Monday, May 30, 2016

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of May 30, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Time):
• 12-2 pm—¿Quién Es Quién?   
• 8 pm—Eva la Trailera  
• 9 pm—La Esclava Blanca 
• 10 pm—El Señor de los Cielos  

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the discussions they're looking for.

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This will be brief. FIRST I had to watch the Warriors win the Western Conference of the NBA after being down 3 games to 1! Joy in the Bay Area!!

The three musketeers in black have success in Laila’s attic while she’s being distracted by Rey. They get the right documents. One of them revokes the former Power of Attorney and the other gives it all to his mother in the event of his death. Both notarized! When Federica finds out, she gives Martín a kiss on the lips.

Betty tells Marisol that Pablo really loves her or he wouldn’t be donating a kidney to her. Of course he’s compatible.

La Alacrana Sr. and La Alacrana Jr. (Rebeca) become allies, with Eva at the top of the list to be killed first. LA Sr. also snarks that this is a way to keep AA in line. Said AA is horrified hearing that Camila is also on the hit list. Later AA is not happy about Rebeca’s little stab at domesticity. He tells her she can’t move in.

Robert is convinced Soraya is falling for him. He says his “charms” will help control her (to his wife). Cinthia roars with laughter at this.

Luis comes to tell Soraya about his plans to marry Ariana soon. These two are adorable together.

Armando grabs up Silva and threatens to break his face if he doesn’t get the divorce done. This works. We see Adriana and AA signing the papers.

Armando has come to give Eva a big check he calls una pensión (child support? Alimony>). She tears it up, telling him she’s more than capable of supporting them. She tells him to watch out when La Alacrana finds out about the big check. [How would she know if it doesn’t clear the bank?]

Dr. Ana tells Pablo not to go through with the kidney donation. She says something about having developed affection for him. She says such a donor would live with limitations. [Don’t have any idea if this is true or not.]

Federica, Martín and Rey have come to see the only judge in LA. He’s skeptical about their desire for an exhumation, even though they’ve brought the documents from the attic. Federica gets insistent with the judge. He says he’ll review the documents.

La Alacrana, Gusano and Elsa confront Armando about his having withdrawn large sums of money. [Probably the money he gave the customers to make up the difference between Eva’s prices and the lower ones at Mon-Sol. It was less of a meltdown than it would be if she’d seen a big check to Eva.] He tells them he’s never answered to anyone about how he spends his money and he’s not going to start now.

Eva has come to the hospital, at Martín’s suggestion. She tells him not to do the donation because he has two children who will depend on him. But most of all because can’t bear to lose him. She tells him she loves him and will love him until she dies.


Thank you novelera! I'm rushing out the door to get to a job, but just wanted you to know how much I appreciated your recap.


Many thanks, novelera for a concise recap that nonetheless hits all the high points. I have nothing to add, except that perhaps the pretty doctora may have prefaced her statement about limitations by saying something like "while most turn out fine, some...." I'm not sure, however, that I'm remembering correctly. I'm also not sure what to make of the doctora's admission that she cares for/about Pablo.

I do hope Juvencia can be trusted. Rey pretty much told her what's going on.

Loved the ridiculous scene between Robert and Cinthia!

So Eva is on again? I'm surprised they didn't call this up-and-down telenovela La Montaña Rusa.

BTW, congrats on the Warriors win.

General. Congratulations, novelera, on your team, The Golden State Warriors coming from behind in the NBA semi-finals to advance to the finals. Why, it's almost telenovela-ish!:)

Eva. Excellent recap, novelera. I especially enjoyed your "3 musketeers in black" and "the only judge in LA"--ain't it the truth! I was surprised that Betty and Pablo turned out to be completely compatible for an organ transplant. I would have thought that all those things the transplant doctor said about blood type, etc., not being enough, and the need for cell compatibility and for Betty's immune cells not to reject Pablo's cells, was not only a foreshadowing that that would be the case, but very symbolic about Pablo and Betty in general. As far as limitations are concerned for a transplant donor, the only one I can think of is being careful that no one slugs you in your remaining kidney. Loved Leyla's reaction when Rey suggests that the noises might be from ghosts. She must watch one of those ghosthunters shows on tv. I wonder if and how Andy will take down Rebeca? It's not a good idea to intrude on someone's sibling rivalry--or to cross Andy. I'm thinking we can trust Juvencia to be Reynaldo's ally.


great recap novelera, you did a fine job of rolling out all the high points! and good comments by Juanita and Spanprof.

the only thing I can think of adding is that I was wondering why Pablo didn't make the presentation to the judge, rather than the leisure class Federica, her stonefaced nephew, and that thing Martin does wobbling all over, handing the judge the documents then pulling them back before he can grab them, was certainly trying his patience.


La Esclava Blanca – Monday, May 30 – Capítulo 28, part 1/3

Bernal is serving breakfast to Remedios but she kicks him out. Trinidad comes in and Reme spills her tea upon hearing his voice. Trinidad holds her hand while trying to help her. Milagros interrupts them, Trinidad leaves, and Reme smiles to herself.

At the trial, we get a short repeat of the end of the previous episode. Isaias finally starts to talk about what happened the day Jaime and Miguel fought.

Milagros brings food to Tomas. She wonders if Isaias is willing to help and Tomas responds that he doesn’t want to be ave de mal agüero (a bearer of bad news) but chains tend to break your spirit more than your body. Milagros asks why he is so pessimistic and why he’s talking as if things will never change. After all this time, he has learned that con la boca tapada, uno aprende a ser mudo (with a covered mouth, you learn to be silent) in order to survive.

Back to the trial. Jaime calls Isaias a thief and harasses him about not being to speak loudly because he is ashamed. Miguel jumps in to say that it’s fear, not shame. Jaime responds that they are all cowards. Alonso asks why Isaias if he even saw the fight between Jaime and Miguel and he says no, so Alonso asks why he is even there since he’s not a witness. Felipe asks for a short recess. Miguel tells Isaias that the understands that he’s afraid, but he is safe and they cannot hurt him. But Isaias knows that Jaime is a murderer and thinks that he will be killed as soon as the trial is over. Miguel implores him to help for the children so that they can grow up free and not know lo que nosotros estamos padeciendo (what we are enduring.)

Miguel walks back to the table, looking at Victoria. Bunme notices and remarks to Eugenia, esa es la mirada de un par de enamorados (that is the look of people in love), which confirms Eugenia’s suspicions.

Granados tells Ana that her favorite slave se va a pudrir en la carcel (is going to rot in jail) or end up dead por calumnias (for false accusations). This all needs to end, he says menacingly.

Tomas and Milagros ask their ancestors and Lorenza to give Miguel strength.

The judge tells Felipe that he already heard the testimonies of those who heard Jaime admit to killing slaves in the preliminary trial, but now Felipe needs to provide more convincing proof and what Isaias has said so far is nothing. Miguel jumps up and says they are showing how Jaime likes to hunt and torture slaves, including Isaias. Once again, Jaime denies it. Miguel keeps on him though, reminding him how he admitted with pride to killing Rosita and Sabas, but he won’t admit it there because he is hiding behind his father, and who knows who else. The judge tells Miguel to sit down, but he continues that he knows Jaime is terrified deep down because he knows that Miguel’s race is stronger and braver than him.

Jaime gets angry and says he’s going to tell the truth to be finished with this once and for all. He insults Isaias again, who finally gets the courage to speak loudly and corroborates what Miguel said. Jaime did indeed try to hunt him and did in fact shoot him. He shows the scar on his hand as proof. He says that Jaime mistreated him his entire life and that his father let him do it. Hace cacerías con nosotros como si fuéramos liebres (He hunts us as if we’re hares). There were many deaths, but the doctor always said it was because of disease or accidents. Como no somos nadie para ustedes, no les interesa saber lo que realmente pasó (Since we are nothing for you, no one cares to find out what really happened).

Justicia! yells the audience. The judge reminds Isaias that there will be serious consequences if what he said cannot be proven as true. Two more slaves stand up and say that Jaime shot at them as well. Felipe tells Isaias to tell the judge about the conversation between Jaime and Arturo that he heard a few days ago, after he was shot in the hand. Isaias says that Jaime wanted to finish him off, like he had done with other slaves.

La Esclava Blanca – Monday, May 30 – Capítulo 28, part 2/3

Miguel reminds Jaime how much of coward he is again since he shot Rosita in the back, but Jaime loses it and says he’s not a coward because he killed her while looking her in the eyes. He enjoyed killing her, and would have enjoyed killing Miguel as well as all slaves, but they won’t let them. Felipe interjects, who won’t let you? But before he can answer, the audience erupts in anger and starts shouting. Finally, the judge orders Jaime’s arrest for murder, and the audience claps.

Victoria tells Nicolas that she hopes the other murderers that Jaime mentioned will be caught soon, especially Arturo if he is behind all of it. She hopes that the murdered slaves rest in peace. She reminds Nicolas that he wanted his daughter to marry that horrible man/child. He tells her to take Isabel back to the hacienda since things are getting heavy at the trial. Victoria smirks after he walks away.

Arturo is trying to get the judge to change his mind about detaining Jaime, calling him a buen muchacho (good boy) who is incapaz de matar una mosca (incapable of killing a fly). The judge says he detained him because of his confession, which was very clear, and also because he would be lynched if he were to go free. He’s trying to avoid another tragedy.

Outside, Alonso tells Arturo that he is done defending Jaime. It’s not his fault that Jaime is crazy angry and confessed in court. Arturo goes on about how everything is the slaves fault, but Alonso stops him from staying even more racist stuff. Yo no comulgo con la manera de pensar que tienen ustedes (I don’t share your way of thinking). Arturo gets really mad and tries to hit Alonso for abandoning Jaime now, but Gabriel and Nicolas stop him. Even the General asks what’s going on here.

Nicolas takes Arturo aside to shut him up. Arturo says they never should have started killing the slaves. Nicolas says not here! Are you going to commit the same error as your son?

Marcos arrives in Santa Marta to see Miguel. With Manuela, Jesus, and Angela, Miguel says they will let everyone know what happened and unite to continue fighting against oppression. This was only the first step.

Alonso asks Gabriel to have lunch at the house with him and the General. Even if the General says nothing, Alonso says he is actually proud of Gabriel for his testimony and he misses him. Gabriel turns down the invitation.

Arturo is angry/drunk at home yelling about how the slaves should stay silent. We have to kill them all! Nicolas tells him to calm down, and wants to know who bought Isaias from him. Eugenia, who sold him to someone else just to bring down his son. And Alonso quit on him so now he needs Nicolas to lend him some money for a better lawyer, because his son is not the only one who is in danger. Nicolas takes that as a threat. Arturo mentions that he noticed the first people to leave the court were Granados and Caicedo. He threatens Nicolas that he knows where Morales is, and what he did to the Quinteros. Nicolas tells him they are friends, and he will never abandon him. Juntos vamos a salir de esto (Together we will get through this).

Victoria sends Isabel back to the hacienda by herself. She claims that she needs to stay behind to support Nicolas, and this is how she is trying to fall in love with him. (HA!)
At the pub, Nicolas, Granadas and Caicedo are talking about who bought Isaias. Nicolas thinks that Eugenia sold him to Felipe. Granados is afraid they will be discovered. Nicolas assures them that will not happen, but tenemos que hilar muy fino (we have to tread lightly).

La Esclava Blanca – Monday, May 30 – Capítulo 28, part 3/3

Catalina wishes she had been in court with Miguel and Felipe, but Felipe says it’s too dangerous for her. Miguel says they need to find out who the other murderers are and bring them to justice as well. Victoria arrives and hugs Miguel.

Nicolas visits Jaime in jail. Jaime threatens he wasn’t the only one to kill slaves and he’s not going down alone. Nicolas responds no se muerde la mano del que te va a ayudar (don’t bite the hand that feeds you). They’re going to find a lawyer to help him, but he just needs to keep his mouth shut.

At Felipe and Catalina’s, Isaias wonders what to do now that he no longer belongs to the Lopezes. Victoria/Lucia tells him that she isn’t going to keep him as a slave at El Eden since they already have enough. He doesn’t know what else to do in life besides serve others, and he’s afraid of what will happen to him after what he said in court. He asks the marquesa to not give him his freedom and to take him with her. There’s a knock at the door. Nicolas is there.

Before returning to his hacienda, Marcos stops at El Eden to let Tomas know that Miguel won the case. Everyone celebrates. Milagros and Tomas run around the fields to let everyone else know.

Nicolas tells Miguel he has to return to El Eden with him because it’s the law. Miguel is still his property after all and his place is at the hacienda working.

Granados and Caicedo are talking about Jaime. Ana interrupts with some drinks but Granados is his usual asshole self and tells her to leave. He’s afraid that Jaime will tell that they are involved too. They need to talk to Nicolas first before making any decisions on what to do.

Nicolas thanks Felipe for helping his slave win the case. Desde luego, es un evento sin precedentes (Of course, it’s an unprecedented event). Felipe notes that what would be unprecedented is if Nicolas gives Miguel his freedom since he’s such an important person in the community, for both slaves and whites who believe in progress. Nicolas says it’s a financial matter and Felipe should understand with how educated and worldly he is.

Catalina informs Victoria that Nicolas took Miguel back as his slave to El Eden. Victoria wonders why Miguel accepted that as if nothing had happened. Catalina says that his case had nothing to do with his freedom. Slaveowners still have the law on their side. Other countries may have ended slavery, but not here. Abolition will come by changing the laws, with patience and intelligence. Victoria adds o de golpe (or suddenly/all at once). She says Catalina doesn’t know Miguel at all, but she grew up with him and he was free. They didn’t belong to anyone and no one exploited them, because that’s how the world is. Catalina corrects her: El mundo se trata de dinero, a eso se reduce todo (the world is about money/money rules the world; everything comes down to that).

Felipe interrupts and asks if Victoria shouldn’t already be at El Eden? Victoria says she must get there before Nicolas arrives. Felipe will take her on his horse while Catalina stalls Nicolas.

Granados says he needs a bigger trunk and tells Ana to pack her things because they’ll probably need to leave the next day. Ana asks what he’s talking about, and he slaps her hard on the face.

On the way back to El Eden, Miguel tells Nicolas that Felipe is going to keep investigating to find out who the other murderers are, and that Nicolas should help. Nicolas says it’s one thing to accuse Jaime Lopez, but it’s another thing to accuse los hacendados since they all do business with him. Catalina catches up with them, and tells Miguel that they will do everything possible to ensure that he is freed, including changing the laws. She tries to keep going on and on to stall them longer, but Nicolas gets impatient. So Catalina grabs Miguel and kisses him while Nicolas looks at them annoyed.


wow J, you really wrote a wonderful recap, really capturing the richness of the story, in all it's details.

and wasn't Victoria the sweetheart at the trial, hiding her excitement like a little girl in a doll shop.

it was kind of nice that the judge acted fairly, although he was constrained by the law, as he was going to have Miguel executed for perjury if he lost, and his primary motive in putting Jaime in jail was to diffuse a delicate situation, and Nicolas did bring up getting Jaime out on bail, and someone mentioned appealing his case in Santa Fe.

I was wondering about Miguel walking around like he was free, interesting that Nicolas allowed that, and how will Nicolas untangle this mess, the Doctor is really pushing him, he hides his evil side fairly well.

the General is an interesting character, I keep forgetting that he is not one of the inner circle, as he was left out of the huddle at the trial which was clearly showing who the bad guys behind Jaime were.

Interesting twist that Victoria owns Isaias, I guess it wouldn't be right for Felipe and Cata to own a slave, I wonder if he will stay with them, maybe for now. I would think that slaves as property would be recorded somewhere but then maybe it's not required.

and interesting that Cata is such a good lawyer, yet could not take part in the trial because she is a woman, plus Felipe doesn't want her associated with it because of the danger, but she gets in her kiss, and I wonder what Nicolas will think of that.

what I'm really finding interesting is how we are being shown slavery from so many different angles, such as how the owners have church and doctors, while the slaves have there own religion and herbal remedies and culture.


Wow, J., what a marvellous recap! It's impressively complete, detailed, and helpful, especially with all the Spanish you include. I can't think of anything to add, except for a small side note. I was happy to see that you translated tenemos que hilar muy fino as "we have to tread very lightly." I had looked up hilar muy fino last night, and I was surprised and puzzled to see that my Spanish/English dictionaries translated it as "to split hairs," which makes very little sense here. "To split hairs" just about always carries a negative connotation. As one English dictionary put it, "to argue about subtle distinctions, especially irrelevant ones." Your translation makes a lot more sense. Many many thanks!!


Thanks deb and Juanita! It took me over 2 hours but I'm learning so much Spanish from this novela, so it's my pleasure to do it. I'm sure I'm missing some things, so thanks for filling in the blanks.

I was also wondering what happened to Isaias in the end. I don't think Victoria would want to take him to El Eden because Nicolas would be really angry about it, and it wasn't really said/shown where he was going or what he was going to do.

I've noticed that a lot of Spanish dictionaries translate hilar fino as to split hairs, and it almost never means that in English. This is one time where Google Translate is more correct than Wordreference!


I'll have a recap ready Wednesday morning.

Esclava... 29/61
part 1

Felipe gets Victoria home first, as Cata gets her kiss with Miguel, stalling them, and when Cata leaves, Nicolas asks, who was that, ut oh, Miguel says she helped with the trial, and Nicolas warns Miguel about being with white women.

As Nicolas and Miguel arrive at Eden, they are happily greeted by all, Nicolas formally explains that Miguel is alive thanks to his help, taking credit for everything, justice was served, but now he is back to work hard with you all.

night comes, Victoria cries, what was a small dream has vanished.

the slaves wonder what Miguel accomplished, he says he showed that the law can work for them too, that a white man is in jail for murder, that a slave can raise his voice against his master, Trinidad backs him, he didn't win the war but he won a battle, and it looks like all are behind Miguel.

next day,

in town Angela decides that for what Miguel did he does not deserve to grow old as a slave and starts raising money, Gabriel sells his drum to help, Angela reports to Felipe and Cata that their abolition movement is going better than expected.

Miguel tells Tomas the crops look good, Tomas says Nicolas' interests are elsewhere, doing business with a very important Englishman, a lot of money is coming his way, rumors.

Victoria tells Milagros that she feels the same as the slaves, trapped.

Nicolas is sending Miguel to the fields but Miguel wants to tend to the horses first, Nicolas says he can't work off the plantation anymore because of the other landowners don't want him and if they did it would be dangerous, how he has risked his reputation by supporting Miguel (always the good guy) but after a while things will be back to normal.

Victoria shows up in the fields with lemonade and a 10 minute break for all, Julian (the foreman now?) protests, she sees Miguel, and Trinidad wonders.

the General, tells Alonso, Nicolas, Damian and the Captain, that no one is above the law, as he wonders who the 'others' are, the captain says they had slaves that were killed, but Alonso counters that those slaves were lost anyway since they were to be freed, the captain takes offense, the General adds that it's just a matter of time before Jaime talks, he's not eating.

stressed out Arturo is at the jail telling Jaime that he is doing everything in his power to get him out but it isn't easy.

Nicolas, Damian, and the Captain visit Arturo who has gotten rid of all his slaves, it was just a matter of time before they betrayed me too, kept just one to cook but only when I call her, things are not looking right here as Nicolas tells Arturo he has found a lawyer, the Captain says they have the bail money, as they spread out looking around, Arturo goes for champagne but they block his exits, and Arturo's suspicions are answered, he calls them cowards as the Captain puts a bullet in his forehead (what a convenient solution for Nicolas).

riding off Nicolas reminds them Arturo forced their hand, from now on we must not be seen together.


Esclava... 29/61
part 2

Adela arrives at Eden, and begins ripping in to how the house has been managed, the dirt, the field slaves working here, on and on,

Victoria is at the stables, Trinidad asks if he can help, she sees Miguel in the distance and says no, as she goes to him, Trinidad follows and sees them together.

nightfall and Adela is searching through Victoria's room, discovers Nicolas and Victoria have separate bedrooms, that was his decision Victoria says, what have you done to him Adela wants to know, Isabel wants to know if they are fighting.

Trinidad sneaks in to talk to Reme, she's delighted, he asks about the Marquise, I thought you came to talk to me, Reme says, Trinidad leaves, he shouldn't be there anyway, but on the way out he startles Adela, ut oh, But Victoria comes to his rescue, saying he was delivering a part for Reme's brace, who has a broken hip.

Adela tells Hilaria to get all the slaves out of the house by morning, except you, and Siervo?, he's too old and needs to be replaced.

Reme tells Victoria about Trinidad asking questions, he must have seen her with Miguel, Victoria agrees to be more cautious, and adds that it's only a matter of time before Nicolas uncovers her web of lies, they should leave, as soon as Reme can walk, Reme likes the idea and says she is better, the pain is almost gone.

Adela rants on to Nicolas about the condition of the house, etc, etc, the whole world has gone crazy, you should have sold that slave a long ago, Nicolas quietly says goodnight mother and leaves.

Felipe, Alonso and the General talk over a drink, if what Jaime said about 'others' is true, this worries the General, but by law they can't make him talk, Felipe suggests they go to the father, which they do but no one is answering, as Felipe keeps pushing they have the housekeeper let them in, Arturo is sitting at his desk with a bullet hole in his head and a gun in his hand.

Victoria is in her room and hears Nicolas coming, she pretends sleep but Nicolas is coming to bed (ut oh, he hasn't had his no-love potion for a while), but wait something has come up, Alonso has come to get Nicolas for the General, with news of Arturo.

the General and Alonso have assembled Nicolas, Damian, the Captain, it looks like suicide, Damian isn't feeling well, Nicolas explains it may have been over the large amount of money he lent him as well as Jaime, it's not you fault says the General, so how do they break the news to Jaime, as Nicolas calms Damian, was he saying he had blood on his hands.

and later the Padre explains they cannot bury a suicide in consecrated ground, is there some other way asks the General, well if we can prove he was not in his right mind when he committed suicide.

Victoria, Reme and Milagros talk, Victoria doesn't think it was suicide, ah so the others silenced him, will Jaime be next?

Nicolas goes to Jaime, breaks the news, his debts and your situation overwhelmed him, Jaime thinks it's his fault (I'm thinking Nicolas' stare could crush someone), Nicolas tells him to be strong, I'm here for you...



Tonight's episode opens in the hospital cafeteria, where Eva is pleading with Pablo not to donate a kidney. "I love you to death" (te amo a morir), she tells him. Pablo responds, "Tell me again why you're asking this. You break up with me again and again, you scorn me, you break my heart, and now you ask me to do this because of your love?"

Meanwhile, Marlene, Javier, Elsa, and Armando are in Armando's office. Marlene is asking him about the large expenses he has had lately. He tells her it's none of her business. Marlene responds that everything he has, he owes to her. [Huh?] "Don't make me laugh," he replies. He tells everyone to leave his office. Javier and Elsa do so, but Marlene refuses to go. I can't tell whether her bitchiness turns Armando on, or whether he starts kissing her passionately to divert her from asking more questions about the money. Probably both. At any rate, he does seem to be aroused, and he tells her to let loose the she-wolf inside her. She responds by ripping off his shirt. They go at it.

The scene mercifully changes back to the hospital. Betty is standing by the incubator talking to Cecilia. "I'm going to see you grow, graduate, get married, have children, make me a grandmother. Your father loves us." Dra. Ana overhears Betty and comes into the incubator room to ask her to put on gloves. She then encourages Betty to return to her room to rest. On the way back, Betty comments again about Pablo's love: "My husband loves me so much he's going to donate a kidney for me. That's love, no? That's true love." We hear a similar refrain throughout the episode, as if Betty is trying to convince herself and others that this is indeed the case.

Marisol comes to see Betty, and Betty tells her that she's very happy, and that Pablo loves her. The male doctor comes to the room and tells Betty that the tests have shown that Pablo is compatible as a kidney donor. Betty is delighted. She asks Marisol to find Pablo and have him come to see her.

The conversation in the cafeteria continues between Pablo and Eva. He tells Eva, "It's too late for you to invoke your love." "You no longer love me?" asks Eva. Pablo responds that because of his love for her, he put up with her tantrums (rabietas) and her rejections (rechazos); he went to look for her daughter in Arizona; he became a lawyer and defended her and her friends, and he will continue to do so. "All I asked was that you wait for me, that you give me a respite (tregua) so I could help the woman who was going to have my child, that you give me time. But you didn't. So don't come now to insist that I do something for your love, when I've already done everything (Asi que no vengas ahora a exigirme que hago algo por tu amor, pero ya lo hice todo).

Speaking of love, Luis and Adriana come to see Soraya. She's delighted to see them. They talk about wedding plans. Adri says that out of respect for Pablo and Aunt Bertha, it will be a small wedding. Soraya and she talk about the wedding dress--simple, elegant but not cursi. Soraya is thrilled that they're getting married and will live with her. Oops. Adri's face suddenly clouds over.


Pablo and Eva are still talking in the cafeteria. The increasingly omnipresent doctora stands outside the doorway and listens. Eva tells Pablo that Betty's illness is not his fault, and he shouldn't feel responsible. Betty wanted to become pregnant, did so, and did it without Pablo's knowledge or consent. Pablo agrees, but tells Eva that with Betty, he feels needed. "Do you need me?" he asks Eva. "If you needed me, you'd feel it," he tells her. He goes on: "You love me, but you don't need me, you can live without me." Eva admits that she doesn't need him, she only needs her daughters. "I don't depend on you or anyone. That's the way my father brought me up. To be independent." Pablo then says she isn't grateful to anyone. She tells him he's quite mistaken: "I'm grateful for so many things: my mother, my daughters, my health, my work, and above all, you."

Back at the Morgollon house, Soraya is showing Luis and Adriana the very comfortable room and adjoining bathroom that will be theirs, and she tells them they can furnish it or change it however they wish. Soraya's phone rings, and she leaves to take the call. After Soraya leaves the room, Luis asks Adri what the problem is. "You made this arrangement behind my back, without even consulting me," she replies. "I have no problem living with Soraya for a while, but you didn't ask me if I wanted to live here. How can a marriage work without communication?" she asks.

Marlene might ask the same question. Armando still hasn't told her how he spent so much money. Indeed, after they have sex in his office, he leaves, saying he is going to see Fabiola. As soon as he is out the door, Marlene calls Javier and orders him to come to Armando's office at once. When he arrives, she tells him he has to find out what Armando's recent expenses were, and that Javier isn't going to leave the office until he does so. He protests that he needs two or three days, but Marlene tells him that she needs the information by yesterday. "If Armando is ruining the company, I need to act. I'm not going to be poor. Not again."

Pablo and Eva are still in the cafeteria when Marisol enters. She tells Pablo that the doctor has just informed Betty that Pablo is a compatible kidney donor, and that Betty wants to see him. Don't delay, Marisol says, and leaves. "Betty needs me in order to live," Pablo tells Eva. "I'm going to do everything I can to make her happy." He continues: "You're the woman I love and will love. But with me or without me, you'll continue being you. The indomitable, invincible Eva Soler. I'm going to be strong and learn to live without you." He then leaves to go to Betty.

When Pablo arrives, Betty actually seems to have an unselfish moment. She tells him that she doesn't want him to feel pressured to donate the kidney, she doesn't want him to do anything he doesn't want to do. I almost fainted with surprise, but Pablo simply assures Betty, "I'm doing it for you, and for our daughter. I want you to be happy."

Eva returns home and informs Martin that she was unable to convince Pablo not to donate a kidney, and she feels dreadful (fatal). Martin assures her that if she couldn't convince him, no one could. He leaves. Reynaldo is also present. He starts to follow Martin out the door, hesitates, seems to be tempted to say something to Eva (or make a play for her in her vulnerable state?), thinks better of it, and leaves.


Betty has an unexpected visitor: the chaplain, Padre Jose. She's not pleased to see him. She tells him she didn't ask for a chaplain, and seeing him come to her when she's ill frightens her (me da escalofríos) and makes her think of death. She tells him that she has a new baby and a loving husband who is going to donate a kidney. The priest comments that instead of being frightened by death, she should give thanks to God: she's a woman blessed and loved. Betty tells him she never thought about things this way; she has felt abandoned, even by God. Padre Jose assures her that God is love, He doesn't punish, so why does she think she should be punished? As he's talking, he puts on his stole. I think this probably means he expects to treat Betty's account as a formal confession. She does indeed confess, telling him about being a powerful district attorney and abusing her office by bringing the weight of the law against an innocent woman whom she hated. The priest asks whether she repents. Yes, she replies. He responds, "I absolve you of your sins."

Sin still abounds. Robert's phone call to Soraya was to ask her out to dinner. Somewhat amused and puzzled, she agrees to meet him at a small, discreet Italian restaurant. Cinthia, listening unseen to his end of the conversation, is not pleased. Nor should she be. At the restaurant, Robert removes his wedding ring. He tells Soraya that he wants to talk not about work matters but about him and her. He claims that he has held back out of respect for Pancho, but now she's a widow, and he can no longer contain himself: "I'm madly in love with you." She responds that this must be a joke, he's a married man. It's true that he's married, he tells her, but he's not happy with Cinthia, who is selfish and frivolous and lords it over everyone because of her lineage. He confesses that he and Cinthia have not been, um, intimate for a long time. Prefacing her comments with "don't take this the wrong way" (no me lo tomes a mal), Soraya explains that while Robert may not have experienced true love, she has. She loved Pancho very deeply and is not in a position to start a new relationship. She then suggests that as long as they're at the restaurant, they eat.

Back at Mon-Sol, Virginia sneaks into Javier's office, puts his password into the computer, and views the financial records for the past week. She's impressed with how much money there is, and that it's not in the same account or the same back as other money. She says that he's a cheat (tramposillo, but I'm not sure whether she's referring to Javier or Armando. My guess is Armando. I was very nervous, expecting that someone would catch Virginia in the act.

At Pablo's, we see Diego very upset at Pablo's plan to donate a kidney. He's worried about something happening to Pablo. He tells Pablo that he and Cecilia need him, and he asks, "Why doesn't Betty find someone else to donate a kidney?" "There's no time," Pablo explains. He asks Diego, "How would you feel if I could save Betty and I didn't?" Pablo promises Diego that all will be well.

In the closing scene, Eva and Federica accompany Adriana to look for a wedding gown. Eva's not happy about Adriana's getting married (again) so young. Suddenly, Adri appears in a wedding gown, and both Eva and Federica are thrilled. [I was less enthusiastic about the gown, but Adri didn't ask for my opinion.] Adri is happy but says it needs something. Federica says she knows what it needs, un tocado, which is something to wear on her head. The saleswoman points Fed toward the tocados...and who should she encounter there but Laila. [Is Laila too thinking about a wedding? We don't find out, since the red truck is barrelling down the road, marking the end of the episode.]


Thanks very much, deb, for another great recap. I can't say much right now, since I haven't yet seen the episode. But the recap was, as always, a delight to read, and if I don't find time to watch the episode, the recap will have filled me in on just about everything I need to know.

Eva. Excellent recap, Juanita. I especially thought that was a good observation about Betty's trying to convince herself that Pablo loves her. The conversation between Eva and Pablo was very revealing. Even though they sincerely love each other, they have different ideas about what love is. For Eva it's an alliance of equals, with neither one dependent on the other. To be fair, that's what she had with Armando when they were first married and building their business. What a great priest that hospital chaplain was! He was kind, tolerant and very comforting. I think he has replaced Father Brown as my favorite tv clergyperson. Betty, otoh, seems to have had an apotheosis, kind of like a tragic hero just before he dies. She realizes what she has done wrong in railroading Eva and abusing her office as ADA and seems at least somewhat sorry. For me, the most incredible scene of this episode was the easy way that Adri chose a wedding dress. When my older daughter got married several years ago, we must have looked through half a dozen wedding shops and a couple of department stores before she finally found one she liked. It was a gorgeous dress--but it certainly took a long time to pick it out!


Thanks very much, SpanProf, for your kind words about the recap and your insightful comments. I was especially taken with the way you identified the different concepts of love that Pablo and Eva have. I think you're right. I wonder, though, whether Pablo would say that he needs Eva. I'm not sure. He wants her to need him, but....

I just remembered something I inadvertently left out of the recap: Betty's request toward the end for a piece of paper, a pen, and an envelope. Is she thinking of making a will?

I had to remove some remarks that I did include because the site's word count nazi was unhappy. For example, I wondered about whether Armando keeps several changes of clothes, or at least several shirts, in his office. Perhaps La Alacrana's ripping off his shirt in this episode was unprecendented, but I doubt it.

I realized with some pleasure that I wrote "the male doctor" for quite possibly the first time. Usually, the male is the unspoken norm, and so we speak of the "woman doctor" (or, yuck, lady doctor), "woman lawyer," etc. but just "the doctor" when he's a male.

I too had the feeling of coming death for Betty, both in the apotheosis you mention and also, earlier, when she's talking to Cecilia and describing how she (Betty) will watch her grow, graduate, marry, have children, etc. When I heard her say this, I thought "uh oh." But my Imagination of Disaster is often in hyperactive mode, so I try to ignore it. This time, though, we have the apotheosis, the talk about the future with Cecilia, and Betty's request for a pen, paper, and envelope. Uh oh!!


Thanks for the recap deb! Ooh Arturo dies, I hope Jaime is next!


thanks so much Juanita for the recap, you do such a wonderful job with the conversations, like with Pablo and Eva, wow, these two can be so honest it's brutal.

when the Padre entered Betty's room (with angels singing in the background) I too thought it was curtains for Betty, or not, but if she has truly repented how will this go, as Pablo will be one kidney short first thing in the morning not giving this much time.

I don't think Gusano would know what Armando was doing with his money or he would have told Marlene, but Virginia was suggesting that he was stealing money, but I'm thinking it was the off-shore account in the Caymans that they set up for the drug money that Armando doesn't know about.

Robert leaves a trial of slime where ever he goes.

and what was Leila doing at the dress shop, it couldn't be about Rey as he wants no commitments.

Juanita, I forgot about Marlene ripping open Armando's shirt, but I did notice as he got dressed to leave when he buttoned his coat all the way you could see skin on his belly like maybe he wasn't wearing a shirt.



Thanks so much, deb, for your kind words and great comments. I think you're right about the account Virginia came upon being the one in the Caymans that Armando doesn't know about.

Loved your comment "Robert leaves a trial of slime wherever he goes." So true!

I hadn't paid much attention as Armando got dressed and thus didn't notice that he may not have been wearing any shirt. But wasn't he going off to see Fabiola (or was that just a convenient lie?)? Surely he wouldn't have gone to see her shirtless.

BTW, if I had had room, I would have given you credit for the "red truck" line at the end of the recap. I loved it when you used it to signal the end of the episode. But I was having a hard time pruning the recap to meet the site's word count demands. It took me several tries before part 3 was accepted. Hence, no acknowledgement there, but I can offer it now.


thanks Juanita,

I think Armando said it was his day to pick up Fabiola from school



Thanks, deb, for the explanation. I guess Armando doesn't need a shirt to drive a car. Still, Fabiola likes things highly ordered and predictable. She might be a tad disconcerted by not seeing a shirt under Armando's jacket. Perhaps we'll see tonight.

P.S. It took me three tries to prove I'm not a robot. I began to wonder. :-)


Terrific job on the recap, Juanita! I loved the included Spanish on some of the interesting phrases.

Deb, you’re probably right about the money in an account being the drug money. But, if they have that drug money, why is Marlene so fearful of going broke? My first thought was that maybe Gusano is the one embezzling money. But, if so, why would he keep that separate account with his embezzlement money on the office computer?

I go back and forth with Marisol. Is my memory working? Didn’t she advise Pablo once against donating the kidney? I was seriously annoyed at her stone-faced request that he leave his conversation with Eva because “his wife” wants to see him. This is probably the writers’ fault as they seem to have forgotten Marisol asking Eva’s pardon for having misjudged her. Betty didn’t need him right that minute. And Pablo and Eva had a right to have their feelings aired. I guess Marisol’s default position is blind loyalty (undeserved by the way) to Betty.

OK, reasons why Betty doesn’t deserve that kidney - some of them voiced by Eva: 1. She pursued Pablo obsessively. 2. She schemed to get pregnant. [Again, memory is foggy, but didn’t she see one of those fertility doctors, or am I mixing her up with the villain in Bajo?] 3. She schemes with Marlene to railroad Eva into jail. 4. When Pablo gets Eva a re-trial, she meets with the new prosecutor and aids in in trying to get a second conviction. 5. Knowing full well that Pablo and Eva are in love, she moves into his house and makes everyone miserable.

So, despite all this, Pablo vows to make her happy. Doubt she’s going to survive, but you simply can’t make a damaged person happy ever.

I don’t know if we’ll see him again so that others can see it, but I thought the priest actor looked a lot like Gael García Bernal, the fine Mexican actor. His face was fuller, but the nose and mouth looked very similar to me.

Eva. Yep, novelera, you're not wrong. Betty had extensive fertility treatments, without Pablo's knowledge, for the express purpose of getting him to marry her.


Thanks very much, novelera, for your enthusiastic remarks about the recap and your excellent comments. I especially liked your compelling arguments against Betty's deserving the kidney. SpanProf has already confirmed that you're right about the fertility treatments. I think you may also be right that an undeserving person had them as well in Bajo, namely, Felicia. Indeed, IIRC, she did so for the same reason, to try to con into marriage a good-hearted, responsible man (Carlos) who loves someone else. that I think about it, I think Felicia ultimately succeeded in getting pregnant without fertility treatments, but I do think she saw a fertility doctor.

Speaking of "Felicia," I think Erika de la Rosa is doing a fine job as Marlene. I was afraid at first that I'd always think of her as Felicia. Hah! No danger.

Eva. Though Felicia was a much more sympathetic villain than Marlene, or even Betty, Juanita, imo. She truly wanted a child for her own sake as well, ever since she had miscarried years earlier due to her husband's beatings; she had feared that as a result she would not be able to have children.


I agree, SpanProf, that Felicia was a considerably more sympathetic villain than either Marlene or Betty. (I was about to make an analogy involving politics, but then I remembered that that's pretty much a verboten topic on CarayCaray, and probably with good reason. :-) )

Eva. :), Juanita.


I agree about Erika. She's A-1 villana material. She was great as Felicia in Bajo. She was a sort-of villain who reformed in La Patrona as Irene Montemar. She was obsessively pursuing Jorge Luis Pila, that novela's galán; was successful in getting pregnant by him; was hateful to the female protagonist for most of the novela; and ended up reforming and falling for another guy.

What I can't get over is her hair. At first I was sure it was a wig. I couldn't imagine anyone with gorgeous, long, wavy, blonde hair cutting most of it off and dying it such a dark color. But I've stared at it a number of times and think I can see where the hair goes into the scalp. What a sacrifice!

Anyway, Marlene is her masterpiece. She's 100% unadulterated evil.

Since Betty is not a real person, I hope she buys the farm in the first 5 mts of tonights episode. I just can't with her. Thanks for a great recap. I dont have cable til saturday, so the recaps are keeping me up to speed. NLopez


¡Mil gracias Juanita! A great recap! we are so on the same wavelength. "[I was less enthusiastic about the gown, but Adri didn't ask for my opinion.]" She's not a skinny-minnie and that strapless décolletage doesn't suit her. She should take a hint from
Soraya another full-figured gal, who is always stunning in her choice of apparel.


"I think Erika de la Rosa is doing a fine job as Marlene. I was afraid at first that I'd always think of her as Felicia." Yes. I was afraid of the same thing. but Felicia is just a faint memory now.

Eva la trailera... epi 87, Wednesday,
part 1

as the girls hear a commotion, they find Federica in the back of the dress shop choking Leila, and break it up, Leila wants to call the police, Federica tells her to enjoy her property, because it won't be for long, and throws out everything, they're getting Sebastian's body exhumed to prove Leila killed her, Leila leaves as Soraya laughs, she was shaking, but Eva is not so happy, Federica showed Leila all their cards. (and we never get to find out what Leila was doing there)

the surgeon comes to check on Betty, she's having trouble breathing, maybe too nervous, Betty swears she will be the best mother in the world if she makes it, the doctor will arrange for her to see Cecilia as he is off to check on Pablo, oh and yeah, the letter for Marisol.

Ana arrives to find Betty on the floor, (the letter next to her hand) no pulse, they try to revive her but no luck, Pablo is getting nervous, (and why did the surgeon wish him luck) this is taking too long, Marisol who was with Betty, arrives, Betty is dead, Pablo rushes to her side, begs the doctors to save her (but no one moves).

Virginia gets out of Gusano's office to her cubicle where she overhears Marta taking a call, you want me to go where? oh it's Armando, (and he is wearing a clean shirt), they take a work break, oh Mr. Armando she says as he climbs on top, and afterward to a very happy Marta, he says this will be our secret, then asks a favor, to spy for you?, more like you watch my back and I'll watch yours.

Camila visits Andy, jumps him, don't say another word, just make love to me, what? and he does.

Leila runs to Raul the vet, tells him about the autopsy, what should we do, we?, Raul says, I'm out of this, you stole the drug, you gave it to him, but it was your drug, he is done with Leila and tells her to use her money to pay someone off, do whatever, but leave him out of it.

Eva and Federica talk, Federica is feeling guilty, Eva gets her pointed in the 'what we should do now' direction, tells her to call Martin and Rey, but Martin isn't answering, smart girl Eva realizes Martin is at the hospital so something might have happened.

an unseen Virginia also hears Gusano talking about opening the Cayman Island account for Marlene, Marlene hushes him, Virginia realizes it was Marlene's money not Javier's.

Pablo is left alone with Betty, he wishes he could have loved her... he never wanted to hurt her... he asks her forgiveness...

Camila and Andy finish up, and she rushes for the door, huh? Andy asks her to stay, he loves her and he just doesn't say that to anyone, we'll talk later she says, but he's persistent, she tells him of Adri getting married, is she jealous ??? what? Antonio tells Camila not to worry, weddings aren't in style anymore, and she tells him to stop lying to her, nothing will ever happen between us, and leaves Andy (and me) confused.


Eva la trailera... epi 87, Wednesday,
part 2

the writers must have heard you guys talking because Adri couldn't get that dress, she thinks she is cursed when it comes to happiness, but Soraya convinces her otherwise, they'll go to Rodeo drive tomorrow, and some comments about how hot Rey is.

all at the hospital are wondering what went wrong, Marisol tells Pablo she learned to appreciate him for all the things he did for Betty, while Pablo tells Martin, it happened again, he is alone again, a widower again, I'll have to raise my daughter alone, I know nothing about girls, as Eva arrives, she wants to talk, he doesn't, don't worry I still have two kidneys he says, and goes alone to the chapel. (are there no other patients/visitors in this hospital)

as Federica and Rey talk about Leila, Eva calls with the news of Betty.

Virginia runs into Marta on her way back to work from her break, asks if she ran into a tornado, you look a mess, then says to herself, poor thing, another girl falls for his tricks, things are so bad here it's hard to miss.

and quiet Ana, feeling guilty maybe at Betty's death, goes off to her office, and pulls out Betty's letter from her pocket.

Eva tells Marisol she's sorry, Marisol says do think if a person is willing to sacrifice their health for another it could be love?

Eva goes to the chapel and quietly watches Pablo cry, but thinks better of disturbing him.

Marisol remembers the letter that Betty wanted her to deliver and returns to the room, Betty is laid out on the bed (anyone thinking she might jump up) but can't find the letter, the nurses come to take the body for an autopsy, call me if you find it Marisol asks.

Ana reads Betty's letter, it's to Eva confessing all, because the Padre said that if a person truly repents, God will forgive them, she asks Eva for forgiveness, for all the bad things she did to her, and if it's any consolation, this illness is my punishment, she never found true love or true happiness and refuses to die without experiencing them now, forgive me for this last selfish act but she can't and won't give up Pablo.

but if I die, and you're the generous woman I think you are, you'll be able to forgive him and me and please love Pablo and Cecilia twice as much because I won't be able to, I'm begging you to please forgive this bitter woman, and allow me to have a little of the happiness that you have.

Leila runs to Alberto the abogato, he says you always come to me when things get bad for you, Leila's worried about the autopsy, but he makes it simple, you beat them to the punch, as his widow you have the right to have the body exhumed and cremated.

Pablo brings his tears to Cecilia, letting her know that her mother is gone, Ana comes to him, and they hug...



Thanks deb! A fabulous recap! I'm so confused about Camila and Andy. Is she desperately trying to soothe her emotional distress, or is it a Furias entrapment scheme? And Marta? I thought she was smarter than that. But it was kind of cute. What a dog, that Armando!

So did Betty really think she was going to die? They sure have us hanging over a cliff with this Ana business. Of course, Eva's probably going to walk right into the chapel and see them hugging. How many more weeks of plot will that buy?

I'm finally starting to warm up to Arap Bethke as Pablo. Quite a range of acting chops! The grief was good.

La Esclava Blanca – Wednesday, June 1 – Capítulo 30, part 1/3

Adela learns that Victoria moved breakfast outside, which Isabel likes, but Adela hates. She complains that there are bichos (bugs), sun, and wind and gets even more upset when she learns that Victoria is taking lemonade to the slaves in the fields. Isabel asks why Adela hates Victoria so much when she’s supposed to be so religious. Adela has had enough and orders Isabel to her room.

Out in the fields, Victoria tells Miguel that Dr. Lopez is dead.

Nicolas and Granados talk to the judge, and ask him to allow Jaime to attend his father’s funeral. The judge says he can only let Jaime out of jail on probation until the appeal hearing.

Arturo’s funeral. Isabel says she is regretting being so cruel to Jaime, but Victoria reminds her that he killed Rosita. Isabel wonders how it’s possible when they didn’t even know each other. Victoria says todos tenemos un lado oscuro y uno luminoso y, a lo largo de la vida, escogemos uno mas que otro (we all have a dark side and a good one and throughout life we choose one more than the other). This is the result of Jaime’s bad decisions.

The Padre sees Victoria in the audience and remembers when he sent her to Spain. He returns to talking about Arturo and how he was taken over by insanity in his last moments of life. Jaime jumps up and denies his father was crazy. Nicolas and the others walk him outside. Adela remarks to Ana that it’s scandalous that all of this was the fault of a slave. Ana gets annoyed and leaves. Felipe looks at her as she walks out.

Nicolas tells Granados and Caicedo that he will pay for Jaime to leave and start over somewhere else. Nicolas tells Jaime that his father left a letter saying that his last wish was for Jaime to be free. Jaime still thinks he can win the appeal but Nicolas claims his lawyer said it wouldn’t be possible and he’d end up with a life sentence. Jaime threatens no voy a pagar por todos ustedes (I’m not going to pay for all of you). Nicolas says he has to trust him, and he won’t leave him alone. He has a better solution. In the next scene, Nicolas and Jaime are running away on horseback.

Back in the fields, everyone is talking about Arturo’s death and Miguel again says that Jaime was not the only one responsible for the murders. He hopes everything will come to light at the appeal trial.

Nicolas is leading Jaime on a cliff next to the ocean. He claims a boat will arrive soon to take him far away. Jaime thanks him for everything he’s done for him. Nicolas says es lo menos que podia hacer (it’s the least I could do). Jaime turns around, and Nicolas stabs him in the back! La primera ley de la supervivencia es no hablar más de lo debido (the first law of survival is to not talk more than you should). Jaime falls to his death.

Adela and Victoria are disagreeing about how things are run at El Eden. Nicolas comes in to tell his mother he’s happy she’s back but also to stop trying to undermine Victoria’s authority. Adela wonders why he’s all dirty, but he brushes the comment off and announces that since Arturo owed him money, everything he owned is now his property. Isabel almost feels sorry for Jaime that he is left with nothing, but Nicolas reveals that Jaime ran away and that means the trial is essentially over.

The judge announces that since Jaime has run away, they cannot proceed with the trial. The general sent his men out to find him, but found nothing. Felipe wants to continue since the murders of the freed slaves is much bigger than Jaime’s case, but the judge says no since the only murderers were Arturo and Jaime. Felipe pushes him harder but the judge insists that he has already done much more than any other judge in the country would have done for a slave.

At the pub, Nicolas assures Granados and Caicedo that no one is ever going to find Jaime.


La Esclava Blanca – Wednesday, June 1 – Capítulo 30, part 2/3

Victoria, Isabel, and Adela are outside. Isabel calls over Miguel to congratulate him on winning the trial. Nicolas arrives and tells Miguel to go to the celebration with the other slaves. He doesn’t have enemies in the city anymore. He jokes that he hopes Miguel doesn’t come across his admiradora from the other day or he will never arrive at the fiesta. Victoria immediately asks que admiradora? Nicolas says una blanca, and Adela wonders why he is supporting a romance between a white woman and a slave. Isabel informs her that el amor no tiene color (love has no color). Miguel quickly leaves. Nicolas asks Victoria how she is, and she responds bien, but she looks sad...

At the fiesta, Angela gives Miguel money that all the slaves in Magdalena pooled together to pay for his freedom. If he is to be their leader, he cannot remain enslaved. Trinidad wonders why Miguel doesn’t want to dance with Manuela and why he’s been acting so strange. He knows he’s hiding something.

The next day, Felipe and Angela arrive at El Eden. The slaves are excited because they think it means Miguel is about to be freed. Adela and Angela exchange heated words. Adela says Nicolas is busy and cannot talk to her, but Victoria says they can go in.

Hilaria is annoyed that Angela is in the house and that she has to serve her as if she were one of her owners. Siervo tells her deja tanto cacareo, no seas resentida (stop with the empty words/boasting, don’t be so bitter).

Tomas asks Miguel what he’s going to do now that he’s a free man. Miguel says that he doesn’t like to ensillar sin tener la bestia. [I assume this is a phrase similar to No se puede ensillar antes de traer las bestias, which is like don’t put the cart before the horse or don’t cross river before you get to the bridge - No cruces el puente antes de llegar al río.] Tomas tells him he needs to think about it because Victoria wants to run away. But what about the hacienda belonging to her? Miguel asks. Tomas tells him there is no way to prove it, but if he’s a free man, he can help get Tomas and Milagros out of there. Besides, Victoria really wants to be with Miguel; she doesn’t love Nicolas – and we need to do everything we can to find happiness.

Back in the house, Isabel is happy to see Angela again. Adela is annoyed as usual. Nicolas comes in and Angela announces that she would like to buy Miguel’s freedom. Isabel seems excited and quickly passes the bag of money to her father. Nicolas says the slave is not for sale. Felipe tries to persuade him, but he won’t budge. Victoria asks him to listen to Felipe, but he retorts that it’s a conversation between men and she has ni voz ni voto (neither voice nor vote) in the matter. Nicolas makes it clear that Miguel has no price so it doesn’t matter how much money they gather. End of conversation.

As he’s leaving the room, Felipe calls him a farsante (fraud). He is not the kind man he pretends to be; it’s all a front. Felipe told Miguel that Nicolas would never give him his freedom, but Miguel wouldn’t believe him because of the lazo (bond) between them. Adela wants to know what bond could possibly exist between them, and so does Isabel. Nicolas tells them to get out of his house. Angela says they’re leaving since she doesn’t want to breathe the same air as that man. Adela says how can you treat the man who took care of and fed you like that? Angela is strong and says he treated me with abusos, insultos y latigazos (abuse, insults, and whippings). Felipe yells to Nicolas that he is the same all the other slaveowners, the same as Arturo. It wouldn’t be strange if he had something to do with the deaths of Rosita and the other freed slaves. Isabel gets scared and asks why he’s saying that. Nicolas rushes back into the room with a gun pointed at Felipe. Felipe and Angela leave.


La Esclava Blanca – Wednesday, June 1 – Capítulo 30, part 3/3

Outside, Nicolas tells Julian to not let Felipe and Angela come near the hacienda again. Felipe yells to Miguel that Nicolas will never let him have his freedom, and Miguel asks Nicolas why. He orders Miguel to go back to work, and if he doesn’t obey his orders, he will punish all of the slaves. Angela tries to give the money to Miguel but he won’t take it.

Nicolas is angry that Victoria isn’t downstairs for dinner. She needs to learn to obey him. He sends Hilaria up to fetch her but she says she won’t go down. Hilaria warns her that Nicolas is a different person when he’s angry. Milagros gets her to leave her room. Nicolas complains that Felipe and Angela ruined his day, but Victoria says what ruined the day was his lack of respect for everyone. It seems incredible that he knows slaves can buy their freedom, yet he won’t permit it. He’s acting like a tyrant rather than a good Christian that he claims to be. Siervo interrupts to tell him that he needs to go to the fields right now.

The slaves are refusing to work. Miguel is angry that Nicolas has denied his freedom twice. Nicolas says he did it to protect him, and he’s turning out to be just like his mother. Miguel is just asking for an explanation. Nicolas punches him in the stomach, saying he doesn’t have to give any explanations. He orders Miguel and the others to the corral so they can see what happens to someone who challenges him. They won’t budge, so Nicolas threatens to shoot them.

Remedios is taking off her back brace. Milagros helps her. She wants to know what’s going on outside since she heard yelling. Milagros lets her know what’s been happening. Remedios asks for help with the chair so she can go out, but Siervo comes to get Milagros since Nicolas wants all of the slaves together outside.

Nicolas tells everyone that all belong to him, and that he no preference for any slaves, not even por este bastardo que tuve con una de ustedes (for this bastard that I had with one of you). Everyone is shocked, especially Isabel and Adela. Nicolas warns Miguel that he is a slave before he is his son, and punches him in the face. Miguel taunts him that things will change, but Nicolas says they will never be equal. He orders his family in the house, and tells Julian that in addition to the lashings, Miguel needs to learn his lesson, so prepare the foso (trench/ditch/pit?).

Isabel says Miguel is her brother, and Adela slaps her. Adela says there are no blacks in their family. Isabel corrects her and Adela goes to hit her again, but Victoria stops her. La verdad no se borra a golpes (the truth doesn’t disappear with blows/strikes/hits). Adela leaves and Victoria hugs Isabel.

Out in the fields, Trinidad is burning with anger, feeling bad that he couldn’t help Miguel. Enith warns him to calm down and not let himself be taken over by his rage. Yo no quiero que te pase nada malo (I don’t want anything bad to happen to you)...


Eva. Excellent and very complete recap, deb. I especially liked "anyone thinking she might jump up" about Betty. I believe we had heard earlier that the doctors were worried about Betty's heart as well as her kidneys, so her heart attack wasn't a total surprise. Yes, Arap Bethke had a great opportunity to chew up the scenery and show us what a great actor he is, LXV, but Pablo really has nothing to reproach himself for in Betty's death. Given that Betty knew all along that he didn't love her, that she got pregnant behind his back, so to speak, and that he did everything possible to support her pregnancy, her health, etc., he should be feeling good about himself. What he needs is some sensible, non-involved male friend, someone like detective Fajardo, for instance, to talk some sense into him! Will dra. Ana María give Eva the letter that Betty wrote to her? It's a real test of character, and if not, she doesn't deserve Pablo. (wonder how far an Ana María and Pablo relationship will go--to the altar with the wedding stopped at the last minute? Just saying). Whoa! Raúl had recommended that Leyla consult a lawyer. So of course she consults sleazy Alberto Silva who has the perfect solution to nip the exhumation order in the bud. I see a race against time on the part of Rey, Federica, Martín (and Pablo, if he's recovered) and Leyla's minions to get a new autopsy ordered before she can cremate the body.

Eva. Marisol might be able to snap Pablo out of it too, if she's willing to.


What a marvellous recap, deb! In addition to being complete and delightfully written, it also helped me see a number of things I hadn't caught as I watched the episode.

Loved your remark "(and he is wearing a clean shirt)." And your question "(anyone thinking she might jump up)" really resonated with me. I was nervous watching every scene involving Betty after she was found on the floor. I was sure we'd see an eye open, a finger twitch, something to tell us that the perra was still alive. I guess once they actually do the autopsy, I'll relax. Or, more likely, focus my worries elsewhere--on Virginia, for example, whose forays into Javier's office put her in continual peril.

I'm glad that Adri listened to those of us on CarayCaray who weren't enthusiastic about the wedding gown she chose. But I'm surprised that Federica suggests they shop for another gown on Rodeo Drive. Does Fed think she's already won back all her money from Leila?

Count me in as perplexed about what to make of Camila's rushing off to have sex with Andy. It seemed driven by something other than a Furia plan, but....


Thanks, Deb. I loved your recap. Your style of writing is always so entertaining!

Rats! I guess they’re going with kindly Dr. Ana wanting to move on Pablo and not giving Marisol the letter in which Betty more or less willed Pablo to Eva.

I think Camila is trying to make AA suffer by showing the difference between plain old sex and making love. But I also think she still feels for him.

Wish I had time to write more. Is it too mean to say “Ding dong, the witch is dead”?



Muchísimas gracias, J, for another splendid Esclava recap. Among many other things, it helped me see what Felipe said that provoked Nicholas to go for his pistol. And I'm delighted that you're quoting so much Spanish, including words and phrases that I didn't know. Many many thanks!!


J, you write the most wonderful recaps, it's such a pleasure to read them.

(hmm, interesting the burning candles on the outdoor dinner table).

and such an amazing story, just when Nicolas has solved all his problems, bringing Miguel back home has opened up another can of worms, forcing Nicolas to show his true color, that some have never seen. Felipe sure has him pegged.

and what about Jaime, Nicolas tells him, "trust me", then later runs a knife into his back, and I thought Nicolas wasn't the type to get his hands dirty, always using others to do his dirty work, but there is no witnesses this way, no one even knows he's dead.

(and I noticed the reins on Jaime's horse were a loop so he could ride with one hand, so many little details that I've been missing)

so I guess Morales is totally doomed now, going to confession didn't really help him much.

J- for Miguel's punishment the english captions used the word, well.

the slaves could easily take out Nicolas' guards, but I guess then the General would arrive with the troops, because the law is on Nicolas' side.



You're welcome Juanita! It's my pleasure.

Thanks, deb! I also noticed the burning candles on the outdoor table. I wonder if there is an actual reason for them or if they're just pointless rich people decorations.

I wonder what type of punishment is related to the well. I am not looking forward to those scenes.

We're about half way through the episodes now. I wonder how many more people are going to die before it's all over. It's not looking good for Trinidad if he can't control his anger.


One more thing. Props to Arap, of course, for his acting. But I thought the grief was overdone. He should have been very sad, of course, because he'd committed to raise Cecilia with Betty. But his grief was too over the top and seemed as if he were mourning the death of Eva or Diego.

Also, I forgot to mention how good I thought the boy playing Diego was in the scene where he's objecting to his father donating a kidney. He played it as a response of an autistic person, insisting that each person had to have two kidneys. And, of course, he fears anything happening to his remaining parent.


Just a quick note, novelera, to say that I agree with the two points you've just made, namely, that Pablo's grief seemed excessive, and that the boy playing Diego did a superb job in the scene where he was objecting to Pablo's donating a kidney. He made me believe in both his strong emotion and his autism.

Gotta run. The novela is about to begin.

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