Friday, August 26, 2016
Yago #60. Thursday August 25, 2016. Like A Wheel Within A Wheel
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We need a fourth for the Mahjong tournament. You in? |
At a glance
Lucio corners Selma in her dressing room (camerino) and, at gunpoint, he explains to her that this is not personal. He has nothing against her but she is the key to destroying Camilo. Lucio wants Camilo and Fidel to kill each other over Selma’s death. He asks her to forgive him and shoots her in the heart. The crimson stain on her chest widens and stands out against the impeccable white of her dress, making her look like a slaughtered dove. She falls to her knees, with a shocked expression on her face then keels over to the side. Lucio thought-bubbles that many people say they’d do anything for love but very few are actually disposed to become the worst version of themselves in order not to lose the person they love.
Labels: yago
I'm still angry that Selma & Fidel died, but at least they're now together in the afterlife.
So much carnage yesterday, and it's still not done. I was surprised about Selma too, i thought for sure Julia would be dead instead, then all the old people can feel sorry about the stupid back and forth they've been doing all these years.
If I were Ximena, I would never take Yago back. She will ALWAYS be second to Sara. No way would I sign up for that.
This episode was a shocker. I also didn't expect Selma to die. Fidel yes as he was also a ruthless killer but Selma outside of being unfaithful wasn't a bad person. She has suffered the anvil for 30 years already :(
My bet is that Lucio learning about Omar will be the biggest treason of all but we haven't seen him mourn much for Omar at all. He might as well see Yago as being just Yago, the man who turned Lucio's life upside down.
Speaking of Loonyvision, I have been informed that Narcos may have been cut a bit. I haven't seen the Uni version as there isn't much time for that. I hope that one day Loonyvision would get surrounded by an army of lawyers. I would love if Netflix bought Univision at one point.
I can't believe Lucio has gotten away with all his double dealing and triple dealing. I also think he's too far gone to really care that Yago is Omar. He's out to destroy anyone and everyone, so that he can get the prize- Sara and Matias. If anything, finding out that Yago is Omar makes him even a bigger threat to that goal.
I was disappointed that Julia would ask Abel to kill Camilo. She's no better than him then. And not having a care that Abel would have to do such dirty work is also disturbing. That apple didn't fall far from the tree.
Still can't predict how this will turn out, I already am surprised that Selma and Fidel are dead, so anyone is fair game still.
I have toyed with 2 ideas about Yago: 1) that the writer(s) are very creative and thus do strange & unexpected things with the plot, 2) that Yago is an extreme of contrived plot. My wife favored #1, but stopped watching because of the extreme brutality. Now I was trained as an EMT, so I can watch about anything gory, having steeled myself to not let it bother me, though when I was a young man, a bit of blood might make me go dizzy & like to faint.
So along the contrived plot line, methinks Kat's murder of Hernan about takes the cake; she chose a fire extinguisher as her (Mr Green done it in the Conservatory with the lead pipe), bludgeoning the lad to death on his pumpkin head, tho she had to reach up high to do it whilst he was enjoying the bonks. Then I don't know how she got back from him to bonk him the 3rd time, making mush of his brains. I don't know why they didn't have a baking soda shower gush out of it. If she had begun by spraying him in the face, it would have been more believable -- I seen to remember Orphan Annie spraying an attacker with a fire extinguisher, then pushing him down an elevator shaft. They could have given it a 3 Stooges touch with the traditional chimes of N B C -- does NBC still use them? Now if she had used a tazer that would have been interesting; maybe Hernan would have begged for more. Anyone vote for a hand grenade (toss it in the elevator just as the door is closing, then the bottom falls out & down goes what's left of Hernan into a basement where there are 1000 rats. LOL. Or maybe he is left hanging on to the steel elevator cable, when Kat pulls out a spray can of WD-40.
And BTW, if Kat wants to whack someone, why would she first of all jaw at the guy instead of just pulling the gato? Very unprofessional.
Was it not also contrived how they had Fidel fiddle around instead of at once shooting Camilo? Then they had Camilo outdraw Fidel, who for some reason was too stupid and (methinks) used a single action semi-auto pistol, which requires racking the slide first before you can shoot it, instead of having him carry a "double action" with a round in the chamber, which is safe to carry that way because the first trigger pull is long & a bit stiff. Fidel is sposed to be skilled at his criminal craft -- double action requires no prelimnary rack & cocking to shoot.
Now as a former EMT let me advise you all that if you find someone shot or injured, you do not grab the body & shake it (as in telenovelas) -- neither do you wallow on the body & blubber over it. You call 911 at once.
So what shall we say, the plot is going to hell in a handbasket. Will this end like Hamlet, a complete tragedy with only dead bodies on the state? Will they do the old corny bad-girl-redeems-herself by taking the bullet for the hero, as if we had a hero? Will the last scene show Mama & Papa visiting a graveyard with 20 bodies from this show all lined up neatly in rows in tombs? Going around with daisies, putting each one on a tomb: 1 potato, 2 potato, 3 potato, 4 . . . 5 potato, 6 potato, 7 potato more.
No need to worry about spoilers if you always post your comments on the recap page for the episode your commenting on.
Looks like the only 2 women that Yago cud end up with (unless he dies) are Sara & Ximena -- can't see Julia or Kat. Of course they cud bring a new cat out of the bag. Now will we have Yago getting advice from the ghost of Fidel? They cud bring in the ghost of Ambar, like an angel on the right side & a Fidel demon on the left giving advice. Or maybe Fidel's ghost will confront Camilo at night, clanking his chain & telling Camilo that tomorrow Camilo will be with him in Hades.
As to Univision being bought by NetFlix, did you know that Univision bought Gawker (against which Hulk Hogan won a big lawsuit)? This seems interesting in view of Univision's commendable cutting of telenovelas in hopes that the whole family can see them. You reckon that Univision will present the Hulk Hogan adultery tape with parts censored? LOL -- then we can read protests about their cutting the Gawker video.
Thank you so much for posting the Rabbi's quotes. I was VERY impressed with his service, by the way. I was happy that he expressed the concept of "dying with dignity". --- so to speak. He had another important line after tthe one about "continued sadness is worse than death ( i agree) . Does anyone remember the line? I already deleted show. I love that photo of the three of them and thought your mahjong quote was quite funny! Why dont the 3 of them just kill Lucio then and there and afterwards Camilo? I guess they cant because there are a few more episodes to complete the ximena and katia and sara stories. I still have suspicions about Sara. Apparently she has QUITE the impressive theatrical background but i think that stupid smile was wrong for the part.
Are we sure Hernan is gone? This guy loves pain, and Lucio didn't bother checking vital signs before declaring him dead. I'm thinking Hernan is too scary to go down that easily.
ITA Julia is speaking out of grief. Thank goodness Abel just let her request of him to kill Camilo just float away.
Oh-no! Lucio will get even worse if he knows Yago is Omar. He’s never shown an ounce of regret about stealing Yago’s life and family, and now he’d see a threat to his relationship with Mati and Sara. Plus he'll feel superior to Yago for coming to him to take down Camilo. All around bad.
As to Univision being bought by NetFlix, did you know that Univision bought Gawker (against which Hulk Hogan won a big lawsuit)? This seems interesting in view of Univision's commendable cutting of telenovelas in hopes that the whole family can see them. You reckon that Univision will present the Hulk Hogan adultery tape with parts censored? LOL -- then we can read protests about their cutting the Gawker video.
Speaking of smiling, from what I have seen of Catherine SinAndChokey's acting: she puts on an incongruous smile when her papel is sad.
"The crimson stain on her chest widens and stands out against the impeccable white of her dress, making her look like a slaughtered dove."
A beautiful and vivid description of a heartbreaking scene. This is a story that just leaves you raw and bleeding after every episode. I certainly understand why it would not be a 7 or 8 pm show, but I would think the 10 pm slot would be safe.
Plus I am often shocked at the gory scenes they choose to show on the 5 pm news shows. Latino sensitivity to gore seems to be different than the Anglo-Saxon one. Ditto for cleavage for female newscasters.
But I digress. Excellent recap and very grateful for the vocabulary and wise, memorable lines.
"he is there to ruin his mother’s good mood and the happy chair news"
I don't think Sara will have to give her life to wrap this thing up in a bow for Yago, Ximena will. Yago doesn't give two poots about forgiving Sara he was always going to take her back. Reminds me of the popular couple when I was in fifth grade. They'd start the day a couple and end the day a couple after breaking up and making up 3 or 4 times. All Yago is doing now is playing a little rope a dope and Sara knows it. Get Ximena out of the way and they are daters again.
I am not sure if Matias will find out if Yago is his real dad. There are 5 episodes to go. Even if he does find out that Yago is his real dad, not enough episodes left for Matias to accept him.
Ximena is just wasting her time with Yago. She will always be second fiddle to Sarah.
There is something wrong with Univision and their stupid ways. They only seem to want to air the "dipsh*t typical novelas and don't want to stretch the edge of entertainment, not with sexual graphic scenes (TVA) or narco_narco_narcos. An example is EHDLS which had an impressive cast, beautiful location, multiple sets, and wonderfully addicting dialogue.
Please accept my sincere thanks for giving us your timely, talented recaps.
I hope to see you over on Pasión.
I loved the death by fire extinguisher.
I am confused about one thing, though. If Lucio hid when Camilo came into the dressing room to find Selma's corpse, and then Hernan dragged Camilo away, when and how did Lucio manage to get back to the car in time to evade suspicion? (And was it Lucio who left the coin? Where'd he get it? Or are those things easy enough to get a hold of?)
I was annoyed with Katia for waving her gun in Lucio's face instead of just shooting him. Just like a few weeks ago, when Fidel ambushed Camilo at the spa, he could have just shot him instead of wasting time gloating. I wonder if real killers do that.
I am curious how Lucio will react to the Yago/Omar news. I agree with those who don't think this is going to help Yago. I think he will just try to take everything away from him again.
Enoch, interesting speculation that Univision is trying to sanitize the shows for family viewing. Most of the dramas are about horrible things: murder, blackmail, adultery, fraud. That's not family fare as I understand it. I hope Univision doesn't seriously think that snipping a bad word, exposed butt or gunshot wound here or there will make the TNs more family-friendly.
It's good to have you back, Enoch. Long time no read, since the middle of the run of EHDLS. Hope all is well. To answer your question, the title is from Dusty Springfield's "Windmills of Your Mind" ( The song begins like this: "Round, like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel. Never ending or beginning, on an ever-spinning reel". I hadn't watched the show for over 2 weeks and I discovered in this episode that:
- Yago and Sara are back together,
- Fidel loses it all once again, right at the moment when he was happiest (it mirrors the tragedy of the murder of his two boys and the kidnapping of his littl girl, twenty-something years ago, again just when he was happiest with his family and the woman he loves),
- Lucio betrays his closest allies once again,
- Yago is engaged in another revenge triggered by a personal tragedy supposedly caused by Camilo (casino heist and Ámbar's murder was Camilo's doing).
- Camilo loses the love(s) of his life once again (both Selma and Julia),
- Yago is stringing along yet another naive girl way too young for him (Ximena),
- Katia is back in the throes of addiction again,
- the once inseparable foursome (Yago, Sara, Abel and Lucio) is about to get together and present a (more-or-less) united front.
There were too many things were going back to square one, too many déjà vu's. I don't know, that's how it felt to me anyway. The lyrics of the song popped into my head and that's what inspired this title.
Amotelenovelas, Duchess and Victoria, I don't think I've ever had the pleasure to read you before but welcome to the Yago patio and to arguably the friendliest community in cyberspace! Always a delight to have fresh voices join us. Your kind words are greatly appreciated and we're glad you enjoyed the recaps and the comments and decided to join the discussion.
Amotelenovelas, with regard to your question, I paraphrased an excerpt of the rest of the funeral prayer in the recap when I mentioned how it applied to Fidel's illness. How eternal rest for his soul is better than the life he led, a life filled with sickness, in its various aspects. In any case, here is the rest of the Rabbi's quote: "Dado que la muerte es un descanso, deja su recuerdo descansar y consuélate cuando el alma parta. Porque la muerte es mejor que vida llena de penas, y el descanso eterno mejor que la enfermedad continua. Amen." "Given that death is a rest, let its memory rest and comfort yourself when the soul departs. Because death is better than a life filled with pains, and eternal rest better that continuous sickness".
I hope to be back to speed by Thursday. Until then, be well, my friends! Good night :)
I also wouldn't say that Sara and Yago are "back together," though I wouldn't mind if they were a little farther apart. He's admitted that he can't stop loving her, and clearly he cannot keep his hands off of her, but he also hates her. I realize that's a recipe for getting back together, but still, I wouldn't say they're back together yet. He's still trying to hold her off. Sort of.
But, you can decide after you catch up...
Wow, I'm such a Dusty Springfield fan!!! I've always loved "Windmills of Your Mind"! I have all her albums (CDs now). Unless it's acoustical, today's music is just too synthesized for me. There are a lot of great singers today but nobody I know can match DS's soulful voice.
Thanks for such a detailed, thoughtful comment and a trip back in time.
I've had problems keeping up due to my schedule in recent weeks but I think Lucio will really lose it when he learns that Yago is Omar. He may try to take away the last important thing to Yago, which is Matias.
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