Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #25. Tuesday April 12, 2016. The Queue To Smack Rickety Ric Upside The Head Forms Here!

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a quick summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot.
Silvana resents her mother for divorcing her rich father and plunging them into a life of "poverty". Margarita feels that she did the best she could given the circumstances. Her husband was an abusive man and she had no choice but to leave him. She provided the ungrateful daughter with a roof over her head, food, clothing and a decent education. It’s a shame Margarita didn’t also provide Silvana with a few chanclazos to straighten her out. For those unfamiliar with it, a "chancla" is a flip-flop or slipper that, in addition to its primary function as footwear, was used as a boomerang that mothers and grandmothers sent flying across the room to set straight their unruly children and grandchildren. Chanclazos were an accepted child-rearing technique in my family and it proved effective in keeping us out of trouble, most of the time, anyway. It is worth noting that, growing up, my brothers, cousins and I were fearless savages. Little devils would be too cute a sobriquet for the veritable terrors we were. Sorry for the long parenthesis. Back to the show.

Luca is Skyping with Pato and his roommate chimes in to compliment Pato on her stunning beauty. His name is Vicente Santillana and I already like him for the sole fact that he annoys Saint Luca. Any chance Vicente is related to the owner of Instituto Palacios? She was initially introduced to us as Bárbara Santillán, but if Esperanza’s mute neighbor can go from Amira to Samira overnight, then Santillán can easily become Santillana in Sueñolandia. Osorio figures that the handful of viewers who are still watching his show won’t pay attention... Well, you’re wrong, buddy boy! We’re a very alert bunch here! Don’t think that we forgot how, at first, Ricardo said that the coyote abandoned the people he smuggled across the border in the desert, before later changing the story and turning the coyote into the hero who attempted to save the group. We're onto you, Juabbly Juan!

Pedro is suffering because of his unrequited love for Kristel. Aranza is suffering because of her unrequited love for Pedro and because those tight pigtails are cutting off blood supply to her brain.

Kracy displays the disturbing signs of serious mental issues. She acts around her own small children as if someone locked her in a forest cabin in Deliverance county with Chucky and his bride. However, when it's time to suck face with Ernesto, she is all coos and smiles.

At Benja's party, Adrián drinks enough liquor to fill a bathtub and gets taken advantage of by Salma. She has unprotected sex with him and brags about their boozy bunnyhopping to Estrella.

Rodrigo has another nightmare about La Sombra and Selena consoles him. His screams get his mother a warning from the hotel manager because she abandoned her young children in their room without adult supervision and went drinking at the bar.

Mario's IQ has slipped down alarmingly over the past episodes. He has been converted into a drooling horny fool, practically overnight. He goes out to dinner with Felicia and denies that he is married when she asks. I hope he gets busted soon and Principal Crazy-Eyes bullwhips his cowardly cheating behind. But then again, he might like it too much.

Leaving our protas for last, Ricardo continues his sob story to Esperanza but doesn't add much other than blame the dead guy, Pedro Sr, for their separation and guilt-trip her for moving on with her life after his disappearance. He even has the chutzpah to tell her that she married and had a child with the man responsible for their suffering and despair! Had it not been for the lie of Pedro Papá, the two of them would be married and very happy together right now. Words can't describe how badly I want to hurt this manipulative slimeball! Ay, Tricky Ricky, you are barely a couple of centimeters above Ernesto in the sleaze-o-meter! However, Esperanza falls for his sad puppy dog act, hook, line and sinker! She is so bamboozled by him that she apologizes for not putting her life on hold for the past two decades! At least, she has the good sense to dodge three of Ricky Suave's five smooch attempts. In the end, he settles for a chaste kiss on her forehead then, a wee bit later, he gives her a peck on the cheek and a hug.

A quote from the capítulo
"¿Por qué el amor es así? Amamos a quien no nos ama y alejamos a quienes nos quieren." *
* Pedro and Aranza wonder: "Why is love this way? We love the people who don't love us and we drive away those who love us." Adam Sandler has an answer to this timeless philosophical question and it goes something like this: "Love stinks! Yeah yeah!" ("Love Stinks" from the movie "The Wedding Singer" (1998)
Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Hey beautiful peeps! Hope you enjoy the summary. Good night :)

Thank you!

Whyis loe like this? I will quote Nanny McPhee: If you need me but don't want me, I will be there, but if you want me, and don't need me, I will go away!!

I wanted also to slap Tricky Ricky when not only blaming the guy who is dead and can not fend for himself on this he said he said game, but saying that if not for ''that lie'' they would end up together and married. Yeah, right! He had one phone call and- I will be using quotation marks because I don't believe Ricardo a bit -''called her but Pedro answered the phone and said she was not in town''. Obviously, he was heartbroken, meanwhile in México, Esperanza gave him for dead (lo dió por muerto) and faster than a speeding bullet MARRIED PEDRO!! She didn't mourn his death or anything, looks like she was in a real hurry!! Maybe thats why she is apologizing. Of course, since Pedro is long gone, they can both play the blame game and she can say that Pedro told her Ricardo was dead and she believed, what I dont doubt giving the fact that SHE IS STUPID! Any way you see it, Pedro here is the only one to blame for KILLING THEIR DREAM LOVE, BUAHHAAHHHAAA!!!

Thanks, Nandicta. The recap was great! "Juabbly Juan"!!!! Just in case you have never seen it, there is a YouTube offering about the "power of the chancla". Very funny.

Nandicta and Pablo, I sure agree with you about Ricardo blaming the dead guy. Now I guess Ricardo has no more to 'fess up to except for being just clueless and irresponsible; a real jerk.

The funniest scene of the night: Ernesto and Tracy going at it like two animals. So glad the hotel management called Tracy on her leaving her children alone in the room.

That is all for now.


Nandicta, you put way more effort in the retelling than the show did in showing. Thanks.

"She is so bamboozled by him that she apologizes for not putting her life on hold for the past two decades!"

I knew this slimeball would blame the dead guy but by blaming the dead guy he is really blaming the possessor of no self esteem, Esperanza. Biggest mystery is not who is La Sombra but is Osorio, his production staff, writers and actors aware how Ricky Suave comes off or is it intended or is it a bad job by Cristian who's become too big for his britches. Does swoon worthy mean an otherwise smart resourceful woman goes stupid and orgasmic for a poser, liar and a pout? This is not romantic to me but cringe worthy. I would rather see Cristian making out with a mirror than watch with horror a woman humiliate herself.

Only blaming Ernesto for Adrián's drinking isn't solving the problem. How about a little more supervision and a little less enabling to start.


Wonderful Nandicta. Sweet and sassy - "Juabbly Juan" and "I hope he gets busted soon and Principal Crazy-Eyes bullwhips his cowardly cheating behind. But then again, he might like it too much" were my favorites.

Also, thoroughly enjoyed "Little devils would be too cute a sobriquet for the veritable terrors we were".

I agree with you, Pablo, Jarifa and tofie about Ricky. I don't know if it is the writing, the acting or both but however or whomever managed to make such a handsome galan's spews so unbelievable should be ashamed. I'm disappointed in that the usually intelligent and perceptive Esperanza is falling for this malarkey. I've said many times that the children are the highlight here. Ricky has been relegated to a boring sub-plot! :)

I'm also disappointed in Mario. I will say this: I'm sure he is so thankful to be away from his shrewish wife that he is simply running amok. He is in such desperate need of some form of love and attention that he is not thinking clearly. I forgive him!

Nandicta, "Pedro and Aranza wonder: "Why is love this way? We love the people who don't love us and we drive away those who love us." Ahhh, one of the many mysteries of life. One which Adam Sandler seems to have answered perfectly!



Osorio has enough credentials to prove how bad he is choosing the works he then produce. Now we know that he can not write either.
The characters are all over the place and have sudden changes like Kracy (who was neglecting the family and suddenly she is neglecting the animals she had over her own children) and now Mario (who was a submissive husband, maybe even abused, and now is just a fool that doesn't end something before starting something else, and by that I mean, relationships). This false suspense of not telling us (or Esperanza) juárever reason Ricardo has for his absence is making me very upset. Esperanza can forgive him because of their love dream, but I am not included so I am becoming angry. I know that the day she knows the whole truth the novela loses the only excuse to keep going and going, but I also know that the writing should be clever to keep us interested without cheap trickery. It's disappointing. Osorio should have his license revoked, or at least suspended until he took a course on how to make novelas again without cheating his audience.

Last sunday, EHDLS started in México, and someone noted that Matilde probably studied in the Palacios Institute of 1908 because she has the same uniform, only old fashioned. I don't remember well, but I thinnk it's true, I kinda remember something gray with burgundy.

Pablo, grey with burgundy! Very funny!

Hello everyone! I share your frustration and irritation with Tricky Ricky. He is shaping up to be one of the worst galanes I've ever come across. Even Cristián's beefcakeness can't save this tripe.

-- Pablo: Thanks for sharing that Nanny McPhee quote and for noticing that Matilde from EHDLS may have been a Palacios alumnus. That would totally explain the waffling! I concur with everything you said about Osorio. This guy should be banned from producing garbage. SdA is even worse than the usual Osorio fare because his old stuff was mainly refritos that had a faint guiding story arc from the original stories he was remaking/butchering. I think that the "suspense" about Ric's disappearance is over. Everything that needed to be revealed has been revealed and Ric's excuse is as pathetic and unforgivable as we had anticipated. Would you believe that I came across a question on the official SdA website, asking the public for their opinion on what Ric's excuse for abandoning Esperanza should be? I am speechless! I have no speech!

-- Jarifa: That making-out scene made me laugh as well. I'm glad we were spared the full mating ritual! I'm also enjoying Silvana more and more, especially that scene where she was wearing her avocado mask and quizzing Mario about his "business dinner date". I smiled when she said "Este baboso algo se trae" ("this dumbo is up to something"). I look forward to the moment she busts him!

-- Tofie: I agree that pinpointing Ernesto as the sole reason for Adrián's drinking is very misguided. I was really shocked to see these 14-year olds have ready access to obscene amounts of alcohol and organize mega parties yet their parents are none the wiser! Don't these people have employees or at the very least neighbors that can complain about the noise and debauchery?

-- Diana: I share your disappointment with Esperanza. She was by far my favorite character in this show. Oh who am I kidding, she still is! I know she has many flaws and the surrounding stoopidity is rubbing off on her but I find the actress so charming, I'm always willing to forgive her character. The one I can't forgive is Mario. With a panoply of silly and caricatural filler characters like the Stooges, Félix, Maestro Israel, Aranza and even Salma, why did Juabbly Juan feel the need to turn Mario into a drooling dumbo? What did that accomplish? Mario scenes at the restaurant were cringe-worthy. Then again, if even the galán and main "pull" of this train wreck is cringe-worthy, what does it matter if they ruin some secondary character. Oh well... I'm only hanging on for the Patio fun, to learn Spanish and skewer Osorio!

Nandicta, tahnk you for the quick recap and for yesterday, too.
As I was watching the Rickman "confess " and Espe marveling at his greatness, I couldn't help but realize that I'm only watching this for the young cast, too. The Gallos, Adrian (somebody save that boy before they find him dead in a ditch - this is where I see this story going ), Pedro and Pato (rooting for her to find another boyfriend ), Salma (yes, I want to see what she'll do when her stupidity gets her pregnant ).
Why are they wasting such a great female lead on Ricky. They really messed up her galan, Ernesto kind of seems like the better option if his redemption started now.

You say it isn't a real recap, but there's more thought and reason that have gone into it than in the episode.

I could hardly watch Rickroll clinging to Espe. And blaming PEDRO for their estrangement. AS IF. Mr. Wellbanks should have fired him. He kept his job and left his kids with their negligent mother theoretically to go catch La Sombra, but then spent the entire episode making puppy eyes at Espe. Does he EVER work on the case, or just show up now and then when someone else has tracked La Sombra to engage in a little battle and let the shadow slip away yet again?

I like Luca's roommate. His annoying Luca makes me happy.

But my main complaint with the episode: Salma gets Adrian drunk and rapes him, and the show lets her and her buddy keep giggling about it and acts like her taunting Estrella is the bigger wrong? Zero cool, show. She had better face major consequences, and it would be HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE to have a rape storyline and not drive home the PSA that this is WRONG, and that drunken compliance is NOT CONSENT. Ugh.

Adrian really didn't look capable of a lot of action, so maybe all Salma did was undress him (still not okay) so she could make people (her friend and Estrella) think more happened than did. But still.

Thanks Adriana and Julia for stopping by. I'm definitely more entertained by Ernesto than by Ricardo. The latter is only watchable when he is interacting with his kids, then the kids start speaking their Gringo-Russian and I get annoyed again!

It looks like Osorio is heading towards the teenage pregnancy angle and that would be a proper "¡Oso panda!" for the annoying shallow teen! I think the PSA for the drunken unprotected sex would be the embarrassment of having those photos shared all over Socialbook + an unwanted pregnancy down the line. However, I do agree that the sexual assault was minimized. If the inebriated Adrián was instead an inebriated Adriana, the rape angle would've been explored more thoroughly, but hey, that's another side of sexism for you. This is also reflected in the way Mario's status as an abused husband was handled. It was turned into a joke because he is a guy and, apparently, in the Osorio parallel universe, men cannot be victims of spousal abuse.

-- Julia: Now that you mention Salma undressing Adrián, it reminds me that I did wonder, while watching the show, whether Adrián wasn't too drunk to, ahem, rise to the occasion. So maybe nothing happened other than nakedness and a few smooches?

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