Sunday, July 31, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #44/49: A Mexican Twist To Shrodinger's Gatita

Parte 1.

Dressed in a skort and 5 inch heels with a sleeveless blouse whose neckline plunges to her waistline, Ana Leticia is sitting at her desk “minding the store” for Tío  Mariano.  Iñaki is pissed she stood him up at the (expensive) restaurant for dinner.  He begins a conversation with her that gives A MiMi a chance to save face: Unky Mo is on a vacation and asked her to go along to help him through but she told him no, that he had to learn to manage on his own with Jennifer’s absence in his life; so yeah, he asked her sister instead and he’s going to learn what a mistake that is because she’s nothing but a pain to deal with!  And, speaking of that, where’s her passport?  Yaki tells her it’s right where she left it.  “—Don’t ever mess with my personal stuff again!!”  Yaki starts to goad her into admitting she was there with Jen at the building site the day she died; and yet nobody knows she took that one-day round trip to Costa Paraiso—‘specially Mo and wouldn’t he just love to know that?????  “—Just what are you hiding, Ana Leticia?  Hmmmmm?”

Back at Remedios’ Rooming House, Soledad gets the new location for Viridiana’s shop and learns she’s on vacation for a few days.  On her way back to her room, she gets a surprise visit from SanMarco.  “--Santiago!”   “—You knew me by another name from before.  I am Marcelo Salvaterra!”  In walks Ana Luticia with Remi.  He’s got bidnez with A Lucky’s Mama today, not her.  Rem shows him back to his room and tells him how A Lucky’s ID bracelet was stolen during a break-in there.

Back at The Realty Place, A MiMi says she doesn’t have anything to hide, but doesn’t want to stir up bad feelings for Mo should he learn she was there that day.  Yaki is visibly skeptical.

Outside the boarding house, while waiting for Santi, A Lucky gripes to her mother about the reason he wants to speak to Sole instead of her.  He should be speaking to her, not to her mother!!  Sole plays dumb.  Santi and Rem return.  Lucky insists that he should be speaking to her, not her mother, but SanMarco ignores her.  Sole is frightened and obviously believes she’s meeting her maker this afternoon.  She tells her daughter not to forget she’s done everything out of love for her.  Ana Lucia yells at the two of them that she has a right to be present during this conversation if it has anything to do with her and their relationship.  How serious is this, anyway?  Finally, he breaks away and tells her to trust him and remember how much he loves her.

Once in the car, Marcelo takes over and makes Sole sweat; he refuses to answer Soledad’s questions about whether she’s ever going to see her daughter again, or whether it will do any good to beg his forgiveness.

Meanwhile, A MiMi makes up a real whopper about Jen calling her the day before her so called lightning fast trip to C.P..  “-- Jennifer was ready to cancel the wedding she had so many doubts.  He was such a playboy.  How could she be certain he’d stop alley catting about just for the fact he’d finally gotten married?”  She had to go and talk her out of it.  She only learned of the death once she returned to the D.F.  “—I had only been with her hours before!  Poor girl!! “  She inserts an appropriate sniff and a few fake tears drop along the way.  Yaki seems to finally believe the story.  (Oh, Yaki, say it ain’t so!)  He starts to ponder the possibility and she looks away with a satisfied expression of, “Yeah, that was a decent enough story and performance.  That should do it.”

At the same time, out in the boonies and A MiMi’s voracious clutches, Ana Laura and Mo are getting to know one another better.  (Yawn.  If they could have made this character look any dowdier, I wouldn’t believe it.  FF>FF>)

Well, surprise of surprises, Daniel’s mama and Viridiana are gossiping together at the same reclusive getaway as A Llora and her uncle.  A couple of boring boardwalk scenes later, Viridiana comes face to face with him.  A Llora knows enough when three’s a crowd and, after introductions, she steps out of the picture.

Back in the Big City, A MiMi plans her revenge on her sister.  Going with Unky Mo is gonna cost Sissy big time!  She calls Violentin Valentin and pretends to be A Llora.  She tells him to go along with the pretense as she’s told the foundation that she’ll be gone with her uncle for a few days’ vacation.  MiMi lies that it was just a ruse since it’s just that she’s so confused since hearing Mo and Abuela discuss him the other night.  It was something about not trusting him and that she’s in greater danger from TinTin than from Ramiro.  He’s got something bad in mind for her.  What could they ever mean?

Soledad and SanMarco drive a ways out of the city.  They argue over the fact that she really did not know his name three years ago when they first met.  Evaristo never told her his name.

TinTin says this isn’t something to discuss over the the phone.  They cannot meet at her house. They’ll meet in secret for dinner at 5.  (A MiMi’s got him!)  Please don’t tell anybody there she’s not coming in.  Oops.  She got to hang up cuz her uncle is supposedly entering the room now.

TinTin thinks Mariano want’s trouble?  Ok.  He’s asked for it and he’s gonna get it!!  Sure enough, just as he hangs up, TinTin  is told by Valeria about A Llora’s vacation.  He agrees to take over A Llora’s classes at the foundation.

Ana Leticia then calls Ramiro out of a conversation in a bidnez meeting.  He’s also upset with her for standing up his dinner invitation.  He even cooked for her.  (What is with this men cooking dinner to impress a woman?)  She makes up a story about having a car accident and having to wait so long for the insurance agent.  She couldn’t call to let him know because she’d used up the battery in her cell phone. But now, she’s had plenty of time to think it over and she’s going to accept his offer to date openly.  Not to worry about her family.  She fix all that and they’ll announce their relationship to the family together.

Out on Rem’s front porch, A Lucky tells Rem she thinks the big mystery has something to do with her birth.  (Gulp!)  Oh.  It’s got to be something to do with her baby-daddy finally wanting to steal her away from Soledad’s life.  (Ok.  Keep thinking that… at 23 years old.)  Rem sighs a breath of relief.

end parte 1~~
Parte 2~~

Back in the boonies with SanMarco and Sole, she’s certain he’s going to kill her.  He tells her about the night he and Evaristo drove there at gunpoint.  He thought this was his last night on earth also.  However, Ev realized he really had lost his memory and changed his mind at the last minute.  So, does he have a reason to pardon her and to not kill her right then and there?  She admits she was frightened and refuses to step foot into a jail cell.  She’d tried running away when he reappeared in San Nicolas so suddenly.  She was horrified when she found out her daughter had fallen in love with him. He was the man who put a gun in her face and had threatened to put her in jail!  Doesn’t he remember this?  (Like, who wouldn’t run as far and as fast the hell away?  Besides, she had that old codger after A Lucia, too, as we remember.)

Ok.  SanMarco begins to remember accusing Sole at gunpoint of exactly what she’d done so many years ago.  Well, the girl knows only Sole as her mother and loves her—they love each other dearly.  She’ll despise her for this.  Just then Ev shows up and points a gun at him!  (Et tu Evaristo?)  Soledad is his daughter and nobody is going to do a thing to his granddaughter!   Hey, says Marcelo, she has a right to know about her real family.  Wrong.  Ev and he have a date with Destiny.  They leave and Viewerville is still as much in the dark about what happened after this scene as Santi is.

A MiMi leaves for home and has plenty of time to change into her disguise for the dinner that evening with TinTin.  She walks in and begins to fake the limp.  She lands a liplock on TinTin that curls his toes and he’s so surprised!!!  Well, it’s just that she’s realized now that Mo wants to separate her from him, she knows just how much she cares for TinTin.  She’s totally in love with him.  (Happy, happy!  Joy, joy!—the dawg!!  --That bitch!!)

Sole warns SanMarco off her daughter.  Nobody will ever separate the two of them!  SanMarco asks if she knew he was married to her triplet sister.  Sole truthfully states never, not until Ev told her about it after they’d fallen in love.  Well, he says Santi, the two men are totally different.  He doesn’t want Marcelo to take over now that he know his better nature exists.  Marcelo is not a good man.  He’s cruel.   She knows this now, she admits.

Sole doesn’t want her daughter to suffer.  Leave her or she’ll end up destroyed.  He underscores how much he, Santi, loves A Lucia and asks her help in winning a life together with her at his side.  She tells him to forgeddabowdit.  He cannot forget he’s married to her sister.  He says it doesn’t matter.  He’s already made the decision to leave the woman.  No, says Sole, he fell in love with an illusion, a memory of his wife, and not her daughter.  Eventually, Marcelo will remember this and no longer love Ana Lucia.  SanMarco disagrees.  He believes the new man will take over as he’s truly in love with Ana Lucia, who lets him laugh and enjoy life as much as she does.  

Meanwhile, TinTin puts on as big an act about his/their love for each other as A MiMi has.  If he should lose her he would just DIE!  She has to keep fighting for their relationship.  She cannot allow her uncle to manipulate her.  Well, then, help her Fake Llora whimpers.  “--Tell me what does my uncle have against you?”  No, it’s really the other way around and I should be bitter but I am not.  No, she says.  What really is it?  He loses control suddenly.  “—If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be rendered so useless, stuck in this wheelchair!!”

Once again in the backwoods, Sole reminds Santi that Marcelo is inside him and will always be there, hiding and waiting to ambush him from the shadows.  Santi yells back just as decidedly that that is a man and a life he doesn’t want any longer and he has the right to reject it and to be whomever he chooses.  Oh? And what happens tomorrow if Daddy Cruel Shoes Salvaterra reappears and you cannot control him?  Think about it!   Santi is left speechless with nothing to do but pant and fight back his tears.


It is done and posted. Lots to catch in this one. Pretty serious speechifying. I am having a hard time swallowing either MiMi or Llora about now.....

Thanks, Jardinera! Love the title. It is certainly starting to appear like an unknown 'is he dead or alive' state for some of these characters, Ana Le in particular.

So Ramiro's plan seems to be working - apparently all Ana Le needed is a push from TioM, who preferred Llora's company. Keep waiting for something to come up and spoil this nicely planned Ana Le disguised as Llora.

Was confused on the purpose of the Sole/Santicelo scene. Why was she so afraid for her life, and if she was - why did she go with him? What was he hoping to achieve with this? Say he convinces her that he is Santi and a changed man, can he really trust her, knowing what he knows amd remembers? Let's also not forget that he finally remembered she is somehow " related" to Evaristo. And when will they finally deem it is time to tell Ana Lu the truth? At this point she has a right to be angry at so many people, not just at Sole for hiding the truth from her.

Thank you, Jardinera! The title was just perfect as well as Violentín. Ha! Ha!

Yay! Viridiana showed up at tío Marcelo's vacation. Sure hope that Ana Leticia finds out about it ASAP. Are there any "little birdies"to tell her? Sure, Ana Laura is my bet.

I am loving Ana Leticia's version of Ana Laura. Maybe she will end up ruining Ana Laura's relationship with Valentîn in the long or even the short run. That would be a good thing.

Also, I am enjoying Sebastián Rulli's portrayal of Santiago/Marcelo in all of his confusion. The character is caught in a hellish place.

So, Evaristo saved Soledad from Marcelo due to the fact that Ana Lucía's life was in danger because of money, an inheritance.

This just keeps getting better and better.

Thanks so much, Jardinera!

Soledad forgot to mention that she pulled a big old knife on Marcelo before he pulled the gun on her to make her drop the knife. I'm sorry, but him threatening to send a kidnapper to jail is not the definition of a "cruel" man. He was just doing his job. Not sure why Santi is buying this bull. Sure, Marcelo was well-trained and very business-like in his job, but he was very loving with the people in his life-- just as much as Santi is.

I think it's cruel that Santi is denying Marcelo's loving father the right to be with the son he thinks is dead. I think it's cruel of Soledad, and now Santi, Remedios, Ramiro, and Inaki to deny a grandmother, uncle, and sister the right to be with the lost nieta/sobrina/hermana they have been searching for for two decades.

Vivi, Yes, it is cruel unless Evaristo does believe that Ana Lucía's life is in danger as he told Soledad. He knows that Ana Leticia is crazy. I would not put it past Ana Leticia to find some way of killing Ana Lucía. She does not want her found. She will not share any affection or money or anything she considers "hers" with anyone. Let's see how well Evaristo can control the situation. Ana Laura should watch her back, too,

If Evaristo was really concerned about AnaLu's safety, he would either turn AnaLet in for her crimes, or arrange for her to have an accident. Problem solved. The only thing he and Soledad are concerned about is Sol being sent to jail. Oh, and Sol is terrified that AnaLu will hate her once she learns she's her kidnapper and not her bio-mom. Sol have never yet mentioned AnaLu's safety being an issue.

"Just then Ev shows up and points a gun at him! (Et tu Evaristo?)"

Love that little classical touch, Jardinera.

Oh my, Ana Laura dowdy. Yes. But I loved the sun hat on her. Thought it made her look very sweet and fetching. On the other hand, horrified by Vridiana's sunglasses with the white rims. She looked like a clown. If this is the latest fashionista look, I'll choose to be left behind. As usual.

Also enjoyed Ana Leticia's over-the-top, saccharine rendition of Ana Laura. Valentin didn't seem to pick up on it. His brain was probably still reeling from that oh-so-experienced liplock Ana Leticia laid on him. Pretty well switches off all the more rational brain cells.

Thanks for the recap, busy lady. Now relax! It's Sunday!

Thanks Jardinera, I'm with you. Tired of Mimi ALet.

Normally I wouldn't have liked Vir's white rimmed sunglasses but I thought they worked with her outfit and contrasted well with her hair.

So I'm thinking ALet is going to use Val to kill Tio, under the guise of Llora.

Doe Lloras cell reveal her plan with Ram? Since ALet has it I'm wondering if the gig is up?

I forgot to add that Lucky has some threT against her life. Hmm, could be MiMi had paid him to off her as well!

As for those shades, I would not have put this actress in the role to begin with. Her, the shades the color scheme were all garrish. And all wrong for him.

Jardinera great job, thanks, been working late and missing half the epi and then I'm too tired to catch it in the rerun so recaps are essential. \

It does look like Inaki bought BadSeed's story, I wonder for how long though, he's a pretty tricky fella.

How does impersonating Llora w/Valentin hurt Llora? Especially if she's nice to him? I didn't get that part

Great work, Jardinera.

Sneaky, I think that AnaMeMeMe knows that Ana Llorona is only tepid about Valentin. She just set her up to take the consequences of Valentin's escalating expectations. She might see Valentin's crazy because her own is on most of the time....

Marcelo was not cruel; he was all business when dealing with a family loss. This is yet one more example of Soledad's selfishness and sense of entitlement. She doesn't strike me as being a fast-enough thinker but she may surprise us by ultimately setting SantMarc up to be the guilty party about keeping vital information from Ana Lucia. What this is all pointing to is that Soledad has no intention of ever allowing Ana Lucia to have her own life. This isn't for the usual reasons, but that doesn't excuse it, either.


Mariana Karr, a favorite actress of many here, especially for her roles in Alborada and Pasion, has passed away. QEPD, Mariana!

Thanks Vivi for letting us know about Mariana Karr. Being a newbie I only remember her from Amorcito Corazon. That husky voice I'll never forget.

Wow! Time catches up to all of us. Thanks for the news.

Thanks, Jardinera. Fun recap with plenty of details.

Kudos to AB on Ana Leticia imitating Ana Laura. Fake Ana Laura had all the irritating qualities of real Ana Laura but none of her sweetness. In a way, I don't mind Ana Leticia fooling Valentín because she's asking questions of him that Ana Laura should've been asking herself.

Would love it if fake Ana Laura tries to fool Ramiro and he doesn't buy it cause he knows his ladylove so well.

Those white sunshades on Viridiana bugged me too, but they worked on her better than most. Maybe because she has such a big smile. She and Marcelo no doubt wouldn't be put together by a online dating service, but these two have chemistry. They got a opposites attract thing going. I also like that Viridiana is the opposite of Ana Leticia and I'm looking forward to these two butting heads.

Now that Santi realizes Ana Lucia would be in mortal danger if Ana Leticia found out about her, I'm all for keeping these two sisters apart. He's got to contain Ana Leticia first.

I'm not convinced Evaristo is Soledad's father. I think he just feels like her father cause he was her mother's boyfriend. Agree he doesn't have any feelings for Ana Lucia, his supposed "adopted" granddaughter, outside of keeping Soledad out of trouble.

oh my. I loved Mariana Carr as Fernando Colunga 's sweet tia in ALborada. In fact, her favorite saying on that telenovela became the name of this site.."caray caray !!!"


P.s. One of our past frequent commenters actually met Mariana at her restaurant a few years ago and told us all about that meeting. I just cannot remember her name. She owned a poodle named WIlla and lived in Santa Fe , I think.

How about they all tell Ana Lucia, the ADULT, the truth, including about her one crazy sister, and let HER decide what she wants to do?

That was Cheryl in New Mexico...and Willa is still going strong and a gorgeous doggie.

Judyb...Thanks for providing the name. Are you still in touch with Cheryl? If so, please tell her hello from me and that I miss her comments. And yes, Mariana was DOn Luis's sweetia in my favorite telenovela ALborada. Has Cheryl given up telenovelas? How about Sylvia? Do you ever hear from her? I miss her clever, witty comments.

hi, Jardinera, for another lively recap. I have to admit that I am not fully engaged in this show.I do like Inaki, and now I am worried that he might be ANamememe's next victim .

So I was sort of watching this in & out, but I caught the whole Woe-ledad fearing for her life bit & I thought it was odd considering that Rem & AnaLu saw her leave w/ him. Surely, he wouldn't kill her knowing he'd have witnesses that would question why she didn't come back w/ him. Does she not have faith that her daughter would be upset at her going missing? It was a stupid plotline, the writers pretty much crammed filler into most of this epi. The story AnaLet gave Inaki was pretty tight, I'd have bought it. Seems she's getting more clever as she descends into malevolence. The whole "baby daddy danger" twist on AnaLu's convo w/ Rem was predictable, the suspense was wasted there. More filler talk w/ TioM & his little women. Probably the only interesting parts were when Wiggy Azalea gave us her rendition of Llora & helped Tin pitch a tent. But the one scene that woke me up was Evaristo's little surprise intervention with Marcelo & Solebad. And here's why....

So for awhile I had it in the back of my mind as to who put the dead body in place of Marcelo, especially one so strategic as to have the same tattoo. When Evaristo said that AnaLu's life is in danger, it became clear to me that Evaristo may be acting as a double agent. Someone who appears to be a bad guy, but is in fact really the hero in all this. I have a theory that Evaristo is only in cahoots w/ AnaLet as far as he is able to maintain control of the situation. His motive is clearly to keep Soledad & AnaLu safe. So I think he became aware of how unstable AnaLet was, as well as Tin (via Marcelo's interactions w/ them). He may have made the initial contact w/ both as an ally in order to keep his enemies close. I think he only meant to damage Marcelo & Alfredo enough to immobilize them from any interference. The memory loss was most likely an added bonus. His tampering & false report of Marcelo's death was intended to keep them at bay.

I also think he faked Gina's death in order to protect her from Tin, as well as the goons Marcelo had after her (mainly in response to Tin's request to interfere w/ her marriage). I'm almost positive that he somehow got himself tied up after orchestrating Gina's fake death, & used Marcelo's operative as a pawn (which led to him getting shot). The way he smirked at AnaLet's order to finish the job (kill Marcelo) is a sign that he's got no intentions of doing her bidding & is simply playing her like a fiddle until he decides what tune is next in play. This, of course, is all a theory & I'm probably way off. But I'd love to see a dramatic twist like this, no?

By the way, Saturday was my birfday & I'm pretty much recovering from that. So exsqueeze my absence, but finally got caught up. Hope tonight is a more plot-moving episode! Happy un-birthday to everyone else tho! :P

Susanlynn...I "see" Cheryl on Facebook all the time. She posts incredible photos and is still doing a lot of traveling. She may be watching telenovelas still but not commenting. Busy lady and having a great life.

Anna Nabil...well Feliz Cumpleaños! Sounds like it was quite a party!

Happy (Belated) Birthday, Anna!

Anything is possible, so some of your theories my rise to the top. Not sure that Ev fakes Marcelo's death though since he was pretty shocked when he reappeared and we saw him roll him unconscious into the river. Marcelo killed the guy who he thought killed Gina and kidnapped Ev. Seems like the guy was trying to warn him about Ev. But I can totally buy Ev helping Gina fake her death and disappear.

Great recap, as always!
Interesting week, fun episode. I enjoyed AnaLet as Llora, thought it was very well done, not surprised "Violentin" doesn't realize, he is oblivious under his cloud of hatred, revenge, and general psychosis.
Intrigued as to how AnaLet plans to bring the family to agree to her relationship with Ramiro. I am looking forward to it! I hope Llora will be forced to open her eyes about her sister when all is said and done.
I was very happy to see Tio and Viridiana flirting it up, but more importantly, Viridiana now knows the whole trilliza story. Even Llora's position that the 3rd is very much alive. Very important for when she runs into AnaLu at the pension. I'm certain she will have an important job to deliver to Sole at home muy pronto. I'm hoping she develops a bond with Llora on this little vacation, who needs a strong, sane woman in her life. And when she sees AnaLu, I hope it is Llora, and only her, that she tells.
I love Abuela but her extreme assumptions and terrible character judgment bothers me. Another commenter on another epi mentioned that she should have immediately thought AnaLet was lying about the nightmare and Llora's guilt. It's like she met her granddaughters the day this novela started, and has no clue as to their true natures. Her instincts about Ramiro and Tintin were so wrong, and so extreme as well... yeah, for me, abuela is a tad loco.
Soledad is the most selfish, annoying character. Does she even care about her "hija" at all? Isn't she aware that at some point AnaLu was going to meet someone, get married, have her own family? Is AnaLu just a doll to Sole? Her personal puppet? It's one thing when villains are out to kill/hurt/destroy each other, but this 'because I love her - I can't lose her' whining and manipulating is sick. She does not give one thought to destroying her daughters happiness for her own selfish needs. I hated her truly from the moment she locked AnaLu in the storeroom back when Ramiro was on her trail.
SantiMarc did point out that Soledad pulled a knife on him, so at least he should stop feeling so guilty about the gun pointing.
I do not think of Ev as a hero. Maybe he imagines he is Sole and AnaLu's guardian angel or protector. AnaLu's life may be in danger, but if he and M and A were friends and coworkers for so long, why not disclose the big danger (AnaLet) and have them help instead of trying to kill them? He absolutely intended to kill both Alfredo and Marcelo. They knew too much and for Ev, that meant they had to be erased from the map. Not to mention I'm pretty sure he fled the country after. And of course, when he found out SantiMarc was alive, he did put out the hit on him with his lackeys. I do love this actor in this role, he is wonderful and it fits him like glove.
As Vivi said, why not talk to AnaLu and disclose all? Of course, we wouldn't have the high drama factor if everyone just did the logical thing and talked to each other. I still don't know why Mariano won't tell anyone the dirt he has on Tin. I really loved that "Violentin" nickname, AnaLet is really the humor of this show.
Thank you so much for the recap Jardinera!

annaBanana..."Wiggy Azalea"..ha...good one !

Happy Belated Birthday, Anna !!!!!!..and wishes for a wonderful year ahead ^_^

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