Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Vino el Amor 11/1/16 Chapter 6: The Consequences of Solitude

Bullet points (some combined):

  • Fernanda went into David's room but he didn't want to see her. She reminded him about asking him to allow Graciela to stay for a while, but he said no. Graciela tried to talk to him alone but he furiously told her he wanted to be left alone. She should have been afraid, but wasn't.
  • Susan tried to call David concerning the condition of the grapes, but Juan pulled rank on her, saying he was in charge in the current absence of David's ability to take charge.

  • Fernanda cried, asking Graciela not to leave. Graciela said if it were up to her she'd stay. Fernanda left the room, still crying. Lillian asked about this and Graciela told her that David wanted her to leave. Lillian thought that would be best, but Graciela said “I'd be a fool to pass up this opportunity.” Butter would not have melted in her mouth. [This has evil intent written all over it.]
  • Marta and Marcos spoke over the phone. She felt unable to leave at that moment because of the grieving household, but Marcos told her to call Luciana, reminding her that Luciana is her daughter. Marta went on about Lillian and neither has the smallest inkling of why Lillian hated Marta as she did.
  • Lillian went to Juan's office, concerned that the cooked books would come to light. She and Graciela didn't have a good relationship because Lisa had been her favorite. She pointed out that Graciela was impulsive and could rat them out on the slightest pretext. Juan said that David didn't have the head for any of this at the moment, proving that he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Lillian wanted to be sure. They agreed they would have to find a way to control her. [Lotsa luck.]
  • Juan caught up with Graciela and told her that he spoke with Gutierrez about the murder. She didn't buy it. She reminded him of the fraud she overheard and he told her that fraud was a far lesser crime than murder.
  • Miguel and León talked about the situation. There is an emergency about the crop but both wanted to go to see Luciana.
  • Lillian sat at the head of the table with the children in their usual places. They weren't eating. Lillian might have tried to bully them into doing so except for the arrival of Graciela and her suitcase. Fernanda hugged her and begged her not to go. Bobby got up and said he was going to look for Marta. Juan arrived just as Graciela was leaving.
  • In Querétaro Luciana and Marcos returned from her graduation. He wore a suit, white shirt, and tie. She was upset that her mother wasn't there when all the mothers of her classmates had been. [She needs to grow up.] She said she felt like she didn't matter to anyone. [Where have we heard this same old song before?]
  • David went alone to a spot where Lisa used to go, near a statue of the Virgen. He crouched down and cried.
  • Two years pass and he was back in the same spot, wearing the same black shirt. He still missed her. In the employees' dining hall Marta took out a photo of Luciana and Marcos taken on her graduation day. Miguel smiled at the sight of the picture. They haven't seen them in the last two years because Lillian made up any pretext to prevent them from visiting Marcos and Luciana.
  • Lillian met with Gutierrez for the first time in a long time. He's now a lieutenant and she has been in charge of the hacienda. He has her number in that he knew she liked being in control. He reminded her that Marcos could reapply for a visa now that more than ten years had passed. She did not look pleased. He questioned her about the people he had busted at her request, as she had never explained anything. “Was that random?” he asked. She told him that she had wanted the entire family deported but it was just her bad luck that it was only the father and daughter. She said the man's wife was “a bad influence in my home” and she didn't want the father and daughter returning and “ruining everything.” She told him she didn't want them back in the country. He told her he couldn't do anything because if the government gave him a visa, he could come back as a visitor. She told him she would then have to find someone else to help her and warned him that if Marcos decided to re-open the case against him he could lose everything. She got up and left. He looked like he was thinking about this.
  • Luciana had a surprise for her father, who sat down slowly clutching his left shoulder. She had applied for him to re-enter the US. He wanted her to come with him although she was reluctant. He made the point that she needed to resolve her issues with Marta. He finally persuaded her.
  • Miguel gave Marta a plane ticket, which surprised her. She asked if he would accompany her but he said he needed to continue the work he had been doing since his last promotion. Sonia entered demanding what they were doing in the employees' dining hall when she should have been in the house and he should be in the fields. [She sounds like a world-class control freak while dressing like a geeky slob.] She shoved a chart in Marta's face before walking out. She apparently is Lillian's right hand and Miguel compared the situation to being in prison. Marta tore up the chart,saying she will be there when the children need her.
  • David lit some candles on an altar of photos of Lisa. Marta told him that the children were ready to accompany him to the cemetery. He didn't want them to come there with him. She also told him that the day before had been Bobby's birthday and there had been no parties, not even a cake. He told her to make one and indicated he had no desire to celebrate anything. She requested a few days off so she could visit Mexico and he told her to talk to Juan. She left him alone with the grief that had obviously swallowed him whole when Lisa died. He picked up a photo and said “Nobody understands that the only important thing was to be with you.”
  • León and Susan talked about the lack of progress on the wine David had planned. Both seem to express some frustration over David's lack of interest in his original project.
  • Cesar arrived and was concerned at David's condition. “This is too long to be living with depression,” he told him. He tried to open the drapes but David would not allow him, saying that his children had Marta to take care of him and nobody needed him. Cesar backed off for the moment.
  • Marta and Miguel walked through the garden talking about Lillian. Marta was looking forward to getting away for a few days. Bobby didn't want her to go because his father paid no attention to him. She tried to assure him she would only be gone for a few days. He cried that he had no friends and nobody paid attention to him (with particular mention of David and Fernanda). Miguel tried to get Bobby to realize that Marta missed her daughter but the boy continued to cry until Lillian arrived just in time to tell Marta that no way was she permitted to leave. What if she decided not to return? Who could replace her? Bobby clung to Marta, not wanting to be left there with his grandmother. Miguel got sufficiently annoyed to protest but Lillian shut him down.
  • Fernanda seemed to be flirting with Carlos. [This girl needs major supervision or a convent school yesterday.]
  • Carita asked León if he was going to Mexico with his mother. Of course, because he can't wait to see his sister, whom Carita noted was always being talked about by Miguel and León. “They were novios,” he told her. “Well, when they were kids.” Carita rolled her eyes. She later flirted with Miguel.
  • Lillian tried to get David to back her plan to keep Marta from visiting Mexico, but it didn't work. When David walked out of the office she told Juan he better hope that David doesn't agree to it.
  • Lillian talked to Marta and went on the offensive. The very offensive. She kept insisting that Marta was disrespectful, deceptive, and ambitious. [This is definite gaslighting.] She is still insisting that there was something between her husband and Marta, which Marta continued to deny. Lillian threatens to fire her because the children don't need her anymore. She further insults her by saying “I was going to give you permission to go but since you've been insolent you can't.” [Karma is a bigger bitch than you are, Lillian.]
  • Juan tried to get David to look at some documents regarding the wine, but he was not interested. [Someone please fill in the blanks here; I was having technical difficulties.]
  • Luciana arrived home to find Marcos on the floor, obviously in the midst of a cardiac episode.
  • Marta explained to León about Lillian's refusal to let her take the trip. She picked up the phone to call Luciana, who did not answer.
  • Marcos – now lying on the couch – told Luciana she needed to go back to California to reunite with her mother and brother. She called again about the ambulance that had not yet arrived.
  • Fernanda tried on a pair of earrings that had belonged to Lisa only to have David yell at her about it. The kids haven't been allowed in his room and are not permitted to touch Lisa's things. This argument is bad enough for Fernanda to say that she wished he were gone instead of her mother. This shocked him enough to pay attention. The kids called him out on his withdrawal and his rejection of them. He tried to explain but Fernanda wouldn't have it and left. Bobby reproached his father and also left his room.
  • Marcos died on the couch. Luciana cried. She closed his eyes and went on about his promise that they would return to the US together. She now felt alone.


Thanks, Urban.

Sad episode with Marcos dying and David still buried in his grief.

Sonia and Lilian sure make a perfect pair of witches.

Thanks Urban. I was very saddened to see Marcos die. Why is it that the bad ones live on till just the very end and they get to cause so much trouble. Oh yeah, it's a telenovela, that's why. ;)

I hate Lillian about as much as I hated "Ratmundo" in 3X Ana!

When are we going to give these characters some witty sounding nicknames?

Thanks, UA. I missed the last two episodes of doom and gloom.

I have to say right now that I am not fond of the tendency here toward nicknames. Unless they sound like the original they can be confusing sometimes even to us so that they must be confusing to new readers. This may also be because I wouldn't tolerate any nickname anyone else would ever try to give me which -- fortunately -- never happened in my life.

Lillian is obviously (at least at the moment) the cruelest person in this story. She seems to have kept Marta "prisoner" for the past 12 or more years so she hasn't seen Marcos or Luciana. That she caused the separation in the first place compounds the situation. Her Karmageddon will have to be severe and creative to satisfy me.

As to early deaths in these stories, it's comparable to fairy tales. Think of how many protagonists of those are orphaned or missing one parent while the other is absent or ineffectual. We now have David who has caved to his grief to the degree that he has not been a good father to his children. I'm also wondering now how deficient he and Lisa have been as parents that Fernanda is so influenced by Graciela. That is going to only get worse from where we are now.

Thanks again UA

"Lillian talked to Marta and went on the offensive. The very offensive"

Every time Lillian accuses Marta, Marta protests but I keep wanting to hear a real rebuttal. Give me something and let me determine was there really cause for concern on Lillian's part.

Finally it seemed the kids got through to David.

Doesn't sound like Marta was really part of Marcos or Luciana's life, other than by phone and sending money, for over a decade. Luciana was 10, seen her mother only a few times since and I understand some resentment. Bobbie is close to the same age as Luciana was and he becomes a whiny mess at the mention of Marta leaving for a few days.


I agree. Based on what Marta said in this episode it sounds like she last saw them the day they left for town and were arrested. Her own frustration at this got channeled into caring for David's children. She became particularly protective of them after Lisa's murder.

Which nobody other than Juan realizes was murder.

I don't think anything Marta would have to say regarding Lillian's insane accusation would make any difference. Lillian believes what she wants because it suits her to.

I also think the kids got through to David, but it may already be too late, especially for Fernanda. She is on her way to becoming another Graciela.

Thanks, Urban--The bullets are perfectly crafted. It's quite sufficient to recall the scene in full.

If Lilian hates Marta so much and keeps abusing her and threatening her with firing, why doesn't she follow through? Oh, if she did, there wouldn't be anyone around to abuse. She needs her daily dose of abusing someone to show she's at the top of the heap. She enjoys the misery she's causing.

And what of Fer and Bobby? Lilian doesn't really care a whit about them and this nonsense about how she wouldn't be able to replace Marta is a crock of bull droppings. She could go out an hire someone just as nasty as she is--oh, she did!!

For some reason, I did have the impression that Marta had been down to see Marcos and Luciana a few times. It's been Marcos and Luciana who had not been able to apply for a visa to come to the USA.

As for Graciela murdering Lisa, what I don't understand is why the police were not called. After all, isn't the scene northern California wine country? Hello, we do have police up here! Any death not of natural causes has to be investigated. If this had been for real, police would have been called immediately. Funeral homes do not just pick up a body without a release from authorities. Had the police been involved, the body would have gone to the coroner and it would have been found out that Lisa had a head wound that happened prior to the drowning.

UA, I do enjoy nicknames for the BAD people as long as it's a take-off on their real name so that it sounds like their real character name.

Nobody else would take this; anyone else David would hire would pick up and leave after Lillian tried this crap. Or report it to David who should then send her packing.

You have Lillian's number: She is a bully. She has adequate resources to delegate the dirtiest part of that job to others but she gets off on seeing the pain she's caused. Part of her ultimate punishment will be the knowledge that Lisa was killed by Graciela. Whether she will realize that she might have some responsibility for that is anyone's guess at this point.

Cynthia, there was a line about how the death was regarded as accidental, but no details were discussed. I agree that this is inadequate considering that this is taking place in California. The writers might retcon this by eventually having a flashback to Graciela seducing this conclusion out of an investigating detective.

Marvelous UA. thank you.

"Fernanda seemed to be flirting with Carlos. [This girl needs major supervision or a convent school yesterday]" and "Lillian talked to Marta and went on the offensive. The very offensive" were stellar.

Veronica returns and she is a snotty, sad sack. Sigh...

I fell asleep near the end and as poor Marcos died, rather glad I did.

David truly has a broken heart that it seems only the passage of a great deal of time might begin to mend.

Agree that Lili enjoys meting out her daily punishment of misery and bitterness. It is astonishing really that Marta seems to deflect her barbs and has managed to remain the kind, compassionate person she is...


Thanks so much, Urban. I didn't get to see this yesterday or the day before, so this is very helpful.

I do remember from the first time jump episode that Marta HAS been down to Mexico to see Marcos and Luci over the years-- likely some time after David was able to get her legal status. They probably did go a few years without seeing her before that happened, but they have seen each other since. But now, the last two years, Marta has basically been held prisoner by Lili.

OK, but that doesn't mitigate the situation. Lillian has made Marta her whipping boy(girl) and still gets off on it.

Just so you all know, the "offensive" statement was copied from a finale chapter of PyP and was originated by NovelaMaven, so I take no credit for it. It was just so appropriate for Lillian.

Thanks, Urban! "Two years pass and he was back in the same spot, wearing the same black shirt." I noticed. Now I realize that it makes sense that he'd still be wearing black, but I don't like the way they're doing the time jumps. At least give people a change of clothes.

"Juan tried to get David to look at some documents regarding the wine, but he was not interested." I don't remember the details. I just remember thinking that it must be very easy for Juan to run the vineyard however he wants if David won't take an interest.

I don't like David very much; I get that he was grieving at the beginning, but that devolved into wallowing and he's just being useless. I hope the kids really did get to him, because I can't take much more of his moping.

I don't mind an occasional nickname if it makes sense and is self-explanatory, but I don't like them for everyone and it can get confusing. Strangely enough, though, "Lillian" already equals "witch" in my mind
because of a mean nun named Sr. Lillian from my childhood.

I sympathize with Marta, I really do, and I appreciate her attachment to David's kids, but her loyalty to her family should be greater than her loyalty to David's family. She should look for a new job where she is allowed to take time off to be with her family. And Susan ought to have quit right away when Juan wouldn't let her do her job.

Thank you for the recap, UA! Just to let you know, sent an email, I can take tonight.

I somehow missed the two-year time jump, but knowing that, now the rest of the episode makes a lot more sense. Especially the increased brattiness of the children, now easily explained by two years under the "loving care" of Liliana.

I hate that Marcos died; I really wanted him to get back to the vineyard at least.

I don't mind a funny nickname that pretty much describes the character and everyone easily gets, but I will say when I go back and read old recaps, the nicknames can make those confusing, especially if the show is new to me.


I don't think David or Lisa were deficient parents with regards to Fernanda/Graciela. It's my understanding that Graciela had been away in Europe. Graciela was probably the young, cool, jet setting aunt that sent Fernanda cool stuff from her adventures.

In turn, Fernanda is probably the only person who genuinely cares for and wants to be around Graciela.

As long as Graciela was a continent away, I don't think David/Lisa would've had too much of a problem with Graciela having contact with Fernanda, especially when they wouldn't have been able to give Fernanda a good reason for keeping Graciela away.

The deficient parent has been David, who has neglected the kids for 2 years and only cared about HIS pain and HIS suffering.

UA: Was the statue Lisa's headstone ?

Anon207: I'm afraid that Fernanda will become Aranza 2.0: just watch!

Dy77: Horrible to see Marcos dying like that in front of Luciana.

Tonight's episode is where she returns with his ashes to the United States.

Thanks, Urban.

David's son asked Marta, "Who's Luciana?" Marta has been a near-slave to Lillian because most away moms would've been showing pictures and talking about their kid's accomplishments over the years. I guess Lillian shut down Marta from doing this.

I envy those of you who missed Marcos' death. I wish I'd missed it too. So sad but great work by the actors.

That statue was already there.

Niecie, that is why I've described Marta that way. She denied Marta even her own humanity. Lillian will have major hell to pay when the time comes.

UA: You're right about Lillian going to have to answer for that. It makes me sick to my stomach watching her non-stop evilness & taking joy in destroying Marta's family. I'm afraid she's going to go even further, possibly murder in order to "cleanse the house" of moochers like Marta & Co.,

Niecie: I watched Marcos' death. It was sad :(

UA thank you, good recap. But this episode was very frustrating. I hate that lillian is such
A bitch bully. When is marta gonna stop being afaird of her. Lil is supernarcissistically (if theres such a word) nasty. The actress is so very good at making the viewers hat her character. She deserves an oscar.

I know david is grieving, but he need to really kinda snap out of it alittle. Enough to see his surroundings. Their stealin him blind.
I hope something happens to bring him back to reality.NOW! Maybe the coming episodes
Will bring about some good changes. It has
Been two years? Ok david snap out of it, lisa
Wants you to. So does viewerville.

Thanks Urban.

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