Thursday, May 05, 2016

Yago #3. Wednesday May 4, 2016. Some Chase Ghosts And Some Follow Mirages.

At a glance 

-- Lucio’s relationship with Omar and his involvement in the casino heist are explored. 
-- Yago plays mind games with Lucio and Sara to make them court him as their next business partner. 
-- Melina is convinced that Omar is alive and wants to look for him. 
-- Ámbar and Yago have their meet-cute and seem to be attracted to one another. 

A closer look

The episode begins with a repeat of Yago’s reencounter with Omar’s family. HIS family. He is received affably but, at the end of the day, he is now a stranger to his parents, Melina and Jonás, and to his younger brother, Bruno. Yago is also introduced to Sara and Lucio’s little boy, Matías, who may in fact be Omar’s son; we’re still looking into it. Yago feels so disconcerted that he needs to escape to the bathroom. He washes his face, dampens his hair and dries both with a towel. Later on, after Yago leaves, Melina wipes her face with the same towel he used earlier. She must rank somewhere between Daredevil and Wolverine on the olfactory acuity scale, because, lo and behold, she instantly picks up Omar’s scent in the towel! 

Flashback, many years ago. Two little boys are treasure-hunting in the garden. Lucio narrates: “There are two types of family: your blood family and the family you choose. I chose Omar as my brother, to whom something stronger than blood ties connected me. A brother in every sense: complicity, trust, love; but also, jealousy, competition and envy.” A younger Melina calls the kids in to eat. They try to play a trick on her by doing the old switcheroo but she instantly recognizes the boy in front of her as Lucio, just by smelling his head. 

Present time. Melina is overcome by emotion and still clutching that towel: “Omar! I would recognize your scent amongst a thousand people!” 

Downstairs, the Traitors Squad and little Matías are leaving the home of the Guerrero family. Lucio recalls how much he resented Omar Guerrero, the privileged brother, the guy who had it all. Lucio was very envious of him in the past. “Now everything that was his belongs to me!”, thinks Lucio as he kisses Omar’s ex-fiancée, now his wife, and says goodbye to Omar’s father, now his surrogate dad. From a distance, Yago observes the scene with a mixture of rage and impotence. The traitor who destroyed his life is playing happy families with HIS family! Lucio walks up to him and the heartbroken man puts the mask of the friendly Spanish millionaire back on. Lucio apologizes for wasting Yago’s time with this family matter. “On the contrary”, says Yago, “it was a pleasure meeting your family. You’re a lucky man, Lucio. A very lucky man.” Lucio thanks him for being such a gentleman, returning his casino to him after winning it fair and square and now this. Part of Lucio’s luck is due to meeting new friends like Yago; he even feels that he knows the Spaniard as if they were family. He invites him to spend the evening at his house. Yago hesitates at first but he ends up accepting Lucio’s invitation. 

Inside Casa Guerrero, Melina tells Jonás and Bruno that Omar is alive and that he was in the house! They tell her she’s imagining things. It must be the anniversary of Omar’s death. 

Yago is giving Lucio a lift and quizzing him about the family whose home they just visited: Is it Lucio’s family or his wife’s? Mine, mine, mine! He tells Yago that the Guerreros’ son, Omar, was his best friend. Omar and Lucio were like brothers. “Were? What happened?”, asks Yago. “Omar went down a wrong path and they [Omar’s parents] found solace in me (ellos se aferraron a mí). They see me like a son.” Lucio considers Melina and Jonás his parents, and Bruno his younger brother. The Guerreros adore him and adore his son Matías. They are all one happy family. Lucio looks at his hand and flashbacks to the blood pact he made with Omar when they were children. They promised each other to be brothers forever. 

Back at the casino, Abel berates Teo (Bald Guy From Security) for not waiting for him with the car while he was investigating Yago. Teo maintains that these were Abel’s orders. “When will you learn which orders should be followed and which orders shouldn’t?”, rages Abel. Teo wonders whether Abel found what he was looking for inside Yago’s lair. Yep, the guy is a big shot hotelier. He is filthy rich (se pudre en lana) and can be very useful to Lucio. Still, Abel doesn’t feel he can entirely trust Yago. 

Yago is having an aperitif with the Sarquis couple. Lucio brags about his good taste in wine and women. Yago tells his hosts that he has a hotel chain and would like to invest in Mexico. Sara wants to know what part of Spain he hails from. A small village near Barcelona, he says. Sara notes the absence of a Catalan accent. Yago laughs this off: One travels so much that every bit of accent encountered ends up sticking to one’s own way of speaking! Later on, in Lucio’s study, Yago compliments his host on his beautiful house. Oh, this old thing? The house is just the jewelry box (estuche), what Lucio is truly proud of is his family! Yeah, gag me with a shovel! Lucio recounts what happened with Pepe Avilés (the bazillionaire investor whose car was stolen and torched by Rocker Bouffant at Yago’s behest). Lucio is now looking for a new partner after his deal with Avilés got canceled. Yago seems bored by his host’s latest business setback, preferring to check his phone instead. He receives a message and takes his leave. On the way out, he spies a Business Administration degree with Lucio’s name on it: Lucio Sarquis Fuentes. 

Flashback, Mexico City, the year 2000. 18-year-old Omar Guerrero López discovers that he was accepted into university while 18-year-old Lucio wasn't. He tries to comfort his friend but the envious little twerp lashes out at him. Lucio doesn’t want his compassion. Omar is Mr. Perfect. Omar has always had it made. Everything works well for Omar. Naggedy nag nag nag. 

Present time. Yago helps a young woman on the street whose suitcase fell apart. He takes her breath away and gives her his belt to fix the suitcase. 

At Casa Guerrero, Jonás apologizes to Melina for his earlier outburst but he believes that if Omar were indeed alive, he would be rotting in jail anyway for the crime he committed. The family must move on despite what happened to Omar. Melina does not agree. She insists that her son is alive and very close to them. Besides, she is firmly convinced that he is innocent and was unjustly accused of the crime that landed him in jail. 

At Casa Sarquis, Matías is in bed listening to his parents argue. Lucio is angry at Sara for neglecting their son to go visit Omar’s grave. Why must she cry at Omar’s grave every bloomin’ year when her life is here, with Lucio? He is her husband and her business partner! If she can’t respect their marriage, at least respect their partnership! Their argument moves to the subject of Yago. Sara doesn’t like the fact that Lucio invited him to dinner after the dreadful day they had. Lucio informs her that the wealthy Yago is the best available replacement for Avilés. Sara doesn’t think so: As soon as Yago finds out what happened to Avilés’s car, he’ll run for the hills! Lucio doesn’t understand why Sara speaks about Yago with such familiarity: Yago this and Yago that! It’s as if they were intimate or something: “Do you think I didn’t notice you were flirting with him all day?” Sara believes that Lucio is sick: First Omar and now Yago! She grabs a pillow and tells her husband that she’ll be sleeping in the guest room. 

Flashback, Mexico City, a few years ago. Omar, Sara and Lucio are at the pub, having a beer and a chinwag. Sara tells them a story about the time she wanted to ask for a beer in English and ended up ordering a bear. Lucio looks mesmerized by her but the minute she excuses herself, he starts dissing her: Omar’s ex, Pati, is way better. Omar believes Sara is the one. Lucio doesn’t fall this easy for just any skirt and thinks his friend is whipped (estás hecho un mandilón). With this woman, Omar is happy to fall 100 times and down a 100 cliffs. He wants to marry her, have 3 kids and grow old with her. 

Present time. Yago goes back to his lair and finds Teo waiting for him. Not to worry though, Bald Guy From Security is actually part of Yago’s Avengers Squad. He briefs his boss on what happened with Abel earlier in the day. 

At Casa Sarquis, the young lady with the broken suitcase turns out to be Ámbar, Sara’s younger sister. She gushes to Sonia, the housekeeper, about the hunky stranger who gave her his belt. Sara greets her little sister who will be staying with them for a few days while she carries a work assignment. Ámbar is a photographer or a photo-journalist it seems. 

At Yago’s lair, Katia (Rocker Bouffant) asks Yago how things went with the Sarquis couple. They went very well, in fact. Yago deliberately left just as Lucio started talking about getting a new investor for his business venture. Knowing how obsessed Lucio gets with things he can’t have, it won’t be long before he becomes putty in Yago’s hands. Katia asks Yago how he felt about meeting his parents and brother again. Yago’s triumphant grin is erased. The broken man is back: Seeing his family after all this time and not being able to hug them or tell them anything was harder that he anticipated. Katia comforts him: “You have been through horrible things! You know what you are? You are a survivor (un sobreviviente)! You can do this!” “That’s what I thought until I saw them all in front of me. I swear I would’ve loved to discard Yago and only be the son that this family lost!” Katia’s eyes fill up with tears. She stretches her hand to her poor friend. Yago holds it and gives her a sad smile. 

At Casa Guerrero, Melina is in Omar’s old room, hugging and smelling his bedding. She vows to find her son. 

It’s the next morning in the Sarquis hotel & casino. Lucio and Sara congratulate Abel for a job well done. The information he gave them about the gachupín (pejorative term for Spaniard) was, in fact, very useful. Yago is playing hard to get but Lucio is sure he is interested in investing with them. Otherwise, why would the guy make a reservation at their hotel for two weeks when he already has a house in the city? “It’s simple: he is sizing us up (nos está midiendo). The prospect of doing business with us appeals to him. He is observing us, Sara.” 

At a support group for mothers of incarcerated people, Melina tells everyone in attendance that her dead son is alive and that she needs everyone’s help to find him. They look at her like she is craycray. 

At the casino, Abel is very excited to see Ámbar. Had he known she was coming to Mexico, he would have expected her at the airport. He gives her a rose and a bear hug, calls her “pumpkin”, fusses over her in English... Lucio feels sorry for his poor friend who doesn’t understand how dangerous it is for one to lose one’s head for a Madrigal sister (Sara and Ámbar’s last name is Madrigal). 

Flashback, Mexico City, a few years ago. Sara, Lucio and Abel are giving Omar a Bon Voyage party at Casa Guerrero. Omar is totally drunk; his father and Abel put him to bed. Sara and Lucio remain downstairs. Sara wants to know why Lucio dislikes her so much. He doesn’t. He actually digs her and mucho. He can’t stop thinking about her. He even steals a kiss from her

Present time. One of the mothers from the support group informs Jonás that his wife is losing her marbles. Melina was hysterical (fuera de sí) at today’s meeting and the other ladies are worried about her. Jonás needs to seek professional help ASAP if he doesn’t want to lose his wife too. 

Yago checks out of the Sarquis hotel & casino. Lucio and Sara panic when they hear that their eager future business partner took off without so much as a goodbye. And Abel was too busy getting the cold shoulder from Ámbar to notice. They order him to follow Yago but the helicopter of the the elusive millionaire leaves before Abel could catch up to him. Lucio thinks this is just a power play and Yago will be back, for sure. Sara disagrees. She will not sit and wait, like Lucio. She wants to be proactive. 

Flashback, Mexico City, a few years ago. Sara steals the casino blueprints and Omar’s digital entry pass from Omar’s room. Lucio surprises her and is shocked to see what she stole. She gives him the sob story about her sister’s illness and begs him not to denounce her. Lucio is so smitten with her that he is willing to help her rob the casino. Entonces, this heartless heifer was the instigator of the casino heist? OK then! *lining up more anvils with Sara’s name on them* 

Present time. Sara is preparing her luggage to travel to Punta Azul and wants Ámbar to accompany her. 

At Casa Guerrero, Jonás is repainting Omar’s room. He wants to chase the ghost of their dead son out of the house and reproaches Melina for keeping their wound open with all her hallucinations. Melina accuses her husband of abandoning her the way he abandoned their son when he sided with those who falsely accused him. “You are a coward, Jonás!” 

Punta Azul, Mexico. Yago’s hotel is organizing a themed party: “The Great Gatsby Goes To The Beach”. Yago is rocking the too-short shorts and the Panama hat. Katia is slaying the Rocker Flapper look. They welcome an important guest named Leonardo and his family. Sara and Ámbar are also at the party, looking stunning in feminine 1920s garden party wear. They had traveled to Punta Azul without notifying Lucio but he showed up at the party anyway. How did he find out they were there? wonders Sara. They've been married for 12 years, so Lucio knows his wife inside out. They go dancing and leave Ámbar alone. Yago bumps into her a few minutes later. He greets her with a peck on the cheek and invites her to dance. 

Back in Mexico City, Bruno offers to help his mother. Not in her search for Omar, because Omar is dead, but in her endeavor to clear her son’s name. He will start an investigation to prove his brother’s innocence. 

Punta Azul, Mexico. Lucio tells his wife he is proud that she is smarter than him. Yago and Ámbar continue to dance and flirt. He wonders whether she has been following him around and she wonders whether he has been chasing her. In fact, she has accompanied her sister to Punta Azul. He, in turn, is here for work: this is the anniversary of the inauguration of his hotel. Ámbar thinks Yago is mysterious and very charming. Sara interrupts their flirtatious exchange when she calls out for Ámbar. Yago’s smile vanishes. He put two and two together.

A quote from the capítulo 

“Hay dos clases de familia: la de sangre y la que escoges.” 

*Lucio lists two sub-categories of family he is willing to betray: “There are two types of family: your blood family and the family you choose.” 

Your viewing vocabulario
(these definitions are context-specific, unless otherwise indicated)    

aferrarse = to cling to something or someone. At times, “aferrarse” means to hang on to a person, faith or belief as a way to seek comfort or solace. 
pudrirse en lana/dinero = Lit. “To be rotting in money”, to be filthy rich. 
estuche = a case, a jewelry box. 
un mandilón = In Mexican Spanish, a whipped guy, an emasculated man. 
un sobreviviente = a survivor.
medir = Lit. to measure”. In this context, to size (someone) up. 
estar fuera de sí = to be hysterical, to be beside oneself. 

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Hey Patio Pals! Enjoy the recap and the discussion! Bald Guy From Security is actually called Teo, not Gareth (Gareth must be some other guy from security). I corrected this mistake in the premiere's recap.

Catch you later! :)

Oh, Nandicta! You continue to blow me away with these spectacular recaps!

The scenes I enjoyed the most--
Yago and Ambar's scenes. Loved seeing him lighten up and smile.
Yago and Katia's scene in the bedroom. It was nice seeing that touching moment between friends.
Finding out Teo is on Team Yago. Well played!

Does Abel really think he has a chance with Ambar? Delusional much?

Oh, and I was really digging that Great Gatsby at the Beach party theme. What fun.

Great recap Nandicta! I'm liking this show more and more.

It is nice to watch a show where the good guys are on top, pulling the strings. I don't think it will last but I'm enjoying it nonetheless.

I think Ambar might be the wrench that throws off Yago's plans. He has accounted for a lot but not her. I'm interested to find out if she was really sick.

I wonder if tonight we will get Abel's part in the robbery. Lucio's jealousy drove him, Sara's love for her sister drove her, but what was Abel's motivation?

One last thing, Sara and Lucio may not love each other but there is a definite friendship, evidenced in some of their lighter moments together. That, in itself, keeps me from being sympathetic to Sara. They deserve each other.

Agree about the party Vivi. I'm in love with Ambar's dress.

Vivi: Thank you, amiga! You are too kind! :)

Ámbar is cute as a button and creepy Abel is crazier than he looks if he thinks he has a shot with her. As you said, "Delusional much?"
I didn't mention this in the recap, but when Ámbar was telling Abel about her travels and he was making googly eyes at her, she told him that Brits are crazy for putting ketchup in beans. I said out loud: "Whaaat? Baked beans on toast are delish! What is this woman talking about?" :D

Yay for the Avengers Squad! An inside man to spy on the traitors! Genius!

-- Carvivlie: Many thanks for your kind words. I really look forward to watching tonight's episode, because out of the three, Abel is the one whose participation in the heist puzzles me the most. It must go beyond the need to get (relatively) easy money.

Loved the theme party. Everyone looked good but the two sisters looked spectacular!

Before I forget, many thanks to Dr. Carlos, Caray Caray's resident physician for giving us more information about Brugada syndrome.

I don't know if I'll be able to pop in later (I have work to do + EHDLS and Sueño de Horror to catch up on), but thank you in advance to everyone for stopping by! Enjoy the discussion! :)

Gracias Nandicta, I cannot wait for the next episode!

Ximena Romo as Ambar is a wonderful catch. And I liked seeing Ivan smile for real, not for fakeness. I hope that Ambar is not ill.

Lucio was already a piece a work as a kid. Trying to kill Omar with a shovel while later cutting his own arm just to spread the "blood brother" bullcrap. When Sara stole the plans of the casino he at first appeared defensive of Omar but when he found out that Sara was a witch, he fell for her like an obsessed maniac and threw what was left of his morals down the drain!

Speaking of Sara, I guess I am the only one who feels bad for her. There wasn't really any way to escape the situation.She didn't have the money to check if the diagnosis was correct. If she ran away now, she wouldn't be able to fend for her son.

Eitherway, it's must watch TV. I am looking forward to start recapping again tomorrow :)


Countx- Sara may have been in a tough spot in the past, but in the present she is VERY much in control of her life. Her marriage to Lucio is not one where she is suffering, even if he gets on her nerves sometimes (like almost all marriages). She seems to enjoy his company most times, and enjoys even more being an equal (even better) partner in business with him.

Yeah you are right in a way.Her sin was unforgivable.She ruined lives of many for a life of the few .But one would wonder what would a person do if they were in her shoes.

Awesome Nandicta. Thank you

"Ámbar and Yago have their meet-cute and seem to be attracted to one another"

"She must rank somewhere between Daredevil and Wolverine on the olfactory acuity scale"

No problem for Sara to fill Lucio in on the heist and that she was playing Omar from the start. She's vile. It didn't slow her down one bit the guy she had a little crush on was the unsuspecting mark of her father and now leverage the jealousy and greed of his best friend as a cherry on top.

Ámbar is a doll but imagine it will be too much to ask for Omar to find happiness with her.

Totally agree Lucio and Sara found each other and a perfect match.


She could have robbed the casino without setting Omar up to take the fall. To do that was to put the nail in the coffin that she wouldn't be caught, but she could have taken that risk on to herself. She didn't.

I've thought about this a lot and know I would not destroy the life of one to save another. Sara could have made the pitch to Omar for his help but she didn't, she's a thief, and she knew he was an honest man and would have looked for an honest way to help her sister not a heist at the casino. The heist in it's planning stages wasn't even a sure thing but Sara proceeded as if it were and Omar a tool. Sara used Omar's love for her to increase the odds of success and to elude capture.

"Melina wipes her face with the same towel he (Yago/Omar) used earlier. She must rank somewhere between Daredevil and Wolverine on the olfactory acuity scale" Fantastic description, yes a Wolverine! If anyone needs to work for Guerlain in Paris, it is Melina! Loved the recap and all the nifty vocabulary and dichos, thanks Nandicta!

If we were reading a novel about a young emotionally abused woman who framed her boyfriend to save her sister, we might be sympathetic. Actually watching her deliberate, cold moves is a bit harder. She does have a conscious which is very, very refreshing.

Loved the Gatsby party too, well done, didn't have to suffer through the usual clownish costumes.

Sandy in TN

Thank you, thank you Nandicta. I appreciate the effort you are putting in this week! "Yeah, gag me with a shovel!" indeed.

I feel a little sorry for Sara, but mostly because I don't think she's very smart. (A smarter person would have identified some other options, like Carvivlie and Tofie suggested). "Not very smart" means she's going to end up with tire tracks all over her. Bummer for her!

I definitely don't feel sorry enough for her to want her to get out of this without an anvil. If she thinks her annual tears at Omar's grave are an adequate reflection of remorse, she's got a lot to learn. Omar's family is still suffering over what he was accused of. She knows the truth about that. A truly remorseful person would know the right thing to do. It would cost Sara everything, though, and she isn't THAT remorseful!

Meanwhile, Sara's husband is inconvenienced by her yearly saline donation. I don't feel even a little sorry for him. I don't care what his backstory is.

I'm sure Abel's part of the story will be interesting. Mostly I just want to know about the pliers. I love pliers. I have a pair in almost every room. You never know when you might need to yank something.

I agree with both with the fact that she used Omar's love for her purposes but I don't believe that Omar could have helped out in an honest way. Omar had a decent job but not much to afford the doctors and Ambar was already in trouble. I mostly feel bad for Sara in the past but in the present I am eager for her to receive penance.

Also performing a robbery solo is very difficult. You need men inside , a willing hand to kill , and a scapegoat. This is how all complex robberies work like.


Also, the fact that she had sex with him, knowing she was about to betray him. She could have found another way to keep him in the room with her without having sex. How selfish on her part. To bring herself closer to him just to betray the next day.

Millions of people are faced with a life ending illness and their go to is not robbing a casino, killing a guard and having a scapegoat go to prison for 60 years. Sara is a grifter by choice

Wow, wow, wow Nandicta!!! Your recaps are so amazing.

My comments yesterday went the way of the wind and just disappeared. But I'll reiterate today, I think the writers are giving us a complex Sara with her back story. Points where you understand her heartache, but then times when she had the ability to make choices very different than the ones she made. I see a woman, maybe slightly hardened by life events, but who now seems to be the one in control. Lucio may yell and holler, but she doesn't look the afraid of him, and if anything, he seems insecure in everything and she takes advantage of that. Almost like she is laughing at him for how weak he really is. not a fan of her past choices, and seeing her take those plans...this was a major set up in the making she pulled.

I too loved the simple Katia/Yago scene. Again, complex characters. We could have easily got some cookie-cutter guy out for revenge. Ivan is doing a great job with those simple painful looks at family, etc.

I'm always all things Gatsby, so that party was cool. X factor looks like it's going to be Ambar. You can only plan details so far I guess.

I think we were guessing the other day that Omar was jailed 10 years, but with the point that Sara and Lucio have been hitched for 12, guess he was jailed at least that long. She would have married Lucio almost immediately...why??? Was she pregnant? Her son I guess could be 12, he looked slightly younger to me.


Sara wasn't the weak one before either. She knew Lucio was into her and why she told him the whole plan knowing he likely wouldn't tell Omar. How convenient for her Lucio wanted in. We'll see how she handles telling her dad and how happy he is having partners.

Maybe Sara considering what a jerk her father is and then being raped really doesn't care for men in general. When push comes to shove, they are all expendable and only serve as a means to an end for her own survival. Doesn't excuse setting up an innocent man, it's just her thinking. Deep down, she doesn't really care. She was one cool cucumber that whole flash back on the seduction and plan stealing.


We haven't seen the father in the present. Maybe Lucio took him out and that's why Sara married him, out of gratitude!


Great work, Nandicta.

Still no sympathy for Sarah coming from me. Betraying a lover is horrible. Are we sure Ambar was ill and cured or was that a ruse to get Sarah to do what she did?

I do feel sorry for Ambar, first for that name and second to come from a family like that. As well as for Yago's family. Melina is going to be written off as crazy for a while and Yago is in no position to tell his family the truth yet.

BTW, Jazz Age parties are very popular in NYC. These sell out every year.

Wow, thank you much Nandicta. Another excellent recap.

"She must rank somewhere between Daredevil and Wolverine on the olfactory acuity scale, because, lo and behold, she instantly picks up Omar’s scent in the towel!"

An excellent description. I loved it when she said: "I know how my son smells". At this rate, she'll only have to inhale Yago's scent and she'll realize that he's Omar. Melina is becoming a favorite of mine. Jonas- not so much. I'm not liking him very much. I was disappointed to find out that he truly believed that Omar was guilty of what he was accused of. Oh, and Bruno better watch out, if he's going to investigate, it could get him whacked. Not a spoiler, just speculating.

A great turn of events to find out that Teo is on Yago's side and has been infiltrated in the casino of the backstabbing trio. I wonder if there is anyone else involved in this revenge plot.

I also noticed that Lucio wanted to whack Omar with that shovel as a kid. That's definitely a sign that he's a psycho. Don't get me started on him carrying around a knife and slicing his own hand. After that, I wouldn't want to hang around someone like that, if I were Omar, but that's just me.

I am so enjoying your blog. This looks like it's going to be a really good novela.
My Spanish is lousy as only studied it in school many years ago, so I began watching telenovelas some years ago to improve my knowledge of the language and I got hooked. Thanks so much and I love your expressions!


Anon 1:54- Welcome! I'm glad you decided to join us. Whether you are watching telenovelas to learn/brush up on Spanish, or just for fun, this is a great site to chat and share your thoughts/ask questions. I hope you decide to choose a name, and join in the conversation more often. We're a friendly, chatty bunch.


Thanks for another marvelous recap. You are truly amazing.


"Also performing a robbery solo is very difficult."


I especially enjoyed the Gatsby Beach Party. Loved the 20's outfits and best of all... headband heaven. Excellent.

Looks as though Ambar has made a miraculous recovery... not a mention of her previous affliction.


Mauricio: I noticed that Teo was on Team Yago!

As for his brother though, WHAT AN IDIOT!

Tofie: Sara deserves the wrath from Yago when it all comes crashing down!

Kirby: You're MISSING OUT on the fun!

Hola patio peeps and Feliz cinco de mayo! I've been watching Yago from the 1st ep but hadn't commented. First let me thank you Nandicta for your wonderful recaps, your excitement for this tn is evident in your writing. I am looking forward to the rest of this tn, I was not expecting to like it so much.

Sara is loathsome and if the writers are planning to reunite Sara and Yomar I will be pissed. I do not see how he can forgive someone who robbed him years of his life and put his parents through undeserved he'll that they are still enduring. What she did is vile and unforgivable. She may show remorse but not enough to turn away from her still scheming ways. She's always been old enough to know better and stand up for what's right. Even if Ambar was sick there were other ways to get the money. I have no pity and it appears she enjoys the games as much as Lucio. He's a sociopath, charming and likable for sure. Melina and Jonas are completely fooled.

I find Abel entertaining and mostly harmless. He wants to be accepted and part of the cool kids, but it's obvious he never was. He's easily manipulated by Lucio. I wonder if down the road he will be another scapegoat for Lucio or will Yomar save him first.

I'm so delighted to see Sophie Alexander, I loved her in YNCELH. Katia has me very intrigued. I am digging her rock chic attire. I look forward to seeing the rest of her wardrobe, SA has the body and swagger in her walk to pull it off.

Ambar is it wrong that I want Yomar to fall in love with her and for Ambar to have everything her duplicitous sister could have had if she had been honest and upstanding? Sara does not deserve a second chance.

I think Matias is Yomars but I don't want him to be, I don't want Yo getting soft with Sara because of a child.

Ivan Sanchez is going to slay in this..much better than in Imperdonable, that was a train wreck.


LI had some really bad writing though.

Nandicta, thank you for the recap! It was wonderful.

I don't feel bad for Sara, not only did she betray Omar but she then married his BFF? And btw, no one noticed that after Omar was sent to jail suddenly Sara, Lucio and Abel seemed to be loaded?

I'm glad they showed us that Omar's mom was able to tell who her kids were just by their smell. Lucio is just as bad as Sara, Omar and his family were GOOD to him and he betrayed them in such a horrible way!

Yes the writing for LI was atrocious. It was hard to get through for sure.

Princess Juju I forgot to thank you as well for your stellar recap. It is much appreciated.

Sara is a con artist. Lucio is just another mark, except he doesn't know it yet (Matias).

Sara & Co. could've just robbed the casino but she made sure Omar was tagged for the crime and that's what makes it unforgivable. If Sara & Co. did all of that planning they could've planned the robbery so that nobody was caught. Instead they meticulously framed Omar. Sara is trash. I don't care how many times she goes to Omar's grave & cries, she comes right back home from the cemetery and rolls around in the lap of luxury that Omar paid with his life for her to have.

I'm willing to bet Ambar was never that ill but their dad told Sara that she was to get her back into the business.


Thanks Nandicta for another sparkling, colorfully written recap with vocabulary and viewpoint out the wazoo. Found this especially poignant:

Yago’s triumphant grin is erased. The broken man is back:

Yes, the scheming is keeping him strong and motivated, but the heartbreak underneath, the loneliness for those he loves is swirling just below.

Dynamite scenes. Finding Teo in his lair. The menacing look. And then whew, they're actually in cahoots. But it was powerful.

Ambar is charming. She's definitely the wild card. Another reason for Yago to be very conflicted in wreaking vengeance on the traitorous big sister.

Dear seem to be the kind of gal who can function on VERY LITTLE SLEEP and the rest of the time you spend learning and writing and gifting us with all your enthusiasm and research. Thanks so much.

Anon27, I cosign. We need a Sara piñata right over our table where we can all take whacks in between shots Every time she feigns remorse. She is trash for sure.

Thanks, Nandicta. I only saw parts of the show last night and was totally confused. You smoothed it all out for me, and now I know why Yago was wearing too-short shorts with a blazer.

Sara's sister has a slight build. The fact that she's so much shorter than Sara could indicate stunted growth due to past illness. But I wouldn't put it past their dad to scrimp on her food back then to make her look sickly. Surely, after the heist, Sara would've seen her sister's doctor herself and made the payments. If not, she's not so smart.

ITA with all on Sara. Though she sheds a tear every year for Omar, I'm feeling like if she had to do it all over again she would. Her regret is not spoiling her enjoyment of the spoils.

Love that we get to see Yago and Ambar's growing attraction to each other. No thunderbolt love at first sight.

I like Abel. I think I'm influenced by the lovable doofus he played in Lichita. He doesn't seem to have gotten much out of betraying Yago. Sara and Lucio treat him like an errand boy. And that rat tail hair at his age makes me think he has a Peter Pan complex.


Like The White Rabbit, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! I just popped in quickly to say thank you to each one of you for taking the time to read and comment. Much appreciated, indeed! I will savor reading every comment when I have a free moment.

Good day to all and a belated Happy Cinco de Mayo! :)

Nandicta - I'm way behind right now, still trying to get caught up. Thank you for the recap!!!

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