Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Sueño de amor #104 Wednesday 8/10/16. "Too Many Tears, Everyone Looks Like Hell and a Pato Who Won't Stop Quacking"

We pick up our story just after a worn down, weakened, and ill Esperanza has told Ernesto that she is ready to throw in the towel, that she just cannot deal with her situation anymore and he has begged her to keep fighting and not give in: just do it please for her children.

(WARNING: the unifying theme of this episode was TEARS!!!!!!!)

Ricardo, Cristina and all of the kids are leaving the church (Pámela is on his back) after setting the date of the wedding. Ricardo is chanting: two weeks!!! (To the wedding) The kids and Ricardo want to go celebrate by going to the movies. Cristina is all poopie at first saying they just were at the amusement park but gives in.

Pato finally sees Luca at work and tearfully fills him in on Tracy, Ernesto and the "La Sombra" fiasco.

At the movies, Ricardo is reminding Cristina about "two weeks" and has to be shushed by the kids. They all have popcorn and Cristina and Ricardo make out like two teenagers while his own son Rodrigo looks on, says they are like kids and shakes his head.

Pato is still moaning to Luca and does not know what to do. The "La Sombra" fiasco was the worst event of her life and her father caused it. Luca is also very disappointed. Ernesto is capable of such goodness but also capable of the other extreme, too. They really don't know him.

At home,a visibly weak Esperanza tells Ernesto the day she is no longer able to go teach will be the day she dies. He leaves and tells her not to move.

Montserrat Felix's mother Montserrat is pulling on him to take her to the doctor but he has an emergency. She falls on the floor calling for the doctor and makes herself the emergency.

At the hospital, Kiko arrives walking slowly and painfully with a walker. They all wait for news on Salma and the baby. Salma is in the operating room and things are not looking too good. Salma goes through all of her pregnancy memories. She wants her daughter.

Napoleón has news for Silvana at their place. The person who is buying the baby is going to give them one million pesos for the baby. They have been given 100,000 pesos up front; the rest when the baby is turned over. If they do not deliver the baby they will owe him this money with interest or he will kill them.

News from the doctor as she comes into the waiting room. Salma is just fine but she lost the baby. Tears all around.

At Cristina's, they put Selena and Abril to bed. The two girls agree they can call each other sister. Ricardo is talking to Cristina and remembering something that Tracy said: Ernesto had put out a hit on her.

Ernesto has taken the next step since Esperanza's legs are weak by bringing her a wheel chair so she can go to work.

Luca gets a phone call that Salma is okay but that the baby was lost. Luca and Pato are going to the hospital.

At the hospital, Margarita and Félix talk about how strange life is, it's incomprehensible lessons, and how we cannot question God's plans. The adoptive parents were going to name the baby Andrea Mireya, Salma wanted to name her Margarita. They all want to be able to help Salma.

Napoleón and Silvana toast to their 50,000 pesos apiece. The celebration is short. Silvana calls Margarita and gets Montserrat on the phone. She finds out there is no longer a baby to be sold.

Back at Esperanza's the talk turns back to the "La Sombra" fiasco. Esperanza tells Ernesto that maybe in time his kids will forgive him but she does not know if she can. Pato comes in and refuses to call Ernesto "father". He leaves.She wants to know why Esperanza is still talking to him. Right now Esperanza tells Pato that she needs peace for her health and no more arguments. On his way out, Ernesto runs into Pedro and decides to clear the air with him, too, and tell him the truth about the "La Sombra" fiasco.

Anya is still working out with the punching bag in her room trying to memorize anatomy terms but she keeps thinking about Pedro and really does not want to like him. Why does she? She wonders.

At Esperanza's house, Ernesto is now getting it from Pedro for the "La Sombra" fiasco. Ernesto apologizes and says he has changed. Pedro will never trust him again nor will Pato. If his mother were not sick he would throw him out on the street. He better not disappoint his mother. Ernesto looks like hell.

Ricardo and Cristina are discussing Tracy kidnapping Adrián. According to Ricardo, Tracy risked too much in the kidnapping. It was too sophisticated of a plan just to be the revenge of a mad woman. Maybe Ernesto really did try to kill her. Enough of that for Cristina. They decide that Ricardo is going to teach Cristina to talk with her mouth without using words. Ewww! Kissy kiss time!

The next day, Salma is still in the hospital. The whole family comes to see her. She wakes up and asks how her baby is. Mario has to tell her that she lost the baby. Salma just cries.

At school, Ricardo runs into Esperanza in her wheelchair being pushed by Pedro. She says her legs are weak but it is just a temporary side effect from the chemo. When Ricardo leaves, Pedro asks is she saw the expression on Ricardo's face. Esperanza says it is not easy seeing a person you once loved in a wheel chair. Pedro jumps on the "once loved" as if Ricardo does not love her any more. Esperanza sees no point of getting into that discussion. She just wants Pedro to push her to class. The bell has rung.

In Cristina's office, she tells her secretary Quintina that she is engaged. Killjoy Silvana comes in to clean and hearing the announcement reminds them that 60% of all marriages end in divorce and marriage became an invention when life expectancy was only 35 years. Cristina wishes her a "good" day. For Silvana the day is depressing and frustrating. Cristina asks if there is a reason for such bitterness. It is just that a few months back she occupied this very office and now she is picking up the garbage. Her final comment is: Wasn't Ricardo in love with Esperanza back then? She excuses herself. In the hall she admits she isn't even good at cleaning and now she has to return all of that money.

Back at the hospital, Salma is inconsolable. Everyone is commiserating with Salma. Viviana tells her the cause of the miscarriage/spontaneous abortion was a detached placenta. It was nothing she could have prevented. Salma decides she is not going to calm down. No, things are not going to get better for her. From now on, she is going to do whatever she feels like. (Uh, oh: isn't that what got her pregnant in the first place?)

Kiko, now on crutches, talks to Esperanza in the classroom. She tells him she finally knows what his time in the wheel chair was like. Esperanza notices how sad Adrián, Kiko and Estrella are. They tell her about Salma losing the baby. Esperanza is going to try to talk to Salma even if it is only on the phone. After a couple of coughs, Esperanza decides to start class: essay revisions is the topic.

In Ricardo's class, the students are working but he notices something is not right. He gets up and starts walking around the classroom when he sees silent communication between his daughter Selena, Abril and Pámela. He asks what is going on. Nothing. So he then asks for them to all bring their papers up to his desk. He wants to see their drawings. It turns out they were making invitations for the wedding so he could pick out the one he liked the best. He thanks them so very much but they cannot do this on school time. They remind him there is so little time to finish the invitations and get them printed and send to all of the guests. He is going to hang on to their drawing and give them back after their work is done. Pámela tells him not to get angry so he does not get all wrinkly.

Esperanza is sitting in her wheel chair in the rest room looking very very tired. Estrella comes in and Esperanza asks her how things are going with Adrián. Esterlla feels sorry for him because he has been through so much. Esperanza says sometimes life gives us tests. Estrella thinks Adrián has learned a lot. Esperanza reminds her Adrián has come out ahead in everything. He is now all bummed out about Salma losing the baby. Cristina comes in and asks how Esperanza is doing. Just fine. All Esperanza can see is the engagement ring and Cristina notices.

Back at the hospital, Margarita, Mario and Viviana find out from the doctor that Salma is going to get sprung later that afternoon. Mireya and Adrián come by to see her and bring her a little stuffed dog as a gift. Salma seems to be back to her pre pregnancy nasty self asking if that is supposed to be a substitute for her dead daughter. She sees their presence as a reminder that she lost her daughter, their daughter. She only wants to be left in peace. Left in peace: dammit!

Back in the restroom, Esperanza asks Estrella to wait for her outside. Esperanza states that Cristina and Ricardo are getting married. Cristina corroborates that fact and adds they were just at the church yesterday and the wedding will take place in two weeks. Esperanza congratulates her. Cristina says that the news of the marriage did not seem to go over very well with her. Esperanza asks why would it not go over well since she is going to marry Ernesto. Cristina (who never learned to shut up and just has to dig it in) adds that she was wondering because of Esperanza's expression when she saw the ring. Esperanza says even if she did not like the news, what is she going to do? According to Cristina, this very fact that it is important to her that she and Ricardo are going to get married changes everything because then Ricardo is right: Esperanza still does love him. (how horrible for Esperanza knowing she was being talked about by those two like a side of beef). Cristina goes on that Esperanza distanced her self from Ricardo and sacrificed herself so he did not have to live her illness with her. She reminds Esperanza how much she loves Ricardo and that she is going to fight for her family and for their love. All of this goes on while Esperanza looks weak and about to collapse in her wheelchair.

Next thing, Cristina is at home with Ricardo. She is busy on her laptop looking at venues for the wedding reception. Abril, Selena, Rodrigo and Pámela come in to each present their wedding invitations they drew. They want the two of them them to choose the final design (how??? ) Cristina and Ricardo review them and make the best choice of all: they are going to use all four drawings on the invitations.

Later that night, Esperanza is in bed and Pato comes on by to complain about the "La Sombra" fiasco. Esperanza looks like hell and is visibly weak with plenty of racoon makeup on, but Pato has to go on and on with her harangue. She cannot believe that her mother is defending Ernesto. Esperanza agrees that what he did has no justification. He put Pato's life and everybody's life into danger. Pato wants to know why she is still with him. Esperanza tells her it is because Ernesto has changed. That does not sit well with Pato and she goes on and on and on as Esperanza looks like she is at death's door. Esperanza calls Pato on shouting in the middle of her rage. Esperanza who sounds like she can barely get up the strength to talk says that what he did was terrible but his end was noble: he wanted his children to love him. So, the end justifies the means? asks Pato. Finally Esperanza has to tell Pato if she keeps shouting it is better if she goes to her room and comes back when she is more calmed down. Pato does not get the message and keeps plowing ahead. Is it because Ernesto is taking care of her? Esperanza says that is not fair. Pato comes back with lying/hiding things is never justified. Esperanza is the one who taught them that. Esperana croaks out that if that is the case, she should be angry with Pato for hiding things from her: namely her night with Luca.
Esperanza has caught her. Pato cannot get out of her own trap so she blames Esperanza for getting the conversation off track because they ae talking about Ernesto. Esperanza says yes but she is done talking with Pato about anything. They do not shout at each other. She prefers that Pato go to her room and leave her alone. Pato leaves Esperanza who just sinks into her pillows.


All I can say is thank goodness for the Cristina-Ricardo wedding plot or it would have been wall to wall tears. More later.

Thanks Jarifa!

Looks like everybody who is around esperanza doesn't want her to get better. All is problems, arguments, fights, untimely (and unnecessary) confessions, and so on.

So kissing is like talking without words?

Salma, we have good news and bad news, the good news is that you won't have to change diapers or take care of the baby, because the bad news is that there's no baby!!

Isn't that Kiko's hand me down wheelchair?

Besides Ricardo and their passion for teaching, both esperaza and CVV share something else in common, the waxy look of their faces...

I couldn't help but think of Debbie Downer when Silvana talked about marriages. LOL!

Thank you, Jarifa! Tris has been awful to watch, what a happy comedy for the kids it turned out to be.
So Esperanza is this time dying for real and Pato decides this is the moment for one of her hissy fits. She is right, but there is a time and there is a place...

Pablo, have you already strates tonight's recap? I counted wrong and I took notes for the épisode. We could switch, with you tuning my Friday, if it works for you, too. Let me know.

Adriana Noel

Bad auto correct. Pablo, I hope you got the point of my comment.


Jarifa, I just read your recap twice. I think it was your very finest to date. A masterpiece. You presented the facts but with astuteness, insight and grand kindness.

I don’t think I’ve ever read a recap that brought me to tears without seeing the episode but this did it for me. You were so vivid, I saw everything in my mind’s eye.

“Pats leaves Esperanza who just sinks into her pillows”. What did this poor woman do to deserve this? Aside from her rapidly decaying health, she must deal with Ernesto’s self proclaimed treachery which has left her, him and their children in emotional turmoil.

Your “(WARNING: the unifying theme of this episode was TEARS!!!!!!!” said it all for me.

“According to Cristina, this very fact that it is important to her that she and Ricardo are going to get married changes everything because then Ricardo is right: Esperanza still does love him. (now horrible for Esperanza knowing she was being talked about by those two like a side of beef)”. Yes, Cris is missing a sensitivity chip. Say nothing Cristina. Say nothing…

And Pato, so self centered and shallow that she does not even allow for the fact her mother is dying to be quiet and comfort. That’s all. Put your anger at Ernesto away – you have more important things – supporting your mother and not adding to her anxiety is top on the list.

I was very, very happy to have missed any kissing or interaction between Ric and Cris. Please – sail off into the sunset but don’t make us watch any more of your fussing and fawning.

“Salma seems to be back to her pre pregnancy nasty self asking if that is supposed to be a substitute for her dead daughter”. It seems that way, but my heart goes out to her.

I'm sorry Ernesto is suffering now - I had hoped he and Esperanza would have some loving, comforting moments.

It really seems as though Esperanza is going to die. I am very, very sad...Yesterday I say the episode where Ric visits Tracy in Jail and the too sickeningly sweet blended families are all atwitter about the upcoming wedding. The scene when they told the school audience about their "love" was cringe worthy. I wasn't among the smattering of attendees who halfheartedly clapped.

Thank you Jarifa!


Adriana, I wouldn't mind covering for you tomorrow, but I also have notes for today, maybe we could do a join recap. Your point of view, my point of view. I think the carayitas could get a double treat. Can a second person edit another person's entry? (Meaning to add the guest recap) Let me know how can we do that. Thanks.

Pablo, "hand me down wheelchair" . That was a good one. Was it Kiko's? I just thought: Ernesto could surely afford a battery operated one if Esperanza were having a hard time rolling a wheel chair, right? They would gave delivered it juárever, right? Was he being cheap? Ha! Ha! Looking for humor wherever I can.

Adriana, "no happy comedy here " is right. That made a quick exit never to return in the first week or was it the second?

Diana, you are going to give me a big head with all of your compliments but thanks! You made my day. I also just fixed a bunch of typos I saw in the quotes. I hope the recap is typo free now. Yes, that school announcement the other day was "cringeworthy". Too bad that the Ricardo-Cristina romance is the only thing offering some relief from the never ending tragedies. I am ready to put this novela to bed and turn off the lights on it, so to speak. : )


The only bright spot in this mess tonight was catching a glimpse of Daniel Arenes in the "movie" Ricardo and CVV attended. And I think they are a little old for PDA.

Thank you Jarifa for another GREAT recap.

Pablo, it's fine whatever you choose. Not knowing what you will decide, I watched Friday's show, too, so now I can recap that one. Between Thursday and Friday it's hard to choose which one is less awful.
Let's just stick to our usual days, then. I'll comment your post with whatever ideas I had about possibly recapping (have to check my notes first).

This novela, like esperanza, is in her last breaths, but if you want to switch to "turd"sdays, after 110 we can switch. I can do fridays starting with 116, or, I can cover for anyone, as long as I know in advance, I also like to take my notes and read and rewrite several times before posting.

"This novela, like esperanza, is in her last breaths, but if you want to switch to "turd"sdays"...

Pablo, I'm still chuckling.


Emeraldrose, Daniel Arenas is always easy on the eyes.

My reaction: WOW!

Yep, this was a rough one!

Jarifa, I just finished your recap. Girl you put the icing on the cake with this one. I could just grab pato and shake her
Lil silly self. And she can see how hurt she Is. And rightly so, but shes giving her mom a hard time, at a time when
she shouldn't. And you know what else, I might be alone with this, I wish they would stop acting as If ricardo is
Doing something against their mother. She did the pushing away, all he wanted to know was why. Which is still so not Makin sence. He would have been right there. Like he said in that dream, she had no right takin that decision to make That choice away from him. I think she knows that now. Im sorry for her, but Im happy for him and christV. And For however long their happiness last. I don't know what the hell this orsorio person is doing but hes pissin me off, with Pato actin like a jerk towards her mother. I know she's angry with her father and she has every right to be because that situation could have gone bad in a hurry with that psychopath with a gun, but she needs to tone It down with her mother and stop acting like she has never told no lies or hiden anything. Like her little roll in the hey with lucky luca. Im with espy, cuz I was gettin sick of her too. Go to you room. Little twit.

That little girl that lost her baby, shes gonna be a hellian walkin and runnin. So sorry for baxter and meryia. They'll
Have a baby by the end of the show, you know, the happy endings and stuff.


"And I could see how hurt she was" is what I was trying to say about^.

Hello amigowz, please feel free to go check the newest recap, is hot from the keyboard!

Nina, ITA about Ricardo. He did exactly what Esperanza wanted him to do: get on with his life. He did nothing wrong.

Yay, Pablo!

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