Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Yago #34. Tuesday July 12, 2016. I Know What You Did Last Summer, I Mean, 12 Summers Ago!
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I am going to murder you, you bloody woman! |
Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot.
Labels: yago
Many thanks Vivi for your excellent Monday recap. Sorry, I couldn't join the discussion. I was in a mad rush to catch up with Yago and SdA.
Enjoy the summary and if you have any queries about a specific scene or piece of dialogue, please let me know in the comment sections and I'll post an answer for you first thing in the morning.
Good night! :)
Don't you just love it when we read these characters right, and we read Sara and her passive aggressive resentment of Ambar. Sara is getting worse each episode. More gloating and more hypocrisy. Glad that Yago now knows that Sara was the mastermind (or commanding general under Damian's orders).
-Vivi (from my dull FL hotel room)
So Mati is supposed to be 12? He looks younger.
What kind of prison makes a guy share a cell with his (soon to be ex) FIL? Oh right, The Only Prison in Mexico!
Any chance Julia was only pretending to be upset about the express delivery reptile? I'm hoping she saw that for what it really was.
Good heavens, did Yago practically reveal his true identity to Abel as well? Is he on a truth-telling rampage??
I am amazed that Ambar wants a piece of the revenge. I thought she was better than that. I was wrong! I don't blame her for being disgusted with Sara and Damian, who have both used her. But Lucio has never used her (well maybe a little bit as leverage, paying her hospital bill to get Sara to marry him). And Abel worships the ground she walks on.
Julie- Since it's been 12 years since the betrayal (which happened the day he was conceived), Mati would be 11, which is the exact age of the actor, Ramiro Cid.
I think Ambar is liking the idea of revenge but I don't think she has the heart for it. I don't expect it t last if she starts seeing the effects.
Damian needs a good beat down. Disappointed he hasn't gotten it yet.
Abel feels like he deserves to be punished. Does this new info from Yago change his current course in some way? I'm interested to see how he mess forward with this info.
Looks like Julia and Selma will be reunited as family soon. I used to think Fab may have been Camilos child but no.
I love that these characters are smart, unlike in tres veces. They may make bad decisions but none are stupid.
Carvivile: I'm hoping Julia is reunited with Selma & Fidel IF Camilo doesn't whack them first.
I'm afraid Camilo's not done yet.
Vivi: Yago's body language: "I'm going to kill you Sara."
Part of me wants Yago to pull a Camilo & go completely psycho!
Julie: Karma going to hit Abel & Sara very soon! The question is when.
Might as well rename this show, "Pelican Brief 3.0"
I know Yago is setting Sara up for a major revenge/surprise, but he's also successfully gotten everyone else to turn against her as well. She has no friend or family left who will support her, and I'm not sure she realizes how isolated she is now. In her own bravado, she thinks she's "won". Boy, her fall will be a joy to behold. Now the question is...who actually winds up taking her down?
I do understand Ambar's feeling of betrayal against her sister and father. She was the excuse that those two needed to keep going with their life of crime and greed. She's a smart cookie and figured that one out pretty fast. I hope she doesn't become the murderous entity that takes them down, especially Sara. Let someone else get their hands dirty, but she is now an ally Yago does need in a way. If anything, between her and his parents, take care of Matias.
Yago knows Abel is weak and wracked with guilt. He is a good pawn to use against the others.
Yeah, Carvivle, everyone else gets beat up in that prison. Why not Damian? If anyone deserved it...and being Lucio's roomie. Stupid plot ploy.
I'm still ambivalent on the whole Julia thing. All I can see is this is a way to get Fidel to become an "Omar" and change the revenge plot.
How bad is Fidel? We know he scammed people at first, when young. Cheated on his wife with Selma. We know he did well in the casino business, has a lot of unsavory friends in jail, a lot of power but the only time we saw him commit real violence was against Raul. Also during the jail breakout....None of it rises to the level of Camillo killing children and his sadistic nature. I want to feel sympathy for Fidel and Selma for what they have been through but one has to assume Fidel has committed nasty acts through the years, with Selma at his side.
Sara, sometimes I feel for her but most of the time I don't. I understand she tried to leave the bad life behind but Damian roped her back in with Ambar's health. Still, she lived the rest of her life high on the hog, giving nothing to Omar's family, and allowing Lucio to continue to play son to them. Lies after lies and then manipulating Ambar to get to Yago for the business deal meant she never tried to go back and be good. She's blown through her chances of redemption I think.
I don't know Steve. I don't see Ambar swooping in to clean up messes but she does wear white and drink red wine well enough!
I am left with a deep sense of melancholy each time I watch one of these episodes. Strangely enough I have come to be somewhat fond of all of these characters, including the monsters. Camilo and Fidel, are horrid, but have deep feelings for their children and for the woman both loved. Sara has done dreadful, monstrous acts, but I believe she also cares, in her way, for her son and her sister.
Yago, Katia, Teo, Abel...all deeply wounded and continuing to hurt others, sometimes accidentally, sometimes on purpose. And you just know that all of this is leading to some greater hurt and tragedy.
Watching these is like being put into the position of a faraway god, seeing human beings continue to harm each other in countless ways rather than learning to truly love and serve each other. Just depressing. But as I've said before, can't stop watching and can't look away.
Camilo and Damian had better get what they deserve in the end. Both are incredible monsters with no conscience. Julia/Fabiana will need a shrink desperately, but will never be able to trust one again after what she's found out. Ambar is only slightly better off mentally but if she goes on like she's been in the last few episodes she won't make it to the end. Actually, I don't think she will, anyway.
Thanks for this clever and illuminating recap. Well done.
Thanks also to Vivi, Countx, Julie for your dedication and excellent recaps.
I apologize for not being involved in the discussions recently but with the schedule changes in programming this show I've had trouble catching up and keeping up with the actual episodes and DirecTV let me down by not keeping up with the schedule and channel changes.
As I was afraid I would, I'm beginning to warm toward Sara and to sympathize with her plight and point of view. I'm thinking that she is not nearly as evil as I originally thought. I still detest Yago, however.
Did any notice or mention that in the scene where Damián dug up Alejandra's body and then called Yago and Bruno that he had the cross traced in ash on his forehead that is traditionally done for Catholic faithful on Ash Wednesday? I wonder what was up with that. Damián doesn't strike me as particularly religious.
Something else I noticed was Abel apparently intending to light that cigarette but not succeeding. I don't recall, has anyone ever noticed him actually smoking? It reminded me of that relentless cop in Mentir Para Vivir.
I was very surprised that Camilo let Julia's accomplices in deceiving him off as easy as he did.
Every time I start to soften towards Sara I remember something bad she did post the robbery. She and Lucio have had fun for years scamming people, building up their casino. Navel gazing. Lying to Jonas and Melina. Lying to Ambar. Trying to seduce Yago into a business deal. Lest we forget how she told Ambar their date was off so she could make a move on Yago to get him as a business partner. She is crooked. Can't help herself. What's funny is she thinks she is going to live a good life with Yago and things will be different. But does she not remember that Yago was the one that had the idea to set Lucio to put him in jail. How does that make him better than Lucio?
Interesting question about the cigarette. I think I've seen Abel smoke before, but maybe he was only holding the cigarette and gesturing with it and not actually smoking it.
I got the impression that Selma already knew that psychologist, Carolina, maybe having even been a former patient herself. The only psychologist in Mexico City perhaps?
At first I thought that was a smudge or even a bruise from an earlier struggle but they replayed that scene in the following episode and I'm fairly certain that was a cross exactly like we are accustomed to seeing on folk's foreheads on Ash Wednesday.
Despicable as Sara is, and I'm not gonna warm to her, I hate Yago more. They deserve each other.
Carlos: I've got the same impression regarding Selma & Carolina.
UA: The chaos between Fidel & Camillo all over Selma. Seriously ?
I feel for Sara because Damian set her on this road to hell while she was a young thing. Ambar though sickly got to live a sheltered life and wasn't pressed into dirty scams. But Sara bragging about her bonbon and showing off her ring with a husband in jail and a sister heartbroken is so tacky!
Sorry I once again forgot to put up a discussion header earlier. I'll have one up in a few minutes.
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