Saturday, November 26, 2016

Vino el Amor #20, November 25, 2016: Vino el Plot Earrings Plot

Hi all, it's dy77 subbing for Anita (who will be subbing for me next Tuesday - thank you Anita!). Here's the recap of Friday's episode.

  • Marta and Luciana have a bonding chat
  • David looks at his dead wife's picture and tells her he is ready to move on.
This Episode (Some scenes combined):
  • Marta tells Luciana that she's team Miguel. Luciana asks if Marta has ever been confused between two men. She confirms she has, but clearly lies that it happened before she met Marcos.
  • New Returned character alert! Meet Plot Earrings!
  • David takes Plot Earrings out of a drawer and looks at them (we get a long look too, with dramatic music in background), then puts them back in the drawer. Then he sets the picture back on the credenza. My husband interrupted all of this by commenting that "I guess that guy works out, they had to slit his sleeves."
  • More "touching" mother/daughter "bonding" with Gracie and Liliana. Liliana says nice things to Gracie with a lot of hate in her eyes. Gracie asks her what she really wants. Liliana says she will help Gracie with whatever she is plotting, er, planning. Gracie will think on this offer.
  • The next day, David comes by the employees' quarters to escort Luciana to work on his arm with a big smile on his face.
  • Miguel and Ramon are discussing work assignments when Carito comes up with a bottle of water for Miguel. Miguel thanks her and comments that she looked really happy with Leon. He asks her not to hurt him. Carito is clearly sad he's just not that into her.
  • Tano is pushing boxes around at Ramon's request, when Fer strolls in. She says that Sonia mentioned the party and asked why she didn't get invited. He starts to stammer an answer when Susan, not seeing Fer, comes up behind Tano to surprise him with a kiss. Fer gets the hint and excuses herself.
  • Luciana and David inspect a grapevine. It looks really healthy. He comments on its strength and how happy he is that they both love the land.
  • Perla is working, organizing Juan's many files. He comes in and starts closing the blinds. Another type of work is on his mind. She snarks that she's only his secretary and it's clear Gracie is his friend. Juan gets frisky and starts sweet talking Perla and kissing her. She can't resist. On to the desk they go!
  • Miguel interrupts Luciana and David to say they are ready to prune the vines. David wants Luciana to supervise. Ramon comes up to say the tractors didn't show up to plow. All go to follow up on that. Wow, working actually happening in this episode.
  • Fer fills in Gracie on "befriending" Luciana. What's next? Gracie asks what sets David off. Fer recalls when she borrowed her mom's earrings and he blew a fuse. Gracie remembers borrowing one of Lisa's rings as well and setting David off. A plot using Plot Earrings begins.
  • Liliana invites Gracie to eat on the patio. Since she just ate lunch with Fer, she settles for coffee and a bit of news. Gracie informs Liliana that Perla is now Juan's secretary. Liliana thinks that's awful. LOL.
  • Fer purloins Plot Earrings (see screencap at top).
  • David and Miguel stroll and chat work. David wants no more errors and asks Miguel to stay on top of Susan and keep him informed. (I feel like that kind of sounded more ominous then it actually played on screen - what do you think?) Miguel says he will and asks if they can talk about Luciana. He basically reminds David that Miguel is the chapter president of the I Looooooove Luciana Soooooooo Much Club so please keep that in mind.
  • Luciana gets a visit at employee's quarters from Fernanda, who just "wants to chat." Luciana shows her some notes she's making and explains something about sugar and wine. Fer asks if she has any more books she can borrow about this so she can learn more about winemaking. Sure, Fer. Luciana unfortuantely does say sure, and goes inside to get it. That's when Fer takes her opportunity to plant Plot Earrings in Luciana's bag.
  • Luciana comes back out and hands Fer a notebook filled with notes from Marcos and the university. She tells her it's special and to take care of it. Fer gets in a small dig that she has earrings from her mom so she understands how special things that belong to your parents are.
  • Gracie and David talk about a wine poster. He wants to focus on naming the wine. He wants it to underscore the concept of love.
  • Juan and Liliana have their usual snarking at and blackmail-threatening of each other about their evil plot and its many failures. FF>>
  • Susan and Luciana take a work break to talk about Susan's love life. Susan is going to go for it with Tano. Luciana is happy for her.
  • Sonia announces to Liliana that Gutierrez has arrived at the mansion. That's strange, says Liliana. We didn't have a date. 
  • She goes out to greet him. Whoops, he's here to see Marta! That irks the heck out of Liliana, who switches to English and tells him that he should see Marta at the servants' quarters where she belongs. Gutierrez tells her not to be rude. Liliana says she can be as rude as she wants; this is her house and she's just a maid.
  • Susan is worried that Fer will rat out Tano and Susan to David and trigger his joke of a "no workplace relationships" policy. Luciana and Susan agree that love is a pain.
  • Ramon noticed that Gutierrez was there but not the content of the conversation. Guitierrez doesn't want to cause trouble, and Liliana says Marta can have visitors when she's not working. Marta says the kids are busy doing homework. They leave but not before Liliana says to Gutierrez that she thought he hated "a slur about Mexicans that Univision bleeps out."  Liliana seethes.
  • Outside, Gutierrez invites Marta over to cook for him. Sunday's her free day. A date is made, but will only be kept if he's telling the truth about not hating Mexicans.
  • My notes say "Fer/G plot plot plot." Basically Fer told Gracie that she did the deed and Gracie congratulated her on doing it. They discuss next steps (getting David to figure out Plot Earrings are gone). Gracie says the less Fer knows, the better.
  • Gracie gets a visit from no-game Cesar. Somehow he still gets a date with her.
  • Luciana comes up on Miguel and asks to talk. She's hemming and hawing when Ramon interrupts to say that the immigration agent was there and now he can't find Marta. Everyone runs off in a panic.
  • Fer is off with her friends in town and has met a cute boy. She calls home to ask if everything is OK. It is. She takes a selfie with the cute guy and friends, and texts it to someone.
  • Susan and Tano are flirting and not working. Juan comes up on the scene and comments on this. He yells at Susan and Tano stands up to him and defends her. Aw.
  • Miguel and Luciana run around yelling for Marta. Luciana is terrified, recalling being deported.
  • Tano tells Juan he will tell David that the fertilizer Juan ordered is useless. Juan tells Tano he will indeed go tell David about the couple. After he leaves, Susan is grateful to Tano for all this. They are interrupted by a text he gets...(Photo of Fer and cute guy).
  • Luciana stupidly runs into David's house looking like a madwoman and yelling for Marta. Sonia sees all this as does David.
  • Liliana grouses to Gutierrez about going after Marta and not wanting her. She asks him how she'll feel when she finds out her date was the guy who deported her husband and daughter years ago.
  • Juan comes in to ask David for permission to fire Tano and Susan. David asks why and Juan basically says they don't follow orders and are disrespectful. Permission not granted as they actually do a good job, says David.
  • Miguel finds Marta strolling the winery and is relieved when she tells him Gutierrez is just a friend. They stroll arm-in-arm and Marta tells him that he's perfect for her daughter and she is the president of the Team Miguel club. Luciana finds them and Miguel goes back to work. Marta explains again and Luciana says she hates all immigration agents because of the one who separated her from Marta. Also there was dad. Marta says that she was respectful of Marcos while they were married and some time has passed. Luciana is clearly not down with mom dating anyone, much less an immigration agent, and stomps off. Marta is frustrated. Well, looks like this new romance with Marta and Gutierrez is really going to work out great, huh?
  • Tano and Susan speculate on his impending (not) firing and her impending divorce. Miguel later joins this worry session and they brainstorm about who is planting the acid fertilizer. Tano thinks its David. They need proof. 
  • Sonia finds David's room ransacked. Uh-oh!
  • Dinnertime at the mansion is interrupted by Sonia announcing that she found Lisa's room ransacked and they've been robbed.  David blows a gasket, yelling, "don't touch Lisa's things.
  • David discovers Plot Earrings are missing and starts hollering at Sonia to ask who was in his room. Sonia remembers Luciana running through the house. Marta asks what she's trying to say, and Liliana fills in the blanks - obviously Luciana did this! Marta defends her daughter. Liliana offers to call Gutierrez (lol, this is not his forte). David kicks them all out.
  • Tano leaves to work. Miguel is more worried that Luciana and David spend so much time together. Susan tells him she can't tell him what Luciana confides in her. Um, you just pretty much did. Tano comes back. All those boxes he's unloading? Came from the evil acid place that Susan called! Perla of course catches them about to follow up on this lead. She's going to tell Juan on them. She is his secretary, you know? She got the job legitimately. No one believes any of this, but Miguel notes it could be useful that she has the job.
  • Liliana threatens Marta that she will pay dearly if it turns out Luciana was the robber.
  • Sonia and Liliana decide to go to employees' quarters and search all the bags! Gracie comes in at that point and asks what's going on. They tell her that someone stole Plot Earrings. Gracie plays dumb.
  • Carito and Perla are being dumb in their bedroom, talking about Leon and his rose/ant bouquet. Perla thinks Carito should go for it, but Carito is Done. With. Leon. and especially annoyed that Miguel likes her with Leon. Carito also is a tiny troubled she's using Leon but Perla is all, oh don't worry about that! Carito tells her to worry more that everyone is gossiping about how she got the secretarial job. Perla thinks she's just jealous. Luciana interrupts this meeting of the brain trust to tell them that Liliana wants to speak with all employees.
  • All of the workers are gathered in the kitchen. Liliana announces that the earrings were stolen and now Sonia will go through the bags to find the thief! Uh-oh!
Until Monday...


I just read my own recap and figured out that Gracie took the date with no-game Cesar and Fer took a selfie with cute guy and sent it to Tano in order to provide themselves with alibis. Smart mean girls - Perla and Carito should take lessons.

Hey dy--Good call on the date and the selfies. And who hides stolen rings in a shoulder bag? Luci really didn't have time to trash the bedroom, did she? And how on earth did she know the rings were there? Did he ever show them to her? Why not Marta as the suspect? Oh, that's right, no time. Lilian and Sonia are going to find them in Luci's bag. Of course no one is going to believe Luciana protests of innocence, except her mother. First chink in that rock-solid promise of David's never to hurt her.

Thank you for a great recap.

Something that started bothering me the first time David asked Luci to use the familiar "tu" with him, was that I thought it was a BAD idea. No one else, not even Marta is given that privilege. They are employees. It would surely be noticed by someone and then tongues would wag. If Luci is the one who is supposed to remember to use the tu when they're alone and switch to Ud. when they are with others, that's putting an additional burden on her--in addition to keeping their budding relationship on the QT.

Yes, dy, your hub is right. Gabe actually showed us some of his work-out routines in Un Refugio para el Amor (in addition to punching a bag viciously to rid himself of his anger and frustration). He glistened. (Yummm)

Loved the comments "no-game Cesar" and that theft was not Gutierrez' forte and Susan pretty much telling Miguel where Luciana's feelings lay. Rose/ant bouquet was a good one, too.

Miguel is being a bit bold with, "He basically reminds David that Miguel is the chapter president of the I Looooooove Luciana Soooooooo Much Club so please keep that in mind."

All in all, a terrifically good read on taking a break after polishing all the silverware and before I start a big pot of turkey soup and a bit of yard work.

Thank you dy appreciate you jumping in.

"More "touching" mother/daughter "bonding" with Gracie and Liliana"

"joke of a "no workplace relationships" policy"

Really disappointed to spend most of last night on the steps with junior high kids kissing and pawing worried about being called to the principals office. Had high hopes for the Susan character.

As Anita pointed out a day or so ago, any interaction between Luciana and David is preempted after 30 seconds for a commercial or cut away to some other relationship I care nothing about. Now it's mid sentence not long before it's mid word. Because of it I don't see anything resembling a budding romance. What the hell is Miguel, Fernanda or Graciela worried about?

I'm glad Luciana mentioned Marcos body was still warm and Marta already with a suitor.

David better fire Luciana if the earrings are found in her bag. Well played Graciela with a huge assist when Luciana ran into the house. I was surprised Lisa's room was ransacked.


Thanks, dy77! Hoo boy! This entire episode was filmed at the Junior High, Tofie! Jeezopete! I expect more of David than for him to believe this childish plot! In the brief moments they had together in this episode, at least Luci leveled with David that she doesn't entirely trust Fernanda's sudden change of heart. I hope David remembers this conversation, remembers Grace always having the hots for him, her always stroking him, AND the fact that Luci has never done anything other than speak of Lisa with the utmost respect and affection. It was Luci who nurtured the dying rose bush back to life and brought him two beautiful, pink roses to put at Lisa's shrine. Do the math, man! It's not Luci's arrival that has occasioned this, it's ice-cold sister-killer, Grace!

Oh yeah, and aren't the pilfered jewels ear rings? These are the same ones that Fernanda borrowed and was putting on one day and David ripped Fernanda a new one for touching them!

Thank you dy77.

Middle school is right. I was so disappointed in this plot turn, it's been seen a million time, and it's a lazy writers mean girl revenge plot. Just when i had hopes for this telenovela.


Yikes, Lila, I do think you are right! Hope blogger can handle find and replace.

Thanks, dy. My faves:

New character alert! Meet Plot Wedding Rings!

Luciana interrupts this meeting of the brain trust [Perla and Carito]

I just can't believe David won't see through this setup. Would any vineyard worker, much less Luciana who is no material girl, be stupid enough to take his and Lisa's wedding rings AND ramshackle the room to advertise a robbery took place? Why not take the jewelry too, instead of flinging it all on the floor? Please!

Props to Miguel and Tano for standing up to the older, more powerful men. But I didn't like the image of Susan letting Tano shield her from big bad Juan. She's single, educated, and employable elsewhere IF she gets fired. That ex must've really run her through the wringer.

True, Marta is taking little time to get back in the game, but I do want to see her and Gutierrez's relationship blossom. He's hot. And I find their stiff English conversations cute.

Of course Luciana will be blamed for taking Lisa's earrings!

Expect more sinister plots against Luciana's family too!

Excellent dy.

"New Returned character alert! Meet Plot Earrings!" AND "no-game Cesar" were among many favorites.

Loved "My husband interrupted all of this by commenting that "I guess that guy works out, they had to slit his sleeves."

Your comments about Gracie and Fer concocting alibis were spot on. Fer has brains and game. She is clearly in a different league than Perla and Carito, who simply use cruel words to wound. Graciela is going to sit in the shadows, quietly manipulating her puppet niece.

Not sure if Luci will "see" Gutirrez before Lili tells Marta the truth.

Lila, I am still holding out hope David will think things through, s you so insightfully noted "Do the math, man! It's not Luci's arrival that has occasioned this, it's ice-cold sister-killer, Grace!". Exactly.

Niecie, Susan seemed such a strong woman initially. When she "hid" behind Tano, I shook my head. Earlier on, I was sure it would have been Susan as the protector. Tano is cute, but a savior? Certainly not.

dy, thank you!


Thank You Thank You Tank U Dy.

Now lets hope that David realizes he is actually a TN character and so is Luci so Of Course she will have the earrings or rings whatever it was. I understood it to be earrings.


Gracias and good work, dy77 on a very annoying episode. I'm not looking forward to covering the next one with this stolen-earrings plot going down.

What I am hoping is that this scare Luciana had about Marta leads a bit faster to her finally spotting Gutierrez and fingering him as the one who deported her and her father. I also hope that leads to him developing a conscience about having done that. Unfortunately, my gut tells me that she will go to his place just once and he'll put the moves on her either por las buenas o por las malas, si intiendes.

Not that we have a good sense of how much time has passed since Marcos died but Marta does not need to become a plainclothes nun. Luciana should not expect that. As to Marta's love life prior to Marcos, that is also none of Luciana's business.

This searching of the employee quarters is also abusive. They're being treated like slaves. Lillian must have been the wife of Simon Legree in a previous life. Juan is also being an ass about seeing Carlos and Susan together. We know that's because he is their suspect over the acid, but does he know that?

Thank you everyone!

I agree with UA, Marta does not need to be a nun at this point in her life. Although it is going to bite her when a) it comes out she was not a nun when she should have been one, and instead cheated on Marcos with Liliana's husband and b) when Luciana finds out Gutierrez deported her. (Just speculation on my part that these things will come out as they tend to do).

I also was not thrilled with the way the investigation was handled. The police should have been called. Earring or wedding rings, there's diamonds there and an insurance policy I'm sure. And then one needs the proper warrants to properly search. They'd also dust for fingerprints and find Fer's on the bed post. But hey, details. I'm sure Gracie snuck in and ransacked the room, was happy to accept the date with no-game Cesar, and then knew while she was out that David would find things, would fly off the handle and Liliana would jump on first opportunity to blame Luciana. She could just sit back and watch the fur fly.

Ha ha Anita, I agree with you on Gabriel Soto. He also looked nice in his tailored suits that Max wore on YNCELH. As for my husband, he is actually getting into this and Color de la Pasion. He doesn't speak Spanish though so I'm having to explain a lot. It's good practice for me.


Luciana has never been in that room so her fingerprints wouldn't be there.

"plainclothes nun" clever UA

I don't believe Marcos was the love of Marta's life and they had lived apart so long he was a pen pal and baby sitter at best, not a lover. Luciana wants to believe he was because Marcos adored Marta so I understand why she wonders how her mother could move on so fast. Big difference in how David took the death of his love and Marta took hers. I don't like Marta at all but she is the most intriguing player to me. So much of what she says doesn't really match what she does though she's not lying. Does that make sense?

For example. Marta ditches Ramon for hot Gutierrez, clearly digs his attention even when Lilian not around, lies to Ramon again and again (why not put the guy out of his misery) yet throws out a lame disclaimer that sometimes a girl got to do what a girl got to do like it or not. Huh?


I only like the hot women. That is why I watch these adolescent trainwrecks. Marta, you're out.


You nailed Marta, tofie! Hasn't she made another date with Gutierrez on the Sunday she promised Ramon? Ramon's a nice guy but kind of milquetoast: I don't think he can keep up with Marta's mental gymnastics and pent up "energy." Ramon needs to check out some of the neighboring vineyards for plumper grapes.

Diana, lets beseech the novela fairies to NOT let David fall for this old teeny-bopper trick. I want to see him and Luci stay the course with their slow building burn and foil Fernanda and Gracie's stupid tricks. AND, for him to fling Gracie's hands off of him and tell her to back up! GAH!

Marcos could have been Marta's Miguel, but I'm not yet buying the idea that she had a physical affair with Fernando while he was married to Lillian. Also, there is still insufficient information about him for us to determine any of this.

I am wondering as I type this whether Lillian killed him for reasons having nothing to do with Marta. Since we're only 20 episodes into this story there is still room for explanations that make sense. I don't recall Lisa ever talking about her father and Graciela hasn't mentioned him either, which could mean that he died when the younger of the two was either in the cradle or not yet born.

There was at least a 15-year age difference between Lisa and Luciana. The actresses who play Lillian and Marta have less than a two-year age difference and don't look that far apart in this series. Lillian should look a little older than she does.

Dang, my whole, thoughtful, comment disappeared when Google showed up to tell me I had to sign it. Here is a simile.

I wish to modify my earlier statement about Luciana not knowing where the earrings (yes they were arretes) were. Dy says in her recap, "Fer gets in a small dig that she has earrings from her mom so she understands how special things that belong to your parents are." I re-watched the scene and Fer goes to great lengths to mention exactly where the earrings were kept. I don't think she actually says she has them, since they are in the master bedroom. Ni modo. No doubt Fer will use that information against Luci tomorrow. So sorry, UA, it's your episode. I'll get the aftermath on Tuesday, I guess.

Lila--this is exactly why I'm so delighted you are with us on this tn, "Ramon needs to check out some of the neighboring vineyards for plumper grapes."

UA--As for Marta and her not-so-secret, secret. Lilian has thrown it in her face several times, accusing Marta of having had an AFFAIR with her HUSBAND, so unless she's misspeaking, using the future (maybe they were still dating) she's convinced it was during her marriage to Fernando. Yes, folks, what did happen to him? Has his fate ever been mentioned?

Also, there is an 8 or 10 year difference between Luciana and Fernanda. She was a toddler when Luci was deported at age 10 or 12. (I think it was closer to 10.)

Dy77, good recap. The drama of the staged
Much loved earring theft. Ya think dave will blame lucy? I think so, he's a fickled fellow. Id
Be super surprised if he don't. But he did see through fers pretence of sudden friendship with Lucy. Lets hope that this clear thinking continues.

I hope they hurry and let marta find out who the gut man is. Who'll be more suprised, him to Find out it was her husband, or her finding out hes the jerk that deported lucy and daddy marcos?
Ok more drama later. Thanks dy77.

Anita! ;)

Maybe Marta and Gutty Guy have been an item all along, but could not go public with it so long as Marco was still around. Maybe Mr. Gutter got rid of Marco for her way back when. Curious noodles want to know.

But would she send her daughter away also as part of a scheme to rid herself of hub a dub? They do not actually seem that close.

And that shitting little Fernandummy is old enough to know better. She understands full well how many people, including Luci AND her own Father, will be hurt from her lies and theft, if you will. A stunt like that is just wrong in a whole bunch of ways far above an adolescent prank. To make matters worse, Luci is not even competing for Fer's Dad, he is just interested in Luci.

Thank you, dy77. I was away for Thanksgiving and missed this episode , so I appreciate your recap.

Was Gracie all handsy with Dave in this episode? I hate watching Dave let her smarmy all over him.

Unlike many here, I do not find Guiiterrez hot. I thought that Marta and Marcos were a love match, but it was odd that they were separated for so long.

And what is up with Liliana raining on everyone's parade? what a miserable, bitter soul. Sucks to be you, LIliana, for harshing the mellow and sucking all the joy out of any place you are.

Here's hoping that Dave is not a dimbulb about who stole those earrings...what a contrived plot. He seems to be a bit wishywashy as a galan. Man up, Dave.

Susan and Tano???..really? Did she just go through a nasty divorce?

Lila..yo..."plump grapes"...heh.

Hmmm... Gracie was a little handsy but not as bad as a few episodes ago.


I don't believe for one second that Marta had anything to do with Marcos' and Luciana's deportation.

Fernanda is an immature, nasty brat due to being spoiled in different ways by four different women and not being subject to discipline by any of them or her emotionally absent father for the past two years. She may know how to set up Luciana, but I think Luciana has the brains to see through the set-up. The question will be whether anyone (other than Marta and Miguel) will believe her.

No marta had nothing to do with lucy & dad
Gettin ousted, that was jealous lil. And for a
Very good reason. It seems Ms innocent "lard Wouldn't met in her mouth"went around the block with lisa and gracy dim daddy way
Back when. So Papa was a rollin stone. Now Thats a story I want to here about. I still don't like lil.
Shes a mean b..witch who steals from folks
Shes kin to. O shes going to enjoy messing
With marta & lucy about to precious earings.
What a happily disfunctional family they are.

Yaaa Papa may have been a rollin stone, but he was not rollin too high was he?
One has a forked tongue and the other one whinnies.


Thanks DY77, you did an excellent job. Loved the "plot earrings" remark. Man, I smelled a setup since the previous episode. But with Fer taking lessons from evil Aunt Gracie, I sure hope that this gets exposed. I noticed that Fernanda sure went to great lengths to describe those earrings that her father won't let anyone touch. Then she goes out with her friends and sends Tano the selfie, giving her an automatic alibi. Gracie is teaching her niece to be just like her, deceptive and sneaky. I just hope David is smart enough to see through this setup.

David's perception of Luciana's possible guilt will have to be affected by:

-- David remembering when he last handled the earrings
-- How much David actually trusts all the women who verbally trash Luciana
-- How aware David is of Graciela's and Sonia's obsessions with him
-- How much he trusts Fernanda
-- His own independent assessment of Luciana

Luciana will have to wonder why Fernanda told her anything so finite as David's reaction to her handling of the earrings. She could certainly pinpoint the opportunity Fernanda had in putting them into the bag.

Thanks, dy. Oh boy, stolen earrings, the sky is falling. Hopefully David will keep a cool head and ask himself why Luciana (or anyone) would trash the room to steal something that she already knows where to find.

Fernanda's recent action remind me of what daughter Aranza did in Por Siempre Mi Amor (PSMA). Although the actions in PSMA seem more sinister and insidious, perhaps becasue Aranza was younger when the brainwashing began.

Things work out for the best in the grand scheme of things. This earring caper is an IQ test for David. He has not scored high before in other matters. (One Juan) If he fails this one he is just too damn dense to be with Luci anyway and she is better off without him.

Rural Anthro

For the sake of my enjoyment of the show, it's crucial for the galan not to be an idiot. If David falls for this trick, I'll have no choice but to refocus with Miguel as the galan - which I'm pretty sure will lead to disappointment since he's supposedly not going to get the heroine.

I'd still like to see Miguel end up with Susan. Since Susan is recovering from a bad relationship, chances are that Tano is just a rebound - so that leaves plenty of room for Miguel later. Here's hoping!

Julie--There is hope for you and Miguel. Gabriel Soto lost out as the #1 galan to the #2 galan (Chef Hawt) in Querida Enemiga. Miguel should not give up. But I agree, Susan and Miguel would make a better combination than Susan and Tano. I think he is too immature for her--at least the way the character was introduced.

We musn't forget that Tano is Ramon's son and I doubt there was much motherly influence in his upbringing.

Gobluefan: I've been telling you & everyone about Fernanda being Aranza 2.0: it's going to get much worse.

Wouldn't surprise me to see Luciana sent back to Mexico!


UA: Nobody will believe Luciana's innocence anytime soon!


I'm with Julie. With David's looks and if he does not have enough brains to figure this one out he little more than a circus animal. Nice to look at, and we are still trying to teach it to think.

He was pretty cool in the few episodes of Better dead than Lichita or whatever it was, so let's hope.


Luci cannot lose with either of those guys. Miguel is a fine looking hombre who has crushed on her since he was a young lad, and Dave has shown that he can be totally devoted to the mujer in his life. He was a devoted , loving husband to LIsa and would be equally committed to another woman. Both send out a vulnerable, gentle vibe that is attractive Win win. Luci is a lucky lass to have two nice guys ready to !ove and cherish her.

Anita..YEs I must admit that I was a supporter of CHief BOy-R-YOu-Hawt. In QUerida ENimiga, Soto had a kind of dazed and confused aura . I was surprised ..but hsppy...that the supposed galan did not get the girl.

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