Sunday, May 01, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 11 (May 2, 2016)

This Week's Camino is dedicated to MIKE and EMILIA to remember their dear daughter, Jennifer.

Due to time and distance, I have to post this today. Indulge me, please and allow me to pick up some of the comments from last week which make a nice recap of the recaps. All quotes are anonymous to protect the privacy, insightfulness and creativity of commenters.

“Pedro and Fernanda's hearts and souls need soothing balm. Marissa and Carlos should do quite nicely!”

“It seems incredible that Pedro has just realized Luis is Marissa’s husband. But now that he knows, the fire will surely be fueled. Perhaps that is an unfortunate statement – we’ve had more than our share of arson, haven’t we? I certainly hope Mariana can be connected to the blaze. Everyone thinks Pedro tried to do himself in. Mariana has that dubious honor.”

“I was surprised that Lupe is Cesar's mama, and I was surprised that Pedro didn't know that Luis is Marissa's husband.”

“I think anything that Iggy can provide for Amelia will be chump change in her eyes.”

“Wow what a stark contrast between Marissa [&] Bitchy bangs, when they were both told of Pedro/Fernanda's house burning down. Amelia barely gave a care, while Marissa had a sense of urgency to know how they were (well mainly Pedro but still).”

“I'm glad Leo confronted Andrea. I hope she pulls herself together and realizes Luis is not [worth] all this grief. Furthermore he's married to a nice lady who has treated her with supreme kindness. Marissa doesn't deserve Andrea's betrayal.”

“I had to agree w/Mariana, if she lived w/Pedro in that shack it's because she wanted to. Anyone can pick themselves up and do better. I have to say also, that while I don't like Mariana, I can't imagine having her father consistently heralding Amelia has his heart, his favorite daughter and blah blah blah. That would rub anyone wrong.”

“[Amelia’s] Makeover, so what? Not impressed either. Glad Old Fer called that bitch on the location of Fer.”

“Don Fer isn't getting any younger. Bring his granddaughter around for a visit, for goodness sake. Also, since Pedro knew that Amelia was intending to go home, how is it possible that he doesn't know where she is?”

“Well what do you know, bitchy bangs took my advice and got a box of Clairol, it's not basic bitch brown though, it's bruja black! Oh well, it still fits her dark depressing personality.”

“I am really tired of seeing Fernanda and Pedro suffer while that bruja on wheels [Amelia] sits in the lap of luxury being waited on hand and foot.”

“Amelia's harder sell will be Fernando. He hates Pedro believing him the reason Amelia lost the last 18 years when it was Luis that deserves his ire. Perhaps Luis just waits till Fernando dies.”

“Luis tries to oil his way out of his marital crises, but Marissa is adamant.”

“He [Luis] admits he married her [Marissa] for her money. He insults her in a variety of ways, smiling all the while.”

“Carlos and Fer are still ‘treed,’ and Carlos is pleading his case.”

“Amelia tells Blanca the she just learned Pedro and Fer are dead. They cry together while in another part of the house Mariana thought bubbles that the first part of her plan is now in motion.”

“In the office, Luis tells Mariana that he's got lots of problems at home. He wants to see his daughter. Mariana springs the "Pedro and Fer were burned up in a fire" jazz on him.”
“Lucky Luis is invited to eat with Mariana, Hernan, and family. He is thought bubbling that he's gotta find his daughter or he's going to wind up on the street thanks to Marissa.”
“She [Amelia] feels a great emptiness inside at the loss of Pedro. She is surprised, because the only man she ever wanted was Luis.”
“[At the bank office] Pedro is supportively holding Marissa's hand when in walks Louie the Louse, and accuses them improprieties.”
“As we say over on PyP, Die, Luis, Die…”
“She [Marissa] actually told him he's the pet of the house who should wait for his wife's check while she has to do to work! Way to go, girl! That's the Marissa I like to see.”
“While I enjoyed seeing Pedro beating up Luis like that, I think it is going to get him into trouble. Pedro has many reasons to want to assault Luis, that's for sure. But others don't know that, they don't know the history these two have, with Amelia's abandonment etc. They will simply think Pedro has suddenly lost his mind.”
“Mariana astounds me with her lies. Lies that can be easily debunked yet she rolls them off her tongue.”
“I have to admit that the fact that Louie the Louse was beaten up by a "dead" man went right over my head! This will surely play into the script as things unfold.”
“Lucero and her hot prof were caught kissing. Her mother was none too pleased as was the Sister but he professed his love for Lu...”


Here it is folks, NEXT WEEK's Main Post. Thank you, again, Delilah for Friday's recap. I will need more time to savor it fully.

Please continue to comment on last week's Post if you wish to discuss Friday's episode some more.

See you in the middle of the week. Chau!

Thank you Anita!

What fun to read everyone's comments. I must say, our number is small but we are smart, savvy and spicy ;)

I hope everyone is able to read Delilah's outstanding recap of Friday's events.

Looking forward to tomorrow night's episode.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.


Thank you Anita good recap. "people will simply think that pedro has lost his mind". Well he kind of did. I mean all of it came to a head, he finds out that Marissa is married to Loui the Louse, that Amelia has just totally written off him and Fernanda, and he loses his home. Its coming down on him and he had to do that release thing and I thought it was great seeing loui getting the crap beaten out of him, but you're right, pedro is going to be in trouble. Here Comes darling Marissa getting him a good lawyer. Loui got really pissed off when he found out that they couldn't arrest pedro, that was really good. Now pedro really needs to snap out of it, his daughter needs him. he's really not crazy, the man has just had a lot on him for the past 19 going on 20 years. And well, snap out of it already. Because fer needs her dad. She's already got a really crazy ass moma she don't need a crazy ass Daddy to boot. Her bio dad has that spot.

Mariana is building up quit the anvil collection, her and horrible hernin. So glad the rose pedals has fallen off the bush for marisa, now she can unload that load of manure that thinks hes Gods gift to women. Andrea is kinda stupid but she should realize she can do better, and shes got achance if she would just take it. And she should do right by
And that college professor is in trouble.

Ok lets see what happens tomorrow night.

Wow, thank you forthe compliment Diana and Anita, what an honor!I didnt want to step on any recapping toes. I just felt bad that I had some time on my hands and could recap. Im glad it turned out ok. To answer your question from the previous thread Diana; no I have never recapped. That was my very first attempt.

Im happy to fill in for Anita as need be.


You are right about Pedro not being crazy, but he´s severely depressed and needs to get professional help ASAP. He will not be able to snap out of it by himself or with Fernanda´s love. And I don´t blame him. In fact, taking into account the kind of life he has lived for the past 20 years, I´m surprised he didn't have a mental breakdown earlier. Imagine spending all your days with a bitch like Amelia and sleeping on the floor like an animal! People in real life get depressed for much less than that. I'm glad to see Marissa standing by his side. He's going to need all the love and support she can give him. I really can't wait to see these two hooking up! Their relationship is so healthy it's impossible not to root for them.

Thank you Delilah63 for your very informative recap of Friday's goings on. If that was your maiden voyage, you did it with style and grace, and I very much appreciate your efforts!!

I was out of town over the weekend, so couldn't comment on our team's efforts until now, but together we've got this thing covered, and too bad for anyone who isn't joining this group, because it is a really fun ride!! (My wife and I attended a change of command ceremony where our oldest son, an infantry Lt Col commanding the 2nd Battalion, 151st Infantry Brigade, was being assigned to a post with more responsibility. During the ceremony, he was decorated with the Meritorious Service Medal for having transformed his battalion from a unit that could "make a footprint" into one that is now capable of "deploying anywhere at any time, and accomplishing any mission." Sorry, just a little bit proud of my son.)

Big special thanks to Anita! You are our rock. Without your efforts, this would have fizzled and died, and what a shame that would have been. We were rightly hesitant to go all in on this because of the La Gata producer doing such a horrendous job on that tn, but I really have to say that she has delivered an entertaining, interesting and reasonable story with Camino. I guess that redemption is possible even for people as seemingly lost as Amelia and Nathalie Lartilleux.



Wow David, you must be so proud and with good reason; your son sounds like a strong young man with a good head on his shoulders. Congrats!

I completely cosign your comments about Anita, this group would not be possible without her. Hurry back Anita!

David will you be recapping tonights episode?

Delilah, I hadn't realized that tonight was not covered. But, yeah, I will recap it if it is open.


I assume since Anita said she would see us midweek she would not be recapping tonight. If tomorrow is not covered I can do that one unless someone else has it covered. Just let me know.

I can't wait for tonight's ep!

Very sorry to hear about Mike and Emilia's sad news.

I don't know what depression looks like but I will say that he is severely pissed because of all the crap he's gone through the past 19 years thanks to his wife and her insanity. I really hope he gets the help he needs because his daughter needs him, and goodgrief how much is a man supposed to take? Hes been through so much and he's given his whole heart and soul, and now he's losing his mind because of that disgusting creature he was stuck with for 19 years miserable long ass years. Amelia the meanie. Well all I can say is they better make him a happy man because he's been miserable for way too long.

He is such a sweet man to have to go through all hell. And that miserable bottom-feeding lousy loui is walking around making everybody's life a living hell just because he doesn't have any wealth. And now he's going to try to attach his miserable hide to his daughter just so he can get his hands on her money. I hope amelia has smartened up since she's been attached to that wheelchair. She needs to step up and protect her daughter from the sperm donor thats passing himself off as somebody's father.

Ok Im Done venting. :-D. Did you guys have a good weekend? Mine was quite interesting and it's too many details to go into, but I will say this, I am alive.

Hi, all. I'm having some trouble with this one because of the speed they are talking and using a lot of words I'm not familiar with, so some of this will probably have to wait until morning, but I will get it up.

I'm putting the first part up now.


Mon, May 2 Part One

We start off in Pedro's hospital room where Fer encourages him to get better so he can leave. Pedro just stares off into the distance. The nurse brings his breakfast in and Fer tries to get him to eat, but he refuses.

Carlos comes in and joins Fer in trying to get Pedro to eat, but he still refuses.

Fer wants to know why Pedro hates Luis Montero so much. Carlos gets an odd look on his face. Maybe he's thinking, "Wait a minute, heating Luis Montero isn't crazy."

Marco calls Javier the psychiatrist and asks him to come and see a patient immediately.

Pedro says he doesn't hate Luis, but Fer disagrees and wants to know why. Pedro says it's just an expression. Fer tries to get him to eat, but he tells them he wants to be left alone, and they leave after he promises he won't do anything nuts.

Luis is in bed talking to a judge. He tells the judge that things aren't that simple. He is a renowned lawyer and wants to know why Pedro is in the hospital rather than being punished in jail.

Fer is sitting with her aunt and says she's going to find out about the psychiatrist and walks toward Carlos when Isy the leach walks into his path, stopping him. "I've missed seeing you," she tells him. Fer sees them together and walks by them. Carlos looks disgusted and Isy says, "Tu no?"

Blanca and Carmela are cleaning when don Fer walks in and demands to know who Carmela is and what she is doing in his house. Blanca tries to explain the she is the cook, but don Fer says he doesn't know any Carmela. Blanca gets him to sit on the couch and tries to calm him down, when in walks Mariana and Hernan. Blanca asks if Mariana bought don Fer's medicine, which she did, and tells Blanca to give it to him after breakfast.

Dr. Arteaga is walking with Javier the shrink when Fer finds them and asks when the shrink is coming. Arteaga introduces Fer to Javier. Fer says she's so nervous that she's going nuts. Javier says, "Well then the one I need to take care of isn't your father, but rather you." He gives her a sly smile. Uh oh. Wolf in sheep's clothing alert.

Lucero is waiting in a breeze way for Diego who finally shows up. She says she waited all yesterday afternoon but he never showed. He says that he med with the owner (?) of the school and some parents, and the meeting ran late. Lucero asks if he's going to be able to stay and teach, but Diego gets a troubled look on his face.

Fer wants to know if Javier seriously thinks she needs help. He says with two patients he could give a discount, then formally introduces himself as Javier Farias, then shakes her hand.

Isy is following Carlos, and he tells her he is busy and to get lost. She says that Marissa told her that Fer's dad beat Luis up and almost killed him. She says he belongs in jail. Carlos says no. He is taking care of the case himself and Pedro isn't going to jail. Isy accuses him of protecting a criminal - ah, you got back together with her, right? She says she came to see Luis but stopped by out of friendship to Carlos. He stomps off, and the look on her face says, "That didn't go very well."


Mon May 2 Part Two

Fer and Rosaura meet Javier. Jay says he doesn't know anything about this doc Pedro Gomez and he's have to examine Pedro himself and make a diagnosis. Fer, Rosaura and Jav head for Pedro's room.

Diego and Lucero run behind some bushes and embrace. Lucero wants to know if Diego can stay at the school. He says he can, but they by to stay away from each other. Lucero doesn't know if she can do that. Diego says their love is strong enough to put up with this restriction. Lucero doesn't look like she's sure or not. Diego tells her to hold their love in her heart. She stomps off. I guess she wants a more "hands on" kind of love.

When Pedro is introduced to Jav, he thinks he's too young to be a doc, and besides, he ain't buying what the young whippersnapper is selling. (Why doesn't he think Carlos is too young to be a doc?) Rosaura and Fer beg him to try - they're just concerned for him. Jay asked to speak to Pedro alone so Fer and Ros leave. Jav begins to talk to him, but Pedro cuts him off and rejects his help. Jay says he is here and he IS going to help Pedro.

Don Fer is telling his family at breakfast that he wants to see his niter. Blanca tries to run interference. Somehow Mariana got his meds back from Blanca, and gives him a pill. Hernan makes a kind of snide remark about don Fer's illness, then takes off for his business.

Don Fer takes Amelia to his office to start to get stuff together so she can act as the hacienda administrator, which clearly pisses Mariana off. She and Blanca talk about his illness and the new meds. Blanca reaches out for the pills, but Mariana says no, she will be in charge from now on.

Blanca asks Mariana where Pedro and Fer's graves are. Mariana tells her to lower her voice. Blanca that today she is going to talk to a priest about a funeral Mass.

Rosaura tells Fer she's worried about both her and Pedro. Fer is missing school, and tells her aunt that caring for her father is more important.

Carlos meets them and asks how things are going. He says Fer looks a little pale, and wants her to come to his office so he can give her some vitamins, but she begs off, preferring to wait to hear Jav's diagnosis.

Isy is in Luis' room. Luis says he doesn't want to hear Pedro's name again, and that the justice system is working against him. (Okay, Luis, just how good of a lawyer are you again?) He tells Isy that he's going to go after both Pedro AND Marissa. Isa is surprised. They decide to become allies because they have enemies in common.

Fer and Carlos are walking, and she gripes to him about Isy being around all the time. He says sh'e jealous. Fer tries to run Carlos off, but he says he wants to meet Jav. Just then, Jave comes down the hall, and Fer says, "Here he comes now."

Carlos introduces himself to Jav who says, "Oh your the one that asked Marco to call me in." Carlos acknowledges this, and Jav says he wants to talk to Fer alone.

Don Fer and Amelia are in the office and he shows her the books where all the accounts are recorded. He tells her to make sure she guards them and especially to deep them away from Hernan. "Why." Because, he says, he just doesn't trust him.


Mon, May 2 Part Three

Amelia points out that Hernan is Mariana's husband. Yes, and don Fer adores her, but just never felt right abut Hernan. Amelia suggests that his disease is distorting his perception of things. "Maybe."

Don Fer then gives Amelia some hard won wisdom; get back together with your daughter - but Amelia knows it's too late.

In Marco's office Jav tells Fer that Pedro's depression is just related to missing his wife, but he feels there is something else afoot, and hopes she can help. Yes, she says, and she doesn't know where to start. Her mother never wanted Pedro, yet Amelia was Pedro's entire life.

"But, aren't they divorced?" Yes says Fer, but she left him for another man. Jay wants to know if Pedro knew of this other man, but Fer doesn't know. Fer just wishes her family was back together - BUT - there's one more thing, and here Fer asks for discretion on Jav's part. "My father isn't my father," she says, and begins sobbing quietly.

Back at don Fer's house, he doesn't recognize either Blanca or Camela. He accuses them of being robbers and knocks them both down. Mariana observes this from a side door and thinks to herself the the new pills are working better than she had hoped. Blanca and Camila plead with don Fer not to go out, but out he goes. Mariana hopes that, with a little luck, this will solve her problems.

Jay and Fer are still in Marco's office, concluding their talk. Jay says he wasn't wrong, that Fer needs treatment too. He looks like he is thinking of certain types of therapeutic massages. Regarding Pedro, Jav needs Fer's help in transferring him to the psychiatric hospital where he works. Fer says he'll never agree to going to a manicomio, but Jav says sh'll have to convince Pedro.

In Pedro's room, he is ranting to Carlos that he doesn't want Carlos near his daughter. Carlos says he only wants to help Pedro and Fer, and Rosaura says he should thank Carlos for his help. Fer and Jav walk in and Pedro says he's not crazy. Fer says that's right, and asks to speak to Pedro alone. She tells him that she and Jav think it's better if he is sent to s mental hospital, but Pedro rejects the idea outright. "Nunca," he says. Never. He flips out and accuses her of being like her mother and wanting to abandon him in the looney bin. Then he starts acting crazy, and it takes Carlos and Jav to restrain him. Fer and Rosaura are shocked, and more convinced than ever that he needs to go to the mental hospital, but tia is concerned about the cost. Fer says she'll work her fingers to the bone to pay for her father's care, and tia says Pedro is right, Fer is "the sun" (like a "gift from God"). Fer it al finalize arrangements for Pedro's transfer.

Back at the hacienda, everyone is worried that don Fer took off. Mariana blames Blanca and unloads on her, but Amelia tells her to back off.

Carlos is at his desk thinking about Fer, and how he will have to trust her. They own each other's hearts.


David, it is obvious you are bursting with pride over your son. As well you should! God bless all of you.

Needless to say, the recap was excellent.

"Fer wants to know why Pedro hates Luis Montero so much. Carlos gets an odd look on his face. Maybe he's thinking, "Wait a minute, heating Luis Montero isn't crazy" and "I guess she wants a more "hands on" kind of love" were among my favorites.

"Carlos is at his desk thinking about Fer, and how he will have to trust her. They own each other's hearts". Beautiful.

"My father isn't my father," she says, and begins sobbing quietly.”. One of many disquieting, somber moments. How much can poor, tender Fernanda’s heart take?

Mariana savagely berating Blanca was hard to watch as was Pedro's descent into mental anguish. Don Fer's condition worsened by Mariana was very hard to watch. Seeing him unload on the poor women was so very sad.

With all of the actors well cast and doing an amazing job, how could this show possibly get better? Umm, Brandon Peniche! Now if it had only been Arturo (more age appropriate for me), I would be on cloud 9! But, I am happy to see his son and expect a little conflict with our Carlos...

David, thank you for your time and effort - this was wonderful. I so appreciate you and Delilah stepping in so splendidly.


Mon May 2, Part Four

Fer is sitting on Pedro's bed stroking his hair and face. He is unconscious because of the medication. She tells him that at the new hospital he'll be cured, and not to worry about her missing school. She will find a way to work AND study. She will be by his side when he needs her. She tells him he is her family, even if her mother doesn't want them. "I miss you so much," she tells him.

Back at the hacienda, Mariana is unloading on Blanca, blaming her for don Fer's absence. Blanca tries to protest, but Mariana shouts her down. According to Mariana, Blanca is an old, inept worker. Mariana is going to replace her with a nurse, who will know what she is doing. Blanca is devastated. Amelia calls her over, and for the first time in 20 years, hugs and comforts someone.

Fer, Carlos, Ros and Jav are watching as they wheel unconscious Pedro toward the ambulance. Jay says he'll go with Pedro in the ambulance, and Carlos says he'll drive Fer and Ros over in his car. The cute nurse Graciela stops this because there are patients waiting. Carlos tells her to have the new doc take care of them, but Graciela says he's not in the hospital and Carlos must see to them. Carlos is crushed because he wanted to be there for Fer, but he can't. Carlos hugs her and Ros looks on approvingly. "My heart is with you," he says. "Don't forget me."

Sr. Sonrisa has the girls lined up and tells Carolina and Camila to assume the "front leaning rest" position, and give her 15. (Are you kidding me? In the army, our sergeants would drop us for 50 for the slightest infraction, real or imagined.)

Lucero, her hair frazzled, sees Diego arrive and studiously ignore her. Is her hair going to be an indicator of her state of mind?

Jay is showing Fer around the mental hospital grounds and assuring her that it isn't like the nut houses in movies. He gets her to quit calling him doctor; she calls him Javier. She says his tour has lifted a weight from her shoulders.

Am I supposed to know what that red medal is that Fer has pinned on her left lapel? If I am, then I have failed you because I have no idea what it signifies. Also, I am taking note of our attractive Fer's mid thigh hem length versus the equally attractive nurse Gabriela's below the knee hem length.

Mariana is at home thinking that the longer don Fer is lost the better, when Hernan calls her and reminds her that don Fer hasn't signed a new will. Mariana remembers this and says she hasn't been able to get ahold of Luis. Hernan tells her that a bank employee beat the crap out of him, and he's in the hospital.

Fer walks into Pedro's hospital room and is shocked. She turns to Jav and demands to know why her father is in restraints!!



Firstly I want to thank you Delilah for jumping in over the weekend. I tried to post and nothing shows.

And David I appreciate you pinch hitting for last night.

I'm with Luis and wonder why Pedro isn't in jail for nearly beating a man to death. Pedro should thank his lucky stars he has friends in high places. Marissa is willing to bend the truth.

While Luis deserved what he got and Pedro got cause to finally snap he still committed battery. Sweet Pedro was a begging fool with unrealistic expectations. Amelia loves who she loves and that isn't Luis's fault.

I am so glad Fernanda finally has an outlet to unburden her young soul. She's tried to speak with Carlos but he always spins things around and applies pressure to resume their relationship instead of letting her get it all it out. Thank you Javier

Mariana is so bad I just love her.

I had a little crush on one of my professors when I was a freshman at Univ and in retrospect must admit he knew and I knew he knew but guess what, he was a PROFESSIONAL and didn't use the classroom as a dating service.


Diana, thanks for your kind words. By the way, "heating Luis Montero" should have been "hating Luis Montero."

Yes, there were a lot of hard to watch scenes in this episode.

Of all the manipulators, it seems to me that Mariana trying to kill her own father is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I think Luis and Isy are going down in flames. I cracked up when Luis told the judge he was a renowned lawyer. I think Luis will suggest they do something criminal, and Isy, in her lust for vengeance will comply, thus sealing her fate.

Thanks again, Diana. Your comments are always so well thought out, and so heart felt.


Hi, tofie. I totally agree that between Pedro and Fernanda, Luis has come out on the short end of the stick both times.

And you are right; Mariana's portrayal of an evil daughter is so over the top that it's like a caricature.

I wonder how many successful relationships spring from teacher-student encounters? I know of one.


I watched the show David and should have realized the recap wasn't done. My apologies for commenting before your last installment...

More gems:

"Carlos hugs her and Ros looks on approvingly. "My heart is with you," he says. "Don't forget me." Ack...

"She will be by his side when he needs her. She tells him he is her family, even if her mother doesn't want them. "I miss you so much," she tells him" (bringing a tear to my old eyes)...

"Amelia calls her over, and for the first time in 20 years, hugs and comforts someone". Incredible! There are miracles here on earth :)

Just when the sadness seems overwhelming, I read "Lucero, her hair frazzled, sees Diego arrive and studiously ignore her. Is her hair going to be an indicator of her state of mind?" Thank you David! I forgot her crazy hair.

tofie, "I had a little crush on one of my professors when I was a freshman at Univ and in retrospect must admit he knew and I knew he knew but guess what, he was a PROFESSIONAL and didn't use the classroom as a dating service".

thank you both David and tofie for the much needed laughs.


David thanks so much, you had a tough one for sure. The scenes between Fer and her papito were so touching and you captured them beautifully. I am so impressed with PG, she's doing a great job in this role. She knows how to pull my heart. Pedro and Fernanda are the true love story here, both are clinging to the other and they are not blood. Each is trying to protect and spare the other from the truth. Amelia's remorse is too little too late and will not cover the abuse, rejection and emotional burden she continues to heap on these two innocent creatures she was never worthy of. Pedro saved Amelia from being completely homeless and he gave her unwanted daughter more love than Amelia or Luis could have given her. Fer is the woman she is because of Pedro.

Oh Mariana, instead of trying to off your father, please do this viewer a favor and get rid of your loathsome sister. I'll erect a giant patio table in your honor and drinks will flow! I do love me some Mariana, she's a bit over the top but her rant at Blanca had me laughing. She knows how to flip a script and have everyone saying 'whaaat?' Oh she's delicious!

Luis is beginning to bore me with his entitled ass "Judge don't you know who I think I am?" He's renowned dont'cha know? I don't gt the fuss over him by Marissa or Amelia or even Andrea. Mariana even thinks this turd is a prize. I dont want to be unkind but this actor has never revved my motor. So I am having to work at buying this mans sex appeal for all these women to have risked so much for him.

I hate to throw in on Pedro, but when he pummeled Luis; it was battery and unprovoked. Is he even aware Luis is ok and not dead, I can't remember him being aware.

I like dr Javier...he's a good opponent against Carlos. I like when a tn gives the galan a good run for his lady. PyP failed at this, with David versus Jorge, the latter being weakly cast. Of course I root for Carlos, but enjoy a good romantic tussle for the heroine.

Lucero looks like she may go nuts over losing prof. Is this going to be something unexpected? A girl did imply some mental instabilities.


Delilah, thank you for your kind words. I totally agree that PG is doing this role justice. I like her energy, and I thought last night she did a good job of portraying angst at the things going on around her.

I think you are correct that Lucero may have some issues with mental health.

And, yeah, Louie the louse. What can you say about someone as self absorbed as that? He's digging his own hole, though.

Thanks again, Delilah!


Tuesday Evening: We just got home, a bit tired out. I have a lot to catch up on. Bear with me.

I will watch tonight's episode and get something up Wednesday sometime.

I finally got to read Delilah's recap. Besides AMAZING, it was so detailed and well crafted and included some cute asides, which I will point out later.

And David, thank you for picking up the baton. I remember when you were anxiously awaiting your son to return from Afghanistan (or was it Iraq). He's come a long way since. Congratulations!

Thank you David for this splendidly told story. Poor pedro. And all he did was love his wife and daughter. His happiness scale has blown up. When all this crap and depression and pain is over he is going to be so so happy, he's going to be the happiest guy on the show, plus a new wife.(marissa). He needs a new wife because he has no idea what it feels like to have a woman that loves him so much she gives her heart and soul to him, just the way he did for that creature he was stuck with for 19 miserable years.

Ahh, carlos has some competition. He ain't bad lookin either, in those tight pants. Dr tight pants. I saw the attraction pull when he looked at fer when he first saw her. The same look on his face that Carlos had on his. She'll end up with one of them.

Amelia is very pretty. too bad she's not as nice as she is pretty." Amelia comforted someone for the first time in 20 years". that is very sad because she had a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter that could use that comfort. but she gives it to someone she hasn't seen in 20 years which deserves that too but wow! what a sad story. Not just
A story, amelia's reality. it would be really nice to see something good happen with this man and his daughter.

Thanks again David. and congrats to you and your family about your son.

EPISODE #49 (Tue May 3) – Pt. 1
Fer is demanding to know why her father is in restraints. Pedro is sedated and his arms are tied down. This is the psychiatric hospital where Dr. Jay works (although Pedro prefers to call it a manicomio). Rosaura stands by. Dr. Javier (I like Jay) says it’s for his own good, so he doesn’t hurt himself or try to escape. Pedro starts to come around. Fer tries to calm him as he gets more agitated because he doesn’t know where he is. He begs Fer not to let them do this to him. He demands to be loosened. He begins to act crazy—because of course, he’s not crazy.

He’s fighting his restraints, like crazy, and yelling. Fer finally tells him this is not about what he wants, but what he needs. Rosaura agrees. Pedro says he doesn’t want to leave Fer alone. He promises he’ll start whatever treatment they want, but to please let him go back and finish their house. Fer says that is not possible, he has to stay here, but it won’t be for long. Fer tells him she will be with Tia Rosaura, but Pedro is not hearing her. He says, “‘cmon, let’s get out of here.”

Dr. Jay watches the interaction between father and daughter. He’s not sure what it is he’s feeling for this girl, but he is so impressed by her strength, her valor, her powers of persuasion. How lucky will be the man who succeeds in having her fall in love with him. He’s sure, though, she will do the choosing, because there are many who would love her.

Mariana visits Luis in his hospital room. She’s not horrified by what she sees. In fact she’s somewhat amused when she hears it was Pedro The Gardener Perez who did the deed. Of all people, she remarks, what on earth did Luis do or say that could have resulted in such a beat down. Luis says he has no idea, but probably it has something to do with Amelia. Pedro may think Luis has something to do with her disappearance. Mariana keeps that little bit of knowledge to herself and is lovin’ the whole scene. Luis also thinks Marissa is having an affair with Pedro. This brings Mariana to a full-throated laugh at the notion of the two of them—Marissa an elegant, high-class lady and the other one a low-life gardener. Well, says Luis, she asked for a divorce.

Now he wants to know why Mariana is there. Mariana lets him know that Daddy Dear has lost his mind again and has disappeared. It’s been hours since he walked away from the house. Luis has a bit of good news for her. He rewrote the will. It’s in his office. Mariana will inherit everything and Amelia and her daughter will get nothing.

Mariana promises to pay Luis well for his work on her behalf. That fortune belongs to her and not some granddaughter her daddy doesn’t even know. Luis reminds her that granddaughter is his daughter. He points out there’s still a matter of signing it. Mariana says leave it to her, she’ll find Old Fer and get his signature. Luis asks him to get him out of the hospital and take him home. Mariana snorts, and where is home? She heard Marissa kicked him out. Luis says he’s going back to the house. He has no intention of losing everything he worked for. She finds some humor in his wanting everything of hers (from Old Fer) as well as everything of Marissa’s.

Lucero appears near where Diego is working out on the school grounds inner plaza. She wants to talk to him. He has to ignore her—the condition for his staying on at the school. She only wants to tell him something. It’s not possible. He gets up and walks away, trying to persuade himself that this is for her own good so that her mother won’t take her away. He couldn’t stand the idea of not having her near. Meanwhile, he’ll think of a way for them to be together. He leaves her standing there with the last word still in her mouth. Lucero doesn’t understand his attitude. (I was sure he explained it to her earlier. Is she that dim a bulb?)

EPISODE #49 (Tue May 3) – Pt. 2
Marissa and Ignacio discuss the effect of her pre-nup on the divorce. She can’t believe he’s going to try to keep everything. Iggy reminds her she’s the one that was so generous with him. Luis has every right to fight for it. Iggy is saying he will use all his powers to defend her just as Luis barges back into the house. He provokes her. Iggy holds her back. Luis announces he’s going to go rest, back in his bedroom, the master suite. Oh, and he yells for Clarita to come and fumigate and disinfect the room. It smells. He strides off. Iggy says it’s too bad Pedro didn’t kill him off. Marissa actually agrees.

Isabela tells Andrea that Marissa knows all about her affair with Luis and is hopping mad. She feels betrayed by Andrea. Isy suggests Andrea disappear from here for a good long time, maybe forever.

Pedro finally agrees to stay and submit to the therapy and will do whatever the doc asks, for Fer’s sake. Rosaura is pleased. Fer promises to come be with him every day. Pedro asks Dr. Jay if he can talk to his sister, The Sister, alone. Dr. Jay says of course. Pedro asks Rosaura not to let Fer and Carlos be together. He’s over the sibling bit, but he’s most concerned that somehow, Fer’s presence will make Carlos mention she’s Pedro’s daughter and he cannot let that happen. Rosaura protests then promises to keep Fer with her, after dissuading Pedro from sending her far away, as he had suggested. She’s sure Luis doesn’t know her connection to Pedro. She’s sure Fer will be safe.

While Pedro and Rosaura talk, Dr. Jay finishes showing Fer around the facility. It’s not the scary place she might have seen in the movies. He reassures her she’d doing the right thing for her father. She’s not abandoning him. As for the expenses, Fer says to let her worry about that. The important thing is to get her father well. He thinks she needs help, too, someone to talk to. She tells Dr. Jay that she’s always been able to tell her papi everything, but now she doesn’t feel right keeping the knowledge she’s not his daughter from him. Dr. Jay says she can’t tell him for now, either. He has to keep reminding her they agreed to use the familiar “tu” and to see him not as a doctor, but as a friend. So, now Dr. Jay becomes Jay.

EPISODE #49 (Tue May 3) – Pt. 3
MARISSA AND LUIS HAVE A MAJOR VERBAL ALTERCATION (For your reviewing pleasure, I’ve given you a simile of the argument—omitting some words or phrases I couldn’t catch.) Marissa is in the living room arranging flowers. Luis enters.

L-This place looks like a wake
M-Yes, I’m burying what we once had
L-Well, you’ll just have to get rid of them
M-Of course not
L-Yes, you will, I’m allergic to flowers
M-You never complained before
L-I didn’t out of consideration for you. Oh, and forget about the garden and the work that gardener is doing because I’m going to squash him flat
M-I won’t permit it, over my dead body
L-I’m going to beat you, too, for bad or worse
M-I’m not going to let myself be beaten by you
L-We shall see, this is war to the death
M-War to the death, but the flowers stay, whether for your burial or mine
L-I don’t plan for it to be mine, so the flowers go (as the glower at each other, faces inches apart)
M-Are you threatening me?
L-Yes, I am
M-If you are finished, I’m leaving, I have things to do
L-Like always, you flee
M-I’d love to stay home, but I have to work
L-I’ve always worked
M-Oh yeah? Where? Oh yeah, the office I gave you
L-That work always cost me
M-That work never cost you a dime
L-Yes it did. It cost me to kiss you and to endure you for 20 years
M-Enough of your insults. There’s nothing you can say now that will make me feel bad. I have to go to work
L-Don’t you dare walk out, leaving me with a word in my mouth (he grabs her)
M-Don’t touch me. Don’t you dare. Again, I have to leave and you’d better be gone when I get back
L-Nevva happen. I’m staying
M-Oh, that’s right, you have nowhere else to go. You are a kept man. In fact your whole family is a mystery to me. I never met any of them. It’s probably because the abandoned you.
L-Don’t insult me
M-You started this war, Luis, so suck it up like a man. Shut up. I hope you are asleep when I get home, so I can have a little peace in MY house. You should take care of your golden goose because it won’t do either of us any good if we both end up in the streets. And you? You aren’t that young hottie I married. You’re old and ruined. No one will want you (she leaves him seething).

Luis thinks to himself that he isn’t going to take this. Marissa will learn who the REAL Luis Montero is.

Leo has come to see Andrea. She says everything is hunky dory, but she has tears in her eyes and there is baggage by the door. Leo wants an explanation. She’ll tell him tomorrow, ok? He wants an explanation now. Andrea tells him she’s going on a trip.

EPISODE #49 (Tue May 3) – Pt. 4
Visiting hours are over and Fer takes her leave of Pedro. The minute the door closes, the each feel the separation, physical and emotional. Rosaura reassures Jay that Pedro will never become aggressive with Fernanda. She is the light of his life. Jay prods a bit for Fer’s relationship with her mother. Rosaura tells him, he’s the psychiatrist and as he goes along, he’ll find out these things. She’s not in a position to tell him.

They watch as a very sad Fer walks toward them down the hill. Jay is very concerned about her. He approaches her and uses his fingers to wipe away her tears and then puts his hands on her shoulders and adjusts her collar in a too-familiar manner, just as Carlos appears at the top of the hill. He sees the gesture. Fer turns and sees him and tells Carlos she just wants to take her father away with her. She steps into an embrace, puts her arms around him and cries. Jay watches. So does Rosaura. Carlos makes sure Jay is watching. Carlos wants to take her home, but Rosaura says they have a lot to talk about. Fer says goodbye to Jay. The two men look at each other. After Fer and Ros leave, the two men agree to have dinner together later. Carlos says to himself he doesn’t want to lose Fer—he’s not going to lose Fer.

Old Fer has been found. He went back to the office. He calls security because he doesn’t recognize Hernán as his son-in-law and Hernán can’t persuade him who he is. Old Fer wants security to throw the thief out. The pair of officers are in a bind. They recognize him as owner, but Hernán is the boss. Fortunately for them, Mariana arrives. She admits, rather slowly, that Hernán is her husband. Old Fer is stressed because he wants to know what’s wrong with him, what’s wrong with his mind. Mariana soothes him.

Fernanda is shown to a room by Rosaura. She will only tell Fer about her conversation with Pedro that he wanted to make sure she’s not alone so that’s why she’s there with Rosaura at the school. Fer reminds Rosaura that she will have to work to pay for the treatment at the hospital.

Marissa is finished early at the office and doesn’t know what to do with herself. She tells Iggy in the past, she would have been anxious to get home to wait for her husband. Now she hopes he won’t be there. Iggy tells her he’s already started the process to evict Luis from the house. It will take several days, though. They find out from Lupe that Pedro is in a psychiatric hospital. Marissa decides to go see him.

She sweet-talks her way into Pedro’s room after hours. He turns away from her in shame. He doesn’t want her to see him this way. She tells him she’s there out of affection and gratitude. He doesn’t understand her. Marissa says what he did, he did to defend her. She will always be indebted to him for doing what someone would do for the people he cares about. Marissa says he shouldn’t be so hard on himself. Pedro wonders about Fer. She’s paying the consequences for what he did. Marissa says all the more reason for him to fight to get well, for Fer’s sake, for everyone who loves him and fight for his own sake, too, because there are few men around like him, so kind and generous. She tells him she doesn’t want him far from her life. What would she do without her friend, Pedro the Gardener. She kisses him sweetly on the forehead.

Hey Anita, you're back!! Thanks for this, and for all the work you have done for us.

I thought Doc Jay had kind of a sinister thought bubble about Fer where he said he would compete for Fer, but since she is his psych patient he will know which buttons to push - did I make that up in my mind?

I think the one who will find Luis' true worth will not be Marissa, but Luis himself. He will find out he has no worth whatsoever. Marissa kind of hinted at that when she went down the list of stuff she'd given him

Tender and developing relationship between Marissa and Pedro is nice to watch. Her supportive, gentle kiss last night is probably the first time in twenty years that he's been kissed by some female other than Fer.

Thanks again, Anita. I love every word you write.


Anita, thank you for the evident, careful consideration you gave each word.

It was wonderful. I cannot tell you how much it meant to have you so thoroughly translate Luis and Marissa's conversation. I understood nothing and wanted to know everything!

"He begins to act crazy—because of course, he’s not crazy" and the beautifully phrased " Fer takes her leave of Pedro. The minute the door closes, the each feel the separation, physical and emotional" were among my favorites.

"L-Yes it did. It cost me to kiss you and to endure you for 20 years". Ugh. The bad and the ugly - all in one.

No pride and no dignity. Now I also want Luis to have no home. Gak.

There is something so sweet, so unspoiled about Fernanda. Every emotion is heartfelt and genuine. There is no guile - only light and sunshine. No wonder everyone falls in love with her!

I hate Mariana for so many reasons but her cruelty to old Fer may be paramount (after trying to kill her sister and niece of course). I loathed the way Hernan actually seemed to be enjoying Fer's confusion.

Yes David, I wonder if our newest doctor is all that he seems. He is already beguiled by Fernanda (can't blame him) and even thought Carlos was quick to show off her clinging hug and affection for him, I don't think he will be easily dissuaded.

I also loved Pedro and Marissa's gentle, kind interaction. The kiss was so sweet and tender. More of this couple please! They are the medicine and the cure for what ails each other. I can't think of a better antidote for heartbreak than love.

Anita, thank you for the glorious recap!


David and Diana--It's always such a pleasure to find your comments and read them. It certainly extends my understanding of what's going on. Thank you.

David: "I thought Doc Jay had kind of a sinister thought bubble about Fer where he said he would compete for Fer, but since she is his psych patient he will know which buttons to push - did I make that up in my mind?" You probably didn't. There was a lot of dialog I left out between Jay and Fer, Fer and Pedro, Fer and Carlos, Fer and Rosaura, only because we've heard it in context so often. I'd like to try to find it for you, but not today.

Diana: Glad you got to "hear" the argument between Marissa and Luis. She sure did a quick turnaround, from Luis being her one and only a few days ago, still ditzy in love after 20 years to his being persona non grata in the house. I wish that tomorrow (or tonight) Marissa and Carlos tell Luis he cannot order the maids around and if he wants his room cleaned he'll have to do it himself or if he wants something to eat, he'll have to get it himself--outside the home. She's not paying for his food any more. Maybe she should also start charging him rent!

I wonder if we'll get more viewing time between Leo and Andrea. They cut them a little short yesterday.

Delilah63--You are a natural at recapping. Here is my rundown of your gems:

Marissa looks over Pedro's handiwork on an unconscious Luis face.

Newsflash! Lucero is not in prep school anymore she is a hot college coed who can do what she wants. The nuns don't gotta report nothing! Mom isn't happy, after all she pays the bills and has rights.

Mom who is ranting while being followed by Rosaura comes upon the professor fine tuning Lucero's french skills. AND They resume her private french lessons. (These were my all time favorite.)

He turns his attention back to his amazonian girlfriend.

Too little too late you ice cold witch. Someone get her a broom.

She [Amelia] doesn't know what she'll do with this pain. Oh well we give you about five minutes you wretched woman.

They both wonder what could have detained him. He [Luis] ran into a talented plastic surgeon.

"Pedro is not going to jail and you won't ruin me. Pedro and I have the same kick ass attorney!"

Delilah--Please don't put me on some sort of recapping pedestal. It's very wobbly. I'm enjoying my time with this novela and the people hanging out here who can share in it. How much time do you have to give us another one of your grand recaps? I'm going to be away again for my grandson's high school graduation at the beginning of June (hint, hint).

P.S. I still can't believe it is a Mme. Lartilleux production. The only clues, so far, are hut fires--haven't there been ones now in several? That and introducing well-known actors (Brandon), as characters later in the show who have some important contribution to make and then fade away?

So awesome Anita. Thank you especially for the dialog between Marissa and Luis.

"And you? You aren’t that young hottie I married. You’re old and ruined. No one will want you"

I'm frightened for Marissa since the turd is still in the house.

Sadly, other than his sister and daughter, Marissa's kiss on his forehead the only affection Pedro has had.

One more indication it is a la toddle production is the absence of a sit down between Diego and Lucero to review his plan. Instead we get him running off and avoiding her just to create a big ole misunderstanding.


Anita, wonderful recap! Thank you for translating the dialogue between Luis and Marissa. What a scene!! Kudos to Eugenia Cauduro and Rene Strickler for their excellent acting.

I also like Brandon Peniche and I think he will be a good rival for Carlos. His father Arturo has always been one of my favorite actors.

The final scene between Pedro and Marissa was lovely. I also loved the forehead kiss. It's going to be such a shame if these two people don't end up together. They are made for each other.

I think this TN is so good because it is already based on a well-written original story (La Hija del Jardinero), which the writers and producer have respected so far. I have seen part of it and I can tell you that, though they have made some changes in Camino, the central idea remains pretty much the same.

Lucy, I see we are both members of the Peniche fan club.

I like Brandon too but Arturo makes me melt. Did you see La Malquerida? Sigh...

I also want Pedro and Marissa together. But, there is an uncomfortable pit in my stomach. Could it possibly be that Pedro and Amelia might end up together?? Pure speculation. But I've been watching TNs for many years and I know enough that very little is certain!


Diana, I didn't see La Malquerida, but I remember Arturo very well in La Usurpadora, where he was playing an attractive lawyer. I was so infatuated with him back then!

I hope they don't make Pedro get back with Amelia, it would be unrealistic and totally sick to be honest. I know things about this story line from the original version but I don't want to spoil you.

Lucy Lu, Diana and Tofie
Let me jump back in on the Pedro with Amelia or Marissa. Either one will require a big sea-change in Pedro.

If it's Marissa he chooses, he will have to admit he was soooo wrong about his one-track obsession with Amelia. That alone will be hard to deal with. It will be even harder if her change of heart is genuine. Still, too much damage has been done, especially to Fernanda.

If it's back to Amelia, he will have to admit to himself that he isn't good enough for Marissa and the class/social barriers are too great. OTOH, Amelia is now also in a different social class than he is. I wonder how he will deal with that.

We know for sure that he will at some point have to see and deal with the new Amelia. Maybe the attraction just won't be there for him. He's used to seeing her in his world, a modest and humble world.

Amelia may be busy trying to justify her feelings for Luis, even if she sees him as the bastard he is and ignores Pedro.

Fernanda holds the key to Pedro's decision, I believe. Fer, though, should be looking at her own future. Will she stay tied to her parents out of love and obligation, letting happiness with a man she loves pass her by? As an 18-year-old, it would be scary to have her parents so angry they want a divorce. At 20+, it's her life that becomes more important. I hope she recognizes that before it's too late.

I'm speculating the therapy to help her walk again will be successful, or they wouldn't have mentioned it. (Although with this director, it might be poetic justice for her not to be able to walk again). Pedro would take her back as a paraplegic, Luis wouldn't.


I hope Fernanda realizes the relationship of her parents has been too toxic for too long to be saved. I hope she loves her dad enough to want something healthy for him. If anything, Pedro deserves something better than a woman who, at best, was 20 years late to appreciate him.

You make some excellent points Anita.

At this juncture, Pedro still loves or is still infatuated with Amelia. Or the idea of Amelia. I don't see how he can move on with his life and into Marissa's arms unless he is able to resolve his feelings for Amelia. Perhaps it might have been possible if she is not undergoing a metamorphosis of her heart and soul. Now that she seems to be changing into a woman with actual feelings and pangs of remorse and regret, the "new" Amelia is an unknown "quantity".

Pedro is so immersed in his little world, I wonder if he realizes true love and happiness is possible. Pedro could have the world. But he must leave his door and step outside the confines of his heart and mind in order to find it.


Oh my this's got me in all sorts of emotional turmoil. Am I the only one who gets teary? Kudos to these actors they are taking a beautifully crafted tn and turning out an amazing tapestry.. Mariana is one cruel woman, I think she has ice in her veins and her anvil is sure to be huge if she continues to mentally torment her father.

I loved the verbal smack down Marissa gave Luis reducing him to what he is...nothing. He fancies himself as some accomplished and great man but the truth is, he's always been a kept man. Although it appears he did manage to become lawyer. I wonder if Marissa was always aware of the fact that she provided everything for Luis or was she so blinded by love that she never realized it until now that his mask is off and she is faced with why he really married her.

I love Pedro and Marissa together and I don't see how the writers could win me over to Amelia's side. I feel nothing but contempt for her. I'm actually rooting for Luis to make a complete fool of her again. I want Pedro to get those blinders off and realize that he deserves better. I want him and Marissa to enjoy a healthy loving relationship, where there is mutual love and respect. They deserve happiness away from their abusers and users. Luis and Amelia deserve each other, selfish spoiled brats.

I want to root for Lucero and the prof but I find it a bit icky. I can't get past she is a young student and in my mind ,I put him at about 30 .

Anita thank you for the invitation to pitch in as a sub, I would be honored to help in any way.


No Delilah, you aren't alone in tearing up. I have many times as well, over Fernanda and Pedro and most recently, Marissa.

I completely agree that Pedro and Marissa belong together. If Amelia truly repents, I hope she can repair her fractured relationship with her daughter - for Fer's sake. Pedro has so many emotional scars. In truth, he was bullied by and mentally abused by Amelia for years. He has so much to deal with and reconcile.

That said, I believe in the power of love and in miracles. I hope this is the ending that is chosen but there is much emotional baggage and scars that must be dealt with.

I could watch Fer and Carlos all night...She is a loveable sprite and he is kind and loving.

I admit to having a soft spot for the hot prof because I really like the actor. The actress seems much older than the part she plays so I'm taking that into consideration. But to be honest, there must be a considerable age gap between Fer and Carlos too so...


It's an early bird special for you all.

EPISODE #50 (Wed May 4)-Pt. 1
Fer takes solace in her violin in the evening light. She thinks about how hard she’ll have to work to earn the money needed for Pedro’s treatment, running the quesadilla stand and busking. Now there’s a dog listening to her. (Is it being introduced as a new character?) Fer feeds him and promises to take care of him, as she will her father. Lucero and Camila show up. Fer is grateful to see them. Lucero makes a boo-boo mentioning Pedro going crazy and in a manicomio. Camila pokes her and she runs away, even though Fer calls her back.

Lucero runs all the way back to the school hall and runs smack into Diego, Hottie Prof. He sees how upset she is, but she won’t tell him anything other than he must not care for her at all and she doesn’t want to have anything more to do with him. He tries to convince her how much she means to him, but she won’t believe him because he was supposed to find a way for them to see each other and all he did was to treat her so poorly when she was trying to tell him something earlier. She rebuffs his apologies for being a coward and says he’ll find a way. She’s not up to corners in the dark and marches off. Diego calls after her.

Between the time she left him and the time he catches up with her, he’s thought of a way for them to be together. She’s the woman he wants to be with. He tells this young coed, just starting university that he’d like her to be his wife. She answers, “Que?” (without The Heck) Is he serious? Never more serious in his life. She smiles through her tears, but says she can’t get married right now. He understands that. She needs time to experience some of the things life has to offer. But here, on this night he gives her his promise of love. And she will become his wife when she gives the word. She dries her tears.

Carlos and Jay are having a meal together. Carlos is probing Jay about how long he plans to stay around. Jay’s not sure. He’s even been offered a post in the same hospital where Carlos practices. He has to think about it. If there’s something that will keep him here, he’ll stay.

Carlos wants to know how the treatment is going to go for Pedro. Now it is Jay’s turn to probe. He could tell he has a special interest in the family. Carlos says his interest in Pedro goes beyond the professional. Fernanda is the love of his life. Cara de trying not to look impactada de Jay.

She’s the girl he has most loved in his life—loves, he corrects himself. She’s gone through so much turmoil recently, her mother abandoning her and now her father’s issues. That’s why he wanted to find a specialist to help Pedro, so Fernanda can calm down. Jay is surprised to hear about their relationship. He’s had a long talk with Fer and at no time did she mention she was Carlos’ novia. Carlos can’t answer. He looks very uncomfortable.

Carlos finally admits that they are having some problems, but he has no doubt they love each other. Now more than ever. He changes the subject back to Pedro. Jay changes it back again to Fer. He sees that she is the only emotional rock Pedro has and it is important for her to be in condition to help him, and not to fix her love life. Carlos thinks that is up to Fer and not Jay.

EPISODE #50 (Wed May 4) - Pt. 2
Fer and Camila are left to chat. Camila knows from Carlos that Doctor Javier Farias is treating Pedro. He’s a really good guy, says Fer. Camila accuses her of having a crush on him. Fer says to stop it, he’s a good guy, but right now she has eyes for no one but her father. Camila insists that something in her eyes sparkled when she started talking about Jay. She’s envious of the luck Fer has with cute guys. Camila learns Fer is staying with her Tía Rosaura. Fer is off to help Lupe in the morning at the quesadilla stand and be a busker later to raise money they need. Camila says she’ll see her when she sees her then.

Marissa gets home and finds the living room and the furniture covered in wet, broken flowers from the ones she had arranged earlier. The place is a mess. She marches into the master bedroom and Luis tells her to get out of his bedroom. She tells him he’s a disgrace. So he’s not only allergic to the flowers, but to the flower vases, too? Yes, that’s so and he’s also allergic to old and ugly furniture, like Marissa herself. She tells him it won’t be long before Iggy is able to get rid of him. Oh yeah? Well, says Luis, he has influence with the courts himself. She retorts that it didn’t seem to have helped him one bit since a simple little schoolgirl whipped his ass in court. Luis says it won’t be long before she and her little dog/son Carlos will be out in the street. She smacks him, loud and clear. He does not mess with her son. He grabs her and tells her she’s nothing but trash. She screams to let her go. They continue in this vein, getting louder and louder.

Clarita returns (in street clothes) and hears the argument and sees the flowers strewn all over the living room furniture. They seem to be recapitulating the argument they had last night. She calls Carlos right away. He excuses himself to Jay and leaves. Clarita is back in uniform cleaning up the mess when Carlos gets home. He wants to know where Luis is. Marissa catches him before he does something stupid and tells Clarita she wishes to speak to him alone. Marissa shares with Carlos that Luis was cheating on her with Andrea. Carlos wants to know how much longer is she going to let that sponger live off of her. She tells him that Iggy is seeing this through the court system and any violence against Luis will prejudice the outcome. She’s sad to realize Carlos had him pegged, from the time Carlos was a child. Carlos says that’s not important now. He reaches over and kisses his mother. He wishes he’d been wrong. It doesn’t matter now. He just wants that smile of hers to return. She was so mistaken falling in love with a man like him. Carlos tells her not to judge herself so harshly, love is like that—fickle. He puts his arms around her and holds her.

Apparently Leo got some kind of answer from Andrea, because now she’s telling Isy how she feels about having betrayed Marissa with Luis. Isy delights in telling Andrea she told her so—about playing with fire with her affair. She reminds her she urged Andrea to break it off. Andrea tells her something Isy didn’t know—that Luis threatened her, harassed and pressured her to stay in the relationship. (Well, as I saw it, she wanted to stay in the relationship as long as she had the illusion he would someday leave Marissa, especially if she got pregnant by him. It’s a slight exaggeration, although Luis did give her a black eye.) But Leo has persuaded her to stay. She now has the courage to go to Marissa and tell her everything and suffer the consequences. Isy doesn’t think Marissa will take it very well and won’t leave her in peace. Andrea says that with friends like Isy, she’ll be ok.

EPISODE #50 (Wed May 4) - Pt. 3
Then Isy drops the job-bomb on her. Regrettably, she’s fired. Andrea wonders how she could do this. She thought Isy was her friend. She needs a friend more than ever now. Isy says quite nonchalantly the situation puts Isy in a bad light with Marissa, who is more a friend than Andrea. She turns her back on Andrea and says that’s life, it’s cruel and she’s sorry. Marissa would never forgive her if she keeps her on, despite her good work. She’s sorry, y punto, she’s not going to risk her relationship with Marissa. Well, says Andrea, she wonders how Marissa will feel when she learns from Andrea that Isy knew about the affair for a long time before it became public. Is that a threat says Isy? Take it however way she likes. If Isy can’t be loyal to her, Andrea doesn’t have to be loyal to Isy. (Nikki would say, capta? O te explico con manzanas.) Isy changes her mind. She’ll help, but not because she’s threatening to blackmail her, but because she’s a good friend. So, it’s settled, Andrea can go back to the beauty academy? Of course not. She can’t, but she can be Isy’s personal assistant. Andrea laughs that one off. Isy tells her she’ll call her when she needs her and will continue to pay her, but under no circumstances can she show up at the beauty academy. She accepts.

Cesar runs up to Fer all out of breath to tell her the latest. There was quite a hullaballoo at the Señora Marissa’s house earlier. She and her husband were fighting something terrible. He says she found out Luis had a mistress. Fer says that nothing about that piece of poo surprises her. Cesar feels badly for Marissa. He tells her Clarita called Carlos since he wasn’t in the house at the time. Cesar leaves and Fer wonders how Carlos is feeling. He must be sad. Carlos is feeling so sad and upset he goes to Rosario’s room to “talk” to her and tell her how he feels. His biggest fear is to lose Fernanda. But now he doesn’t know how to help his mother. He doesn’t know what to do. He feels useless. He begs her to tell him something, not to leave him alone. He curls up on her bed and cries.

Fernanda now has a cell phone, thanks to Rosaura, since everything burned up in the fire. She has called Carlos after hearing what had happened. She tells him nothing in life is eternal. Carlos, emotionally calls her his schoolgirl, mi amor (and it’s breaking my heart). He implores her, what is he to do now? Fer tells him all this anger and hate toward this man and what he did to his mother, will pass in time. He tells Fer how she always knows what to say, when to say it and to say what he needs to hear. She tells him he’s safe and his nana is watching over him. Then he asks when is she going to be with him. When can they be together again, mi amor? When? He waits for an answer. None is forthcoming. He asks again. When? She isn’t answering.

EPISODE #50 (Wed May 4) - Pt. 4
Fer turns and Carlos is coming towards her. Is he there or is it her imagination. He speaks her name. Fer responds, even though they are kilometers apart, she’ll always love him. Then why can’t they be together? Fer says life is complicated. He needs to be with his mother, she needs to be with her father. They shouldn’t be thinking of themselves. He doesn’t understand why that must be, separating each time they have problems. The idea should be to confront their problems together. She’s thought about this a lot. He tells her it’s important for couples to face things together. It’s not selfish to think of themselves and it doesn’t mean they are forgetting their parents. She says to Carlos, in any case they are “together,” no? She needs his support now. She loves him with all her heart. Carlos asks her to tell him again, shout it to his face that she loves him. Tell him and then stay with him, please.

She lets him know she is with him, forever, and he should realize how much he’s done for her and how grateful she is for all he’s done. He’s always there when she needs him and when she doesn’t. Carlos says and that’s where he’ll always be, whether she wants him or not. Fer says, that’s why she loves him, even though she doesn’t have the head to be with him. He kisses her lightly and then the image is gone. He’s still on the line. Fer hears his voice saying, one day she’ll realize that to love she doesn’t need her head, she needs her heart.

Carlos thinks Fer is right. She has a lot to teach a man who thinks he’s at the top of his world. He must remain strong to help those that need his help. Fer has been tossing and turning in bed. She hugs her violin. She misses her bed, her house, her space, but she knows she will work hard to earn the money they need.

The next day Lupe is helping Fer set up the quesadilla stand. She refuses to charge Fer anything for running the stand. It’s the least she can do. If she had the money, she’d gladly give it all to Pedro. He’s the kindest man she’s ever known and she’s not about to abandon him now. She leaves for the bank and the folks line up for quesadillas. That done, Fer goes to the plaza in town to play her violin. A crowd gathers while she dances to her own music. The money pours in (well in drips and drabs). Crowds gather at every venue she visits.

She’s off to see Pedro. She runs into the financial officer in the lounge outside Pedro’s room. She has 500 pesos for him. The bill is more than she can afford, he knows, but he needs the money tomorrow or Pedro’s treatment will have to stop. She tells him she’ll bring it tomorrow.

Carlos brings his mother breakfast in bed. He thought bubbles he hates to see her like this, sad and listless. He tries to push some fruit on her. She’s not hungry. She doesn’t feel like getting up. She doesn’t feel like doing anything. Iggy calls. He tells her there’s a meeting that can’t be cancelled. She doesn’t feel well, she tells him. Carlos will go. He gets authorization to act in her stead. They have a mother-son snuggle in bed for a bit.

Fer puts another plant next to the first one outside Pedro's window. She sees they removed the restraints. Pedro seems to be more alert and responsive. He tells her he’s been worried about the bill for his treatment. She tells him he doesn’t need to worry about the money. She’s working and she’s already talked to the financial officer. They have a hug.

Super job, Anita.

Well, who'll be the biggest jerk, Isy or Luis? Both are self entitled, non-empathetic people. Both are cruising through life without any consideration of others.

Uh oh. Grandkids just showed up. I'll be back later.


Thank you so much Anita. Another shout out to both David and Delilah.

Oh boy, I get so nervous when any woman is alone with Luis. Especially Marissa, now she is confronting him.

I'm struggling with why Isabela is even in this thing now. It's not like Luis, Mariana and Amelia don't have this covered.

I'm with you Delilah. 30 year old professor and 18 year old freshman is icky. What is it with this girls school? Aren't there any schoolboys in this town? Or is it a schoolgirl factory 30 year old guys wanting a virgin and birthing hips cruise?

Gosh, I wished Carlos would quit crying to Fernanda and begging to get back together. He forgot what got them here. She loves you already but give the girl some space and time.


Anita, more poetry in motion from you. Lovely. All.

"She’s not up to corners in the dark and marches off" and "But here, on this night he gives her his promise of love. And she will become his wife when she gives the word. She dries her tears" (as I dry mine). Beautiful.

"Fer takes solace in her violin in the evening light". What a lovely image this evokes.

"If there’s something that will keep him here, he’ll stay". Hmmm, Jav. Now what on earth could that something/someone possibly be??

I'm finding there is little to say Anita as you captured things in such amazing fashion: "Carlos tells her not to judge herself so harshly, love is like that—fickle. He puts his arms around her and holds her" and "Fer hears his voice saying, one day she’ll realize that to love she doesn’t need her head, she needs her heart".

I stated in an earlier comment that I never, ever get tired of seeing Fer and Carlos. They are enchanting.

And then, on the other hand, we have ..."Yes, that’s so and he’s also allergic to old and ugly furniture, like Marissa herself". Die, Luis, Die…

Pedro is being so brave, my heart aches for him. He and Marissa are suffering in such totally different ways but both break your heart.

The image of Carlos hugging his grief stricken mother as she lay frozen in bed will long be remembered. Marissa is right, Carlos cannot retaliate against Luis as it would do more harm than good. What a terrible realization for Marissa that her son "saw" Luis right from the beginning!

David, for the record, Izzy is terrible but Luis is worse. But, there are many more episodes that may prove me wrong :)

Thank you again Anita!


The comments urge me to make a completely opinionated comment regarding the evilness of certain characters. On the whole, aren't women worse when it comes to inflicting psychological and emotional damage? Men have a tendency to act out their evilness with violent acts--unless you are Gregory Anton (Charles Boyer) doing Gaslight.

These women seem to take delight in harming others psychologically:
Amelia (she wanted Pedro out of her life, but no amount of damage dislodged him)
Mariana (she's willing to kill for what she wants, but hasn't been successful in her attempts)
Isabela (she's used her skills on both Andrea and Fernanda)
Mean Girl Carolina and the two others

So far, there is only one man who fits the bill 100%:
Luis (he will punch men or women)

Those on the edge are Felipe (we will probably never see him again), Hernan (we've seen him punch AND plot) and Old Don Fernando (he's here because even without his dementia, he was a nasty old buzzard--except with Blanca)

Anita another terrific recap, thank you. Also Feliz cinco de mayo to all our patio peeps, enjoy a margarita!

Tofie it isn't just the age but that he is a professor and should know better. Lucero does not seem to be mature enough or mentally/emotionally equipped for a romance of this magnitude. She needs to work on herself and her esteem. I think of my own daughters, I would have been pissed had a professor set his sights on one of them as they were just crossing into adulthood.

As for Carlos and Fer, I see Carlos a bit younger,perhaps 25? Fer is also exceptionally mature and secure in who she is. She is not revolving around Carlos, she has an existence and life beyond the school and Carlos. The prof and Lucero may win me over later but right now it's not.

Marissa breaks my heart, she's standing strong in the face of Luis abuse but it's taking a toll on her. I'm glad she has her son. I don't understand if Marissa is the bread winner why the staff is still answering to Luis? Why not instruct the staff to pack his clothes, change the locks on the house and send all hi belongings to his office. I would have that Man the street by end of the day. All my accounts changed to. C'mon Marissa fight! By the way she did look great sans makeup and hair just loose and tumbled about her shoulders.

Fer is such a lovely thoughtful girl. Knowing how much her father loves his soil and gardening; her little plants brighten his view. She melts my heart with her goodness. It makes me loathe Amelia more. She never deserved such a good child.

Is Dr Javier showing his hand? He's crossing boundaries enquiring what's up with Carlos/Fer. Ooh stay in your lane Javier!

Andrea may not make it to the end if she keeps pressing Isy or Luis.

On another note...I love the new soft string that has been playing throughout several scenes. I got very tired of that same sad violin. This composition seems to have a very hopeful sound. It stays with me.

Hello everyone! I am so behind. I would have tried (but thanks David and congrats - that's awesome) to recap Monday; however, the storm interrupted my satellite so I only have the last half-hour of that episode.

I wanted to comment a little, but I have not seen Tuesday or Wednesday nor have I read all of the comments past David's Monday recap. I hope to catch up by the weekend and I see that Anita is back! Woohoo! I can't wait to read all of recaps and comments, but work and home have been busy as heck so I got to catch up.

What I wanted to say, not sure if someone else caught it - sorry Delilah I didn't get a chance to read your Friday recap- but Marissa told Luis exactly who 'his' daughter was, but he wasn't listening. (or did I get that wrong)

I think she said something about First Fernanda and now her father or the other way around. Like I said, I'm who knows.

I think (based on what I missed from Monday) that Luis is stupid to have the man that his daughter knows to be her father arrested. Isn't that stupid? Do you think she'd be enamored by you, but I guess you don't care if you think you'll get a lot of money from Marissa. Sorry if someone has said this already.


Kendra, Luis does not know Fernanda is his daughter. What Marissa told Luis during their argument "First you messed with Fernanda and now her father (Pedro)". Everyone is still in the dark about Fers bio father being Luis. It's why Pedro wants Fer away from Carlos, he is afraid Luis will find Fer via Carlos.

Anita, "On the whole, aren't women worse when it comes to inflicting psychological and emotional damage?"

As a woman, I cringe at the answer but must be honest. Yes. Some who are vile make up for the lack of ability to inflict physical pain by extraordinarily cunning and cruel abusive verbal attacks. Your examples are sad proof positive.

Delilah, what a poignant comment on Fer: "She melts my heart with her goodness. It makes me loathe Amelia more. She never deserved such a good child". Indeed!

Kendra, glad you are back.


And from earlier...

tofie, I understand your frustration with Carlos not giving Fernanda her space. I'm willing to cut him a little slack here simply because she desperately needs some love and support right now. She is shouldering way too much burden and grief.

His timing is off, but I am glad Carlos is there...she has no one else.


Thanks Anita good recap. Wow!!! What a freeloading jerk luis is. Why don't he go out and get a job. Frankly speaking I don't think he's that good of a lawyer. Does he even have any clients ? Jerk!!!

Carlos has competition, he better watch it doctor Tight pants is about to pounce.
Diego.......he better think long and hard before he takes that leap into holy matrimony with this child. Is he thinking with
His head or his little college professor. O boy these people and their hormones.

Ok pedro fight hard to get well, for yourself, and then for your daughter and future wife marissa, whose married to the freeloader shyster lawyer.

With a friend like isy who needs enemies. That hairy woman don't know how to be a friend. Andi should write her off.

'His little college professor'


Best one today Nina :)

Kendra and Delilah--The writers are trying hard to keep the Luis-Pedro paternity-identity story straight. This might have been a slip of the tongue from Marissa to Luis in the hospital. Later I'll check the episode (yes, it was from Friday).

Luis knows he has a daughter with Amelia. I don't think he knows her name yet. It's just that he's never seen Amelia or the two together or be introduced as such. He still doesn't know the Fernanda who won the lawsuit is Amelia's daughter (and his).

Pedro, of course knows and he's trying desperately to keep Luis away from Fernanda. At one point he told Luis that Fer is far away (was it Oaxaca?) with relatives and he will never find her. The reason--Luis doesn't deserve her.

Even Mariana has never seen Fernanda in the flesh, nor Blanca. Mariana was the first to "find" her and kept the information from Old Fer and Luis and tried to have them killed in the car accident. I don't think she's ever mentioned her name to Luis.

Camila and Hernan know a Fernanda, who is the daughter of Pedro and Amelia, but have not connected her with the Amelia now living in their house. I wouldn't be surprised if Blanca has NOT told Hernan that Amelia's husband and daughter are dead.

Carlos, of course, knows the whole story and that's why Pedro is so keen on keeping them apart, as long as Luis lives with Carlos and Marissa.

The way the writers handle it is that sometimes Fer's name is mentioned, other times she's referred to as "the granddaughter" or "the daughter," depending on who is supposed to know and who isn't.

Confusing, because we know what we know and the characters don't.

Oh, and Luis knows that his daughter, whatever her name is, has been living with Pedro and Amelia. He threatened Pedro with getting her back legally and they had a fight in his office over her. This was probably one of the instances where her name was never mentioned. In addition, Amelia has "disappeared" according to Luis (after the accident, she was hospitalized and never showed up at Old Fer's hacienda). He probably assumes the daughter is with Amelia. He never saw her at the dinner to which he was invited out at Old Fer's.

Grand kids stayed late yesterday. The twin girls are easy to take care of and entertain themselves, but Dexter the Destroyer isn't. At least we didn't have to call the Poison Control Center as his mother did the day before (he got into some laundry detergent - she has the poison folks on speed dial.)

Hi, Kendra. Glad you're still with us.

Anita your in-depth analysis of the bad folks, as well as the status of Fer's identity was so appreciated. I know I saw that stuff, but I often forget the small details and the nuances.

Delilah, I too chuckled at Nina's "little professor." I wonder how long it will take Dr. Jay to attempt to worm his way into Fer's heart? I certainly see him using inside knowledge to stack to deck in his favor, against all medical ethics.


EPISODE #51 (Thu May 5) Pt. 1
Tía Rosaura sees Fer and wonders where she’s been. Fer says she’s been working to pay Pedro’s bill, but it’s too much money. Rosaura suggests a bank loan. Meanwhile the board has decided to withdraw Fer’s scholarship. Fer is surprised, but shouldn’t be. She knew what she was doing put it at risk. Her priority is earning money to pay the clinic and to be with her father.

Like a bad penny, Luis shows up at Andrea’s--for a visit, he chuckles, or has he lost the right? Andrea says he lost the right when he beat her up or when she asked him onece if not a thousand times to leave Marissa. Luis says he had to fix his marriage, but now, it’s all decided. He’s left her. Andrea wants to know if he moved out. No, it’s a matter of strategy. He plans to make a killing off her, get the house and then the two of them can get married and he’ll take her to live there. He’s grinning like a monkey, from ear to ear (or is it a donkey?).

Andrea looks at him. She feels sorry for Marissa, she doesn’t deserve anyone like him. She tells him he also doesn’t deserve someone like her. In fact he doesn’t deserve anything. She tells him to leave her apartment, go back to where he came from and don’t come back.

Marissa is unloading her sorrows on Isabela, who practically can’t keep a straight face. Without warning in runs Andrea to tell her the latest on Luis and stops short when she sees Marissa. Marissa rises and demands an answer from Isabela, does Andrea still work at the beauty-spa? Marissa thought she’d been fired. Isabela says she has no idea why she is here. Marissa looks from Isabela to Andrea and says well, she thinks it’s a good thing she’s here, the two of them certainly have a lot to talk about. She asks Isabela to leave them alone.

Marissa grills and drills Andrea on what she did to her, someone who befriended her and trusted her. Marissa wants to know how she feels, shame? Andrea has no words to fill the space between them. Marissa insists on an answer. Is she going to say she regrets what she did? Andrea says she’s not proud of what she did and tries to leave. Marissa pulls her back. Andrea swears she didn’t know Luis was married until much later—at which point Marissa recalls to her--until Andrea was invited to dine with them—or not? Marissa says fortunately she’s not an idiot. She felt sorry for Andrea’s story, being involved with a married man—a married man, she emphasizes. And she had the nerve to accept employment from Marissa. Did she intentionally gain her trust so Marissa would never suspect her? Marissa tells her she’s a cualquiera, a no account low-life and hauls off and slaps her.

Andrea has a comeback for Marissa. If anyone is guilty of deception it’s Luis, not her. She swears she didn’t know he was married when she first met him. Marissa thinks she should have ended it when Andrea found out, but she kept up the relationship. Marissa recalls that Andrea also told her he wouldn’t divorce Marissa because he was in it for the money. Andrea replies sharply, he’s the one that deserved that slap; he’s the one who married Marissa; he’s the one that should have remained faithful. Marissa has news for Andrea. She won’t rest until she sees Luis dragged down in the streets and Andrea along with him. This time Andrea gets away from Marissa.

EPISODE #51 (Thu May 5) Pt. 2
Fer has come to see about a loan to pay for the private clinic, which requires payment in advance and since Iggy had been willing to pick up the cost of Pedro’s hospitalization after his fall, perhaps he could make her a loan. (Maybe I heard wrong, I thought it was Marissa who paid for Pedro’s hospital bill and PT.)

She is telling Ignacio all this when Carlos walks in and surprises Fer by telling her he will pick up all the expenses for Pedro. They just stare at each other. Carlos says a loan won’t be necessary. Fer won’t accept it. Carlos says why not? She can’t pay for it without a loan and he can—he wants to. Fer looks around for a way out of this rather embarrassing situation for her. Fer doesn’t want them to get the idea she’s there to beg for money. Carlos asks Lupe and Iggy to leave them alone. They go. She tells him she’s ashamed. Carlos says, ashamed of what, that he wants to help her? It’s not like they are strangers.

Carlos says he doesn’t understand her attitude. She’s treating him like the enemy when all he wants to do is help her. He wants to do it because he loves her. Fernanda says he’s already done enough. Carlos thinks she’s treating him with indifference. It’s not that, says Fer, it pains her to accept his help. Pain? Carlos says now she’s going to talk about pain between the two of them? She means she doesn’t want to owe him anything, she doesn’t want to feel tied down. Carlos wonders if the love they have doesn’t surpass that. Fer says they agreed not to talk of love and this is not the place to talk about it. She was surprised to run into him here. If she had known, she wouldn’t have come. Carlos again urges her to accept his help and only that, not to come back to him. She stares at him. He continues, there is nothing that ties her to him, although he will love her for ever.

Iggy returns. The meeting is about to begin. Carlos tells him to give Fernanda a check in the amount the clinic needs. He turns to Fer and asks if she’s happy that it’s the bank that is loaning her the money and not him. Carlos walks out of the room. Fer looks very unhappy, for a moment. Next we see her with Lupe happily receiving the check. Lupe reminds her she owes as much to Carlos as to Ignacio. Lupe promises to help her with any other expenses she may have. Fer asks Lupe to thank Iggy for her.

Pedro seems to have fully recovered his faculties as he talks to his sister The Sister. He’s been worrying about the clinic bill. Rosaura says Fer has it covered and he shouldn’t worry. Pedro says she’s no better liar than Fer. He knows Fer is worried. Fer shouldn’t assume the burden for his not having been able to control himself. He wants out of there. Rosaura says it won’t be long.

Nana Blanca is trying to cheer up Amelia after learning of the loss of her child and her husband. It’s a shame, she adds, she can’t even grieve for them in front of others. Amelia thinks it’s strange that she never loved Pedro, but each day she misses him more and more. Blanca says, could it be that he waited on her hand and foot, brought her flowers, showered her with praise, raised a child who wasn’t his, loved her unconditionally? She admits to having loved her daughter, but never knew how to show it. Blanca thinks it’s strange Mariana has never told them where they are buried. Blanca is sure they would both forgive her. Amelia recognizes, too late, what a bitter woman she was, not a good mother and even less a good wife. She’s in debt to them.

EPISODE #51 (Thu May 5) Pt. 3
Pedro gets to walk outside on the grounds. He greets Fer enthusiastically. They have a good chat. She says she raised the money and he’s not to worry about it. Pedro doesn’t want her spending so much time with him. She needs to study or they might take her scholarship away. Little does he know, it’s already gone.

She sees Dr. Javier and hurries away so she doesn’t have to answer any more of her father’s questions. She asks Jay how things are going with Pedro. He anticipates things will go well. Then he mentions his talk with Carlos and the subject was Fer. Carlos mentioned that Fer is his novia, but he recently met someone else who also seems to be Carlos’ novia. Can she clear it up for him? Fer tells Jay she once was Carlos’ novia, but they ended it. Jay confirms that Carlos says they are currently estranged, but now he sees the problem is another woman. Fer says, yes, it’s because of her they ended it. He begs her pardon for his indiscretion in asking. She answers that it’s ok.

Pedro talks to one of the branches of a tree and laughs because it is his custom, but in this place he needs to be careful. He’s pleased to see the young doctor interested in Fer. He can tell by the looks he gives her. It makes him happy that everyone loves Fer and why not.

Carlos and Iggy are still at the bank and talk about Fer. Carlos is distraught that he lost her trust with the Isabela affair and he doesn’t know what to do to get it back. Iggy knows Fer is someone special and counsels Carlos to do everything he can to get her trust back. Next Iggy wonders if Carlos knows about the Luis problem Carlos’ mother is going through. Carlos nods yes.

Speaking of Louie the Louse, Leo bursts in on him in his office (note: Leo bursts, Luis barges) and says the two of them have to talk. He wants to know what Luis was doing in Andrea’s apartment. Luis proudly announces he is, in fact, Andrea’s lover. Leo already knew that. So, Luis guesses there are no secrets between them. Leo repeats his question, what was he doing in Andrea’s apartment. Luis says, he assumes she told him they are through. Leo tells Luis through snarling lips to stay away from her. He only harms her. Actually, says Luis, he’s misinformed. He went there to renew their relationship. They are going to live together and Andrea is in agreement. (His grin is revolting to me.)

Somebody named Paquito (must be a relation to one of the senior Telerisa employees) is stealing oranges. The stall owner says he sees what he’s doing. All the market owners know his reputation and they don’t want him around. Carlos is driving by and sees the stall owner chasing Paquito calling him a thief and grabbing him. Carlos stops and backs up just as the kid gets loose and runs behind the car. Carlos hits him.

Carlos has picked up the boy and has taken him to his hospital. Carlos hovers over him, wondering who he is. Graciela, the nurse comes in. She notices that he’s revived put still pretends to be out cold. They start talking about food, but that doesn’t work. Then they start talking about giving him an injection with a big needle. That gets Paquito to jump off the examining table and shows he’s strong and healthy and doesn’t need a needle. He’d like to stay a couple of days so they can feed him. (Carlos has lost his heart a second time.) Carlos feeds him at the hospital cafeteria al fresco.

Unfortunately Carlos can’t find anything wrong with him, so he won’t be able to stay in the hospital. Carlos tells the boy he can come to the hospital to visit him anytime. He gives him a big hug.

Carlos decides to catch up with Paquito and take him home, but discovers he has no parents and no home. Paquito tells him a little of his life. Then he takes Carlos back in the woods to show him where he sleeps, in a cardboard shelter. Even though the kid doesn’t think he lacks anything—except food, Carlos offers him shelter, a bed, a bath, toys and food at his house. Paquito says Carlos used the magic words—food.

EPISODE #51 (Thu May 5) Pt. 4
Fer hands over the check for Pedro’s treatment to the financial officer. He’s happy to get it. When she’s in Pedro’s room, Dr. Jay is standing over him and Pedro is asleep. It’s only been a day, but Pedro is doing very well, he tells her. Fer leans over Pedro to say a long goodbye. Jay watches her, already bewitched.

Lucero is outside reading/studying. At any rate, she’s holding a book, but she’s thinking about her Prof. Hottie. She has reservations about getting married before finishing school, but she’s heard that some who do and have a family don’t stop their studies. What if she’s wrong? What to do. The logical thing to do would be to wait to get married, but hearts don’t know about logic.

At Marissa's house, Iggy is trying to help get Marissa out of her blue funk. He reminds her she’s been through worse times, like when her first husband died. She’d be crazy to let an insignificant worm like Luis, who didn’t know how to value her, to triumph.

Luis barges in on their conversation. He sees Marissa has got her rag to cry into, her sympathizer. Iggy takes a few steps toward him, but Marissa holds him back. She has Iggy note how Pedro Perez left him and calls him a poor excuse for a man. Luis calls her a poor excuse for a woman who deserves a poor man, like Pedro Perez, or Ignacio, the lapdog, who has been secretly in love with her for ever. Marissa wants to know what he wants. He’s come to announce, like the good husband he is, that he does not intend to have dinner at home. He needs to bathe, change his clothes to go out shopping tonight, tomorrow and the day after. He’ll shop until all the credit cards are maxed out. Oh, that’s right, it can’t be done since the cards have no limits. With that revolting grin on his face, he says good night.

Fer is filling Jay in on her romance with Carlos. It was so lovely. He was her first boyfriend, her first kiss, she thought everything was perfect. She had no idea he had another girlfriend—Isabela, yes. She didn’t find out until much later. At first she didn’t believe he would deceive her like that, but then she confirmed it herself. Jay wonders why Carlos is trying so hard to get her back. He shouldn’t be able to face her after what he did. Cara de impactada de Fer.

Note: The introduction of a "cute" homeless starving kid, who doesn't look like he's starving, is one of the things I dislike about Mme. L's productions, the introduction of new characters and side stories halfway through. How important is Paquito going to be? How much time do I have to spend, spinning out the relationship? How long is he going to hang around with Carlos? Why does Carlos need a sidekick at this point? Grrrr.

It makes me shudder to think, as we all do, that Dr. Jay *is* going to make inroads with Fer. Is Paquito supposed to distract Carlos from winning Fer back? Aaaack.

I checked Friday's episode for Marissa's "slip of the tongue" regarding Luis' failure with Fernanda and now Pedro. She certainly did mention both in the same sentence.

I'll have to check again to see if Marissa said *Pedro* or said *her father, Pedro*. I'm still confused. I'm sure Luis said in that conversation that he was going to squash the damned gardener.

Marissa knows Fer is Pedro's daughter. She also knows Fer is the schoolgirl that beat Luis in the lawsuit. She knows Carlos is in love with this girl. She's not confused. She even knows who Amelia is. What she doesn't know is that Fer is Luis' bio-child and in line to inherit millions.

Luis knows the schoolgirl who beat him in the lawsuit is the same one Carlos is in love (or in league--as he sees it) with. He saw them together in the restaurant. Did he know the plaintiff's name? How he could not know her name, he got the document on the case that first day and he said her name out loud, Fernanda Perez. I'm not sure he's made the connection that this girl is the same as Pedro's daughter. Luis also knows that the name Amelia is using is not Altamirano, but Perez. He also knows Pedro has his no-name daughter. Conclusion: He's a dimmer light bulb than our poor Lucero.

Thanks for this, Anita. Great, as always.

Luis is plumbing the depths of depravity by his actions, and I think the actor is doing a great job of making us hate him. As you noted, his smile, which in other roles have been friendly and reassuring, have a yucky quality in this setting that puts our teeth on edge.

The not-at-all-experienced Fer is about to get conned by a man who is professionally trained to manipulate emotions. Training someone with Dr. Jay's personality to be a shrink is like giving a master key to a thief.

I wonder if the only way Carlos can find meaningful relationships is from accident victims that he treats? You are entirely correct that the little boy didn't look the least bit undernourished, in fact, quite the opposite.

I don't know exactly how I feel about Andrea. She has certainly blundered into some grey areas, but I'm not sure her intent was to do real harm. With Luis after her, she had better be on her guard - he's already hit her once. Hope Leo will be there for her.

Given the current situation, I think Fer was wise not to accept a gift from Carlos. For the time being she should keep things on a business basis.

Thanks again, Anita.


Anita, I loved your recap and of course you comments were stellar.

I get lost rather easily these days but your clear, concise and always well crafted summaries crystalize everything perfectly. Gracias.

"Blanca says, could it be that he waited on her hand and foot, brought her flowers, showered her with praise, raised a child who wasn’t his, loved her unconditionally?" Oh dear, what an understatement! What a shame that it took a life altering accident for Amelia to realize what a monster she was.

"She admits to having loved her daughter, but never knew how to show it" surprised me. Until her admittance, I did not think she loved Fernanda. I'm sure such a thought has never entered gentle Fernanda's mind either.

"Pedro talks to one of the branches of a tree and laughs because it is his custom...It makes him happy that everyone loves Fer and why not". Yes, indeed! As you noted "Jay watches her, already bewitched".

I don’t feel an iota of sympathy for Andrea. It takes two to tango dear and you should have left your obnoxious, cheating, lying, abusive partner on the floor by himself long ago. I just loathed seeing Marissa have to lower herself to Andrea's level. But it is contemptible what Luis is doing to her. On top of robbing Marissa of any self esteem or worth, he is now going to bankrupt her!

I realized late into this last night that there is another galan in waiting here - Ignacio! He has always seemed to be enchanted by Amelia (heaven knows why), so perhaps she is his destiny. Wishful thinking or not, I want Pedro with Marissa!

I enjoyed Paquito. Children always brighten these up for me...I love that Carlos took the initiative and will take care of him. What a kind heart.

Not happy Jav is moving in on Fer and that Pedro is approving. Looks like several obstacles in the path of our couple reuniting.

Loving this show but the recaps even more so. Thank you Anita!


Thank you Anita. Sorry I've run out of superlatives to describe your work.

He’s grinning like a monkey, from ear to ear (or is it a donkey?)

"Fer looks around for a way out of this rather embarrassing situation for her"

"he talks to his sister The Sister"

"(note: Leo bursts, Luis barges)"

Little weird for Pedro's doc Javier to pry into Fernanda's love life.

Funny Anita I also thought la tootle reared her head by inserting the kid out of left field that lived in a box

Father and daughter are so sweet

Amelia only misses the adoration. She gets off on someone begging and willing to suffer any humiliation just to be in her presence. She treated Pedro worse than a smelly stray dog, forcing him to sleep on the floor, and treated her own flesh and blood worse than that. No do overs for her.


Thank you, Anita, for the great recap and side notes. It is very confusing to keep track of what Luis knows; I appreciate your setting us straight.

Maybe Paquito has been added to help pull Marissa out of her sadness. Or maybe he's been added for a little comic relief. This is getting very heavy, except for the scene where Pedro realizes that he'd better not talk to the plants until he gets out of the mental hospital.

I wonder how Luis is going to handle having Paquito in the house.

Did Luis slap Marissa first? She could probably get him out of the house by filing domestic violence charges against him. And if Marissa and Andrea could work together, they could get him locked up for a while, maybe until after the divorce.

Andrea is living dangerously. I think she needs to ask Leo if the offer to go to his beach house still stands.

Thanks again, Anita. And thanks to Delilah and David for filling in for you.

Anita great recap thank you! Im glad youre keeping score on who knows what...indeed it is very confusing at the rate we are going we may need a chart.

I rechecked my Friday recap, Marissa's exact words to Louis , "First you messed with Fernanda and now her father" I wonder if it really was a slip..or did the writers want that slid in there? Perhaps in the heat of things Luis just didnt grasp it, but will later? If not then he really is a dimwitted attorney.

Mariana has actually seen Fernanda. It was when Carlos brought his novia to meet Don Fer. Mariana was taken aback when Fernanda introduced herself, Fernanda only stated her name as Fernanda, omitting the Luisa. Still this was enough for Mariana to reflect that Amelia had named her daughter Fernanda as well and that the girl in front of her was the right age. She was so suspicious she made a beeline to Amelias to see her niece. Pedro was the one she encountered and he told her that hus daughter wanted nothing to do with them and anyway was abroad on a scholarship. It was enough to throw her off the girl she had just met earlier as being Amelias daughter.

Last nights episode threw me a bit because Javier told Fer her dad had only been there a day. It seemed longer since we've seen Fer working the food stand and also out busking for money. Then later Marissa was in bed, unable to go to work. But in that same day an encounter with Andrea who had supposedly been fired. It seemed to me it should have been at least a passage of two days.

Speaking of Andrea, she really did deserve that dressing down Marissa gave her. She may not have known that Loser was married at the beginning of the affair; but later when she became aware should have broken things off. Especially when she realized it was to Marissa. Marissa has every reason to feel humiliated and unmoved by Andrea's tears and apology. Still I like Andrea,she made a foolish mistake. I hope she gives Leo a chance.

Lucero is showing how young she really is, already contemplating marrying the prof while going to school. This relationship is disturbing to me. I have a feeling its not going to end well.

Doc Javier was sure being nosy grilling Fer about her relationship with Carlos. Dude you're there to treat her father not treat yourself to her.

I wish Carlos would have offered the money in private. Fer doesnt want to be made to feel like a charity case and she deserves to keep her and her father's dignity after everything else they have already lost. The loan from the bank was the right approach. He wants so much to be there and fix everything for her, but perhaps its a bit too much when she is asking him to respect the boundaries of the relationship. She has so much on her plate right now and the constant pressure to come back to him, to love him is coming off like a guikt trip she doesn't need. It's going to play into Javiers favor.

Why do we have to have this unnecessary kid in the mix. Now Carlos will be absorbed in him and looking for his grandmother.


Hi Anita, nauseating episode but good recap. The nauseating part is louy the lous. I don't like rene strickler In evil character parts, he does them well. I like him better in good guy parts. He does them well too. Hes just good, but much more attractive in good guy parts. I like it when somenody smacks louy, he so deserves it. Marissa really did scrape the bottom of the barrell choosing this loser.

Now about amelia, is she changing folks? Is she going to be worthy of pedro? If the writers decide to couple them back together again, She need to sit him and fer down and start apologizing with tears, cryin out loud snottin, and beggin for forgiveness, and after the forgiveness, send babygirl away to go find carlos or jay, grab pedro, go to the bedroom and start makin up for 19+ years of rejection, ignoring, insulting, and just all out being a bad wife and human being. Now thats even if pedro wants to have anything to do with her. In That way.

Jay, Im startin not to like him. Why the hell is he talkin to that mop with a mouth?( Isy) About carlos and fer's business? Im not likin him , he need to back the hell off. He fixin to get me in a rant. He might be nice but.......go after camila. And will somebody tell pedro that carlos is not lousy louys kid. I guess in do time he'll find out.

Thank you Anita for another great recap!!

Regarding Amelia-she's not in love with Pedro. I will never buy that after having the poor man sleeping on the floor for 20 years she suddenly realized she's crazy for him. I think what she feels is a mixture of remorse, for being such a horrible person, and frustration, for losing her protector. Because no matter how terribly she treated him, deep down Amelia took Pedro for granted. She knew he would always be there to love her, take care of her, forgive her. And now all of a sudden she realizes she doesn't have that any more. I personally feel nothing for her. Her repentance is not enough to make me like her. I'm just glad she is starting to show some kind of human emotions for Fer's sake.

I was surprised Andrea had the nerve to tell Marissa Luis married her for her money. OK, Marissa already knows that, but how dare she say that into her face? Andrea is responsible for what happened as much as Luis, she is not a victim in this story at all. I still remember when, in the first episodes, she was in bed with Luis while talking to Marissa on the phone with a smug look on her face. She clearly enjoyed making fun of her by calling her "old", so I cannot exactly see her as the "poor girl" right now.

Pedro talking to his plants and saying to himself he must stop this now or they will never let him get out was a funny scene. Jorge Aravena is so cute in this role, seriously!

I didn't dislike Paquito. I actually found him cute and funny. But I sure hope they don't dedicate too much screen time to him.

David, Diana, Tofie, Delilah, Nina--Camino's dear regulars, I thought everyone had gone on vacation at the same time! Now I know why no comments showed up most of the day. They were stuck in Melinama, our blog administrator's queue. She'd like us to post a header twice a week. We'll try it for the rest of May and then, when I start travelling in June, we'll revisit the situation.

Delilah, thank you for reviewing Friday's episode. You got it right. I had expanded the who knows about Pedro AND Fernanda, so I took another look at it, too. I'm going to post what I wrote anyway, even if there is duplication.

Nina, you ranted nicely throughout your comment. I'd not want to be in your line of fire when you *do* let loose with a rant!

Since I adore Brandon Peniche, I don't know what to think of him as Javier. I don't want to think he would do anything underhanded. He should try to win Fer on the up-and-up, but he's not starting out that way. David probably has the best observation, though, "The not-at-all-experienced Fer is about to get conned by a man who is professionally trained to manipulate emotions." Delilah, you nailed it, too, with, "Dude you're there to treat her father not treat yourself to her."

Diana--"I don’t feel an iota of sympathy for Andrea. It takes two to tango dear and you should have left your obnoxious, cheating, lying, abusive partner on the floor by himself long ago." I agree, Andrea was wrong and was old enough to know better, especially after she found out who his wife was. Luis kept the pressure on her, despite telling her she was not in his plans for the future--he only came to enjoy her and take care of his needs....

Aleta--I think you've solved our mystery as to why Paquito is in this tn. It's to drive Luis crazy and he moves out!

Nina--Pedro knows, if not for certain, certain, that Carlos is not Luis' spawn. He doesn't want Carlos anywhere near Fer as long as Luis is still part of their household. He's afraid Luis will track Fer down through Carlos. At least that's what I got out of his conversation with his sister, Rosaura.

In Epi #46, Luis says to Marissa he didn’t know that tal Pedro Perez was her gardener. She doesn’t want to talk about the gardener, but about them.

Blanca doesn’t know Amelia knows Carlos. Blanca knows him only as OF’s doctor and he showed up at the hacienda with his novia, none other than Fernanda.

Mariana tells Luis that Amelia has disappeared, but Pedro and Luis’ daughter were burned up in the cottage fire. (She didn’t use her name.)

[If Luis is handling the changes in Old Fer’s last will and testament for Mariana, wouldn’t he know what the granddaughter’s name is in the one he prepared for Old Fer? Is it possible Old Fer does NOT know his granddaughter’s name? He always refers to her as his nieta (a shorter word than granddaughter) or Amelia’s hija. Is Blanca the only one who knows the child's name is Luisa Fernanda (from when they brought her to the hacienda as a baby)?]

In Epi #47, Luis has been beaten up by Pedro. He says to Marissa from his hospital bed, in response to her question of why he hates Pedro so much and why does he hate her so much. He must have a good reason. His roundabout answer is yes, he hates that maldito [masculine] for a reason—for someone much younger than Marissa. [OK, is he referring to Andrea or Pedro’s daughter? I think he’s referring to Fernanda because he’s indicating his hate is directed at Pedro and he knows Pedro has been keeping him away from his bio-child. Marissa seems to think he’s referring to a younger woman, a rival for his affections.]

When they come to arrest Pedro, Marissa goes over to Fernanda and hugs her. She knows the relationship between them. Of course she already knew she was Pedro’s daughter from the time Carlos went to Spain and Fer came to see him off and they had a little time to talk.

Back in the hospital, Marissa says to a furious Luis when he learns they didn’t take Pedro to jail that the only villain here is Luis. First when he went after FERNANDA and now against HER FATHER. [WOWZEE! Delilah, you got it right on the nose. Marissa did use Fer’s name followed by “her father” in the same breath. Maybe Luis just forgot he was so mad.] He continues, THEY went against him first.

[It seems to me that Luis will now know that Mariana is a BIG liar, because obvio, Pedro and Pedro’s daughter are not charcoal briquettes. How long will it take him to figure that out, eh?]

Lucy Lu--I don't want to leave you out! So nice to have your insight part of this Camino. Gracias.

You said, "I was surprised Andrea had the nerve to tell Marissa Luis married her for her money." Andrea was repeating what she had once told Marissa out on that patio breakfast she had about her affair with a married man and why he wouldn't leave his wife. Still, I agree, it was a low blow to throw it in Marissa's face after the whole house of cards came tumbling down.

Nina, we've been commenting that Amelia is changing.

And while (I believe) we are all in agreement she doesn't deserve Pedro, the idea that it might not be out of the realm of possibility has been unsettling (to say the least).

Right now, I see Amelia reconciling with Fernanda but ending up with Ignacio (pure speculation). It's not that Amelia deserves redemption but that must happen for her to repair her fractured relationship with her mother. I want that for Fernanda's sake. But that doesn't mean we have to like her! (right Lucy Lu?)...

Anita, I am crazy about Brandon (although I prefer his papa more ;). But he would have a steep climb for his character to come anywhere near Carlos' (IMHO). David and Delilah, think you are both on target with your assessment of what will occur - it's obvious Jav is smitten and intends to do something about it.

Aleta, I hadn't thought about Ignacio in Carlos' house, or now, (according to Luis) "his" house. I've no doubt Luis will welcome him warmly. Ack.

Can't wait til tonight...


Thanks for explaining who understands the Fer and Pedro connection (and/or Fer's actual identity).

It is rather far fetched for these secrets to still be simmering beneath the surface of this rather tight knit group, and while the explanations aren't entirely plausible, some do make sense.

I found "Is it possible Old Fer does NOT know his granddaughter’s name? He always refers to her as his nieta (a shorter word than granddaughter) or Amelia’s hija. Is Blanca the only one who knows the child's name is Luisa Fernanda (from when they brought her to the hacienda as a baby)?]" very intriguing.

Thank you for giving us so much to ponder.


I was directing my comment to you Anita! I usually use your name several times in a comment but neglected to note it above at all.



I think Pedro will end up with Marissa and Amelia with Ignacio. That's my guess right now. Because if Marissa doesn't end up with Pedro, who will she be with at the end? Luis it's out of the question, he's a villain. The writers will certainly not give her a sad ending, so? There's only Pedro available for her. Besides, it seems to me the writers have been giving us hints that they are intending to pair these two up since the beginning of the story.

Hello everyone! So I knew I wasnt going crazy. Marissa did say what i thought she said. Anyway, I haven't seen any episodes since that half ep on Monday, but I've read the comments...thanks David and Diana (hope i didnt miss anyone) glad to be back. Its hard when you fall behind but it made it harder to catch up when my son and hubby had birthdays two days apart (husband celebrated a milestone) so no time to read or watch tv.

There were some great comments but the one that stood out was (on my phone so cut and paste too hard so im adlibbing) Dr. Jay is supposed to treat Pedro not help himself to a treat...sorry if i messed that up but it was funny. Im not liking what im reading either about his behavior and noseyness. Looks like hes sliding manipulation in there with that. Carlos should not show his face comment. Hmm...i hope i can watch Sunday.

We're about to fall off the front page. I'm going to post Friday's episode as a whole new Header, as if we recapped nightly. We'll use that one for comments until next Wednesday. Hope no one gets confused.

I'm going to call it Week 12, ok?

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