Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 90 (7.21.16) The truth about lies is that they're always temporary and end up messing everything to the worse.

Abril is in bed with 40
April has 40.5°C fever and Cristina Vélez Valderrama, the firewoman of sex education, calls the only person that can help her: The doctor? Noooo! Ricardo! Who else? That way when he comes to help her, he can spend the night! CVV doesn't jump without a sandal (no la brinca sin huarache).

Since he raised two kids and has his share on kids ailments, the middleman recommends to fill the bath tub with warm water and put the girl in it. While he is on the cell phone with her, he calls Dr Camargo on his land line.
A few moments later, fever has lowered to 36.5°C thanks to Ricardo, so there's no need to take the girl to the hospital and another more reason to owe Richerd the girl's life. then we can start all over again, how can I repay you, I don't know, I have an idea, you know... the same old routine these two have. 
Once the girl is out of danger, Ricardo has a very sexy flashback in full color in advance for what's coming!

In the Guerrero's house, Esperanza talks to her kids about having to confront her coworkers (AND RICARDO) tomorrow during the training course CVV is offering at The Palacios Institute for gifted minds (and that was suspended for personal issues today) with other local and international experts, and Margarita. 
Esperanza's logic now is that, since Ricardo is already way happier than she wished him to be, he has the right to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I wish he can handle this truth!
If they didn't buy that story about the kiwi diet, which allows you to eat everything you want except kiwi, they will know the truth.
Pato and Pedro can not believe this after all she did, and think that it was not worth it.
It could be absurd coming from somebody else, but in Esperanza's little brain, she dId the right thing then and this is the right thing now. With her, many little "right things" make a whole BIG WRONG THING!!
Besides, she needs to keep working and win this war to cancer and the best way to do it is keeping acting like she normally would if she were healthy, only always holding the the empty space where her stomach used to be. You know what they say, when you are sick, try to look sicker. After all, sickly is the new sexy! 
She insists In not using a wig because that will be more obvious and they will notice and CVV is everything she is not: beautiful and healthy (and have the sex drive of a teenager).

El matrimonio es como el demonio
In the Manzanares household, Félix discovers Margarita brushing her teeth while the open faucet wastes hundreds of gallons of water down the drain and shows his true self ordering her to use a glass, tells her how to save and care for the planet replacing the tissue roll when is finished and using the toothpaste correctly, even filling up the ice tray, which she thought was magic, because every time she wanted ice cubes, it was always full. After he leaves, she sighs in relief, thinking, uf, and he doesn't know I used up all the shampoo! This is a marriage not a Militarized camp.

By this time, April is a lot better, and Selena and Rodrigo pay her a visit (excuse Ricardo took advantage of to "speak" with CVV in private. Ricardo who ate a clown for breakfast, thinking he is very funny, call April by the other eleven months in the calendar while she keeps insisting that her name is A-P-R-I-L!
In the living room, Ricardo and CVV make arrangements to the next session: Mouth to mouth and bellybutton to bellybutton.


Adrián has passed the test and is now officially a pupil from Palacios Institute.
He makes a very big deal about it not because he cares about his education or his future, but because he will be close to Estrella. CVV reminds him that he is going to be that enthusiast when it comes to study hard and he should never ever get in trouble.

In the other of the only two classrooms, Pamela notices that her teacher is in love and tickles him with a fucsia feather. She claims, like Margarita, that she can see the spark in his eyes millions of miles from here.

Oops! I accidentally on purpose threw my orange crush de naranja over your assignment!
Paulo Rey, with no apparent motive, bullies Salma, Kiko, Estrella and Adrián and goes as far as destroying their homework and challenging Adrián to a fight outside by the dumpsters that take place immediately after that incident.
Everybody goes to that Clash of teentans yelling Mole! Mole!
He made fun of Salma calling her Lady pancita, and then Estrella cried to God asking, when will RICH PEOPLE stop abusing POOR PEOPLE when we POOR PEOPLE are all SOOOOOOO GOOD!
With La panzona, el tullido, el borracho y la sirvienta, we could have won the Lotería! What's next? a blind person? Oh, we have already, is Pato's teacher. Now we only need a kitchen sink.
Speaking of being "inclusive" and "diversity friendly", anybody remembers that crooked boy in episode 1 or 2 that went to call Esperanza when Ernesto was looking for her at the Institute? He had something in his spine that made him walk funny.

Anyhoo, in her house, Esperanza and Ernesto can not stop thinking of that thank you kiss. It was a wonderful moment, fantastic, fabulous, lets do it again!
Then they start talking about the return to classes and he asks her: Are you sure you wanna do this, are you ready?

After school and after the fight, Adrián almost loses one eye and CVV scolds them and thinks about expelling them, but for now, they are suspended, so much for not getting in trouble.
Dra. Cardoso said that the contusions were severe and Adrián said he only responded to Paulo's bullying, really? Is that really going on in this school behind my back? 

Esperanza surely knows how to make an entrance
1 Arrive late
2 Wear an eye catching headpiece even when you look way better without it
3 Go seat right in front
4 Start talking to whoever is seated next to you until you get silenced
5 To make sure everybody saw you and make the moment unforgettable, try to carry grapefruits or cantaloupes and then drop them on the floor only to pick them up immediately saying sorry, sorry...
Oh, and if you are sick, try to look sicker

As I just said, Esperanza gets there late and limping, and instead of sitting in the back to not cause alarm and not be seen, she goes to the very front, and start speaking to Margarita of nothing related to the school. Of course Margarita started guessing what's wrong with her. Ricardo's eyes were wide open like saucers, Cristina was perplexed and the rest of the teachers, except the one that is blind, acted like they didn't see her.

Is like since she is sick, she has proposed herself to look as bad as possible when she is not home.

CVV, who was talking about the local and foreign experts brought here to teach in this seminar with the Waldorf method of making apple salads, almost stops to see Esperanza with her red tortilla warmer around her head. Then she continues saying that teaching is more a passion than a vocation, that who he teaches wants to give their soul to teaching and so on, quoting probably some flyer. She then gives the microphone to Margarita, another expert pedagogue with looong experience since writing was made on stone tablets.

But Margarita, before taking the podium, complaints to Esperanza that her bombo husband has transformed her house in a cuartel, like Esperanza cares for those little things right now. 

In his seat, Ricardo has not been able to close his mouth in shock.

Meanwhile, in the La Colina enterprises, Ernesto shows himself shaved to both Arleth and Begonia, who start asking him the 5 W's. Boss, but how, when, where, who, why? 
Solidarity, both in real life and pretend. He came to see the two Lucas, big and small.

Once inside Luca's office, Ernesto updates him about Esperanza's wish to reveal her true motives and that changes the rules of the game.  

In the snake pit, Kracy mocks Anastasia for caring too much for Luquita, because Saint Anastasia even bought a book on "How to take care of your baby" for dummies.
It was just pathetic having a crush on me (of all people), you need more self esteem.
Anastasia retorts, I'm a woman, yes, but first and foremost, I am a mother!
-Yes, but you abandoned your son. Never forget that.

At home, Pato cannot get the meaning of the result combination of positives and negatives. This you can memorize, but she can only multiply love! Her brother explains:
-x-=+ (minus multiplied by minus equals plus)
-x+=- (minus multiplied by plus equals minus) 
Imagine that one day she will have to learn the Riemann's paradox! Never mind, she will probably get married before that!

Then they talk about not supporting their mother in her crazy antics because they don't see the point after all she did and is now being reversed. They think she saw it like this in the beginning but now she has thought it over and she has faith. 

The course has ended for today. Tomorrow we will have Henry Collins from California. Please return and don't forget, BE ON TIME!

We all need to talk
Since Esperanza got what she wanted, she ran even before the course had ended, and now Ricardo and CVV speculate regarding Esperanza's secret. It can only be one thing: Cancer!
It was not the kiwi diet nor a pregnancy, it is cancer! Deductions and conjectures flow.

Towering Inferno
Luca talks to Mario about creativity and freedom to express it, but in a place where business is not important, because here, money talks, they have to start cutting corners.
That was just an excuse so Mario could tell Luca how very much in love he is with Viviana, but is afraid he feels like a kept man, with no money to bring home. In other words, I NEED A RAISE, son!
Before they get to that, Anastasia has arrived to talk abut the baby, so Mario leaves.

Once at home, Esperanza tells her children that she achieved her purpose of making everybody feel uncomfortable with her pity presence. That's why she arrived late, and if she have had cantaloupes, grapefruits or something, she would have let them dropped just to pick them up and make people turn to see her. Then she was the first to leave.

CVV and Ricardo, who are still guessing what could be wrong with Esperanza, determine that is has to be definitely cancer, since CVV's father died of lung cancer and she knows a lot about it. She also thinks that the right thing to do is, Go talk to her, is your duty.

The doorbell rings and Pedro goes to get it. And just when Esperanza is telling Pato about her chemotherapy, Margarita is behind her listening everything! then they hold hands in silence. God, how subtle!!

Into the woods
Somewhere in the woods Ernesto found a church and while the "Ave María" suddenly appears out of nothing, he starts praying to Jesus, asking not for him because he is a sinner and doesn't deserve anything, but for his love's life.
All that repentance, is not going to bring back the dead, Jesus says.

Back at home, Esperanza fills in the blanks for Margarita, who says -I don't know if I had been able to make this ''love sacrifice'' mijita.
-It was very painful, but now that Ricardo is happy, I think I can reveal the truth.
-Don't exclude me from your life bomba, and take me to the chemos, ok? I will be stuck to you like a leech (pegada como lapa) just to make sure.

In the CRIT near you, Kiko gives his first steps while Estrella records it in her new phone to share it with Erasmo, now that they all have phones again. Salma and Adrián el tuerto are there to support their loved ones.
I guess those Frankenstein shoes were heavy, but he has the same flashback of the falling wall again.

In another part of CDMX (México City), Erasmo tells Jerónimo that since he has been taking too long to introduce Rebecca, he has found another love of his life (third's a charm) and another once related to Luca with videos to prove it: Anastasia!
His excuse: Losing Pato hurt me to the bone marrow (me duele hasta el tuétano).

Guess what? The reason why Anastasia is seeing Luca with the baby again is because she doubt the baby is his and the DNA results were tampered, so we have to make more tests again (and extend this until late september).

Mientes con tus amarillos dientes
Exiting, Margarita (on her way to runteldat CVV) crosses paths with Ricardo who came to see why Esperanza lied with her yellow teeth. He seems surprised to see Margarita there but even more surprised to see Esperanza without the towel in all her glory!
Runteldat Margarita will go to see CVV but before that, she does the saint cross again!
Obviously is not working! To everybody she has said it, has gone bad!


Welcome to the patio amigowz! All comments are appreciated!

Thank you!

OK, I've just started reading and remember something I wanted to rant about earlier and forgot, and it is the opening scene in this episode. CVV calling Ricardo out in a panic because her daughter has a fever, instead of calling, Hellooooooo?, a doctor? Are we sure this woman has been a mother for 6 years? She acted like Abril was a dishwasher or a washing machine or something: "Oh my word! This thing seems to be heating up an awful lot! Where is the user's manual? Oh, I know! Let me call a man! Surely he would know what to do! No need to worry my pretty little head with this because thinking gives you wrinkles. Thinking is for men!" Ugh! Can you tell I'm super mega annoyed with this character? :D

OK, on to reading the rest of the recap. Great title, by the way!

Well, in her defense, technically she has been a mother for 5, because Oscar took the girl and Gervasia was the one giving her the shots for a whole full year, LOL!!

Pablo, thanks for the fun recap. I especially enjoyed the "Esperanza surely knows how to make an entrance." section. I could not believe her making such an entrance with the aptly described "red tortilla warmer on her head." She would have been less conspicuous bald.

Funny how much time the students of all ages at the Instituto Palacios spend in their classrooms without any adult/teacher supervision. It is no surprise they have the blatant bullying and behavior problems like with Kiko getting spilled out of his wheel chair for someone else's fun. When is Paulo going to get his???? "His" is something beyond a suspension. He has been mean since day one.

Thinking of day one and the very first episode where Esperanza was settling a bullying problem on the basketball court and thinking how cute and funny it was and how light and entertaining this was going to be. Now just look where we are today 89 episodes later. When did it go wrong? Off the rails?

Back to tonight:

So, everything is "just fine" with newly wed Mario on the "Homefront" except that he feels like a "mantenido" "kept man"? Uh, oh!

Back to this afternoon:

BTW, there was NO LaLa strawberry chia seed yogurt at MY local supermarket. So, I had to settle for the LaLa mango. LOL. Chia seeds? Really? Aren't those supposed to be for Chia pets??? Isn't that what makes the little green sprouts grow all over them?

That is all for now.

Thank you bunches, Pablo! This was stellar! So many hilarious bits and spot-on observations but these were my absolute favorites:

Your description of the CVV-Tricky Ricky dynamic is very funny and oh-so-true "another more reason to owe Richerd the girl's life. then we can start all over again, how can I repay you, I don't know, I have an idea, you know... the same old routine these two have."

"in Esperanza's little brain, she did the right thing then and this is the right thing now.With her, many little "right things" make a whole BIG WRONG THING!!" I fail to see the rationale behind any of Esperanza's decisions vis-à-vis Ricardo. ¡Esto está más enredado que cachipún de pulpos! (This is more tangled up than octopuses playing rock-paper-scissors!) Besides, at this stage of the game, why is she or her children still losing sleep over this Ricardp fella? Why is he the big priority here? This woman is dying! How about concentrating on her health, the progression of her treatment as well as her physical and emotional well-being? Ricardo's delicate feelings will survive, I assure you!

Your breakdown of Esperanza's studied steps of how to make an entrance and an impactful impression was just brilliant!

"Runteldat Margarita", tee hee hee! How is Margarita an expert in anything other than gossip? It's a shame we didn't get to see her intervention in the seminar: "Listen up, bombos! To be a good educator, you need to: A) Educate and B) Know your students. And by knowing your students, I mean really knowing them! You need to be all up in their business, their parents' business, their parents' parents' business, their siblings' business, their neighbors' business, their pets' business..."

"In other words, I NEED A RAISE, son!" Hahahaha! How bad does Constructora de la Colina pay its employees that a construction worker lives in abject poverty, unable to afford milk or tomatoes, and the head architect can't cover the expenses of a household of 4 people?

Adrián's world seems to revolve around Estrella and his obsessive clingy love is frankly cringe-worthy. In Tuesday's episode, when he was about to sit his entry test, he told CVV he needed to pass and get into Instituto Palacios because his girlfriend studies at IP! What? Fail! When he receives the news of his admission to IP, he is ecstatic because he will be with Estrella and not because he will resume his education after weeks at rehab! Double fail! Then on the first day of school, he gets into a fistfight to impress Estrella, when reporting Paulo's bullying to the principal would've been more than enough. Triple fail! Sorry to be the one to say it, but this boy has issues when it comes to Estrella!

I don't know why but this had me in stitches: "Somewhere in the woods Ernesto found a church" It read like the beginning of a chapter in a magical realism novel!

Thanks again for this very entertaining read. I look forward to reading everyone's impressions. Later! :)


Thanks to everyone for allowing me the fun of making up all this nonsense based on something someone else wrote.

And that's about it.

We all have different reactions when it comes to the same joke. I write alone and when I laugh (like I did when I broke down the "how to make an entrance" bit), I wish everybody else will laugh too. Sometimes I get it and sometimes not. But this story is being written by professionals, and several of them I am sure, so, when someone writes something that doesn't fit, why the rest of the people go along like it is good? When you have a team, they should be making sure that the end product is if not flawless, at least decent. Anyway, regarding the Lala with seeds line of yogurts, maybe it is so you can grow a chia pet inside you, so they can come up later with yet another product to feed that pet.

I wonder what would happen if esperanza eats some of that since she doesn't have a stomach?
Better yet, whats the point of eating anything at all if everything goes straight from point A to point C skipping the best part where the food gets processed and absorbed?
For that, I better just look at food and imagine I am eating it, LOL!!

Pablo, this was filled with your signature wit and wisdom.

"red tortilla warmer" had me smiling and "Deductions and conjectures flow" was my favorite of many lines.

My happiest memory of last night was Ernesto walking into the church and not bursting into flames! His sincerity and prayers MUST be enough to atone for all of his atrocities, correct? ;)

I do have to admit Ricardo looked gobsmacked when he saw Espe. At last they will have the opportunity to sit and discuss everything, all cards (hopefully) on the table.

I'm not surprised Anastasia is having doubts about the baby's paternity. I do think it is Luca's child but who knows!

Paulo is everything that seems to embody a bully isn't he Jarifa? He deserves a nice, hard anvil...

My head is still spinning thinking of everything that occurred.

I am going to miss tonight's show - the last one I had the chance to view in "real time" before the move to afternoons.

Thank you so much Pablo.



CVV seems to know a lot more about cancer after her father died of it, than Esperanza, whose mother had it too. Esperanza acts like a rookie and I just want to know how old was she when her mother died and/or if her mother also excluded her from her illness and went to die alone up to the Narayama mountain to not make her daughter suffer "needlessly".

Don't you think that the logic thing here is that if her mother died of cancer, she should know better and have at least some common sense regarding the illness?

Diana, who knows? Maybe Anastasia will do a turnaround for the love of Luquita. Ernesto's prayers at the church were touching because he knows exactly who he is and he was praying for Esperanza again with no expectation of gain for himself.

Nayarama? Very funny, Pablo.

Someone here knows more than me about it, but Esperanza at least should be saying, oh, I remember my mother doing this or that, or better yet, how do you think Pato will refer to this in the future?

It seems like if a family member up is not physically present, these people have no family history except for the oversized photo in the living room. No stories, no nada.

Pablo lively recap, I meant to say "Lovely", but that works too. Espy made her grand "I got cancer"courageous entrance.
And ricky went into his "Im catching flies" reaction, the whole time the meeting was in session. And poor cris with the pingpong game going with her eyes. From ricky to espy back and forth. 25 more episodes to go, this Is going to be good.

When I saw ernesto in church, I thought this could he his "come to Jesus" moment, and he prayed for espy which I think is Good, prayer helps. But he ask nothing for himself. Ok. Is he still planning to have kracy offed? Im almost not caring anymore, but......whatever. Im in "whatever happens from one episode to the next" mode.

That temp reading is a European, I had to think about that when I first saw it. So 40° is.....over 100°? And 36.5 is 98.6? Im guessing, I don't know for sure. Whatever, shes healthy yaaaaah!!!!

Maggie is going to get sick of her mustashi and take some hair clippers to it if he gets anymore sickening than he
Already is.

This conversation is going to be interesting between espy n ricky. How is she going to explain why in a way that will make him understand the hell she put through on their WEDDING DAY!!!!!! Like said really interesting.

Thanks pablo.

Thank you very much Pablo!

Thank you, Pablo! Very funny. I love your comment about the teaching, with the Waldorf method of making apple salad. Would be more wholesome than anything this school has served up so far! As far as I can tell, they are providing neither education nor a safe nurturing environment. The kids are probably getting stupider with every minute they waste in this prestigious institution. Especially Pato. Isn't she on the verge of graduation, and was the top student before she quit bothering with school? How does she not grasp middle school math?

Also thank you Jarifa for the excellent recap yesterday. I liked your point about Esperanza deceiving Ricardo. Maybe on some subconscious level, she is getting revenge on him for abandoning her, leaving her to think that he didn't love her or couldn't be bothered to contact her or else surely he must be dead, when really he was off working his way up in the world and marrying someone else and having children and doing just fine. Oh, yeah, Ricardo? Well now you can find out how it feels!

And also maybe somewhere on a level where she doesn't have to face it directly, she also wanted to dump him before he could do something like that again. She may love him, but I think she's right not to trust him. Maybe she suspected he'd be a real pain in the patoot to have around while she's ailing.

CVV is an idiot. Is the audience supposed to like her?



México reads the temperature in Celsius, so the normal is always under 40°C.

I forgot to add the letter "C".

I have an idea for the next Osorio novela and I would like it to be a sequel of this one.

Imagine Patolucas getting married and then for some reason becoming "the Roses" and despite getting into a very nasty divorce they still have to see each other after that because they are also brother and sister.

There is no temperature scale in which it makes sense to call Ricardolt for medical advice!

Patoluca divorced and still having to see each other at family gatherings, Adrian having to live with his assaulter/stepsister/child's mother...this is one screwed-up family. Estrella and Kiko and Erasmo should run far and that Kiko can walk again! Oh heavens, can you imagine if Estrella ended up with Adrian and Kiko with Salma and Erasmo with Pato? That is one tangled wreath of a family tree. Pedro would just have to get back with Kristel and Ernesto and Espe married and all the loose ends would be tied! The next generation would be like triple cousins or something; I can't even do the figuring.

Now that's a TN I would watch! How do you say "Keeping It In The Family" in Spanish?

Diana, if you have no possibility of watching the show after the time move to 3pm but would like to continue watching (to be in on the joke! What else, eh?), then please send me an email.

"Todo queda en familia"

Does anybody knows how AMOR DE BARRIO is doing? Maybe Univisión wants to carry audience to that time so they watch the two novelas back to back. I watch HOY, but immediately after that I go to youtube to spend some time or turn it off until 4, then again I don't watch anything until 6 but since this is changing, I will only have 12, 2 and 4 as my watching hours.

Or we could the novela of in-breeding and entangled parentage "Los Primos Peligrosos", in honor of that fictitious French movie "Les Cousins Dangereux" ("The Dangerous Cousins") that George Michael Bluth from "Arrested Development" kept trying to take his cousin to, because he had a major crush on her. :D

For those of you unfamiliar with "Arrested Development", I highly recommend it! "Dangrous Cousins" is the first running gag in this video:

*Or we could name the novela

Pablo, I have no idea how Amor de Barrio is doing ratings-wise. All I know is that Loonyvision is going through a ratings crisis and I can't blame viewers when the network keeps jerking them around, chopping up the shows, cancelling and/or changing the shows without prior notice, running double-episodes to turn leisurely TN viewing into a chore... Way to run a network, bozos!

The name of the novela escapes me, but it was show on sundays and Rebeca Jones also had cancer. Univisión suspended it twice and showed something else instead for months and then it continued and so.
The excuse they have is ''because you asked for''. Meaning that they are doing what they do because is in our best interest. I wish they would ask me, or better yet, I wish I knew "who asked them" so I could hit that person with a beisbol bat for messing everything for the rest of us.

Someone here said that she writes to Univisión to complain, well, make sure you are not the one asking for those changes, or we will take revenge Silvana style, blowing blue smoke on you or making your fountain pen explode in your face!

Nandicta, excellent comment about double episodes. It ends up being just too much no matter how much you like the story.


Loonyvision treats its viewers with contempt and condescension, hence the "I know what's best for you" attitude. That's why they decided that TVA was so irresistible that it MUST be broadcast as double episodes on its first week and they took off Yago for a whole week in the process. This move was so dumb because:

1) The people mad about Yago decided not to watch, partly because they're indignant at the way Uni disrespected them and partly because they are not ready to commit to a novela when they don't know whether the show will stand behind it or not.

2) Those like me who had seen the original and were skeptical about TVA were not prepared to watch 2 hours of something they think it was a mistake to remake in the first place. As much as I love Carla Estrada's work and I enjoyed Lucero's work in "Lazos de Amor" that show was slow as heck! I wasn't interested in watching TVA after some of the casting choices and plot changes announced but I would've tuned in for the first 2 or 3 episodes, if only out of curiosity. However, when I saw Uni proudly advertize A week of double-bill episodes, I was like: No way, no how!

3) People who had not seen the original and were excited about TVA saw their enthusiasm wane because two hours of anything day after day is overkill.

Loonyvision does not stand behind the programs it shows. I'm no professional but even I could do better than the capricious teenagers running programming at this network. If I were in charge, I would've put the last episodes of El Hotel de Los Secretos at 9pm after PyP's finale and premiered Yago at 10 pm, which is the natural timeslot for the theme and visual style of that series. It would've been in keeping with Uni's announced but seldom pursued goal of making 10pm/9c the timeslot for sophisticated, fast-paced series that attract a bigger male audience and younger viewers. I would've moved SdA to afternoons back in May, because by then 45 episodes had already aired and the novela wasn't capturing an audience. I would've put Camino in its original 7pm slot (it should've never been changed from there), premiered Por Siempre Joan Sebastian at 8 pm to give an excellent lead-in to both TVA at 9pm and Yago at 10pm. No double episodes, no messing about, no going back and forth, no censure and prudish editing, no infuriating viewers with so much preemption and indecision. Provide consistency, stand behind the programs you show, promote them heavily and appropriately (asking that shows hav Twitter and Facebook account before they premiere) and provide avances semanales that give the viewer a taste of what would go on over the whole next week and not just the next episode.

*they are not ready to commit to a novela when they don't know whether the network will stand behind it or not.

Another gripe: the network should make sure that all of their episodes are up OnDemand the next morning on the cable services so if you happened to miss an episode you can catch up and actually stay interested and stay watching! Novel idea that a viewer would like to be able to catch one missed episode before catching the new one that night?!!! Uni is usually very good doing this for the first week or two, then it is lots of luck uf you are actually interested in watching.

I cannot possibly believe that jacking with the schedule all the time manages to capture new viewers, it just drives away the ones who were already watching. And double episodes are super annoying. It's too much. Most people want a bit of their show every night after work, not a supersize portion that would take most of the evening; that just makes you decide you don't have that much time so why watch at all.

And then when they move shows from evening to afternoon, they're probably mostly keeping only the viewers who have dvrs and other words, the ones who are going to skip the advertisements. Smooth move!

Nandicta, thank you very much for thinking of me.

I think my only option is to watch On Demand (I have Comcast). Unfortunately, I believe the episodes are behind 3 to 4 days. If only (as Jarifa noted), the episodes were "current", I wouldn't feel badly about being a day behind. I will have to see how this goes next week.

Obviously part of the fun is to comment "real time" and laugh, cry and/or jeer at what transpires...but, I will have to live vicariously through the generous recappers and commenters for the duration.


Julia, you are right. Moving a show just infuriates its viewers and makes it more likely that people won't tune in for new shows for fear that they'll be jerked around again. To be fair, regardless of how much ratings a show manages to capture, the network must stand behind it. Moving SdA to th afternoons is especially stoopid considering that the show is nearly over and the replacement is "La Rosa de Guadalupe"!

Diana, I'm glad you are able to continue watching, even if it is deferred viewing!

A little heads-up, amigowz: I have unexpected guests and haven't watched Friday's episode yet but I'll have a recap ready for you by 7 pm EDT at the latest. Sorry about that.

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