Friday, July 01, 2016
Yago Capitulo 28: And the World was gone
Ale was sitting scared in the car with Abel but Abel actually lets her go telling Ale to leave the country ASAP. Ale ran away as thunder stroke but there was no bliss in sight. Bruno getting increasingly worried messages Ale but Damian was actually at the end of the line as Ale's numb body is shown to us. Damian makes Bruno believe that Ale is still alive but in danger of persecution. Damian stomps the phone. I blinked and the World was gone
Yago is aghast with Sara defending Lucio and makes her believe that he is going to go beat up Lucio for barbecue. Yago flips at himself for falling to his meek human nature yet again. Melina calls Yago and they meet up in church for a secret religious meeting of revenge. Melina informs Yago about the missing Alejandra .Yago get's suddenly worried as Melina tells him that just before her last breath Ale sent Bruno something about Lucio. Melina also informs Yago about Lucio being in her house. She does not want him in there but Yago wants Melina to convince Lucio in staying alas "keep your friends close and your enemies closer". Yago is sure that Melina makes a fine good convincing people so it won't be hard for her.
Selma brings Katia something to eat but Katia is not hungry. Selma tries to convince Katia into committing to a private treatment facility but Katia refuses. Selma leaves only for frustrated Katia to see her phone log full of Teo's. She visits Teo and they cuddle. Teo also says that he might not return back to Fidel at all. By the way the picture below reminds me of Teo so much :P
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Isn't that Young Teo and his sweet sister? |
Ambar was having a phone call with her boss but it gets interrupted by Matias who is out looking for his dad. Sara sits him down telling Matias to wait a bit longer but Matias doesn't want to wait. Yago may be a nice dude but he is not his dad. Beside if he had to between Lucio and Sara he would pick Lucio! Sara was later speaking to Yago about something on phone but Ambar discovered them. Sara tossed excuses but Ambar sees her swollen face only for Damian to disrupt the peace.
Melina manages to convince Lucio into staying by playing the victim card (She pointed out that Lucio forbade her to visit Mat after he returned home from kidnapping). The plan worked until Bruno came home as he grabbed Lucio wildly but this time Melina steps to Lucio's side. Lucio tells Bruno that he did buisness with the wrong people and if Alejandra was investigating Lucio well that's too bad!
Back at the House Sarquis Damian pretends to be a worried dad but Ambar no longer play to his tunes even when he mentions his near experience with Death. Ambar is like "as if cockroaches can even survive nuclear winter". Damian wants to know what is up with Sara. Sara tells him that what happened had to do with the casino robbery and Fidel Yampolski.
Speaking of Fidel ,Yago is bugging hum to start investigating Ale's disappearance but Fidel is overcrowded at the moment. He has Teo&Katia on existential vacations while the other team is busy on the Camilo issue. Fidel also reveals that he put the coin in on purpose in order for Camilo to start suspecting Yago. Fidel also put surveillance in Camilo's house. There is no doubt that Camilo will invite Yago to dinner soon.
Speaking of Camilo, his daughter Julia gets locked up in her own house because of her paranoiac dad (If anything I like how Camilo protects his daughter, it's his only redeeming quality). Julia is of course furious about the choice because of him endangering her career but Camilo remains unbound. Camilo also get's informed about the snitching camera that somehow ran out of film. Camilo tells Tomas that it must have been put there on purpose. Tomas is to investigate Fidel's new socio's and finish them off.
Back at the cabin Teo wakes up to Katia spilling the highly valuable bottles of wine to lower her chances of succumbing to addiction (Seriously how much did the bottles cost?). Teo is later seen crying over Loreno's death but Katia consoles him. Abel later comes back to his cabin and sees Katia giving Teo company.
Bruno is busy looking for clues regarding Ale's sudden disappearance. He asks his friend to find him the phone number of Ale's journalist group. . Melina asks Bruno how the search goes on and she finds Ale's recent behavior rather suspicious. Eitherway Bruno didn't want to tell Mel anything because Lucio is her sweet child but Mel say's not anymore! She is only keeping Lucio as bait for the police which is of course a lie. Bruno is later seen sharing Ale's posters around and just in case Yago was snooping on him.
At Yago's Sara comes back from her ride with a coffee ridden dress! Yago advises her not to drive while drinking LOL. He slimly offers Sara to buy her some new clothes and they flirt. Ambar interrupts them though offering Sara a pair of her own clothes but Sara rejects her. Yago&Ambar kiss as Sara clearly being pissed off (That damn orange juice with salt though, EW).
Selma is looking through some old clothes reminiscing about her old life and the limits of her new one. Fidel blames himself for it but Selma blames Camilo for murdering her daughter. Atleast Selma has Katia to watch for but Fidel warns her that the best way to free her is that they finish off with Camilo. Fidel promises Selma that his hour of reckoning will come sooner than later.
Lucio is furious that his lawyer quit on him but the lawyer advises him to leave the country. Lucio starts googling immediately for the best travel destinations but Melina stops him. Melina offers Lucio money but the money is on the bank so Lucio would have to wait till tomorrow. Lucio is extremely happy about it. It turns out the money thing was a ruse by Yago but it all backfired on him as Jonas also offers Lucio money so after Melina picked up Mat from school , Lucio was ripe for an escape. His escape fails though as someone has called the police on him just when he was about to leave.
Sara is enjoying wasting Yago's unlimited funds on his credit card but Ambar catches her. She taunts Sara that she should have used the credit card for something more useful like getting herself a room in a hotel since having sex is rather unpleasant when someone is under the roof. Sara later confronts Yago about it but Yago plays his game well. He promises her that they will have a happy ending together. He will leave Ambar and everything will be roses and blues. In the meantime Camilo calls Yago for dinner.
Damian is drilling Susi( Chino's widow) again for information of Chino's bosses. Susi rejects it again but it's too late as Damian has also drugged her. He is successful in finding information as he calls them. He sets up a meeting with Tomas.Tomas as any other paranoid mafioso is distrusting of Damian but Damian tells Tomas that he has found new information regarding Fidel and his new recruit, Yago Vila. In return Damian would like to find work in the organization.
Labels: yago
I was so glad that Abel did not kill Ale but he should have at least driven Ale home to protect her from Lucio&Damian. They would find out eventually but at least Ale would have lived for one day more. Speaking of Damian I bet he could even cheat the Devil. He is a solo player only out for himself.
Thanks for nothing Yago, your sloppy revenge got another innocent murdered. How arrogant to believe your life is worth more.
Alejandra decided to play games with the big boys and got chewed up. If we really want to keep it real, Bruno is indirectly responsible for Lorenzo's death as well, for investigating Lorenzo and putting a target on his back for Lucio & em.
It seems Sara's investment in lies and deceit did not pay off if she is losing the very few good relationships that she had.
1.) Alejandra's stupidity & constant investigating resulted in her own demise, just I had predicted weeks ago.
Plus, she kept playing with fire & wanted to play with the Big Boys (Damian, Lucio, etc.,) & GOT BURNED.
2.) Bruno is likely the next to get whacked because he now has a big target on his back.
3.) I see that Camilo has Julia locked up inside the house, which pissed her off because she had to meet with clients, etc.,
4.) Ambar's going to find out that Yago & Sara have been doing their escapade sooner or later. I mean how many close calls are Yago & Sara going to risk ?
Countx Alacran: Fidel vs. Camilo has resulted in Yago vs. Lucio as history is repeats itself.
Tofie: Big question is who's going to have a happy ending here when this show ends because with the way things are going, half of the cast could end up dead.
I'm not convinced that Ale is dead yet. We didn't see Damian shoot her, there's still a possibility that she was laying there in fake blood and Damian assumed she was dead.
Yago took a call from Camillo. That was odd, i didn't think they knew each other that well. What the heck is going on?
Thanks so much Countx. There is no show on tonight, and not sure it will be on Monday night (does anyone know?), so we have the whole weekend to discuss. I think I'll wait a while before watching this episode. :(
Without knowing anything about Yago being Omar, Bruno decided to investigate what really happened, and he trusted Ale enough to tell her. That was a good thing. When things started to go south (getting held up at gun point, Lorenzo going missing, and Melina losing it), Bruno decided the cost was too high and he told Ale to stop investigating. She continued and went into very dangerous territory. It's not Bruno's fault or Yago's fault that she got killed.
Where I do fault Yago, is that much of this could have been avoided once he had the video of the robbery and shooting. He could have at that moment revealed his real identity to his whole family, showed them the video, and then immediately have them take it to the police and start the ball rolling clearing his name. Lucio and Abel would have been rounded up and publicly shamed. Sara and Damian would have likely scurried away like rats, but you can't have it all. Drawing out this revenge is only getting more innocents pulled into this mess and complicating things every step of the way.
I don't believe Fidel would let Yago put the video out there atleast not until the time is right. A mildly satisfied Yago does not suit Fidel's agenda. To commit mad acts without impunity,you need unhappy mad men leading them.
Steve, I don't think there will be a happy ending for anyone. I think Katia and Teo should leave now. Save themselves.
So Camillo kills Fidel's kids but that wasn't enough. Thirty some years later he has to steal the casino out for underneath him and I'm sure he had something to do with Fidel going to jail. All over a woman.
I'll watch the episode when I get home tonight but I'm so depressed now knowing that Ale is most likely dead. But why is she missing? During the day someone would have found her body. It gives me some hope.
What is Camilo calling Yago for? Why are they friendly enough to chat and have a meeting? Why would Camilo's number be in Yago's phone so that when he answered it, he knew who it was? Isn't Yago's only meeting with Yago was when he visited Julia as Ambar's boyfriend? Is Yago actually working for Camilo? I want answers, lol.
Revenge and especially Yago's cat and mouse game is about ego gratification.
Now that Abel has seen Katia with Teo at the cabin, what's going to happen next ?
So, does Abel have Damian's hard disk now? Didn't she give it to him?
Good question on why Camilo would be calling Yago. I don't recall them exchanging digits.
Is there really no episode tonight? That sucks. I had hoped that moving to Unimas in the dead of night meant no more scheduling irregularities.
I like the idea of Teo explaining to Abel that he's using her for info, but he would first have to get rid of that guilty look first.
First Lorenzo, now Ale. Two innocents gone too soon. I don't blame Bruno. He asked her to stop and then she kept tailing Damian without having anybody backing her up. I'm so bummed that Bruno and Ale will not have a happy ending. They were my favorite couple.
Yago keeps getting cozy with Sara right in his house when Ambar could walk in or look in the window anytime. I guess this deception turns him on. He sure isn't likable like old Omar.
I love that Mati prefers his dad over his mom. Dad is as flawed as he can be but he loves that boy and loves keeping company with him. I know Sara loves her son, but still Mati can detect the phoniness in her.
I hope Alejandra is not dead. They did not show her being shot or even give us the sound of a gun shot. So it is possible that she faked it. And that's why her body hasn't turned up yet.
Yago is addicted to the thrill. His choice to live and prosper in this shadow world of thuggery, theft, lies and betrayal has undone Omar. Lay with a junkyard dog and get junkyard fleas.
A child isn't a fool just for being a child and Matis knows his mother is emotionally detached and loves Sara first.
I agree Yago doesn't love Ambar and doesn't think of his dalliance with Sara as betrayal. Ambar is a convenience and a tool to be used and when finished with her thrown away. I think Yago loves Sara and repulsed by her and unable to admit to himself the Sara he created in his mind would betray him. He has been fooled again believing her lust is love.
Finally got up the nerve to watch the episode while I bake dessert for this evening's celebrations.
I once put salt on Nutella pancakes by accident( I often mistake salt and sugar on first sight) , EW! parents used to freshly squeeze orange juice every morning. To go with their bacon and eggs cooked in a black iron skillet. Those were the days. They both lived to a ripe old age, so something must have gone right. I don't think they ever put salt in the orange juice though.
I really liked the bonding between Katia and Teo this episode. But with two such flawed and tortured people, I see doom written all over this romance. Yes, let's hope they come up with a good excuse for why Katia is in the cabin. There really isn't any reason why she shouldn't be. They're both single, the would have had ample opportunities to meet as she works for Lucio's business partner Yago, and it's not like Abel ever told Teo to stay away from her.
I hope Damian gets himself in too deep and gets whacked by Camilo. He can't really tell Camilo more than he already knows, since Fidel himself has left breadcrumbs for Camilo leading from Yago to himself.
I do worry that now that Camilo is sure Yago works with Fidel that everyone in Yago's orbit is in danger-- including the people living in his house (Matias, Ambar, Sara). I'm surprised Yago didn't bring this up when Fidel was telling him how he's baiting Camilo and siccing him on Yago's trail.
My program guide is now showing Yago at 3 am. ET on unimas. Showing something at 3 am ET is like showing something when EVERYTHING IS DEAD. That's when my reruns channel used to show "COMBAT!" or in other words, "clearly no one is conscious because these are the worst fictitious memories imaginable in the year in which they were originally broadcast." In Unimas terms, that's "we hope no one sees this." I'm not awake at 3A unless I'm seriously ill.
I am absolutely dying for Damian to get whacked. Someone who could take a life like Alejandra's is someone who needs to get whacked. Pronto y punto.
The obvious relationship between Yago and Fidel, and all the horrible things that entails now that Vivi mentions it, is something I can't contemplate on a Monday holiday. For Melina's sake, I need Bruno to survive.
As quoted on GOT: "If you think this has a happy ending you really haven't been paying attention"
Ambar: I still see her dying before the Gran Final as Camilo & his cronies are going to strike.
Bruno: I just don't see him surviving either because he's still going to investigate Alejandra's disappearance (when we all know she's dead).
Love your defense of Ambar Julie. Yes, this dear creature who sautés food in a white silk blouse and open-toed shoes is endearing indeed. Plus she has such a lovely complexion. Hoping both she and her friend Julia survive. But especially our beloved damaged folks Katia and Teo. And "Pinzas". I know...who am I kidding. No happy endings for anybody. Dang.
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