Tuesday, October 25, 2016
A Que No Me Dejas (AQNMD) #31. Monday October 24, 2016. Papá Don’t P...Reach For The Gun!

(Cara de) Well, this explains the cray-cray!
At a glance
-- Adrián’s sainted Pops was never a saint! Bazinga!
-- Mr. Peanut Butter & Slime learns that he has been officially designated as Nuria’s baby daddy! Bazinga!
A closer look
At the beach of silent love and thwarted reconciliation, Paulina had a full two minutes to tell Adrián that she is carrying his unibrow baby but she squandered the precious time talking about the kiss she shared with Camilo and “omitted” to mention. Adrián doesn’t want to hear her anymore: You are dead to me! Shouting out: “I’m pregnant!” would’ve shut Adrián right up but it’s more aesthetically-pleasing to squeeze out a few pretty tears by the seashore while an adorable blond cherub consoles you.
At Consorcio Murat, The Gonz learns that his older spawn is with spawn. He is absolutely outraged: How could she get herself pregnant? Is this how he educated her? Nuria points out that her father has no moral authority to be giving her lessons right now. She refuses to be a single mother when her baby’s father is willing to marry her. The Gonz understands now why his daughter was in such a hurry (premura) to tie the knot! Please, Daddy! Give my baby a daddy and my baby daddy his job back! Treat him right, Daddy! He’s going to be the father of your first grandchild! The Gonz softens up. He heads to Leonel’s office to give the accidental father his job back... and the happy baby news! Leonel is shocked but he tries to dissimulate it as best as he can. The Gonz is too engrossed in his own tirade to notice. He warns Leo that he’s only hiring him back because he doesn’t want his grandchild to be born out of wedlock (fuera del matrimonio). So you can forget about being my trusted employee or receiving any special treatment! Sí me entiendes, ¿verdad? DRINK! And make my daughter happy, you jacka$$!
After Mauricio is taken home, Paulina-waa-waa starts waa-waaing to Camilo by one of her favorite waa-waaing spots: The beachfront promenade. I couldn’t tell Adrián I’m pregnant! He found out you kissed me! He believes I cheated on him! He must think this baby isn’t his! My baby won’t have a daddy! Vitch, please.
At the nearly-defunct marketing agency of Jaime Córdova, Odette quizzes Adrián over his encounter with Paulina. Why did he go to see Pau? Nope. Adrián says he didn’t go to the beach to see Paulina. Jaime’s revelation made him feel awful so he went to get some fresh air, precisely in the very location where his rendezvous with Paulina were going to take place. He encountered Mauricio there and couldn’t leave him alone. Then, something truly unexpected happened, Paulina showed up to the place where they agreed to meet and where Adrián had been waiting for her! What are the chances, eh? Odette wonders whether Pau managed to tell him that important thing she wanted to tell him. Nope. Adrián admits that he didn’t let Pau get a word in edgewise. That woman hurts him and he can’t wait to get the heck out of here and go to Spain, that way he can no longer bump into (toparse con) her every time they agree to meet. Odette’s eyes light up with bunny-boiler anticipation: Yasss! In Spain, you will forget Paulina forever! Niahahahaha!
At Casa Murat, Pau scolds Chelo and Beto for their irresponsible behavior and dangerous negligence.
Back at Consorcio Murat, Leonel asks Nuria about her supposed bun in the oven. Is it peanut butter and Nutella? one of her ploys to get him rehired? Nah-ah! Mi amor, we’re gonna have a baby! This little peanut in my tummy is my father’s first grandchild and a great advantage for the two of us! Leonel pretends he is happy to become a father and form a family with the woman of his dreams. However, in a private conversation with his friend Ariel, he reveals his true feelings. He hates the idea of assuming the paternity of a child he didn’t sire! And to think he will have it with a brat like Nuria, to boot! He has now connected the dots and it is all crystal clear in his mind: That’s why Nuria was so eager to bunnyhop with him! She needed an idiot to pin the baby on (achacarle el escuincle)! However, Leonel recognizes the great opportunity this situation presents him with and is ready to ceize it. This baby is his winning lottery ticket (billete premiado de lotería)! Thanks to him, Leo will manage to put together the jigsaw puzzle (armar el rompecabezas) that will take him from rags to riches. Oh, how Leo is going to enjoy seeing old man Gonzalo eat his words (tragarse sus palabras)! Ariel asks whether his friend will confront Nuria at some point about her baby-pinning maneuver. “Of course not! You must never reveal the ace you have up your sleeve (Nunca debes de sacar tu as debajo de la manga)!” It’s best to let Nuria think she fooled him, then later, once his future is secured, Leo would show her that nobody plays him for a sucker!
At Casa Murat, Chelo is feeding Mau his dinner when Nuria arrives and makes it clear how much she hates seeing the child back at home. “How’s your Ma?” asks Chelo. Nuria doesn’t know because she has better things to do, like organizing the wedding of the century! She doesn’t have the time nor the disposition to play nurse to her mother. Leave that for sweet Paulina! Chelo’s curiosity is not satisfied: “What’s gonna happen with your parents now that La Seño Inés knows the truth?” “None of your damn business and stop being so metiche/nosy!” For once, the whole audience nods along in agreement with Nuria. She orders Chelo to let Mau eat alone and run to the kitchen to fix her a dinner platter. NOW! When the meddlesome housekeeper leaves, Nuria proceeds to tormenting the helpless child. FF>>
At the hospital, Pau confides to Karen what happened with Adrián earlier. Karen tells her she should have blurted out she was pregnant. Pau disagrees because her clairvoyant abilities told her that Adrián would deny being her baby’s father. “I’m gonna raise this baby on my own. Adrián will go to Spain and will never find out!” Vitch, please. She makes Karen swear that she won’t tell Adrián. I mean it, Karen! Swear you’ll go along with my stupid and cruel plan! The topic of conversation changes to Flavio. How does Karen feel about him? She sorta likes him but she still has feelings for Camilo. The Gonz swaggers into the waiting room, a letter in hand. He asks Pau to give it to her mother and make sure she reads it. Pau says she can’t promise the second part.
Pau visits Inés and informs her that the human embodiment of Argentinian Dulce de Leche, Dr. Gastón Mijares, came to visit her earlier. Isn’t he just the sweetest? Yes, he is! *Swoon* Pau hands her mother the letter and Lupita D’Alessio starts belting out one of her tunes for scorned women. Inés tears the letter and instructs Pau to tell her dad that the next time he and Inés talk will be with their attorneys present. Inés doesn’t want to be married to The Gonz for a single day more.
Back at Casa Murat, Chelo breaks up with Beto before they’ve even had a chance to start officially going out.
Flavio closes his entire restaurant to organize a special candlelight dinner for Karen. He doesn’t know what spell (hechizo) she used on him but he likes her and muuucho! Come one, boo, be my boo! Karen tries to let him down gently. Erm... Well, I like having you in my life but it’s too early, yada yada yada. Flavio tries to contain an outburst: “It’s Camilo, right? He’s the reason you’re rejecting me?” Yes, he is! Now can we shelf this awkward moment and get to the awkwarder part of sitting through a three-course fancy schmancy meal with a guy I’ve just rejected?
The next morning, Raquel goes to see Inés and to give Pau a chance to go home and rest. After Raquel leaves, Pau confides to Camilo that her mom is divorcing her dad. Camilo is impressed by Inés’s courage. Pau agrees. Her mother is very brave for chosing to give up the luxuries and starting over. Vitch, please. Start over? Are you tripping? Inés is entitled to half of everything The Gonz owns! HALF!
Later on, Camilo clumsily proposes to Pau: “Let me be the father of your child! Accept to be my wife!” Pau is touched and piles on the compliments: You’re admirable, you’re rare, you have a heart of gold, wait for it, I decline your proposal! “I won’t marry you just to get out of this problem! I won’t do this to you! Instead, I’ll just keep using you as an emotional crutch, giving you false hopes and denying you the opportunity to move on with your life!”
Julieta is rubbing up against the walls of the psychiatric hospital and loudly pleading with her late lamented father to come to her rescue. The doctor witnesses the scene from afar and mentally adds another 3 years to Julieta’s loony bin reclusion.
At Consorcio Murat, Nuria reproaches Camilo for being a nosy parker: “What are you, 5?” She should know since she is the authority on meddling and immaturity. She accuses him of being jealous of her happiness as well as fearing that she and Leonel would supersede him (desplazar) and take away his power. “I don’t know how you do it, but every time you open your mouth, you spit out (escupir) pure nonsense. Besides esteem, what I least feel towards you two is fear.” Sss! Double burn! He walks away like a boss and leaves the overgrown brat seething and stomping her feet, demanding that he apologize to her fiancé! Vitch, please.
Paulina returns to live at Casa Murat because her mom and Mau need her and because homeless life is not going to agree with her.
At Consorcio Murat, The Gonz instructs his secretary to fill the house with flowers for Inés’s return from the hospital. Because flowers have been scientifically proven to cause amnesia. After Paty walks out, Alfonso demands to know why Leo is back working at the consortium. The Gonz tells Alfonso about the peanut... baby. He asks him to assign all the confidential stuff to Camilo and erode Leo’s power little by little. The Gonz adds that this matter needs to be treated with the utmost discretion. He confided the truth to Alfonso because, as Nuria’s godfather, he deserved to know. However, The Gonz doesn’t want his daughter to be the subject of gossip (andar de boca en boca). Sí me entiendes, ¿verdad? DRINK!
At Agencia Córdova, Adrián tells Odette that he has just verified that the university in Spain received all his paperwork, including a copy of his clean criminal record. Everything is A-OK with his scholarship (beca). Odette asks whether he enquired about her application too. Vitch, please. Adrián advises her to call and check it for herself. Odette finds out her application has been rejected because she applied too late. Har har har. (By the way, the “Spanish” accent of her interlocutor was awful, just awful! I dread the moment we get to the Spain portion of this show.)
At the psychiatric hospital, Julieta demands to know when she’ll be allowed out because she has asked her deceased father for help and he refused. I’m a sane person who speaks to imaginary dead people! Get me out of here! The doc asks her if she was there when her father died. Julieta says she doesn’t know. Doesn’t remember. The doc wants to help her remember in a way that doesn’t hurt her: Hypnosis through deep breathing and a slow countdown.
Alfonso tells Camilo that Nuria is preggers. Talk about discretion. “Whaaat? Nuria is pregnant as well?” blurts out Camilo. Alfonso is taken aback: “What do you mean by ‘as wells’?” It’s just a figure of speech, Pops. Camilo changes the subject. He recounts his failed marriage proposal to Paulina. His father feels he ought to take things slowly. Winning someone over takes time and patience, sonny.
Back at the (DIY) hypnosis(-ish) session, Julieta tries to recall her father’s death. She was 18. It was a Sunday and Adrián was out playing with friends. Long hypnosis short, Daddy Olmedo made Julieta promise to take care of her little brother. He then confessed that he was about to embezzle all the money of the Ezquerro business and run away but The Gonz discovered everything and beat him to the punch. The Gonz pre-embezzled the embezzler! Har har har. Julieta begged and begged but Daddy Olmedo fired the gun!
Across town, Adrián has just been handed a copy of his father’s death certificate, which he had requested earlier today. He reads through it and his gorgeous hazel-amber eyes widen in shocked disbelief: “My dad committed suicide!”
A quote from the capítulo
“No sé cómo le haces, pero cada vez que abres la boca escupes puras estupideces. A ustedes lo que menos les tengo, además de aprecio, es miedo.”*
*Camilo belittles Nuria and Leonel in one fell swoop: “I don’t know how you do it, but every time you open your mouth, you spit out pure nonsense. Besides esteem, what I least feel towards you two is fear.”
Your viewing vocabulario
(these definitions are context-specific, unless otherwise indicated)
premura = haste, hurry, urgency.
fuera del matrimonio = out of wedlock.
toparse con alguien = to bump into someone.
achacarle algo alguien = to blame something on someone. “Achacar” means to blame, to impute, to attribute guilt or responsibility.
escuincle(a) = a usually pejorative term for child in Mexican Spanish.
billete premiado de lotería = a winning lottery ticket. “Boleto” is the more common term for ticket in most of Latin America. “Billete” tends to be used for bank notes. In Iberian Spanish, “Billete” is used for both ticket and bank note.
armar el (un) rompecabezas = put together the (a) jigsaw puzzle.
tragarse sus palabras = to eat your words, to eat humble pie.
un as debajo de la manga = an ace up the sleeve.
hechizo = a spell.
desplazar = to displace, to supersede, to oust, to supplant.
escupir = to spit out, to spew.
andar de boca en boca (andar en boca de todos) = Lit. “To go from mouth to mouth (to go in everyone’s mouth)”, i.e. to be talked about, to be the talk of the town, to be the subject of gossip.
beca = scholarship.
Thank you for visiting our patio. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!
Labels: dejas
How about that reveal at the end? I know that many of you predicted it but it was very nicely done, nonetheless!
Loved Leonel's scenes in this episode! He's becoming my absolute favorite in this show. He is a wonderful villain with great comedic timing. I can't wait to find out what he has in store for Nuria.
Camilo scored limitless points by telling Nuria off but his proposal to Paulina was cringe-worthy.
Paulina is grating on my nervios. Can we give her a coma or something?
Thank you all for your patience! Enjoy the discussion! Catch ya later! :)
I too am enjoying Leo playing Nuria. It will be fun to watch the relationship unfold.
Flavio and Camilo are both guys who need to slow their roll, or find other women who are actually into them.
Love that Ines is staying strong. I cheered when she ripped up the letter. The Gonz won't make this divorce process easy, that's for sure.
Yes, most of us had figured out that Juli and Adrian's papa had committed suicide, but I agree the way they played out the reveal was very well done. Plus, I was surprised that the Gonz wasn't lying when he said Papa Olmedo was the one who was going to commit the fraud first, and he just jumped the gun before he did. That absolves him of being the one responsible for Olmedo's death (he brought it on himself), but I don't see how it makes the Gonz innocent of committing a crime and why Alfonso and Camilo were so willing to accept this explanation some episodes back. He still committed fraud.
But this shows how crazy Juli is. She blocked out the suicide and seems to have also blocked out her father's confession that HE was the original fraudster. The Gonz was just a copycat.
I was right but since Jaime would have married Julieta after this I don't see how he could have wanted to unless her twitchy behavior got worse over time. Obviously she never saw a shrink after witnessing her father's suicide.
The Gonz learns that his older spawn is with spawn. He is absolutely outraged: How could she get herself pregnant? Is this how he educated her? Nuria points out that her father has no moral authority to be giving her lessons right now. She refuses to be a single mother when her baby’s father is willing to marry her.
Great one about a perfect irony. I would be on his side if only because Nuria can't be trusted with a baby. Poor Chelo will be needing a raise.
Adrian could conclude that Paulina's baby is Camilo's under the circumstances.
Gotta work on VeA now. See you at the next episode.
Finding out that The Gonz was saying the truth was perhaps bigger shocker than the suicide reveal. Who would've thunk it, Vivi? Also, who would've imagined that we would feel heartbroken for Julieta? She was too young to have the responsibility of raising her brother forced upon her in such a selfish manner, but to have had to witness her father blowing his brains out was beyond cruel!
As for Flavio and Camilo, I think a comparison between them needs to include a crucial detail. At least Paulina was in love with Camilo at some point and they had a serious relationship. The two of them practically grew up together. Camilo is beating himself up over the fact that he stupidly let the love of his life get away and still holds hope that the great love they once shared could be revived. Flavio, on the other hand, is being creepily pushy and presumptuous with Karen when a) they met like, yesterday! and b) he has shown zero interest in him!
Urban, I share your assessment regarding Jaime. I think he fell in love with a Julieta closer to the one we saw in the flashback, a younger woman who was noble and selfless enough to dedicate her life to raising her younger brother. She then sank little by little into a serious mental health illness that her husband and her brother chose to ignore. In this sense, I feel that both of them have failed Julieta.
Thank you for volunteering to recap "Vino El Amor". I won't be watching this novela but I'm sure that the readers will be in for a treat. Best of luck! :)
I also always pictured that Juli was far saner when Jaime met her and that what made him fall in love with her was her love and dedication to her little brother, and also perhaps her vulnerability. That love for Adrian has become more twisted and obsessive over the years, and you're right that Jaime and then Adrian failed to get her the help she needed. It's clear she suffered some kind of mental break when her father committed in front of her.
Your pairing of Odette and Flavio is perrrfection! They could stalk each other and live obsessively ever after! As for Camilo, well, there's me! I don't waa-waa and I appreciate romantic gestures from sweet guys who have insanely beautiful brown eyes!
So, please don't think I'm picking on Osvaldo's physical appearance. I'm just being silly. I kid the unibrow, with love! :D
Anyway, late to the party as usual. Just wanted to say THANKS!
The "vitch" came up by accident a few months ago and I kept using it ever since. Not long ago, Pablo and I used to recap this train wreck called Sueño de Horror, I mean Amor, I mean Horror! A character was introduced halfway through the run of the novela to be Cris de la Fuente's new love interest and the main female protagonist was given stage 4 stomach cancer. This new bombastic lady was played by Marjorie de Sousa and was always referred to by her full name Cristina Vélez Valderrama, the firewoman of education (You can't make this drivel up!) I started calling her CVV. Then in one particularly awful episode that I had to recap, this CVV lady was pretty much scolding the terminally ill cancer patient for having cancer! The unbelievably distasteful conversation could be boiled down to: How dare you get stage 4 cancer and ruin my burgeoning romance with your ex? I was so shocked and outraged that I wrote in the recap that CVV must stand for Cruel. Vile. Vitch. And that's how "vitch" was born!
"Amigow" and "Amigowz", that Pablo and I use occasionally are other terms from that show. Some characters in there were supposed to speak exaggerated gringo Spanish with a Russian accent. Basically, as horrendous, incoherent and insulting as that show was, we had the tiniest and most rip-roaringly hilarious patio ever! I'm still not over how much fun I had on that patio! Every day, I would laugh to tears reading the recaps and comments! Ah, happy days! Sorry for the rambling and thanks again, Lila! :)
I actually enjoy Lionel and Nuria together, they each
think they pulling the wool over their eyes.
Wait til Gonzo finds out both his daughters are pregnant out of wedlock!!! Better yet wait till
Nuria finds out her sister is pregnant too. I hope Pau has her bebe first just to piss Nuria off at not being the one who produces first grandchild.
Truth be told, I didn't notice either how unintentionally funny Adrián's words to Odette were. I wasn't until the second viewing when I was recapping that I noticed how ridiculous he sounded. I didn't go to meet Pau, I just needed to get some fresh air (in the very spot we agreed to meet)! I must leave this town so I can stop bumping into her all the time (by going to all the places we used to frequent as a couple)!
As for the kiss, Adrián is angry because, according to Gisela and Jaime, it took place while he and Pau were still very much an item and on the verge of trying the knot. The timing suggests that she was kissing Camilo around the time where she was having beach nookie with Adrián. Not cool. I personally believe his resentment and disillusion are justified. And perhaps had Pau said she was pregnant with his baby, he would've doubted his paternity at first, given the circumstances. But you know what? I still reckon that blurting out: "I'm pregnant!" instead of dwelling over the kiss, would've shut Adrián up long enough for her to yell that she was threatened into canceling the wedding. Pau should've confessed the whole truth right there and then, about her father's embezzlement, Julieta's threats and her own bad judgement that made her pull that cruel and ill-advised stunt at the wedding. Why is she keeping her mouth shut? Julieta is interned in a psychiatric facility and The Gonz has demonstrated time and again that he is a disgusting being. So why is Pau keeping mum? Oh, yeah, martyr complex!
Not sure how far along each Murat girl is but you are absolutely right. The race to produce Gonzalo's first grandchild is on! Nuria's head is going to explode when she finds out that her little sis is pregnant as well. Tee hee hee. I also can't wait to see Gonzalo's reaction. He is so vain that in the first episode, he told the Fonsecas that he is too young to be a grandfather and to have a little rugrat running around and calling him ¡Abuelo!. Well, now there's gonna be two rugrats doing that! :D
Here are some articles you and others might find interesting:
-- "Telemundo edges Univision in prime-time ratings for a record six weeks"
(http://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/article98889457.html): "For the first time in history, Telemundo has beaten rival Univision in prime-time ratings Monday-Friday for six consecutive weeks."
-- "Univision, Televisa Wrestle With Changing Tastes Among Hispanic Millennials" (http://www.wsj.com/articles/univision-televisa-wrestle-with-changing-tastes-among-hispanic-millennials-1473122201) "Univision in recent months has been pressuring Televisa’s content chief José “Pepe” Bastón to infuse its programming (...) with more American flair to appeal to younger and U.S.-born Hispanics. (...) Televisa executives, including Mr. Bastón, have typically argued that Univision’s ratings woes were its own fault—that it was poorly scheduling and promoting the telenovelas, the people said." This last bit made me crack up! Looneyvision does not stand behind its programs, botches the scheduling, butchers the shows with incoherent editing, disrespects its viewers yet it expects to maintain its lead? Looneyvision is The Gonz of TV networks! :D
To continue your AQNMD in the afternoon discussion and Univision/Televisa analysis, I recently read another article on La Hora de la Novela, I believe, that said one of the main reasons Televisa was doing so poorly is that it had failed to change with the times, not just in stories, but in management. As Televisa grew as a company and became #1 in everything telenovela during the 1970s to 2000s is that it would consistently reinvent itself, invest in new writers, producers, head of management, etc. and it has failed, in the last decade, to pass the torch to the new generation.
For example, Valentín Pimstein used to be the head of Televisa for years and then eventually passed the torch after a decade or so to Salvador Mejia who has failed to pass his own torch. Not to mention, he has surrounded himself by some producers who were either never good (his wife) or just need to retire and/or go on a retreat to find some new ideas (Llarosa and Osorio). And it's sad because Osorio and Llarosa were some of the most creative, inventive, forward thinking producers at one time. Osorio produced the first novela to deal with a full blown gay relationship and Llarosa was the king of hot button, teen issues. He produced Sonadoras at a time when drugs weren't as talked about as they are now and did Amiga y Rivales were one of the main characters had AIDS and the topic was handled with care and nuance. I grew up on these two producing jewels and it sucks to see how far they've fallen.
Another thing they talked about is the lack of these same topical issues in current novelas. Televisa seems so disconnected some the times and don't seem to see or want to see that there are now other topics that deserve their care and attention. LIke marriage equality, immigration, rape, human trafficking, etc. And the few novelas who deal with these are renegated to horrible time slots. The best producers Televisa currently has are Giselle Gonzalez and Roberto Gomez Fernandez and who produced Para Volver a Amar, YNCELH, ECDLP and they're not given the confidence they should be. AQNMD was put at the 7:15 slot and PyP was given the 9:00 slot when it should've been the other way around. Univision just adds to this…
Full discretion though, Televisa is trying with EHDLS, Yago, Mujeres de Negro, Corazon Que Miente but they haven't been the expected HITS they want or need them to be. Viewers need to embrace new formats as well instead of waiting for the next Maria la del Barrio because those times are over.
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