Thursday, May 19, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 13 (May 16, 2016) Second Half

Fernanda Meets the Family from Hell, and it’s Hers

(This lengthy scene is from Episode #60 from Wed, May 18)

Fer has arrived at the hacienda to take care of Don Fernando. She steps into the living room to find Carlos waiting for her, wanting to know how Pedro is. They exchange a few words and it seems as though a reconciliation is near. There are sweet kisses, a “te amo” from Carlos and another kiss.
Into this tranquil domestic scene, roars Hernán hell bent for leather without a horse, on a mission to fire Fer for his self-humiliated daughter’s sake. He yells and bullies Fer and makes a grab for her. Carlos comes to her defense. The two men tussle and Hermy ends up pushing Carlos backwards onto the couch.
At this moment Amelia rolls herself in to witness this dispute. Fer sees her mother and her mother sees Fer. Amelia speaks first, calling her Luisa Fernanda, hija. Blanca hears her and heads for the living room. Mariana arrives and stands in the background. Shock, anguish and incomprehension are all etched on Fer’s face. Amelia approaches her, tears starting to fall. Her daughter is alive. She reaches out her hand to Fer, assuming Fer will reciprocate. Fer backs away from her.

Amelia explains this is her (Amelia’s) house, this is her (Amelia’s) family, but Fer, Fer is alive, mi amor. Fer asks what she’s talking about. Amelia says to remember that she told her about her father, her sister. Fer is near tears. Are these they? Are these people the reason she left her and Pedro? She waits for an answer and starts to break down. Carlos reaches for her hand. Again she demands an answer.
Amelia tells her, her aunt Mariana told her they were dead. Blanca is listening as Amelia says this. Fer states, “To you, we are dead, because you killed us, or don’t you remember. In the hospital you said we were dead to you.” Amelia tries to turn the clock back. She implores, she was very sick, she was mistaken. She begs to be forgiven. Fer is over her tears. She’s hurt and angry—two powerful motivators. Forgive her? Never! She tells Amelia she has no idea what happened to them after she left.
Now Camila has joined the group in the living room to watch this mother-child reunion. Fer steps around Amelia and addresses the group, “This woman, who calls herself my mother, is a woman full of hate and resentment who could never forgive me for having been born. This woman belongs perfectly in this house, because she is just like all of you.” She passes Mariana, looks at her and says, a woman full of hate and wickedness; she passes Hermy, looks at him and says, ambitiousness, just like them all. Her family? A family she doesn’t want to know or belong to, ever. Amelia reaches out again.
Hermán inserts himself and talks over Fer’s soliloquy. He calls Fer a boyfriend-stealer and moves in to grab her and throw her out. Carlos springs toward her. Amelia tells Hermy to let her go. She’s standing. Fer is astounded. So is everyone else. Amelia wants to hug Fer. Fer is not disposed to. Camila says who would have guessed that Doña Queja is the daughter of Don Fernando.
At that moment, Don Fernando has left his room to see what the commotion is all about. Fer and Cam are standing together. Amelia introduces Don Fer to his granddaughter. She tells him his granddaughter was by his side the whole time and he didn’t know it. Don Fer is confused and he asks which one is his granddaughter. When he sees Camila he mistakes her for Amelia’s daughter, then collapses from the emotional shock. Carlos and Blanca take him back to his room. Carlos can’t convince Don Fer that it’s not Camila. He’s so insistent, Carlos lets it drop and tells him to rest.
Fernanda’s tears come again, with the realization that Don Fer is someone she’s come to have great affection for, but belongs to such a hateful, dysfunctional family—and a minor point, that the same gentleman, her unforgiveable mother’s father, is her own grandfather and he failed to recognize her (although not her fault).
Mariana and Amelia are having it out, or rather Mariana is having it out with Amelia, blaming her for Don Fer’s collapse and will no doubt be responsible for sending him to an early death. Amelia protests. She loves her father. The separation from him all these years is what made her so bitter. Fer watches in disgust. (Here she says something I couldn’t catch about motive, like what a poor motive.)
Hernán can’t resist. He aims at Amelia saying he knows Amelia wasn’t bitter over her separation from her father. She became embittered because the father of that bastard—and he points to Fernanda, abandoned Amelia to her fate with that so-and-so gardener. Fer comes to Pedro’s defense. He’s no so-and-so gardener and she isn’t a bastard. She has her father, his name is Perez, she’s a Perez and proud of it.
Blanca sticks her foot in the mêlée to defend Pedro, too, declaring he was a better father than that novio of Amelia’s, the one who didn’t want to be a father to Fer. Amelia wants to talk to Fer. Fer says she doesn’t want to talk to her or anybody here and she’s not going to wait for any one to run her off. She’s leaving. Blanca pulls her back. She doesn’t want her to leave. She reminds Fer of the bond she’s formed with Don Fer and when he wakes he’ll want to know about her. Or, Camila pipes up, or herself because he thinks she’s his granddaughter (here Hermy makes his new Mis Planes). Fer is anguished. She wants to leave right away. Blanca begs her to stay until after Carlos finishes checking out Don Fer. And, she ought to talk to her mother. She tells Fer she has no idea how Amelia suffered.
No disrespect, Fer says to Blanca, because Blanca is the only one in this household she feels any affinity for, but Blanca has no idea how much they suffered from what Amelia did to them for 19 years, nor how they suffered after she left them. Fer goes directly over to Amelia and says she knows, doesn’t she?
Carlos re-enters. He says for now, there should be no more discussions with Don Fer about his granddaughter. It makes him excessively anxious. Amelia says, but knowing about his granddaughter is what he’s been waiting for, for so long. Carlos mentions that things aren’t too peaceful in the household right now. Amelia says she has no intention of keeping Fer from him. Fer interrupts. She tells her mother she no longer speaks for her. She doesn’t want a grandfather, she doesn’t want his money, she doesn’t want his house, and she doesn’t want to live here with these people. She doesn’t want to be in the middle of all this, even though she has such tender feelings for Don Fer. Carlos stands behind her and supports her thinking that way.
Fer’s priority is her father. Now she knows why he didn’t want her working there. He was protecting her from all this. Amelia realizes Fer is speaking of Pedro in the present. Fer asserts he’s alive, very much alive. The only one who thought up this crazy idea was Amelia. If they managed to survive the pain after she left, they can survive anything else without her.
Fer decides to pick up her purse and leave, so the sisters can “talk.” Amelia says she needs to talk to Pedro. Fer bristles. Tough. He can’t have any visitors from the past, because it’s too late for that. Amelia pleads. She thought he had died in the fire. Well, says Fer, they fooled you, but the words are still true. She and her father are dead to her.
Blanca doesn’t want her to leave still angry with her mother. And think about Don Fer. Fer tells her he will probably sleep until the next day and there is nothing for her to do there now. Blanca asks if she will be back the next day. She’s not sure. She’ll have to think about it. She turns to leave, Carlos with her.
Amelia tells Mariana it was due to her lies that she lost her daughter. Fer hears that and tells her no, she lost her daughter after what she said to her and Pedro in the hospital. Now she and Pedro are dead to her.
Fer marches herself out of the hacienda. Carlos follows. He can’t keep up with her, so he gets in his car. He finally gets her to stop. She tells him she always needed him, now more than ever. She admits she can’t live without him. He says he’s here for her. He won’t fail her. She doesn’t know what to do. She wants him to tell her what to do. He thinks she should do what her heart tells her to do. Fer says that’s the problem. From the first day she met her Tocayo, he’s here, stuck in her heart, but she can’t abide the idea that he can’t stand Pedro (because he threw Amelia out of the house). All this time, she says, Pedro was suffering in silence.
When he escaped from the clinic, everyone thought he was crazy, but it was to protect her. Carlos reminds her Pedro would never tell her why. Fer says, what could he have told her, that she ran a risk, she was in danger? Fer would have had too many questions he wouldn’t have wanted to answer. Carlos says the emotions are pulling her from two directions. Her love for her father, which is forever, and her bond with Don Fer. Fernanda says she’s afraid. Carlos suggest that she not see Don Fer as her grandfather then. (Remember Fer said earlier she didn’t want a grandfather, his money or his house, so Carlos is using that to persuade her not to abandon Don Fer.) He suggest seeing him rather as a sick old man who she wants to care for and who needs her. Fer is unconvinced. What about that family, those horrible people, full of poison? She doesn’t want to be there.
Carlos says she’s right, but they know Mariana just wants the inheritance, as to her mother, he’s not sure what she wants. He knows, however, that Fernanda is a good person who has a heart of gold and she’s the only one he trusts to take care of Don Fernando; she and Blanca, no one else.
Fer asks what she should do about her mother? Carlos says he doesn’t know, ignore her maybe? Close her eyes when she passes? Fer doesn’t think that will be easy. He knows that. He asks her please not to leave the job. It will also be helping her father, who is also a good man.


Anita thank you. What a lovely reveal. A lovely recap too. Am I the only one commenting? Ok. Well first, WOW!!!! What a Show down. Our little fawn wipped the floor up with her disgustingly disfunctional mess of a family. Shes all grown up, Awww, I absolutely loved it. The way she put them all in their place. especially aunty nasty and Uncle stupid(mariana & Hernin the pimp). Let me tell yall, the way I see It, second chances are priceless. now this is just me, everybody's different. IF IF IF There is the slightest chance that amelia can win her daughter back, I thank she should have it. Once a mother is gone Shes gone. Amelia wants another chance. For some its over. I don't think pedro will forgive her,cuz Dam!!! She cut him off the way a woman should never cut off a man. To the soul. And she enjoyed it. But fernanda, needs her. If not now she will later. I'm speaking as someone whose mother has been gone 12 years this December, (passed away). There were times when I needed to ask questions and talk about things but there was nobody to talk to. She could have answered those particular questions, but she wasn't here. but I gotta say about Second Chances, if I had one, what a blessing. Momas are priceless. This situation can be healed. Yes amelia was horrible. Maybe she deserves a second chance. There have been worst people than her. But I don't know mayhe its just me.

I really wish camila would just go get a life and leave carlos & fernanda alone. She is just really annoying to me. She
Should go find felipe in Argentina. (Not die), just go. To argentina. Away from carlos. Forever.

Now, which one of these greedy miscreants is going to get their hands on Fernanda's inheritance?
Will pedro stop freakin out and poundin his head?
Will ol fer ever be told that annoying cam is not his tocayo? Please somebody tell him!!!!
Must see tv people. Many thanks Anita :-).

Come on people leave a comment. :-D


Nina--The recap for Thu isn't up yet. It isn't even done yet. I'm getting a cup of coffee to go work on it now. Take it easy, girl. Check for comments in the morning.

Sorry, but none of your questions got answered tonight. That's why we must see TV tomorrow night!

We must all lose our mothers and fathers at some point. We hope that life takes it's natural course. Sadly some leave us earlier than others. I was fortunate to have mine until I was mature enough to appreciate them. Condolences and a virtual hug, Nina. A loss is still a loss whether it's 5, 12, or 21 years ago.

Oh Anita, thank you for this keenly observant, immaculately detailed summary, two for today alone! You mentioned earlier that you would note more of Carlos and Fernanda's conversation and your words clarified much for me. You were right, I was annoyed with him but now see that his words made sense.

"Fer asks what she should do about her mother? Carlos says he doesn’t know, ignore her maybe? Close her eyes when she passes? Fer doesn’t think that will be easy. He knows that...". Carlos is thinking clearly, contrary to my earlier misinterpretation.

"Fernanda Meets the Family from Hell, and it’s Hers" and "Into this tranquil domestic scene, roars Hernán hell bent for leather without a horse, on a mission to fire Fer for his self-humiliated daughter’s sake" were my favorites.

I do think Amelia is truly repentant. Unfortunately, her emotions seem mired in the muck of her rather emotionless countenance. She focuses and stares and while there are tears (and even sometimes a startling smile), there is little change in her facial expression. As she never showed joy and mastered the art of a blank stare she now seems incapable of showing that she is really in pain. I see it bubbling beneath the surface, but never spilling over.

This family brings a new dynamic to the term "dysfunctional" doesn't it? Fernanda recognized the poison and recoiled.

Thank you so much for taking the time to expand on this emotional and rather frightening family reunion Anita. You gave it the care and detail that made a huge difference to those of us who miss so much due to lack of language skills.

Nina, bless you. The pain of losing a loved one never leaves but thankfully, it does diminish in time. We don't ever want to forget and the pain is a reminder of what we lost.

Can't wait to read your recap tomorrow Anita.

Sleep well all.


Im sorrry didn't mean to rush yall, I just loves the comments. But wow! All of that was from one scene? I thought that
Was the whole story, girl you good.:-) Tonight's recap will be super good, can't wait, but I will. Ok gotta get some shuteye early work. Thanks Anita.
Anon, you're right.. This family gives "disfunction" a whole nrw meaning.

Good nite people!

EPISODE #61 (Thu May 19) Pt. 1
Jay continues to ask Fer improper questions regarding her parents’ sex lives. It’s obvious Fer is uncomfortable thinking back on Pedro and Amelia’s sleeping arrangements and whether they had sex or not. He claims he needs to know whether Pedro is telling him the truth or not. [I felt like telling Jay it’s none of his business to be asking Fer. He should continue to ask Pedro. He already knows the answer to how Fer was conceived. Fer told him she was the child of another man.]

Jay does learn that Fer’s mother has reappeared. Fer tells him Amelia traded them in for the good life with her rich family—the same family she’s working for. He feels it would be better for Pedro not to know about Amelia just yet. [Poor Paulina, I think she caught a cold. Her nose is stopped up.] She asks Jay that now the reasons for Pedro’s escape from the clinic have been cleared up, how much longer will Pedro have to stay here? Jay doesn’t get a chance to answer because Pedro runs up to greet Fer. He tells her all about Cesar getting married, but Fer already knew it all. They laugh and go off to talk by themselves.

Blanca is telling Amelia she couldn’t believe Mariana could be so perverse. Mean and ambitious, yes, but not this cruel. Blanca can’t help it though, she still loves Mariana and wishes she weren’t like she is. Amelia still doesn’t know how much of what Mariana said was truthful, but she needs to protect her child. She recognizes how many mistakes she made and now it’s time to correct them. She wants her daughter back. Blanca warns her that Fer’s rancor has been building for many years, though it is more for her father’s sake she feels this way. Amelia has decided to go look for Fer if she doesn’t come back tomorrow. Blanca asks what about Pedro? She doesn’t know whether she wants to seek him out as her man or the wonderful person he’s always been. She has to ask his forgiveness and hopes he’ll give it.

Cesar sneaks up on Clarita and brings her three roses. She says it’s the same old, same old. He brings her flowers, asks her to marry him, then disappears. This time it’s different. He tells her to set the date. She accepts, with or without his mother’s blessing.

Pedro tells Fer he’s glad she’s no longer working in that house. But, he senses she’s holding something back. Fer says no. He’s glad he has her, or the craziness would definitely have gotten him. They affirm their love for each other.

Camila and Herm are lunching in a public restaurant. Cam tries to tell her dad that Fer is not a low class nobody, she’s the granddaughter of Fernando Altamirano and their same social class. Herm begs to differ. Class is not determined by what one inherits, it’s determined by what parents have instilled in their child growing up. Fer had nothing. Even though she now has everything, she’s still the daughter of a gardener. He continues, Cam’s problem is not that Fer is an Altamirano, it’s Carlos. Cam tells him for the hundredth time Carlos doesn’t love her. Carlos has told her that a thousand times. Herm ignores her statement. Now that she knows Isabela is not her rival, but the snot-nosed girl is, she shouldn’t have any problem getting her out of the way and gaining Carlos’ affections. She’s a woman, she ought to know what to do. He tells her to use her feminine wiles on him to secure her future. Cam wants to know what should she do, get naked? Herm says that’s not a bad idea.

EPISODE #61 (Thu May 19) Pt. 2
Carlos is letting Paco eat a huge lunch at the hospital cafeteria. He has an emergency patient and will catch up with him later. Oh, oh, he gets back to his al fresco consulting suite to find Cam is the emergency. She has followed through and is there showing Carlos the world map, from the Twin Peaks down to the Amazon Jungle. Carlos is horrified and struggles to cover her up, just as Dr. Macias comes to get him. What is going on, he wants to know. Carlos does NOT know how to come to his own defense and asks Cam to tell Dr. Macias the truth of what was going on. She bats her eyes and tells Carlos to tell the doctor they are novios and insists he add that he loves her as much as she loves him. Carlos can’t believe what he’s hearing. He turns to Camila and asks if she realizes the magnitude of the problem her lie is making for him? She insists to Macias the truth is that Carlos seduced her and now he’s trading her in for a different school girl. Macias has had enough. Carlos is suspended until further notice. He’ll have a chance to clear his name at a board hearing. He is to pack up his things and leave the premises.

Luis arrives at the hacienda and scares the bejeezus out of Mariana. He innocently came to thank Don Fernando for giving him a job and making an office for him. Mariana does her best to get rid of him, but she can’t before Amelia appears. Mariana denigrates Luis in front of Amelia for not having any money now. Amelia tells Luis she loved him for himself, not for his money (of course he didn’t have any as a starving student). Mariana curses them and their “love” and leaves, but only far enough to be out of sight but still able to hear everything they say.

Amelia wanted to find Luis, too, because she had something important to tell him. He breaks in, the most important thing to him now is to know the whereabouts of his daughter. He wants to spend the rest of his life showing her how sorry he is. Amelia doubts it. He says he has a right to know. Yes, he has a right, but he also had a responsibility—one he never assumed, so he can’t come now talking about rights.

Blanca has come up to Mariana while the other two are talking. Blanca says she doesn’t like that man near Amelia, but between that and seeing Mariana so angry, she prefers the latter. Mariana asks what did she ever do to Blanca. Blanca says everything, but the worst was trying to kill Pedro and his daughter--her own niece for heaven’s sakes. Mariana tells her to shut up. Blanca says that’s easy, one shot to the head and she’s quiet for ever, but how will she shut up her conscience. [Conscience, of course, is for rational people who aren’t psychopaths.]

Back to Luis and Amelia. He’s saying he knows that little swindler Fernanda was Amelia’s daughter. He asked Mariana when he saw her here if she was his daughter. Mariana said no, she was the gardener’s daughter. He needs to hear it from Amelia. Is she their daughter? Amelia tells him their daughter doesn’t exist. She died at birth. Fernanda is the gardener’s child. Luis is confused by all the different stories he’s been told and he doesn’t believe this one. As he recalls, Amelia herself was going to let him meet her, then Pedro told him she lived far away where Luis couldn’t find her. Amelia says, it was torture, wasn’t it? Maybe he deserved it. Amelia tells Luis that once she loved him and thought they were going to start a life together, but when she got pregnant, he turned his back on her, for ambition.

That line of conversation ends when Don Fer enters and greets them both. He introduces them to each other. They pretend to be meeting for the first time.

EPISODE #61 (Thu May 19) Pt. 3
Camila is returning to the hacienda, screaming at her father that she’s mortified. She prejudiced the reputation of a good man and she behaved as nothing more than a common prostitute. Is he happy now? She humiliated herself in front of Carlos and the other doctor. All Herm wants to know is if she “had” him. Of course not, says a sobbing Cam. Well, then, Herm isn’t happy. Cam can’t believe her own father would pimp his own daughter. Herm says it’s love. Love for her, wanting the best for her, after he’s gone. Cam says she can work, she doesn’t have to undress for any man for money. Herm says that’s enough. Carlos will have to marry her. Cam says he didn’t make any promises. Herm is furious. This will end where and when he tells her. Now, she is to go find that girl and put her in her place. Show her what a Sotomayor-Williams does to come out on top. Understood?

As Carlos packs up, he reflects on his short career at the hospital, including his first meeting Fernanda and their first kiss.

Luis has a moment of reflection by himself. Surely the swindler Fernanda isn’t his daughter. She has to be the gardener’s daughter. He couldn’t live with himself after all the damage he’s caused her, if she were his daughter.

Sometimes a boy needs his mother. Marissa finds Carlos completely undone. She hugs him and holds him close. She listens to what happened to destroy his dreams. Her counsel is that this too, shall pass. Carlos doesn’t take it to heart right away.

Camila comes to see Fer to gloat. She tells her how Carlos was suspended from the hospital because the two of them were almost caught making love in his consulting suite. Fer doesn’t believe her. Well, says Cam, believe this, if Carlos doesn’t marry her, her father will make sure he never practices medicine in this town again.

Camila wants Fer to leave her house and to stay away from Carlos forever. Fer says Cam ought to know her by now. She’s not going to do something just because. Fer is sure there is a reason why they want her away from that house and the reason isn’t Camila. She’s convinced Camila’s father is behind all this. They know she’s not interested in having a grandfather, a house, nothing from them. Furthermore, she’s going to support Carlos and come back to the house because she has issues to resolve with her mother.

Luis thanks Don Fernando for the opportunity to work for him and is grateful for the office space. He shares that he’s made a zillion mistakes in his life and hasn’t learned anything from them. In fact, he doesn’t even feel badly about them. Don Fer is happy to have such a hardworking man on board. He recommends that Luis patch things up with his wife. And, he should settle things in his past as well. It’s not good to leave the world still saddled with heavy baggage. Luis thinks to himself that Amelia is his only baggage, she and the daughter she’s keeping away from him, telling him she is deceased.

EPISODE #61 (Thu May 19) Pt. 4
Amelia shows up at Sister Rosaura’s office. Amelia asks her to tell her where she can find Pedro. She’s changed. She’s learned to value the people who loved her. Rosaura doesn’t believe in her change of attitude. She doesn’t believe her words, either. Amelia is repentant. She doesn’t think they will forgive her, but she wants to tell them how much she cares for them. Rosaura thinks it’s a little late. All those years have passed when they tried to reach her with their love and she rejected them. Rosaura tells her to go start a new life without them. Amelia leaves. Rosaura’s sentiments came from her heart as a sister and not as a Sister.

Having failed to get an answer from Rosaura, Amelia tries to get information about Pedro from Lupe. Lupe throws back in Amelia’s face the way she was dismissed as an old busybody when she went off to her family home. Amelia never even bothered to make a phone call. She stuck with Amelia through thick and thin, ignoring her nasty disposition. Amelia says she’s sorry she treated her that way. It was not her intention to hurt her. She now realizes that she was actually content with Pedro and Fernanda. Lupe tells her to go back to her fancy home with all her repentance and live out the years she has left and try to be happy. She doesn’t tell her where Pedro is.

Luis is waiting for Amelia at the entrance to the hacienda. Luis begs her to listen to him. She orders the driver to move on, leaving Luis standing there. Apparently, she was willing to hear him out. They are having a meal together. Luis asks her to forgive him for all the harm he caused her.

Fernanda has come to see Carlos to show her solidarity. She heard the whole story from Camila herself. She tells him he’s strong, he can weather this crisis, she’s there for him. He appreciates her being there. He needs her. He changes the subject. She never gave him an answer to the question he asked while still at Don Fer’s. That kiss they gave each other, did it have a significance? They are interrupted by a boisterous young boy who wants to know if this is to be his mother?

The gist of Luis and Amelia’s forgiveness lunch is that she feels absolutely nothing for Luis. She wants to concentrate on Pedro and her daughter. Luis is still bothered by her paternity. Why did she name her Luisa? That must mean she thought of him, couldn’t forget him. Amelia says that’s in the past. She did think of him at one time, but not now. She forgives him. But that’s all. Now, she wants him to leave and by the way, she never wants to see him again.

Thanks, Anita. So great, as always.

I was struck by the theme of forgiveness in this episode, both asking for it, and giving it. Amelia, I think, is genuinely repentant, but can't get any traction from any quarter. Her visit with Sr. Rosaura was revealing. I think that the core of Catholic belief is forgiveness and redemption (i.e. second chances), but Rosaura refuses to let this happen for Amelia. Thus, she shows herself to be not only an exemplar of the Faith, but also a loving sister to Pedro who has seen him suffer for 20 some years at the hand of this woman.

As much as I believe in Amelia's sincerity in her anguish, I don't believe a word of what Luis is selling. So, Amelia, reeling from rejection from those around her, rejects Luis. Good call, Amelia.

I wonder at which point Cam will tell her father to piss off? She is clearly very uncomfortable in the role Hernan has cast her, yet she keeps on playing it, destroying herself and her best friend in the process.

Twenty year old Fernanda is going to be a mother to a ?6, ?7, ?8 year old boy? Oh, my, that certainly complicates things, doesn't it? Her statements of support for Carlos are now bashed against the wall of this new reality. I think that, in the end, Fernanda will relish this new life role, but in the short term, it will be offsetting.

Thanks again, Anita.


Dazzling Anita.

"She has followed through and is there showing Carlos the world map, from the Twin Peaks down to the Amazon Jungle". One of the best lines. Ever. "Blanca says she doesn’t like that man near Amelia, but between that and seeing Mariana so angry, she prefers the latter" was another favorite.

"Furthermore, she’s going to support Carlos and come back to the house because she has issues to resolve with her mother". Did we expect anything less from perfect Fernanda? Nopis. She is intuitive to understand immediately what Cam's motives were and that her reprehensible father was behind it. I love that she continues to be there for Carlos and that she chooses fight rather than flight in terms of Amelia.

David, you expressed the theme of forgiveness well. Yes, it was rampant throughout this episode.

"Blanca can’t help it though, she still loves Mariana. Blanca just elevated love and forgiveness to an entirely different level, didn’t she?

"Blanca asks what about Pedro? She doesn’t know whether she wants to seek him out as her man or the wonderful person he’s always been. She has to ask his forgiveness and hopes he’ll give it". I must give Amelia credit for carefully considering her true feelings. She is not claiming “ownership” of “her man”, but realizes the high caliber person Pedro was and is. I’m grateful she’s not pining or muttering that he was the love of her life. Clearly, he was not. But he was a loving husband and wanted to be her everything. He ended up being her nothing.

I was touched by Amelia's kiss to Lupe's head as she left her. But Lupe is still boiling hot and very hurt. Amelia is making no progress in making amends.

Rosaura's reaction was very interesting. She put her feelings about her brother ahead of those as a Sister. Any caring individual would have done the same. I might have suggested to Amelia though that forgiveness should be earned. Simply uttering the words you are sorry does not mean immediate dispensation. Forgiveness is a process. True repentance by working at healing emotional wounds takes time. And effort. I believe that Amelia is sincere. She has an uphill battle ahead of her (as well she should). I am anxious to see what Pedro's reaction will be. I had hoped he and Marissa would have had the chance to become closer before he meets up with Amelia.

I just love Blanca! The character and the actress. She is crushing Mariana at every opportunity.

"Cam wants to know what should she do, get naked? Herm says that’s not a bad idea". Inappropriate and truly disgusting advice.

I loved the look on Luis' face as Amelia flounced out of the restaurant. He, Mariana and Amelia are equally alone. And apart.

Anita, You have gifted us with another amazing summary. I eagerly look forward to seeing what you have to say every day. Thank you.



Diana, you always phrase things so much better than I do.

"She put her feelings about her brother ahead of those as a Sister." Brilliant play on words.

"I just love Blanca! The character and the actress. She is crushing Mariana at every opportunity." I couldn't agree more. Blanca is the only remaining voice of sanity in that household.

You're observation that "Forgiveness is a process," puts all this into perspective. Things don't happen overnight. Rome wasn't built in a day.


Great Anita

I love this one too. "is there showing Carlos the world map, from the Twin Peaks down to the Amazon Jungle"

That blank stare is trademark Lisette Morelos. She also does a dynamite coma patient.

Carlos is always closing I'll give him that. He's devolved into a sniffling, spoiled mommies boy but I saw the same galan in the last la toddle show, La Gata. I wonder why la toodle does that? Horacio Pancheri at least hasn't made me hate him like Daniel Arenas would.

I must be wired differently because I would have run away from Amelia's abuse or never speak to her again. At some point you go too far and how dare you ask for forgiveness. If Amelia has a little regret too bad and only proves her selfishness expecting forgiveness. As for Pedro, she knows all she has to do is blow the guy a kiss and she gets her mooning lapdog back on her terms.

I don't believe a word Luis says. I also think Amelia still loves the dude she just wants him to work for it.

I love that Blanca gives it back to Mariana but I don't like her because she is an enabler for two horrible girls.

Camila can't play clueless anymore. Carlos is not into her and she knows.

I want to break Hernan's finger every time he pokes Camila in the forehead


tofie, this is the first time I've seen "Lisette Morelos". She certainly has mastered the blank stare.

I wish I could say the same. You need only look at my face to see every thought and emotion I am feeling. I've yearned to have that poker faced blank stare but alas...

"I want to break Hernan's finger every time he pokes Camila in the forehead". Yup. Ditto.


Thanks for your kind words David. I really appreciate them!


Thank you Anita for another wonderful recap!

These were powerful episodes. I also believe in Amelia's repentance, but as Diana said, I think it is something she should earn through hard work. I want to see Pedro rejecting her for once. This man spent so much time of his life begging for her affection while she had nothing but coldness for him, that I know want her to feel something of what Pedro was feeling for the last 20 years. She deserves it.

Unlike you, Diana, I'm glad Pedro will obviously get to meet the new Amelia before he starts any kind of romantic relationship with Marissa. I want him to see her, get out of his system whatever feelings he has left for her, and then be emotionally free to love Marissa from scratch. Marissa doesn't deserve to be caught up in some kind of love triangle, where Pedro will be half with her and half thinking of his ex wife. Hell, these two people (Pedro and Marissa) are so good and have suffered so much they deserve to become everything to each other. Nothing in between.

Regarding Fer and her relationship with her mom... well I would like to see them reunited at some point, having a loving mother-daughter relationship... but not yet. It is too early for that and I can perfectly understand Fernanda's feelings towards Amelia. The years of rejection were so many her wounds will take a lot of time to heal.

All I have to do is visualize the toddler Fernanda taking her first tentative steps, arms outstretched and as she nears her mother, Amelia would walk away. That deserves forgiveness?

Just a few thoughts from me...

Thank you Anita for the recaps!

I have a very toxic mom, so maybe that's what is drawing me into this telenovela. I can say from personal experience that sometimes it is not best to reconcile with your mom. I'm not sure yet what I think is best for Fer and Amelia.

Hernan, hoo boy, that is one toxic parent right there for sure.

I am team Carlos so I was glad to see Fer cut him a break on this. I liked that she finally admitted she needed him too. She has had so much thrown at her, and she's got an inner strength that is going to be much needed.

Mariana is just pure evil, but in a fun telenovela over-the-top hammy Wile E. Coyote way, so I kind of actually have fun watching her scenes. Curious to see where they are going to go with Luis and his new-found fatherhood.

Paco is that little kid that always turns up in these shows. In this case, I agree that in real life, it would be ridiculous for Fer to take him on too, but on the show, he provides a little bit of much needed comic energy & lightness and I'm not finding him as annoying as I usually find the token kid.

Lucy Lu, good point about Pedro getting to see the new Amelia, gaining closure, and moving on.

tofie and dy77, I had earlier hoped that Amelia could hammer out some kind of a mother-daughter relationship with Fernanda, but I take your point that at some point in time, such toxic relationships reach an unrecoverable tipping point. Who knows where the writers will take this, but I would be okay with Amelia and Fernanda having a lukewarm, arm's length relationship.


Thank you for continuing to watch and comment on this show. We are now at Episode #60 and it hasn't run off the rails to the point we are snarking and rolling our eyes. I wonder how much control the Assistant Executive Producer, Leticia Diaz has had in this production. If it weren't for everyone who stops by, I would have stopped recapping. It's grueling and exhilarating to do it on a daily basis. I just can't quit!

Tonight I'd like to watch the Gran Final of Hotel unencumbered by the creative thought process. So this is a notice that I will write and post the recap for Friday sometime on Saturday, probably later in the afternoon.

David and those believers in Amelia's redemption--
I wish I could go along with you. The actor's portrayal of Amelia in the early years as such a bitter, resentful woman was brilliant. I just can't wrap my head around her "sudden" turn around. Was it the accident and partial paralysis for her to have an epiphany? To give her the benefit of the doubt, in real people's lives, a near fatal accident or a serious disease does have the effect of reordering one's priorities.

Is she seeking out Pedro and Fernanda to show them her true repentance and gain their forgiveness, or, as Tofie alluded, she's seeking others' forgiveness to salve her own conscience. But, maybe Blanca knows her better than we do!

I'm with Diana--up to a point, "I might have suggested to Amelia though that forgiveness should be earned. Simply uttering the words you are sorry does not mean immediate dispensation. Forgiveness is a process. True repentance by working at healing emotional wounds takes time. And effort." So far Amelia has only tried words. Now she needs to put some work and effort into healing those wounds.

Fernanda is 19. She's never really had a loving mother. She had a strict disciplinarian who treated her with either silence or scorn. The only female role models she had were Lupe and Sister Rosaura (and teachers) and both a little flawed. I thought Marissa would be much better suited to fill that role, but by now Fer is so mature and independent she just needs people around her who love and encourage her. I hope she will accept her mother for what she is now--a woman restored to her former life, but not really an integral part of Fer's. I hope Amelia doesn't try to influence her choice of career, friends, novio. What can Amelia offer her at this point? Hmmm. Maybe it will be defending her against Mariana, Herm and Luis.

dy77--We have other Caray recappers who have (or had) toxic mothers. How they've dealt with the damage and the perpetrators is wide-ranging. Some come to terms and have minimal relations, others distance themselves completely, still other seek professional help.

I can't begin to know what it would be like to be Amelia's child, or to be you, dy77. I came from a wonderful, functional, two-parent family (who stayed married for 60 years). My experience came from being a loved only child (not quite as doted on as Carlos) and falling in love and marrying a man who impressed me intellectually, but became domineering, controlling and finally, abusive. Thank goodness my parents were there to help me financially to get out of the situation, let me go back to school and raise two children successfully. Not everyone has that kind of support.

Will Fer think her mother's repentance is genuine or will she wonder every time Amelia hugs her.

Now that we know Amelia approached Lupe and how that went, I wonder if she will contact Ordonez. Will he still be interested in her? Will she show any romantic interest in him?

LucyLu--Excellent point about Pedro seeing Amelia back in her youthful surroundings before he recognizes whether he does or does not have feelings for Marissa. Is Amelia going to be the same person he fell in love with when she was a teenager as opposed to now, a woman? He loved her unconditionally in the shack. Can he still love her unconditionally when there is such an economic gap? (And don't forget Don Fer's attitude towards Pedro. That has to be straightened out pronto.)

I didn't include it in the recap, but I was surprised by Luis' remarks to Amelia about the sorry state of the hacienda grounds since Pedro left and that maybe he needs to come back. His tone was sarcastic.

Anita, thanks again for recapping this episode.

Cam wants to know what should she do, get naked? Herm says that’s not a bad idea. - WHAT??? IN??? THE??? HELL??? What kind of father does this? The fact that she didn't complete the mission and he's made, made it worse. I have no more words.

I'm with tofie and Anita. I just can't get with Amelia's repentance. I don't buy it, can't believe it, don't feel it. Before the accident and she shared hugs when she got the job, etc...I might could have gotten behind her pleas for forgiveness. However, that "I hate you" and "you are dead to me" stuff, it stuck in my head and I'm not a quick forgiver. Not that I don't, it just takes more than a sorry when you cut very very deep like she did. It was unnecessarily cruel and her blank crocodile tears don't make it easy.

This is my first time with all of the actors/actresses on this TN (well, let me take that back - Candella or whatever that hairballs name is). So Lissette should stick to antagonism because she great at making me hate her. But for Fer's sake, I will give her the opportunity to make amends with her child.

Luis, I'm ready to forgive him before Amelia.

dy77 - Mariana as an "over-the-top hammy Wile E. Coyote", yes and that roadrunner, Fer, gets away every time. That was the perfect way to describe her dastardly deeds. She keeps buying Acme products to get that sucker, but they all fail. LOL!

I will probably be late commenting...late night out and picking up my grandbaby tomorrow. Have a good weekend if I don't get a chance to stop by and comment.

Anita, you raise a very interesting question: "Will Fer think her mother's repentance is genuine or will she wonder every time Amelia hugs her". Perhaps...

I think forgiveness can be as healing for the one who has been hurt as the person who inflicted the pain. Letting go of hate, resentment and anger can be cathartic. Forgiving also doesn't necessarily mean forgetting. Sometimes those cuts are too deep to heal.

I applaud both of you dy77 and Anita for overcoming and surviving so splendidly. Thank you for sharing your stories.

I will simply say that I did forgive someone in my life - my father. I made the decision that my angst and anger were hurting no one but myself. I felt an immediate lightness and an inner peace began to build. While I have not forgotten, I healed because I was willing to absolve. While I still ruminate how my life (and that of my brothers) might have been so different, I had no regrets or remorse at his passing. I can breathe. It is a personal decision that most of us must figure out and decide for ourselves.

"Now that we know Amelia approached Lupe and how that went, I wonder if she will contact Ordonez. Will he still be interested in her? Will she show any romantic interest in him?" I'm counting on it Anita. I want Pedro free and clear for Marissa.


Great recap Anita as always, you hit all the points perfectly! Thank you.

Some of the comments that have followed are quite remarkable and oh so insightful. Diana your comment regarding your father personally struck me. I am a firm believer in forgiveness, IF the person seeking it is truly repentant and has demonstrated true and long lasting change. Does that mean we allow them into our lives daily? I don't know, that is a personal choice. You can forgive but keep those who harmed you at a safe distance. I'm glad you found a measure of peace and I believe forgiving others gives us that. It's freeing.

I think for their own peace of mind and heart, Pedro and Fer will forgive Amelia. I see Fer having the relationship with Amelia she always wanted with time..and Amelia's constant demonstration that she has changed. Pedro hopefully through therapy will most likely realize that his idea of Amelia was always flawed and he had her up on a pedestal she most likely never wanted to be on. In Amelia's defense she never claimed to love Pedro, she never pretended to be anything other than Don Fer's daughter. Pedro set his sights on a young girl who foolishly loved another and was abandoned by him. She was rejected by her father, the one person she adored and idolized. I can see how that tore Amelia's world apart. Pedro was always going to be in a losing situation. Still Pedro deserved better and at the very least warm gratitude and a loving friendship from Amelia. Perhaps this is where they return with Pedro realizing the flaw in his own choices?

Javier is working my last nerve with his very personal and probing questions to Fer about her father and mother's intimate life. What kind of professional does this? He is completely breaking the code of physician/patient confidentiality. This isn't family therapy for crying out loud. Pedro is HIS patient and he has the right to discuss whatever he feels comfortable discussing. What bearing does Pedro's sex life with Amelia have on his mental recuperation anyway? I think for all of his position and blah blah title Javier sucks donkey balls. What a quack. FAIL!

I think Cami needs some therapy of her own. I wish I could feel sorry for her but I don't right now. She knows the score deep down and always has. She even told her father Carlos is not into me. What does she do? Goes to Carlos place of work and proceeds to further degrade herself, failing miserably and getting Carlos fired in the process. A sure way to make the guy love her! FAIL!

I have mixed feelings about Rosauro's reaction to Amelia. I understand that she was thinking more as a sister to Pedro than a sister who has taken vows to serve GOD, but I find myself being very disappointed in her reactions when faced with Amelia. I understand her being protective of Pedro/Fer and having a hard time separating her vows as one who serves GOD and one who is flesh and human. But in her position she needs to better. Forgiveness nor repentance is hers to decide and she would know that as one married to the church/GOD. She should have counseled Amelia not judged her. FAIL!

How awesome was Fer standing her ground with Camila but better was her physically advancing toward the reject as she issued to her that she wasn't going to fall for Cami's juvenile tricks or abandon Carlos or stop fighting for him. Have a seat Camila, this is how Fernanda Perez (Altamirano) rolls. WIN!

Is Luis having a change of heart? I'm conflicted as to what he truly feels. Did he always love Amelia? Or is it the $$'s? If he believes Fer was Amelia's daughter why continue to refer to her as a scammer? The writers are not doing a very good job of giving us a clear position of what Luis feels. I'm on the fence with him.


I wanted to add that I find myself continuing to be disturbed by Prof icky Diego and Lucero. She's much too young to be so pressured by a man his age. He's coming off as a leacherous creep.

Pacquito always being hungry and consuming large amounts of food has ceased to be entertaining. The good thing is this kid may be the ticket to getting rid of Cami and Hernan! ;-)

Looking forward to tonight's ep!

Anita, splended recap, thank you. It appears that amelia is discovering that its not good to burn your bridges behind you because you never know you may have to go back across those bridges to what you left behind, in her case to the people she left behind. she's got some major making up to do and it's going to be really hard because she spit poisoned on every last one of those people. If she gets forgiven I will be surprised, especially by the ones she hurt the most, her daughter and her husband. Well exhubby.

Hermy is a peice of work. the tells his daughter its ok to throw yourself at somebody like a common prostitute because he loves her. Seriously? "Class is determined by what parents have instilled in their child growing up. Fer had nothing even though she now has everything. She is still the daughter of a gardener". So what exactly is he is telling in his child that it's ok to throw yourself at a man and then get him to marry him for his money. I think hermy should be transferred to the island of badparenting, and have a life sentence of forever there, because he's really a lousy parent.

Where as pedro has instilled into this sweet kind-hearted young woman to care about other people, to respect other people, and to give of herself. Totally opposite of what hermy has tought his misguided braindead kid. I fear her's disfunctional family is going to become even more disfunctional. That word does not do this family Justice in describing how messed up they are.

I'm so glad fernanda Is standing by carlos. They really do deserve to be together. But they're going to have to fight For it. Fight family and so called friends. there is so much to comment on, but Iam just beat I had a busy work day today. Anita thank you this is a wonderful recap. thank you thank you thank you!!!

The recap is in the works. Wonderful comments, all. Forgiveness was definitely a main theme.

I do want to address Delilah's observation on Luis. "If he believes Fer was Amelia's daughter why continue to refer to her as a scammer? The writers are not doing a very good job of giving us a clear position of what Luis feels."

I'm with you on the last sentence. I'm sure it will become clearer as we move forward.

As to why he continues to think and speak of Fer as the scammer/swindler has volumes to say about his feelings for Pedro. At the very beginning of his "trauma" he was sure the swindler's mother had to be involved and wanted to go after her, too.

Later, when he re-met Amelia and she promised to introduce him to his daughter, he and Pedro had some rather violent run-ins, ending up trading blows. Pedro beat him. He hates Pedro and anything having to do with Pedro.

In Thursdays episode, he said to Amelia he didn't know whose story about his daughter to believe. Mariana had told him some time back that Fer was Pedro's daughter and Amelia confirmed it in Thursday's episode. So, he's had this image of Fernanda being Pedro's daughter and running a scam on him that he can't shake--no matter if she is Amelia's child. Maybe he somehow feels betrayed that she had relations with Pedro and produced Fernanda.

I don't know, I'm just making this up to explain how he could separate in his mind the daughter of Amelia--whom he claims never to have forgotten, with the teenage swindler who beat him in court.

Nina--You point out perfectly what should be so obvious to us--the different parenting styles between Pedro and Hermy. So true. To this we could add the contrast between the parenting Isabela/Carolina and Carlos received, with the persons they grew up to be.

EPISODE #62 (Fri May 20) Pt. 1
Carlos tells Fer he’s planning to adopt Paco as a single father. Paco pipes up that he only needs a mother, in case Fer is offering. None of that, says Carlos. She looks at Carlos and Paco sweetly. She’s happy for them. Carlos will be a great daddy, but Paco is too old for her to be his mother (take that, Carlos). There is general laughter and Carlos moves Paco to the other side so he can sit closer to Fer and looks at her with his McDreamy eyes. She assures him he’ll come out of this trouble alright. He’s strong. He’s a good person. She admires him. Carlos says he admires her, too. He kisses her cheek and her hands, then pulls Paco over for a hug. Fer looks at the two with love all over her face.

Amelia has returned to the hacienda. She tells Blanca no one would help her. She can only hope Fer returns to the house. But at the same time, she fears what Mariana will do. Blanca thinks having Fer in the house to watch over here is better.

Fer takes solace in her violin. She thinks about tomorrow and what she can expect when she sees her mother. What will Fer say to her? So much has happened. Her accident of birth doesn’t matter to her because she has Pedro. The other man is of no importance to her. She only has one father.

Next day, Luis is back to finish packing up his old office. The security guard tells him to hurry up. Luis discovers a couple of documents missing. Luis pulls up the security camera video and sees it was Ordoñez. His fury rises and off he goes, leaving all his stuff behind in disarray.

Lupe is telling Iggy about seeing Amelia again. She’s changed. She’s acting so uppity since she became rich. Iggy would like to have seen her again. He’d like to ask her about one of the documents he found for an invoice Luis paid to a detective to find Amelia de Perez. Lupe says she knows something about that, but can’t tell him. As he observes that Luis has more claws than an animal, said clawmeister barges in screaming at Iggy. He wants to know what Iggy was doing in his old office. Iggy wants to know what Luis has to do with Amelia de Perez.

All the shouting brings Marissa out of her office. Luis tells Marissa that her low-life employee stole some documents out of his old office. Marissa asks, did he? Without answering Marissa, Iggy addresses Luis. Why doesn’t he tell Marissa what those documents were? Without mentioning names, Luis says it was some invoices. Iggy mentions the invoices had to do with Amelia. Marissa asks, why Amelia? Iggy eggs him on. Why doesn’t he tell his wife what his relationship to Amelia is.

Luis, darn him, has a great reason. He tells Marissa that Amelia was the lost daughter of Don Fernando. What? Don Fer asked Luis to help him locate her. Iggy says that’s not all there is to the story, is it? Luis just leaves. Marissa thanks Iggy for trying to look after her interests, but she doesn’t want to give Luis any pretext to become the victim in these proceedings. Iggy agrees.

Mariana pokes the lion (Amelia), who is waiting for Fer to arrive. Amelia tells her she’ll protect her daughter from Mariana and will destroy her if she hurts Fer. She’s not afraid of Mariana any more. Fer does arrive and tells Amelia she has nothing to talk to her about. Amelia knows she failed her, but it will be difficult to be in the same house if they don’t talk. Fer agrees.

EPISODE #62 (Fri May 20) Pt. 2
Fer tells a tearful Amelia she doesn’t want to have anything to do with her or anyone else in the family while she’s working taking care of Don Fer. Amelia says, but he’s her grandfather. She answers that for her, he’s Don Fernando. Amelia asks rhetorically, did she really harm her that much? Fer flashes back on the worst of the incidents we were privy to. Amelia infers that Fer doesn’t love her (querer). Fer says she loves her (amar), but that isn’t the problem. She can’t hate her because Amelia gave her life, but she has nothing left to give her. Amelia says she’s sorry. Fer says she’s glad, now she can be at peace, but her repentance isn’t worth anything to her. Amelia wants an opportunity to show he how much she loves her. Fer turns her back on Amelia.

All Amelia wants is to gain her love. Fer can’t. It’s not in her. Instead, Amelia should think about herself. Fer would love to forgive Amelia, run into her arms and receive a real kiss. She would love to have a mother who loves her and tells her so. But she can’t forgive or forget. She doesn’t hold any rancor towards Amelia, but what she does feel when she thinks of Amelia is a great pain. It is because of what she did to Pedro, who gave her all his love. He didn’t deserve to be treated the way she did. She refuses to tell her where Pedro is. Fer wants to protect him from any further damage by Amelia. Now, if she will excuse her, Doña Amelia, she has to work. Amelia reacts to being addressed formally. Fer insists that’s what she is in this house, Don Fer’s employee. Amelia steps closer and calls her hija. Fer answers brusquely, it’s Fernanda to her. She walks off. Amelia says to the tree she’s leaning on that she’ll watch over Fer, even if she doesn’t want her to.

Lupe comes back into the office. Iggy tells her Luis came out ahead this time, but he’s sure there’s something more to the story and that Luis was searching for Amelia for a different reason. Lupe can only say that Iggy is not mistaken in what he’s thinking. Iggy says he fell in love with Amelia and he’s going to find out what this prior history with Luis is, even though Lupe won’t tell him.

Fer is entertaining Don Fer reading to him. She finishes the book and mentions all the stuff he can learn on the internet about astrology. He gets a lesson on internet searching (and we get a lesson on Bing to watch movies on demand—it had to happen, but at least we don’t have to watch them eating Tostitos all the time).

Carlos pleads his case before the review board. He’s asked to wait outside while they debate his fate. The votes are tied 3-3. Macias is for keeping Carlos on board and tells the 3 nay votes they don’t know Carlos or his work here. He suggests inviting another fresh impartial person who has worked with him. Of course it has to be Javier Farias. Marcos goes to see him and hopes his personal relationship with Carlos doesn’t get in the way. Jay says he never doubted the quality of Carlos’ work, although Carlos does doubt his. He’ll review the case and be as objective as possible.

Carlos intrudes on Javier’s turf. Jay tells him he shouldn’t be there. Carlos knows Jay will be the one who decides his fate. Jay says he didn’t ask for this particular task, so why did Carlos come? He came to tell Jay that Fer loves him and no matter how hard Jay tries to turn her against him, it’s not going to work. Jay says he’s not doing that and reminds him that Carlos has tried to cast aspersions on him professionally at every opportunity. Carlos says he’s not talking as a medical colleague. He’s talking about how a capricious trick Camila played is likely to ruin his career. He’s talking as two men in love with the same woman. Carlos declares angrily that Jay can take away his career, but he won’t take Fer’s love for him away. He won’t permit it. Jay doesn’t say a word. Carlos takes his leave.

Mariana comes into the study with Don Fer’s pills. He waves her off. Not now. The pills make him sleepy. Fer volunteers to give them to him after he eats.

EPISODE #62 (Fri May 20) Pt. 3
Mariana and Hernán are at the construction office discussing their evil strategies. Hermy doesn’t think hers come out so well. She says there’s nothing wrong with her plans, it’s in the execution that they go awry. Mariana gets a call from Lozórsano. [I thought he and his name were gone for good.] She thinks he wants more money. No, he’s calling to tell her Iggy is very interested in her sister’s relationship with Luis Montero and he isn’t even going to charge her for this.

Lucero is trying to tell a very distracted Camila all about her upcoming wedding plans and marriage to Diego. She tells Lucero about her fight with Fernanda, but what troubles her more is her father pressuring her to do things she doesn’t want to do, not to Fer, but to Carlos. Lucero is ready to listen. Cam swears she didn’t want to. Tears are streaming down her face. Her dad obligated her. She wrenches free and says she has to go ask Carlos to forgive her.

Fernanda entertains Don Fer playing her violin. He’s surprised and impressed. [I’m impressed she didn’t have to tune it. Maybe it’s a self-tuning instrument.] Now it’s time to take his pills. First, though, he wants to talk about love and forgiveness. Did Fer and Carlos have a reconciliation? She says no, it’s difficult. He can’t believe Fer is so hardhearted when she’s such a sweet and gentle soul. And he can tell how much in love she is with him. Don Fer says it shouldn’t be that hard to tell him she forgives him, but never deceive her again. True, says Fer, especially now since he’s in so much trouble after what Camila did. She doesn’t want to tell him, but he insists. As carefully as she can, Fer says Cam is not a bad person, but she invented a story that she and Carlos “did something” in the hospital. Now they want to dismiss Carlos and end his career, based on her lie.

Don Fer is hot under the collar now. He walks out to the living room shouting for Camila. It brings Blanca, Herm and Mariana into the living room. He says Camila is crazy and has behaved very badly. Hermy defends his daughter. At this point, even Mariana intervenes to calm Herm down. He rages on that his daughter was a victim of Carlos. Blanca puts a protective arm around Fer. Don Fer says that is a lie. Carlos is an upstanding, irreproachable young man. Herm snaps right back at Don Fer. Just like Don Fer, an ungrateful cur who won’t share his wealth with his daughter, Mariana, the only person who has bothered to take care of him all her life. Don Fer says why is he so keen on the money, so he can go spend it all? Herm says leave him out of it. Tell it to his daughter. She’s the way she is because she grew up lacking any love in this house. She’s the real victim.

Camila has gone to the Gomez-Ruiz mansion, ostensibly to ask Carlos to forgive her (how about just going and retracting her story...). He walks in, finds her and throws her out without wanting or waiting to listen to an explanation. It’s all he needs now, Cam walks out, Isabela walks in. See, she says, it’s about time he realizes that schoolgirls are nothing but headaches.

Carlos is tired of her same refrains. He only wishes he had known what she was like before. Isy says she’s actually there to apologize for the scene she made in the restaurant, but she swears she never said anything to Camila. [Wait a minute. Did we see this? I don’t recall a recent scene in a restaurant. Help!] If anyone wants him and Fer to break up it’s Camila.

EPISODE #62 (Fri May 20) Pt. 4
Mariana turns on Fer. Is she happy now? Fer tries to excuse the slip up, but Mariana doesn’t let her off the hook. It could have killed Don Fer. She shuts Blanca up. Don Fer says when Camila returns, he wants to see her and have her explain this hospital caper. He’s not going to permit that Carlos loses his whole career over an invention of crazy Cam. Herm says Don Fer must speak respectfully of his daughter. Don Fer says he doesn’t take orders on how to run his household. So, Herm can just pack up and leave and take his daughter with him. Herm is fed up with Don Fer, but doesn’t actually say he’s going to leave. He believes his daughter and if she says Carlos did something to her, he’ll support her. Can he say the same with respect to Amelia, he says. He doesn’t need an answer because they all know the answer to that. He walks out.

Don Fernando leaves next, telling Mariana to go take care of her husband. Blanca follows him. Fer starts to go after them, but Mariana holds her back. She’s going to get a talking to from her and Hermy. Herm comes back with Mariana. He tells Fer she is to consider him her worst enemy from now on, turns her over to Mariana and walks back out.

Pedro spruces up the hospital grounds. Sister Rosaura is visiting and they are laughing like old times. They are cheerful until Pedro asks if Fer has gone back to that house. Rosaura doesn’t exactly lie, but she doesn’t tell him the truth. Wherever she is, Fer can take care of herself. He has to trust her. He set an excellent example and gave her good values. He agrees that’s true, but that’s not what is really bothering him. He just can’t get Amelia out of his head. Rosaura wants to know why not, since she’s the cause of all his misery and misfortune. He doesn’t know why not. She’s glued into his very being. He’s certain life is going to bring them face to face again, when they least expect it.

Mariana walks up to Fer like the grim reaper she wants to be. Now, where is Amelia, who promised to watch over Fer and protect her. Oh, she’s at the office. Good gracious. Luis knocks and waits for Amelia to admit him. He’s grinning (that can’t be good). Apparently he’s to be supervised by Amelia, so here he is, at her disposal.

Back to Mariana and Fernanda. Blanca is now hovering within earshot, but out of sight. Mariana has dialed back her furies and says quite friendly-like, for better or worse, the two of them are aunt and niece. She hates scandals and begs Fer’s pardon for the way she acted. She tells Fer to resolve the issues between her and Camila without involving Don Fernando. Fer realizes it was imprudent of her. Mariana could care less about Camila, but she cares about her father. She continues, due to his delicate health, they can’t even tell him Fer is his real granddaughter. Fer says she’d rather it stay that way. No one likes her father, not even her mother, but she loves him and needs him. He’s all the family she needs.

Thank you so much Anita.

"(how about just going and retracting her story...)"

"Mariana has dialed back her furies and says quite friendly-like"

If I were Javier I would tell the board of Carlos visit and recuse myself.

I like Carlos less and less since he acts like a 14 year old boy. His supervisor/mentor did the right thing by reporting a nude girl in Carlos office area yet still voted to reinstate him. This after Carlos took a swipe at the guy saying he would refuse to work under him again if Carlos was reinstated. Carlos expected the man to keep his mouth shut and ignore policy simply because Carlos says so.

I love Fernanda but she is no Sandy Cameron. I saw and heard this girl at a Chris Botti concert. It's incredible when she launches into Kashmir by Led Zepplin.

Wonder why there was no mention by Fernando last night of Camila being his granddaughter?


Expressive and lovely Anita.

"McDreamy eyes", "Fer looks at the two with love all over her face", "...said clawmeister" and "Mariana walks up to Fer like the grim reaper she wants to be" were among many favorites.

I realized that I actually felt pain while watching Fernanda’s flashback of several of Amelia’s most hurtful rejections. How on earth was her heart not truly broken? “She doesn’t hold any rancor towards Amelia, but what she does feel when she thinks of Amelia is a great pain". Those words must have been a bitter sting, but they were related with truth and clarity. Her unintended retaliatory arrow “Now, if she will excuse her, Doña Amelia, she has to work” hit its target. And deeply.

“Lupe is telling Iggy about seeing Amelia again. She’s changed. She’s acting so uppity since she became rich”. Huh?? As critical as I have been (and still am) on Amelia for the havoc she’s wreaked, I see nothing “uppity” about her recent behavior. Did she not kiss Lupe on the head after offering a sincere apology? Wasn’t that in stark contrast to the glacier like words and actions when she basically told Lupe to get lost but a short time ago? I like Lupe so I am simply going to offer that she is still hurt and (understandably) unwilling to let bygones be bygones.

"Iggy says he fell in love with Amelia". Not a surprising revelation to us, was it?

Camila is childish and churlish. Yes Fer and Carlos should have told her the truth about their relationship (although it was always right in front of her - the sparks between them were evident to everyone) but she reacted badly. I still can't believe she pulled that stunt with Carlos at the behest of her reprehensible father. Thankfully she has come to her senses, I hope it's in time to save Carlos' career.

I believe I've seen a few unfathomable expressions on Luis' face where he may have been feeling genuine regret toward Amelia. But this is the same cad who lied to Marissa and who scathingly ran her down and tried to destroy her. Just another person here (along with Mariana, her husband and others) who has no idea what love actually is.

I enjoyed Pedro getting his hands in the dirt and laughing with his sister. No wonder Fernanda decreed: ...but she loves him and needs him. He’s all the family she needs". I agree. It's always been the two of them against the world. Hopefully, they can extend their family to include Carlos and Marissa. In time.

Anita, thank you for your generous care with this story and for bringing added depth to all the words and actions. I am so grateful!


"If I were Javier I would tell the board of Carlos visit and recuse myself".

How right you are tofie...that never occurred to me but of course that would have been the right thing to do.


Hi, Anita. This was great, as always.

Your treatment of the interaction between Fer and Amelia was great and telling. Yeah, how can the survivor of an abusive childhood suddenly become a loving daughter? She can't, of course. I like so much how you discussed this interaction between these two. One thing that I notice in regard to Amelia, and what distinguishes her from most abusive parents, is that she seems to have truly turned over a new leaf. Most abusive parents who asked for forgiveness do not relinquish their former abusive ways; Amelia has. Therefore, I see a pathway for some sort of unity between these two.

I am not understanding how Macias could bring this situation with Cam to the attention of the hospital board, yet vote for Carlos. I also don't understand why having a naked woman in your exam room constitutes an infraction of medical ethics. Couldn't Carlos have just said, "I was just examining her...(Insert here your favorite anatomical part). There was no touching involved. What would Macias have thought if he had observed, for example, Carlos conducting a breast exam? Just doesn't make sense to me.

I think Iggy is a dedicated lawyer and capable investigator. His interest was piqued by the papers he found, but this was whipped up by Luis' angry confrontation with him. It's best to choose your friends carefully, but even more you enemies. Luis just doesn't play well with others. He probably got an "F" in socialization from Kindergarten on.

Since I am a "#2 pencil and yellow legal pad" kind of a guy trying to cope with this new high tech world, I thought it was a tender moment when Fer was showing don Fer how to work the computer. I could use her help; does she make house calls?

You had me laughing when Mariana said it wasn't her plans that were at fault, it was their execution. Yes, Mariana, throughout history a lot of people have felt that way; people like Benedict Arnold, George Armstrong Custer, and Adolf Hitler. I wonder what kind of anvil awaits our dear Mariana.

Oh, God, problem child Cam walks out of Carlos' house, and Issy walks in. It is amazing to me that she still considers herself a contender for Carlos' affection. I am sure that this actress is a very nice person in real life, but she does a great job of portraying an insufferable bitch in these tns.

Thanks again, Anita. I really enjoyed how you crafted this episode.



David--How clever of you to have thought of this as a simple examination! Why didn't Carlos think of that? Macias could have avoided the drama we have to sit through and watch by telling Carlos to finish up because he needs him in the OR.

You said, "Most abusive parents who asked for forgiveness do not relinquish their former abusive ways; Amelia has. Therefore, I see a pathway for some sort of unity between these two." I'm going to sit on the sidelines on this one. Amelia has to do more than just say she's sorry, before I believe it. She needs to do something, like help get Carlos and Fer back together, protect her from Camila, Mariana and Herm, save her from Luis--something, anything.

I wonder what this new supervisor-employee relationship between Amelia and Luis is going to turn into. In this situation, I'm behind her being as nasty as she can to Luis. I'm holding out hope that she can see Ignacio in a different light and realize she can have a non-toxic relationship with a man. I do hope Lupe gives her another chance to mend their friendship. Right now, she only has Blanca and Don Fer on her side.

Diana--My bad. I translated the sentence with the word "grosera" in it when Lupe was describing the "new" Amelia. I knew in English it would be "gross," but somehow that didn't fit either of the last few scenes we had of Amelia with Lupe.

I just looked up grosera. The word "uppity" doesn't appear (but I knew that). It has a whole slew of meanings in addition to gross. Take your pick from among them and they still don't quite describe what I thought Lupe was trying to convey to Ignacio.

Coarse, rough, plain, homely, home-spun, rude, discourteous, unpolished, churlish, uncivil, brutal, rough, indecent, indelicate, smutty, fat, bulky.

I have heard that used over and over again in telenovelas as a pejorative term. Maybe Lupe was still smarting from the way Amelia treated her when she took her leave of Lupe before she had her accident. The newer Amelia who just showed up decently dressed, new hairstyle and new mannerisms is someone that Lupe wasn't accustomed to.

I agree with you that Amelia was very civil, even while she begged. Maybe the writers have something in mind for later, or maybe Rocio blew her line and stuck in a well-used word.

David, again. This comment had me laughing, "Luis just doesn't play well with others. He probably got an "F" in socialization from Kindergarten on." He probably started things to get attention and if caught stomped his feet and said it's not fair, so-an-so did it, too.


In addition to what Anita noted, I also loved "Since I am a "#2 pencil and yellow legal pad" kind of a guy trying to cope with this new high tech world, I thought it was a tender moment when Fer was showing don Fer how to work the computer. I could use her help; does she make house calls?".

I'm with you David? So enjoy your insight and marvelous sense of humor.

Anita, I think you hit the nail on the head when you noted that Lupe was still hurting. She was probably very startled by Amelia's updated wardrobe and civil tongue. Lupe was likely shocked by this "stranger" who was asking for forgiveness. She actually looked afraid. I might have too had I heard the words from this seemingly caring, contrite woman who was a far cry from the hateful, dismissive person who recently dissed and dismissed her coldly and cruelly.


Hey Anita, great recap. Loved the interaction between amelia and fer. She is really all grown up. Standin up for herself. Good for you girl. remember those times when Amelia was so mean and so disrespectful and so very abusive. I do and Fernanda remembers it to. "Amelia ask rhetorically," did she really harm her that much"? Really amelia? Ok, since
The day babygirl was born she did nothing but blame her for not being with that parasite thats suppose to have been the love of her miserable life. She never once held her, told her she loved her , never encouraged her in anything in her life. And to Really twist the knife, she didn't even show up at her high school graduation. Some or all of yall are parents, you know how important that is to a child. Thats a life changing event that a parent should not miss. And she lied about having to work.
I could write a book on how much she hurt this child. and don't get me started on how badly she treated her father in front of her not giving a damn about niether one of them. Is she serious askin that dumbass question? I quess she is the writers put it in there.

Im glad shes going to protect her, cuz fer has a crazyass aunt who wants her dead. I think I can kind of understand why Mariana feels the way she does. Amelia was their father's favorite and he didn't pay a whole lot of attention to her, but stupin to murder and she doesn't even do that well. No amount of money in the world is worth all of that. And I do believe amelia is sorry, but she is 19+ years to late. Nobody would help her because of all that Venom she
Spewed out over the years. it does have a habit of coming back around and bite you in the ass.

1.Carlos is in a pickle.
2.Isy is still a liar.
3.Camilla is just pitiful.
4.Luis is still s lying manipulater.
5.The Sister, pedro's sister is in a storm. She better pray she gets out of it. I hope she does.
6.Hermy has dollar signs on the brain.
7.Mariana is just bitter. She needs some sugar. (Any takers? Hermy, luis? No?) Ok writers help the girl out.
Mariana has dialed back her fury and says quite friendly "For Better or Worse the two of us are aunt and neice". She
Was probably dying inside being that nice to fer.

Fernanda said paco is to old to be her son. I agree, he's what 9, 10? She would have had to give birth to him at age 10,11? Ouch!!!! Well at some point he's gonna be callin her moma. But theres a whole lot of stuff gotta happen before then.

Thank you Lady Anita!!!


Good morning all! I was super busy this weekend so couldn't comment but I wanted to jump in and thank Anita for the great recap which I did manage to read last night. We tell you so many ways Anita, but it still bears repeating, thank you, thank you, thank you for keeping this going. I know there are not that many recappers in this blogging community and with all the novelas going; to have you start and keep this one recapped to discuss regularly is huge.

I'm looking forward to this weeks viewing! There is sure to be more uncovered at the rate this tn is moving.


Not sure if this will make it, but I too latched on to a David musing. My favorite was - I am sure that this actress is a very nice person in real life, but she does a great job of portraying an insufferable bitch in these tns. So true, so true!

I will keep the rest of my comments until later today or tomorrow (if I can, this week is going to be crazy again).

I will repeat this, but FYI - anyone with Directv who has not watched and wants to watch this TN from the beginning. So far all of the episodes up to 60 are onDemand.


Kendra, Nina and Delilah, I'm so grateful to you for stopping in and leaving your comments. It makes it all worthwhile.

I'll be putting up the new Headliner Post with Monday's recap.

Kendra--I'll include your info on DirectTv in the Post.

We had a ferocious thunderstorm that produced hail a couple of hours ago--about the size of mothballs, but still big enough to bring down some leaves and twigs. I haven't checked on my peonies yet. Thank goodness they weren't open yet.

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