Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #20. Tuesday April 5, 2016. La Sombra Shoots Esperanza!

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a quick summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot.

Triana is still alive. That woman has more lives than a siamese cat.

In a warehouse somewhere in Mexico City’s murky underbelly of crime and art trafficking, La Sombra shows Esperanza his mangled hand or the stump where his hand used to be. We were only shown Esperanza’s horrified expression. All we know for sure is that La Sombra has lost sensation there and that Ricardo is to blame. We also learn that La Sombra murdered Ricardo’s best friend and threatened little Rodrigo with killing his father.

Kracy and Ernesto were getting ready to really know each other, in the biblical sense, but news of Esperanza’s kidnapping interrupts them.

Ernesto mobilizes his connections to look for Esperanza. He also comforts Pato and vows to pay whatever ransom (rescate) the kidnappers demand.

Ricardo is trying to locate Esperanza while hiding his true identity as a lousy secret Interpol supercop. He receives a text message from Esperanza’s phone telling him to “lose all hope/Esperanza”. Attached was a video of Esperanza in a warehouse, tied to a pole and pleading for her life. The video ends with her getting shot to the chest.

Pedro pulls Ricardo aside and, as the man of the house, he demands to know the truth! He noticed a bunch of strange things happening since his mom’s abduction and he doesn’t want to be treated like an idiot. I, for one, I’m proud of blond cubby for taking charge: “They took away my mom and it’s your fault! Tell me what's happening! Tell me!” Punch him, cubby, punch him in that lying incompetent face!

Viviana complains to Anastasia that Esperanza is wreaking havoc (causar estragos) with her life: her younger son adores her, her older son is dating her daughter and her husband is in love with her! And now, Esperanza has the gall to get herself kidnapped and hog all the attention! It is worth noting that Anastasia’s expression changed when she heard that Ernesto is in love with Esperanza. I still maintain that Stepdaddy Dearest and Olive Minaj screwed around behind Saint Luca’s back.

Kracy tries to manipulate Rodrigo. She tells him that she still loves his dad. However, his father is adamant to leave her and break up their family.

At the HQ, Ricardo reviews the videos sent by La Sombra and discovers that the bullet wound to Esperanza’s chest is actually (a fake blood packet activated by) a squib (estopín). Other images show Esperanza breathing. “She is alive!”, he exclaims, excited and relieved. Well, duh! Did you expect Osorio to kill off his heroine in Episode 20? A wee bit later, Ricardo gets chewed out by his boss, Mr. Wellbanks, who orders him to wrap up this kidnapping incident and catch La Sombra ASAP or risk blowing the cover on their whole operation.

Ricardo and his peeps organize an assault on the warehouse where Esperanza is detained. Poor Triana is also taking part in the assault. Seriously, lady, you need to ask for a raise!

A quote from the capítulo

“¡Y dale con Esperanza! ¡Ya la tengo hasta la coronilla! Estas cosas pasan todos los días. No entiendo por qué [ustedes] se ponen así.”

* According to Viviana, kidnappings are no biggie! She doesn’t understand why Adrián, Luca and Ernesto feel the need to worry: “Here we go again with Esperanza! I’ve had it up to here with her! These things happen everyday. I don’t understand why you guys are getting all worked up.”

Your viewing vocabulario

rescate = ransom.

causar estragos = to wreak havoc.

estopín = a squib. It's a small explosive charge that burns with a hissing sound before exploding. It is used to detonate the small packets of blood used in the TV and movie industries to simulate gunshot wounds.

hasta la coronilla = fed up, up to here, sick and tired.

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Nandicta,I hope your trip is going well.

Thank you for preparing this fabulous recap in advance although I'm sure you had many pressing things to attend to.

"Punch him, cubby, punch him in that lying incompetent face!" and "murky underbelly of crime and art trafficking" were among my favorites.

I did wonder if the shooting was "staged" but it seemed all too real.

Does Triana ever get a day off?

The children seemed heartbroken and it was vey hard to watch them grieving. It didn't take Pedro too long to realize things haven't been going well since Ricardo appeared in their lives. Now that Esperanza knows her children are being threatened, it would make sense for her to cut Ricardo out of their lives.

I have to admit when Pedro had his back to the camera, I wasn't concentrating on the dialog but gawking, trying to see if the man bun was there. I couldn't tell. I want to take a scissors and cut it off. Period. It's far too distracting.

Viviana is vapid and vain but I sort of get a kick out of her. She makes no pretense of being anyone other than the self centered, selfish woman she is. Why should a kidnapping distract from she who should be the center of the universe? ;)

The vocabulary was (as always) perfect.

Thank you Nandicta!


Thanks, Nandicta, wherever you may be!

Fun episode.

Viviana really was so obnoxious to Pato. I was so glad that Luca witnesses her manhandling Pato.

Tracy and Ernesto seem destined for some lovey dovey time. I am trying to put it nicely.

Maybe La Sombra dresses with the mask and talks like he does because he sufferd some sort of massive injury that he blames Ricardo for. Esperanza's reaction to his hand might just be a hint of what he has suffered. Explosion? Burns?

Bratty Salma was pretty perceptive noticing that her father Mario looked like he was in love.

Loved that Pedro, eventhough Ricardo would not give him any info, blames Ricardo for what happened to his mother and rightfully so.

Triana lives on to fight another day but it is the same night. Did she get grazed by a bullet? Looked like they gave her a bandaid on her right temple?

That is all for now.


Kracy, welcome to the club of the "untouchables"!

Viviana has not been touched in 18 years,
Esperanza has not been touched in 17 years,
Silvana has not been touched in 14. And I don't even want to imagine Margarita (I only have ten fingers). And you complain about 8? Please!

I thought Krista said she didnt want to be near Pedro, what is she doing here?

Three stooges- What can we do to help?
Pedro- Right now we only need to think
TS- Sorry, we pass...

Can you take children to the FBI headquarters?

Nandicta, thank you so much for your triple effort (friday, monday, tuesday ). You're a rock star!

I actually found Patoluca's goodbye from the other night OK, until they decided to ruin it by having Luca say goodbye for an entire episode and then not leave.

Loved Pedro's reaction and stepping up. His momma didn't raise no woosies. Triana of the thousand lives didn't even get the right to an overnight stay at the hospital?
Ricardo and his moronic face at Espe's home were hard to watch. The guy needs to go back to Elei and fix his mariage. Did Kracy say she hadn't slept with Ricky for 8 years? Yiekes!!! I wasn't paying too much attention to her flirting with Ernie but 8 years? Come on! How old is Selena, anyway?

Pato and Pedro worried sick had me tearing up a little bit. I kept picturing Espe as a single mom, raising them and all those late nights of cuddling. I don't even want to imagine how much they must all 3 suffer now for being separated. We complain a lot about the show and Osorio but they are writing this little family right.

Nandicta, thank you so much for your triple effort (friday, monday, tuesday ). You're a rock star!

I actually found Patoluca's goodbye from the other night OK, until they decided to ruin it by having Luca say goodbye for an entire episode and then not leave.

Loved Pedro's reaction and stepping up. His momma didn't raise no woosies. Triana of the thousand lives didn't even get the right to an overnight stay at the hospital?
Ricardo and his moronic face at Espe's home were hard to watch. The guy needs to go back to Elei and fix his mariage. Did Kracy say she hadn't slept with Ricky for 8 years? Yiekes!!! I wasn't paying too much attention to her flirting with Ernie but 8 years? Come on! How old is Selena, anyway?

Pato and Pedro worried sick had me tearing up a little bit. I kept picturing Espe as a single mom, raising them and all those late nights of cuddling. I don't even want to imagine how much they must all 3 suffer now for being separated. We complain a lot about the show and Osorio but they are writing this little family right.

Amazing Nandicta and thank you for holding this together.

"punch him in that lying incompetent face"

Perhaps La Sombra was Ricky's partner and whipping boy, just as poor Triana now, and after brow beating, nearly killing them and maimed for life, decided a little payback justified. Triana, I support you donning a mask and slipping into the shadows to taunt your arrogant, selfish, thick headed, bully of a boss.


Pablo, kids at the super duper secret headquarters!!!! Did they blindfold them getting there so they do not know where it s???

Diana, count me in on your dislike of "man buns". Yes, Viviana s a hoot for the reason you gave: she is who she is.

Tofie, I really would like to know why Ricardo is so openly nasty to Triana. He just barks at her. As for La Sombra, I hope we do not have to wait until the bitter end to find out that back story.

Adriana, yes, the endless goodbyes are getting annoying. I wonder if Luca us ever going to leave.

How does La Sombra dress around the house with the kids???? We know he sounds like his Sombra self. Does he wear that mask and get up around the house, too???


Kracy didn't say how long it's been exactly, but implied that there's been a long time since she had intimacy with Ricardo. Maybe she only said it because she wanted to entice Ernesto into thinking that he was going for something special, you know, virgin by healing (virgen pr cicatrización), or the old pantyhose trick (you don't take 'em off).

From there, I just took the age of the last kid as reference.

Another thing.

Sombra is blaming Ricardo (and now he has to pay) for his problem with his voice and his hand. Did Ricardo do this to him while he was in his house reading? NO! Then who's fault is it? Ricardo, good or bad done, was only doing his job.

I hope we see what La Sombra looks like eventually.

Oh, I'm sure Sombra will show up.
Have you, guys, noticed that in the credits there is a mention - La Sombra - no actual actor name. They are réal l'y keeping his identity a secret.


I didn't notice. Thanks! What fun!

Thanks, Nandicta. Wow, was that a triple header of excellent Nandictation? My favorite: "“She is alive!”, he exclaims, excited and relieved. Well, duh! Did you expect Osorio to kill off his heroine in Episode 20? "

So, at least we now have a reason for La Sombra's vendetta against Ricardo. The only surprising thing is that inept Ricky is still alive with his pretty face intact.

So Triana risks her life trying to protect Espe and Pedro, and Ricardolt is still bellowing in her face? He didn't even pause at her stretcher at the battle scene before walking right past to ask Pedro about Espe. Why does he hate her so much? I think he's projecting his own faults onto her. Certainly she's done a lot more in this investigation than he has. Plus she can get shot at, play dead to avoid getting really dead, get patched up, and go right back to work with her winged eyeliner still perfectly intact. And Secret Lair Computer Guy, who seems pretty good at his job, is probably just happy to stay mostly out of the worst of the Bellowing Zone.

Ugh go away Saint Luca. You'll be able to help better from Jarvar. Really. Go.

Somebody needs to take Esperanza aside and talk to her about the bellowing bully blowhard. He mistreats women and while all sweet and sad puppy faced with her today just wait till he doesn't get his way. He mistreats a female coworker and you see how he runs his wife down and belittles her sometimes in front of the kids.

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