Wednesday, November 02, 2016

He's just not that into you 11/01/2016 #37 A Que no me dejas

Odette: "pay attention to meeeeeeeee"

  • Odette is being a weirdo, she is trying to get all of Adrian's attention but he's not having it, he's kinda into the new girl, Triana, and why the heck not? At least she's not a stalker!
  • Odette becomes the third wheel, when Adrian asks Triana to have a few drinks of tequila with him Odette invites herself to their little party.
  • Odette is also needy, she shows up at the university and waits for Adrian to get out of class so they can go home together and Adrian makes it clear that he is there to study and when questioned about when he will be home he basically tells Odette that he will get home when he's good and ready.
*Dear Adrian, it is not too late to move out of the posada and go elsewhere, Odette will not leave you alone, she's like a bad case of herpes that no medication can keep under control*

Camilo & Paulina: "Cause we are a family, we came together faster than instant mac and cheese"

  • Camilo and Pau are going to be living with Ines, as payment for staying in the house Camilo will pay all the household bills, and Ines will pay all of her personal expenses, Pau gets to keep all the money she earns.
  • How much does Camilo earn? Cause if he took over Leonel's position then Leo should be earning about the same, so why can't he afford to pay for the expenses of a large home? I'm confused.
  • Camilo gives Paulina a ring and he tells her she does not have to wear it but that when she does he will know that it's because she loves him again.
  • Camilo has to sleep on the couch- he at least deserves an air mattress.

Nuria: I'm just bloated mom!

  • Nuria comes home to brag about her new house, Ines tells her she's very happy for her and then shares the news that Paulina is also married.
  • Nuria freaks out, she yells that Paulina is always trying to upstage her.
  • Nuria and Ines go to get Nuria's wedding dress fitted, but there's a problem...Nuria gained weight and the dress does not fit, she blames the dress maker and he comes back with the best smack down ever, he tells her that brides that gain weight that quickly generally do so because they ate the cake before lunch *ahem*
  • Ines asks Nuria if she wants to share anything with her and Nuria says "Nope" and denies being pregnant, she says she is just retaining water and is bloated.
  • Nuria tellls Gonzalo that Pau got married.
  • She also tells Leo that in order to get the house her father promised they have to be married with their assets being held seperate, Leo pretends this offends him but he says he will marry her just to prove he wants nothing from the Murat's other than to spend the rest of his life with Nuria.
Gonzalo: He actually tries to get people to respect him! Ha!!!!

Gonzlo pays a visit to Camilo, he is upset that no one had enough respect for him to tell him about the wedding. Camilo tells him respect is earned and all of his actions have made everyone lose respect for him.

Camilo tells Gonzalo that it's sick that he tried to blackmail Ines into staying with him by threatening to withhold financial support, he tells Gonzalo that that trick wont work because he will be taking charge of the home and all of the family expenses, then he throws Gonzalo out of his office. 

Now the best scene of the night:

The family and the household staff are at the clinic learning sign language, Beto nails his bit and then Gaston calls Ines up and she also does a great job, Raquel the pipes up and says thats it's unfair that they be asked to learn from Gaston because he's so handsome that she is distracted and can't pay attention, all the women nod in agreement and so do I because Gaston is a hottie!

In other news, Julieta is still as crazy as ever and now that she knows Odette is with Adrian she is probably plotting her revenge. Good luck Odette!


thanks princess Juju this is a funny recap. Gonzo really is clownish. He wants respect, that's funny coming from a lyong, manipulative,stupid lying,bullying, cheating,adultery committing, lying,backstabbing betrayer of friends jerk. monica is such a stupid woman, she will get what she deserves,those little boys don't deserve that. She was being selfish trying to steal someone elses husband. Those poor kids.
Cam is a trooper. What's going to happen to him when Adrian comes back?and you all know he will come back.

Nuria the neurotic nut. In her mind her sister is trying to one-up her. nobody is trying to one-up her. She. Is. Not. That. Important. except in her own mind. They should give her and juls adjoining cells.

thanks princess Juju.

Gracias, Princess Juju.

Odette has become so odious I almost wish Julieta would off her. That may have to be what it takes for Javier to put her where she belongs.

Nuria will have a hell of a Karmageddon when the time comes. She is one of the most obvious narcissists in recent series. I would be very surprised if her baby doesn't show evidence of foetal alcohol syndrome. I was laughing the other day when Monica's boys dumped her into the pool. However, I'm sure that has created a grudge that will last into the next decade.

Thanks, Juju! I take so much enjoyment from Odette being frustrated at every turn by Adrian's total lack of interest in her.

I also thought that the best scene was when everyone was practicing the sign language with sexy Gaston. It was super cute. I was smiling throughout the whole thing.

Odette looks SOOOOO pathetic!! It is cringe-worthy!! Oh my Lord. It's so funny that she finally got Paulina out of the way but here comes Triana to take her spot. You could just feel the jealousy and anger radiating off of this psycho when Triana was dancing!

Thanks for the recap!

Another vote for the Gaston scene. I can't wait for him to lay that first beso on Ines. Thank you, Raquel, for saying what we've all been thinking!

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