Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tres Veces Ana - Episode 20

Happy Tuesday!

Discussion page until Sneaky's recap is ready for us!

Sneaky's recap added below!

(Ok so I feel like I should start with an apology, this is gonna be short and sparse on details, also, b/c of the time change, I missed the first 1 1/2 min so I come in right when)

The gals are gathered in the kitchen of the pension gossiping about Judy, remember the judgemental one, Remedios tells them she has a sad story, her husband died and her own kids sicced the law on her for spending all his $$ even though she spent it all on medicines for him. 

Sole goes to confession to tell her story but she takes so long getting to the point, the priest is all, spit it out already, but she can't and runs away (is it just me or does this priest look like Evaristo?)

Ramiro and his dad have an argument in which Ramiro tries to convince dad he should have been payed something for all the work he did for him all those yrs. Dad says no. Then they argue about which girl is incomplete, the one missing a leg or the one missing a heart. 

Sole remembers the headlines from when the triplet went missing and begs God to forgive her.

Doc's wife and Abue's old flame chat - no new info here

Free Spirit and Santiago exchange kisses and sweet words - she may not be able to compete w/his wife is she ever finds him, but she'll love him 4 evahh

Llora and Bad Seed convo - Llora is worried about all those things Bad Seed said when she was throwing her tantrums. Bad seed claims she was just letting off steam and didn't really mean all those things she said. Llora volunteers to be her verbal punching bag 4 evahh and leaves sad but relieved.

Santiago recites his and bad seed's names to himself in bed but they don't mean anything to him.

Free Spirit dreams she's in  a three way mirror and wakes up and goes to get a glass of water- meets Santiago in the kitchen and they talk. She tells about her dream and we get to find out Sole doesn't have any pics of her from when she was really little, just one when she was six at her confirmation and some school pics. He kisses her and makes it all better then he tells her about Inaki's apt and its familiarity, and previous tenants. Just as he's about to tell her the name of the wife who has her initials, Sole comes in to take her back to bed.

Bad Seed is having trouble sleeping too and gets a call from Evaristo who says he knows she's not asleep b/c wicked souls like theirs don't slip off to dreamland so easy. She tells him about the exhumation and DNA test and says if the body isn't Marcelo's then she'll hire him to find her husband.

Next day at the gym she finds out tioM is getting sued.

Meanwhile Sue and her friend are waiting for tioM at the hearing and Sue is complaining. He gets there and the hearing starts, apparently it goes really badly for her but she isn't dissuaded, she's gonna keep fighting. TioM's atty thinks she's got no chance of winning and her atty will convince her to drop it but meanwhile she's "interesting" TioM isn't interested, she's not his type (so they'll definitely end up together)

Bad Seed gets to the office to look over the list of possible venues for the wedding and taunt the secretary about it.

Ramiro is looking at the other available apt in Inaki's bldg and Inaki is his agent. He likes the apt and its a good deal but when he hears what co. is renting it he gives up, tioM will never do business w/him. Inaki tells him not to give up, maybe if he deals only w/Inaki and TioM never finds out...

Santiago keeps obsessing over the names Inaki told him and then gives our favorite rabo verde a ride (the old guy from Sole's town, I think his name started w/an I) Rabo Verde says he has some land in his old town to sell and if all goes well, he may be moving to the city for good.

Ramiro tries to explain to Llora, he won't stop trying till she listens to him, so she gives in. He tries to win points by taking her to their favorite restaurant to talk but it backfires on him, and she just wants to get this over with.
He starts telling her how awful his life has been lately, not that he blames her, for distrusting him, he whines, totally blaming her. He tries to convince her its all a plot against him and her, Bad Seed just wants to hurt them both, cause she's evil. He's only ever loved her, in spite of his many girlfriends and Gina the fiancee, he was just confused, but on the morning of his wedding he realized he was making a huuge mistake and that was before he even found out about Gina's past. All that was just the excuse for calling off the wedding the real reason was that he realized he loved her. Well, blaming it all on Badseed and telling Llora how terrible a person her sister is goes about as well as you would expect, Llora doesn't believe any of it and thinks he's just trying to hurt her now.

Bad Seed and TioM - he tells her vaguely reassuring about the court case and then she listens to him sweet talk Jenny. The wedding is on. She makes a face. 

Evaristo pays Jenny a visit.

Inaki tells BadSeed bout Ramiro wanting the apt. She tells him to tell Ramiro to meet w/her, she'll have "special terms" and if hi agrees he can have the apt and Inaki can keep the commission, but the whole thing has to be kept a secret from TioM. Inaki agrees and asks her to look at a pic on his phone of a friend and tell him if she recognizes him. She's all stuck up about it at first - 'I don't know anyone in your pathetic little social circle' and then swipes his phone and laughs at all his pics of himself in bodybuilding poses, but then she makes a face that's both scared and suprised and probably she got to the photo of Santiago. (ooh Evaristo is gonna be so mad he can't charge her to find her husband now)


I never got to see AnaLet's outfit from Thursday night, but I saw what she wore to "work" last night. People are going to think she works for an escort service.

Julie: I didn't see all the show last night, but lord, I caught that strut into the office with that thigh high slit. Who knows, maybe dressing like that is what gets those deals closed. Just screms "look at me" though.

The little I was catching off and on was the coink-i-dinks are sure coming more often and at some point, someone is going to meet someone who starts putting all this into place. Probably right at episode 69 or 70 before we go to the big break.


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It's getting a bit silly that Evaristo knows ALL the players well, yet none of them know how he connects them all. He pops up everywhere. So far, we've seen him interact with: Soledad, Ana Lucia, Ana Leticia, Ramiro, Santiago/Marcelo, Remedios (and her husband in flashback), and now Jenny. We know he's Gina's grandpa, so he probably knows Valentin too!

Part 1

(Ok so I feel like I should start with an apology, this is gonna be short and sparse on details, also, b/c of the time change, I missed the first 1 1/2 min so I come in right when)

The gals are gathered in the kitchen of the pension gossiping about Judy, remember the judgemental one, Remedios tells them she has a sad story, her husband died and her own kids sicced the law on her for spending all his $$ even though she spent it all on medicines for him.

Sole goes to confession to tell her story but she takes so long getting to the point, the priest is all, spit it out already, but she can't and runs away (is it just me or does this priest look like Evaristo?)

Ramiro and his dad have an argument in which Ramiro tries to convince dad he should have been payed something for all the work he did for him all those yrs. Dad says no. Then they argue about which girl is incomplete, the one missing a leg or the one missing a heart.

Sole remembers the headlines from when the triplet went missing and begs God to forgive her.

Doc's wife and Abue's old flame chat - no new info here

Free Spirit and Santiago exchange kisses and sweet words - she may not be able to compete w/his wife is she ever finds him, but she'll love him 4 evahh

Llora and Bad Seed convo - Llora is worried about all those things Bad Seed said when she was throwing her tantrums. Bad seed claims she was just letting off steam and didn't really mean all those things she said. Llora volunteers to be her verbal punching bag 4 evahh and leaves sad but relieved.

Santiago recites his and bad seed's names to himself in bed but they don't mean anything to him.

Free Spirit dreams she's in a three way mirror and wakes up and goes to get a glass of water- meets Santiago in the kitchen and they talk. She tells about her dream and we get to find out Sole doesn't have any pics of her from when she was really little, just one when she was six at her confirmation and some school pics. He kisses her and makes it all better then he tells her about Inaki's apt and its familiarity, and previous tenants. Just as he's about to tell her the name of the wife who has her initials, Sole comes in to take her back to bed.

Bad Seed is having trouble sleeping too and gets a call from Evaristo who says he knows she's not asleep b/c wicked souls like theirs don't slip off to dreamland so easy. She tells him about the exhumation and DNA test and says if the body isn't Marcelo's then she'll hire him to find her husband.

Next day at the gym she finds out tioM is getting sued.

Meanwhile Sue and her friend are waiting for tioM at the hearing and Sue is complaining. He gets there and the hearing starts, apparently it goes really badly for her but she isn't dissuaded, she's gonna keep fighting. TioM's atty thinks she's got no chance of winning and her atty will convince her to drop it but meanwhile she's "interesting" TioM isn't interested, she's not his type (so they'll definitely end up together)

Bad Seed gets to the office to look over the list of possible venues for the wedding and taunt the secretary about it.

Ramiro is looking at the other available apt in Inaki's bldg and Inaki is his agent. He likes the apt and its a good deal but when he hears what co. is renting it he gives up, tioM will never do business w/him. Inaki tells him not to give up, maybe if he deals only w/Inaki and TioM never finds out...


Part 2

Santiago keeps obsessing over the names Inaki told him and then gives our favorite rabo verde a ride (the old guy from Sole's town, I think his name started w/an I) Rabo Verde says he has some land in his old town to sell and if all goes well, he may be moving to the city for good.

Ramiro tries to explain to Llora, he won't stop trying till she listens to him, so she gives in. He tries to win points by taking her to their favorite restaurant to talk but it backfires on him, and she just wants to get this over with.
He starts telling her how awful his life has been lately, not that he blames her, for distrusting him, he whines, totally blaming her. He tries to convince her its all a plot against him and her, Bad Seed just wants to hurt them both, cause she's evil. He's only ever loved her, in spite of his many girlfriends and Gina the fiancee, he was just confused, but on the morning of his wedding he realized he was making a huuge mistake and that was before he even found out about Gina's past. All that was just the excuse for calling off the wedding the real reason was that he realized he loved her. Well, blaming it all on Badseed and telling Llora how terrible a person her sister is goes about as well as you would expect, Llora doesn't believe any of it and thinks he's just trying to hurt her now.

Bad Seed and TioM - he tells her vaguely reassuring about the court case and then she listens to him sweet talk Jenny. The wedding is on. She makes a face.

Evaristo pays Jenny a visit.

Inaki tells BadSeed bout Ramiro wanting the apt. She tells him to tell Ramiro to meet w/her, she'll have "special terms" and if hi agrees he can have the apt and Inaki can keep the commission, but the whole thing has to be kept a secret from TioM. Inaki agrees and asks her to look at a pic on his phone of a friend and tell him if she recognizes him. She's all stuck up about it at first - 'I don't know anyone in your pathetic little social circle' and then swipes his phone and laughs at all his pics of himself in bodybuilding poses, but then she makes a face that's both scared and suprised and probably she got to the photo of Santiago, and fade out. (ooh Evaristo is gonna be so mad he can't charge her to find her husband now)


Julie - I'm afraid I've become inured to Bad Seed's wardrobe, crazy cutouts, high slits, leather pants for lounging around the house, it's starting to seem normal to me now.

Vivi - you're right, the only person Evaristo doesn't seem to know is Inaki and I'm not too sure bout that.

Thanks, Sneaky! Inaki probably knows him too, since the folks who've lived at the pension a while seem to know Remedios' old "compadre" Evaristo.

Great recap. No need to worry about it not being more detailed. I missed the first two minutes too, so I can't tell you what (if anything) was missed. I came in at the confessional scene.

I'm betting that the photo that has Ana Leticia so bug eyed is not Santi/Marcelo. It's probably a naked pic of Inaki. :) The writers are going to drag this out as LONG as possible.

Thank you, Sneaky! I also came in on the confessional scene, but I doubt you missed anything important.

I thought I actually saw Santi on Inaki's phone. Maybe I imagined it. I mean, there's never a bad time to look at a photo of Sebastian Rulli.

Julie- Yes, they showed Santi on Inaki's phone when he took the photo, but they have yet to show us Ana Leticia looking at the picture. We'll have to wait till the start of the next episode to see if she got past all of Inaki's selfies.

Sneaky two shoes, thank you for the sweet and savvy recap.

"she's not his type (so they'll definitely end up together)" was my thought exactly! Run Jenny run. And I'm not speaking about your intended but rather his inappropriately bewitched and besotted niece. Leave while your mind and body parts are intact. Lu is not to be trifled with, especially regarding her tio.

"I mean, there's never a bad time to look at a photo of Sebastian Rulli". Julie, true words indeed! Alas, I fear it's a bit too early for his sweet countenance to be revealed so we will likely have to wait a few weeks. Agree with Vivi that it's a(nother) beefcake Inaki.

Zepada is quite appealing here. Surprisingly so.


thank you Sneaky

"He's only ever loved her, in spite of his many girlfriends and Gina the fiancee, he was just confused" Badseed trick or not weepy was a fool to pine over Ramiro in the first place. Typical macho clown with too high an opinion of himself. He expected Weepy to fall at his feet with gratitude.

Painfully foolish of Freespirit, listening to Santiago making promises even he deep down knows he cannot guarantee. What's wrong with her, does she have no self respect or missing a leg?

So wait, Ramiro's been working all this time for his dad with no salary, only for food, shelter & spending money?

First, Ramiro needs to get a paying job and leave Ana Llorona alone.

Next, Ana Llorona needs to get some self esteem. "Oh woah is me, I only have 1 leg, who would love a one legged loser like me?" Girl, bye.

I still say Ana Laura is just as self centered as Ana Leticia.

Last, who is the lady that is suing Mariano and why is she suing her? And who is her friend (played Alma on Yo No Creo)?

And who is Rodrigo's lady friend (who is also friends with Ernestina)?

Anon207- I haven't cared enough to pay attention to their names, just their relationships with the various characters.

Viridiana = Lady suing Mariano because he bought the building in which her boutique is located and is now kicking her out so that he can develop/sell/whatever the building. She claims the contract she had with the previous owner prohibits that.

Julieta = Friend of Viridiana, who also happens to be the mother of one of Ana Leticia's guy friends/aunt of Ana Leticia's friend who was at the gym with her.

Miranda = Wife of Ernestina's doctor. They are both friends with Rodrigo, Ernestina's old novio.

Thank you, Sneaky. The recap was great!

You just knew that Soledad would come into the kitchen to shepherd Ana Lucía back to bed. Darn!

My favorite scene was the late night call to Ana Leticia from Evaristo.

Looks like Evaristo is going to be the key to most of the mysteries. I love it!

Thing is, they aren't mysteries to the audience, so it's not that much fun. I don't think we'll ever get a real explanation why Remedios' husband kept his real profession a secret from her. And I think it will be explained as pure coincidence how Evaristo is connected to Soledad's/Ana Lucia's world, Marcelo's/Ana Leticia's world, Ramiro's world, and Remedios' world. It almost seems like HE needs to be triplets to be so involved in all of these people's lives in three different towns/cities in Mexico!

Maybe Evaristo IS triplets. That would explain how he can always seem to be everywhere at once. He's a very busy guy.

I found the AnaLet/AnaLlora scene kind of awkward. I realized last night was the first time I've ever seen the two of them together for any amount of time (I usually miss their scenes together for some reason). It must be very hard to do a scene with someone who isn't there. I think they usually work with a stand-in to get the timing right, but that can't be as effective as working directly with your costar.

This tn should be called "Muchisimas Veces Evaristo!"

Great recap Sneaky!!!

So if I was Santi and I had two names rolling around in my head, that very well could be the key to my past and memory, I would be on google asap!!!! This show is driving me crazy

Carvivilie- I thought the same thing about googling the names. Same thing driving me crazy about him and Ana Lu not pushing to get his real name when he was in police custody, and not following up on it since. Gah! I swear, the characters is turn of the last century Hotel de los Secretos used more technology and modern detecting tools than these folks.

True about the technology. These people all have phones in their pockets and can access the Internet anywhere, but they never use their phones except for receiving unwanted phone calls. The people in Hotel were using the phone all the time!

Also, Ram acted like he had never been in that apt. before but we know he has because of his friendship with Marcelo. Same apt. AnaLet kissed him in. So he should know it's Mariano's bldg.

Thanks guys - I want to enjoy the slow build on this show but sometimes I'm just going ungh get it together already you guys
NOTE FOR TONIGHT'S EPI - Ria doesn't have internet access till late Thurs so I will recap tonight, and probably get it posted on the discussion page Ria tells me will be there about midday tomorrow and Ria will recap Thursday's ep.

Evaristo as triplets yay! (Or maybe he can make copies of himself as needed like lady redundant woman (from word girl))
Carvivlie - Ramiro did say he had a friend who lived in that bldg. so he knew how great the apts were but Inaki has Marcelo's apt and I guess Ramiro didn't know Bad Seed had let her tio rent the apt for her, or that all apts in the bldg. were rented thru the same co. or something
Anon207 - I can't believe it either but Ramiro either hasn't been getting paid for all the work he's been doing for his dad or dad has been withdrawing his expenses for all the expensive education he's been getting in London. They also said something about Ramiro and his dad having a joint acct that dad just froze him out of. Its weird.

Gracias, Sneaky. Sorry I'm late but I've had a bad day.

Update on The Cliche First Instance Chart:

Episode 12 (Mex 17)
“Las cartas no mientan”
Character keeps rather than destroys incriminating document

Episode 15 (Mex 20)
The “ingrate” lecture
The aborted confession

The situation between Ramiro and his father is very toxic. Padre is pulling the Ingrate Card by trying to guilt-trip him over what his upbringing cost him. Guess what, Dad? This is something you're supposed to pay foreward. Sandwiching should only happen out of need, not out of guilt or principle.

Ramiro, find a job and say adios to this "father."

No surprise about Soledad walking out of the confessional or Isidro showing up to cause more trouble.


Ramiro's dad seems to have been calculating Ramiro's tab since the minute he was born. I wouldn't have been surprised had he whipped out the hospital bill.

Thanks for the recap Sneaky. I didn't realize that Tres Veces Ana was on this week...thought everything was being pre-empted by fútbol. Will have to go back and check it out.

Vivi..."wouldn't have been surprised had he whipped out the hospital bill". You're baaad!

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