Monday, September 12, 2016

Tres Veces Ana, #93, Monday Sept 12, 2016: Claws for Concern

Nerina tells AnaLu thank you very much for the offer to speak to my son, but no. Or, she'll think about it, but at any rate she'd like to be alone for now. After AnaLu leaves, Nerina has a mini-meltdown, knowing that Clawdia recognized AnaLu.

AnaLet waits impatiently for Iñaki to finish showing a property. Outside, Orlando picks his teeth and bounces the business end of a ballpoint pen off of his face, then sucks on it. (I don't know why this greasy lad isn't a chick magnet.) Finally Iñaki is done, and AnaLet offers to let him cheer her up. They go someplace (I don't know where they are, I think it's a hotel) and she tears his clothes off and slaps him. He grabs her by the throat, and then they get freaky.

I don't know what to tell you. It looks like love to me.

Mariano tells Viri about Gina. Maybe he was in love with her, but for sure he was obsessed. She made him crazy. Of course he regrets it now. And not only did he cheat on Jennifer with this girl, she was also engaged to Ramiro. After Gina died, there didn't seem to be any reason to tell Ramiro about the affair, but he feels guilty about it. Viri thinks he should tell Ramiro and Ana Laura. He's afraid it will hurt Ana Laura's image of him; Viri says that's the problem. He's all image and he should be real with the people who love him. Then they say they're in love with one another, and smooch.

Leonor serves tea or coffee in dainty little cups for Facundo and Marcelo. She's so formal that it's hard to believe that she and Facundo ever had a thing. When Facundo and Marcelo are alone, Marcelo expresses doubt that Facundo's interest in her was sincere.

Orlando watches AnaLet leave the hotel and takes pictures as they kiss and then get in the car and drive off.

Valentin is deep into his drinking routine when Clawdia shows up and pumps him for info about the missing triplet. She admits that she's looking for a weak spot so she can crack Mariano's heart open. Tin doesn't know much - just that AnaLu is presumed dead from an accident, but Ana Laura senses that she's still alive. "What if she is?" Claw asks.

AnaLu flashes back to the odd conversation she had with Clawdia, when Claw seemed to think she was someone else. Chana interrupts her thoughts, but AnaLu says she's thinking about "nothing."

Ana Laura snuggles with Ramiro on the couch. These two really know how to swing! She thanks him for supporting her by being at the rehearsal, and scolds him for being kind of rough on her friend Valentin. She wants the two of them to get along. As for lunch (from which Valentin was excluded), the restaurant was nice, but Ram had promised to talk about Ana Lucia but he didn't.

They go to Laura's bedroom for more privacy for this part of the conversation, but he still has virtually nothing to say. He's allegedly "closer" to finding AnaLu, but he doesn't want to say more until he can have AnaLu there in person. This super-feeble revelation, which could have taken place in the restaurant at lunch, is good enough for Laura. "I know you would NEVER lie to me," she says happily.

Valentin would rather tell his sister about Ana Laura than AnaLu. Laura is engaged to Ramiro. (He toasts the bride and groom.) Laura is so naive, Ramiro promises so many things, he actually promised that Ana Lucia would be there on the day of their wedding. Claw points out that Laura's naivete works to Tin's advantage - because she believes in him, too. Tin doesn't like her little joke. This guy is not a happy drunk. "If Ana Laura heard how you talk about her, she wouldn't like it," Claw says.

"You're right," Tin says, straightening up and blotting his boozy mouth with a napkin. But he doesn't mean she's right that he should say nice things. He means she's right that maybe AnaLu is alive. That's how Ram could promise to have her at their wedding. Claw teases him, that would be a great way to beat Ramiro and win over Ana Laura, to show up with AnaLu first. Tin gets really excited about this, but Claw says she was only kidding. And if she did have that info, she'd use it to get Mariano eating out of her hand forever.

Nerina calls. Claw rejects the call. She tells Tin it's more fun talking to him. She'd rather hear about his meeting with Mom today.

Nerina is frantic on the phone. She's making this actress's signature pained face, the one where she looks like she has a mouthful of sour milk and nowhere to spit it out. She tells Remedios what's going on. Clawdia is very close to AnaLu's family. Now she's not picking up the phone. They panic. Soledad could go to jail. Rem wants to warn Soledad, but Nerina thinks she can fix this.

Remember Facundo and Marcelo? They are still sipping from dainty cups. They discuss the matter of getting Remedios out of Marcelo's life forever. Facundo is supposed to take care of this.

Across the lawn, AnaLet arrives home. She glares in their general direction (or perhaps she is just glaring into space - it's hard to tell) and goes into the house. Facundo asks Marc if things are any better between them. Marc says no, MYOB.

AnaLet is rude to Leonor as usual. When she finds out Grandma isn't home, she stomps up the stairs like a moody teenager.

Evaristo peers gloomily into the gloom when his phone starts to ring. He very slowly answers the phone with no particular sense of urgency. It's Orlando, though it seems to take Evaristo a moment to remember who he is. Orlando gives his report, and mentions that Facundo had a fight with Remedios a week or two ago. This alarms Evaristo, who considers Rem a friend. Orlando also reports on AnaLet's trip to a hotel with Iñaki. Evaristo praises Orlando for a job well done.

AnaLet goes upstairs and finds Ana Laura making out with Ramiro. AnaLet scolds them! Ramiro leaves, and AnaLet teases Laura for allowing a MAN in her bedroom. Laura says they've set the wedding date for six months from now. AnaLet looks devastated, but congratulates her and says at least one of us is happy since I just had the WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!! (Not the day her parents died and she lost her sister; not the day her husband "died"; today.) She had a HORRIBLE FIGHT with her uncle! He hasn't even called to apologize to her! But she won't tell Ana Laura what they fought about. She gets very mysterious and says it was about Laura, sort of. He FORBADE her to say. Santiago/Marcelo told Mariano all kinds of awful things, but she mustn't tell Laura. If Laura wants to know what their uncle has been hiding from them for years, she'll have to ask him herself.

Ramiro comes outside, where Facundo is saying goodnight to Marcelo. Ram and Marc talk about Remedios. Marc doesn't care if his father was rude to Remedios; she's no one to him, and he's sick of her nosiness. Ramiro realizes that he's talking to Marc now and not Santi. Marc says he wonders where Ramiro's loyalty is - with Marcelo, or with Santiago?

Ramiro says, speaking of loyalty, if you're Marcelo and you remember everything, why don't you tell me who killed Gina?

Mariano is getting ready for bed. He flashes back to the night of Gina's death: He and Marcelo are sitting together in a car, and Marcelo says things went out of control but don't worry, he made sure it would look like a suicide, so Mariano won't be implicated. Mariano wants details, but Marc says it's better if he doesn't know. "You wanted that woman out of your life, and now it's done." (For a moment I think Mariano's bruise has migrated to the other side of his face, but it turns out he's looking in a mirror.)

Speaking of mirrors, it's time for AnaLet to take off her makeup. She, too, flashes back: she's strangling Gina and screaming at her. Gina had told her that she'd found the love of her life with Ramiro, but meanwhile she was banging Mariano all along. He paid for her apartment and all of her clothes and jewelry, too! They struggle, and next thing AnaLet knows, she's on the floor. She goes into the bathroom, where Gina apparently dead in the tub, and Martinez is just sitting there. He accuses her of killing Gina. He doesn't care, as long as she doesn't tell anyone that he's taking the money.

In the present, AnaLet peels off her false eyelashes and wonders who really killed Gina while she was knocked out.

Back to Ramiro and Marcelo. Marcelo is saying that his man killed Gina. He was only supposed to watch her, but he killed her and took the money. Marcelo had dictated the suicide note to scare her into leaving forever, and he did that not only to protect Ramiro but someone else as well - the generous lover that she was cheating on Ramiro with. Mariano!

Ramiro is shocked. Marcelo says Mariano was obsessed with Gina. He has no scruples or loyalty. They were just going to get her out of the country, but something went wrong. Ramiro is taken aback by Marcelo's cold attitude and surmises that this is the real reason why Mariano never wanted Ramiro to be with Ana Laura - because he almost married Mariano's lover. Marcelo said it was tough keeping the secret because both Mariano and Ramiro were his friends, "but then Mariano never kissed my wife." (Much to her chagrin.)

Ana Leticia uses Dow Industrial Factory Cleaning Fluid X3000 to remove her eye makeup and remembers Martinez accusing her of killing Gina. But, again, he doesn't really care as long as she doesn't tattle on him for taking the money. He swears he's never stolen from his employer before, but his wife just had a baby. So let's keep it a secret, okay? AnaLet rushes home, has a stiff drink, and calls Evaristo and tells him that Gina was killed by a man who works for Marcelo.

In the present, AnaLet needs a stronger cleaning fluid because she's smearing her lipstick back and forth across her face, literally looking like a clown. Not a classy clown like Tadeo, but the nightmare kind of clown in horror movies. In a creepy voice, she tells her fist (or maybe her weird ring) that Gina got what she deserved, and they got rid of Jenny too, and now they need to get rid of Viridiana.

At the boutique, Viri is getting ready to leave when she hears Soledad upstairs, still working. Sole says she's been fighting with her daughter lately, but don't worry, she'll be going home soon. Stepfather Evaristo will be picking her up.

Nerina goes to Clawdia's apartment and asks how Claw can afford such a place. Claw doesn't want to talk about money. She offers Nerina a glass of Nerina's favorite wine - the stuff she saved for special occasions, like this one. "Let's talk about Ana Lucia," Clawdia says.

Marcelo says that Ramiro will have to get his explanation directly from Mariano. "Welcome to the world of betrayal," he tells Ramiro. Now Ramiro will understand the desire for revenge. But Ramiro says no, that's what Valentin is after, and he's using Ana Laura to get back at Mariano. That's not okay. And getting revenge won't make Valentin able to walk again, so what's the point? It was a work accident, not Mariano's fault, much less Ana Laura's.

But Marcelo says Valentin's mishap was no accident. It was definitely provoked. Obviously Mariano was trying to get rid of him for good.

Val and Ram argue over whether Gina "deserved" what happened to her. Marcelo is comfortable with the way things turned out. "Who do you think you are?" Ramiro asks him.

Next time: Ana Lucia asks Soledad, "Tell me about my sister." And we are indeed in últimas semanas!


Clawdia isn't stupid, so she shouldn't trust Valentin to make the best use of this information. However, I wonder how Mariano would react if she approached him with it. He seems to be in love with Viridiana so he doesn't want Clawdia putting cat scratches on his back. Two to one he will pass up info on Ana Lucia to get Clawdia out of his way.

As for Viridiana, Ana MeMeMe has declared war on her and she is now planning her demise. Didn't Bette Davis do a scene like this once?

Love the title. Looking forward to your recap...

Watching Ana Le tonight, (when she was talking to herself in the mirror) I was reminded of the J.R.R. Tolkien character, Gollum. If any of you watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy, she seems just like Gollum. "My precious".

I hope Clawdia will also talk to AnaLet to figure out if the AnaLu info is worth anything to her. That would be an interesting conversation.

I heard "últimas semanas" last night for the first time. It seems too soon but we are on 93 already.

Great scene with Ana Leticia, the mirror, the lipstick smeared all over her face, whispering to herself about Viridiana having to be the next to go. Cynthia, yes, it as very Gollum like and very creepy.

About time Ramiro was told the truth about Mariano and Gina.


Recap is done!

Thanks, Julie! Yes, finally more clarity on what happened to Gina. Although we still don't really know for sure if it was Martinez or Ana Leticia. She really isn't 100% sure it wasn't her, neither of them are trustworthy, and he's dead now. So I guess we'll never know for sure. Maybe Evaristo will have a flashback that will give us more clarity. Obviously, he and Martinez had an encounter later.

Speaking of Ev, seems like he's suffering from a bit of dementia. He was definitely confuddled when the phone rang and he started to speak to Oily.

Thanks a bunch Julie. GREAT recap!

It really was the AnaLoon time to shine last night--in all her seductive badness and her in her total insanity. I hate to admit, but dang, I do like watching her and Inaki play off each other. But there we go with that mirror and lipstick again...and always back to the fixation of Mariano. I am leaning to AnaLoon being the one who offed Gina but she blacked out. Deep down she is perfectly fine with Gina dead.
Better not get her mitts on Viri...but maybe trying is what Mariano needs to see to realize how far gone that girl is.

Seems everyone is aiming at Mariano right now---is he a dead man walking? Sorry Judy B.

I am so sick of Tin. Must we have a drinking scene in every episode. Just stop writers.


Thanks Julie! Ultimas Semanas and these 3 sisters are still not reunited! Killing me!!!

So again we are at who killed Gina? If AnaLet has a brain tumor and one side of it is killing people someone shoot me now.

If I was Viri and Mariano told me the whole truth of his past I would go running.


Great work, Julie.

Was that sex scene of Ana Loon and Inaki choreographed to its background music? Sure looked like it to me. Now that Oily knows about them it will be interesting to see who catches them in the act sometime soon.

Let's get this "Who killed GR?" thing out of the way. I'm tired of seeing her sluttiness in the flashbacks.

At least we didn't get a pregnancy for Ana Lucia in there.

Urban, I hope you didn't jinx Ana Lu with that pregnancy comment!

If Martinez didn't kill Gina, then why was he waiting around in the bathroom. For that matter, even if he did kill her, why was he in the bathroom? Wouldn't you think he would have snuck out while AnaLet was unconscious? That whole scene was very bizarre. And yeah, it's beginning to look like AnaLet really does have a Gollum alter ego. Just what we need - another person with a dissociation disorder.

A triplet who has an evil twin inside her mind who speaks to her fist? You can't exactly call that a cliche, can you? It's more like a mad synergy of cliches.

Anyone, What does ultimas semanas mean?

Final weeks. Usually it's first announced about 7 weeks before the finale.

Julie, this was excellent.

"Outside, Orlando picks his teeth and bounces the business end of a ballpoint pen off of his face" was my favorite but also enjoyed "but then Mariano never kissed my wife." (Much to her chagrin)" and "Not a classy clown like Tadeo, but the nightmare kind of clown in horror movies.

"In a creepy voice, she tells her fist (or maybe her weird ring) that Gina got what she deserved, and they got rid of Jenny too, and now they need to get rid of Viridiana". Cause for concern certainly. Viri is smart and savvy but I don't think she has seen enough to realize Ana Let would just as soon kill her as look at her. That said, she is likely the most formidable opponent Ana Let has had to date. Jennifer was too trusting and Gina? Well, I don't know. She seems to have swindled and bamboozled everyone fairly well until her luck ran out.

I think Mariano was obsessed with Gina. I'm still undecided if he realizes what true love is.

"Ramiro says, speaking of loyalty, if you're Marcelo and you remember everything, why don't you tell me who killed Gina?" Good question.

Seems Marcelo and Ana Let are a fairly good match. I think Marcelo is as cold blooded as Ana but don't think he would kill simply for convenience or to rid a perceived threat. But there is always that incestuous yearning on Ana Let's part that won't go away.

Doubt Soledad will come clean.

And yes Vivi, Ev's obvious confusion as to who Orlando was, was a bit disconcerting.

Cynthia and Jarifa, the Gollum reference was spot on! I always enjoy any LOTR reference.

Julie, thank you so very much!


Ana Leticia is not a good match for anyone; she is a bottomless pit. Nobody can fill the void in her soul. Nobody sees this yet.

I'm always tempted to say that AnaLet must have gotten some kind of brain injury in the accident, because her sisters aren't that way. But AnaLet was already a little monster even before the accident.

Thank you for your recapping Julie. All the recappers are so good!

I wonder how Clawdia makes her "living". I wonder if she is a high class hooker? If she had no inheritance and she doesn't appear to have a real job, she must be some kind of hooker, don't you think? If there is a reward for finding Ana Lucia, I think Clawdia is all over it. All she is interested in is money.

Would somebody send Tin-tin to rehab please? I am tired of seeing him drown himself in whiskey or whatever he is drinking.

I think Mariano is ready to grow up finally and be a man. At least that's the impression I have. I think he is repentant over what happened previously regarding Gina and doing all that cheating. But he sure needs to be clued up on how Ana Le is trying to seduce him. He sure does not get it.

Soledad knows her number is up very soon.

Thanks, Julie. Terrific job. I don't know why this greasy lad isn't a chick magnet. ha!

"but then Mariano never kissed my wife." (Much to her chagrin.) Duh, I didn’t even pick up on the irony of this last night.

Props to Oily for the comic relief. Glad he’s too busy with his job trailing AnaLe to pester Ana Lucia any more.

At last Ramiro gets a little horizontal action with AnaLaura, even if it’s only a kiss.

Don’t know what to think about Mariano. His thing with Gina was strictly sex, definitely not love. She was that good in the sack, really? I still can’t see him being behind her murder or Tin being in a wheelchair. When this TN started, Tin had a flashback of Gina talking him into some stupid stunt where he’d get a load of money for his injuries, but something went wrong and he wound up paralyzed.

Poor Iñaki. He and AnaLe had a high time with their slap-drag-pounce and they sure looked good together, but he has no idea how looney she is. I fear she’ll drag him down under with her.

Thanks, Julie!! I am tight on time today and will have to come back read everyone's grear comments later in the day, but here are some things from the recap that still have me laughing:

The whole description of Orlando scene, with handling the pen and being a chick magnet

"He grabs her by the throate, and then they get freaky.

I don't know what to tell you. It looks like love to me"

"She's making this actress's signature pained face, the one where she looks like she has a mouthful of sour milk and nowhere to spit it out"



Since Gina was playing both sides maybe she told Mariano what Val intended to do to make some money and Mariano decided to teach him a lesson and it went way farther than either intended, with Val in a wheelchair. Thus, Mariano paid the money to clear his conscience.

Wow DVR didn't record this last night (sometimes my husband cancels my recording) and I couldn't find it on Hulu either. Started to read recap (which I'm sure is excellent) but then wanted to wait until I'd seen the episode. Be back later.

Julie...thank you for that clever recap of all the crazy.

ANaLEtme has poor , besotted INaki wrapped around her crazy, tiny finger. THe guy just does not have a clue how nuts this chick is...or perhaps he just has chosen not to notice the crazy because the bunnyhopping with her is just so crazy good. Alas.

Julie..I think of you every time I watch a REnegade rerun.

I want Clawdia to tell Ana Lucia the truth & collect the reward money from the family.

Then I want Ana Lucia to confront EVERYONE, let them have it, tell them to NEVER speak to her again, then pack Ana Laura up in a car and drive off into the sunset. Maybe Ernestina, too.

The end.

Anon207 - I like your ending! I'd don't even remember now why Ramiro won't speak up, but I'm okay with him in the car too.

Susanlynn... Renegade... hee hee...

Now, as to why Ramiro won't speak up: I think it's because he promised Santiago. And Santiago promised Soledad because getting Sole thrown in jail would only hurt AnaLu.

What I don't get is why Ramiro thinks that promise won't still apply in six months, when AnaLu will supposedly be at his wedding. Is it because he thinks that Marcelo will be through with AnaLet by then? (Since Marcelo made a pact with AnaLet to give their marriage six months before taking off.)

Possibly, Julie.

SantMarc and Ramiro are both walking a tightrope on this one. They want to protect Ana Lucia and SantMarc wants to protect SoleBad, but I'm betting that when she is discovered to be Ernestina's missing sister she will have nothing to worry about. Ramiro wants Ana Laura to be the first to see Ana Lucia and while that might be motivated by his own need to be a hero in her eyes his instincts are correct for unrelated reasons.

Will SoleBad be kicking herself for having missed out on the big bucks all these years? Ii can't wait to find out.

I don't have a lot of nice things to say about SoleBad, but I don't think she's a gold-digger. If anything, she's probably intimidated by big bucks. I think she and her sisters will be devastated about all the lost years, though.

Julie, this is the best I have seen in a while, "Ana Leticia uses Dow Industrial Factory Cleaning Fluid X3000 to remove her eye makeup"


I love "Ana Leticia uses Dow Industrial Factory Cleaning Fluid X3000 to remove her eye makeup, too."

Have been seeing a lot of rumors about Angelique and Sebastian breaking up. Can't read Spanish well enough to get the details. Anyone know anything?

Im sorry if this question has already been asked or answered but i have not been able to read this every day. When is Tres veces ending? Anyone know even the approximate date?

Thanks Julie. Finally was able to locate this on my stubborn Hulu who wanted me to just re-watch the previous episode. Like everyone else loved the "Ana Leticia uses Dow Industrial Factory Cleaning Fluid X3000 to remove her eye makeup". It's like they're not sure if we know she's crazy so they keep having to show us these scary face smearing scenes to DRIVE the point home.

And yikes, rather a hot scene with Iñaki. Was hoping no one in my family walked through the TV room while I was watching. They might think Granny was into blue movies!

Amotelenovelas, since we are in ultimas semanas, it looks like we are looking at a total of 120 episodes. We can all do the math, but we don't know if/how many times the show will be pre-empted between now and then, so don't get too invested in any particular end date! We probably won't know the exact date and duration of the finale until the last week.

Miguel, I'm sorry I had to delete your comment because it contained a spoiler for the next episode. We don't discuss the details of a given episode on the recap page of an earlier episode. I'm sure the recap page for #94 will be available later today.

Judy, I often have trouble with Hulu saying "resume episode." It happens on multiple shows, but not on all of them. I don't know why it happens, but it's quite irritating. Because if I agree to "resume" an episode that I've already seen all the way through, it starts from the beginning. So it should know I'm ready for the next one.

Also, Miguel, I share your frustration about the thing you mentioned in your comment. We will talk about it later. :-)

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