose, and she passes out cold. He stuffs her in the backseat of the car and drives off.

-End of episode.


Eva la trailera... epi 31, wednesday,
part 1

Adriana chats with Eva in the prison visiting room, Eva can see what she has gone through, tells her she must be smart, be strong, Adriana swears she will (does anyone here doubt that?)

Eva also sends her home, tell Armando everything, he loves you, but don't confront Marlene.

Robert gives bobby some papers to sign, he wants to read them first and goes to his room, Robert laughs knowing he won't understand a word, Cinthia doesn't like Robert always running him down, why don't you teach him,

Bobby can't concentrate thinking of Adriana being married to Andy, Cinthia arrives and sweet talks him into signing the papers, and Robert is off to the races, but wait Bobby has second thoughts, he goes to see Pancho.

Adriana leaves the prison meeting her dad outside, and Eva returns to her cell, breaks, telling her friends how bad Adriana looks, that sending her home is like throwing her to the wolves.

Armando wants to know what happened, why did she go with that idiot, you kicked me out of the house, Adriana reminds him, again, and what about you with Eva's best friend, we're not talking about me, Armando says.

Adriana says she wants a divorce, what did he do to you, did Andy hurt you, Adriana doesn't want to talk about it (but didn't Eva say to tell him everything...)

when Adriana arrives home, she instantly senses it's all wrong, the only picture is of Marlene, things have changed Armando says, and when Adriana rants, he says lets just not get into it right now.

and when Adriana is greeted by the maids and then Fabi and Berta, she warms up, and all is well, oh wait, her comes Marlene, and Adriana is ready for a cat fight, (did she hear anything Eva was saying)

Cinthia gets a call from her P.I., they meet, he has the goods on the hot dog hicks as Robert called them the other day,
Soraya is using a false name, was a prostitute in a dive bar.
Pancho was in prison for murder, all be it self defense.

Pablo arrives home, JJ wants to know what they are paying him to baby sit, Pablo bonds with Diego, bringing him a new dinosaur for his collection, and they are off to his room.

Armando eats alone, with Marlene harping about Adriana not being there and Armando isn't having any of it, don't mess with my daughters, (but I'm thinking she is wearing him down)

Adriana, Fabi, and Berta are at the pool house catching up, Fabi, is sound asleep, best she has slept in a long time Berta says.

Pablo, Martin, and JJ eat pizza and talk shop
Federica- Pablo says they need more evidence, he wants to show the daughter-in-law and chauffeur were lovers before her son was killed, they'll check the luxury hotels for her name, then check the security tapes.
Eva- that's where you come in JJ.


Eva la trailera... epi 31, wednesday,
part 1

Bobby drops in on Pancho, confesses that he didn't read the papers before he signed them, Pancho smells a rat, he knew they would try something, but not so soon, Bobby not liking how he's talking about his parents and gets up to leave, Soraya smooths it, then lets them talk business, as Bobby tells Pancho he has other things on his mind and they talk about Adriana, Pancho says it will pass, but Bobby says it won't, he doesn't want her anymore, "she's used", whoa, Pancho jumps in with you don't talk about women like they are clothes, that you just throw away.

JJ brings Marisol some fine wine and other goodies, and lots of smooth talk, hmm, your taste in wine is improving, JJ mentions some help from Pablo, Pablo you say, but they smooch and other things and in the afterglow JJ slides in Eva, and Marisol shows him the door, so much for that, but wait, Pablo and Martin, Diego in the back sleeping, are parked outside listening to a bug JJ planted, Mari has called Betty, and they listen in, Mari talks about how she began the investigation into Eva before Sofia's death to separate her from Pablo.

back at the jailhouse the motor pool rats are talking about revenge,
hmm, since they are talking about why they are there, and I don't remember seeing their backstory I'll take a chance and post what was said in People en Espanol

Federica Fontana (Mónica Sánchez Navarro)
Aristócrata y fina dama encarcelada tras haber atacado a su arribista nuera, luego de que esta se quedara con su fortuna y no le dejara acercarse a sus nietos tras las muerte de su único hijo.

Virginia Blanco (Paloma Márquez)
Tímida farmaceuta que paga condena en la cárcel tras haber sido engañada por su marido, quien fue en realidad el que cometió el delito de vender sustancias psicotrópicas sin receta por el que la condenaron.

Camila Batalla (Ana Osorio)
Joven agresiva y de difícil carácter que lleva consigo una historia de abusos y dolor.

Rebeca Marín (María Raquenel Portillo)
Oscuro personaje,

and Virginia lost her license,

and what Camilla and Virginia were talking about was getting revenge, making the people that put them here pay, and Federica overhears, she says you mean like in the Count of Monte Cristo, and we can see Eva's truck gears beginning to turn.

Marlene meets with Andy, he hands her a packet of drugs,

Eva gets called, she has a visitor, Federica says it's her boyfriend, I don't have a boyfriend, Federica tells her to look in a mirror, you're lovestruck,

but wait, it's Armando, and as Eva makes a U turn, Armando asks if she was expecting her lover, but wait, I want to talk about the girls, and why didn't you ask me to go get Adriana, but what he really wants to know is when they will be getting back together,

as in never, Eva tries to explain for the &%^%% time.

Martin hands Pablo a large envelope that came for him, Pablo doesn't want to open it, but Martin insists, ah, I'm now a lawyer (really?) and he graduated with honors.

Adriana, alone in the pool house sits down for a meal, and on the tray is the packet of drugs Andy handed Marlene, Adriana fights the desire...

Pablo intercepts Marisol on her way to work, you're hiding something from me, she denies it, he tells her about her call to Betty, wow, and I wonder if Marisol is holding off because she is thinking of the baby.

so the vegetable guys meet at Mon-Sol to finalize the trucking deal with Armando, who of course is with Eva, and are corrected by Marlene, she is the last word at Mon-Sol...



hmm, part 1 and part 1.

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EVA ¡¡ ¡muchas gracias á novelera, Juanita y deb!! I'm out of town this week, away from modern conveniences, but just managed to get online for a wee bit. So I haven't seen the shows, and am so, SO grateful for your excellent recaps. This show appears to follow in grand TN tradition of sinking even the best of protagonists in the quicksand of their individual Achille's heels, while the forces of evil consolidate all around them. I suppose the forces of evil will then begin to undermine their presumed advantage with internecine warfare. We've got a ways to go, but thanks for your brilliant reportage.


Wow, deb, what a terrific recap! I found it very helpful, and I loved your wit and your parenthetical asides. Also "hot dog hicks" (that works better for me than whatever it was en español). Thanks too for the info from People en Español--that's info we really need to understand the situation. But what are the odds of at least three (and possibly more) of the cellmates being innocent (Eva, Federica, and Virginia)?

Adriana seems prone to frequent brain f-rts, so no, I never believed that she'd really stay calm in Marlene's presence, no matter how many times Eva pleaded with her to do so and no matter how many times Adriana promised she'd be strong. I don't have much confidence in her passing up the drugs on her dinner tray, either. Sigh.

So now Pablo is a lawyer? Doesn't he first have to pass the bar exam before he can practice law?

And when did JJ have time to install a bug in Marisol's phone?

And why did super duper investigators like Pablo and Martin park right in front of Marisol's house? I expected her to look out the window and see them right after JJ went out the door.


Eva. Excellent recap, deb! Also, good observations, Juanita, both after and before the recaps. "Call it quits." Very funny, Juanita. Not having Pablo take and pass the bar exam (which an honors law school graduate could probably do in one or 2 tries) is just more evidence to me that the writers just don't understand the US judicial system. As for the odds of all 3 of Eva's friends being innocent, I will only say that in Telenovela land all things are possible. Loved Pancho's remarks to Bobby about Adriana, so apt given his own history. Between them Pancho and Soraya are making Bobby a better person. And given that we've already seen that Soraya is psychic, of course Bobby will reject them when he learns their history. Glad Bobby told Pancho about signing business papers--I suspect it may be part of a plan to trap Robert Monteverde. Amazing how Marlene tried to portray Andy as the victim in his relationship with Adriana. That woman is capable of anything! Also loved Eva's remark about the roman circus.


Vivi...your detailing of the dialogue between F&K is a good touch during these pivotal scenes. Up until now, Kerim needed anger management and needed to curb his jealously. It's been evident for a long time that he has not handled living in MEstafa's shadow as well as Asu has tried to live in Fatma's....but at least she tried.

But we saw yesterday that he finally had real reason to worry. Not so much because Fatma changed her mind...but because MEstafa actually went and did something utterly stupid. I wanted to choke MEstafa for hitting Fatma. How dare he. Just when you didn't think he could not sink any lower...his cowardly self kidnaps her at gun point and actually slaps her ...hard.

Poetic justice should find MEstafa in jail with Erdogan and Selim as his cellmate comcubines. They deserve jail and each other and the Ys deserve to be tortured by MEstafa for life.

Can Asu go to jail for not going to the authorities? I've always thougt that memeMuka should be in jail for not handing over the ring and encouraging Fatma not to go to the authorities and seeking bribe money....but now I think Asu needs to be her cell mate. They both held back crucial info from the authorities that could have put criminals behind bars before they were able to commit more crime. I hope they both pay for their complicity. But Muka is still the worse. At least Asu was trying to save her bebe's daddy but Muka was just gold digging.



I do feel a twinge of sympathy for Asu after learning her background. How awful that she marry someone that turns out to be a horrible human trafficker...that forced her into prostitution. So now I understand how she got to where she is in life...but still no excuse for dumping MEstafa on Fatma the way she did. She may have had no idea that he would go and kidnap Fatma but it was not for her to tell Fatma to decide his fate regarding his crimes. Still disappointed in Asu regarding this.



Nett- The ghost of Mustafa has been hanging over Kerim since the beginning, and I was glad he finally just told Fatma what he feels. But I think it's unrealistic for anyone to try to erase traces of the lovers who came before from their lover's heart. How's that possible? If it was a good, bad, or mixed experience with that person, they still leave a mark on you and your heart. And learning something horrible about them would still affect you. But that doesn't mean the person hasn't moved on. Fatma has definitely moved on from Mustafa, and she did so a while ago. Both he and Kerim just need to let it go, already.

Yes, what Hacer experienced was awful and I feel for her. This happens to women across the world, who get forced/tricked into the sex trade. I know things must have been tough for her when she escaped her abuser/pimp husband in Germany, but I wonder why she went into the sex trade when she came back to Turkey. Seems like after what her husband made her do in German, she would have rather scrubbed toilets, than go into that profession.


Thanks a million, deb, for the terrific recap. I love your sense of humor

All they ever eat at Casa Contreras is pizza. It will be a miracle if Martín doesn’t go down with a coronary soon!

Armando is a complete unmitigated idiot. He’s still consumed with jealousy about Eva. He rushes into the prison to rag on her about Pablo. I loved the way she shut him down. “He’s a policeman; he knows how to find people. You don’t.”

Apparently Armando would rather Adriana have stayed a few more weeks being abused by Andy than efficiently located by his rival. Also, he lied her behind bars with what he said on the witness stand, and he still thinks they can re-start their relationship. How? Weekly passionate visits at the prison with no touching?

I also thought it was ridiculous that Pablo didn’t have to pass the California Bar.

If Adriana uses that packet of cocaine, all bets are off. She’s already just about sunk herself by fighting publicly with Marlene.

Fatma: Thanks so much Vivi for your kindness in saying you missed my comments. Why why why they need to make Fatmagul to live such violence again? Those screams echoed in my heart. Fatma can not catch a break. Musta is cray cray. Do you know what he said as he was chloroforming Fatmagul? "I'm sorry, my darling, but this is for your own good," Can you believe how he hit her then kissed her on the head lovingly before putting her in the car..? Musta would not have been a good husband to Fatma that i am sure of, he would have been the psycho jealous type who locked her up in the house.
Everyone has a choice and he chooses all the wrong ones, showing his true nature. Now, Mukka can you believe she asked Meryem she wore and did on her wedding? But Fatma wanted to hear even as she pretended not to, lol. Kerim coming in made her blush, lol.


Romy- I had made notes on that scene with Meryem, Mukaddes and Fatma, but ended up not including it. Yeah, Meryem even said it was none of her business when Mukaddes was pushing to get all the salacious details of the wedding night. And Fatma was indeed listening, and blushing when Kerim came in-- holding a baby no less! Both of them have been having thoughts of having a baby together with Elif around. Now, they just have to slowly inch their way into actually being able to make a baby. Sleeping in the same bed all night, though not touching, was a good step towards that.

That whole scene with Mustafa in the parking garage made me sick. He also told her he didn't want to hurt her, right after he slapped her and chloroformed her. Uff!

I also feel that this was always part of his nature. We got a glimpse of his jealous possessive side before the rape, when he got all bent out of shape when he saw a guy (Kerim) talking to her. Even though Kerim is hung up on Mustafa, it's not the same kind of hair trigger jealousy as Mustafa's. He's not possessive with/about Fatma, like Mustafa was. His problem is with Mustafa, specifically. Not with men his wife might interact with in general, like it was with Mustafa.


Though they have actually not changed from the people they essentially were from the beginning of this tale, Kerim and Mustafa have completely switched roles in Fatma’s eyes. Mustafa used to be a hero/knight in shining armor in her eyes, and Kerim used to be a vile monster. Now the roles have completely reversed.



Vivi..there is no other guy or competition in Fatma's life so I'm not sold that Kerim wouldn't be jealous or possessive in general. I am convinced he has more kindness and integrity that MEstafa has so it wouldn't boil over into crazy...but he's got issues as well.

I'm with you on Asu. IF I had the chance to start over and escape the business she was tricked in....I would have done anything but go into the business on my own. That doesn't make sense to me...chalk that up to the writer's trying get a lil sympathy for her.

I told you guys Muka is frustrated as well as unhappy and vile. She's always after any bit of info regarding someone else's sex life. She had the nerve to ask Ebe if that was her first time with a man....that was totally none of her business. And she's always after Fatma for the first clue of intimacy with Kerim. Maybe she should trade places with Asu so she can get some on the regular.



Nett- We never saw Kerim have any issues with Fatma first hanging out with Emre on her own when they lived in the old house, or with Mehmet the college student in the restaurant. He encourages her to get on with her life and career, outside of him. Mustafa, on the other hand, wanted her to only be HIS wife. No work. At home only to cook and clean for him, and serve HIS whim. I think there is a great difference between them.


Book club tonight, so I wouldn't be able to put up a recap. Can do one tomorrow night.



Vivi...Emre and Mehmet are harmless and have never given Fatma a side look Same thing regarding the cook. They all came into the storie knowing F&K are married.

My bigger point is...if some guy crosses their path who shows the slightest interest in Fatma...I can see Kerim going into jealous mode. Would he throw furniture and show the level of obsession he's shown of MEstafa...I think not...because there's a different history with MEstafa. But I still say Kerim has a possessive jealous streak but is more sane and it has only been tested with MEstafa for obvious reasons.



Nett- I get you. I can see Kerim having the same kind of level of jealousy as Fatma herself has shown about Kristen, if some guy (other than Mustafa) expressed interest in her. But just like I don't see anything wrong with Fatma doing it, I wouldn't find it wrong for Kerim to do it. But I don't see him yelling at her or roughing her up, or even roughing up a guy who was flirting with her harmlessly. All things I can see, and we have seen, Mustafa doing (with Fatma, Hacer, and Meltem).

His thing with Mustafa has everything to do with Fatma's long history with him, and his insecurities about the circumstances under which he and Fatma got together and the fact that HE was the cause of the destruction of her dream life with Mustafa.


Vivi..that insecurity will follow Kerim the rest of life. Maybe he gets it in his head one day that Fatma can do better than him or would look at someone else who didn't set off a harmful chain of events...who knows.

I'm not saying he's going to blow up the way he does now about MEstafa..and I'm not saying he's as crazy as MEstafa is.....I'm just saying...he has a jealous streak and I can see insecurity playing a role indefinitely given their history. It could manifest itself under the right circumstances.



Nett- Let's hope the therapy does the trick then.

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