Saturday, August 06, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #49/54: Who Killed G.R.? And Who The Heck Is Ana Leticia?

Parte 1~

While Mariano is suffering guilt pangs for having fooled around with Valentin Padilla’s exploitative ex, Facundo is getting the second biggest shock of his life in seeing that his dead and buried son is no longer dead and buried, but very much alive.  Unfortunately, Santiago wants nothing to do with him or the past life he represents as Marcelo Salvaterra’s father.  (And, what a debby-downer!  A recluse ruminating in refuse. Santi can't help but wrinkle his nose in disgust.)

Facundo may be his father but he’s no father figure.  SanMarco cannot remember the man and seeing him does not arouse feeling number one in him.  He knows enough about Marcelo Salvaterra to know he doesn’t want to be that man or have any part of his life as his any longer.  Remedios was Santi’s biggest help, his biggest fan, and his only reason for having recovered. That won’t stop Facundo from trying to rescue him from his amnesia, and he tells him as much. 

Ramiro visits Mariano at The Realty Place and tells him he wants the truth about Gina’s death.

At the same time, TinTin has paid a morning visit to Ana Laura to beg for another opportunity with her.  She sweetly reprimands him for having used her as a tool for his revenge against her Uncle and her true luhhhv, Ramiro.  For shame!  He is just as upset, he says, and claims Ana Llora asked her sister to humiliate him this way purposely; that A MiMi told him that they’d rehearsed for hours so Ana Leticia could play the part perfectly.  She of course denies it all and is again saddened to hear how her sister could have been so mean…..

TinTin denies any attempt to get even with Ramiro over Gina, and his crocodile tear cup runneth over as he swears he doesn’t blame anyone for his ex-novia’s suicide—how could anybody—let alone Ramiro Fuentes, for that.  What hurts most of all--sniff, sniff—is having lost all hope again of ever being happy with a woman at his side.  He had such high hopes, such dreams about A Llora and him.  But now it’s been like a dagger in his heart.  At least she won’t refuse to allow him to continue at the Foundation, cheering those beautiful children up every day?  They’ll continue to at least be friends, right?  Right. 

Mo immediately lies to Ram about not knowing Gina more than only vaguely.  Ram lets him have it between the eyes.  He knows all about how he was present, right in the room, actually, when Marcelo held a gun to her head and dictated the suicide note he forced her to write just before her death.  Mo swallows big-time.  (How does he lie his way out of this one, me mateys?) How could he know this?  What Ram doesn’t know is what happened immediately after Gina finished writing that note.  “—Leave it be, Ramiro.  You won’t like what you might find.  Why should it involve me, anyway?”  Well, for starters, his nieces are involved and the man wants vengeance against Ram and probably Mo as well.  “—Or am I wrong?”  Mo starts shifting his weight and acting a bit antsy.  Hmm.  Guess Ram isn’t as wrong as he might have thought.

In the meantime, Ana Llora tries convincing Ernestina that she is wrong to throw Ana MiMi to the wolves.  After all, she had her (twisted-less-than-truthful) reasons, though A Llora is not at liberty to divulge them.  Erni figures it’s just as well, since she couldn’t handle another shock like that one.

Back in Mo’s office, Ramiro tells him about the old photos of Mo and Ana Llora pasted all over TinTin’s bedroom wall.  They definitely were not recent.  They were over three years old.  This guy’s been planning his revenge for quite a while.  How could Mo have let it get this far with A Llora?  They’ll both protect her, whatever happens, but for Ram to do it his way, he’s got to know why TinTin’s got it out for Mo.   Who really killed Gina Ramirez?  (My bet’s on the crooked lawyer.)

And sure enough, TinTin’s in another drunken stupor and this time he’s got venganza on the brain for more than just Mo.  He’s going to get even with Ana Llora for dumping him the way she did—and again it’s for that Ramiro Fuentes!

Across the way, at Iñaki’s mostly humble abode, A MiMi tries to get to the bottom about what Julieta wanted from him at the hospital.  Yaki only admits that he refuses to go through a dangerous operation to save her son for her.  Daniel’s a jerk wad, but he still pities the dude.  Naw, there’s more.  They were supposed to be honest about everything, right?  Ok.  Then tell him what she really said and did on that whirlwind trip to Costa Paraiso the day Jennifer died.  Did she or didn’t she have something to do with her death?  A MiMi smoothly scoots around answering that by saying she’d need somewhere to sit while telling him, but he’s not got a stick of furniture in his living room and she’s not accustomed to roughing it.  Next time he invites her in, make certain he at least has a sofa…..

Now Mo opens up.  Marcelo may have held the gun, but he certainly didn’t pull the trigger.  No, some way they all had a part in that woman’s death.  Who?  “--Valentin for trying to stop the wedding; Ramiro for jilting her at the altar; and Marcelo for letting things get so out of hand; and me, I am probably the most responsible, but I won’t say more than that.  Each of us has our burden to bear for our blame.”   Ram is steaming now because how dare he have judged him all these years—and with what moral authority?  Mo apologizes and says he at least knows now that his relationship with Ana Llora is serious and that is what matters.  He can count on Mo’s support.  He wants Ram’s help in keeping TinTin far away from Ana Llora.  Not to worry, says Ram.  He’d defend her with his life if it is necessary and he storms out of the office in a silent rage.

Over at the rehearsal of the Dance Aire, Javier and Orlando practice a duo and then Maribel and Javi go out to eat in hopes of making Orly jealous—or to show she’s got other men interested in her.  Javi’s a slob at lunch. It makes Ma Bel sick to see it. (FF>>FF>>) 

End part 1 of 3~~

Parte 2 of 3~~

A MiMi is not letting her sister get away with this humiliation.  She now pays TinTin a visit and tells him about the trap she and Ram set for her.  TinTin can count on A MiMi’s total support in getting her back together with him.  Valentin has a great laugh now at A MiMi’s expense.  Her sister got the best of her and MiMi isn’t so indestructible after all.  BTW, he doesn’t want or need Ana Leticia’s help in getting revenge.  Oh then would he rather drown himself with alcohol while Ramiro takes a second woman away from him, asks A MiMi?   “—Ramiro and Gina did not come out of the church as man and wife, now did they?”  Ana Lemeeeee is excited to learn that maybe Violentin  may have had a hand in her death after all and asks him as much.   What do you think, he poses darkly?  Was she murdered or did she really die by her own hand?  “—So better think twice before joining forces with me.  You might lose your only sister.  Is that what you really want?”  Ana Leticia gets a really happy face on thinking of this possibility.   

At the hospital, Julieta is in the chapel asking for mercy for brat Daniel.  It isn’t his fault.  (Oh, but it is!)  Please allow one of his brothers to save him.  (Yeah, let them be more humane than she ever was! Yaki was definitely tracking with me about this soulless woman asking favors  for the only son she ever loved—with no regard for the abandoned other two whom she left, and without a single thought for either in 20 years!!  This end of Viewerville is hoping Dios has a huge ‘Gone Fishin’ sign on the door!)

At the manse again, A MiMi convinces Erni she’s a loner because she’s never the center of anyone’s attention.  Everything is always about the missing Ana Lucia or the handicapped Ana Laura.  Now, she knows that Marcelo is alive and has abandoned her all this time, letting everyone think he’s dead while he goes on living his life without her.  Somehow Ramiro is helping him, too!   

Erni takes this as a sign to forgive Ana Leticia and admits she saw Marcelo briefly once herself and he ran off like the coward he is!  A Llora comes into the doorway and listens tearfully to the conversation as Erni explains that the momentary sight of Marcelo at the Dance Aire performance was what gave her the heart attack and caused her to faint.  She wasn’t sure and wanted answers and didn’t know how A MiMi would react to the news, anyway.  Who cares,  A MiMi is back in Abue’s good graces—and that’s all that counts now.

A few minutes later, Cecilia and Soledad are driving to deliver a package from Vidriana to Ana Laura.  Sole walks in and learns whose manse it is in her short conversation with Leonora, who has answered the doorbell.  Nothing more happens and she returns to the car for a lift home.

Meanwhile, Santi gets back to Rem’s place and tells her while she’s cooking dinner that he finally met Marcelo’s father.  She thinks she’s losing him but he tells her that’s not going to happen.  He doesn’t plan to see the man ever again.  A Lucky has walked in and tries persuading him that as the long lost son he owes the man the duty of visiting him again.  After all, it is Marcelo’s father and the man thought he had lost his only son.  Santi asks how she’d react if she’d learned the same about herself?  If she had a family that had lost her years ago and thought she was dead also? Would she turn her back on Soledad if she learned she wasn’t her real mother?   Rem hears all this and nearly has her own heart attack.  Ruh-Roh!  

A Lucky says the question is absurd.  It isn’t the case with her and in any event, she would never turn her back on Soledad.  However Lucky’s certain that his father will eventually come to accept the man Santi is now. 

The blouse Viridiana sent over for A Llora starts A Lemeeeee on another crusade against the woman as just another gold digger.  After all, she had determined to sue Mariano and then she changed her mind and suddenly started sidling up to him.  A Llora defends the woman to Erni who decides she needs to get to know her better, owing to Mo’s interest in her and A Llora’s positive attitude towards her.

Later on, Erni tells Leonora that A MiMi is acting out because she knows Marcelo is alive and has left her while pretending in the most cruel way that he’s been dead all this time.  However, for some reason Ramiro seems to be in contact with him.  She’s wondering what’s behind it all.  Leo defends Ram and his actions.  If he’s been helping Marcelo, he’s had to have a very good reason for it.  Talk turns to Mo and Viridiana actually sharing more than just a casual interest in each other.  The phone signals another text sent for Dama Solitaria. 

At the same time Erni’s reading the text that we figure Rodrigo has just sent, there’s a knock at his door.  It’s Facundo, there to tell Rod that Marcelo is alive and came to see him today.  They share a brotherly hug of relief and joy.

Across town, Sole and Lucky are getting ready for bed.  They giggle about the big mansion Sole stopped at with her delivery this evening.  Would Ana Lucia like all that money and living in a mansion?  Sure, who wouldn’t, she giggles.  “The heiress of a family whose been looking for her for years!”  Sole freaks.  Lucky explains the conversation she had with Santi earlier tonight.  But, truthfully, she adds, anybody who would kidnap children and separate them from their rightful family are guilty as sin and deserve no mercy, ever.

The next day, A MiMi sneaks into Daniel’s ICU room which never seems to have a single nurse or doctor anywhere near it.  The best thing would be if Daniel just stopped breathing.  Of course, Julieta walks in on her and the smiling mask comes up.  She’s soooooo worried for por Danito.  

Daniel dreams about the incidents leading up to his beat down.  Evaristo lets him think it could be Ana Leticia who is behind this since the two of them paid him to kill [deshacerse de= lit. get rid of, kill off] Marcelo, she’d be capable of the same with Daniel, her nuisance of a lover.  Daniel offers him twice what she’s offered Ev.  Marcelo wants to talk to him, but if he doesn’t kill him then Ev may want to unless, afterwards, Daniel agrees to cooperate with Ev and the boys.  Daniel is to keep mum about the deal Ev made with Danny and MiMi to kill Marcelo three years ago.  Dan asks if he doesn’t already know this since his wife told him he knew and was planning to get his revenge.  Ev laughs at that and says he doesn’t know a thing but if Danny opens his mouth at all about it then Ev will kill the both of them! 

End parte 2~~
Parte 3 of 3

Rodrigo lets Facundo stay with him.  Fac has cleaned up rather nicely and the two men discuss SanMarco’s peculiar situation having to deal with all the unusual things that are going on with him after having lost his memory.  Fac doesn’t know the man who sat and talked to him.  That wasn’t his son.  Rod says be patient.  Just because Facundo is used to getting his way in business doesn’t mean he will in family bidnez.  Ok.  In the meantime, since having sold all his properties and having given it to Rod to invest for him was smart.  He’s now got scads of money.  No, says Facundo.  It all belongs to Marcelo.  But he’s going to have to earn it……(We have no idea what that means.)

There’s a knock at the door.  It’s Ram, who we learn Rod hired on Fac’s recommendation, though Rodrigo told him it was a college prof who gave the nod.  Rod introduces him and Fac tells him the two of them need to have a sit down.

Yaki has a powwow with Santi.  Santi’s just as bummed out with life currently as Yaki is.  Santi mentions it’s cuz he just found his dad.  Yaki says he’s just found his mom!  

In the hospital coffee shop, Julieta finally admits Yaki is her son also and that’s why it has to be Yaki who is the donor.  Ana Leticia is Julieta’s only hope in convincing Yaki to help her and Daniel.  Hmmm.  Now that is a horse of a different color.  But no, she won’t be much use.  Then, Julieta asks her to help her locate his brother, Javier—her second “other son”.

Santi and Yaki discuss Daniel’s beat down and Dan’s now needing a liver transplant, and how his long-lost mama has told him Daniel Escárciga’s his brother and she’s his long lost madre de verdad who he despises.  Turns out he’s penniless and nothing more to the woman than a piece of liver for the little prince.  Sanit now learns that Daniel’s dying and he was the cause of it all—his friend’s brother at death’s door!!!  (Dun-duhn-duhnnnnn!)

Yaki is scared of going through the dangerous operation for that jerkecito, and that woman never gave a crap about him and Javier all these years.  As far as he’s concerned the kid probably deserved the beating.  Let the jerk die for all he cares!  Santi asks him to reconsider.  Why, asks Yaki.  “—Because I’m the reason he’s in there!  I’m the one who put him in the hospital!!”  (Dun-duhnnn-duhnnnnn!)

At the Foundation, TinTin is trying to sidle up to Ana Llora with some silly fundraising scheme and sweet talk.  Ramiro walks in on the two of them and nips it in the bud.

Santi explains it was like a dream but he doesn’t really remember if it was or not.  It is just that the waiter recognized him and Daniel and stated he’d seen him drag Daniel out of the bar that night.  Also he’s got scabs on his knuckles, like he’s been beating somebody up in a brawl.  What else can he think?  And, he plans on telling Daniel’s mother.  Yaki tells him he’s crazy.  The woman is rich and powerful and she will have him locked up and throw away the key!  Anybody would have done it.  I'd have done the same!  No reason to risk himself over that!  Yaki will agree to donate only to save Santi from going to jail.  

Viridiana is chatting with Julieta about the absence of her husband during this family tragedy when Yaki shows up and tells them he’s decided to donate a part of his liver to Daniel.

At the same time, A MiMi has a secret powwow with Evaristo.  She is pissed that she’s spent a fortune for him to protect her from her husband and Ev hasn’t lifted a finger to stop him!  He reminds her that Marco is a threat to him also.  Well, she says, he called her and told her he had her lover in front of him.  "--It’s obvious this is the beginning of his revenge against me."  “—If he left Daniel alive he had a reason.”  She asks Ev what that reason could be.  Well, if Daniel opens his mouth Ev and she are both going to go to jail!!  And????  He’s too old to care where he dies, but it would be a shame If a lovely little young thing like her should be sent away.  So, for her own good, Daniel needs to breathe his last and soon.

Outside Rem’s rooming house, Santi has just pulled up to park.  Lucky walks out to greet him.  He tells her the man the waiter saw him pull out of the bar is now at Death’s door in the hospital.  He thinks he should turn himself into the authorities.  She says absolutely not.  Let’s discuss this.  Just then Facundo shows up to visit.  “—Papa!”  Fac says Ram gave him the address.  He hugs SanMarco.  He looks  over at Lucky.  “—I’m glad to learn that you and my son have found each other and are together again, Ana Leticia.”  Lucky is definitely confused—or thinks his papi is.  She looks at Santi for an explanation/correction…something.  “—Ana Leticia??”


I just watched the second episode this a.m. and that was a "wow"! I am looking forward to your recap so I can see what preceded all of that angst and action.

Jarifa: Maybe "Law & Order SVU" should investigate this murder mystery!

Good one, Steve!

I was kind of in & out watching last night, so I'm looking forward to the recap!

Gina is probably living somewhere imprisoned by her crazy grandfather Everisto...

Big thanks to all of the recappers!!! You are doing an amazing job with these double episodes.

I am looking forward to your recap, Jardinera. Loved your title of "Who Killed GR?" A take off on the original Dallas TV show around 1980. The way the episode ended last night, with Ana Lu saying, "ANA LETICIA????!!!!!"

It looks like Evariso may be indeed behind the beating of Daniel now - he probably paid that waiter to tell Santiago that he came in and dragged Daniel out, and perhaps also to put something in Santiago's drink, so he blacks out. Bloody shirt and knuckles would be relatively easy to arranger by breaking in.

Ana Le will probably now "help" Daniel die peacefully. Will it be before or after Inaki donates part of his liver? And if we know Inaki any, he will probably ask for a hefty compensation for such sacrifice. He didn't complain about eviction and lack of furniture and money today for nothing.

Of course yesterday's previews of Santiago telling Ana Lu she is not Sole's daughter and has a family looking for her all these years were all a ruse. No truth for Ana Lu yet. I am starting to hope she will not forgive easily all these people around her, believing themselves to have the right to decide her life for her.

Ria Can't be, Santi had a memory of doing the actual beating. It's too contrived to think all these hoops were jumped just so we can feel he's completely faultless. He's a good guy, who's been hurt bad & is giving due comeuppance. When in doubt, Occam's Razor it out.

Oh and for the kids who aren't familiar, Occam's Razor states "All things being equal, the simplest solution is usually the correct one"

Then again this is telenovela land, where gravity can go kaput and the dead become the living. Undoubtedly, Evaristo is probably more of a Gillette Razor kind of guy. Occam's Razor Que? :P

Anna, what if it was just a dream? Ev was telling Ana Le in this latest episode that it's to everyone's benefit if Daniel dies. He also instructed Daniel to not tell Santi that Ev was hired by him and Ana Le to kill Marcelo. Probably does not want to show his cards until he has that key and the contents of the deposit box, whatever they are.


I think it's quite possible that Santi threw a lot of punches, just not all of them. So it doesn't have to be a dream - but it doesn't have to be as bad as it looks, either. Evaristo (and grandsons) could have picked up the slack.

AnaLet was funny (evil), menacing Daniel in his hospital bed and then pretending to pet him on the head when his mother showed up.

I am confused about the numbering. Isn't this #58 and 59?

Julie, that is what I am thinking, too : that Santiago/Marcelo started the beating and then one if Evaristo's minions finished the job. They are good at putting people in the hospital but not quite killing them out right.

@Ria Really? I could've sworn it was a dream. Gonna have to rewatch it. I'm mostly skeptical b/c I just don't want to deal with Evaristo as the writers go-to fallback guy for every surprise twist. I'm afraid I'm going to hurt myself with all these eyerolls.

@Julie Yea, I can see that as a theory I could bite. And totally agree, I'm growing to love this character's snarky & sassy behavior. She pet Tin too, which I suppose she does to all her toys lol.

I was confused at first, until I realized that Univision numbers their epis differently on their website. I usually deduct 5 to find the corresponding episode when I need screenshots for my recaps. But that doesn't explain the #49, unless she deducted off #54 by accident.

@Jarifa Yea, I can't remember who's theory it was. I believe it was Urban that initially posed it. Anytime I think mind control, I feel like we're in danger of becoming conspiracy theorists lol. But I love the way we come together & throw out solutions to this mystery buffet!

I've missed this week's episodes and have been catching up today. I just need to watch Thursday's episodes which I'll probably finish tonight. What surprised me the most that I thought I missed or maybe was cut out was how Santicelo timed perfectly his call to Ana Leticia and told her about A. Laura and Ramiro's trick. Things are getting very interesting and I'm trying to keep up.

That's a good point, it could be a double effort - Santiago/Marcelo started and Ev found it a lucky coincidence and finished up.

Numbering-wise, if I am not mistaken Jardinera is watching on Hulu, where they number double episodes as a single one. So for them it's an episode 49, and on here we started counted double episodes as 1 and 2, etc. so for caray Friday episodes were 58 and 59. There have been two weeks of double episodes so far, so it's 49 vs 59.


@TF You know what, that kinda bugged me too. Like if he timed the call only a minute earlier, Ana Leticia would've had the advantage and Ana Laura would've had to say sayonara to Ramiro for good. I'm curious if he assumed that since Tio, Leonora, & Abue were getting heads up, that he was in the clear to taunt her about the trap.

@Ria Gotcha, so in that case #49 is for Hulu, #54 is for Univision, and #58/#59 is for Caray Caray lol. Good thing we're each assigned a specific day so ppl can figure it out. Like if I missed a Monday or Wednesday epi, I'd know to look for your posts :)

Anna N, "mystery buffet" describes it perfectly! This one sure leads to a lot of theories as we are fed a few new details with each episode. The pacing has been really good.

Can't wait to read the recap because this episode got us farther than we thought it would. I was surprised that Facundo sought out SantMarc and that there was no near miss of him seeing Ana Lucia and mistaking her for Ana Leticia. SantMarc better explain this at the top of the next episode or he will be in the doghouse with Ana Lucia again.

Gracias for this excellent recap.

Soledad had better prepare for a world of hurt and Ana Lucia will also be mad as hell. Or will SantMarc have another blackout at the top of tomorrow's episode before anyone says another word?

SantMarc will be angry with Facundo about this because he will be in the doghouse over the secret.

It also looks like the investments Facundo made will be the carrot he will dangle in front of SantMarc to get him into line unless Rodrigo can make him see reason.

Thanks for the fabulous recap, Jardinera. I especially liked the "gone fishing" comment. That is a keeper and had me laughing.

It sure took Ana Leticia no time at all to maneuver her way back into the family in spite if her little smirks.

So, why should Iñaki change his mind about the liver transplant because Santiago/Marcelo feels guilty?????

Looks like one of the continuing themes is: What makes a real mother: blood or love and care?

The best scenes were with Evaristo: cool, calm and deadly.


At the hospital, Julieta is in the chapel asking for mercy for brat, Daniel. It isn’t his fault. (Oh, but it is!) Please allow one of his brothers to save him. (Yeah, let them be more humane than she ever was! Yaki was definitely tracking with me about this soulless woman asking favors for the only son she ever loved—with no regard for the abandoned other two whom she left, and without a single thought for either in 20 years!! This end of Viewerville is hoping Dios has a huge ‘Gone Fishin’ sign on the door!)

Great recap and especially great paragraph Jardinera. I don't think I've ever seen a character who annoys me so much as the whiney, feckless, movin' on up, leaving two kids behind waste of oxygen that is Julietta. Vridiana needs to invest in better quality friends.

Lots of different examples of the maternal instinct gone wrong in this one.

And I agree with an earlier comment...why should Iñaki be prodded into donating a piece of his liver because Santiago feels guilty? Which brings us another major annoyance for me. Folks in telenovelas are always meddling, pressuring others to do what they think is right. Talk about enmeshed!

Alright. Enough kvetching about imaginary people. The real people, our marvelous recappers who are slogging through these double recaps with wit and style get a big CHEER AND THANKS from me.

JudyB: All the quicker to a satisfying denouement, ma cherie. =/;?)

"Vridiana needs to invest in better quality friends." Maybe it's only that Julieta was investing in her store that she spent time with her? ITA and I don't see how becoming involved with Muriego Mo will be any better for her at this point, ya know? She's running with the wrong crowd and definitely drowning in dross!


I agree, Juli that Ev and the boyz could have given Daniel the beat down. Perhaps Marcelo tried fighting off the others and only saw himself in the dream beating Daniel?

Thanks, Jardinera. Super recap. My fave line: Turns out he’s penniless and nothing more to the woman than a piece of liver for the little prince.

Who really killed Gina Ramirez? (My bet’s on the crooked lawyer.) Whoa, I hadn't thought about that, but totally plausible.

Julie, I'm with your theory that Santi/Marcelo threw a few blows but Ev's goons are the ones that finished off the beatdown. Even so-called mal (which I'm not buying) Marcelo has used violence only in a controlled, purposeful way. In my view, he wouldn't have kept pounding a man who wasn't fighting back.

So Iñaki will share his liver with the little prince so Santi won't have a murder on his conscience. Why his mom hasn't considered sharing her own liver or why she thinks a half-brother would be a full match is a mystery to me.

I'm going to have to start FFWing Ana Llora if she dumps Ramiro because he knew about Marcelo. Kudos to Tin-Tin for trying to guilt-trip Ana Llora by lying that he thought she helped AnaLe imitate her.

Thanks Jardnera for a great recap!

If Inaki doesn't take his mommy dearest for a whole crapload of money for saving Danielito I will be super disappointed in our money hungry Inaki.

I think it's interesting that both Santi and Marcelo love Lucia and want to live at the pension. Wouldn't two different personalities be competing for different lives? It all is too much for me to buy into.

I don't want Llora and Ram to go through a dozen breakups before this is through. It would be nice to have one strong couple from now to end.

Taking a few minutes out from hanging the laundry out to dry in this beautiful day of sun, breeze, and low humidity to thank you , JArdinera, for another of your signature snappy recaps.

I think Inaki deserves a happy ending. How could a mother have given up the big, beautiful boy he must have been ?

I never tire of watching itty bitty ANaLEt-me-do-whatever-I-want smirk those Ruby red lips and bounce about in those tiny outfits.


Jardinera -Thanks for the extended recap.

Ana Leticia's outfits are beautiful. But I wonder if anyone but a hooker would wear them in quite the way she does.

Did not know Inaki had that much concern for Santiago/Marcelo to keep him out of prison. I wonder if Evaristo/Ana Leticia will kill Daniel off before or after he gets the liver transplant. I think probably before.

Jardinera, thank you a thousand times. What would we do without you and all the recappers that do this for us. I have been lurking, but like to occasionally thank you since I havent been commenting much lately. IMHO the reason Julieta knows Inaki and Javi are good matches is because they are probably full brothers not half-bros. Their dad while in clown gear before the big preformance had a flashback when he found Julieta and Danilo was a small kid. He told her something to the effect that the lil boy could be his son. She got upset and ran him off. Anyway, thats what I think at the moment.

Leticia (but not Ana)

Oops, I meant *memory (not "dream")

@Keri Yes! Mi madre y yo were discussing last night whether it was a memory or dream, and we came to the conclusion that if it was a dream then he got the cuts & bloody shirt from defending Dani. But if it's a memory, he started it but didn't finish. Either way, the vagueness suggests he'll be vindicated of Daniel's near-death---but not before he gets wrung through the wringer w/ guilt trips and accusations.

Jardinera, thank you a thousand times. What would we do without you and all the recappers that do this for us. I have been lurking, but like to occasionally thank you since I havent been commenting much lately. IMHO the reason Julieta knows Inaki and Javi are good matches is because they are probably full brothers not half-bros. Their dad while in clown gear before the big preformance had a flashback when he found Julieta and Danilo was a small kid. He told her something to the effect that the lil boy could be his son. She got upset and ran him off. Anyway, thats what I think at the moment.

Leticia (but not Ana)

Can adminstrator kindly check why my comments are being deleted. After I post I see my comment, but when I check a few moments later it has been deleted. The above comment I posted 4 times, i hope this one remains. Not urgent by any means, I just wanted to know why, Thank you much, Leticia

Leticia, I don't know why your comments are being erased. I haven't erased them and I doubt that Melinama or any of the team leaders would have reason to. Could be some glitch in Blogger's program or the internet server you are using having compatibility problems. Anyway, it's all here from what I can see. :?)


I gotta admit I kept thinking if I'd been running that office instead of Mariano, I'd have told her to go home and change into something more conservative, since we're turning property here, not tricks. (Or, am I living in the wrong century and time and cultural trends have simply passed me by when I wasn't looking?)

If Yaki were the money-grubber his mother was, then yeah, he should have asked her for a huge chunk o' change for helping her son/his brother and flesh-and-blood out. I kept thinking he would myself. BUT he didn't and I think that is huge. He's going to be salvaged somehow and not go down with the screaming, scheming MiMi. He talks big and insults his dad just like Mommy Dearest, but he's also got half his kind-hearted papi's genes in his makeup as well.

Great recapping Jardinera. You always fill in the blanks that I'm missing. But yes, I agree about Ana Le and her "work outfits". She always looks like she is going clubbing to hit on guys to take home, not a day at the office. If she wears those outfits for the office, what do her party clothes look like?

Thanks for this great recap, Jardinera! Oh, I too haven't thought about the potential for the weird lawyer to turn up murderous, but he certainly seems to know and hide a whole lot, so very plausible.

Thank you Jardineria! ITA about Inaki, he should've asked for compensation in exchange but I get that he wants nothing from her. It'd be tainted money. And I don't think Ana LetTEASEya dresses for any occasion, I think she wears whatever she thinks enhances her ability to draw attention. She's a power wielder, whether it's in the boardroom or boom-boom room. It's all the same to her. Each place she steps foot in is the same playing field, just w/ different players.

Jardinera, thanks for checking. It is probably my server acting up. Yes, Ana Let dresses too provocative for certain. If she shows property to couples, I bet some ladies won't appreciate her
Style. Cant believe nobody in her family has brought it to her attention, like they dont even notice. Well they dont notice her being all over her tio either, so what can we expect.

I agree; if I were Mariano I'd send her home to change. And she needs a shrink big time to get over herself. I am getting weary of watching her come on to everything in pants. Women like this are too high-maintenance in real life to be worth bothering with.

Welcome Cynthia Hampton; Anna N. - You and your mamacita and I are all three tracking. "what do her party clothes look like" - try her birthday suit.......

Urban A: I remember A Llora suggesting if she wanted forgiveness, then she really needed to look up a shrink and Letmeeeeee said anything her sissy wanted she'd do. Viewervill is still waiting.

Susanlynn: Red lips, open hips and free back flips.........


Carviville: I truly think SanMarco has a battle and so far, Marcelo has been kept at bay and that's why he's still at the pension.

Niecie/Julie: You two think Marcello took over right after Santi got outside the bar? Then he stopped perhaps after pounding Daniel a while and Ev's Boyz took over.

I want to know why Evaristo told the truth abut Gina to Ramiro on her wedding day for.

This thing has been written like that movie, Momento, I just realized. Really works and I am enjoying all the puzzle parts coming at odd times. It's what keeps me really tuned in this time around--well, aside from loving all the big named actors doing their thing and being at the top of their game.....

LOL I wouldn't put it past her to show up in her bday suit at a party. It's her party and you can bet your shielding eyes, she could cry "Nekky time!" if she wants to :P

Gracias, Jardinera. Until I read your recap, I had forgotten that I didn't see all of this. Frankly, my brain tends to rot a lot over weekends...

Santi wanting to turn himself in for Daniel's beat-down reminds me of a similar situation in Hotel. Don't ever take the blame for a crime you don't remember committing!! (Okay, so he sort of remembers it - but if he doesn't remember it being that bad, then it probably wasn't. It would be right up Ev's alley to add the finishing touches.

So, Inaki didn't ask for any money for his piece of liver? I find that almost disappointing. I mean, it does show a lot of character on his part, but on the other hand, it's somewhat contrary to his character as well, isn't it? And what about Javi? I'd rather he did the donation. (I don't know why he would, but I know I'd miss him less if something went wrong!)

It's hard for me to be excited about that little "cliffhanger" of Facundo calling Ana Lucia "Ana Leticia" because I'm afraid that it will be explained away as a slip of the tongue or something equally feeble. As tired as I am of the near-misses, I really don't want AnaLu to find out about her sisters this way. (Admittedly, the only way it WON'T be awkward for Santi is if he beats everyone else to the punch. Okay, that will be awkward too. But any other way that she could possibly find out will be much worse for him.)

Ria, thank you for explaining about the numbering. I didn't realize the numbers were off on Hulu - I wondered why Hulu was so far behind and was frustrated that I couldn't quickly catch up if I missed something the night before. Now I know I should just ignore the numbers and assume that "latest episode" actually is the latest (or the one just before it).

Thanks so much, Jardinera! I'm almost caught up watching the last few episodes.

It was WAY too easy for Ana Leticia to weasel back into the family, and her explanation for why she did what she did doesn't even make sense. She says she accepted Ramiro wooing her because she knew he was hiding Marcelo and she wanted to find out why. But that doesn't explain her original lie about Ramiro that initially broke him and Ana Laura up and caused her family and his own father to shun him. How come nobody pointed that out to her? At this rate, I think her family will have to witness her killing some in cold blood before they wash their hands of her. Even then, I think she could give some half assed excuse, and they would all hug her and forgive her, and accept that it was THEIR fault that she committed murder.

I also can't believe how easily Ana Laura forgave Valentin and kept him as a "friend", after finding out how he plotted revenge with her as a tool. Where was all this forgiveness and understanding when it came to Ramiro?

I thought SanMarc was being needlessly harsh with his father. He believes Marcelo was cold and unfeeling, but I wasn't seeing much sympathy or empathy coming from Santiago for this man who has so obviously been grieving and suffering the last three years for his son.

Julieta, on the other hand, gets a major FAIL as a mother, and deserves whatever harsh words and treatment her two abandoned sons dole out.

I agree about Julieta, and I don't even understand why she is in this story. She's just so annoyingly selfish.

And I am frustrated by how easily some wrongs are forgiven while others are not. There's no rhyme or reason to it. But that's typical in telenovelas. I should be used to it by now.

When does Season 2 start?

Victoria, based on a discussion on a recent recap it sounds as though there might not be a break between Season 1 and Season 2.

Thanks Julie

Re see closing credits:

With the main exceptions of the beginning song--Pablo Alborran--and ending song--David Zepeda:

Actor, singer, composer Alex Sirvent composed and wrote (both music and lyrics) for almost all of the background / original scores / songs / music for the entire novela.

Alex is multi-talented and super fantastic composer.

He played our beloved Rafael in "Amor bravío", Alcides in "Para volver a amar", a short stent as Katia's husband/partner in "Yago", composer for Abismo de Pasión and "Lo que la vida me Ronó; just to name a few.

Check out this YouTube page (sooooo Ana Leticia) and other TVA soundtracks: you will hear this score a lot in the background.


Victoria- Alex was also in La Sombra del Pasado. Yes, he is multi-talented. He sings as well, and has sung a few songs in the various tns he's written music for.

I do love what he composed for TVA. And I like his singing also. I may be off track, but I think he actually sang in LQLVMR while in the park with his guitar

@Vivi This is just me playing devil's advocate to the writers (as per usual), but her initial reason was that Abue doesn't give her any attention, so that's why she acts out. She said that Erni puts Ana Laura "the crippled one" first, and Ana Lucia "the dead one" after. Whattaboutme-ticia is really good at playing the guilt card on Erni. All she has to do is turn the accusations around & the interrogation light is directed off of her. It's still inexcusable what she did in my eyes, but her character is portrayed as a snake charmer so scenes are intended to reflect this. Let is a manipulating vet, and we have to swallow that pill. I also figure there's more nuances in the emotional relationships, along with years of history we haven't seen, that tightens the puppet strings she holds over her family.

Ana Laura never actually forgave Tin. She was a bit skeptical of his reasoning, but she's a passive non-confrontational type. When he asked her if they could be friends, she could only muster a doubtful look. And when he asked if he'd be kicked out of the foundation, she said he could stay for the children. The children, not her. He later finds her at work, to which she replied she didn't realize he was even there. He admits he didn't want to interrupt & he likes watching her with the kids. She gets creeped out, then tries to avoid him and say she needs to go find Valeria. He asks her to wait and "please don't avoid me, it doesn't make me feel good". She tries to interject impatiently, and HE says "I thought we were trying to stay friends". She says, "That's the thing, I need time" (which I interpret in my own passive-aggressive lingo as "I don't want to instigate your anger due to my hesitancy towards your past, and part of me want to see if you'll change, but honestly right now I'm not comfortable being near you"). Even in his attempt to reel her in w/ a dinner discussion over that fake fundraiser, she was smart enough to decline him, then set when she preferred to talk and where (at the foundation). Safety first.

What bugs me most is that in the 1st interaction with her that day, he claimed that he couldn't possibly want revenge for someone who abandoned him while he became disabled. He also said that Gina's suicide hurt him, but he couldn't blame anyone for it. So much level-headed reasoning for a guy who's consciously acting completely out of reason.

I get what you're saying but I think Santi was hoping to get some kind of feeling, but try as he might, there was only a stranger. It's hard to care for someone who you not only don't remember, but who's asking you to dump your madrina & force you to accept the life he wants for you, former name included. I wasn't empathetic to Funky-Do. This is a guy who chose to shut himself away & cease living -- while his son, who lost far more, sought the will to live.

Agree about Julieta. I can't find any redeeming quality about her. I used to feel bad for her b/c Dani was a jerk, but now I see that's just her due-karma.


OK Anna, I'll buy that (about Ana Llora). I think Ernestina is too easy, though.

With Funky-Do, I think he'll come around given time, and Santi should realize that. But Santi has every reason to be stressed out and not always having the smartest reaction to things. He'd better tell AnaLu the truth before someone else does, though. (I don't think he will!)

Anna- Good points. I just think the writers are making it WAY too easy for Ana Leticia. And Ana Laura was way more hard-nosed initially about Ramiro than she is being about Val. It took Ramiro a lot of begging to get to the point of reluctant friendship where Val is already at after one day.

As for Facundo, it doesn't take a lot to understand how a parent would feel and react to seeing their one and only child come back from the dead. SanMarc didn't offer him the least bit of understanding. Facundo was being as possessive about Marcelo as Remedios is being about Santiago. The big difference is that Facundo has been Marcelo's (real) father for 30 years, and Remedios has been Santi's "mom" for 3 years. I think they can extend Facundo a tiny bit of patience and understanding, and not say stuff like I don't want anything to do with you. Very harsh!

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