Saturday, May 28, 2016

Amor De Barrio Discussion Page: Paloma & Daniel Get Together As Laura & Raul Drift Further Apart

Hello Everyone!

Here are the barrio happenings and goings of the last two days:

Monalisa brings a flask of alcohol to Rosa's house but she doesn't drink it. (It seems that losing her memory has been the best thing to ever happen to Rosa since she now sees people for what they truly are). She hides the flask in her trinket box though so she's not out of the woods yet.

The cop in charge of Rosa's case goes to the La Luciernaga in order to tell Edmundo that, while Dr. Serapio is dead, he was a patron at the club and maintained an affair with one of his workers and he intends to find out who it was. Edmundo tells the cop he doesn't know anything. When the cop leaves though, Edmundo tells Monalisa that he knows she was his lover and to be careful with what she does.

Rodrigo tries another strategy with Paloma: friendship and she agrees. He then tells Tico that he'd rather be in the friend zone for now than be out of her life completely if he pushes too hard romantically.

Isaac sees Raul coming toward the bar and talks to Laura in a specific way to make Raul doubt how serious she is about their relationship. (Thinking back Laura has been extremely distant with him since she found out they could be siblings so his doubts probably originated there).

Paloma doesnt show the recording of Catalina to daniel and he accepts her reasons.

Eugenia and Rodrigo bond over the fact that they haven't been able to separate daniel and Paloma except for a few weeks. She comments that Daniel might already planning the wedding since he asked for a budget. Rodrigo tells Eugenia of his plan to win Paloma's friendship and she says she will do the same with Daniel. (The sexual tension between these two is palpable and I hope they leave these half baked plan(s) behind and get together).

Paloma tells Blanca Estela that their dad would have died without his kids as a support system. They bond over how strong their father is for being both mother and father. They also discuss Blanca Estela's own husband and her theory that he must have remarried and that she doesnt want to look for him or her children. She does confess to Paloma that Daniel has a brother.

Tamara tells Raul that Laura was the one the caused Ariel's stroke but continues to hide the fact they might be siblings because she wants to save it for a rainy day.

Eugenia talks with Catalina and tells her what happened with her father. Catalina offers to her a room at her house because she's the best fiancee Daniel can have.

Daniel asks Catalina to sell him the barrio but she isn't budging. Thankfully Daniel isn't about to fall into her mind games. He makes clear he supports her in the trial and in life but to a certain extent.

Catalina tells the landlord, Mica, to make Blanca Estela's life impossible so Mica tells all the barrio gossips that a murderer is living in Paloma's house.

Rosa remembers who she is but only up to her accident. A side effect is that she doesn't remember who Lugo is, who had just brought her flowers. (I'm no psychologist but these memory games are becoming so convoluted).

Paloma takes Blanca Estela on a trip around the town and to her mom's "grave." A mother and son approach them and demand to know why they are putting flowers on ber mother's grave. They fight over who's headstone it is but aren't able to find any records of who is buried there. (I hope she brings this up to Gustavo when he comes back and then maybe they'll know their mother is alive even if they don't know who she is).

Daniel tells Paloma that Eugenia is living in his house. They come to an understanding that, while Rodrigo and Eugenia both might play dirty, it won't affect them because they are being honest with each other. Paloma tells him that she doesn't want to lose the trust they have like Raul and Laura have lost theirs.

Mika gets the tenants chant that the murderer needs to leave. Paloma is able to talk to them down and agree that they should all help each other, especially the women that live in the barrio and have been able to carry on by themselves.

Raul confronts Laura and demands to know what she told Ariel that caused him to have stroke (this sibling twist is a ticking time bomb).
Well folks, there you have it. A lot of pieces are moving around to make way for new developments so next week should be action packed.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend to Everyone!

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Thank you, Alfredo!

That Catalina sure is a trip, isn't she? Horrible woman. I understand now why Marisol del Olmo was nominated for best villana in a production that- due to its timeslot- seemed to fly below most people's radar. - Dian

Agreed, Alfredo! Most of the cast is doing a great job, I think. It's nice seeing Jessica Coch in an important role again, too. I didn't realize that the producer was also the producer of the classic Corazon Salvaje, as well as Heridas de Amor (his last work). I enjoyed Heridas immensely, and am enjoying this as well. I look forward to his next work. - Dian

Thank you Alfredo.

Personally, I think Marisol's last joy-ride role was Lorenza in Esperanza del Corazon (where Lisardo, Mane and Fernanda Arozqueta accompanied her as well and all in the same timeslot.) Catalina Lopezreina certainly has been the ultimate bitch.


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