Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sueno de Amor, #86 Everybody loves somebody, but not everybody is loved by somebody...

I'll keep this short and to the point, you're all welcome to add anything that I might have forgotten in the comments, since this won't be your usual scene by scene recap.
Pablo, I left you a message in the first comment.

First, a little recap of our main characters and what they've been up to.
We're at Margarita, Felix, Viviana and Mario's wedding. Nothing like a double wedding to keep the judge confused about the names of the wedding party. The poor woman almost had Mario and Felix get married because she wasn't quite up to date with the couples.
If the judge has problems figuring out who is marrying who, then it's a relief she's not aware of what is going on with the wedding guests. That would really give her a headache.
For starters, we have the Pato-Luca-Erasmo-Kristel-Pedro-Aranza circle of terminally confused love. Who loves who and why and since when has become quite a chore to remember right now, so let's just say that everyone is mostly miserable. Yes, PatoLuca are reconciled today, but it's only mid-afternoon, so much can still happen before night fall.
There is also the Estrella-Adrian-Salma-Kiko slightly incestuous story: Estrella is Kiko's sister and Salma's nemesis from school, Kiko loves Salma, Adrian and Estrella love each other and Salma started to love her baby after seeing the ultrasound, so much so that she's even thinking about keeping the child after birth. Would Adrian be up to the challenge of raising a child with his abuser? Gulp.

Everyone still with me? OK!

Because there is also the main love mess quad, of Cristina-Ricardo-Esperanza-Ernesto.
Esperanza loves Ricardo, who loves Cristina presumably, but also still loves Esperanza a little bit. Cristina loves Ricardo and is afraid that he's jealous of his ex showing up at the wedding with his arch-enemy. Nobody loves Ernesto for now, but Esperanza is sure warming up to him.

So, that's about it when it comes to the wedding and the many love entanglements. Oh, and there is also Silvana, who loves nobody, but hates her family and wants to ruin the wedding.
Her feeble attempts amount to nothing. Some blue smoke and pens who won't write are the best she can do to stop the weddings (can't help but remember MCET  wedding and the ridiculous villana attempts to stop that ceremony).
Viviana and Mario realize that Silvana wanted to sabotage the festivities and later on warn Margarita and Felix that they should all be very careful with Silvana because she hasn't changed one bit.
Once the quad sign the official papers and are named husband and wife and husband and wife, you'd think that all the drama is over. But no!

Mopey Kristel says good-bye to Pedro. She's going to Spain to finish prepa and then continue her studies. They might never see one another again. One can only hope...
Pedro is very upset, weepy is not a good color on him. If I got things right (I probably didn't), she's leaving because she loves him too much and he won't have her anymore. He won't have her anymore because she was confused about Erasmo and now he's confused about her being undecided and is love ever enough? (I have a headache, just like the judge would, if she knew all these lovely details).
Once their good-byes are said, Kristel asks for one last kiss, but Pedro doesn't seem happy with the idea. More weepiness ensues, until they finally hug it out.
Then Kristel goes whining to her grandma about her misery. There is nothing in their conversation that you haven't heard before, so let's just move on... to Pedro talking with Aranza about the same mess. He's very uncertain about everything, Ara thinks he should just man up (LOL) and make a decision - will he allow for Kristel to go or not?
Oh please, could we get an airport reunion, that would be so fresh and exciting!

Ricardo is anything but happy about seeing Esperanza with Ernesto at the wedding. What he should be unhappy about is having a bright yellow canary as a wedding date, but what do I know about fashion? Canary, I mean... Cristina thinks that Ric is jealous and feels very uncomfortable, but Ric is simply annoyed to see his enemy, Ernesto. Yeah...
Espe and Canary meat at the bathroom and exchange pleasantries. Canary notices that Espe looks different, Espe explains it's a diet that she's been on.
Ric and Ernie are probably holding their ladies purses, because they meet outside and start snapping at one another. Ernie taunts Ric the best way that he can and Ric falls right into the trap, after a feeble attempt to contain himself. The ladies appear just in time to avoid another uncomfortable situation at the wedding, but this story is not yet over.
Because Espe, the cancer patient who just had an operation and absolutely had to attend this wedding, faints in the middle of the reception, with everyone staring at her. Ernie and her kids attend to her immediately, taking her out of the room, with Ric looking in shock, worried sick for his ex flame. To his question about Espe's health, Pato answers that it must be her diet.
But both he and Canary are very worried, so much so that they almost don't dance and enjoy the party (I said almost).

Espe comes to in the car and refuses to go to the hospital. She just wants to get back home, which Ernie happily agrees on.
Once in her bedroom, looking ten years older than her real age, Espe can't stop but talk about Ric, how happy he looked with Canary and how she pretty much brought this on herself. Ernie is trying not to cringe every time Ric's name is mentioned.
She adds that all this sacrifice has been for nothing if she doesn't survive. Ernie promises to always be with her (hasta la vida, as opposed to the regular hasta la muerte - so, in other words, until she gets better??)

Ric and Canary get home and while the kids destroy the bedroom with their playing, they talk about Espe. Canary can see that he was jealous, but Ric says that he started to forget Espe. They are both worried for the fainting, though and Canary asks when was the break-up. TWO months ago, Ric says and now we have an actual timeline of this mess.
So Canary wonders if maybe Espe is not pregnant with his baby???
The shock so big and the interest in such an hypothesis even bigger, the next thing that Ric does is ask Canary to be his formal novia.

Somewhere else in the episode:
Erasmo told Kiko that he told Pato how he felt about her but he didn't have the time to get an answer from her.
Kristel said good-bye to her family.
Tracy and Anastacia drank wine and declared their complicity to destroy Ernesto. Well, mainly Tracy wants to mess with Adrian, while Anastasia just wants to get rid of Tracy, I think.
Luca asked Pato to marry him again, just in time for Erasmo to come knocking at the door.

Pablo, I only got Nandicta's e-mail a few hours ago, when I had already started the recap. Sorry, but if you have other notes, I can include them in the recap, as mine is rather short and not very detail oriented.

No prob, you're welcome.

I couldn't have done a better recap than this, since I am always focusing mainly in making fun of everything I can... like when Kristel had flashbacks even from stuff she didn't see (Erasmo crying after seeing her being kissed by Pedro), etc.

Lic. Paloma/Miss Pato with the exact same look she has in her other novela.

When Esperanza is "unconscious" but still has a little bit of strength (and consciousness) to grab Ernesto's neck while being lifted from the floor...

The stolen kiss that I thought Kristel was going to repeat with Erasmo but she didn't

Salma in full makeup before her quinceañera (not a surprise, she is also pregnant)

I was wishing Kristel's relatives had their fingers crossed in their backs when they promised her never to forget her, and

I didn't know cab drivers could go and ring your bell to let you know they had arrived, so I guess the only reason she called a cab to take her to the airport was to make us think that the one was was at the door was Pedro, but it was not (sad sax music)

Kristel's 7 flashbacks
1 The paint stain/handprints in the cement (choose one)
2 Riding the bicycle with Erasmo
3 Riding, I mean, having sex with Erasmo (I am sure not her first time)
4 pedro's kiss stealing (while Erasmo watches and cries from behind a lightpole)
5 Kissing Pedro now with full consent
6 The slap after telling her mother she hated her
7 Holding Salma either after the suicide or the abortion attempt, pick one

Thanks again for a great recap and see you in the comments!

Adriana, the recap was wonderful. I especially liked ". . . weepy is not a good color on him." Your mentioning the wedding antics in MCET made me think: if Osorio has done that plot so recently like in his last telenovela, why would he do it again here? And is answer is: because he can!!!

Random thoughts:

If the smoke idea was paid for and came from LaTuerta, Silvana was shortchanged yet again! At least Mario and Viviana know all the recent crappola in their lives has been due to her antics. Now will they find some proof to send her back to the slammer to be with her tuerta buddy.

"Bun boy" better move himself to the airport ASAP. What a bobo for having discussed his love life with his mommy and sister in the first case and not just going with his gut!

So now we have Erasmo being an even bigger jerk and darkening Pato's door.

Why was everybody so depressed and boohooing about Kristel going to Barcelona? It is not as if this were the nineteenth century and she was sailing off from somewhere in Europe to the US and probably would never go home again. This is the age of cellphones and video calls like FaceTime and Skype and 13 hour flights to Barcelona! Also, why did she have to upstage the weddings with her need to leave ASAP? Drama, drama, drama queen. I sure hope bun boy can afford a ticket and flies off with her.

Oh, good now that Adrián is living in the same household with his rapist Salma and he is supposed to be all excited about being in the baby's life if she decides to keep it? What am I missing here in this utter stupidity? Also, Viviana should have put off marrying Mario until Adrián could live on his own if it meant he was going to have to live with Salma. That is just not right. It is downright creep like so many things in this novela. How long until he has a relapse especially now with Tracy on the case? I am betting he will have to have at least one.

Now for Esperanza. Who after major surgery when they still can barely walk and after one chemo treatment would be SELFISH enough to go to a social event when they aren't feeling all that good? Who but Esperanza would do this knowing that they might be feeling worse rather than better after the physical stress of a public outing and the emotional stress if this particular outing.

As for a possible Esperanza pregnancy, when Cristina suggests Esperanza might be pregnant the correct answer from Ricardo should have been: highly unlikely because I used protection! Uh, that didn't happen. Duh!

Thanks, Pablo,, for the Kristel trip down memory lane.

Probably the only protection they had was SPF40, HOPEFULLY, maybe not even that!!

Does Kristel have some issues or something ?

What's her problem ?

Good call, Pablo! Ha! Ha!

Steve, they ALL have issues.

Adriana Noel, this was sassy and sensational

I particularly enjoyed your title and musing over who loves who. It seems some feelings are reciprocated and others aren't.

Like Jarifa, I enjoyed "Pedro is very upset, weepy is not a good color on him". "What he should be unhappy about is having a bright yellow canary as a wedding date, but what do I know about fashion?" was my other favorite.

While I don't think it was intentionally meant to be the explosive statement it was, Cris' blurting out her thought Espe might be pregnant was ill timed and not entirely appropriate. Ric was upset. Well, or so I thought. "The shock so big and the interest in such an hypothesis even bigger, the next thing that Ric does is ask Canary to be his formal novia". Yes. He was truly concerned for about 5 seconds.

"Erasmo told Kiko that he told Pato how he felt about her but he didn't have the time to get an answer from her". Oh, no. No...Does this handsome fool actually think that Pato is going to forget the man she is madly in love with and jump into his arms? They've barely exchanged pleasantries. And now, he is showing up just as Pato and Luca rekindled their engagement. I wouldn't blame Pato if she rolls her eyes and laughs. Erasmo deserves nothing less.

The Adrian/Salma/Kiko situation is just plain painful. I don't know how this mess is going to be resolved. Now the children are making great strides and trying to all get along. How adult. How sad...

Pablo, Kristel's memories may have meant something to her but they fell flat for me. Bye girl! ...Yes Jarifa, if bun boy flags down the plane on the runway and boards, I wish them both happiness along with the wish we might not have to see them again. Ack.

Sil's plans fell surprisingly flat. She may talk the talk, but she can't walk the walk. No fireworks, only a weak sizzle.

This was great Adriana Noel. Thank you.


Got news for you guys, Sueño de Flop is being sent off to the afternoons as of July 25th at 3pm/2c right after Amor de Barrio.

Diana, there is just way too much "Ack" lately. : ) So, onward we roll !

Anonymous, I hope your comment isn't right?

We've been watching this for months and would be very upset if this is moved when we aren't that far away from resolution...

I can't watch and I suspect a 3 pm time would be difficult/impossible for many of us.

I will reserve any further comment til we are sure this doesn't happen...


I'm not gonna lie, there's been no official confirmation yet but on the TV listings website 'TV Zap2it' that's what it has it as. Sueño de Amor 3:00 p.m.

Guess we will have to wait and see.

Adriana Noel, you did a good job with this jumbled up love gone wrong hot mess. Better you than me. But I do like to read about their messes. That they bring on themselves

That long drawn out goodby between kristel and her family was over acted. They acted as if she was going to die. Shes going to college, not the morgue. And then she stands there, Im going "git (I said git, I know its bad english but OMG!!! git out already"). And then it was over. Good. And on to the other madness. Kracy, ernesto, anastasia, ricardo, kristina
The canary lady, and those two weird newly wed couples. What a hot mess Adiana. Maybe this will start to unravel before fall sets in. So they're moving to 3:00? Its a wait and see thing. Always.

Pablo, thank you for adding the things that I missed. Kristel's flashbacks, especially, just went over my head.

Jarifa, I had an incredible deja vu during the wedding, and yes, Osorio probably decided to pay "tribute" to MCET (eye roll)
I didn't even think about Adrian's situation, living with Salma from now on. Viviana should know better then that. Poor baby, if he is kept in the family, he will have to go through a lot of therapy.

Oufff, I have to run, but I'll be back later to chat some more.

Thank you Adriana Noel for the recap and Pablo for your added comments....I"m not crazy about this TN but I LOVE reading the recaps and comments from the Patio Peeps...that make up for this dud of a TN...I do have a question....was part of her stomach removed or all...and if all does that affect her eating ..

I think they're really pushing it with this operation. I mean from what the doctor said they connected her esophagus to her intestines I don't know if it was small or large intestines, but she shouldn't be going to weddings and going back to teaching. But this is TV so I guess they kind of pushed things along. Christina and ricardo think that she could be pregnant. Would she even be able to get pregnant with no stomach or a partial stomach? and the baby would be the uterus not the stomach. But still would that even be possible? If she was pregnant the doctors would have found that out, but this is a tn and this is that orsorio guys story and he does really weird stuff in his stories. And this is comedy, so anything is possible.

Nina, Espe is not pregnant, they only thought she was when she fainted. They couldn't have guessed that it was because of the cancer.
But yeah, weird stuff like this happens all the time in tns.

Diana, the whole Salma -Kiko -Estrella -Adrian mess is too much for words. They really turned a somewhat interesting story into a nonsense when the brother of the good girl fell for the bad girl and the bad girl liked him back. Oh, yeah,and nobody is Olmert that 15 in this quad.

If the show moves to3pm when are we supposed to post the recaps? And who will even have the time to watch? What a mess! !

Olmert was meant to be "older" ' nobody is older than 15

The online version of TV Guide confirms that Sueno will be broadcast at 3pm starting July 25.

In México they're still taping. I saw today in HOY, that Ginny Hoffman and Julián GIl treated the crew with three paellas (prepared by Ginny's husband), they interviewed Emilio Osorio and I saw ''Anastasia'' eating with ''Silvana''. I guess the rest of the team was not hungry.

What does this mean, that is going to be longer than we are all expecting? In that case, why move it to another time slot? Do they think that in this new time MORE PEOPLE will watch it?

Funny that they all have that info but it is not on Univision's site but at this point I really don't care. I will just set my vcr and post as usual.

We will know for sure when they make an announcement in the last commercial break on Friday! Ha! Ha!

No, it's the complete opposite. They're moving it because nobody is watching it at 7, meaning the view numbers are historically lower than usual by about 1 million. There's rumors that the next one to go is Tres veces Ana since it is sinking quicker than Titanic.


So, is that why AMOR DE BARRIO is that early? I though that time slot was for reruns, but they're showing AMORES VERDADEROS before noon.

Amor de Barrio tanked badly in mexico, which is why it was sent to the afternoons here. Sueño was already tanking in Mexico, yet they still premiered it at 8pm here. And that is why we are where we are currently.

If they are so bad in México, why bring them over here? They didn't do that with that one with Gloria Trevi, so why is Univisión still taking all this bad products, is not bad for their channel? I think I heard that TVA aired here first and someone said it was not doing good and I understand that regardless, Televisa will have to show it because they made it, but why do they send here all those bad novelas and why Univisión takes them?

Oh, I know, because you can not show all 24 hours of La rosa de Guadalupe! LOL!

That is the same exact question all of us people on Twitter ask Univisión hahahaha!!! It's like they purposefully choose the failures and/or the horribly made novelas over the good ones. Univisión has ignored 5 novelas in total so far, 3 which have the potential to perform possibly. And yes, 3VA is performing terribly.

Sorry I'm super late to the party but I wanted to thank you Adriana for this wonderful recap and to thank Pablo for his witty additions.

Welcome Anonymous! I'm guessing it's the same Anon poster in the entire thread. Please choose a nickname to sign your posts so we can address you by it. You are welcome to join the discussion any time you want. We're always happy to have fresh voices in our little patio.

Welcome Jon! Good to have a new amigow join the conversation!

Welcome back Madame E!, good to hear from you again!

Amigowz, many apologies for the delay. A summary of Monday's episode is now up. Cheers.

Thanks for the welcome! I'll be chipping in every now and then. :)


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