Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #79. Tuesday July 5, 2016. And Now Wee Boys & Girls, Prepare Your Innocent Eyes For A Playful Session Of Torture!

Thank goodness this is a family show! Can you otherwise imagine the level of gratuitous violence and voyeuristic sadism?

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot. 

One of Óscar’s thugs clocks Ricardo on the back of the head with a pistol butt and knocks him out. Ricardo comes to three seconds later and manages to defeat the baddies. Instead of getting his bleeding head wound looked at, Ricardo follows the fleeing thugs to a warehouse, turns off his cellphone after calling Cristina and asking her to take care of his kids, then goes in alone without calling back-up. Logic, common sense and self-preservation collectively committed suicide after this! 

Kiko is getting to the hardest part of his physiotherapy. Thankfully, his Salma Hayek is around to keep his spirits up. 

The Alegría kids and definitely-not-6-year-old Abril are becoming the best of friends. Rodrigo tells her the tale of “El dragón llorón”, which Ricardo invented a million years ago when this trainwreck was still remotely interesting. The weeping dragon cried because he didn’t have friends but his crying made him breathe fire so he couldn’t make new friends, because everyone was scared to get close to him. Juaréver. Selena tries to get traumatized Abril to talk to her through their dolls and, what do you know, it works instantly! Step aside, Dr. Mireya and side pony! There’s a new child psychiatrist in town! 

Poor Esperanza is still pretty groggy from her operation because she finds Pato’s whinging over Luca utterly charming. 

Luca tries to juggle a bazillion phone calls and emails in the hospital waiting room. Pato tells him to just go to the office and attend to his duties. It’s surprising that no member of the hospital staff noticed that a loud and jittery man is yelling into two cellphones, let alone ordered him to gather up his things and bugger off. 

Since coming back from the dead, all Kracy does is lounge about in sexy lingerie and paint her nails. Anastasia forbids her from using the old La Sombra incident to get back at Ernesto. Pato and Luca can’t find out that Ernesto faked his heroic act that night or else Anastasia might find herself in some grotty motel with a bullet between the eyes. Kracy promises to play nice. 

Ernesto asks Esperanza how she would feel if Ricardo finds another love interest and shacks up with her? Of course, finding a special woman does not happen overnight, adds Ernesto. If you only knew! Tricky Ricky is already grooming his next victim! Esperanza says her heart would break for sure but she would have accomplished her goal: to see Ricardo happy. Ernesto asks the actual question he was dying to get to: “And not even in that case would you and I have an opportunity?” Esperanza blinks uncomfortably then looks away. Friendzoned for life. 

Rodrigo tells Cristina the name of the agency where Ricardo used to work as a super duper agent. She calls Baxter all panicked and starts yelling at him. Maybe Cristina and Ricardo are a match made in juaréver, after all. 

Margarita informs the younger Gallos that Cristina will give them a scholarship to study at Instituto Palacios. Estrella doesn’t feel she and Kiko belong to that environment of rich kids: “They’ll look down on us (nos van a hacer el fuchi)!” It appears that the Musturd School for the Emotionally Stunted, otherwise known as Colegio Vasconcelos, has been scrapped from Sueñolandia forever. The budget for the set, uniforms and actors went towards paying Marjorie de Sousa’s paycheck, as did the salaries of Iker, La Sombra, Homero, the Three Stooges, Amira the deaf-mute neighbor and Gonzalo Santillana. 

Luca gives Mario a bonus (bono). 

Esperanza leaves the intensive care unit. Ernesto thanks Dr. Medrano, who gives him a look that screams: “Stay away from me, nutjob!”. Esperanza moves to a regular room and jokes that the silver lining of all this is that she will never experience a tummy ache ever again. She asks Pato and Luca to quit being spoiled crybabies and reconcile already. She also orders Pedro to go home and get some rest. 

Óscar tortures Ricardo who won’t shut his cake-hole and keeps provoking a crazed guy who holds electric rods. Unfortunately, Baxter and Co arrive in the nick of time to save that vat of vapid air and mind-numbing stoopidity called Ricardo Alegría. Baxter located his dumb behind thanks to the GPS chip that the agency kept on his vehicle. The released Ricardo slaps Óscar around. Óscar cries and begs for forgiveness. This is so lamesville, I can’t! Poor Marco Méndez must’ve needed the money real bad! 

Salma goes for an ultrasound. She is 2 and a half months pregnant, if anybody cares. Margarita and Silvana are there too. Margarita is talking about the miracle of life and Silvana is pretending to care. I just know they’re gonna try to bully this kid into raising the kid they bullied her into having. 

Mario gives Margarita part of the money he owes her for financially supporting him and his brats during several weeks. He also makes an announcement: He’s going to ask Viviana to marry him. Snivelly Kristel, who would die if the spotlight leaves her for a minute, puts on her trademark sourpuss face and announces that she can’t be at her father’s wedding because she has decided to move to Barcelona. Goodbye and good riddance! 

Ernesto keeps Esperanza company. She says she must look terrible. He says he always sees her as the most gorgeous woman on earth. His biggest dream is that Esperanza would change her opinion about him. He wishes she would one day realize who he truly is (a thug), how intense his love for her is (insane) and what he is capable of doing for her sake (murder). Ernesto is convinced they will end up together and live happily ever after. Esperanza thanks him for loving her. Friendzoned for life. 

Meanwhile, Tricky Ricky is back home. Grateful Cristina hugs him. They suck face. Blurgh! Pox on you for forgetting your one-true-love so quickly!

A quote from the capítulo   

“Vamos a intentar un pequeño negocio familiar, a ver si es chicle y pega.”* 

*Estrella explains to Margarita the rationale behind making and selling lemonade in their neighborhood: “We’ll try [to set] a little family business and see if it works.”

Your viewing vocabulario  
(these definitions are context-specific, unless otherwise indicated)  

hacer el fuchi a algo o alguien = to reject, to look down on something or someone. 
bono = a bonus. 
A ver si es chicle y pega = Lit. “Let’s see if it’s chewing gum and it sticks”, meaning: Let’s see if it works. 

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Hey Amigowz! Happy belated birthday, Estados Unidos! Hope you all enjoyed your national holiday!

Many thanks to Pablo and Adriana for their excellent recaps of Thursday's and Friday's episodes, respectively. I laughed my head off and I really needed it too!

As much as I dislike and despise this show, I can't help but wonder what I would do with my life when it's over. I shake my head at its stoopidity when I watch it, I giggle nonstop as I recap it and I laugh out loud when I read the recaps and comments of my fellow Patio Pals. That's a whole lot of comedy that'll go missing from my life once this trainwreck ends, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

I look forward to reading your impressions of the episode. As always, a heartfelt thank you for brightening my days! You're the best!

Good day to all! :)

Nandicta, your caption " Thank goodness this is a family show. Can you otherwise imagine the level of gratuitous violence and voyeuristic sadism?" said it all. Perfection: "I just know they're gonna try to bully this kid into raising the kid they bullied her into having." There was so much that was just so very distasteful. Yes, there should be a pox on Ricardo for forgetting his ". . . his one- true-love so quickly." Thanks for taking one for the team, Nandicta. Your recap was excellent.

How many shows remain?

I forgot to thank Nandicta for the recap. I. No longer have Dish, so I have to watch on Hulu with no English captions. So I rely on these English recaps. !Gracias!

Nandicta, this was fantastic.

Every word gave me reason to smile.

"Logic, common sense and self-preservation collectively committed suicide after this!" and "Unfortunately, Baxter and Co arrive in the nick of time to save that vat of vapid air and mind-numbing stoopidity called Ricardo Alegría" were among many favorites.

To be honest, I cannot watch any form of torture. So, when I saw Ricardo hanging by the meat hook, I automatically reached for the remote. But then, something strange happened. It was so transparently clear that this was nowhere near real, I continued to watch. Marco's madman was so over the top (still love the actor) and while Ricardo was sweating profusely, his still perfect skin mirrored no effects of the "wand" whatsoever. that said, I would never, ever have let my children watch that though (if I had children, which I don't)...

And perhaps it's me but Cris seems to have very little charisma and while very pretty, lacks personality. I would like to fault Ricardo but really, Esperanza washed him and hung him out to dry. In a world where many remarry less than a year after the death of their spouse (no judgment), people do find a way to carry on. I don't think I could after losing the supposed love of my life, but that is just me.

Espe is definitely softening toward Ernesto. And until recently, I would have been thrilled. Now I'm just sad because she has lost Ricardo (her fault) and the second runner up is a murderer. Add all the pain and suffering and she is the true loser here (among many, albeit unintentionally)...

"there was so much that was just distasteful". Well put Jarifa.

Pedro seems to be weakening. Will he stop Kristel before she leaves or will they jet off together never to be seen again? Hope springs eternal. :)

thank you Nandicta. this was fab...


Diana, I would love for Pedro with his man bun to jet off with mopey Kristel "never to be seen again.

Thanks for the great recap.

I also worry thinking what will I do for fun after SdA. I have my blog, but sharing the fun with the patio is way funnier than doing it alone!

I also have some notes.

Since villains have no ethics, I see as not necessary to cross your fingers when you swear you won't do something you know you will.

Oscar made me cringe. I know that Ricardo didn't die in chapter 20 and just won't die during the whole thing, but if you want to kill him, why toy with him? A bullet in the back of the head when he was entering would have been enough. Period, end of the story. But no, he had to hang him and then torture his shirt (the clamps were always clipping the shirt). And that's not the worst.
Why make him cry like a girl when he was about to be taken? What's wrong with being tough all the way and defiant and vengeful and upset and mad and crazy? I would have liked the scene more if Oscar was not such a p**sy and stand up to the enemy with fury until the very end. The same happened with Aranza's rapist, I am sure most men who abuse women do it because they feel stronger in front of the defenseless, but, couldn't they be as aggressive as they are with women also with other men?

Then Espe, who can not laugh or she'll break the stitches, keeps making bad jokes, LOL! Of course they have to be bad, otherwise she could die and we all know that's not going to happen!

Nandicta, Pablo, who knows? This might be followed by another recapping worthy venture for whatever reason that might be.

Nandicta: Is the gray-haired guy the same person, who was previously on "Pasion y Poder" as Arturo Montenegro's BFF ?

Hi again, beautiful peeps! Thanks for popping in to join the fun!

Jarifa, you're right that there were heaps of distasteful things in this episode. It makes one wonder how this stuff ever got okayed!

"I would love for Pedro with his man bun to jet off with mopey Kristel never to be seen again." Hahaha! I'm giving him one last chance but if he pleads with Kristel to stay, he is dead to me!

Gobluefan, I'm sorry you can't get English captions to watch your episodes. The team of SdA recappers tries to make the recaps as detailed as possible (except on Tuesdays where a summary is provided). However, if you have doubts or questions about any particular scene or dialogue, please do not hesitate to ask. We're more than happy to help!

As regards your question about the length of this show, my guess is as good as yours. The only indication we have is Televisa's latest guidelines that its new novelas must not exceed 6 months, i.e. 120 episodes; though PyP and AMQL exceeded that by a good 15 to 17 episodes. Cris de la Fuente said in a radio interview that SdA will end in Mexico by mid-August (if I remember correctly), but he added that he is not a 100% sure.


Diana, it's like you're reading my mind! I agree with everything you said, especially your view on Cristina. I fail to see the lure, the charm, the spark and the personality. Yes the lady is very pretty but pretty is as pretty does. Besides, you mentioned on an earlier thread that she is too concerned with looking perfect at all times. Your remark jogged my memory as to who Marjorie de Sousa's "acting" reminded me of: Blanca Soto, that's who! I did a very quick Foogle search and my sospechas were confirmed: Marjorie is an ex-beauty queen, just like Blanca Soto. Except that Blanca's wooden acting in PEAM seems like a step-up from Marjorie's, or maybe it just seems that way because Soto had Colunga and De Sousa has De la Fuente. Oh well.

We share the same views on one-true-loves. I wouldn't have judged Ricardo had Espe passed away and he moved on half a year or a year later (even though it would personally take me a lot longer to forget the love of my life). Salma is 2 and a half months pregnant and Espe asked for a leave of absence of two weeks only a week or two after she received her diagnosis. These elements indicate that Espe broke up with Ric under very suspicious circumstances, which screamed duress, only a month to 6 weeks ago, tops! And the dude has already moved on to his next prey. Tsk tsk tsk! Tofie said it best, many weeks ago, at the beginning of the show: Tricky Ricky doesn't love Esperanza. He is merely looking for a babysitter/mother for his children. I agree that Espe's self-sacrifice baloney is dumb but I believe that deep down, she has this unspoken fear/certainty that Ric would dump her like yesterday's trash if she is no longer able to take care of his current kids and bear his future ones. Perhaps this is why, on a subconscious level, she prefers to tell herself that she is making a noble sacrifice for the love of her life, as opposed to facing the ugly truth that the man she wasted years of her life yearning for is nothing but a colossal douche.

Pablo, once again, you took the words right out of my mouth. The sudden and inexplicable whimpering of Óscar was too lame to even address. Also, why toy with Ric and "torture his shirt" (Hahaha! Good one!) when you can just bust a cap in him, plain and simple? As the late Eli Wallach says in his iconic role as Tuco in "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly": "When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk."

Steve, you are right! That's the same actor who played Agustín, Arturo Montenegro's BFF, business partner, lawyer, confidant, shrink and confessor! :D

If I remember correctly, I read somewhere that "Tres veces Ana" would be replacing "Sueño de amor" 8/22 in México which means that by the end of September we will be done here.

Thanks for the info, Jarifa! I'll look this up when I have a moment. I thought TVA was going to air on the horario estelar of Mexico's Canal de las Estrellas, which is 9:30 pm. SdA is currently airing during comedy/family hour, which is 8:30 pm.

Jarifa: In other words, "Tres Veces Ana" will be moved up to 6:00pm CST.


Nandicta, thank you for this hilariously funny recap/summery. You indeed know how to tickle the funny bone. Now that
Torture was corny. I think the actors laughed at the shear silliness of it. Marco was just plain silly stupid. And christian
Wasn't very convincing with the yelling. He did look pretty worn out when he got back to the apartment and Christine fell into his arms and then they did that french kissing thingy. And as for him forgetting espy, well she did dumb him
In a most cruel and heartless way. Even tho her heart wasn't in it, she made him think it was. And it worked. the man is just trying to move on, and anyway they'll end up back together again even though I prefer to see him as Christine.

Now oscar, what a wimp. Really? I thought he was so tuff. Im glad thats over. Maybe they can put christine with baxter
Since they're are set on ricky & espy.

Now wstch after kistel is gone pedro walks around with a long dog face " my love is gone", O boohoo, get over it.


I have no idea when shows are on in Mexico. As I said, this is just what I thought I read somewhere. I was only interested in what the end date might be for this one.

Thank you, Nandicta! I like your analysis of Esperanza and why she's really avoiding Ricky. Oh, for a galán worth of the title! Ricardo is useless. He does, however, remind me of a fun idiom I learned on Una Famila Con Suerte: "hacer caravanas con sombrero ajeno". Loosely translated, Ricardo is leading the parade and playing the Grand Marshall but we know he stole the hat and he actually belongs on the tail end scooping up the dung!

Has Ernesto, like, wondered why none of Kracy's family and other associates seem to have been informed of her death? Why it isn't the talk of the neighborhood?

Has it really been only 2 and a half months in show time since Salma raped Adrian? My, how time doesn't fly. I can totally see her oblivious family bullying her into raising that child. I hope she stands her ground and puts the baby up for adoption. I think it would be the best thing. And I don't mean someone else in her family adopting, because I think they'd be forever making an issue of her mistakes and how she's relating to the kid or not and I don't think an innocent child should be in the middle of that.

It makes sense.

THis TN started in México on february 22nd and they have shown 97 episodes so far. If there's around 20 per month, it's probably that ends before september. It has to! Please God!

Of course nobody talks about the risks to herself caused by such a young teenager getting pregnant or about the risks her age places the the developing fetus in. Guess those would not be politically correct in the given situation. I will call it the "one way or the highway PSA".

Thank you, Nandicta, your brief recaps are better than what I can come up with after hours of struggle and head rolling at these idiots.
Loved your take on Ernie's love / obsession. I love the actor in this part, but I feel that the character is starting to shift into creepy territory. I'm still waiting to see what he plans to do with Pedro.

Do you guys remember when Esperanza was kidnapped at the beginning of the show and we thought that scene was silly? Well, we should have known better, since this time around the whole "prota in danger" was totally ridiculous and unbelievable.
Ernesto being friendzoned for life - I have a different take on this - I think that Espe is starting to see him in a different light ever since she woke up in the hospital and she thanked him for always being there for her.
Diana, I totally agree with your take on our 4 main characters. Ricardo was never given the chance to show that his love was strong enough - I don't think that he only wanted Espe as a substitute mother, but being dumped like that on your wedding day kind of makes you wanna move on as fast as possible. Cristina is just blah, Marjorie is a sex bomb and when asked to play this kind of part, she shines; playing a goody goody in sensible clothes (even if two numbers two small), just feels ... flat.
I think Espe is starting to see Ernie with different eyes ever since she woke up from her surgery. You put it very well when you say that she lost the so called "prize" and the runner-up is a murderer.

I have a different take on Salma's situation. I don't think she should have had an abortion, this would have been an easy way out for a situation that she caused herself and didn't show any remorse for. I think adoption is the best solution in her case, but, yeah, hopefully the adoptive parents come from outside her immediate family. She needs to learn her lesson and move on, not be reminded every day that she was once 14 and very stupid.

So only two and a half months passed since Salma got Adrian drunk and naked? So this must make the whole story about three and a half, maybe four months old? Maybe everything is over before Salma's baby moves for the first time. One can only hope... they actually want us to believe that when we first saw Anastasia being panned from top to bottom by the camera so we could enjoy her snakey (more like a earthworm) body her baby was three days old? When did she do all that travelling back and forth giving birth in "Italy" then coming back to see her mother and leaving the baby with her, then going back to "Italy" and then coming back again after being summoned by Viviana? Puhleeeeze!

Thanks Nina,Julia and Adriana, for joining the conversation. Much appreciated.

Nina, I agree that Esperanza's whole plan of self-sacrificing for my love is just plain stoopid and unjustifiable. It is also badly thought and executed, so the ex-super duper agent should have followed his suspicions and investigated the matter further, especially if he worried that Ernesto coerced Esperanza into cancelling the wedding and her safety might be compromised. Just simple police work would have showed him that there were too many visits to the doctor in a very short space of time. Ricardo preferred to throw the towel instead. Of course, all these incongruities are due to the terrible writing. We are actually trying to rationalize something that nver made sense, almost from the very beginning. Espe's motivations, Ric's motivations, Ernesto's motivations, Kracy's motivations, etc, etc. Nothing makes sense and many actions are contradictory and out-of-character. Oh well.

When we said Óscar was a wimp, we meant at the very end. There was no need to show him whimpering and begging forgiveness. A self-respected baddie is bada$$ to the bitter end! :D

Julia, thanks for sharing that fun dicho. Ric is parading with a stolen hat also when it comes to taking credit for all of Baxter's hard work! Grrrrr! Also, thank you for mentioning what has been driving nuts for several episodes and I always forget to mention it here: How come nobody learnt of Kracy's death? Why isn't Ernesto suspicious that neither Kracy's next-of-kin nor anybody else has been notified of her gruesome murder? Why isn't he freaked out that the newspaper's pic matches Murillo's perfectly? Ernesto is a dumb villain.


Jarifa, my comment about the time that novelas air in Mexico made more sense in my head! Sorry, I didn't mean to doubt what you said, I was just relishing that the much-touted TVA that Boyer's fans didn't shut up about, is not getting to be broadcast in the horario estelar, the primetime hour of 9:30pm. Excellent shows like EHDLS and pretty good shows like PyP were being denigrated by fans of TVA who would say things like: "Wait till the queen of ratings arrives and saves the horario estelar with TVA". "These shows are so lame, TVA will break all audience records!" bla bla bla. TVA didn't break any records and winds up taking the place that it deserves: a stretched out and overhyped version of "Lazos of Amor". Angelli Nesma is butchering yet another one of Carla Estrada's classics.

"the one way or the highway PSA" Hahahaha! Good one!

Adriana, I remember reading Friday's recap and wondering how you managed to come up with all those great zingers! It's great that every recapper and commenter picks up on different details and has their own brand of snark. This enhances our collective enjoyment of this patio! The show not so much. As you rightly pointed out, who would've thought that the quality of the "prota in danger" moments would go downhill like this!

I too enjoy Mr. Gil in this role but what a waste of talent in an Osorio trainwreck. Ernesto was ruined beyond hope when he started endangering innocent children and helping a psycho murderer.

Your take on Salma is interesting. Personally, I didn't have a preference either way when it comes to Salma's choices with regards to her pregnancy. My biggest gripe is that she was never actually given a choice. Her family never allowed her to make an informed decision they just bullied her into having the baby.

Pablo: Your observations about Anastasia and the timeline of Baby Luca's birth are spot on! Another set of serious inconsistencies is added to Anastasia already confused backstory!

Have a great day, amigowz! :)


Amigowz, Jarifa's recap for Wednesday's episode has been up since 5:45 pm last night but it was camouflaged by other entries on the main blog page. I just saw a little while ago. Catch ya on the new discussion thread! ¡Hasta luego!

Nandicta, the info about "Tres veces Ana" could be wrong as I was only interested in when our little gem might be taking its final bow and I could not even remember where or when I read it. No offense was taken at your wondering about the situation. My follow up post was just to clarify what had been my focus. Personally, I cannot see Tres Veces Ana being anywhere but at their showcase time with that cast and that budget! LOL

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