Saturday, August 27, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 28 (Aug 27, 2016)

(Continued on the first comment.)


It may be the end of the road for Luis, Diego, Mariana and sad but true, Marissa. But maybe not. Miracles do happen. Will we be satisfied if there is redemption and forgiveness for everyone?

These have reached their destiny: Amelia and, and, and, lordy, I can’t think of anyone else except maybe Lupe. Amelia has found happiness with Pedro and has had a reconciliation with her daughter, her father and was reunited with her beloved Blanca and has made peace in her mind with her sister. Lupe has her dream job back, although her son is still “en el otro lado.” Oh, and Isabela. Izzy still has her successful modeling school and her spa, but not Carlos or Teo. This may be her destiny.

The following have yet to reach a destiny we can’t quite guarantee.

Pedro – His first dream has come true, he has Amelia. His second dream got derailed--that neither Luis nor Fernanda would learn her true parentage. Luis found out Fer is his daughter and now has made inroads on her affections, or so Pedro fears. Fer has slipped through his fingers and hands and arms and all his talk, again. She’s all he wants now in life. That destiny is still far away.

Fernanda—She has realized that forgiveness and affection are very hard to award to someone who threatens to kill her loved ones, keeps her under surveillance and his control, cajoles, gets angry, yells and is willing to take her to the other side of the world to keep her from the family she loves and he does and says it all while he smiles and says he loves her. Fer has put her son before her child’s father and her own happiness to keep them all safe. Her destiny is still unkown.

Carlos—Sadly, we have watched a concientious, able young doctor fall in love with a youthful sprite, only to face adversity in his life, some of his own making. Instead of taking his destiny into his own hands, he has turned to others who either helped or hindered him. His mother has been his greatest solace, comfort and influence. He is now taking (good) advice from a 10 year-old.

Pedrito—His destiny rests in the hands of his mother and his biological grandfather who have opposing ideas of what a family should be. Not a good combination.

Ignacio—After decades of waiting for the love of his life to turn her eyes towards him, he’s achieved this goal, only to be confronted with the cold, harsh truth that his destiny with Marissa may be short lived and his true destiny will be to be alone the rest of his life. But let’s not stop there. If Pedro suffers a fatal aneurysm and Marissa passes away from her debilitating disease, maybe Iggy and Amelia have a chance.

Javier—Javier is a knucklehead if he can’t see that La Malquerida is sooo much better for him as a partner in life than Maribel—if he’s even thinking about it. If not, then all his psychiatric training isn’t worth a single peso. He’s a bit of a stuffed shirt who takes himself much too seriously and he needs a Malquerida in his life. He should try to match Maribel up with Marcos. They would be much better suited to each other.

Maribel—Her destiny is unwritten. It’s either going to be with her kids but having to suck up to an ex she doesn’t love or the uncertainty of a love she has for Javier—as misplaced as it might be (Javier did not explain transference to her, it seems).

LaMalquerida—Hope Felipe is on his game. She needs to be found not-guilty of that assassination, whatever it was and out of jail by TOMORROW NIGHT—or else there will be a rebellion on the Patio.

Hernan and Camila—They need to get out of town—together. Well, it seems Camila has a destiny waiting for her with Felipe, but Hernan could do better than Mariana. Even Blanca would be better suited to cater to his whims.

Done. Take it away, Patio Peeps.

Thank you for the excellent summation (as it currently stands) Anita.

"He is now taking (good) advice from a 10 year-old" made me smile. Seemingly ridiculous to anyone who hasn't been watching lo these many months but perfectly sensible to those of us who have. Paco is (hands down) my favorite child in a TN to date.

"Javier is a knucklehead if he can’t see that La Malquerida is sooo much better for him as a partner in life than Maribel—if he’s even thinking about it". I couldn't agree more. But I have to ask, IS he really thinking about Maribel in any kind of romantic fashion? I was totally lost as to what he and Maribel discussed last night, causing her to flounce out of Fer's house. I know Delilah will surely explain it all.

La Malq is also ill suited with her doctor beau. Yes, this free spirit and breath of fresh air must be free and present during the finale.

I refuse to believe anything will happen to Marissa, she and Ignacio deserve a happy ending in each other's arms.

Looking forward to seeing Fer and Carlos' little family reunited, but not to the end of this great story.

Thank you Anita..


Anita, as Diana said, that is one comprehensive and detailed synopsis. So well done.

I am hoping that Felipe can get Malquerida out on something. I don't believe she is guilty of what she was convicted of. I don't know what her future love life will be like, but I would just like her to be free.

I know that this is a tn, but I couldn't believe Fer got suckered into meeting with Luis again. I hope she told the cops and maybe he will be off the streets.

Steve, agree that Diego still has the potential to cause some mayhem, and that Lucero is in jeopardy.

Delilah, can't wait to see your (always) wonderful recap.


Friday 8/26/16 Part I

Good morning patio pals, we begin winding down our tortured tale and last nights ep finds our galan pacing like un loco as paquito tells Carlos that he needs to chill out. Carlos can’t…he wants to be with his love and it’s driving him crazy! Paquito reminds him that all of this is per Fernanda’s wishes and for her safety. Carlos is fed up and he wonders when all of this is finally going to end.

Meanwhile Luis ponders to himself that he’s alone again, without his perfect family. That damn Pedro and Carlos have stolen them again, but he’s not a man de “lamentos” wailing/crying..he’s one of action! So he does what anyone in his position would do..he calls his escaped victim! ( Yo Demonego take notes! ) Fer who has a happy jingling ringtone, answers in a not so happy tone. It’s her other obsessed loco papi Luis “Where are you?” he demands. Fer tells him she’s hidden and she scared. Well it’s not me you have to be scared of, Luis replies. She wants all of this to be over. It will be, but my way Luis says. Fer who truly seems mentally exhausted wonders what he wants from her. I want you. I want you by my side. I have eyes everywhere and even though I promised you I wouldn’t hurt those you love, I’m going to have to break my promise because you broke yours. So I’ll start with Carlos and then the gardener (I vote Pedro be first). The sad part is that you are going to see me as the villain of the story. When all I want is a family and they keep trying to take it from me! But as usual I’m always the bad guy. Fer realizes that she’s stuck and there is no other option but to do as Luis wants, she agrees to go back and takes down the address of where they’ll meet the next day. Luis warns her, no funny stuff.

Over at the Ick-ademy Frizzybella gives a special class on how to be a wise woman. Mal is ever the excited student proclaiming to a fellow classmate that the best part is that this special class is free (gratis). Frizzy wants them to understand that she didn’t come by her success so easily. It was hard work and they will benefit from her valuable lessons. She tells them how she met Carlos, the son and heir to the President of Metropolitan bank. Sadly he didn’t fulfill her expectations and though he begged and begged she had to dump him and leave him heartbroken. Mal knows Frizzy is full of shizzy and begins to interrupt but Frizzy shushes her. Let me finish my tall tale girl! She then shifts her lesson to Teo and how she chose him because he suits her. It’s true that love and emotions are important but there’s a vast difference in loving a rich man or a poor man. So be careful and don’t embarrass me or my academy by being with a poor scrub. Mal literally face palms…she knows Frizzy has done it now and sure enough *clap -clap* is heard and Frizzy turns to find Teo. He’s so impressed with her lesson. NOT!


Friday 8/26/16 Part II

Luis stops Fer from hanging up just yet, he wants her to understand that this is not the way he wants things. Fer isn’t convinced but oh well she has no idea what his motives are but she’s resigned that she has no other options. My motives? Luis just wants her to understand that he loves her, it could be a sick love as she says but it IS the only love he has. She doesn’t want him trying to make excuses for his behavior. He affirms they are not’s his true motive. Love for her.

Frizzy tells the class they are dismissed but Teo doesn’t think they need to leave. He has heard enough. You want me to get on my knees here in front of the class? No…I don’t need you to humiliate yourself to preserve my self esteem. The outcome would be the same, me leaving. Mal the sweetie that she is tries to save Frizzy’s hide. She begs Teo to listen to Frizzy, you know how it is in our world and business, appearances are everything. She wasn’t serious, it was just for her to keep up appearances in front of the students. Teo, isn’t buying it and tells Mal not to intervene but she insists he listen. Look at the teachers face, it’s obvious she loves you. If you don’t give her a chance she’ll start screaming and crying and the students will have to put up with her and take her for mariachis and tequila. She leaves and Teo tells Izzy this is her perfect life and he makes to leave but Frizzy stops him.

Fer thinks to herself that everything she is doing is not going to serve her any good. For good or bad, crazy or sane, Luis loves her and wants her with him. She can’t stay hidden like a criminal. She just wants it to end. However it ends, it will end tomorrow.

Carlos meanwhile knows that the logical thing to do is to wait and have patience to let things come to their conclusion, but his heart isn’t having it. Pacquito the psychologist understands and he asks what happened when Carlos went to find Fer. In flashback we see the replay as Carlos gives Paquito the sordid details. Paquito then tells his Papa to go and find her. Look everywhere and leave no stone unturned..if you found her once you can find her again! Carlos thanks God for giving him two miracles. Him and Pedrito. Paquito wonders if this means his Dad believes in God now. Carlos isn’t sure if there’s a God above or not, but he knows there is a higher power and if there is evil there is good and so he thanks God for his three miracles…Fer, Paquito and Pedrito. They hug it out.


Friday 8/26/16 Part III

Caro tries to comfort a crying Frizzy who is slumped against the wall and barefoot. She thinks she is bad, but Caro tells her it’s not that simple..what Frizzy suffers from is that everything is always about her. No matter what, who or where..with Frizzy it’s always “me, me, me”

Mal is dining with her Doc at a romantic table. He’s loved spending time with her and having her as a friend. Woah wait..hold up. I don’t go around smooching my friends. Oh of course not, Doc says, he just didn’t want to pressure what with her being an artist and all. Mal says who could possibly feel pressured with those kisses of his! Well he wants to speed things up a bit and would she be okay with being exclusive with him. Well you’re no scrub Doc and I’m not seeing anyone else! So does that mean?.....It means…as Mal leans in to seal the deal with a kiss. “Finally we found you Malquerida!” Detective Al Pacino Medino comes in with his posse. Doc thinks this is all a mistake as he watches his Malkitten get some new silver jewelry on her wrists. Oh It’s no mistake are dining with an escaped convict and murderer. We’re taking her in to finish out her sentence and we’re going to add more years because it was a lot of work to find her (cause she wasn’t in plain sight or anything) So you can forget about your exclusivity now Doc. Take her in boys!

Marissa sips her tea and tells Swag O that she’s tired and all this tension is so hard on her muscles and her body. He tells her to relax and that things are going to turn out fine as they always do. She thanks him for his faith and confidence, he is the best man in the world. She just doesn’t know where she’ll find the strength to hang on. In their love, he says and in him. If he could he would give her all of his strength so she could continue to live the full life she always has as the beautiful woman he always admired and still does after all these years. Awww…gosh darn it writers!

Fer tearfully looks over a sleeping Pedro. She thinks to herself that he’s been the best father, teaching her so much for the last twenty one years as if she were his own. He never failed to save her in bad times and support her in the good times. They’ve had such special times, good and bad.. enduring all things together. She lovingly and tentatively reaches a hand toward him but stopping just short of actually touching him. She knows better the havoc it will cause if he wakes; so Instead she quietly strides out. The next morning we see Pedro with Pedrito and he wonders where Fer is. He told her not to go out alone. Suddenly he finds the note she has left him.


Friday 8/26/16 Part V

Doc A wants Felipe to find out what is really going on with Mal. Felipe thought things were going so well with her job and all. Doc says the authorities told him she was taken into custody for escaping prison. So it was true Felipe says. Doc wants him to explain. Felipe tells him that at one time Fer and Klepto thought as much, but since Mal was fitting in and living a normal life they just forgot all about it. Doc says they also told him she was a murderer. Well if that’s what they said when they caught her then it’s probably true. (Didn’t Flopipe learn anything with Fer? Innocent until proven guilty!} Doc says he doesn’t buy anything the police tell him nor does he care what they think, he knows his MalKitten and she’s no murderer. Flop says he’ll see what he can do. Doc says it better be a lot because as of this moment he’s retaining his legal services to get the love of his life, free. Well Doc, from experience watching Flop in action, you could be waiting a long time.

We see MalKitten in her prison outfit entering the prison courtyard. She’s greeted by her old pals who are oh so happy to see her. The place wasn’t the same without her. Now that she’s back, it will be like old times with them terrorizing all the newbies. All Mal can do is remember her life on the other side of the bars and how it had changed for the better. She recalls her friendship with Fer, Klepto and her new found career. She also remembers Doc A. It brings tears to her face. She has no interest in bringing misery to anyone, because she’s the one who is miserable being back there. Life on the outside was so cool. Her friends wonder if it was really that good. Yes, Fer helped her and she got a job with Doc Javier. She was even able to fulfill her dream of modeling. It was all so good and bad…because she also fell in love and leaving it was the hardest thing she’s ever had to do.

Amelia is having a pity party of one. It’s obvious that she is missing Pedro and she wonders how life can change so much. Everything is so different now from the life she had before. Everything was so good and now…Why do bad things keep happening to good people like them? She feels so alone.

Luis thanks Alicia who has brought him a change of clothes. He tells her that finally that night he will have everything he wanted. So Fer is coming here? Oh no, this is the only safe place that no one would ever find me. Instead I’ve instructed her to go to the abandoned wineries across the street. It will also allow me a perfect view to confirm that she’s coming alone. He also tells Alicia soon he will receive information on where she’s hidden his grandson. Right at that moment we see Pedro reading the note Fer left him. She’s gone back to Luis, not because she wants to but because she has to for Pedrito. There’s nothing a mother won’t do for her child. She knows he will take care of Pedrito and to not let him forget her. Blah blah blah…more praise for the ever wonderful Pedro who will one day be canonized as a saint in the church. I’ve never seen a character so heralded as Pedro and for me..he was just flat and never evolved as anything great.


Friday 8/26/16 Part VI

Loosero is at the station with Detective Pacino but still nothing on Demonego. She’s frustrated, but Detective tells her she’s been a big help. Soon or later they’ll get the nutty professor and it will be thanks to her. Well what about the other chicas? Loose asks. They’ve gone back to their homes and the moms are being protective with them. As for Holivia she’s shut up tight and not offering any help. Sooner or later the Prof will make a wrong move and that’s when we’ll get him. Loosero can’t relax until he’s caught, she feels she’s in danger.

Oh yes you are! Demonego confirms right at that moment as he kicks things around in the shed he’s hiding in. He vows that he is going to get Loosero back and whether it’s heaven or hell they will be together eternally. He’s going to wait patiently until her guard is down and he’ll get her back.

Luis is anxiously awaiting Fer. He thinks about how would have felt nothing before in how he would have handled his obstacles. Ice cold in his veins but not anymore because now at stake are his daughter and his grandchild. He paces n glances out the window of his hideout. Why are you taking so long daughter? Why are you late?

Hernan visits the hacienda and is greeted by meanie who obviously was in the middle of hemming up her Elvira mistress of the dark costume. It’s above the knee now but she’s chosen to keep the sleeves long. Hernan seems to be digging the look as he sweeps his slightly hooded eyes up her legs to finally meet her cold eyes. You’ve come for your things? She asks. No I don’t care about my things. So? Well a lot of time has passed and I’m just tired. Of me? She prods. Of not having you in my life, he says forcefully tugging her toward him. Grrrr Hernan! There’s a twinkle in meanies eyes as he tells her he wants to take her away from there. They’ll forget about the construction company and the damn hacienda! Hey don’t talk about my house that way! Well it’s how I feel. Let’s just go away…and start over where no one knows us and we don’t know anyone. Meanie wants to know if Hernan is asking for forgiveness. He’s amused at her. Well I don’t think I did anything wrong, but if that’s what it takes to get you back, okay sure. Will you forgive me? Will you go away with me to a new place? To pae a new road for our life?

Luis has binoculars now as he looks out, wondering where Fer is. Was she detained and it’s a set up to catch him? Finally he sees her. But wait woah hold up…where the hell is my grandkid? Louse yanks up the cell and demands to know where Pedrito is. Fer on the other hand explains the new plan. Well it’s not happening that way Louse says. Why are you always breaking your promises? (She’s your kid after all Luis)


Friday 8/26/16 Part VII

Meanie casually turns her back on Hernan. Nope, I’m not going anywhere with you nor do I forgive you. Hernan let’s go a breath…perhaps knowing that it was all too good to be true to believe it would all work. Ah do know what you’re doing to yourself and to us right? Yup, I know exactly what I’m doing. Right…well if I walk out that door one more time, this time will be for good and you will be completely and utterly alone. Yeah, I don’t need a genius to tell me that, which by the way you aren’t and never were one. Hernan covers his hurt and rejection with a resigned eye roll, used to her insults which he’s heard so often. Meanie thinks it’s her destiny to be alone in her house. Anyway she might get a cat. Hernan chuckles at the idea. He insults her pride. It’s stupid. Nope, it got you here, humiliating yourself. Oh no..not so fast. I’m not humiliating myself. Yes you are, you’re here and I’m getting the payback for all the things you’ve done to me. Hernan gives her a pitying look that causes the tears to begin swelling in her eyes. For as much as she wants to believe she’s right…she knows that really he is. Her pride alone is destroying her. He deals her a final blow. “You’re worse than I thought” She orders him out of her house and never to come back. Don’t worry, you won’t see me again. The tears have risen to the threshold and she holds them there as she asks him to let her look at him one last time. I want to remember you just like this, defeated and at the point of tears. Goodbye forever loser! She gives him a kiss on his smirking lips. Goodbye winner he replies. She quickly catches an escaped tear as he walks purposefully out the door. Her knees which have held her up though all this, slowly buckle ad she sinks on to the cushions of her pristine couch in her pristine hacienda. Alone. She congratulates herself on preparing her own tomb. How stupid she is…she just threw the last bit of dirt she needed on her own grave. She begins to sob. You’re going to die crazy, alone and full of the ghosts of the past. She can’t believe what she done, letting go the one person who has loved her in her life. Hernan is gone.

Pedro is unloading on Pedrito. Poor kid he has to listen to Pedro whine about how much pain Luis has caused him. He can’t take it anymore. He misses Fer and something tells him this time she really isn’t coming back. Pretty sure Pedrito wishes his mom had taken him with her so he wouldn’t have to listen to you whine every damn day Pedro. He wishes Fer had just stayed so they could have figured it out together instead of just leaving a letter.

Pacquito is fairing much better over at his grandmother Marissa’s house. Instead of whining she and Swag O are distracting the kid by playing a dice game. It appears he’s beating his grandmother. Pacquito teases his Abula has met her match…he’ll be her greatest rival. Marissa who clearly doesn’t feel well, thinks to herself that all she wants is to hold on long enough to see her son reunited with his family, happy and together. I admire that Marissa rather than whining and unloading in front of Pacquito holds it together. Pedro could learn to chill out and follow her example.

Pedrito shakes a toy of some sort and clueless Pedro thinks this is some sign that the kid is going to be a gardener. Even Pedrito looks at him like whaaa? How did you come to that conclusion? Somehow it’s always all about grandpa Pedro. Yawn. Pedro suggest they go pick some fruit, but the phone rings stopping them.
There’s no one there and Pedro realizes that Pedrito has gone out the door. He panics and goes after him only to run into Luis who is right outside the door like the devil himself. You too my daughter and my grandson gardener, so now I’m going to leave you with nothing.


Friday 8/26/16 Part VIII

Meanwhile at the tiny house. Kleptobelle tidies up the kitchen when Javier comes by. She’s taking care of things while Don Peter is taking care of things with Fer. She also wonders if he knows about Mal. Yeah, but he didn’t come by to discuss that. He wants to know what she’s decided about her ex. She bristles at his implication that she wants to get back together with her ex. She never said that. Javier also wonders why she hasn’t been going to therapy. Because she’s busy. Busy or in love?

Luis assures Pedro that his grandchild is fine. He also reminds Pedro that Fer is his daughter and Pedrito his his grandchild. No they’re mine, because you didn’t want them. Oh please, you keep with that same nonsense day and night. You want everyone to be so grateful to you and to worship your good deeds. No says Pedro I did for love, the opposite of you who does things out of hate. Luis says no matter what he loves his family and he knows the mistakes he’s made. He’s trying to get back his family. He was willing to cut Pedro some slack but he knows despite it all Pedro never wanted Luis to have his family. Pedro may say he’s doing it out of love but it’s really his ego. He’s always been jealous of Luis and wanted everything he had. First it was Amelia and now his daughter who Pedro holds up like a trophy and now this child. Luis knows that all Pedro has done is try to replace him and then poison Fer against him. Pedro can't take Luis words which hold some truth and he grabs Luis by the lapels demanding to know where his daughter and grandson are.

Kleptobelle says there’s nothing worse than to have a one sided love. She can’t continue on this way. She deserves to be loved back the way she loves him. He wonders if she’s finished. She’s not going to be behind him waiting for him to give her attention or using her therapy as an excuse to see him. Do you understand? Yes I do, he replies. She calms down a bit and then asks that he remove her from his patient list, because she won’t be going there anymore and she also wants him to stop coming around looking for her. This seems to strike a chord with Javier who seems shocked by Klepto’s resolve. She goes out the door leaving him standing there, pained by the anguish he has caused.

Luis has had it with Pedro and he warns the gardener that if he does something to him, then something may just happen to Amelia. She’s being supervised, so Pedro should cool it! Luis leaves and Pedro realizes just how much danger they are all in. He follows Luis.


Patio pals, thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your recapping team. It has been my absolute pleasure to share in this experience with you all and a huge thank you to Anita for being our hostess and guide. I look forward to another tn with you all!


Well, first of all, thank you Delilah for this wonderful recap which you crafted in the midst of your big coast to coast move!!

This is a tn, so we expect that stupid things will be done, but I hope Fer is not going into the danger zone totally unprotected. Shouldn't she have called the police? Nah, that would make too much sense.

Pedro beat Luis to a pulp once before. I hope he does it again.

I cannot believe that Fer was in hiding and was not in contact with Carlos. Why are the good guys not communicating with each other?

I hope that Felipe can get evidence that Malquerida was wrongly convicted. It would be perfect if the real murderer was Luis.

Up to this point, Pedro, hollow character that he is, has lost everything that he holds dear, and Luis, the smug, smiling thug is winning on all fronts.

Diego is a problem, and we will have to wait for Anita's recap to see how this will be dealt with, but I expect to see some trouble for Lucero in the near future. The absolute best thing that we see about Diego's tyrannical hold on these young women is that none of them wound up pregnant.

I don't know where they are going with the Mariana/Hernan thing. It makes no sense to me that one's pride could be so overpowering as to work against one's own self interest.

I have no idea where the story line is going with "Kleptobelle".

Thank you so much, Delilah. Very well done, as always.


Delilah--It is we who thank you for picking up the reins to recap this increasingly frustrating, yet endearing telenovela. Will have more to say later, but I have an 8-hour drive ahead of me to do in one fell swoop, so it will have to wait until tomorrow.

David--I was also mystified as to why Fer didn't call Carlos right away. He's the love of her life and the one most worried about her (next to Pedro). Pedro, however, warned her that NO ONE must know where she and Pedrito were for her own safety. Still, as she easily, though reluctantly picked up the phone when she knew it was Luis, she could just as easily have called Carlos. He, though would have immediately told Marissa, Iggy, and everyone else she was safe. OK, I still don't see the problem. Clearly it was some Latoodle lackey writer's device to make us suspend belief for another round.

Chau, amigos.

Hy Dy. What an eye opening recap, about some of these people. Some things never change. Rene strickle is a good actor. This roll he's playing showcases he has a real talent for bringing home playing a good guy and a
Bad guy. He really knows how to make
You hate the bad guy.
Speaking of.....Luis is delusional. He never wanted fernanda, and all amelia was good for was a roll in the hay. He made it very clear to Amelia, he never wanted a kid or her. Just to get rich.
So for him to say all of that crap to
Pedro about "my daughter,my grandson",
Is bull. And Pedro took nothing away
From him, because he never wanted them until the inheritance came up. I hope
Pedro beat the crap out of him again.
Fernanda is Pedro and Amelias daughter in every way that counts. Biology ain't everything, its the heart and soul that really connect us. Don't mean to offend anybody, blood is good, but sometimes it ain't enough. And luis royally kicked Amelia and the unborn Luisa fernanda to the curve 21 years because they didn't jive with his plans for his sorrya$$ life.

I hope malq can get out of the dog house of trouble she's in. Loved doc A's aditude about his lady love.

Frizzys problem is she's just really selfish. The world revolves around her
And the rest of us just need to get on her merry-go-round. Until she changes her attitude, she's gonna be In the world of "ME,Me,Me".

O marrisa, fight girl, fight!!!

Alicia, the stepherd helper. She really need to stop with that bad coolade.
Love little paco that is a smart kid. So glad his dad is thankful for him. Cuz he needed that little boy in his life at this time. Pedrito has cool big bro to look up to.

Mariana, the looser. Nuff said.
Domenego is as delusional as luis and his sidekick Alicia the robot.

Nandicta, enjoy your recapping skills, you make it real.
And a great big thank you to our hostess Ms Anita.

Delilah, exceptional as always.

How fortunate we are that you decided to recap - your summaries have been marvelous and this was no exception.

Your humor is always on point and my favorites today were "Ick-ademy", "Mal knows Frizzy is full of shizzy" and "Doc thinks this is all a mistake as he watches his Malkitten get some new silver jewelry on her wrists".

I agree with Anita and you David that Fer should have called Carlos. But he really has her scared. I suspect Pedro's anxiety was also heightened after Luis hinted something may happen to Amelia.

Nina, Marissa must fight. She has so much to live for! But I fear her fortitude has carried her to this point as a weaker willed person might have already succumbed. Let's thank Luis for another hastening her deteriorating condition.

Do we know who Malquerida is accused of murdering? She seems to be returning the good doctor's attention. Opposites surely attract.

I'm glad Teo saw Izzy's true colors. Better he find out now before she ensnares him in her web. We know how hard it is to extricate oneself (right, Carlos?)??

I give Maribel credit for acknowledging she needs to stop pining for Jav who obviously doesn't return her feelings. I'm a bit concerned by the sober look on his face though. He should have been pleased that she saw the situation as it is and start pursuing someone such as Adelina. I'm not sure where Maribel's story is going...

And Mariana...she is miserable to everyone but especially to herself.

What an honor it has been to be part of this loyal and supportive community. We are few in number but blessed with spirit, spunk and appreciation for each other and this excellent storyline we've enjoyed these many months.

Looking forward to the finale but your recap even more so Anita.

Delilah, I wish you the best of luck in your move and much happiness. Thank you so much.


Thank you Delilah. Excellent recap as always.
Can I just cut and paste everything Diana just said? Diana, you are the best commenter ever. I always look forward to your analysis just as much as I do the recaps.
So sad this novela is ending. I will miss this lovely lively little group.

Emilia, thank you for your kind comments.

You and Mike always add sizzle and spark and am so glad you were part of this...


Delilah, gonna miss your pet names for our players. Thank you for another great episode.

"greeted by meanie who obviously was in the middle of hemming up her Elvira mistress of the dark costume"

Good as this shows been the only snippets that hold my attention now are the prideful rebuffs from Mariana and the wisdom administered by Pacquito the child psychologist. No, not a child psychologist, but a psychologist for a child.

Luis has always been a charmer and haven't seen a woman yet that can resist him. He's caught in lies, forges documents, cheats, emotionally berates, attempts murder but put him in front of a woman and they all have a dolefully expression and fall in behind. I betcha if Super O or Pedro or Leo weren't standing between Luis and these women he'd play them better than any piece Fernanda has on her fiddle. Fernanda too, is under his spell. The same girl that didn't shy away from a blade in prison cannot bring herself to block her puppetmaster biodad on facebook.


Anita, thank you for the summary and Delilah, thank you for the recap! Friday's episode was a wild one and has gotten us to the finale.

The only person I actually want an awful anvil for is Diego. I feel like Mariana is already being punished (although maybe it should be a little worse considering she did attempt murder several times in the first third of this telenovela.) I laughed a lot at her getting a cat line!

Luis is so never-say-die that I actually find myself kind of amused by him in spite of myself. Oh, I do think he should be punished, but life in jail is good enough for me. I couldn't believe how idiotic Fer was to go to him. And David and Anita, I completely agree, why she didn't clue Carlos in is a mystery to me. Thank goodness Carlos has Paco. Actually, thank goodness the whole bunch of them have Paco, someone needs to do the thinking in that family.

I actually like Dr. Marcos with Malq, as he appreciates her amazingness. For once I thought Maribel wasn't a moron and I'm glad she called out Jav. They don't work as a couple at all. I feel like they are only a couple because everyone in a tn must get a coupledom or an anvil in the end, and they don't deserve anvils.

Speaking of people who deserve happiness over anvils, Marissa deserves some happiness. We are at the last episode tonight, and she is not totally happy (although she does love Iggy) and she certainly is not looking healthy. I'm worried for her.


Delilah, that was great! I love how you captured the scene with Mariana. To me that was the highlight of the episode. With two hours to go, surely she will reconsider her actions and go running to Hernan's arms. Or maybe we'll see her at the pet store, buying a Persian.

On the other hand, I imagine that we'll see Javier running after Maribel, professing his love. Such an odd match! She's not bubbly at all, totally unlike Fernanda, and until this last episode, she's been so desperate, not very attractive.

Delilah, Did you move to Orlando, or are you on vacation? I'm not very far away. If there are other Patio pals in the area, maybe we could have a meet-and-greet lunch one day.


Thank you for the great comments everyone, that ep was a doozy, no?

Aleta, My husband got a job in Orlando back in April. I stayed behind in Oregon to get things buttoned up with our house. We plan on selling it, but not until early next spring, so for now my youngest daughter and her husband will be renting it and caring for our dog and two cats. My husband and I are going to rent a house in the College Park area for one year before deciding where we'll put roots down. I would love to have a patio meet and greet!

As for Mariana, I can't help but really like her. I know it's all due to the actress. I think Mariana like Eladio on Pasion y Poder, really could have benefited from some serious therapy. She is her own worst enemy and I think she has issues that must relate to losing her mother and being raised by a father who it seems was somewhat cold toward her. I think knowing that Fernando preferred Amelia over her must have affected her psychologically and it appears that even Blanca may have been guilty as well. Whatever her issues, I do hope she lets those walls down and lets Hernan love her. If not, I fear she is going to have a sad demise.

Dy, I agree with you about Doc A and Malkitten, they are super cute together. She's fun and spunky and he's got this sweet easy charm that really allows her to shine and take the lead. They are great together. I feel like Javier would try to change her or analyze her 24/7. I'm rooting with Steve, that our Mal beats her charges!

Tofie, thank you for appreciating my pet names! I couldn't resist. I had to laugh at your comment The same girl that didn't shy away from a blade in prison cannot bring herself to block her puppetmaster biodad on facebook. So true!

Diana thank you for the well wishes on my move, I appreciate it! I agree that it was high time Kleptobelle pick her dignity up off the ground and realize that she's been pursuing a man who was nothing more than her therapist and friend. There's no reason to dislike the character, but for me there is just no spark in her. I would rather see Javier begin a courtship with Loosero.

Nina! You're hilarious. Tell us how you really feel about Luis. .

David, I was thinking the same thing about Demonego. Could it be that he can't father kids? Whatever it is, it's a blessing to these young women not to be permanently attached to him. I do think Loosero is his primary obsession. Holivia better not find out, or Demonego will be the one in danger!

I know I'm probably alone, but I actually hope that Fer manages to find some forgiveness for Luis. He's a scoundrel for sure, but I think he deserves a chance to be a father and grandfather. It's obvious that as twisted as it may be he has love for her and Pedrito. As he was railing on Pedro I couldn't help but think there was a bit of truth in his words. Pedro has a possessive way with Fer and we saw it with Carlos. She spent two years in prison needlessly and apart from Carlos in part because of Pedro and his pride. As I look back on Pedro's claims that Luis was always trying to cause trouble, I can't see it. Pedro and Amelia lived nineteen years Luis free. Amelia and her bitter bitch attitude alone were the cause of Pedro's misery. Fer is the one who crossed Luis path and along with Cami scammed Luis. Pedro is the one who tried to keep Fer away from Don Fer and the Altamirano's. It wasn't until Luis and Pedro came to blows that things began escalating between them, with Fer being the one paying by going to prison. I can't muster up too much sympathy for Pedro as I think a lot of his problems with Luis were of his own doing because he has been controlling and obsessed with keeping Fer as HIS daughter.

Anita looking forward to your recap which I know is going to be stellar. I'm just sad it will be our last. Thank you again for being such a wonderful hostess and pulling this fab group together! ((H))

Delilah--Congratulations on your smooth, easy cross-country transition move. It hardly caused a ripple in your Caray recaps. I would have been at my wits end, since I can't do more than one thing at a time!

You are very conciliatory towards Luis. I'm ok with your idea he deserves a chance to be a father and a grandfather--safely from behind bars. He can grin and fawn all he likes and I won't mind a bit. He did some horrid things along the way, up to and including the fire-explosion at the prison. Only one dead, but his intent was to escape at any cost. We don't know how many injured or burned there were because of it because it was a silly staging of a serious fire.

I'm home, looking forward to tonight, but I'm NOT going to pull an all-nighter with 2-hours worth of Camino and do it justice. Besides that, I've developed a serious inflammation in both ears (not caused by Lake Ontario water). I've lost partial hearing in both ears. Anti-biotics and drops will save the day, I hope.

So, with everyone's permission (haha), I offer this alternative. Let me do one hour tonight and post it in the morning. After you have time to enjoy and discuss, pretend you haven't seen the second hour. I'll work on the finale and post it Tuesday night or Wednesday. It would be one way of stretching out our enjoyment, no?

For those of you who HAVE to watch the first episode of Despertar Contigo on Tuesday, I'll just wish you good bye and good watching. I'm going to take a break and watch Color when it arrives in September.

I wonder if our show will get preempted for a Juan Gabriel tribute tonight.

Delilah, awesome recap as always. Glad to hear your move went well. I'm actually supposed to be in Orlando the last week of October. You are not alone in wishing Fer forgives Luis. I think she is forgiving him despite his lunacy.

I agree with the answering Luis' call, but not calling Carlos.

I had to completely agree with Luis. Yes, he didn't want Amelia or a child. He assumed that she took care of it. Once he realized that she actually had the baby, he wanted to see his child - so I have to give him the fact that he has wanted to know her since he found out she actually existed. I guess that's why I cut him some slack. It's Pedro and Amelia who kept the identity a secret. It was Pedro's jealousy and envy of everything Luis had that he wanted that fueled the series of events that followed. However, it doesn't excuse kidnapping and emotional ransom. I think just a few kind words from Fer would be enough to soothe that beast (even if it's temporary)

Anita, that summary was spot on and I love the idea of stretching the patio discussions. I'm not sure if I will watch DC because I'm more interested in Color. I might give it a chance, I just don't know because I'm still watching Yago and that's a lot of TN!

Well, I can't believe I'm rounding out some of my last comments here - but I can't wait until tonight and the final recaps no matter how long they take to arrive.

Aleta, don't say that!!! I heard about him - well we have onDemand

O Anita inffection on both ears. That's got to be misery. I hope you get better soon:)

Anita, I will echo what Nina said. I am so sorry about your ear infection. Both ears - that must be so painful. I hope the antibiotics help and quickly.

Please take care of yourself. Whenever you are able to post, we will be here - priorities! You and your health are paramount!

Aleta, I am totally with you on prolonging the patio discussions. After La Verdad Occulta (which a group of us watched at midnight some years ago), we commented for days. We just didn't want it to end. And that is the case here.

We are in the process of moving our offices to the other side of the building so will check in when I can. I know your recap will be amazing Anita.



Hope you feel better soon Anita! Take all the time you need!


I meant to address my comment regarding stretching the comments out to you Kendra. So sorry...


Thank you for your thoughts. There will be a slight delay, though. I didn't have as much stamina as I thought I had. Bad night on top of that. But today is another day and I'm ready to tackle the rest of the 1st hour. Will be back in a few hours.

Anita- So sorry you are not feeling well, amiga! I hope you are on the mend.

Delilah- Are you still interested in recapping Color? Can you email me at brownvinette at hotmail.

Anita I hope you feel better! Take your time on that recap...I'm all for holding on to this group a bit longer.

Hi ViVi, yes I am still interested..I'm pretty flexible on my days. So slot me in wherever. ;-)


Delilah- Fantastic! Email me and I can send a note to the whole group.

Anita, when I'm writing sometimes I forget what I was supposed to comment on because other things start happening around me, but I too hope for a speedy recovery. That has got to be painful. Please take your time!

This was a very difficult hour to get through. So many conversations to get to the resolution. I'm going to try something different and address each character's journey rather than the back and forth we get of the scenes strung together. Hope you don't mind. Hang in there. The recap is done, but I have to put it in order now.

Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) First Hour, Pt. 1

The finale begins with a return to the days of yesteryear when the credits were shown at the beginning of each episode. It’s followed by a synopsis in flashback for those viewers who only tune in to El Gran Final episodes of telenovelas. What a brilliant concept, except that for the dedicated viewers, it’s a rehash and we silently verbalize, “C’mon, let’s get on with it, there’s a lot to resolve.”

Pedro answers the damn phone in the violin-maker’s workshop where he has stashed Fernanda and Pedrito. If it had been 2 min. later, he and P/ito would have been out the door so they could go pick fruit. Proud grandpa is sure P/ito is going to be a gardener. (Personally, I think he’s going to be an automotive engineer, plays the piano and accompanies Fer on the side, while he manages his parents’ investments. Oh, and he’ll have potted geraniums on his front porch, but he’ll hire a crew of groundskeepers for his vast land holdings, ponds and fountains around the Gomez-Ruiz mansion. Oh, and he'll get someone to care for his great aunt’s cat (a feisty marmalade she named Gabriel [R.I.P. Juan Gabriel 1950-2016]).

Back to reality. It only takes a fraction of a second and P/ito is out the door. Pedro looks around and calls his name, but he’s disappeared into thin air—replaced at the door by a taller, much older version of P/ito who claims some kinship to the the tyke. Pedro knows instantly what has happened. He’s been had, by an expert. Luis aims several truths about fathers-daughter-grandchild, but Pedro cannot see beyond his own belief system. (For the best translation of what Luis and Pedro said to each other, see Delilah’s Friday episode, Part VIII. It’s perfect.)

After an exchange of heated words over whose daughter and grandchild Fer and P/ito are, it escalates to grabbing and pushing. He threatens Pedro with something happening to Amelia, turns and leaves. In a moment of clarity, for Pedro, he takes after Luis. It’s a fun car chase to watch. Pedro’s little white pickup is a gnat and Luis’ giant black SUV is a bear. The gnat wants desperately to get at the bear, but only succeeds in annoying it. Luckily for Pedro, a white van in front of Luis, blocks him and he can’t get around it. Pedro is able to keep up easily.

The van pays no attention to Luis’ mad honking. Luis veers off onto a different road, Pedro right behind him. Luis, the bear, is careening down the road, with Pedro, the little gnat, still behind him. Luis is talking outloud how he will never let the gardener win. He must believe talking out loud will help him get away. He mentions a waiting helicopter. Pedro must have heard that floating back on the exhaust fumes because he pulls over. (For a moment I feared the old Pedro was back and he’d just bang the steering wheel and go on and on about losing Fer and the baby.) Using his wits, although we don’t see him do it, a call is received by Al Pacino Medina in his office. He gets up and announces he knows exactly where to get Luis Montero.


Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) First Hour, Pt. 2

LUIS MONTERO - Continued

Luis has reached a building with a staircase, likely to a rooftop helipad. Pedro has caught up with him and is within feet of catching Luis. They trade mortal threats and slug each other, Pedro swears this is going to end today. Luis agrees and pulls out a concealed-carry weapon, points and shoots. It hits Pedro squarely in the stomach. Blood drips from his nice T-shirt and he slumps down as the heavenly hosts sing an angelic chorus, presumably waiting for Pedro to appear at the other Pedro’s Pearly Gates. No witnesses or passersby to call 911. Luis has reached the roof. There is Alicia waiting with P/ito in her arms. (She must have done some fancy driving of her own to get there that quickly, including having to strap P/ito into a car seat first.)

Pedro has been given a reprieve. San Pedro isn’t ready to let him in. Mortally wounded, our Pedro drags himself upright in time to watch as Luis takes P/ito from Alicia and joyfully toss the lad in the air before climbing in the waiting helicopter. The helicopter lifts off; the heavenly host sings over Pedro’s labored breathing. Any second now, we are expecting him to expire. He watches as the helicopter flies heavenward and then closes his eyes.

Apparently Luis gave the helicopter pilot instructions on where to go, but he realizes as the copter begins its descent it’s not where he wanted to go. He panics. He yells and screams, but the pilot pays no attention. For once he’s powerless to change his destiny. He sees he’s landing in his old stomping grounds, the penitentiary exercise yard. As soon as they put down, a gun is pulled on Luis. He’s under arrest. Luis raises his hands and begs them not to let the baby see this. He’s ordered to toss out his gun. Al Pacino Medina was in the co-pilot’s seat and gets out to welcome his prisoner back to his cell. Luis addresses Medina, this is not the end. Medina responds that for Luis, it’s the end. Luis gets a set of his very own silver bracelets, just his size.

[Just a short postscript--how great a coincidence is it that Luis started out his life of luxury in a helicopter with Marissa and Carlos, only to have it end in a helicopter with his grandson in a prison yard, where he will have nothing but time on his hands.]

Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) First Hour, Pt. 3


Javier, looking a little too pensive, even for a psychiatrist, is in the pine-paneled Perez Palace when Maribel comes back in and is surprised to find him there. She reminds him she fired him as her therapist. He still can’t believe she did that. Maribel is a bit exasperated with him. She’s tired of their doctor-patient game. She’s tired of being "patient," waiting for him to say “something.” She has a lot of things to say to him, but not as her therapist. Javier stands there speechless, watching a very animated Maribel. He doesn’t know what to say to her. Maribel says to take his time so he can think. He says it’s not easy. She says she knows better than anyone it’s not easy. So, she has a lot of work yet and sarcastically says goodbye and “que te vaya bien,” a sort of goodbye and don’t let the door hit you on your way out. He leaves and she weeps for a lost love.

Maribel has packed her suitcase and is ready to leave. Her only destination, it seems is to go back to her ex, so she can be with her children. She looks around the shack that gave her shelter and is sad Fer isn’t there so she could say goodbye. Instead it is Javier who comes in and takes her hand from the suitcase. What is he doing here, she wants to know. Does she have to ask, he replies.

Javier notes her attitude has put some distance between them. She tells him that it’s because their “time” is over, or maybe they never had it. She tells him she has to leave, she has a plane to catch. He takes the bag out of her hand again. He has something to tell her, then if she wants to, she can leave forever. What does that mean, she asks. He continues, love was there in front of him all the time, but he was too stupid to recognize it until Maribel decided to leave. Maribel tells him he already lost her. She tries to take the bag, he holds it firmly. Things are not that simple, she tries to explain. She’s a mother and her children want to be with her and she’s not going to stay on a whim, much less if he’s the whim. Jav asks her not to say that. He’s willing to help her get custody of her kids. He’ll always be by her side, for her and her children. Maribel doesn’t think he knows what he’s saying. She repeats she has to leave. Javier finally says the magic words, “I’m nothing if I’m not with you.” She says not to say that (if he doesn’t mean it—I think), because it’s the loveliest thing she’s ever heard. Javier sort of puts his doctor hat back on and pontificates, not very romantically that they love each other and they can’t be one without the other. Maribel’s face softens and she reaches up to kiss, either the doctor or the man, lightly on the lips. They both smile. Does that mean she’ll stay? Yes, she’ll stay with the love of her life. He moves in to kiss her as her man, not her therapist.

Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) First Hour, Pt. 4


LaMalquerida is moping in the shade of a tree in the rubble-strewn prison yard. She’s not who she was before. Her two best accomplices are worried about her. They just can’t get through to this new person who doesn’t want to be head baddie any more. They try to tempt her with the music group Fer started but has since fizzled out since Malq left. Malq says she different now because of what she experienced outside the prison walls. In her mind’s eye she flashes back to dancing the Tilingo-Lingo. (A traditional dance from Veracruz; see it on YouTube-- Those were happy days. The two buds can’t even tempt her with hazing the newbies.

They are interrupted by a guard who comes for Malq. The music is menacing. The Directora wants to see her (outside, no less, not even the courtesy of offering her a chair in her office). She directs stern words at Malq. So, she thought she could get away with escaping. Malq still has a bit of a chip on her shoulder towards authority and assumes she’s going to be disciplined separately for something or other. Malq tells the directora that during her period of liberty, she realized all the wrongs she had committed. She also realized she wasn’t made for prison. She doesn’t apologize for escaping, but she tells the director it wasn’t personal.

Now she’s ready to listen to the directora. She tells Malq they are going to make sure no one else gets away using her escape route. Malq tells her she’s resigned to prison and prison life. The old Malq no longer exists, but whatever. Directora now tells her there’s more. The police reopened her case and investigated further—she was not the one who killed the person she was imprisoned for. Malq objects to being declared a non-murderer. She is one and can do it again just to prove it.

Directora says they know now it was her mother and it was in self-defense. Her mother won’t serve time because Malq already did the time. (Here we seem to have another example of the incomprehensible—to us—Mexican justice system, or else it belongs in the Telenovelaland Book of Laws to be used when there’s no other way out of a storyline blockade.)

Malq's story comes out now. She took the rap because she had younger siblings that needed their mother to care for them. She’s free, but directora has a couple more things. She asks for Malq’s autograph, because she’s a celebrity now; she’s even used the products she advertised and likes them. Malq is anxious to leave, but she’s not leaving alone. Directora nods to someone approaching behind her. It’s Marcos. He’s come to pick her up. She runs to him and they hug. He tells her he believed in her innocence. He tells her he loves her and she may not be Miss Universe, yet, she’s the queen of the whole world to him. She is everything to him. She smiles at the directora with a—see what I’ve got look--and she and Marcos hug and have a big kissy-face party right there in the yard.

Hi Anita how are you feeling dear? I want to thank you for this very detailed part 1 and part 2. I hope you weren't In any real discomfort when you did this. Girl you are a better person than I am, I think if I had been feeling bad I'd closed that laptop and went to bed. but thank you for the very detailed part 1 & 2. I kind of felt sorry for Louis,he seems like he really wanted to be her father in the end,instead of her being just a bank vault to him. I wish they would have given us a little more imfo, or understanding about his life, how he got to be like that. I mean maybe he grew up poor and he figured that he had to get rich at any cost and then somewhere up in there it got really crazy and he just didn't really care about who he had to step on to get to the top, but it didn't turn out so well for him in the end. I kind of figured fer woulf windup forgiving him thats who She is. That was no surprise to me, and he was so happy when she turned around and called him Papa. I felt kind of sorry for him. he was proud of her watching with her music and all he had to show for anything was that jail cell,on the floor,in dirt.

What the heck was that shooting scene with pedro and Louie? that was a gut shot, people don't usually bounce back right away or at all from something like that, the next thing you know he's walking around on his property feeling fine. really? Does it seem to you all that this finale was filled with a lot of filler?I mean the violin playing, the concerts and stuff? it's like they put all that in there to make up for dialog, and I thought at least they would have given Marissa a funeral but all they did was show her walking down the same train track as Fernando dressed in white talking about something, I'll find that out with the next part three and four of the recap. But anyway well it wasn't what I thought it would be, a really good finale.
Maybe it'll get better with the other parts.

Thank you Anita you did a phenomenal job under the circumstances I hope you feel better. :)

Nina--I'm not done yet. Stay tuned. We still have more to go. I did go to bed early, that's why this is so late. Not feeling up to snuff yet, but I'll persevere.

Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) First Hour, Pt. 5


Izzy is waiting in a lush hotel lobby where nothing matches and there’s a parrot in the background. After all these years, Izzy is still Frizzy, maybe a sign she hasn’t changed. Teo, looking mighty fine, is approaching. Right away she begs him for another chance. She tells him everything he overheard was a lie. She’s not in financial problems; she’s not the one who picks up and drops rich men. She only tells the students at her modeling school what they want to hear. She needs to come across as triumphant. Teo interjects, she may have acquired things and is successful and triumphant, but it didn’t make her a better person, possibly worse (ouch). He begins to list her faults, starting with being selfish and egotistical. Her personality is not anything he wants around him. She doesn’t quite admit it, but says she wants to be a different person and she’s sure he’s the one who can get her on the right path to redemption. He’s not so sure that can be possible, but he does say he wants the real Izzy he fell in love with. (Excuse me but does he really know the real Izzy—and if so, when did that happen? Have we ever seen a nice Izzy?)

Izzy says she needs an answer. Teo responds, for something that’s dead? Izzy insists that for her it’s not dead. She’s humiliated herself in front of him, sought him out, just to show him the truthiness of her feelings. (Sorry, Izz, but it sounds more like desperation, fear of being alone and without a man by your side, regardless of how successful your enterprise is—maybe you should check in with Mariana and see how she’s doing.) Izzy tells Teo she wants someone who will make her feel safe and secure and he’s the only one who makes her feel good. She’s sure, for the first time, that he’s the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with. (Her words hasn’t matched the look on her face all this time.) She’s going to try everything in her arsenal to get him to be with her. She starts with a sad look and tears welling up.

She wants him to help her be a better person. He wants her to stop acting like a bad girl. He knows it’s just a mask. If *he* changes her, she won’t be the person he fell in love with. The one perhaps only he and her sister know. She has to take charge of her own life and leave all that heavy baggage weighing her down behind and be herself. Teo must be seeing behind that mask of insecurity because he agrees to help her, with pleasure. They kiss, not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times (and leaves me cold).

Teo, you could have done much better than this Miss Prissy Universe. That’s why I say this relationship is not a sure thing, but for better or worse, Isabela wants Teo and will probably follow a path that leads to a permanent relationship.

Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) First Hour, Pt. 6


In a small classroom, occupied by six nubile adolescent girls, the headmistress prepares them to be introduced to their new Spanish professor. She’s delighted Sebastián Vargas was willing to come to their very small school and he comes with excellent references. As Sebastián enters and smiles, he looks suspiciously like someone not named Sebastián Vargas. He stands at the head of the class and surveys the potential victims—er students. He tells them not to see him as the professor but as a friend. One rosy-cheeked student in particular catches his eye. He directs his gaze and his smile at her and soon after makes sure she’s singled out by an intimate touch along her arm. There is no mistaking she’s the one. The young thing is visibly flattered by the attention of this handsome older “friend.”

As Sebastián Vargas stands at the blackboard and checks off the lesson on subjects, the door opens and he becomes the subject. Standing there is Lucero accompanied by a couple of officers, one in uniform. She tells him she wasn’t going to rest until he was caught and taken off the streets so he couldn’t continue to harm innocent young girls. He bows his head in shame while he’s being cuffed. The students don’t have a clue what has just happened. She declares this is his destiny and the end of the road and it's all due to her. As he’s led out, Diego lifts his head and begs Lucero to save him. He declares over and over she’s the only one he’s ever loved.

We won’t miss him, but Lucero is uncertain about her own feelings for Diego, or whoever he really was. (Arturo, don't ever, ever take another role like this one. Couldn't stand it. Being "bad" is one thing, damaging young girls perhaps permanently, puts you in another category entirely.)


Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) First Hour, Pt. 7


Carlos seems completely recovered from his whack on the head. (Maybe it means he’s recovered some of his senses as well.) He and Fernanda arrive at the hideaway in the violin makers workshop to find Pedro and P/ito gone. They hope Luis didn’t find them. They assume the two went back to the house and decide to head over there. Before leaving, Carlos promises on his life that this will be resolved today and he will return their son to her.

Amelia is visiting Marissa, who is being attended by Iggy himself. In bed and at death’s door, she still looks beautiful with her long straight dark hair contrasting with her Chinese red silk gown. She’s tired of Luis Montero continuing to harm her son, grandson and Fernanda. She feels they personally should be doing something, but Iggy says it’s in the hands of others. When the time comes, if help is needed, they will. Amelia is worried about Pedro. She knows how impulsive he is and his tendency to fly off the handle. Iggy says Amelia needs to have faith. Unfortunately he knows Pedro has stated that he’ll never permit having the child taken away from him—he’ll be dead first. The newly-calm Amelia says that’s exactly what worries her, that they will kill him.

There is a joyful, emotional reunion as Carlos brings their son back to Fer at the shack, where she has been anxiously waiting. Even P/ito is happy to be back in his mother’s arms. There’s no doubt he’ll remember the helicopter ride at some point, but right now he is totally involved in his parents’ happiness. Lots of hugs and smiles.

Sometime later, we catch a glimpse of Fer dressed in white (but not a wedding dress and she can't be the one who is dead). Blanca is with her as they approach in a slow cadence towards Pedro’s nursery, their arms full of flowers. Are we to think the flowers are for Pedro’s grave? Not sure yet, even when we see Pedro calling her name. Is he in heaven already and do they really let them wear T-shirts there? They race toward each other. Pedro gathers her up in his arms. Fer asks how he is and doesn’t his wound hurt? No, he’s fine or he wouldn’t be able to pick her up and swing her around. (I do declare. Is it a miracle, a resurrection? There was no rushing off to the emergency room, no flatlining on the operating table, no bandages, no IV's, no hospital gowns, no hospital at all. Truly a miracle. He’s whole [and no hole].)

Now we learn what the flowers are for. They are for Marissa, who Pedro says is feeling a bit poorly, so he doesn’t think it’s a good idea for Fer’s best friends to come, too. Adelina, Camila and Lucero are just there to give their flowers to Fer, she says. Fer doesn’t want Marissa to “go away.” (Neither do we, damn it.) Pedro tells her one way or another, she’ll be ok. Fer says they need to get going, Carlos is waiting for them.

Paco is getting a lesson in birth order hierarchy and sibling rivalry from Marissa, a woman who only had one child she spoiled unrepentantly. Paco is trying to understand the big brother, little brother thing, when P/ito seems to be the center of attention. Marissa, who is now sitting in her chaise lounge, gently tells him that his little brother will learn respect for his elders. He wants to know if he’ll always be her preferred grandchild. Marissa declares she will always spoil him, as he nestles in her arms. She reminds him both grandchildren are her reason for living. She tells him she loves him and he tells her he loves her. Paco announces he is going back to his room to think about this hierarchy thing. She closes her eyes and he slips out as Carlos comes in to see her. Mother and son have a loving exchange of words and memories.

Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) First Hour, Pt. 8


Outside the house, Iggy meets Amelia and Pedro, also armed with flowers for Marissa. He’s glad they came. Amelia excuses herself to go to the house right away. Iggy tells Pedro to be strong, both of them, in order to be a support to Carlos at this time. Pedro says he can count on them. Iggy says he’s happy with the time he and Marissa had together, despite her suffering. We see them in their happiest moments of new-found love. He’s happy he was the one to bring back the smile to her lips. He knows some day they will be together again.

Carlos is wrapped up in his mother’s embrace. There’s a lot of maternal and filial caresses and kisses exchanged. He tells her Pedro, Amelia and Fernanda are outside waiting to see her. She doesn’t want them to see her like this. He offers to help her get ready, the way he did while she was in a coma, brushing her hair or applying lotion. She relaxes under her ministrations. She closes her eyes and tells him how much she loves him. She thanks him. He wants to animate her and asks her to choose her lipstick. She pick one and while he’s fussing in a drawer with his back to her, her head drops. Carlos, the son, not Carlos the doctor is distraught. He keeps trying to get her to talk to him; asking her not to leave him. Right outside the door, Paco knows what is happening as he hears Carlos beg his mother not to go and slumps down, feeling his father’s pain and his own. Marissa’s loved ones have gathered around the door and continue to hear Carlos’ cries of anguish. Iggy bows his head.

Marissa, now dressed in a long white flowing gown, begins the lonely walk to her destiny, which is not on this earth. She follows in the footsteps of Don Fernando. She's happy that she lived as long as she did, with a loving, adoring husband, a wonderful son and a late blooming true love. Luis was only a bump along the way she tells herself. (It was a 20-year bump, but we’ll let her keep her after-life thoughts.) She’s content that her son is with the love of his life and has two children who adore him.

She’ll always watch over them, no matter where their paths take them.

Well, fellow Caminantes. This is only the first hour. There's no way I'll be able to do the second hour tonight. Hope you all can wait for the second hour, but please now we can comment on how we feel about the destiny of the above characters we've watched grow, not grow and backslide.

Anita, you elevated the art of recapping to a higher level this evening. Remarkably astute and yet, carefully and lovingly crafted. Wonderful.

"Javier, looking a little too pensive, even for a psychiatrist" and "He’s whole [and no hole]" were among many favorites in your first installment.

Your ability to recognize and capture significant events was evident at every turn including "how great a coincidence is it that Luis started out his life of luxury in a helicopter with Marissa and Carlos, only to have it end in a helicopter with his grandson in a prison yard, where he will have nothing but time on his hands". I had forgotten that!

More sharp observations were regarding Izzy. "Teo must be seeing behind that mask of insecurity because he agrees to help her, with pleasure. They kiss, not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times (and leaves me cold)" and "he does say he wants the real Izzy he fell in love with. (Excuse me but does he really know the real Izzy—and if so, when did that happen? Have we ever seen a nice Izzy?)".

Nopis - what a waste! Teo certainly deserves better. I agree that Izzy has never once exhibited any kindness or compassion to anyone. Few characters have been as self absorbed and selfish as she. The ending she certainly did not deserve.

Jav and Maribel: "She repeats she has to leave. Javier finally says the magic words, “I’m nothing if I’m not with you.” Ummm, really?? When did Javier come to this mind numbing conclusion? I could hardly believe my eyes when I read that. Also, I have never seen a less impassioned kiss. There was no spark, no sizzle, simply fizzle. Completely absurd. One of the few confusing couplings in this TN.

Mal and Marcos. "She smiles at the directora with a—see what I’ve got look--and she and Marcos hug and have a big kissy-face party right there in the yard". Although I’m still scratching my head a bit regarding this other unlikely couple, they seem very happy together and therefore, I’m happy for them! I was relieved to hear Malq is not a murderer. Who are we to thank for this masterful detective work? Felipe??

There are a few characters here who may not be on the road to hell, but were not quite at heaven's gate (Izzy). I am having a difficult time processing that not only that she survived but that she now has a happy ending. So then, why did we need to lose Marissa, one of our most treasured characters? "Marissa, now dressed in a long white flowing gown, begins the lonely walk to her destiny, which is not on this earth". God speed Marissa. When we saw Paco crying at the door as Carlos grieved, my eyes filled up.

Anita, it has been a privilege to read your recaps and partake in the discussions. Thank you. I cannot wait to read your finale.


Anita...I have no more glowing words that haven't been written already, but the way you crafted this one was the icing and whipped cream on the ice cream cake.

So many frustrating things in this finale. Pedro didn't die...why not? How did Fer and Carlos end up together? Who called Medina? Why did Marissa die? Why she couldn't at least make it to the wedding? WTF with Javier and Maribel? I knew they were heading this way when she told him she was leaving to see her kids the next day but I was hoping Lucero would intrigue him...Marcos and Mal still mismatched but better than Jav and Mari. Izzy gets Teo? They are another pair with no chemistry.

Why didn't Pedro die? Oh, did i ask that already? I thought Fer was dreaming that he was alive so i was hopeful that he wasn't. Is that mean? Oh well.

I teared up at Marissa death.

Why is Pedro still alive?

Anita this was a very pregnant telling of a very sad ending for a most beloved character. Why did marissa have to die? I mean really, there's so many other people that could have. I've been watching TV for years and I've seen movies with stuff like this with one of the most beloved characters die, and the devil's get to continue to live throughout the end of the show. well no use crying over spilt milk and we're left with this montages how can I I don't know.
I was rather shocked when I saw Javier and Maribel, I mean I thought he was like, very professional,and didn't allow things like that. but I guess we learn something new everyday.

I don't think they really bothered to explain anything about how these people came to the destiny that they came to, they just... I guess they wanted the audience to... I don't know make it up in their minds or whatever. decide for themselves how all these people came to these endings. Maybe I'll get a better picture whem the other parts come up. but thank Anita, you did a wonderful job, you are a great storyteller.
Im glad malq got out of prison.

Anita, thank you for this wonderful recap of the first hour!

Like many of you, I found it a little frustrating. We had some not needed filler (Javier/Maribel and Teo/Isabel, I'm looking at you), and then some dropped plot holes! How did Luis snag Pedrito so fast? How did he get him to Alicia? How did the cops enter into it? As Kendra put it, and this made me chuckle, "Pedro didn't die...why not?" lol, I never warmed to Pedro, I guess. I actually was kind of rooting for Luis at the end (not to kidnap the kid, but just to get away).

Marissa and we were gypped out of a proper funeral. Paco and Carlos - I felt for them so much in those death scenes.

Malq and Marcos' ending made me happy! I'm glad she ended up cleared of wrongdoing and with someone who appreciates her wholeheartedly.

Kendra and Nina, you both asked very logical questions and I am definitely with you on why on earth Marissa had to die. There always seems to be one sacrificial lamb doesn't there?

Kendra, I was also wondering about Medina. The only thing I can think of is that either Pedro called him (as I believe Anita states) or, that Alicia stumbled upon him on her way down from the tower and called the police.

I don't think there is any plausible explanation for Mal and Maribel's men. The writers did miss a golden opportunity for Mal to bring Jav to life and delight by putting them together. Nice and tepid was not my wish for them. I am having a hard time visualizing the rather reserved Jav with a ready made family but this is his destiny (apparently) :)

I have a lot to say about how things were handled but will wait until Anita posts her finale.


Ah, Anita, another of your masterful retellings, and in such detail! Eight parts for the first hour!

Like Kendra, I have no idea why Pedro is still alive. He was shot in what appeared to be exactly the center of his chest or abdomen, and as such, a bullet with any penetrating power whatsoever should have taken out his aorta or vena cava, and possibly have severed his spine. Luis must have had a pistol that fired .22 shorts.

The way this unfolded, I am struck by what someone else said earlier; that the theme of this is redemption and forgiveness, which is not something we often see on a tn, and is, in fact, a little disturbing. We have built up so much righteous anger over so many of these antagonists, but in the end we are presented with whimpy, improbable situations where they do not suffer the consequences of their actions.

I was so glad to see that Malquerida not only got off, but was not a murderer either. AND, her mother who actually did the deed was innocent as well because it was self defense. She has been such a bubbly side show in this ever since we met her in prison (except in the early scenes where she was trying to be tough for self preservation).

For Izzy to wind up with a man like Teo seemed improbable. Has he always harbored a desire to have a relationship with a narcissistic liar whom he could reform? Good luck with that.

The female prison director was a surprise too. Usually they are portrayed as crass, uncaring people, but this one is exactly the opposite, and takes genuine pleasure a letting innocent people out of her prison.

As Diana pointed out, the getting together of Jav and Maribel was unlikely and lacked any convincing spark, and certainly didn't lead up to the words, "I'm nothing if I'm not with you."

My wife and I are leaving for Buffalo, N.Y. in a few minutes for a wedding, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get to a computer. If not, then let me say what a pleasure it has been for me to exchange ideas with all of you. This tn and this discussion page have been a real blast from the onset.

And very special thanks to you, Anita, for keeping this going, and for your super-entertaining way of telling this story.



Totally indebted to you Anita and you wrap up playing hurt.

"Javier, looking a little too pensive, even for a psychiatrist"

"As Sebastián enters and smiles, he looks suspiciously like someone not named Sebastián Vargas"

Oh well, can't always get what you want and for 99% of the show I was entertained but unfortunately it kinda devolved into a mess.

Super O the selfless, my most tragic figure, no rainbow after the storm.

Gut shot and not even a wince while he walks the next day, is that a Kevlar T he's wearing. It should have been a head shot. That I would believe cause Pedro's thick skull is impenetrable.

Though broadcast for a month a relationship, I kept thinking Javier & Maribel would turn away at the last minute. I have no problem with the characters hooking up, with the actors themselves but think the actors were miscast opposite each other.

I just can't with Carlos and Fernanda and see nothing he brings to the table other than a playmate for the kids and tears to fill the kiddie pool.

What kind of punishment is that for Mariana? She actually got what she wanted.

Boy, Teo is stupid. I saw and heard nothing inconsistent with the same pitch Isabela made for years to Carlos.

I guess there is a message in Fernanda's forgiveness of Luis but it's built on a brief coercive appeal by him solely on bloodline. While I'm no fan of Pedro, he did carry the ball the whole game but a guy that didn't practice and got there late gets the same billing cause it's his ball.


David, I hope you and your wife have a wonderful time at the wedding! Safe travels.

I'm so glad you pointed out the prison director was a good soul and certainly not the norm...

tofie, still chuckling at "While I'm no fan of Pedro, he did carry the ball the whole game but a guy that didn't practice and got there late gets the same billing cause it's his ball".



tofie, I completely agree: "Though broadcast for a month a relationship, I kept thinking Javier & Maribel would turn away at the last minute." I actually think this would have been a better ending for Maribel to be honest. To show that she had grown as a person and all.

I forgot to list Diego's arrest in my list of unfulfilling endings. I really wanted a big anvil for him. I think it would have been good to see Lucero think about a career in crime investigation too - she certainly looked like a natural when she led those cops in and told them to arrest Diego.

Someone mentioned that maybe alicia may
Have called the police, that would have been cool. Her workin uncover all this time. I have
To reach cuz this tn was kind of a mess, with all these fillers of nonsense.

I don't give luis the same billing as pedro, cuz when he did get there late he didn't do a very good job of carrying that ball. He took a
Knife to it and stabbed it. And when he did get there late It was the money, fernanda was his Second thought. Pitiful.

Feeling revived by your comments (takes a humble bow), I'll start the 2d hour in a bit (have to restock the fridge first).

David, have a wonderful time at the wedding. May the one you attend be grander and more beautiful than Carlos and Fernanda's was. (My own opinion--it wasn't long enough or grand enough for all they went through.) Do check in on us when you get back. I'll still be here for awhile.

Just for fun--Pedro at the T-shirt factory, choosing T-shirts for the last episode:
Greyish-blue for the beginning credits
Bright green for the first flashback when we are introduced to Fernanda
Washed out blue when Amelia asks Pedro to marry her (in flashback)
Grey when he tells Amelia that Fernanda is missing
Maroon when he's talking to Paco about reaching Carlos
Maroon (same one, I think) when Fernanda returns with Pedrito
Greyish-blue when he answers the phone in the violin-makers workshop and Pedrito disappears
Bluish grey for his resurrection scene in the nursery
Bluish grey for when Fer left for Europe

I really couldn't tell the difference between Greyish blue and Bluish grey, but that's how I wrote it down. You can check for accuracy, I'm not going back to rewatch.

Handwritten recap is done. Will post after typing and editing.


What a keen eye for detail you have Anita!

Very clever observations on Pedro's shirts...Wonderful...

I'll look forward to checking in the morning to read your finale...



Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) Second Hour, Pt. 1

Marissa has made her grand exit from the screen and from watchers on the Patio. Her memory is celebrated in a somber, but beautiful…what? No funeral? No walk to the cemetery? No Carlos weeping? No opportunity to remember with reverence, the essence of her life, giving closure to all of us who loved Marissa? Life just goes on.

Pedro, Amelia and Carlos have come to the airport to see Fernanda off to somewhere in Europe. Carlos seems quite content that his future bride is going off to study music for six months (as she so stated) without him or their children. Amelia has some concerns, but Pedro is so agitated at the thought of separation he goes cuckoo with his advice and platitudes. Even Fer thinks he’s over the top and wants him to stop.

Fer has moved up in the world. She has a stylish red suitcase now, but still carries her beloved new violin in the old beat up case with string for a shoulder strap. (I am sad to see she’s reverted to her bare midriff top, although it looks more like it got caught folded up—I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.)

Amelia and Pedro take up all of Fer’s time, talking, kissing, hugging, while Carlos waits patiently in the background. (I was hoping up till the last minute he was going with her.) He gets a few little pecks on the lips, but they do exchange I love yous and he’ll be waiting for her when she gets back. He adds that he can’t believe they’re not married yet. (Neither can I. What’s the deal here? It would have been just as plausible to have a lovely wedding first, gather up Blanca and the kids and go off to Europe together. Bah, humbug. Remakes tend to follow originals, I guess.)

Pedro continues to make a spectacle of himself. (His family has accepted his enthusiasm and his quirks, so we will have to grudgingly admire his up-beat peppiness for just awhile longer. It’s better than the alternative, when he was depressed, bed-ridden, not eating and letting loose his hair-trigger anger on anyone near him.) Finally, Fer separates herself from the people who love her the most and she’s off on her adventures.

Enough said. Well, ok, it’s the last hour. The two start playing a game forming words with the first syllables of their names. Camila says the two of them are now Ca-Fe; when Felipe liked Fernanda, it would have been Fe-Fe; insisting on Fe-Ca for Fer and Carlos now. Felipe chimes in that Ca-mila and Ca-rlos would have been a No-No. They laugh at the scatological connotation. They admit they’re in love and Felipe tells her he can’t live another second without her kisses. She asks if that means they are novios. Felipe says, whoa, he didn’t ask her, but yes, they can be novios. They kiss on it.

Later Felipe arrives at the constructora where Camila is and tries to get fresh with her. She playfully avoids him. She sits him down and tells him she’s decided to become a lawyer so she can start a legal clinic for poor people who have no access to good legal advice. Felipe is proud of her. He tells her she’s the love of his life. (Yay! One genuinely happy resolution.) They kiss on it.

Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) Second Hour, Pt. 2

Alicia is visiting him in prison. They commiserate his fate. Luis can’t believe it has been six months since Marissa died. (I can’t believe he really cared.) He recalls that it was then that he, Luisa and Luisito were just getting to know each other. He smiles as his mind filters out the cold hard truths of that forced relationship. He goes on with how much they shared. Luis knows she's in Europe, but apparently has not contacted her there. It’s part of her artistic talent. She’s a winner.

He wants to give her room to breathe, but he knows Alicia is following her, discretely. He’s sure when she returns, Luisa will come to see him. Alicia is doubtful, but he is convinced it’s the first thing she’ll do. He got to know her well while they were together. (And how long was that? A few days, one week, tops? And we saw how that went.) Alicia hopes he isn’t disillusioned. Luis says just as he accepted her, one day she will accept him.

Fernanda begins her studies in Europe. However, we don’t see her actually studying with anyone. She writes home to her folks stating how grateful she is for the opportunity to learn and grow, while the images of great concert halls flash behind her. (I recognized the Los Angeles Philharmonic Hall, Walt Disney Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House, Paris Opera House and the one that looked like a shiny worm seems to be the Gateshead Quay in UK—I had to look that one up.) She writes to Carlos and thanks him because she is where she is today thanks to him. She loves him. He reads the letter standing in front of the shack.

Six months go by and Fer has arrived “home,” that is, the shack. She wonders where everyone is and why he brought her there. Carlos tells her everyone is now at the big house. He has something to tell her and she insists on knowing now. They sit on the sill of the big picture window. He brought her here, he begins, because it holds so many memories—their first kiss, the first times he got run off. (Carlos, you are going to end up being the type of husband who forgets all the important and minor anniversaries. Your and Fer’s first kiss was in the garden at the clinic. I remember it well; I’ve watched it several times.) Anyway, he brought her here because, as he gets down on one knee, he is asking her—again—to marry him. Fer replies laughingly that he knows the answer. She’s given it to him many times already. Carlos wants to hear it again, now. Fer answers yes. Carlos wants them to get married tomorrow; no today would be better. Fer asks for an extra day. She has something she must do tomorrow and there is also a little planning that must be done for a wedding. Carlos accepts the delay.

Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) Second Hour, Pt. 3

Fernanda has indeed gone to see Luis, through the bars in his cell. (That suits me just fine. It wouldn’t be improbable to think that in a visitors area he grabs her and holds her hostage, threatening to kill her if they don’t let them go—ok, granted, new telenovela; this one has to end soon.) He acts genuinely glad to see her and spend time with her. She tells him she’s getting married tomorrow. He wishes her great happiness. (Sorry, but I still don’t believe him. He was able to smile through all his other bad deeds and until six months ago still loathed Carlos and thought he’d shot Pedro dead and didn’t want them to win. Has the short time in prison rehabilitated him completely? Remember he also took a pot shot at Carlos in front of the clinic, although he claims it was just to scare him. Although to give him the benefit of the doubt, he has had more time behind bars to think and reflect, so maybe he’s heading in the right direction.)

He asks if she’s going to come and visit again. She says yes. They seem to be falling into easy conversation, although he still referred to Pedro as the jardinero and Carlos as her novio desgraciado. Fer turns to leave, then stops and returns, saying, “I love you, Daddy, I love you.” (She used the querer form.) He says he loves her, too. He’s over the moon with emotion.

Mariana, in her Elvira dress-up costume with the plunging neckline and no one to appreciate her assets, sighs as she puts down a half-drunk glass of orange juice. It sounds like a sigh of resignation and not a sigh of contentment. She thinks to herself because there is no one to say it to, that tomorrow the illegitimate girl is getting married. Amelia, she continues, came to invite her, but she doesn’t want to associate with those poor common folks. She doesn’t need the aggravation and smiles at her decision not to attend. She gets up and now speaks out loud, probably needing to hear a human voice. She prefers to stay put, here in her house, in her hacienda, her only other assets in life. Alone, yes, and so what, alone but will always be Mariana Altamirano, the one who triumphed.

Blanca needed a plumber and José answered the call. She has something wrong with her drain.

Later we learn Blanca and José have been going out! She enjoyed herself immensely and she thanks him. It was his pleasure to be by her side and get her to smile again, he says, after seeing her sad for so long. Blanca recalls her last days with Don Fernando. They finally, reluctantly admit they like and need one another’s company—and Blanca’s cooking doesn’t hurt.


Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) Second Hour, Pt. 4

Sor Sonrisa cuts into Blanca’s reverie by belting out her signature rendition of Ave Maria. The camera closes in on Christ on the Cross. What has befallen our group of destiny seekers? Has a tragedy occurred? A belated funeral for Marissa? Should we be sad about someone? Mariana…Luis…Isabela…Javier? Oh, my, no, it’s Fer and Carlos’ wedding. What a handsome couple is walking up the aisle. (Of course I’m referring to Pedro and Fernanda.) He is in his own, smartly tailored wedding suit (probably thanks to Amelia). Fer is dressed in a long-sleeved, off the shoulder, strapless gown with a white eyelet lace bodice dotted with tiny sequins and a plain floor-length full skirt. She’s holding a mostly green bouquet. Her hair is pulled back and topped by a simple, but elegant tiara. Her veil is secured behind and hangs down her back. She is radiant, expectant, as she has eyes only for Carlos. Carlos is bursting with pride as he watches his bride approaching. He’s in conservative black tails with a white carnation boutonnière.

Amelia waits at the front of the church with Carlos. Pedro hands Fer to Carlos with a few words and Carlos takes her hand and leads her to kneel at the altar. Meanwhile, we sneak glances back at scenes of their early courtship—-happier times for both of them. Pedrito is all dressed up for the occasion. He blesses the union by puckering up his lips. He is very well behaved through the ceremony.

During the ceremony (which alas we don’t get to see the whole traditional Mexican wedding), Amelia thanks the Virgencita for making it possible for her to be at her daughter’s wedding and for ridding her of her bitterness. She’s now the happiest woman on earth. She leans her head on Pedro’s shoulder and he kisses her forehead.

Pedro tells Fer silently that he’s loved her since before she was born. The camera moves quickly to pan other couples and attendees. LaMalquerida is sitting close to Marcos, her arm tucked in his and both smiling happily. Maribel and Javier are merely sitting side by side, hands to themselves, serious and unsmiling. Javier seems to be somewhere else.

The ceremony concludes hastily as Fernanda doesn’t wait to be asked if she accepts Carlos as her legitimate husband. The invitees laugh and begin clapping and Carlos and Fer engage in a chaste church wedding kiss. That one is followed by several more kisses, each getting hotter than the last.

The wedding scene was cut short probably because Fer is giving a concert in a modest sized concert hall with a modest sized orchestra. All the high society and the not so high are in attendance, dressed in their finest attire. Clarita is sitting with Iggy. She looks fantastic, good enough for Iggy to notice, I hope. (I didn’t see Lupe at the wedding or at the concert. What a pity. I would have liked to know when Cesarín was coming back with that wad of money he was supposed to have been saving up.)

Fer plays with great gusto to an enraptured audience and an orchestra pleased to be in an important TV broadcast, which Luis happens to be watching alone in his dank bare prison cell. We are also treated briefly to all the flashbacks of Fer’s relationship with her two violins and how they have sustained and enriched her path to her destiny. (I wish I could have ended it here. But as always, the last five minutes of an episode are always the hardest for me. I’m tired, want it to be over, but must pay attention because important stuff always happens in the last five minutes. Camino is no different.)

Episode #125 (Mon Aug 29) Second Hour, Pt. 5

It’s Mariana's presence that takes up most of the time. She’s been watching the concert on her tablet. She thinks her niece continues to be a ridicule to others, the little attention-seeker, just like Amelia. She assures herself they will never measure up to a refined lady like herself. She picks up a glass of wine and heads out to the fountain in the patio. She’s pleased her fortune is out of their grasp. She asks the absent Don Fernando why he didn’t take her with him. We can see she’s a little drunk. (Did anyone notice the hole in her black stocking on her right inner thigh? On purpose, to make some statement about her real state of mind?) She continues talking her father, not even in death would he help her. He always preferred Amelia. But she, Mariana, won. She got the hacienda, the only thing she ever wanted in her life. She raises her glass to her father.

Fernanda plays her theme song for us at the concert and finishes with a flourish. She gets rounds of applause and shouts of Bravo (although those in the know would be shouting Brava).

Fade Out and Fade Away, but Not Soon Forgotten.

Well, good friends. We have come to the end of the road. Not all of our characters have reached their destiny. It's time now to share some of your thoughts and feelings of this our last post.

Frustrated. No funeral - at least a small one nana got one. Clarita has been a non-wife for about 4 to 5 years? Where was Lupe? She is Amelia's bff, right? Fer went to Europe...Im okay with it, but its a lil weird how it was presented.

I'm probably alone but I actually smiled when Fer told Luis she loved him. I don't know why...I just did and I felt good about it. Crazy.

Mariana would have been better off in jail where she deserved to be and I noticed the stockings.

Too much concert not enough closure. How about 1 year later? Too much Cami and Felipe...another couple that didn't make me believe in them.

Not enough Pedrito. Not enough Paco.

I was irritated most of the show except the beginning especially when Pedro was shot. Oh well...I'm sure I will remember more later but for now I feel unsatisfied.


A stirring, beautifully crafted finale. It was a labor of love for a show and characters for whom we have loved, loathed and felt varying degrees of intrigue, frustration, amazement and even repulsion. You brought all to life in vivid living color.

“No opportunity to remember with reverence, the essence of her life, giving closure to all of us who loved Marissa? Life just goes on”, “His family has accepted his enthusiasm and his quirks, so we will have to grudgingly admire his up-beat peppiness for just awhile longer” and “laugh at the scatological connotation” were among too many favorites to mention.

While I am sad Marissa left us, I loved her walk into the sunset, garbed in brilliant white with her dark hair flowing. She will be majestic in death as she was in life. No need to see the further grief of her family – her kindness and goodness is imprinted on their hearts. We can imagine their pain and suffering..

“It would have been just as plausible to have a lovely wedding first, gather up Blanca and the kids and go off to Europe together. Bah, humbug”. Yes, it would have.

I appreciate your noting the venues Fer played in. I would have had no idea we were looking at the Gateshead Quay in UK. Just another example of your meticulous attention to detail – so greatly appreciated.

“They finally, reluctantly admit they like and need one another’s company—and Blanca’s cooking doesn’t hurt”. Another fun coupling. God Bless.

”Fer turns to leave, then stops and returns, saying, “I love you, Daddy, I love you.” Did we expect anything else? Her loving nature and generous heart would never have allowed her to do anything less. While I think in a way she did mean those words, it was kindness, not love that they sprung from.

There were many elements that we would have liked to have seen resolution to and a few couplings that may not make total sense. However, I felt the finale was wonderful. I adored the fact we got to see Fernanda tour, sharing her love and music with the world. This was her story, her past, her present. I do believe the world is full of promise for Fernanda. And full of love, certainly.

Anita, bless you for everything. This won’t be my last comment but thank you, from the bottom of my heart.


Anita, one last thank you for a wonderful recap and for keeping this whole group on point and organized!

Like I said above, and it goes for the 2nd hour too, some things were cut short. I feel like we almost needed another week, but I get they wanted to make the finale dramatic. But I would've liked a funeral for Marissa and much more time spent on the wedding as opposed to the concert. (The concert was fine in the end, but I'm kind of with Mariana, one song is more than enough.)

I was chuckling to myself when I saw that Mariana's anvil of sorts was to drunkenly livestream a Fernanda concert. But it was a good positive ending for Fernanda - she achieved her musical dreams, married a guy who adores her, forgave her bio dad and even better, never once sported that ponytail during the final two hours except in flashbacks!

I thought I spotted Lupe at the concert? But maybe not. Anita, you completely picked up on Javier looking "somewhere else" and I agree - that plot just didn't work.

The Clarita/Cesar marriage was always kind of a dumb and useless plot point. I love the idea of Clarita and Iggy if they ever do a Camino 2.0.

Blanca and Jose were kind of slipped in there, huh. They did dance a lot at Pedro and Amelia's wedding.

Cami and Felipe should have been developed more. I remember back in the first 30 episodes, when they would plot against Fer and Carlos, I thought they actually might make a good couple. I did laugh when they made the ship names though. Thank goodness Twitter doesn't actually use FeCa (Carlanda is what I've seen for Carlos and Fer).


I would like to thank the splendid recapping team who (along with Anita) gave us the highlights, lowlights (and everything in between) in grand style: David, dy, Delilah, Kendra and Aleta (please, if I missed anyone, please let me know)...

You made this such a special experience! It was wonderful that those of you who had never recapped before decided to step up and do so. And do it so well.

Your insights, thoughts and humor added so much to the enjoyment of this...

I appreciate each and every one of you. I hope you will all continue to recap - such talent shouldn't be wasted.


Anita, That was fabulous. A few things about the finale bothered me, but overall I really liked it. I especially liked the interaction between Luis and Fernanda. It was so heartbreaking when Luis said that his daughter was a winner, just like him.

It's hard to believe that Fernanda could go away so long and leave Pedrito behind. I like Diana's suggestion: they could have had the wedding first, then taken the kids on an extended honeymoon trip.

I also think that chemistry was lacking between Maribel and Javier. Not to mention, there's probably a code of ethics about a psychiatrist getting involved with a patient, because the doctor would be an authority figure and would have an undue amount of influence on the patient's choices. And I was disturbed when Javier told Maribel that they could try to get custody of her children. It doesn't seem fair; after all, the ex-husband took care of those children while she was in prison for more than 2 years.

I think they tried to build up some suspense about Pedro's condition, and having the girls bring flowers was part of the suspense-building attempt, but the attempt bombed. There was more suspense about how Mariana would choose to live the rest of her life.

What a contrast between the fates of Luis and Mariana! Luis is living under poor conditions, but he has love. And Mariana is still living in luxury, but has no one to love her. She should reconsider getting that cat.

Thank you, Anita, for your recaps and making this forum possible. I will miss everybody here. Best wishes to you all.

Aleta, the suggestion about Pedro and Fer getting married prior to her tour should be credited to Anita.

To say there was a lack of chemistry between Jav and Maribel would be an understatement. It wasn't only a lack of physical chemistry but emotional as well. This particular storyline might have been better served with different actors in one or both of the roles. That said, aside from the "love" angle, they were good in their respective roles up to that point.

With the kindness of a kiss and a few chosen words, Fernanda gave her biological father a treasured moment that will live with him forever. I also wondered if he is in solitary confinement as we hadn't seen him in the prison yard. He might be confined to his cell for his own safety.

Aleta, I hope I see you post on future TNs..



Wow Aleta! I love the Mariana/Luis living with luxury vs love contrast comment...I hadn't thought of it that way but its so true.

I kept forgetting for weeks to mention how Jose had eyes for Blanca from when they first met...he's been trying to get her attention for a long time but a heavier and juicier comment along with traveling almost made me forget. I'm glad they got together.

Thank, thank you to Anita and the recapping team. I depend on you. I seldom comment because i am usually a day or so behind. I like to read the recap and then watch the episode.
I, too, was dissapointed with the ending. I think Marianna should have gotten the disease that Marissa got. She could have died alone with her eyes wide open with one to close them. Marissa deserved to have a happy ending with O__. And he deserved to have a happy ending with her. Pedro should have been shot in the arm. Then he could have had his arm in a sling and that would have been more believable. When he was chasing Luis why did he pull off the road and then pull back on again? Fer was on her way to see Luis. he sees her and talks to her but we never see her with him. Who tipped off the police? How did they know where to meet Luis with the helicopter. It had to be the secretary but the secretary was an accomplice to kidnapping and helping an escaped convect. No anvil for her. Poor Clarita! Her husband should have returned for the final. Has he been gone 5 years!!! Before Fer tells Luis she loves lhim he should have returned the money he stole from the bank. I agree that the wedding should have been first and then the whole family goes off to Europe. It is not believable she would leave her kids for 6 months. Camilla should not have gotten off so easily. After all, it was her testimony that sent Fer to jail for 2 years.
Who is Pedrito?? I found a site with all the characters and how many eps.they were in but he is not not on the list. Is he related to Marissa or Luis? He seemed to go to both of them so easily.

I forgot to add: Is anyone watching Despertar Contego? I am hoping for recappers. I watched Ep 1 two times. Who are the 2 little girls with the male bodyguard--Herminio or Paolo? If we don't have any recappers could we have a place on Carey where we can comment. Who is Johnny Mendez? Gial and Herminio (Sr) both died in fires 8 years ago and on the same day. Probably the same fire.I'mproud of myself for figuring that out! Lots more questions.

Thank You Anita and all the recappers..I really enjoyed this TN..and was pleased with the ending...FYI.. I am watching Despertar Contigo.. kinda of liking it...Elsa

MaryKat--Thanks for stopping by with so many salient questions and comments. We didn't mind late commenters, really, so I'm sorry you didn't join in more often.

Pedrito is the name we used to distinguish Fer's little boy from his bio-granddaddy Pedro. Fer had him while she was in prison. He's Carlos' biological child after their "night under the stars." She named him Pedro Fernando. Many of the minor characters don't get into the credits and though IMDB and Wiki do a better job of including more, it's never everybody. I try not to go to either of those sites until the run is almost over--just to avoid spoilers.

I'll be back with a few observations of my own--in addition to what I included in my asides--tomorrow. I'm still feeling more tired than usual.

*Clap-Clap-Clap* Anita a beautiful, enthralling, poignant and tenderly (when appropriate)crafted recap. You really brought it home, just the way you started it months ago. So much of the good stuff has been highlighted by the others so I will simply echo their sentiments. Let me say, you really should consider writing a book of some sort your writing is wonderful.

I was so sad to see our beautiful Marissa fade away. She may have been content with her life, but I really think my Swag-O (a wonderful character) was cheated. What would it have hurt the writers to let him be happy with Marissa. We all knew she was going to have a shorter life span, so they could have at least given the fans that. I did love her scenes with Pacquito and Carlos. What a tender and beautiful send off for a beloved character. I have to say Eugenia Cauduro is so elegant with her milky porcelain skin and dark flowing hair. The camera loves that face. I'm sure many of you may know she was a famous model when she was younger.

I have to say, I was really hoping that Pedro was going to die. I had grown to really despise him toward the end to the point that everything he did annoyed me. He was always overly animated, loud and pushy for my liking and his last scenes were just as unpleasant. Add to that I found him overly possessive of Fer.

Luis got his punishment in my opinion, he has to serve life in prison and will only have his daughter when she visits and through prison bars. I think her forgiving him and giving him the bit of affection she did was on point.

Wow Loosero brought Demonego down. I have to agree with the comment that she could have been on Al Pacino Medina's posse as a fierce lady detective. I sort of wished she'd busted into the schoolroom with a gun aimed at him. What about Holivia? I needed to see her smug face cracked a bit. I feel cheated.

Awww my little Malkitten. She was really just a sweet girl protecting her mom and siblings. I'm gonna miss her and wish that we'd been introduced to her sooner. What a gem! I love that Marcos came to get her. She was a fave!

Kleptobelle and Javier? Pffft about as much sizzle as lighting a match under water. Fail.

Poor Mariana, all alone and with no one. Not even Cami to come around anymore. I was a bit sad for her, because I had hoped that for her own well being she would swallow down that horrible pride and at least make a small baby step toward the family.

I did enjoy what little there was of the wedding, but didn't understand after all the viewers endured to see the two lovebirds together that all we were given was a two minute wedding and no honeymoon to speak of. Fer's dream of being a great violinist come to light was wonderful and I did enjoy the music and the orchestra.

All in all I still think it was one of the better tn's I've watched of late.

Anita, thank you again for such a wonderful recap and for all you have done leading us each week. It has been such a joy to be part of this group and I hope to have more time together on another tn. ((H))


Oh wow, how could I forget Frizzy full of shizzy? I didn't buy her love for Teo. We didn't even see a courtship between those two. How could he possibly fall in love with a woman who never showed any grace or kindness to anyone. Where did he come from? Why would a guy his age want an ex Miss Universe? Which brings me to my big question..HOW did that woman ever become Miss Universe? Lost of questions on that one.


Anita, greetings from Cheektowaga, N.Y. Thanks so much for this intense and complete recap for our finale.

I really wanted Luis to get some other outcome than a loving daughter. I found that jarring, but, as many of you pointed out, that is just the way Fer is, always forgiving to a fault. I thought Luis calling Fer a winner like him as he watched her concert from his squalid cell was fitting.

I don't know much about music, but don't think I've seen other violinists hop around like Fer does. What if she had poked the pianist in the eye or goosed the conductor?

Mariana as a lush and a recluse is also fitting. Through her own fault, she is the only one whose company she deserves (or wants).

So Marissa went off to her eternal reward following the same railroad bed as Fernando. Frankly, it looked rusty, as though it doesn't get used very often.

I liked Malquerida's final situation, and I think they will be a loving a cute couple.

Thank you so much for what you did early on in this tn, shouldering all the responsibility yourself. And later, the folks who jumped in to help were great (except me.)

Also, I enjoyed interacting and sharing ideas with everyone here, and hope to see you around other places.



Anita your recap was touching I like the way you etched out their Destiny. Some seemed incomplete While others made you push forward in your own mind to continue their journey to the watchers own satisfaction. But who's got that much time, right?

Kendra I don't think you're crazy when you smiled about fer saying "I love you Daddy, I love you". He's maybe been waiting to hear that from somebody his whole life. You never know about a person's beginnings but that in no way excuses his bad behavior. But it may explain why. Look how content and happy he was when she said it. and meant it. Genuine love and affection will do that to you, no matter where you are. He could have been sitting in a pigsty of crap and mud and he heard "I love you Daddy" it wouldn't have mattered because his baby girl loves him. A bitter "very sweet" ending for him.

I also saw the hole in Mariana's black stocking. but the one in her heart is bigger.

Happy wedding. Happy bride and groom. Happy Mom and Dad. Happy guest. Happiness all around. Thought it would have been more grand, but these are simple people, happy people. There is love.

Thank you Anita. I hope you feel better soon.

Anita, hope you are feeling better!

I tried to post a comment last night, and it went up, but then evaporated.

Anita, this was just one of the greatest recaps of a finale that I have ever seen. You were so comprehensive and insightful! You have been the soul of this thing from the beginning, and, by your efforts and leadership, have forged a delightfully interested following on the patio.

I guess I am ok with Marissa's passing the way it unfolded. I was glad that momma's boy Carlos didn't go balistic, but finally seemed to become a man and accept his mother's passing as a normal part of life. So she used the same rusty, decrepit railway to heaven that Fernando used; it doesn't seem like it gets used very often.

I wanted more bad stuff for Luis, but given Fer's penchant for forgiveness no matter what, I guess I understand. I thought that Luis watching Fer's concert from his squalid jail cell, and saying she is a winner just like him was a study in distorted realities.

Likewise, Mariana can't find anyone other than herself who measures up to her high standards of society, and with whom she would like to socialize. The perfect self-imposed sentance without having to go to the trouble and expense of some legal proceedings.

I am okay with anything good that happens to Malquerida, and she has had it in spades lately. Good for her!

The wedding was kind of an inevitable nessecity rather than a goal for the entire plot. Kind of interesting. I've never seen that before.

For me, Javier and Maribel fell flat, as I see it did for the rest of you. Not enough convincing lead up, no spark at its height, and then the relationship just wandered off into the sunset...(?).

I don't know much about music, but I have never seen any violinist hop and dance around like Fer at a concert. What would have happened if she had poked the pianist in the eye or goosed the conductor?

Anyway, it was such fun to part of this patio, and to get to know all of you very nice people. Hope I'll see all of you in other venues.

And thanks again, Anita. Just superb.



Anita, how are you feeling?

So we are now on the sidebar. I panicked for a moment...

The memories of this show (and patio) are still warm...


Nina--I'll take down your second comment. It was double the praise. Thank you.

Diana--Melinama is certainly on top of things. I panicked when I didn't see us among the "Current Shows" either. At least she put us under "C" and not under "U."

Thank you for asking, things are getting better, very slowly. Swelling and pain is receding. I can chew food again (always dangerous for me), some hearing is returning to my right ear. When I talk out loud, though, it still feels like I'm shouting to myself--I don't know what others hear.

Will be back with some additional comments, even though most of my frustrations were already given voice by others, lastly and most strongly by Delilah. I understand Delilah has volunteered to recap on Color de la Pasion. I certainly am going to follow that telenovela, even though it's late, if only to read her recaps (not true, but it sounded good to say it).

Mary Kat and Madame E, Mike and I are also watching Despertar Contego and hoping someone will decide to recap it. We're pretty much swimming blind at this point.

Anita, you are a rock star! You started this TN all by yourself - every single night. And turned out perfect recaps - every single night! Then these wonderful other recappers rose to the challenge. I learn what really happened from reading the recaps and can't thank all of you enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you......


Oh yes, I hope Mariana doesn't get that cat. She'd probably forget to feed it!

Anita, I simply want to add my thanks to you and your recapping team for keeping viewerville intrigued and fascinated with this little gem of a novela. I was disappointed with the finale, mainly because I feel the writers metered out weak punishments to the villains while subjecting Marissa and Ordoñez to harsher endings. I also wish the writers wouldn't wait till the finale to conclude events. All this aside, thanks for an enjoyable ride.

Emilia, I also watched the first 2 episodes of Despertar Contego but didn't watch last night because I am already totally lost.

Vivi had mentioned on another line that no one was interested in recapping but perhaps that will change.


I’m sorry this is so late that probably no one will read it, but I felt compelled to add something to the last discussion of Un Camino.

Taking the first half of the novela (about 60 episodes) and comparing it to the second half, it’s almost like two different stories bridged by some anchor characters we don’t recognize any longer and the introduction of new stories and new actors (Javier & Maribel, Marcos & LaMal, Diego, Lucero & Olivia, Camila, Vladi & Felipe, Isabela & Teo, Jose & Blanca) and the disappearance of other actors and stories (Leo & Andrea, Felipe, Fernanda & Camila, the Mean Girls, Clarita & Cesarín, Don Fernando).

I do not know enough about Nathalie Lartilleux’s style except from Corazón Indomable and that was almost incomprehensible as a drama, but as a comedy, maybe (I remember Carlos de la Mota as a Middle-Eastern Prince). The dizzying addition of multiple new characters with their own backstories inserted into the flow, does nothing for me but dilute the main story.

This could have been a tight 95-100 episode story and lose nothing in the intensity with which it began. Marissa did not need to be in a 2-year coma with Doctor Carlos by her bedside, with so little communication with the rest of his contacts in Mexico. If he’d checked, he would have found where Javier was and Fer was not with him and put a lie to Pedro’s words. Isy had a business to run. Why was she even in Houston with Carlos for so long?

Carlos could have been the one to hire a detective to find out where Fernanda went. He could have found her in prison, pregnant, and the tension could have still been there. I apologize, I shouldn’t be here to critique the whole telenovela, and since it was a remake, I’m sure it was in their playbook to keep the story on track.

Other things that bothered me.

After Rosario died, Carlos seems to have suffered a mental reverse to childhood and dependency on his mother. Although a nice diversion, Carlos adopting Paco did not help him return to his former maturity.

I really enjoyed watching Luis plot and plan during the first half. I was sure when he shot at Carlos, then later kidnapped Fer & Pedrito they would have him go completely insane, which is always the easy way out. They didn’t, but his Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality showed some kind of disorder.

Whatever happened to the necklace Felipe wanted to give Fernanda. I would have been ok with a little more personal rivalry. But, what Felipe did in Cancun was inexcusable. By that time he knew Carlos and Fernanda were in love. Carlos was his best friend. His loyalty should have been with him and not Isabela. Simple jealousy is not a good reason to betray your friend. Fer forgives him, he goes off to Spain and returns a changed man.

Javier’s obsession with Fer went on a little too long for me. Pedro would not listen to Fer and her feelings for Javier vs. her feelings for Carlos. Pedro’s reason for keeping Fer and Carlos apart stretched my imagination.

Why spend so much time on Clarita and José, just to drop their story completely the day after their wedding night. Lupe started out strong and fizzled at the end.

Why spend so much time on developing Andrea and Leo’s story just to drop it when he was arrested. His key re-appearances just seemed to be an afterthought to catch Luis and his backstory had to be brought up to date. It seemed odd to me.

Javier told Maribel he was taking a position in Barcelona and never left, but never said why. I agree with others here that it would have been more believable for Maribel to return to her ex and her children. They didn’t need to make him out as an abuser. Javier needed LaMal in his life. Marcos was ok thus far without a girlfriend; he didn’t need one right at the end.

Did the Mean Girls ever learn their lesson? Who knows—they just graduated and disappeared, except for Carolina, who finally saw her sister as the Mean Woman she really was and tried to counsel her. OK, that was good.

END NOTES, Continued - Pt. 2
Izzy’s end was a big disappointment to me, as it seemed to be to everyone else. Why would Teo get interested seriously with Pouty Izzy. He was with her enough times when she was humiliating LaMal in front of other students. If you are a successful business woman—you don’t do that. It’s called harassment. He should have acknowledged his attraction to her, but kept it to himself. He could have limited their association to business and he was actually wary of that as well. Why was he even in the story at the end? If they had developed her relationship with Carolina a little more, both ladies would have benefitted from some retrospection on their upbringing and the parenting they got.

Maybe Izzy needed someone like Marco in her life. I would have been fine with her just getting involved in her business again with a better attitude, after meeting Teo—or getting some professional counseling since she truly seemed to want to change. What is this obsession with writers and producers to have everyone getting paired up at the end? It’s ok to leave some yarns unraveled at the end.

LaMalquerida was a breath of fresh air when all around us it was getting a little stale. At first I didn’t see her enthusiasm with much believability, but she changed my mind. She does have a good singing voice.

Yes, David, thank goodness we had at least one good prison director, but we had to have one bad homeless children’s director. Our "other" Dr. Carlos would have been pleased that there were no crooked doctors, no attempted murders in hospitals, just one crooked nurse and Izzy's falsified pregnancy test to endure.

The two prison locations were really strange. Those prisoners should have been cleaning up the rubble from day one it opened.

We didn’t get a good answer on how Luis was able to get his hands on money for a wardrobe and a helicopter when he needed them or keeping Andrea’s apartment. He was a hunted man. Did he just walk into the bank, transfer funds and withdraw money from his offshore account? Do offshore accounts even have brick and mortar branches everywhere? Hmmm. They need to work on that angle a bit more.

Pedro did not grow or change. Except for his mental breakdown after Amelia’s accident, rejection and abandonment, he still had the same over-possessiveness, passing it off as a big-hearted, loved by many, but a socially inept dolt. I’m glad Amelia realized who her true love was, but it was big beanie time for me. For the marriage’s sake, she should not try to change him. I was surprised Pedro gave Fer to Carlos at the altar without more lectures.

END NOTES, Continued - Pt. 3
Hernán and Mariana were perfect together and apart. Emilia, I’m glad she didn’t get a cat. I am disappointed that Mariana’s crimes were not brought to light, though. They certainly weren’t bothering her conscious any. Setting fire to a shack in order to burn the occupants to death is a serious crime, so is having the brakes altered on a vehicle in order to kill the occupants. She also told a whole lot of lies to her father and others around her to keep the blood relationship between Fer and Don Fernando from coming to light. Don Fer died without ever knowing his granddaughter had actually been found and nearly everyone else knew it.

Hernán didn’t suffer enough for having pimped out his daughter with threats of disowning her—emotionally and to testify falsely against her friend. He was the one who initially ordered her out of the mansion when he found her with Vladi. I think I would have liked him better if he had also been embezzling funds from the constructora. Oh, yes, at the beginning he was trying to swindle Old Fer out of his hacienda by selling it to developers. That was also kind of left hanging when the heiress-apparent appeared.

Camila got off too easy with forgiveness from Fer and a haircut. We did wonder how she went for months (or was it only weeks) cleaning toilets, starving, robbing for food, and managed to keep her roots dyed perfectly. Her physical suffering would have been just as believable if she’d ditched the punk hairstyle beforehand. I also couldn’t believe her 180 D. turnaround on Mariana. Maybe it was the intention of the original script for EVERYBODY to be forgiven in the end, even Diego, who got a look of regret on Lucero’s face.

Ignacio and Marissa were perfect together---and apart. I was initially disappointed, also, that she didn’t live until the wedding, but later, I conceded that her farewell to us was wonderful. It’s too bad Carlos, Iggy and Fer didn’t get to hear it. She should at least have learned Pedrito was safe. I would have cut out the José/Blanca scenes for a few more of Iggy and Marissa. True, though, Iggy said all he needed to say to her at the end.

I’m disappointed we didn’t get a Royal Wedding with all the trimmings as other protagonistas do. The strong chemistry Carlos and Fer showed at the beginning of their romance kind of fizzled right at the time it should have been at the height of passion—their night in the woods. All he did was ask if she was sure and he would never hurt her and bang-bang, the deed was done and they are cuddling when the sun comes up. I would have liked to have seen more preparation. And yeah, where did they get that comfy knitted blanket?

Last word: Carlos has a sexy back, but that’s all we got to see.

Dear Anita,

I loved every word of your thoughtful, observant final analysis.

"What is this obsession with writers and producers to have everyone getting paired up at the end? It’s ok to leave some yarns unraveled at the end" was my hands down favorite line of many. There are many types of love, parents and children, siblings and those of other family and dear friends. Man and woman do not survive by romantic pairings alone. And some do not require them at all.

Your "Don Fer died without ever knowing his granddaughter had actually been found and nearly everyone else knew it" reflected one of my wishes that was never realized. I pray for the grace of a happy death daily. I believe he achieved happiness at the end. I hope that the last thoughts that went through his head were joyful and peaceful.

"Ignacio and Marissa were perfect together---and apart". Yes. And Marissa's death was lovely and dignified. She left this earth with kindness and dignity. The same way she entered it...

I never felt romantic love was the central theme here. It was an important element but it was love as a component of forgiveness that was the pervasive theme. Fernanda's birth and journey through early adulthood was fraught with much love, interwoven with great pain. It was her inner core, her strength and courage that allowed her to survive, thrive and forgive. I wish I could be more like her, to emulate her sweetness and her strength.

Anita, thank you for leading us through this extraordinary journey.

I will see you on the next...


Diana--You are still and will be forever, the Goddess of Wisdom. Your input in the comments were always truthful, reflective, intuitive and inspiring. Thank you for coming on this journey and participating in the discussions so actively.

Right now, between telenovelas, I started watching Yago. I've got the Caray recaps on one tab and Univsion capitulos on the other. It's been excellent and I'm sorry I missed the run live, but once I got on the Camino, I couldn't leave it. If Despertar Contigo isn't working for you, try Yago. I think they provide subtitles if you want them. It's a good story, and Ivan Sanchez from La Temp in tight red pants is long forgotten.

I read it Anita and will thank you again for puttin gas in the school bus and welcoming us on.

I forgot most of the detail you recount but good questions all and is typical La Toodle herky jerky, rich spoiled galan, poor, feisty, clever, big hearted protag, blah, blah, blah. The difference that made this work for me was not the story but Paulina Goto and Horacio Pancheri. Not taking anything away from the other actors cause some were awesome (Ana Patricia Rojo). Paulina & Horacio navigated through the required stupid and never gave up. The biggest problem I have with La Toodle is her use of manboy galans. Fernanda is one of a kind, male or female, and would still shine with a smart, sensitive, take charge, no prisoners Carlos. Like Super O.

So no recap for Despertar Contigo?

Anita as always, your final thoughts (are you Jerry?) were spot on and then Diana's input sealed the deal. I hadn't thought of the fact that they hadn't had a passionate love vs. an overall love and affection.

However, I agree with everything you said. Mariana did not pay at all. Alone is not the same as prison for those crimes. Izzy and Marcos would have been more believable (but I was ok with Mal)

I just figured that Alicia got the money to Luis (she's been his lapdog since the beginning) and he confided in her. Doesn't stretch my imagination that he would give her access to an account.

I'm watching far I like it. It's pretty funny. I like that all of the most characters speak English - but I'm in it for the Spanish.

As for Yago, my recorder has one more episode airing at midnight tonight - however, when I watched this morning it seemed to be the end. I'm confused.

Anyone who didn't watch...all I can say is that it was a very sad show that I couldn't stop watching.

Kendra--I've always been Anita--except when I first came out of the inky shadows lurking, but have never been a Jerry, unless I didn't understand what you meant. We'll be in touch--about October.....

Just a small joke that didn't connect. My hubby used to watch Jerry Springer during a stint of unemployment and sometimes he would record a show that was extra outrageous to show me. At the end of his shows they would pick an audience member to say, "we'll be back with Jerry's final thought"

So just being silly...Yes, you've always been Anita who started our little patio. I think I see why folks don't jump to the recap shows like Camino or the new DC. It seems teeny bopper (from what I thought as well about both) but they jump up and surprise. Since this is a Pedro Damian show (like Muchacha) I wanted to give it a go as well. That's my sense, but I could be way off because I don't know these people lol!

This was a great telenovela finale. Nathalie Lartilleux has improved her status as a producer. I liked Corazon Indomable a little until towards the end when the story fell apart and too much loose ends. La Gata was terrible. But this one, its a winner. Lartilleux seems to have hired a different team of writers for this show as it seems to have better writing than the last half of CI and LG. I enjoyed all 125 episodes, and the only flaw was Cesar's absence in the finale but other than that, I liked the telenovela and its finale. Paulina Goto & Horacio Pancheri had great chemistry and should be teamed up again in another telenovela together.

Thank you, Tim, for showing up at the end plus a couple of weeks. I came back to check for SPAM, not the kind we eat, once every 5 years.

Yes, we all noticed the chemistry between PG & HP, so did the media and then they admitted in public they have been working on the chemistry off-screen.

In a way, I've been spoiled by the two of them as a couple, on-screen. Personally I don't think they could repeat it in any other story (at least in the ones we are seeing now).

Even though, as Tofie said, Carlos didn't rise to the level of Super O, in galan-ness, he never wavered in his love for Fernanda. He was steadfast and true to her. No other girl caught his eye while they were apart and he tried (not hard enough for us) to disentangle himself from Isabela and Camila.

All in all, I'm happy this was the telenovela I poured all my efforts into and am glad it was appreciated by all on the comment side.

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