Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Tres Veces Ana - Episode 21

Sneaky's recap under the cut

We get to see Bad Seed laugh at the bodybuilding pics again (I recognize those pictures from Cosita Linda, in that tn his character had them blown up, framed and hung on the walls of his office) and we get the face again, but its only a face of disappointment b/c the phone turned off and she gets snooty again about his crappy electronics and tells him to call Ramiro.
Who is muddying her name to her sis. When he says BadSeed is sick and her tantrums aren’t normal and could be dangerous to others, Llora looks thoughtful but right away goes back to making excuses for BadSeed. Then he reminds her how her sister always took her toys when they were little and now he’s the toy. She looks like she knows he’s right and says she has been weird lately and she’s worried about her but no, she can’t she’s too hurt to trust him and he grabs her and tries to kiss it better.

Evaristo is all smiles and chuckles and compliments w/Jenny but she isn’t having any, she reminds him she never liked him and tried to get Marcelo to fire him. He tries to warn her about Bad Seed’s true nature but she won’t listen he prophesies that one day she’ll know he’s right. He tries to convince her he’s not just trying to extort Bad Seed, and the person who maybe saw Marcelo is both a stranger to her and a trustworthy source. They discuss why Marcelo would disappear if he isn’t dead and we learn that Marcelo does have a living father who is depressed his son is dead.
Evaristo speculates that if Marcelo is alive something or someone is keeping him from the people he loves and he could even be  in danger! He gets Jenny to agree to work w/him on the case and then grabs a photo while she’s in the other room making him coffee and slips out w/o a word.

Abuela is sitting home reading a nice story about triplets who were separated when children finding each other as adults when her friend comes over and chides her for indulging her obsession and tries to divert her to her other obsession, Llora and by extension her foundation w/some donation checks, but when Abue sees that one of the checks is from her old flame she’s livid and verbally attacks her friend.
The friend tries to explain to Abue that its not all about her and the $$ is for the crippled kids, besides she’s sure Old flame didn’t cheat way back when, but Abuela won’t hear it and her friend takes his check and leaves in  a huff

Llora breaks the kiss, she wants to believe Ramiro but nobody else will, nobody else has seen Bad Seed at her worst. He doesn’t care her love is all he needs.  He drops her off at the foundation w/a kiss and a thanks for believing him. Inaki calls just then and says he’s got great news and to meet him. Ramiro thinks his luck is changing and everything is going his way. (how can he be so dumb?)

Maribel makes nice w/Javi and they bond over their mutual love of acrobatics, she gets him to take her to the practice center place and asks him to help her be a better acrobat, she has a complex about FreeSpirit, everything comes easy to her, while Maribel has to practice for hours. She and Javi make a deal where he will help her practice extra hours in secret

Valentin the stalker jumps out at Llora as soon as she gets back to the foundation (I know quite an accomplishment w/the wheelchair) and starts questioning her about where she’s been, supposedly jokingly. She guiltily tries to avoid both talking to him and giving him a goodbye kiss. As he watches her walk away his smile fades to a much more sinister look.

Sole asks her daughter if she would have liked to have another family, a millionaire family w/sisters, but no Sole. Free Spirit tells her that having her as a mother is all the riches and all the family she ever wanted.

Leonore tickles Llora, apparently its their thing. Llora says Leonore is her favorite even more than Abue, and she almost tells her about her complicated love life, but says she wants to think about it some more first. Alone Llora remembers Valentin’s kiss and then Ramiro’s.

Bad Seed tells tioM’s pic she doesn’t want to share him w/anyone.

Santiago tells Remedios what’s up in his life, first that he hired Evaristo to find out about his past and then brings up the names he can’t get out of his head. Sole, eavesdropping outside the conveniently ajar door hears the names and drops her glass of milk, and instead of drawing the obvious conclusion that she was listening to them, everyone fusses over her and helps clean up.

Tio and Abue talk about the upcoming wedding, dresses for the girls and c. BadSeed listens, she smiles about the new dress, but less happy face when he says Jenny is the love of his life.

Sole catches the maid cleaning her room and yells at her and kicks her out and makes her cry. Santiago comes to see what the problem is and kcatches Sole looking at a photo of Marcelo, o sea, him. He asks about it but all she can say is she doesn’t know wher it came from, he keeps asking questions and she keeps saying she doesn’t know. He gets upset and starts yelling and Sole flashing back to the last time he yelled at her, as Marcelo  when he was yelling about her kidnapping Analu and threatening to send her to jail for life, and she starts to say to him now what she said to him then,  - ‘shut up, don’t yell at me, you don’t know what my life has been, you have no right to judge me, have pity on me.’  All this only makes Santiago more confused and when Sole starts running away from him he chases her still yelling questions – ‘why was I on that road when the accident happened, was I on my way to see you? ect’
They run into FreeSpirit and Remedios in the garden and Sole keeps running but Santiago stops to get yelled at by FreeSpirit for upsetting her sick mom. She says the photo was hers, she hid it after Evaristo gave it to her because, and now she’s really upset, she didn’t want to deal w/the reality of his previous life and that she will lose him when he finds it and his wife. FreeSpirit stalks off to find her mom and Santiago goes to work.

Sole finally stops running and remembers Marcelo threatening her w/jail and taking away her daughter and she picked up a kitchen knife and threatened him w/it, so he pulls a gun and points it at her till she drops the knife and he demands she call Analu and confess it all to her. Sole begs him not to take away the love of her daughter. In the present FreeSpirit catches up to her and Sole starts babbling about don’t stop loving me, I’m your mother, and FreeSpirit hugs her and agrees.
End of episode


The only thing I remember is Maribel having another JanBrady moment re: AnaLu, and Javier looking at her like WTF

Soledad barking at Susy for dusting Soledad's closet & Susy running out upset

Santiago seeing Susy upset, learning Soledad barked at her and confronting Soledad

Santiage beginning to have a memory when he was barking at Soledad (the trigger was Soledad telling him to stop yelling at her, which is what she was doing in the memory)

Santiago seeing the picture of himself in Soledad's hands and wondering why, he chases after her and AnaLu barks at him for chasing after Soledad (explaining SHE hid the photo, not Soledad)

Santiago telling Remedios about "Marcelo Salvaterra and Ana Leticia Alvarez del Castillo" and Soledad lurking, eavesdropping & dropping her milk glass at the door

Evaristo paid Jennifer a visit, convincing her that she needs to retain his services to find Marcelo. When she went to fix him a coffee, he stole a picture off her mantel & left.

Ana Leticia lines, Inaki lines

Ana Llora lines, Ramiro lines, kiss kiss

After the Ramiro kiss kiss, Ana Llora runs into Valentin & is uncomfortable. He smiles lovingly at her until she is out of sight & then his face transforms into TerrorFace

That's all I remember.

I'll have the recap up as soon as I finish typing it :)

Maribel also got Javier to promise to give her a head-start on learning all the new routines before AnaLu.

The AnaLet-Inaki-phone moment was saved when Inaki's phone suddenly crapped out while AnaLet was looking at the photos. She never got to see Santi's picture. Another near miss.

I've said it before, the show is THIS CLOSE to being a comedy. Has AB done comedy before? I bet she could do it.

Oh, sorry Sneaky! I didn't realize you were working on a recap. I thought we were recapping by committee!!

Part 1

We get to see Bad Seed laugh at the bodybuilding pics again (I recognize those pictures from Cosita Linda, in that tn his character had them blown up, framed and hung on the walls of his office) and we get the face again, but its only a face of disappointment b/c the phone turned off and she gets snooty again about his crappy electronics and tells him to call Ramiro.
Who is muddying her name to her sis. When he says BadSeed is sick and her tantrums aren’t normal and could be dangerous to others, Llora looks thoughtful but right away goes back to making excuses for BadSeed. Then he reminds her how her sister always took her toys when they were little and now he’s the toy. She looks like she knows he’s right and says she has been weird lately and she’s worried about her but no, she can’t she’s too hurt to trust him and he grabs her and tries to kiss it better.

Evaristo is all smiles and chuckles and compliments w/Jenny but she isn’t having any, she reminds him she never liked him and tried to get Marcelo to fire him. He tries to warn her about Bad Seed’s true nature but she won’t listen he prophesies that one day she’ll know he’s right. He tries to convince her he’s not just trying to extort Bad Seed, and the person who maybe saw Marcelo is both a stranger to her and a trustworthy source. They discuss why Marcelo would disappear if he isn’t dead and we learn that Marcelo does have a living father who is depressed his son is dead.
Evaristo speculates that if Marcelo is alive something or someone is keeping him from the people he loves and he could even be in danger! He gets Jenny to agree to work w/him on the case and then grabs a photo while she’s in the other room making him coffee and slips out w/o a word.

Abuela is sitting home reading a nice story about triplets who were separated when children finding each other as adults when her friend comes over and chides her for indulging her obsession and tries to divert her to her other obsession, Llora and by extension her foundation w/some donation checks, but when Abue sees that one of the checks is from her old flame she’s livid and verbally attacks her friend.
The friend tries to explain to Abue that its not all about her and the $$ is for the crippled kids, besides she’s sure Old flame didn’t cheat way back when, but Abuela won’t hear it and her friend takes his check and leaves in a huff

Llora breaks the kiss, she wants to believe Ramiro but nobody else will, nobody else has seen Bad Seed at her worst. He doesn’t care her love is all he needs. He drops her off at the foundation w/a kiss and a thanks for believing him. Inaki calls just then and says he’s got great news and to meet him. Ramiro thinks his luck is changing and everything is going his way. (how can he be so dumb?)

Maribel makes nice w/Javi and they bond over their mutual love of acrobatics, she gets him to take her to the practice center place and asks him to help her be a better acrobat, she has a complex about FreeSpirit, everything comes easy to her, while Maribel has to practice for hours. She and Javi make a deal where he will help her practice extra hours in secret

Valentin the stalker jumps out at Llora as soon as she gets back to the foundation (I know quite an accomplishment w/the wheelchair) and starts questioning her about where she’s been, supposedly jokingly. She guiltily tries to avoid both talking to him and giving him a goodbye kiss. As he watches her walk away his smile fades to a much more sinister look.


Part 2

Sole asks her daughter if she would have liked to have another family, a millionaire family w/sisters, but no Sole. Free Spirit tells her that having her as a mother is all the riches and all the family she ever wanted.

Leonore tickles Llora, apparently its their thing. Llora says Leonore is her favorite even more than Abue, and she almost tells her about her complicated love life, but says she wants to think about it some more first. Alone Llora remembers Valentin’s kiss and then Ramiro’s.

Bad Seed tells tioM’s pic she doesn’t want to share him w/anyone.

Santiago tells Remedios what’s up in his life, first that he hired Evaristo to find out about his past and then brings up the names he can’t get out of his head. Sole, eavesdropping outside the conveniently ajar door hears the names and drops her glass of milk, and instead of drawing the obvious conclusion that she was listening to them, everyone fusses over her and helps clean up.

Tio and Abue talk about the upcoming wedding, dresses for the girls and c. BadSeed listens, she smiles about the new dress, but less happy face when he says Jenny is the love of his life.

Sole catches the maid cleaning her room and yells at her and kicks her out and makes her cry. Santiago comes to see what the problem is and kcatches Sole looking at a photo of Marcelo, o sea, him. He asks about it but all she can say is she doesn’t know wher it came from, he keeps asking questions and she keeps saying she doesn’t know. He gets upset and starts yelling and Sole flashing back to the last time he yelled at her, as Marcelo when he was yelling about her kidnapping Analu and threatening to send her to jail for life, and she starts to say to him now what she said to him then, - ‘shut up, don’t yell at me, you don’t know what my life has been, you have no right to judge me, have pity on me.’ All this only makes Santiago more confused and when Sole starts running away from him he chases her still yelling questions – ‘why was I on that road when the accident happened, was I on my way to see you? ect’
They run into FreeSpirit and Remedios in the garden and Sole keeps running but Santiago stops to get yelled at by FreeSpirit for upsetting her sick mom. She says the photo was hers, she hid it after Evaristo gave it to her because, and now she’s really upset, she didn’t want to deal w/the reality of his previous life and that she will lose him when he finds it and his wife. FreeSpirit stalks off to find her mom and Santiago goes to work.

Sole finally stops running and remembers Marcelo threatening her w/jail and taking away her daughter and she picked up a kitchen knife and threatened him w/it, so he pulls a gun and points it at her till she drops the knife and he demands she call Analu and confess it all to her. Sole begs him not to take away the love of her daughter. In the present FreeSpirit catches up to her and Sole starts babbling about don’t stop loving me, I’m your mother, and FreeSpirit hugs her and agrees.
End of episode
(I’m really not liking Marcelo and not just b/c of the inferior hairstyle (though that may be part of it) Marcelo seems like a real jerk)


No worries Julie and Anon207 - I posted a note about recapping this epi on the comments for the last one but it was pretty late, I'm not surprised people missed it.
Anyway your comments make the action clearer, it helps to have other perspectives, b/c no recap is really complete and this episode seemed to have an extra lot of explaining.

Evaristo really cracked me up with his 'I don't know why Marcelo wouldn't contact his loved ones, something or someone must be stopping him' just like he didn't already know what was going on. He's a crafty one. I wonder what his master plan for this is when he gets hired to find Marcelo.

Julie - the first thing I ever saw AB in was Rebelde, and it wasn't exactly a comedy (it was a teen melodrama but had comedic elements) but its as close as she's ever gotten to on as far as I know, unless Alma de Hierro (which I haven't seen) was a comedy, but the half an episode I caught once didn't look comedy like

Thanks again Sneaky.

Ramiro thinks his luck is changing and everything is going his way. (how can he be so dumb?)LOL!

Well, I guess it's well established by now that Ramiro really is dumb. Ana Laura is not getting a top catch with this dude. But whatever.

Loved this:

Valentin the stalker jumps out at her. (I know, quite an accomplishment with the wheelchair.)

Well said, Sneaky.

On Angelique Boyer playing comedy, she actually had a number of good comedic moments in Teresa, but it wasn't the wacky, over the top comedy that the Mexican telenovelas seem to favor.

And Rulli had some very funny moments in Gancho. Deadpan humor. I imagine they both could be good with the right direction. But in general I find telenovela comedies asinine.

Thanks, Sneaky. I missed this last night but feel like I saw it with your wonderful recap.

I cannot wait for uncle Mariano's wedding if Ana Leticia does not do something first to postpone/cancel it.

Of course my fave is Evaristo always lurking on the edges setting things up the way he wants to see them play out.

I won't miss the next episode!

Thank you, Sneaky. I didn't realize that Evaristo had stolen a photo from Jenny. I wondered why he bothered to ask for a coffee if he was just going to leave anyway!

Abuela is being silly about the foundation donation, but then I think she's silly about a lot of things.

Judy, that's a good point about TN comedies being asinine. When I think of this show being a comedy, I guess I'm thinking of my idea of a comedy, rather than a TN comedy.

Being asinine isn't necessarily a deal-breaker in my book - I have Three's Company in my DVD player right now - but that wasn't what I had in mind anyway. It was more the ridiculous situations where AnaLet's people keep almost running into AnaLu, and vice versa, and the same with Marcelo and Santiago. It's really, really funny, but it doesn't seem to be getting played for laughs, not even tongue-in-cheek. I think if they would just relax and let it be as funny as it is, I'd find it LESS asinine.

Thanks so much, Sneaky! This was great.

Yeah, Marcelo was harsh with Soledad, but I still don't feel sorry for her. Everything he said to her was the truth. She's a selfish kidnapper. And asking Ana Lucia some hypothetical question about what if she had a rich family and siblings, shouldn't be enough to alleviate her guilt. Notice how she mentioned the money first, like that's the most important thing that she denied Ana Lucia by keeping her from her family. I laughed when Marcelo pulled his gun on her after she pulled her knife on him.

Julie- Ev asked Jenny for the coffee just so that he could get her out of the room to steal the picture of her and Marcelo. If you saw the avances, you'll know why he took the picture.

Ramiro is Charlie Brown, Ana Leticia is Lucy, and Ana Laura is the little red haired girl, or the football, depending on how you look at it. We know his recent gains with Ana Laura will be blown to bits when he goes to that apartment and finds Ana Leticia instead of Inaki. She will either set up Ana Laura/Ernestina/Mariano to be there to witness some unwanted kiss, or drug him and videotape a faux sexual encounter. In any case, she will make sure to get Ramiro back onto Llora's sh*t list and start her tears up again.

I hate that you're right Vivi about how things will go down once Ram gets to the apt. but of course it must be that way. The moment AnaLaura felt better about him is the moment you knew AnaLet would win again. It would be nice if AnaLet's plan backfired on her but this show has been pretty predictable so far.


Thanks Sneaky for another marvelous recap!

Loved the line about Valentin jumping out and surprising ALau!!


Julie- Speaking of comedy...I'm having flashbacks to Laisha Wilkins (Jennifer) and Sebastian Rulli together in Un Gancho al Corazon. She got to do some pretty fun physical comedy playing out snobby "Connie's" very physical and passionate affair with "Beto" the naco, while Rulli had to play the straight man most of the time. Here's a fun snippet:


Thanks all for the comments and the appreciation

JudyB - when you said you find telenovela comedies asinine I automatically agreed with you, but then I remembered all the "good" (quality determined solely by my own tastes) telenovela comedies I've watched, but then I thought of all the "dumb" (see note above) tn comedies I didn't watch b/c they looked asinine so I sorta agree?

But yeah I agree w/Julie if these guys would loosen up and enjoy the ridiculousness of this tn it would make it funner to watch

And thanks Vivi - I knew nothing about Un Gancho I'll have to check it out.

Well, Vivi is right. Gancho was wonderful. Waaaay long. But waaay funny. There's also a great bit when Rulli gets roped into imitating a stripper (he's in a group). But it's funny because, gorgeous as he is, he's really a lousy dancer. But somehow that made it all the more endearing. And much later, he and the fellow playing Beto, had to dress up as women, and again, it was quite funny. But that comedy was an anomaly. Most of them are way too much like the lamentable la Hora Pico and crap like that.

I'm in a snit about Univision tonight, so I'm only half-paying attention to tonight's show. Not even half. But I did catch AB in a humorous moment when Santi... well, it will have to wait until tomorrow's discussion page to say what. But AnaLu was making the same face I was, and for the same reason. (There was a similar moment with AnaLet and Inaki.) So AB clearly has a good sense of the absurd, even if the director and producer do not.

(God help me, I think I'm developing a girl-crush on Angelique Boyer!)

Judy, "La Familia P. Luche" is my reference point for Mexican comedy - even though I know Eugenio Derbez is capable of much more. Or maybe because I know that. But yeah. It makes Benny Hill look like Shakespeare.

I have seen some very good comedic moments/performances in telenovelas. But I've also seen a lot of dreck. Oddly, the good stuff and the dreck are often found within the same TN, sometimes even within the same episode (Una Familia Con Suerte is a good example among the ones I've seen), which makes me wonder what the hell is going on at Televisa sometimes.

Good point Julie. There were some delightful moments, and clever characterizations in Una Familia con Suerte, but-- alas-- buttressed by endless, over the top, slapstick unfunny (to me) humor.

But clearly this is a cultural difference. I also find the typical telenovela hysterical screeching for 20 minutes reaction to anything tragic or upsetting, equally over the top. I think we Americans fall somewhere in between the buttoned-up British phlegm types and the Latino manic style of reaction. At least I do.

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