Friday, July 22, 2016
Yago Capitulo 40 : The Seeds of Time
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For the love of Life There's a trade off We could lose it all But we'll go down fighting Won't we? |
In the present the assassination attempt on Ambar advances with rapid rate. Camilo is already celebrating by showcasing Tomas his new rare flower of death that will soon bear it's name: Ambar.The anesthesiologist which is secretly an assassin (I suppose that one is Hernan, the child Tomas adopted in the past) seems quite hot but at the same time gullible at practices of medicine as he had to be reprimanded by his seniors to first wait for Ambar to stabilize. Yago meanwhile is waiting tensely in Ambar's room. He even finds a note that says "You haven't eaten my cheesecake". Yago's sense of security didn't last long as suddenly Abel runs to the rescue informing Yago of Camilo's dark plan. They run together to the surgery room but get encountered by a security guard who clearly refuses to let them enter. After arguing Abel pulls a gun on the guard and he let's them pass. Sara is also looking for answers so she calls Lucio for information. He only asks her if Abel already arrived. He tries to tell her more but the snake Camilo interrupts him so Lucio hangs up. The assassin was about to start injecting the poison but Yago&Abel arrive blazing in with Abel pulling a gun on everyone. Yago informs them of the situation and starts investigating the pockets but Hernan grabs one of the doctors by throat. Yago tells Abel to watch out for Ambar while Yago goes out to chase Hernan Batman-style straight to the elevator, down the stairs and into some room where Yago finds two more doctors strapped to their beds! The Joker Hernan seemingly escapes the hospital.
Camilo reveals to Lucio that he made him hear the death order on purpose to test Lucio's mental strength but Lucio failed. Lucio opened his mouth instead when he should have just done nothing. Camilo says that Lucio isn't the man he expected, he cannot work with a team. Lucio tries to resist the brainwash but Camilo swiftly reminds him that Lucio is there to obey and not to opine. Besides Lucio can lose everything he gained so far once again in 3,2,1 !
The situation seems to have calmed down as the security (Camilo's men?) swarms the operating room. Sara gets informed by the Doc that they had a small complication but everything is fine now. Sara is thankful to all the lords from Hell&Heaven alike. Abel is meanwhile cuddling Ambar mumbling that he wishes to be her Prince Charming and Ambar his Sleeping Beauty. Yago comes in updating Abel of the situation but Yago is puzzled on who gave Abel the information. Abel says that maybe Yago&Co was the true mastermind since Yago is such a loyal puppet that is capable of everything. Yago defends himself claiming he would never harm Ambar. Ambar suddenly wakes up so Abel, Yago&Ambar have a small cuddle time. Yago also tells her that she was not operated on. Ambar needs to be moved somewhere more safe.
Lucio arrives to the hospital asking for Ambar's well being. Sara tells him that some psycho passed himself for anesthesiologist in order to kill Ambar but fortunately Yago&Abel came swiftly to the rescue. Lucio plays dumb to all this and pretends to not know anything. He wonders out loud "Who the hell did it?" . Abel wants to know the same of Lucio. Lucio lies to Abel that the mastermind was behind the assault. Abel is confused since Yago helped Abel. Why would Yago go against the orders of his puppet-keeper? Lucio suggest to move Ambar to Camilo's hospital.
Moving on, back at Camp Fidel Yago is reassured that Camilo will pay the deed in blood but Yago also blames Ambar's death on Fidel&Co for failing to protect her. Yago shows Fidel the coin that was left at the scene of crime. He swears to Fidel that the revenge is also his and he will not stop at nothing to obliterate Camilo from Earth!.
Sara is grieving at the morgue exchanging words of sadness. Siblings are supposed to protect one another. But she swears that things won't end like this. She will find the bastard who did this to her.
Abel is in grieving mode looking at the old pictures including those photos with Yago. Teo knocks on the door in an attempt to bring Abel some happiness but Abel chases him away. He would only take him in if he has intel on Fidel. Teo says that he is sure that Fidel had nothing to do with Ambar. They share a slow, painful hug but it transforms into a dance of death as Abel threatens Teo with death and misery if Teo doesn't leave his side ASAP.
Labels: yago
The Body Count:
1.) Security guard at Fidel's casino
2.) One of the prisoners during Omar's escape
3.) Matias' incompetent kidnappers
4.) One of Daddy Michell's henchmen
5.) Julio Michell
6.) Benjamin
7.) Uri
8.) Lorenzo
9.) Alejandra
10.) Raul: Katia's binge buddy
11.) Candy the dog
12.) Dr. Linares ???
13.) The 3 people in the horse stables
14.) The 2 bodyguards assigned to Ambar
15.) The 2 ambulance drivers
16.) Sara & Ambar's mother
17.) Ambar Madrigal: RIP :( Shaking my head still
Poor Ambar! Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Will this be the start of World War III?
Second, Crap Crap Crap!! If I was hoping for anyone to come out of this, it was Ambar and Matias.
I too think the body count will grow. Maybe Dumas' original intent will be more and more evident...vengeance leads to a bitter pill. How Yago can live with himself anymore as another innocent dies is beyond me. He's driven now by getting his son...good luck with that.
*sigh* They built up our hopes for Ambar and then tore them down.
Forget what Yago will do to Camilo. What will Yago, Abel and Sara do to Lucio when they find out he aided and abetted Ambar's murder? He's a dead man. Heck, even Damian might want to snuff him out for that.
Looks like Ambar and Sara's mom had the same heart ailment and just dropped dead while playing hide and go seek. Poor Ambar witnessing that and then getting blamed by Damian. No wonder she always had a fatalistic view of her own survival. She could have never guessed her death would come at the barrel of a gun.
I believe Yago spotted the red sneakers and maybe Abel too. Either they or Sara will recognize them on the killer at some point, I'm sure.
Loved Abel not taking "no" for an answer when the guard wouldn't let him and Yago crash the operating room. Yago is blaming the team for poor Ambar's murder, but I blame him too for getting her mixed up in all of this in the first place. At least after Ambar caught him with Sara, he should've left Ambar alone. But no, he's got rub Sara's nose in it with a fake engagement to her little sis.
So sad that Ambar died at odds with Sara. But how Ambar could want to tongue kiss Yago after knowing he's been revenge boinking her sister is beyond me.
Never could stand Lucio, but I thought he was better than this. But then he's always taken the safer route.
I thought it would've been more prudent to let Ambar get operated on at the first hospital, after the hitman got chased off. At least they knew the surgeon and nurse were legit there. But Camilo's goons could've gotten to Ambar anywhere anytime. So sad. Glad I didn't wait till bedtime to watch this.
"It's just a story" but ye gods, that's not working for me tonight. Thanks for manning up and doing the recap though.
I too, blame Yago for this. His revenge plan resulted in innocent people getting killed!
Thanks for this well done recap of such a disturbing and painful episode. You handled this with sensitivity and taste.
Yikes! Now I feel badly that I've not shown much affection for Ámbar up until now and now she's gone. She was a lovely spirited young woman who has not been treated well by this TN. The only characters who treated her with the respect she deserved were Matías and Abel. I do give some credit to Sara for her concern for her sister's fragile health. Yago mislead her and used her from the very beginning and right up till her final gasping breath. Jerk!
"...Camilo's goons could've gotten to Ambar anywhere anytime."
Which makes it puzzling as to why he created such an elaborate plot to bump her off. And again, why her? Fidel barely knew her and frankly couldn't have cared less about her death.
Poor Ámbar... she appeared to be disposable from the very beginning. Her turning Bigote over to Matías pretty much telegraphed her recognition inevitable.
Judy: The opening poem is in reality a song by David Sylvian, For The Love of Life. It's quite a great ,haunting song. I found that some of the lines were quite compatible with this episode.
I wonder how Sara will react once she finds out that Lucio actually helped kill her sister. I wouldnt be surprised if she leaves Lucio and begins her solo path for revenge. But Lucio would then probably take Matias and sue Sara for child support LOL.
I don't see Damian fuming over Ambar's death. She didn't care about him and neither did Damian when Ambar lost her mother. He also stole the funds that were meant for Ambar's surgery. Damian only cares for Sara because of monetary reasons and because he get's off manipulating her.
I quite see Abel being on a warpath to avenge Ambar. He and Matias are the only ones who really loved Ambar. Yago
is probably just mad because he lost his favorite toy but Abel lost one of the few remaining lights in his life.
Camilo is a very scary monster. He doesn't need to hold a gun to scare the Jesus out of everyone. Just his creepy voice, his greasy face and hand mannerisms.
I've been looking at this tale wrong. There is no good and bad, righteousness or remorse but a scrum of the worst and worser, kicking, clawing, biting to be the first to hells door.
Selma & Fidel likely won't make it as well!
What will now become of Abel? He's suffered two recent tragic losses and has the death of Jenny's son on his conscience.
And who will Yago next choose as a romantic interest? My money is on Julia.
Julia, Teo & Katia need to leave Mexico ASAP & don't look back!
Abel, Sara, and maybe Julia think that Yago killed her. So not only does he have to revenge for this death too, but he has to defend himself against even more people who want to do him harm.
Lucio had to sacrifice Ambar's life for his own. if he didn't prove himself to Camilo, he would be the one dead right now instead.
We know Ambar's death will mess with a lot of people's heads, and I'm ready for that to happen. It won't be nice, but it will be interesting!
The only people I see being devastated by Ambar's death are Yago, Mati & Julia.
Lucio will also need to die & Abel will never go to prison.
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