You’re a regifter and you stink. You’re a stinking regifter!
At a glance
-- The Gonz is busted! Camilo and Raquel found out about his ho-on-the-side and Julieta discovered that he swindeled his business partners and hid the money in an offshore account.
A closer look
At Casa Murat, after the slap-and-swoon, Gonzalo acts repentant and says he is ready to do anything to make Inés forgive him. Does that include accepting Paulina’s marriage to Adrián? No, he’ll never accept that union. Then, as far as Inés is concerned, they have nothing to talk about.
Paulina enters the room. She and Gonzalo start yelling at each other. He doesn’t know who notified her. In any case, she’s not welcome in his house but he is letting her stay the night. Only tonight! Yeah, yeah yeah, Paulina says she gets it. She is only here because her mom is unwell, tomorrow she’ll scram, first thing in the morning. Inés disagrees. She needs Paulina to accompany her tomorrow to Mauricio’s audiometric test (audiometría). Gonzalo reiterates his order that Paulina stay away from Mauricio. The ingrate daughter preferred her marriage to Adrián over Mauricio and her own family, so she must now deal with the consequences. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Inés says the guardianship of the kid is hers as well. She’s legally Mauricio’s mother and if something is beneficial to her child’s wellbeing then she is determined to do it. Inés has decided that Paulina and Mauricio will continue seeing each other and she is giving her permission with Gonzalo’s full knowledge. She’s not hiding anything from him! “In this family I too have a say (tener voz y voto). Don’t you forget it!” she affirms defiantly.
Chelo goes back to the kitchen with her bedding. Paulina is staying with Mauricio tonight so there is no need for Chelo to sleep in the child’s room. Micaela instructs Chelo and Beto to keep their mouths shut about the mighty slap (tremendo cachetadón). Gonzalo said his wife hurt herself when she fainted and that’s the official line they ought to stick to. If Inés wants her daughters to know about the slap, she’ll tell them herself.
Back upstairs, Gonzalo accuses his wife of diminishing his authority in front of his kids. Inés retorts that he is trying to cancel her out (nulificar) and she won’t allow it. Paulina will keep seeing Mauricio and that’s that! Don’t you challenge me! No, don’t YOU challenge me! No, don’t YOU challenge me! Paulina intervenes to stop the screaming match. She asks her parents not to fight for her sake. They’re not fighting, explains Inés, “Your father said he wanted to please me and I’m taking him at his word. Right, my love?” she asks her husband mockingly. Gonzalo doesn’t reply. He turns to Paulina and reminds her that she’s leaving the house tomorrow. “The one who’ll be leaving is you!” yells Inés as he walks out the door. Paulina says she has never seen her parents fight like this. Her mother informs her that runteldat Nuria told Gonzalo that Inés knew about the secret wedding. Gonzalo went berserk and he “offended” Inés like never before. Paulina feels bad but Inés doesn’t want her daughter to feel guilty. From now on, things are going to be done Inés’s way.
Gonzalo goes downstairs to the kitchen and scolds Micaela for notifying Paulina that her mother is unwell. In this house, Gonzo is the big honcho! Get it? Mica doesn’t let Chelo speak and she accepts all the blame. She says she thought the situation was serious and Paulina needed to be here. “Don’t think! Don’t speak! Don’t listen! Obey what is asked of you. Period.” He says he won’t sack her now because she has worked for the Murats for many years and Inés needs her. However, next time, he won’t be this considerate. And this goes for all the domestic help of Casa Murat.
Gonzalo drinks as Inés’s words play in his head: She has discovered a nasty side to him that disappoints her deeply. The next morning, he wakes up in his study reeking of alcohol and he takes out a pearl necklace from the safe. This is the same necklace that Mónica had rejected a few days earlier. Talk about nasty.
Paulina tickles Mauricio’s face with a feather. The child wakes up delighted to see her. He asks whether she has returned to the house. She replies that they’ll always see each other. She instructs Chelo to dress the boy because they’re taking him today to his audiometric tests. She explains to Chelo that these tests will determine Mauricio’s hearing levels. Hopefully, today will mark the start of a learning process that’ll teach the little boy how to communicate with them. Chelo thanks Paulina for what she and her mom are doing for Mauricio.
Karen calls Adrián and fills him in on what happened to Inés at night. She asks Adrián if he is OK with her idea of organizing a small party (brindis) in the boutique after the civil ceremony. Adrián asks her to see if the Luna Roja restaurant has their sea-view terrace available that day. They’ll organize a small wedding reception there. His treat.
Gonzalo bumps into Paulina in the corridor, outside Mau’s room. He says that he thought she would come back to her senses. She retorts that she thought he would understand she has the right to live her life with the man she loves.
Gonzalo offers the pearl necklace to Inés. She tells him it’s not with jewelry that he’ll fix what he did. She is too hurt and she doesn’t know when she’ll be able to get over what happened. She is very disappointed in him and she needs time away from him. He tells her he adores her, he is hurt that she is treating him this way, she can’t judge him so harshly based on this one mistake, yada yada yada. What a colossal douchebag! Inés tells him that the mistake was not only hitting her, but also disowning their daughter for not doing things his way. Inés never thought Gonzalo could be so cruel and controlling. And take a bath, will ya? You smell like you slept in a dumpster.
In the kitchen, Mica tries to get Pau to have breakfast before leaving for Karen’s. Nuria walks in and asks her sister what she is doing there. This is no longer her house! Pau says she came because their mom is unwell thanks to Nuria’s big mouth. Pau warns Nuria that she won’t allow her to keep attacking her like this. Nuria says her little sis is mistaken if she thinks she will encounter happiness with Adrián away from here. Whatevs, loser! The biggest advantage of leaving Casa Murat is being away from Nuria, her jealousy and her bad vibes. She gives her older sister one last warning: Either leave her the heck alone or their father will find out that she chased Adrián all the way to Playa Linda and put herself in his bed.
Karen tries to rent the terrace of Luna Roja but she is told that the owner doesn’t rent it for public events. Why? He must be some selfish old geezer (ruco)! The selfish ruco overhears her and introduces himself. His name is Flavio and he is flavorsome. Karen devours him with her eyes. She manages to convince him to rent her the space and to attend the wedding reception. Karen gets a sea-view terrace AND a scrumptious date for Saturday’s brindis. Score!
Inés confronts Nuria about her runteldatting. Nuria says she only ratted her mom out because she wanted her dad to know the truth. And since when is Nuria the defender of the truth? Well, since Nuria feels so superiorly truthful, Inés suggests maybe Gonzalo ought to find out that the bag Nuria lost was not stolen at Acacia’s house but somewhere entirely different. Inés warns that next time Nuria tries to play truth defender, Gonzalo will find out just where his eldest daughter’s handbag was stolen. After Inés leaves, a visibly-shaken Nuria swears revenge on Paulina for being a chismosa/runteldat who can’t stand that Nuria is now “the Queen of the House”. Whatevs, loser!
In the kitchen, Chelo tells Beto that she is taking candles to church to give thanks for Mau’s safe return. Beto asks her why she has so many. One of them is for St. Anthony, to pray that he send Chelo a galán/beau. “Well, maybe he’s already granted you your wish!” teases Beto, inching closer. “If he did, I’m sill not seeing him clearly!” replies Chelo, coquettishly. “Volví a Nacer” by Carlos Vives is their theme song and the chorus is “Quiero casarme contigo/ I want to marry you”. Therefore, it’s safe to say that these two are endgame.
And since we’re on the subject of theme songs, this chorus plays out as Inés strolls on the sea promenade and remembers the mighty slap: “¡Ni lo pienses! No hay manera de que pueda perdonarte/ Don’t even think about it! There is no way I could forgive you.” Draw your own conclusions.
Julieta meets banker Eulate Morales and twitchily asks about the Ezquerro business. Why did all the partners get bankrupt except Gonzalo? Eulate says he has no reason to discuss this with her, but Gonzalo played him dirty (jugar chueco), so Eulate is more than happy to sing. Besides, Julieta is a beautiful woman and he likes her. Maybe he’s drunk.
Inés and Paulina take Mauricio to see Dr. Gastón Mijares. The audiometric tests reveal that Mau can hear some ambient noise but at a very high volume. He doesn’t hear any low-pitched sounds (sonidos graves) and he can barely perceive the high-pitched ones (sonidos agudos). Both his ears are affected. The communication evolves differently depending on each child that suffers from deafness. Some rely on sign language, some read lips, some use hearing aids, etc. It is too early to say how Mauricio will be able to communicate. What’s sure is that the process will be long and will require consistency and discipline. For now, Dr. Mijares suggests starting with language therapy to teach Mau the alphabet, then take it from there. Inés and Paulina will also have to learn sign language (la lengua de señas).
At the airport, Jaime and the woman waiting out his marriage are having a casual discussion where he gets to complain about his psycho wife and she gets to make herself available for when he is ready to slip and slip her a little tongue. Anyhoo, while they wait for her flight, Jaime asks Gisela if she told Julieta that she will be moving to Playa Linda. She didn’t. Jaime admits that Julieta’s maternal side was what attracted him to her at first, but it has become so sick that it’s harming their couple. He feels he has nothing in common with his wife and they have nothing to talk about anymore. Gisela thinks this is even more serious than Julieta’s “emotional imbalances”. But I’m here, boo! Ditch her and take me!
Eulate tells Julieta that Gonzalo received a huge bank loan then hid the money in a tax haven (paraíso fiscal). Eulate helped him do it. Julieta wants the documents to prove this but Eulate doesn’t have them. It’ll be a laborious process to locate them. Julieta says she is prepared to pay him anything he wants. He doesn’t want money, he wants her. One night of weird mating in exchange for putting Gonzalo in jail. Yep, he’s definitely drunk. Julieta agrees, as long as he gets her the documents before Saturday and delivers them to her directly in Puerto Esperanza.
At the office, Gonzalo asks Leonel about Nuria’s university grade report. Leonel says he’ll have it this afternoon. Why has nobody told this boy to button up his shirt? We get it, you had number 7 at the tanning parlor, and you are exceedingly proud of your peanut butter shade, but for the love of Helios, spare us the spectacle! After Gonzalo orders Leo to leave, he calls his goon Silvestre, and he signs off on the “punishment” devised for Adrián.
At the agency in Playa Linda, Adrián introduces Gisela to Odette and Darío. There was definitely a look between Gisela and Darío. He’s now her plan B in case her wait-out of the Córdovas’ marriage doesn’t pay off or Julieta ends up killing Jaime. Later, the foursome Odette, Darío, Gisela and Adrián agree to go out to dinner to celebrate Gisela’s integration to the agency and Adrián’s upcoming nuptials.
Pau and Mau go snorkeling in Playa de las Tortugas. She tells him that after she leaves for Playa Linda, Mauricio will be able to remember her every time he goes snorkeling.
The private eye informs Camilo that Mónica is Gonzalo’s ho-on-the-side and baby mama of his two boys, René, 9, and Alan, 6. Camilo wonders whether he should tell Paulina.
Here is a lovely snorkeling scene to give you more beach envy. After they are done snorkeling, Pau and Mau are joined by René, Alan and their grandma. René informs Pau that the situation with his parents has been sorted and that they’ll be making a trip to Orlando, Florida after the school year ends. As the kids play, Elisa confides to Paulina that the father of her grandkids is a married man with grown-up children. He seduced and has been playing with her daughter for many years. The Orlando trip is meant as a distraction until the rascal divorces his first wife. But, off course, the kids don’t know any of this. Elisa vows to split the father of her grandkids from his first wife. Paulina shares her contempt for scoundrels who play with women’s feelings like this.
Leonel shows Nuria her forged grade report. She kisses him but he stops her because he doesn’t want her dad to catch them. They agree to meet at night. She is wearing red as usual and is hot red for this tanning aficionado. I noticed that there are color palettes for most of the characters of this novela. Nuria: Red. Julieta: Black and White. Gonzalo: Grey. Inés: Pastel Blue and Green. Karen: Hot Pink and Electric Blue. Mónica: Wine, Chocolate Brown and Cream. Elisa: Fanta Orange and Fanta Limón. Odette: Skittles Crazy Sours. Leonel: Peanut Butter and Slime.
Inés visits Dr. Julio Flores who insists that she take extensive medical tests to discard any other possibility that might be causing her fainting spells. He also advises her to take it easy and avoid stress.
Leonel hands Gonzalo Nuria’s forged grade report. Gonzalo is pleasantly surprised. Nuria’s GPA is the same as Paulina’s. Leonel starts fawning over Nuria: She is bright, intelligent... Gonzalo stops him short and warns him to stay away from his daughter and to keep their boss-subordinate conversations strictly work-related.
Karen shows Paulina her wedding dress. Adrián is paying for it. Paulina is pleased with the dress. She can’t wait to become Mrs. Olmedo.
At Casa Fonseca, Camilo apologizes to his father for accusing him of having a mistress. Alfonso wants to know what made Camilo change his mind on this matter. Camilo admits that he investigated Mónica Greepe and found out that she is Gonzalo’s long-term ho-on-the-side. “Repeat what you just said, Camilo!” Raquel heard everything! Bloomin’ heck! Gonzalo’s mask of virtue is finally coming down!
A quote from the capítulo
“¡No pienses! ¡No hables! ¡No escuches! Obedece lo que se te pide y punto.”*
*Gonzalo shows Mica who’s boss: “Don’t think! Don’t speak! Don’t listen! Obey what is asked of you. Period.”
Your viewing vocabulario
(these definitions are context-specific, unless otherwise indicated)
audiometría = an audiometric test.
tener voz y voto = Lit. “To have voice and vote”, i.e. to have a say.
tremendo cachetadón = a mighty slap.
nulificar = to cancel out, to nullify.
un brindis = a small party and/or a toast.
ruco(a) = mostly disparaging term for an older person. Can be used as either a noun or an adjective.
jugar chueco = to play dirty.
sonidos graves = low-pitched sounds.
sonidos agudos = high-pitched ones.
la lengua de señas = sign language.
paraíso fiscal = tax haven.
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