Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #92. Monday July 25, 2016. These People!

Hello Patio Pals! I'm experiencing connectivity problems at home. I only have 5 hours at an internet café to watch three episodes and summarize two; so this is going to be short and sweet. 

This is Esperanza. Esperanza doesn’t want to cause problems between Ricardo and Cristina but her cancer revelation put a monkey wrench in their shacking-up plans anyway. Esperanza tries to remedy the situation by telling Ricardo that she no longer loves him, that she wants him to be happy with somebody else and that she is now dating Ernesto. Esperanza has a martyr complex. Don’t be like Esperanza. 

This is Ricardo. Ricardo laments that his nascent romance is starting to fizzle out just as things were getting peachy peach cobbler with the new squeeze. Ricardo admits he is very confundido and he doesn’t know whether he loves Esperanza or not. Ricardo is sure of two things though: That he must be there to support Esperanza and that he loves Cristina Vélez Valderrama. Ricardo's primary concern is to find out the answer to this burning question: Was Esperanza, or was she not, in love with him when she dumped him after receiving the news she has cancer? Ricardo asks Cristina Vélez Valderrama to take him back because he loves her, he wants to be with her and it’s not his fault that Esperanza got cancer then lied to him about it. Ricardo is a self-absorbed poopyface. Don’t be like Ricardo. 

This is Cristina Vélez Valderrama. Cristina Vélez Valderrama assures Esperanza that Instituto Palacios supports her wholeheartedly in her health crisis. Cristina Vélez Valderrama spies on a private conversation between Ricardo and Esperanza. Cristina Vélez Valderrama ignores the huge red flag that Ricardo has forgotten the love of his life with vertiginous speed. Cristina Vélez Valderrama is too pretty to be this desperate. Don’t be like Cristina Vélez Valderrama. 

This is Margarita. Margarita has fully thrust herself into the Esperanza-Ricardo-Cristina triangle of love, lies and disloyalty, giving unsolicited advice and telling every side what they want to hear. Margarita gets as much screen-time as the protagonists. Margarita is a runteldat and a phony whose constant drooling over younger men is cringe-worthy. Don’t be like Margarita. 

This is Ernesto. Ernesto stands by his son Adrián despite the fight he got into at school. Ernesto says he won’t allow Ricardo to get close to Esperanza. Ernesto is too hubba-hubba-hot to revert back to his baddie ways. Don’t be like Ernesto. Or be like him and send me your phone number. (This is obviously a joke. Don’t be sending me nothing!) 

This is Kracy. Kracy asks Dionisio to bring her a cage the size of a gorilla because she will be getting a gorilla soon. Kracy thought-bubbles that she has plans for Adrián, as revenge on Ernesto. Kracy done lost her mind. Don’t be like Kracy. 

This is Anastasia. Anastasia assures Luca that she asked him to redo Baby Luca’s DNA test because she is trying to change for the better. Anastasia tells Luca she wishes her baby has his genes because he is the “kindest person she knows”. Anastasia decides to stop blackmailing Ernesto over his La Sombra stunt and she tells the trigger-happy lunatic living in her house about it. Anastasia went from pathetic villana to pathetic brown-nose. Don’t be like Anastasia. 

This is Erasmo. Erasmo did not show up in this episode but we all know what he is up to. Erasmo is too horny for his own good. Don’t be like Erasmo. 

This is Pato. Pato is nervous about her first time having sexy time and she is afraid Luca will ditch her if she is not as good in bed as Anastasia. Pato failed nearly all her classes this semester. Pato is well aware that her academic underperformance is worrying her gravely-ill mother but, instead of redoubling her efforts to do better, she concentrates all her attention on how to do Luca. Pato has a skewed sense of priorities. Don’t be like Pato. (Except when she bitchslapped Silvana for cruelly mocking her mom’s cancer. That was bada$$. Always be a bada$$.) 

This is Silvana. Silvana thinks, that after her stint in jail for embezzling funds from Instituto Palacios, they would hire her back as directora. Silvana antagonizes everybody on her first day working as janitor. Silvana plans on selling Salma’s baby. Silvana is the dumbest wannabe criminal there is. Don’t be like Silvana. 

This is Félix. Félix puts up with Silvana’s verbal abuse when he has the power to fire her from Instituto Palacios and he knows what a toxic influence she is on Salma and the other pupils. Félix lets Silvana get away with bullying Esperanza and mocking her for losing her hair to cancer. Félix does not have pantalones. Don’t be like Félix. 

This is Aranza. Aranza firmly grabs Silvana and threatens to stick her head down the toilet if she doesn’t stop being so cruel and insulting to Esperanza. Aranza has pantalones. Be like Aranza. 

This is Andrés. Andrés is Ricardo’s nanny but, inexplicably, he also happens to be a policeman. Andrés wasn't in this episode but we learn that he and his wife might get Salma’s baby through Ricardo’s intervention with Margarita. Andrés would be a fool to trust Ricardo. Don’t be like Andrés.

This is Isaac Rey. Isaac Rey speaks like a robot and sires demonic spawns. Isaac Rey threatens Cristina Vélez Valderrama for suspending that giant carbuncle he calls a son. Isaac Rey is a prime example of why certain people ought to be tested before being allowed to pump out new monsters into this already messed-up world. Don’t be like Isaac Rey. 

This is Viviana. Viviana is the last person in Sueñolandia to learn that Esperanza has cancer. Viviana is clueless. Don’t be like Viviana. 

A quote from the capítulo        

“Lo que no entiendo es, si ustedes se amaban y si Esperanza puede morirse pronto, ¿por qué no estás con ella? ¿Por qué no están juntos?”* 

*Cristina Vélez Valderrama asks Ricardo a very important question but fails to see the huge red flags that his answer raises: “What I don’t understand is, if you two were in love and if Esperanza might die soon, why aren’t you with her? Why aren’t you together?” 

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Sorry about this, amigowz! Hopefully, I can get the problem fixed tomorrow and provide a more comprehensive recap for Tuesday’s episode. Cheers.


No worries, Nandicta. This a is comprehensive recap. Thanks for it and going above and beyond with an internet connectivity issue.

Nandicta, I enjoyed the "don't be like" "be like" theme and organization. You sure are right about Aranza! I enjoyed the toilet bowl threat.

Might there be a problem with Salma's pregnancy on the horizon?? Salma complained about abdominal pain. Margarita told her to go see the doctor. She was too busy with school stuff. There never is extraneous dialogue . , , is there?

I am having a hard time with the new schedule. I just had to remind myself I already saw Tuesday's episode.


This is Juan Osorio. There's been a long time since I lost my skills as a producer but for some reason, I haven't been fired despite the horrendous products I make, don't be like me!!

Thanks Nandicta for a very enjoyable recap.

Today I missed half an episode (luckily, it is the half where they repeat the second half from yesterday so we get the "jokes"), but this one I saw it in its entirety thanks to Jarifa, who reminded me about the time change.

So Pato had to "machetear" (read and memorize stuff without paying to much attention in learning) because she didn't have time to study?

Y tus hijos tienen nano? Yes! You should see how much I spend on Charmin!

I noticed that CVV has a fishy body, from th side she looks thin, but from the front, she has a very round midsection (below the waist).

Silva makes 4,000 pesos per month, how much is that in dollars? 200? She sent Esperanza to go ''dance at Chalma", where jinxed (salada) people go to see if they an change their luck.

That head in the toilet thing, somebody mentioned that is an Osorios favorite, isn't?

Pablo, very funny Charmin joke.

Don't mention it, it's an homage to Eugenio Derbez. He likes those types of word playing.

Nandicta, how very smart this was. That would have been more than enough but you had me smiling all the way through. What a clever theme.

"Ricardo has forgotten the love of his life with vertiginous speed" and "Ricardo-Cristina triangle of love, lies and disloyalty" were among my favorites.

Now who do I want to be like when I grow up? Not quite any of the above but I agree Aranza's guts and gumption deserve to be emulated. I think I will try to be "...bada$$. Always be a bada$$". Now, I have something to aspire to.

I'm trying (but frankly failing miserably) to try and see things through Ricardo's eyes. After the shock of Espe's revelation wore off, I saw confusion, but it was mostly about what Esperanza's motives were for the secrecy and where she was emotionally with him or not with him when she dumped him. Now sharper minds might think that changing her mind on her wedding day would not have been done unless dire circumstances. But the bottom line is that he did not run to her side and pledge support if not love. Aside from some random musings, his heart (and his mind) are elsewhere.

I had some things to do today so wasn't at work and was able to see today's episode. I'm a bit confused (and abashed) at a few things I saw so I will comment more on what you noted Jarifa after today's episode gets recapped.

"This is Juan Osorio. There's been a long time since I lost my skills as a producer but for some reason, I haven't been fired despite the horrendous products I make, don't be like me!!". Pablo, you made me laugh out loud.

Nandicta, I hope your internet problems get cleared up. Thanks for the very fine recap.


Nandicta, LOVED your don't be like format. So fun to read. This afternoon time slot is not working for me, just isn't the same in broad daylight somehow. Taped it and watched at the regular time as I always do, made it just a tad more palatable.

Pablo, your Osorio lead in was hilarious, it is great to sit on the patio with all of you this afternoon. All that is missing is a mojito.

Nandicta, I like the way you talk. I don't want to be like none of these people, they have some serious Mojo happening with them. Ricardo is a ball of confusion and espy, shes just misery and a turban.
pato has one thing on her mind and it don't start with a b c and S-E-X will not get her diploma. Her poor mapa is worried she could get Knocked Up. that would be a total disaster, there's enough dumb people in that family the gene pool seems to be declining with every episode.

Pedro wants his mama to ingest Beatles. Did that other remedy work he found on the net? He needs to loosen that man bun/ponytail so his brain cells can breathe. He loves his mom, just trying to help. poor baby. Well at least he's thinking about his mom his sister is thinking about doing the horizontal Rumba.

These people are mind-boggling. glad I don't have to figure them out.
Nandicta you did a good job of that congrats girl. Now do you have something for your headache? :-D

Pablo, the joke reminded me of another I heard a long time ago: ¿Qué es "cupo"? --Saliva.

Jajajaja! I have never heard that, it so good!!

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