Friday, July 15, 2016
Yago #36. Thursday July 14, 2016. Faceoffs And Fireworks, Regrets And Waterworks
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Sobbing in scarlet is the way to suffer. |
Labels: yago
Here is a discussion page to get the conversation rolling for those of you who saw this episode. The recap will be up tomorrow morning. Thank you.
Bruno & Melina are in danger.
My favorite scenes hands down were Sara's and Abel's. I do feel sorry for Sara, I must admit. Did she earn it? Yes and a million times Yes! Do I dislike her character immensely? Absolutely! Still, seeing her suffer like that moved me. I know I keep gushing over her but Gaby de la Garza is fantastic in this role! She made Sara my most-hated female character and my favorite one to watch at the same time. Masterful acting!
Abel's scenes in this episode made me like him even more. I would be heartbroken if something bad happens to him. And to think I couldn't stand him at the beginning of the show! Kudos to the writers and the actor for a job well done!
I think it was Julie who said that the description I gave Lucio way back at the start of the show applied to Camilo as well. Indeed, Lucio and Camilo have the psychotic baby face in common. They share other things too:
1) Obsessively loving a woman who loves their best friend and wanting to possess her at any cost. Check!
2) Raising a child who is their love rival's as their own. Being a 100% devoted and over-protective father to the child they consider theirs and being prepared to die rather than lose him/her. Check!
3) A fondness for potted plants. (Remember Lucio's cacti and other plantitas that he was shown talking to and spraying? They're probably dead now that Daddy is in jail! :D)
4) A volatile temper.
5) An unbridled ambition.
Enjoy the recap and the discussion. Catch you later! :)
Also laughed at CantaCanta...right, Sing Sing en español
"She staggers down the street like a wounded bird, barely able to steady herself. She leans against a stone pillar and weeps with abandon. Hurt begets hurt begets hurt."
Perfect description of that scene, and the reason why I find this so painful to watch. So much suffering and regret is being spread around. As a certified softie, I was also very touched by the scene between Abel and Jenny. Hoping that Teo will be able to convince Yago to spare Abel, but given how things are going, it's unlikely.
However, as always, this series continues to be fascinating. And you mentioned another of my favorite puzzlers "dar en la torre". Hit somebody where it hurts. Don't know if it's a chess image (I don't play it) but I've always been intrigued by this one.
I'm interested to know how deep the sinister conspiracy against Omar goes as it could involve higher levels of the Mexican government!
Abel: He's really The Help: always cleaning up Lucio & Sara's messes & doing their dirty work!
Seeing Sara as Yago let loose his venom was both satisfying and uncomfortable at first. I don't think it was felt she didn't deserve the twist but there has been enough of those moments with Sara we have seen where we feel just slightly sorry for what life dished out to her. But I've always held, she did have choices at times that would have allowed her to atone or admit her past errors. Up to the last, she had no qualms in making sure everyone else was paying for their parts so she could have her happy ending. But when she comes back and yells at Yago with the "How could you do this to me?" something clicked off in the sympathy department again for me. It's always about could anyone not do her bidding and follow her choices? Yeah...sorry chicka.
Yago better pay attention to his own family though. Something happens to Bruno, our "hero" will be on my anvil list.
Would they really bump off poor Selma? Dang.
Nope, still don't feel sorry for Sara.
You mentioned Sara as your favorite character, mine is Abel. He's so flawed, but he tries. He makes bad decisions and has done horrible things, but he's somehow lovable in his own way too. He's the character that I find myself being a total hypocrite over.
Gabriela de la Garza is killing it as Sara and while not my favorite character Alejandra was) I want to see her on screen.
I whooped so loud when Sara get hers Mr tofie came running thinking I was hurt. Hehehehe, call me a bad person but nobody put her in prison for 60 years without a clue. Give her a day and she'll be back on her bike.
I feel so sorry for Bruno he really loved that girl and she loved him and now her name smeared all over town. Thank you big bro for bringing the apocalypse.
I've never warmed to Abel. He's a walking talking tragedy bout to happen and at best put in quarantine. Touch Able you die.
I want to see Selma and Melina survive. Someone needs to or this series could have a short re-run life. These two mothers have suffered too much due to the loss of their children. However, for Yago to need a shrink at the end would please me.
Camilo needs to pay big time. His sins are greater than all the others' combined.
On the subject of bonsai trees, I wanted to get one years ago for a relative who loves plants. However, when I learned that they are tortured into that size I said "No way."
Thanks, this recap is fantastic. I'm so glad that you decided to share your incredible talent with us here at Caray Caray.
Well, now that Sara has been treated so badly by Yago and betrayed (I know, I know, I've seen all the episodes and read all the recaps) by the sister that she has selflessly pretty much devoted her life to, I'm hopelessly in her corner. I was almost devastated when she picked up that creep. Thank goodness she snapped to in time.
So now what will Ámbar and Yago do? He told Sara to get lost and Lucio is in prison. Next!?
"However, when I learned that they are tortured into that size I said 'No way.'"
Years ago I had this patient in the hospital who was the matriarch of a family that I had cared for for years. At that time I was into African violets and one of her daughters had brought an unusual African violet for her mom. I asked for a leaf and one thing lead to another resulting in my learning what a green thumb the lady had and then that daughter shared this story about her mom with me:
The daughter had gone on a prolonged trip and left the care of her many plants in the care of this gifted plant whisperer, one of which was a bonsai. When she returned she encountered a disaster... at this point her mom interrupted, "But honey, the poor little thing was root-bound and suffering..."
Nandicta and Julie- Thank you so much for the last few recaps. Absolutely superb. You are both gifted wordsmiths.
Scenes that jumped out for me these last three episodes:
- The scene where Sara admits what she did to Omar to Yago. Both actors were excellent, and I thought Ivan did an amazing job conveying the rage he was holding back (even subtly clenching his fist and his jaw), which then turned into deep hurt as that one tear escaped.
- The flashback scenes with little Fabi/Juli. That girl is adorable.
- Couldn't believe Sara as she bragged about her happy ending and flashed her ring in Ambar's face. Really, Sara? Didn't feel bad for her at all as it all came crashing down around her and she was humiliated by Yago. Her face when Ambar was revealed as Yago's fiance was priceless, and amazingly done by Gabriela.
- The quick smile on Yago's face (or was it Ivan coming through) when he realized that the name of the terrifying rottweiler was Candy. :)
One happy ending of a sort I was pleased to see these last few episodes was Abel and the mother of the boy he killed being able to forgive each other and themselves. Yes, this quest for revenge has had some bad unintended consequences, but this was a good unintended consequence. Yago's plan stirred up Abel's conscience, which drove him to go make peace with this woman. And it was good not only for him, but for her to finally be able to let go of all the hate and hurt she had been carrying around for years. I was really touched by and cried during their scenes.
My fave is Abel and I find myself completely taken by him when he is on screen.
Thank you again for this wonderful recap!
It seemed to me that I saw a bit more than forgiveness in the encounter between Abel and Jenny. Wasn't the initial scuffle at the fair in which Jenny's son was killed precipitated by Abel attempting to protect her from that guy's (who actually drew the pistol in the first place) unwanted aggressive advances? I wonder if Abel may have had a crush on her at that time.
Hi Delilah,
"My fave is Abel and I find myself completely taken by him when he is on screen."
So are the rat tail and the cigarette behind the ear pluses or do you like him in spite of?
I saw a look of disappointment from Ambar when Yago told her he felt nothing. I think she has finally lost her delusions about him and is falling out of love.
Poor Bruno is going through again years later what he went through when Omar was put in jail.
What will Julia do when she gets the dna info back? Will Selma still be alive to run to? I can see Camilo shooting her and not shooting her. When Selma and Papa Smurf were sitting next to each other, devastated, I actually felt for Fidel for the first time. Their shock that Yago would put aside his plans to help them seemed to underscore how lost they feel at the moment.
Lucio and Sara will want nothing but revenge on Yago now but what will their feelings be when they find out it is Omar? Will they think they got what they deserved and let it all rest?
"Unbeknownst to her, Julia has described her own tragedy." I wouldn't say that it's unbeknownst to her. Even if she never knew the truth of her past, she was recently kept prisoner in that house. She knows what it's like to be confined in a small pot and now she has a pretty good suspicion as to why her father keeps such a tight grip! I hope she gets the real DNA results and they don't get tampered with!
I'm not surprised that Abel won Jenny over. It's practically impossible not to like Abel as long as you don't see that other side of him - the side that has an explosive temper and mis-uses pliers.
Yes, Gaby de la Garza is smashing this role. She's got Sara perfectly balanced between a human being and the devil.
And yes, I'm the one who said Camilo's got a psychotic baby face. Sometimes his speech even devolves briefly into baby-talk-babble. On the bright side, though, Lucio's cacti are probably fine. Once they get big, they can tolerate quite a bit of neglect. (You can kill them by giving them too much attention.) Camilo's orchids won't fare as well if something happens to him.
Carlos, you might be right about Jenny being the woman whose honor Abel was trying to defend. They seemed like a happy family until that incident. The rat tail (which he started growing immediately after the casino heist) is definitely not a plus, nor is the cigarette. Abel's charm comes entirely, and enigmatically, from within.
I don't have a good feeling about Selma's fate. We're just past the halfway mark and it wouldn't be shocking for something shocking to happen right now. Everyone else's world has been turned upside-down lately; now it's Fidel's turn.
Have you all noticed that Sara only dresses in black, white, or red (sometimes with a bit of gray thrown in), with her black hair, white skin and red lips, like the queen on a suit of cards?
(Red/white/black are also the colors of Snow White. Where's a poison apple when you need one?)
Did anyone else using Hulu to view Yago notice this?
The rat tail is not my thing for sure, but the ciggy behind the ear doesn't bother me so much. It's not a look I would want on my guy, but it simply reminds me of my two older brothers who shortly after coming back from Vietnam would have a cigarette behind one ear and rolled up pack in the t-shirt sleeve.
Abel's charm comes entirely, and enigmatically, from within.
This is so perfectly stated. I can't help but love the guy and of all the characters, I root for him the most to have his happy ending. After that is Ambar, there is something that is so easy and likable about her. She's a moral and good person without being too preachy and judgmental.
I want to like Sara and see something to root for, but I can't. She had so many opportunities to do right, to speak up and be honest about things but she doesn't. After she gets caught she whines and claims to feel bad, regretting her actions, but not enough to put her butt on the line. It's always someone else who has to pay for her actions.
Was a special on. Anyways its good to know the bad guys are gettin theres. I don't want yago to get with his crooket ex
I don't care how sorry sara is, shes a crook. He could have died in prison because of that BIG GIGANTIC LIE, she told.
Along with his so-called bffs. Theres an episode of "The Count of Monte Cristo" on starsencore, my mind immediately
Goes to Yago, cuz its kinda based on that, just a little bit different. I hope its back on schedule this week (Yago).
It's amusing to see how Angelique Boyer dresses as Ana Leticia in 3xAna, but those clothes are ridiculous. She looks like she's being dressed by a horny teenage boy. Even when TN characters (including heroines) aren't dressed like hookers, they often look like they're going to a cocktail party in the office. I wish more TN women dressed like Sara and Ambar and Julia!
If Yago really wants Sara to pay for her crime, why isn't he trying to put her in prison? Instead he's playing love games with her. If Ambar can forgive Yago for using her, she should forgive her sister too. Still can't stand Sara.
Nice to see Abel find some forgiveness.
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