Thursday, January 26, 2017

Vino el Amor, Jueves 1/26/17 Chapter 62: Tears for Fears

Just the facts:

Miguel, and Tano arrived at the Susan and Mark encounter; some threats were made and Mark tried to throw Susan under the bus for the benefit of the crowd. César arrived with the lawyer, then the police came. Mark ran. One cop told Susan she would need to go to the station to make a statement. They went to do so.

Juan panicked about the two investigations; Mark called him to tell him the police are now also after him about Susan and he needs to split the scene.

David talked to his kids about a vendimia custom of burying a bottle of wine to be dug up the following year. Gracie wanted to be part of this.

Miguel made Luciana promise not to try dealing with Mark for the sake of her own safety. She was grateful he cared so much about her family. However, she didn't want to accept the visa because she questioned Brian's motives for getting it for her. Miguel thought this foolish [and so do we].

Perla told Carito that she and Juan were going to escape. Carito was worried about the workers.

Peter showed up at the main house and FerBrat told him she needed him to call first. A few questions later she told him they were over.

Susan went back to the employee quarters for her safety, determined to fight Mark. She got a call from the police saying they can't find him, so she started panicking all over again. Tano freaked.

Turns out that Bobby had invited Peter over for video games. FerBrat argued with him about this.

Susan called César to update him. He was en route into David's study and promised his help. He talked with David about this, then David left to talk to Susan.

Mark went to Juan's apartment and Juan told him they needed to get rid of the immigrants. They argued about what to do. They want to “get rid” of El Coyote and take over. [Good luck with that...NOT].

Marta tried distracting herself by cleaning up the kitchen. Luciana updated her on Susan, who will be staying in her room while Luciana slept in Marta's with her. Marta hasn't been able to stop thinking about Brian yet and Luciana assured her that lots of people care about her. Hugs.

David advised Susan to get orders of protection for herself and Tano. He promised his help.

Mark talked about getting a trailer and about having contacts in Tijuana. Juan was concerned about the risks. They speculated on what to do about Lt Gutiérrez.

Leon saw Ingrid off back to Mexico. She said she might have to come back to testify. She kissed him before departing; she definitely digs him and he seems to have no problem with that.

Lillian thanked David for letting her take part in the wine ceremony. She sounded eager enough to not sound like her usual self, which David noticed. Gracie and the kids arrived with a shovel and handed it to her. She looked less than enthused at handling it. Gracie then mentioned that the only thing left was to reopen the bedroom David had shared with Lisa. He said that would be in its own good time. [She wants to desecrate that bed as soon as possible.]

Brian came back to the employees' kitchen for another try at Marta's ability to forgive. It was a no-go. Luciana wasn't buying any remorse from him. Marta asked her to leave them alone and she complied. Marta told Brian she could forgive him having been with Lillian but not that he lied to her about knowing that he had deported her husband and daughter. He got a call from the department about El Coyote and left with the usual promise that he would not stop trying. Perla saw and heard at least some of this.

David and the kids dug up a bottle he had buried before Lisa died. He gave thanks to the earth and poured out some of the wine. Bobby started burying the next one. Gracie turned on faux charm and sincerity and Lillian was pleased.

Perla tried to taunt Marta but got nowhere. Luciana got back and suggested to her mother that she join the kids but Marta declined to do this, having no desire to run into Lillian.

Gracie laid it on thick, saying how happy Lisa would be, then pulled David away to talk about her art. Bobby wasn't happy, as he was hoping to spend more time with his dad.

Marta's composure finally broke and she cried at the thought of Lillian laughing at her. Luciana consoled her.

Lillian talked alone with Bobby, who was starting to feel ignored. She tried laying the groundwork for Bobby to accept the idea of his dad and Gracie being a couple.

Susan and Tano came back, saying the deposition went well. However, she was worried and didn't want to live in the employees' quarters forever.

Perla waited for Juan at his place and they argued. El Coyote is now in California and she's scared. So is he.

Gracie tried to compare painting and wine and all that rot.... David thanked her for her help in his recovery of his family. She kissed him. He was either shocked or displeased. We'll find out in the next episode.


Thank You Urban, I think I like you when you are in a hurry. (Like I like you when you are not)

When Lillian was wallowing in self pity talking to Luci she also mentioned she was seriously considering leaving her job at the vineyard. And of course implied, her closeness to Luci and Leon.

She has gone out with Brian what three times? Maybe four. She slept with him, Ummm she has grown children there was not a deflowering, please. I understand she feels betrayed, and then the Lillian thing does not help. Get over it old lady. Get yourself a dozen cats.

NoJuan mentioned to Mark (TP) that his "Other" business is not doing as well as expected, and he needs money badly. I forgot he had another business going.

'posed to be:
And of course implied, losing her closeness with Luci and Leon.

Thank you, Urban. Loved the title. Cry me a Rio.

Two vest sightings last night. Luci and Dave were both wearing their vests. Miguel was wearing a wifebeater while the actual wifebeater was wearing a jacket.

Marked is such a punk. I cannot wait for Big Talker to encounter el Coyote.

Ah..that memorial service. How can Disgracie stand there with the husband and children of the sister she rocked? Stone cold killer. No beating heart in that ice princess

I must say that Dave looked more animated in that walk down memory lane with Disgrace than I have ever seen him. I thought that he was just about ready to ask her to the prom. And...the kiss . Careful, Dave...frostbite.

Does anyone know how many episodes remain?


"She wants to desecrate that bed as soon as possible." Grand reopening of the master bedroom.Will there be a ribbon cutting ceremony when that finally happens? Oh noes. Hasn't Dave been using the bedroom he shared with Lisa?

Thank you UA

"Marta's composure finally broke and she cried at the thought of Lillian laughing at her" Marta has wailed and wrung her hands more over this than she did the deportation of her husband and young daughter and her husbands death.

I know it happens but just cannot get my head around having a romantic relationship with the sibling of a dead spouse. Yet, I agree Susanlynn, David and Graciela trippin down memory lane animated Diamond Dave.

Oh wow, two sweet kisses might save this show yet. Ingrid kissing Leon last night and Erika's unexpected peck to Miguel's cheek night before.

Golly, Juan is stupid. From ready to run to let's get rid of a killer Coyote and manage the whole supply chain in 20 minutes.


Sue: Frostbite? Exactly. Those kisses are administered with surgical precision and then the victim is closely monitored for reaction for a moment.

I really believe the clues we have so far indicates Lillian killed her hub-a-dub Fernando. So we have a mother daughter team which have killed a spouse and sibling. In all it's brutality, Nature has nothing to compare.

No the sacred matrimonial suite has been closed off, with only Sonia allowed in to clean. Remember he used to occasionally go in as it were a shrine, and look at Lisa's things. Some of that came to light when Luci supposedly stole the plot earrings.

NoJuan is just smart enough to get himself into trouble, but not smart enough to get back out, I'd hate to see him drive on snow.

Happy Friday

I was so wanting Luciana to see Graciela kiss David. She bout went off when she heard the wine ceremony was underway and she wasn't a part. How is it this girl still believes she is the rightful filler of Lisa's shoes?

Actually, because she is. She is brisk, positive, and would fight for David's children and not just the ones she would have with him.

Bobby has the best instincts of all the characters in this story. He knows Luciana is a good person and knows she is honest about whom she loves. He doesn't get that vibe from Gracie.

Those kisses are administered with surgical precision and then the victim is closely monitored for reaction for a moment. Good one, Kirby. Truer words were never written about her.

Someone mentioned in a previous discussion that this series is in ultimos. It was extended so it will have about 140 episodes. That's plenty of time for David to make the same mistake as Alonso in ECDLP.

Gee, I completely missed that Dave was no longer sleeping in the master bedroom. You would think that he would want to sleep in the bed that he shared with the love of his life.

By the way, when Dave told DisGracie that Lisa was the love of his life, I began to wonder if he would ever remarry. My sister never remarried after her husband died, and he died rather young and they had four fairly young children.

Kirby.."Ii'd hate to see him drive on snow." Yeah, I am not very good at that either.

I have a fee!ING that getting involved with Coyote, MArked, and JUan means that Gut will not survive. Thus, Ramon will finally get the girl.

Thanks, UA. Brief but complete.

Susanlynn, that's a good point that Brian's days might be numbered. I hadn't thought of that. I couldn't figure out how Ramon could possibly end up with Marta as long as Brian is around... duh, maybe he won't be around. Too bad. He's turned into a good guy. (Except for wanting to endanger Ingrid by publicizing her help on the Coyote case. I'm sure he thinks he can keep her safe, but coyotes are wiley!)

I'm thinking that, too, Susanlynn.

Brian might be slated for death via the means I mentioned yesterday. It's a risk cops take. It might also be a very unsubtle message to viewers not to be ashamed of their backgrounds.

Since Luciana was in danger from El Coyote I think it inevitable that she run into him again. That will be ugly, indeed.

For David to open that room means he will have to dismantle the shrine. That should not happen for DisGracie even if it wasn't meant to happen for Luciana. Either way it will bring another tantrum from FerBrat.

Sorry, Urban, I missed that you had mentioned that yesterday. I keep thinking that it would be a crummy reward for a man who's developed a conscience, but I guess he still has to pay for his sins. (Like being with Lil wasn't punishment enough.)

I'm sure he had to close his eyes and think of some other woman when he boinked Lillian. That was clearly an act of desperation.

So...I think that by the end of this novela, it must be revealed that DisGracie killed LIsa, her sister and the love of David's life. He will never forgive himself for letting her into the his home and family circle and kissing her. How will that be revealed? Deathbed Confession? Does Juan know for sure that DisGracie killed LIsa, or is he only suspicious? We know that this weasel would turn on his own mama. Are his evil dealngs going to be discovered by DAve , and JUan will say , "WEll, if you think I'm bad, DisGracie killed your wife and then set out to seduce you!!!"

Gut closed his eyes and thought of ENgland..Or Mexico... or someplace. Or maybe he just closed his eyes and thought about being sheriff..Or wondered why he has been wearing Sargeant stripes when he is a lieutenant. I guess the writers do not know the difference. Devil is in the details.

Wait a minute. Brian wanted Lilian and why all it took was a call to pick up a family. I don't think he was repulsed by her until after he San Francisco'd Marta.

Ah...I forgot about SAn Franciscoing...And most of these folks havent even been San Franciscoed...LUci, Miguel, Leon. Dave hasn't been there since Lisa died. Maybe Gut just always liked San Francisco no matter who was with him. Then, Marta made him lose his heart in SAn FRancisco. Sorry..I could not help myself.

Thank you Urban, good recap, somewhat yucky kissin episode. Brian tried a
Move on marta, it was a miss. I'm surprised she let him get that close. If Lucy wasn't standing there he might
Have gotten one in, tongue that is. If
He gets hurt goin after coyote she could fold. Maybe. We'll see.
Did I say how stupid it is for Lucy not to take the work visa cuz Brian is the One that pushed it through for her? I think I did in the last episode
Comment. I'll say it again. Stupid get the visa before you get outed again. Silly Girl.
I hope Juan leaves,he's pretty useless
Anyway, him and his loud annoying ass sextoy.

David please open your blinded eyes to
Your evil inlaws. Writers, please do someyhing, Soon. Lil is so nicenasty she's dirtier than the dirt on the shovel. Thanks Urban.


I think Brian did Lillian because she is so 'Manish'. :-)
Then Marta turned him on to women. And he is like..."Wow ! This s**it Rocks."

Yeah, Gut was hot for Lilian at first, and seemed happy the first time they did the deed. But later, the time he left a date with Marta to service Lil, he looked a little ashamed of himself, knowing he had let her manipulate him. I think the thought of being with her now makes him queasy.

And as for that final kiss - David suffered from galan paralysis, but at least he did not reciprocate as some of our more disappointing galans do. (There was a lot of that in TVA.) The look on David's face afterwards was, I think, "What was that? I thought we already talked about this." But I guess we will find out tonight.

Julie..Yes, Dave did look a bit dazed...But then...Dave always looks slightly dazed to me. One thing that I will say about DisGracie is that the girl does not give up and she is very patient in her campaign to seduce Dave and take over everyone and everything that once was her sister's. SAhe seems very confident that she will eventually wear old Dave down and San FRancisco him last.

Yeah, and if Graciela stomps she stomps in private, well except the few times she lost her cool with Bobby and Lisa.

UA: Muchas Gracias for the recap on last night's episode.

Julie: David & Graciela kissing was inevitable.

Nina: Marta needs to realize that Roman IS her knight & shining armor.

Susanlynn: El Coyote is BACK! He's coming to wreak havoc on the good citizens of Sonoma, CA.

It's also likely that Luciana & El Coyote will have a face-to-face encounter.

Are Gutierrez's days numbered next ?


I'd like to think that men who treat sex as a pure recreational sport eventually wake up to how superior it is in a relationship with a person who means something to them. That could have happened to Brian, whom I think is meant to be about 40 in the here-and-now. A little late, but not unrealistic.

Urban...YOur explanation finally helped me understand GUt's falling hopelessly in love with Marta. One hopes that players eventually come to know a true love. However, I still have a problem with Gut continuing to service Lilian while telling Marta he loved her truly, madly, deeply. QTH?z

If Brian finally comes totally clean with Marta she should too. Tell him her interest initially was to use him to stick it to Lilian. Like she did with Lilian's husband.

UA, your "just the facts" was a sensational summary. Fantastic.

"[She wants to desecrate that bed as soon as possible]" made me smile in appreciation. Although her stare often appears vacant and vacuous, almost every word and reaction of Graciela is carefully weighed and analyzed. And I wholeheartedly agree with everyone who has commented on how animated David and Graciela have been in their trip down memory lane. They seem almost (gasp) enthusiastic!! :)

Was it my imagination or did Juan actually infer (if only for a nano second) that they get rid of by killing the immigrants??? Mark actually replied that he wasn't a murderer. (Side note: That may be but he is a violent abuser which is tantamount to murder in my book), but I digress). Then somehow the discussion evolved from flight to fight. I cannot wait to see these two imbeciles trying to take down El Coyote.

I have wondered for a while if Brian were going to make it to the end of this. I suspect (no spoiler) that he will succumb trying to save someone.

And Steve, I agree that Coyote and Luci are going to have a reunion ere this is over too.

"coyotes are wiley" - Julie, too funny! "Miguel was wearing a wifebeater while the actual wifebeater was wearing a jacket" - Susanlynn, fab. Just fab.

tofie, yup, Ingrid's kissing Leon was the definite highlight of the night. Sweet but it should not have saved the night, right? Gawd, how my standards have been lowered by the non-events here.

I also thought Luci would run smack into David and Gracie. When Gracie made her move, he did not look enthralled. We shall see.

UA, thank you, thank you.


For Brian this is compounded with his discovery that he doesn't have to be ashamed of where his parents (or grandparents) came from. Kind of useless to feel that way anyway since there's nothing you can do about it.

What I don't think we know about Lillian is whether she is meant to reflect Azela Robinson's actual background or whether she is supposed to be 100% gringa. Did we ever hear her maiden name? She seems to think that her preference for Latin men is a weakness, so this is unclear.

Thanks to a certain infamous dictator I was embarrassed in my youth to be half German. Then when I was in college and looked into all the arts that there are many things to take pride in from that: Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Wagner (except for his political views), Goethe, Holbein, etc. Germans have a rep as controlling neat freaks (like my mother) but also for precision instruments like cameras and really good cars.


Wow, thank you UA for your excellent recap as I missed last night's episode, or most of it. I am going to have to go back and watch it on Hulu as I missed the kiss between DisGracie and David.

I did see the scene between FerBrat and Peter. I felt so sorry for him because she really is mean. Here he is, a nice looking very nice guy and she really has no use for him. He deserves better.

Oh I caught the scene with Lilian and the shovel! LOL! She had this look like she has never held a shovel in her life and she didn't know what they were used for. My dad taught my how to use a shovel when I was a little kid and I knew how to do yard work, but I doubt Lilian has ever done any kind of gardening or yard work.

I think Lil is supposed to be all gringa, but I've not heard/noticed her maiden name, so I have no evidence.

Diana, you're right about what you thought you heard Juan say, or at least I can confirm Mark's reaction to it, "I'm not a killer." (Which, yes, is an optimistic claim for a wife-beater. He hasn't killed YET.) As it is, they seem to be planning to abandon those people (after batting around the idea of locking them in that shed and calling ICE on them). I don't think there's anything they can do now that won't blow up in their stupid faces in one way or another.

Sue said: One hopes that players eventually come to know a true love.

Even guys who retire from the NFL still get a little pick-up game going on the weekends.

UA I have major chunks of German and American Indian and I would not want to come back as a mortal.

Urban..My maternal grandparents came from Germany as teens, and my paternal grandfather came from England. I have a very unusual English maiden name (12 letters) that seems to trace back to the Vikings..Which explains a lot about me.

Kirby...For me, when you are fortunate enough to find one true love, there are no pickup games ..Ever;-)

Tofie: Karma will be making a grand appearance sooner or later.


Thanks Urban for "just the facts".

To be brutally honest, this TN does not make the top 10 of my 'all time favorites'. I have been watching TNs since 2005 so my history is limited. Soto has had his 'moments' although they are few. Watching more for the male 'eye candy' with Miguel, Tano (despite his hair) and David clear front runners (when their shirts are off)! But if 140 is truly the length of this series in Mexico, then it means we are left to endure 78 (?) more relationship pairings. I guess that must mean DisGrace gets to have one bed scene with David. Hope it's not more. Also hope Uni decides to chop it up at the end so we have perhaps only 58 episodes left.

Boy, these comments on true love are hard to follow, especially when I have DisGrace in mind.

Urban, thanks for covering all the plot points with guile and a little wile.

I did want to mention that Miguel wore his UNDERSHIRT (to give it its proper name) to the police station when Ingrid went to give her statement. Who does this? And why?

Ingrid will be safe from the Coyote, at least for awhile because she'll be back with her family by the next episode. I'm wondering why El Coyote didn't single her out as fresh tender meat when he first had her. She's very young, very attractive, very naïve AND alone.

Remind me again, folks, how this trafficking route works. It takes approximately 10 hours by car (or truck) to get from Tijuana to Sonoma without stopping to pee. It still boggles my mind how El Coyote gets them across the border and hands them off to Juan and Mark with no one looking--until now. And Gutierrez goes back and forth for meetings with the Tijuana police (or was it Border Patrol)? Maybe he flies and gets to put a plane fare on his business expense account.

If Mark runs from an attorney, two angry women, a guy he punched in the nose and the cry for police, he's going to run when he is confronted by El Coyote. And that guy doesn't walk around without armed bodyguards surrounding him, I'm sure. More likely, he doesn't appear in the flesh, ever. Most of his business is probably done by phone through intermediaries like Juan and Mark. Gimme a break.

I feel sorry for Peter, but was he really pivotal in this story? He must be someone's relative on the production staff.

Grit--are my rants showing? I'm tired of waiting for Luciana to keep stringing two nice guys like David and Miguel along because of some theory of putting family first. Any other determined lady, like Erika, would put love first and work out the details in the theory later. Luci needs to either "do" it or get off the pot.

Sue I agree wholeheartedly.

OK I know when I am being told to shut up. Bye.

I meant to include Tano in the Mark scene. Ni modo, he'll still run.

And yes, Juan did indeed intimate killing all those migrants--or at least letting them die, closed in. Sadly and tragically, that has been known to happen. The truck drivers abandon the trucks and run and the human cargo locked inside a hot closed space with no water or food have no chance in the hot sun for hours.

Kirby--was it I who offended with the undershirt remark? I don't know all the hip vocabulary, but to me it looked like an old fashioned undershirt, which not many men wear anymore. Were you implying that men who *do* wear them are invariable wifebeaters? Where did that term come from?

Susanlynn et al. My paternal grandparents immigrated from East Prussia in the late 1890s. They spoke German in the home and most of their neighbors were other German, Austrian and Swiss farmers. When my father was in high school, during WWI, they stopped teaching German and replaced it with Spanish. Thus, for our family it was pivotal. We ended up in Uruguay and I grew up bi-lingual and here I am on Caray!

Anita..I have often thought of that saying in regard to Luci and Dave .."do it or get off the pot." It was one of my mother's favorite sayings.

The "wifebeater" probably comes from Streetcar Named Desire and Marlon Brando's depiction of Stanley Kowalski. Hubba wears them but wisely has never beaten me.

I cannot believe that there are so many episodes left. How will they fill them? Are we just going to keep going around and around with Luci, Dave, Miguel, and Erica? ....Cesar, Susan, Tano, Mark, Fer, Peter? ...Leon, Sonia, Ingrid, Carito? It feels like musical chairs. Someone is going to be left unmatched.

Anita, there are several types of mens' undershirts - with and without sleeves, for example, and personally I like the so-called muscle shirt - and the tank top style that Miguel was wearing is pretty commonly worn out in the open (not under anything) on hot days. I see it all summer long and even own a few of them myself. It's fairly well known as a wife-beater (officially known as an A-shirt).

Here's a blog post about the term, featuring a story about a local store chain that actually called it that in print a few years ago:

I will admit, though, that it's rather informal for a trip to the police station.

Julie--I just clicked on the link. It's pretty funny, actually, if it didn't have such grim connotations. Funnier still were all the ads pitched at me for undershirts. They certainly seem to advocate tighty-whitey undershirts rather than the comfy loose-fitting ones.

I live in an urban area, so I don't see too many shirtless guys out working in their yards on weekends. At the pool, yes--and some of them should stay covered up. Nor do I see too many men in sleeveless undershirts out working in the yards either. Most wear a colored t-shirt with something written on it. The shirts get grungy pretty quickly, so I see the advantage of color--with the exception of black in this hot, humid area.

Anita..As a bride, I was just getting the swing of doing laundry and used a healthy dose of bleach on the tightywhities resulting in a lot holes in undies. I dialed that back.

Anita..I have not seen Lila here in awhile. I wonder if she is lost in the Highlanders in those first four Outlander books that she just bought. Heh

I am very curious about how the writers plan to streeeeetch out this show for so many episodes . Will we get to see Gut chasing el Coyote while el Coyote chases Mark and Juan for 70 episodes? Maybe we can watch Cesar's hair grow as he tries to achieve Tano's boyish hairstyle. Will DisGracie still beveirking on that one painting as she is baked off to prison for murdering Lisa?


At Susanlynn--Laughing seriously. You have a potential new career if you ever decide to stop dedicating your life to people who really need your talent--as Comedy Consultant to Telerisa Dramas Which Aren't Dramas At All, Being Circular Soap Operas Using Bad English. Actually, you could improve their format and correct their English at the same time.

Lila has been MIA since Jan. 20. Not so long ago, but it seems so when we comment daily. Maybe she got snowed in, lost power, took a vacation, lost interest in this sob-fest with a few fake smiles (even Luciana manages to make a grimace--at Gut--look a little like a smile).

Nice recap, UA...but come on! You're going to invoke Tears for Fears and not include at least one song title? :P

Pale Shelter: Susan shacking up at the Servants' Luxury Townhouse

Head Over Heels: Gutierrez sad-facing it at same, again

Shout: David flipping out over Mark, Luciana's mini-flipout over the wine dig

Mad World: Mark pretty much full stop at this point

Sowing The Seeds Of Love: Graciela's ongoing attack on David's restraint

Mothers Talk: Lilian almost literally wondering what the hell to do with a shovel

Univision's CC3 feed fritzed out during various bits of last night's episode, so I was getting a third of this via context. One thing that stuck out was Juan's coming around to Mark's original idea of somehow taking out El Coyote after previously implying (offscreen, as it appeared to me) that they could just whack the immigrants they had in storage already...which was weird since, though he wasn't exactly that concerned about their well-being, he originally was more concerned (at least from a self-interest standpoint, I guess?) than Mark was.

Then again, I'm not sure if it's Uni editing or TPTB deliberately skipping various things that should have even partially occurred onscreen and thus are occurring offscreen (Susan's move attempt and her later statement to the police, the wine dig itself, halfsies on Ingrid's statement, etc.) Weirdly, it didn't start out this way either; and it's annoying.

Yeah, what is up with that odd grin of Luci's that is supposed to show her enraged hate for GUt ?

Thanks, Urban!

HA! Susanlynn and Anita! Y'all killin' me! ;D Thanks for wondering about lil ole me!

I have been enjoying the recaps and comments but often get to them so late in the day everything has been said with an enthusiasm, wit and eloquence I just can't muster for this show. I am even more disheartened now to think we have, like, over 70 episodes of this?! Oh no! This can only mean Dave and DisGracie are going to do more than kiss. He hasn't been much of a galan to get excited about but that will be very disappointing.

So yah. I can't get very amped up about el Vino much these days but I enjoy y'all's observations!

OT--Susanlynn, I'm halfway through Outlander. . .pesky life and job keep getting in the way. I am enjoying it immensely and learning new vocabulary. Had to download onto my phone! It's fun!


Is the actress thAt plays Lucy in a relationship with the guy that plays gut?

OT..Lila..So you are halfway through the first book ! The author does like to throw in some interesting , unusual vocabulary. Sorry that life and work are getting in the way. I have off most summers, so I read all eight books in the series over the summer after seeing the first season on TV. I read in the car, on the patio, at the beach, in hotel rooms, on the sofa . I had to know what happened next !

Juan and Mark don't appear to regard the immigrants as people but as livestock or merchandise. That's what makes them villains.

Thanks, Urban. Great job.

Everybody's comments crack me up. I've nothing new to add except I hope Brian does become the new sheriff, without Lilian.

OT - Susanlynn Cold, blustery day outside, I hope to get in quite a few chapters this weekend! Totally exciting read!

OT..LIla..So glad that you are not disappointed. Jamie is a true galan.I am rereading the third book Voyager before it comes on STarz as season three later this year.

Susanlynn: I'm betting Miguel & Erika will be end-game.


Is there another place to watch Vino El Amor with english subs besides Hulu? I have watched some clips on YT in spanish but can not understand it but there are some really surprise spoilers. lol

Christy--There are other websites. Some are unreliable as far as mal-ware goes or ads. Just keep watching and read Caray's recaps. They fill in all the gaps and you don't get spoilers. So come back and visit us. You may even find yourself wanting to comment.

Anita, No. I wear clothing.

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